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dholbach | good morning | 07:08 |
zzarr | hello, I installed the overlay in a ubuntu click chroot, but still I'm stuck with qt 5.4.1, it is vital for my project that it's compiled with qt 5.5.1 | 07:38 |
zzarr | how do I upgrade qt in the chroot? | 07:39 |
zzarr | I have built a qt 5.5.1 qmake for embedded arm successfully | 07:39 |
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daker | hi beuno can you check this https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/whatsapp-desktop/ | 11:20 |
sverzegnassi | popey, ping | 12:01 |
davmor2 | sverzegnassi: popey is on holiday but might respond, don't expect it to be instant though | 12:11 |
sverzegnassi | davmor2, np. I didn't neither check if he was around, my mistake :P | 12:22 |
sverzegnassi | I'd need to ping a mentor for the code-in. ahayzen you around? :) | 12:23 |
ahayzen | sverzegnassi, i'm about, whats up? | 12:23 |
* ahayzen is a mentor for *some* tasks | 12:23 | |
sverzegnassi | ahayzen, hi! https://code.launchpad.net/~emailgirishrawat/ubuntu-docviewer-app/READMEs/+merge/281013 | 12:23 |
ahayzen | ah readmes \o/ | 12:23 |
sverzegnassi | I saw you are one of the mentors for the docviewer tasks | 12:23 |
ahayzen | yup | 12:24 |
ahayzen | weather was the one we were trying todo first, needed to talk to balloons/popey about what todo for the design doc then think its all good | 12:24 |
ahayzen | then we can base the others off that and clock's | 12:24 |
ahayzen | sverzegnassi, anything in particular you wanted to ask ? | 12:26 |
ahayzen | or just to approve the task when you have approved the mp ? | 12:27 |
sverzegnassi | i had a look at the MP and I saw that some info are not up-to-date. should i go that "pedantic" or, given that it's a big improvement, can I turn a blind eye? | 12:27 |
ahayzen | sverzegnassi, i've been trying to ensure that all new info is correct | 12:27 |
ahayzen | so i'd rather be on the pedantic side :-) but thats just me | 12:27 |
ahayzen | sverzegnassi, if you join the #ubuntu-google channel most of the students are in there, so you can talk to the directly :-) | 12:29 |
sverzegnassi | ahayzen, heh, me too. anyway it's just about few small things. currently libreoffice 5 is available for wily, so there's no need to import a PPA, and autopilot tests are broken. | 12:29 |
sverzegnassi | ahayzen, ok! leave a comment on the MP and will join the channel | 12:29 |
ahayzen | ah ok :-) i'd still leave stuff in like how to run AP, but yeah maybe good to mention in the readme until it is passing again | 12:30 |
popey | mhall119, dpm could we discuss / consider allowing core apps developers to directly edit pages on developer.ubuntu.com so they aren't blocked on me/us editing them. | 12:51 |
popey | ahayzen, ^ | 12:51 |
ahayzen | \o/ thanks popey :-) | 12:51 |
dpm | popey, I don't think we need to discuss anything in particular, that's always been the idea of the site editors team, and we can add the core app devs or anyone interested in contributing to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntudeveloperportal-editors | 12:59 |
dpm | ahayzen, added you to the editors team for starters :) | 13:00 |
dpm | popey, also, after adding someone it's always a good idea to send them a link to the editor's guide | 13:00 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 13:02 |
ahayzen | thanks dpm | 13:02 |
dpm | yw :) | 13:02 |
dpm | sent you a link to the editor's guide at your @ubuntu.com address | 13:02 |
ahayzen | thanks! | 13:03 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: you do however have to get dpm and popey completely drunk as payment for the privileges ;) | 13:06 |
ahayzen | davmor2, hehe i wondered if that was implied :-) | 13:06 |
* dpm adds that bit to the editor's guide in bold | 13:06 | |
davmor2 | ahayzen: always assume it is even if it isn't obvious ;) | 13:07 |
ahayzen | :-) | 13:07 |
ahayzen | yey made my first change! now what is the delivery address of the beer shipment? | 13:09 |
popey | thanks chaps | 13:10 |
popey | ahayzen, ok, all the core apps pages now have a #design anchor | 13:12 |
ahayzen | popey, thanks :-) | 13:12 |
davidcalle | ahayzen: if you need help with the site editor that can be tricky/wonky at times, feel free to reach out to any of us :) | 13:39 |
davidcalle | dpm: popey, great idea :) | 13:39 |
ahayzen | davidcalle, hehe thanks :-) | 13:39 |
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