[02:32] pleia2: are things going good with this? [06:00] pleia2: everything on prep .doc was deleted at 0341 UTC but now restored [06:01] a lot of summaries still need writing :( [06:01] PaulW2U_: ouch what happened??/ [06:02] no idea. it's happened before. fortunately Google docs *remembers* things [06:02] yikes [06:03] i may be able to toss a couple in [06:03] exhausted tho :( [06:04] I can't, 6 am here and off to work in about 45 mins [06:04] 2200 over these parts [06:05] you definitely have some time then :) [06:05] heh some. but into the badlands is on :) [09:07] PaulW2U_: thanks for restoring it, I've been gone all day and just got home now (it's after 1AM) [09:08] wow, still need a bunch of summaries [09:08] I'll have to work on this when I wake up [09:14] I copied over the sections that are complete for now [09:15] 11 more summaries to go [09:15] glad we have revision control so at least these were restored, hooray for google docs [09:15] * pleia2 sleep & [15:58] husband is sick, no one sleeping well over here [16:04] pleia2: 3 summaries done, sorry have to go back out shortly [16:11] PaulW2U_: thank you for doing what you can, appreciated! [18:56] all summaries done except blogosphere [18:56] wiki page and prep doc reviewed :) [18:56] PaulW2U_: thank you :) [18:56] moving everything but blogosphere over now [19:58] Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue447 [19:58] all done :) sent to editors if they can squeeze in edits in the next 5 hours [19:59] sorry i didn't get more done last night :( [20:04] wxl: thanks for what you did do :) [20:10] Erm, yes. That's good. [20:14] Unit193: thanks! [21:26] editorial review done [21:26] thanks again [21:27] next issue 4th Jan ? [21:27] yeah, let's do that [21:27] I don't do christmas, but I could use a break :) [21:27] quiet holiday time is a nice excuse [21:29] I only do Christmas to the keep the rest of family happy :) [23:22] heh [23:22] pleia2: how's it going? [23:22] tsimonq2: all good [23:23] pleia2: how's the UWN? is it almost ready for release? [23:24] tsimonq2: I told editors that I'd let it sit for review for 5 hours, that was 3.5 hours ago :) [23:24] pleia2: ok, then you publish? [23:24] so I'll publish in 1.5 hrs or so (whenever I wrap up work really) [23:24] yay :)( [23:24] *:) [23:25] pleia2: so around 1:00 UTC? [23:25] tsimonq2: yeah, assuming I untangle from work then [23:25] that's what I'm aiming for anyway [23:25] pleia2: need anything from me? [23:26] tsimonq2: nope, it's all good, thanks :) [23:26] ok, I will check back in 1.5 hours so I can forward on to the WI LoCo [23:26] pleia2: ^