TJ- | Riffe: on the PC boot manager menu the device should be listed twice, one indicating the EFI mode, the other Legacy/BIOS mode | 00:00 |
Baconz | Hey! | 00:00 |
TJ- | Riffe: check what mode the OS is in with "ls /sys/firmware/efi/" if there are EFI system var dirs there you know its EFI mode | 00:01 |
ctlaltdel | fix monitor why | 00:01 |
Mr_Cyclops | Hello, can someone suggest a good Contact manager for Ubuntu Mate 15.04 ? | 00:01 |
Riffe | TJ-: cheers for the help. This whole UEFI is quit new for me :) But now i'm booted in EFI and everything is back on track. Thx for help | 00:03 |
TJ- | Riffe: good :) | 00:03 |
[Saint] | anyone available to give me some help on pulseaudio vs. alsa madness? | 00:06 |
[Saint] | having sound setting panel open, and alsamixer, gives some really really confusing results. | 00:06 |
[Saint] | every so often my 5.1 surround setup goes absolutely mental and one channel becomes significantly louder than the others. | 00:07 |
Baconz | What kind of results? | 00:07 |
[Saint] | and there some just plain crazy stuff in the sound setting panel, like setting a left|right fade for some reason adjusts the ouput volume. | 00:07 |
boxmein | what's a nice way to get a directory in my /home to show up on my local http server | 00:07 |
boxmein | I was thinking symlink /var/www/html/box to /home/boxmein/webshit | 00:08 |
boxmein | but, that seems like it won't work because file eprms | 00:08 |
yppo | I have a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz, how many cores do i have? I mean, when I measure cpuload is my max 2 or 4? | 00:08 |
[Saint] | testing with "speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav" works absolutely as expected. | 00:08 |
[Saint] | the sound settings panel sound test is just...craziness. | 00:08 |
yppo | I have processor 0 and processor 1 each have cpu cores : 2 | 00:09 |
yppo | :S | 00:09 |
TJ- | boxmein: apache has the mod_user facility that will serve out $HOME/public_html as http://host/~$USER | 00:12 |
TJ- | boxmein: excuse me, mod_userdir | 00:12 |
boxmein | TJ-: oh neat, anything neat for nginx for that? | 00:13 |
TJ- | boxmein: see the docs for more details. but all you need do is enable the module. | 00:13 |
boxmein | meh I'll try a rewrite rule first, and then :D | 00:13 |
boxmein | TJ-: that's pretty neat :D sadly doesn't apply to nginx :( | 00:13 |
foxlet | Has anyone had the chromeos_laptop module reply with “__add_probed_i2c_device failed to dmi find device trackpad.”? | 00:15 |
TJ- | boxmein: "sudo a2enmod userdir" | 00:15 |
TJ- | boxmein: oh, you have nginx? Hmmm, no luck there then. 'userdir' has been standard fare on *nix systems for about 20 years | 00:15 |
MWM | Ive got a 6TB drive that shows only 2 x 2TB partitions in Gparted : how can I find my other 2TB | 00:16 |
TJ- | MWM: probably you've used msdos partitioning; you probably need to use GPT | 00:16 |
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MWM | TJ: Im not so sure... I can use GPT for each of the 2x2TB partitions and then format as I like, but there is still 2TB missing. Ive also wiped the disk down to nothing with diskpart in windows and still come up with only 2x2TB | 00:18 |
daftykins | what's it connected to? is it an old PC? | 00:19 |
daftykins | what's the OS version running? | 00:19 |
daftykins | MWM: ^ | 00:19 |
TJ- | MWM: does 'parted -l' show it has an msdos partition label? | 00:19 |
MWM | semi current pc : running lubuntu 15.10 / uses ddr3 and a current proccessor | 00:19 |
daftykins | got a dmesg? | 00:21 |
MWM | TJ: is there another argument/swith to enter after "parted -l" ? | 00:21 |
[Saint] | Holy crap...what the? :-S | 00:21 |
TJ- | MWM: the name of the device | 00:21 |
[Saint] | 'Surround' in alsamixer adjusts both the fade, and the balance, in a non-obvious and inconsistent way. | 00:22 |
TJ- | [Saint]: sounds like there's something weird going on there! | 00:22 |
[Saint] | and adjusting fade/balance in the sound setting panel adjusts the master mixer in alsamixer for...some reason? | 00:23 |
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[Saint] | it's as though pulse and alsa are fighting each other and can't decide who wins. | 00:23 |
MWM | now lsblk isnt even showing it. is there something special I should be looking for in parted -l and dmesg? | 00:23 |
[Saint] | alsa's CLI mixer test for 5 and 7.1 surround works perfectly as expected. | 00:23 |
TJ- | [Saint]: try booting without the GUI, and testing alsamixer, see if you get the same thing | 00:24 |
[Saint] | the sound panel, however... | 00:24 |
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TJ- | MWM: 'dmesg' represents the kernel's view and shouldn't have a problem | 00:27 |
TJ- | MWM: but as I said if the device has an msdos label you'll hit these kind of issues with large capacity drives | 00:27 |
MWM | drive is back. weird. parted -l says there is a corrupted GPT and I should use parted's recovery feature. Guess I will try that | 00:29 |
TJ- | MWM: corruption mentioned? | 00:30 |
anabain | TJ-, regarding the /media dir permissions issue, I finally got it working: I had to chown root: users and chmod -R 2775 the /media dir, (with user "joan" added to users group, of course) | 00:31 |
TJ- | MWM: you might want to do some rigorous drive health checking before you put anything precious on that device | 00:31 |
MWM | "both primary and backup gpt tables are corrupt...." drive checking is what Im doing this drive hasnt hit service yet | 00:31 |
Baconz | s | 00:31 |
MWM | running in to these issues from the start :) | 00:32 |
TJ- | MWM: not looking good then. check /var/log/kern.log for drive I/O errors | 00:33 |
anabain | TJ-, but the weird thing is that this setup will only work exporting the "original" dirs at /etc/exports. If I use bind (for /home) and rbind (for /media), the latter won't work properly, I'm not be able to access it from dolphin at the client... Weird! | 00:33 |
TJ- | anabain: I seem to recall you need to specify additional 'exports' options to accept rbinds | 00:34 |
TJ- | anabain: maybe I am confusing that with crossmnt; I know configured NFS that way some time ago (with rbinds) | 00:35 |
MWM | it will list "error" in /var/log/kern.log ? Ive got a few things listed in relation to the drive but none say error. The only thing that isnt common sense is "Mode Sense: Some Hex Digits" | 00:36 |
TJ- | MWM: things like "I/O Error", but there can be references to mode sense too. Best to paste the last 1000 lines or so if in doubt | 00:37 |
anabain | TJ-, I used crossmnt, but it didn't do the trick. In theory, crossmnt option will let you access subdir mounts, but whilst these subdirs can be seen with dolphin at the client, they cannot be accessed | 00:38 |
TJ- | anabain: right, that comes back to the idmap/permissions | 00:39 |
MWM | in windows when a drive is borked : diskpart -> list disk -> select disk # -> clean all : How do I accomplish this in Linux? | 00:39 |
daftykins | that doesn't help a disk at all. | 00:40 |
samthewildone | Does anyone have some questions about why when I visit some sites that plugin (flash) does not seem to load or work ? | 00:40 |
Baconz | Why do you use flash? | 00:41 |
samthewildone | I've noticed this for the past 2 weeks, some websites will not load the flash plugin leaving a box stating "this plugin is not supported". | 00:41 |
samthewildone | actually its shockwave. | 00:41 |
Baconz | It has so many security vulnerabilities. And it just simply does not work for no apparent reason! | 00:41 |
anabain | TJ-, and how can I set them? I put NEED_IDMAPD=yes in /etc/default/nfs-common files at the client, but it didn't seem to make any difference. Is there anything else to be done? | 00:41 |
k1l_ | samthewildone: sometimes its warez sites wanting you to download a virus. | 00:42 |
samthewildone | !shockwave | 00:42 |
ubottu | shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see | 00:42 |
TJ- | anabain: "man 5 idmapd.conf" | 00:42 |
anabain | ok | 00:42 |
TJ- | anabain: NFS is a very complex system, it's not like using Windows Shares | 00:43 |
anabain | TJ-, for sure | 00:43 |
OerHeks | samthewildone, yes, flash drm content works best on chrome nowadays. | 00:43 |
Warlock | Hey all | 00:44 |
MWM | daftykins: you are right but it will set me back at square one. then I can set the correct partition table and format. right now Im kinda stuck | 00:45 |
TJ- | MWM: you can recreate partitionining with parted or with the gdisk tools | 00:46 |
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MWM | Im am trying to use fdisk as we speak. is it the wrong option > | 00:47 |
TJ- | no, don't use fdisk | 00:47 |
jnagro | TJ-, you helped me a couple days ago with a bug related to my encrypted swap not geting an offset line in crypttab | 00:48 |
TJ- | MWM: fdisk is an msdos MBR tool; use gdisk (which is the GPT equivalent) | 00:48 |
TJ- | jnagro: I remember | 00:48 |
jnagro | you successfully helped me re-enable swap, but i dont think the encryption is back | 00:48 |
MWM | TJ: thanks | 00:48 |
jnagro | TJ-, how do i verify that part? | 00:48 |
jnagro | and/or re-enable it if needed. | 00:48 |
TJ- | MWM: you can also clear all existing partitioning metadata using 'sddisk --zap-all /dev/sdX' to start from a clean slate | 00:49 |
TJ- | jnagro: first, check the crypt device is showing as /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt | 00:49 |
TJ- | jnagro: then, check for the swap device with "cat /proc/swaps" | 00:50 |
TJ- | MWM: excuse me, a typo there! 'sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdX' | 00:50 |
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MWM | was just looking for that :) sounds like exacly what I want | 00:51 |
jnagro | TJ-, | 00:52 |
jnagro | TJ-, the reason i'm asking is that my boot used to ask me for disk passwords twice (before the login screen) and now it only asks me for one. | 00:53 |
MWM | found valid GPT with protective MBR ? is this what i should see? | 00:53 |
azizLIGHT | anyone know a software to pick colors on the screen and get rgb? | 00:53 |
TJ- | jnagro: that's correct; you had it configured wrong before | 00:53 |
TJ- | jnagro: the encrypted swap uses a key that is randomly generated at each boot; your original crypttab had "none" instead of "/dev/urandom" as its key-file - I remember noticing that particularly when we were fixing it but I didn't think to call that out | 00:54 |
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jnagro | TJ-, Ah ha. That makes sense. | 00:55 |
TJ- | jnagro: that "none" meant the system had to ask you for a passphrase, even though there was none on that device, so it'd silently fail to unlock | 00:55 |
jnagro | TJ-, thank you, i appreciate the help! | 00:55 |
LJSeinfeld | Need help please.... Something borked during a SSH session and I can no longer see my desktop when I log into the machine with 'nomachine'... All I see is a login screen ( and if I log in, nothing happens... | 00:55 |
MWM | gdisk finds no problems in either partition. I have formatted to GPT. I still think they should show as 1 disk and there should be 2TB more | 00:56 |
TJ- | jnagro: everything looks good in your pastebin | 00:56 |
jnagro | TJ-, thanks. the /dev/urandom explination connected to dots for me. | 00:57 |
TJ- | MWM: are you saying that gdisk cannot create a single partition spanning the entire 6TB disk? | 00:57 |
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MWM | Im saying that lsblk shows 2 seperate block devices at 2TB each. I cannot view this HDD as 1 single device... but I willa dmit that Im not sure Im doing it right | 00:58 |
TJ- | MWM: that sounds totally wrong! How is this device connected to the PC? | 00:58 |
TJ- | MWM: can you show us "pastebinit <( sudo lsblk; dmesg )" | 00:59 |
MWM | External USB. Totally sorry I didnt mention that before, I was just going to ask if that had any bearing | 00:59 |
MWM | Its a used drive. Im trying to check integrity before putting it into the system | 01:01 |
TJ- | MWM: aha! Yes, very much so. Those devices have a USB<>SATA bridge chipset in them, and they translate access. Many have capacity limits on the size of drives they can present. | 01:01 |
TJ- | MWM: I'd 2^h500% recommend connecting the drive DIRECTLY on a SATA interface, for such a large drive. The translation of physical/logical sector sizes is VERY likely to change for the worse if you partition it on USB, even if you can see the entire disk | 01:02 |
MWM | is it even worth it to do a surface test in this external adapter then? As I said I was just verifying the drive before putting it in the system | 01:03 |
MWM | and thank you for confirming what was a growing suspicion | 01:03 |
TJ- | MWM: No it isn't, as I was saying earlier, those USB bridge chipsets have a habit of literally burning out with systained access | 01:04 |
MWM | explains why I have been needing to keep an icepack on this bad boy. Creeps upwards of 55C if I dont keep it on ice | 01:05 |
TJ- | MWM: there was another user with related problems; although that turned out to be a fake USB flash storage that claimed to be 1TB but was likely only 32GB, (fake) and went read-only after sustained writes | 01:05 |
MWM | TJ: Ive had that trouble with cheap SD cards. Exactly the issue as well | 01:05 |
TJ- | It was pretty obvious - they bought it for US$10 :D | 01:06 |
MWM | Is eSata any better or will I have the same issue do you think? | 01:06 |
TJ- | eSATA is fine; that's just an external SATA connector | 01:06 |
yoasif | estata generally works better | 01:07 |
TJ- | MWM: I have external drives via eSATA>ExpressCard on my laptop; best way to do it | 01:07 |
wal_zk | hi | 01:08 |
MWM | Thanks all. Guess I have to go find an eSata connector or tear this PC down and add in the drive :D | 01:08 |
wal_zk | i have a problem with ubuntu | 01:09 |
wal_zk | my wifi card doesn't work | 01:09 |
OerHeks | hi wal_zk did you try the wifi docs? | 01:11 |
OerHeks | !wifi | 01:11 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 01:11 |
LJSeinfeld | Something borked during a SSH session and I can no longer see my desktop when I log into the machine with 'nomachine'... All I see is a login screen ( and if I log in, nothing happens... On Lubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 01:12 |
wal_zk | ok, i'll take a look | 01:12 |
LJSeinfeld | just re-installed xorg... no joy | 01:12 |
sathish | z | 01:13 |
LJSeinfeld | if I try to ssh -X into the server and run a gui program, I get "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication." | 01:13 |
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OerHeks | restart nomachine maybe? | 01:13 |
EriC^^ | LJSeinfeld: check ~/.Xauthority maybe | 01:13 |
LJSeinfeld | CORRECTION: When I enter my password at the prompt (correctly) it's never accepted | 01:14 |
LJSeinfeld | check Xauthority how? like permissions? | 01:14 |
EriC^^ | if it's owned by root chown it | 01:14 |
LJSeinfeld | -rw------- 1 root root 281 Dec 20 10:47 /home/dave/.Xauthority | 01:15 |
LJSeinfeld | so...looks like root owns it.. | 01:15 |
EriC^^ | sudo chown <user>: ~/.Xauthority | 01:15 |
LJSeinfeld | small flood..(4 lines) coming.. | 01:17 |
LJSeinfeld | dave@houseofzoid:~$ firefox | 01:17 |
LJSeinfeld | X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. | 01:17 |
LJSeinfeld | X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. | 01:17 |
LJSeinfeld | Error: cannot open display: localhost:10.0 | 01:17 |
EriC^^ | did you ssh -X again? | 01:18 |
LJSeinfeld | yep | 01:18 |
LJSeinfeld | NoMachine still showing the same login screen too | 01:18 |
LJSeinfeld | system asked for a rebot... cant remember if I rebooted after installin xorg... so I'm gonna do that.. | 01:19 |
Bashing-om | LJSeinfeld: .ICEAuthority ? is used for client to client authorization . | 01:20 |
LJSeinfeld | reboot may have fixed the x forwarding part | 01:21 |
LJSeinfeld | lemme see if I get to a desktop via noMachine.. | 01:22 |
LJSeinfeld | ahhh | 01:22 |
LJSeinfeld | all better. | 01:22 |
LJSeinfeld | (all this started from trying to run gnome-desktop-item-edit over ssh.... ) | 01:23 |
[Saint] | Holy... | 01:26 |
[Saint] | | 01:26 |
[Saint] | alsa/pulse/jack is _sooooo_ bad in Ubuntu it needs a 15 point strong troubleshooting procedure? lol | 01:26 |
[Saint] | Can someone tell me why on earth, and who thought it was sane to, set "100%" audio volume to +12db? | 01:57 |
[Saint] | Oh. Hmmm...yay. Nevermind. More alsa buggery. | 01:58 |
[Saint] | Actually, no, can someone please test this for me to convince me either way if I'm either sane or insane? | 02:00 |
[Saint] | Open the 'Sound Settings Panel', and, additionally, open alsamixer in a terminal. | 02:00 |
tux_ | vlc is giving me a black screen when I play a movie.. any ideas? | 02:00 |
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[Saint] | Set the sound output volume in Sound Settings Panel to 100% | 02:01 |
[Saint] | Then watch alsamixer. | 02:01 |
[Saint] | PCM should not be +12dB | 02:01 |
[Saint] | *s/not/now/ | 02:01 |
skynetguy | Hey can somebody help me out | 02:01 |
[Saint] | If anyone could verify that for me, I would love you forever. | 02:01 |
skynetguy | what can i use to supply power with an outlet | 02:02 |
Bashing-om | !ask | skynetguy | 02:02 |
ubottu | skynetguy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 02:02 |
KJ6N | Steve N. Calif. test | 02:02 |
NewTi0 | "Under the Windows 10 app, with CPU use down to 10% and power use down to 9-10W, it's a different story." <-- He's saying that running Windows 10 reduces the load on his CPU, reduces its power consumption, and reduces the load on the fan, compared to Windows 7. Would Ubuntu 15.10 perform closer to Windows 7 or Windows 10? | 02:02 |
TJ- | NewTi0: depends on the CPU/firmware c-states, interrupt load, which can be tuned, etc. | 02:03 |
tux_ | vlc is giving me a black screen when I play a movie.. any ideas? | 02:04 |
NewTi0 | TJ-: Have you compared Ubuntu 15.10 to Windows 10 and Windows 7? | 02:04 |
NewTi0 | TJ-: How would I tune Ubuntu to reduce the strain on the CPU and fan? | 02:04 |
docmur | I'm trying to execute a command from a GTK# program that needs to run in a terminal, what is the correct syntax to launch a shell with a command setup to run such as "bash sudo apt-get install -y fortunes-off", I can't seem to get the syntax right | 02:05 |
NewTi0 | C-states. Where do I modify those? | 02:05 |
TJ- | NewTi0: powertop is very useful for identifying power saving opportunities | 02:05 |
NewTi0 | TJ-: You suspect Windows 10 is doing some power saving that Windows 7 isn't? | 02:05 |
TJ- | NewTi0: I'm not interested in Windows; I'm giving you info on how to tune Linux power usage | 02:07 |
luisraul | hola hola | 02:07 |
luisraul | saludo a todos | 02:07 |
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Bashing-om | !es | luisraul | 02:08 |
ubottu | luisraul: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:08 |
NewTi0 | Ok. I just wondered what win 10 was doing that win 7 wasn't | 02:08 |
NewTi0 | since that's what needs to be done under Ubuntu. | 02:08 |
luisraul | oky, thank | 02:09 |
Ben64 | windows isn't on topic here at all, you can't compare it to ubuntu | 02:09 |
skynetguy | Does anybody know what i can use to power something without access to an A/C outlet | 02:09 |
luisraul | only searching new friend in this place | 02:09 |
Ben64 | skynetguy: maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:10 |
[Saint] | Someone, anyone, please: | 02:11 |
[Saint] | Open alsamixer, and open the Sound Settings Panel, set the output volume in Sound Settings Panel to 100% | 02:11 |
[Saint] | Now, tell me please, what is the decibel output of the "PCM" channel in alsamixer? | 02:11 |
[Saint] | I'm seeing +12dB, which is frankly insane. | 02:11 |
[Saint] | It makes no sense to me that "100%" volume should be a positive decibel value and not 0dB. | 02:12 |
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Gallomimia | [Saint]: are you a sound engineer? | 02:17 |
[Saint] | No. But I know enough to know that 100%/line level should be 0dB. | 02:18 |
TJ- | [Saint]: 0dB sounds correct to me, excusing the pun | 02:21 |
TJ- | +12dB suggests the output may have a booster-amp on it | 02:23 |
x2 | -- i did the 28 backspace thing and it seems that i screwed up the most recent kernell, so it crashed when trying to load. i have removed it. my question is how this get upgraded? | 02:25 |
x2 | i ran apt-get upgrade, but it doesn't seems to do it. | 02:26 |
x2 | the gui says computer is up to date. | 02:26 |
x2 | will appreciate a lead | 02:27 |
Bashing-om | x2: " 28 backspace thing " huh ? | 02:29 |
x2 | Bashing-om: haven't seen the news? | 02:30 |
somsip | x2: in grub isn't it? | 02:30 |
x2 | yes | 02:30 |
somsip | x2: should be fixed in a grub update then. | 02:31 |
x2 | someone: yes, after the 28 backspaces the newer kernel went bad on me; so i had to choose the previous good one and that is how i am logged in. | 02:32 |
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x2 | somsip: i removed and upgraded grub also | 02:32 |
somsip | x2: might be an idea to avoid trying to exploit your own PC in the future | 02:32 |
TJ- | x2: patch was published last week for CVE-2015-8370 | 02:32 |
ubottu | Multiple integer underflows in Grub2 1.98 through 2.02 allow physically proximate attackers to bypass authentication, obtain sensitive information, or cause a denial of service (disk corruption) via backspace characters in the (1) grub_username_get function in grub-core/normal/auth.c or the (2) grub_password_get function in lib/crypto.c, which trigger an "Off-by-two" or "Out of... ( | 02:32 |
x2 | hehe somsip well.. i can say to you now yes i will never do it again.. but i don't trust myself. | 02:32 |
TJ- | x2: you'll probably need to reinstall the kernel images, and possible the grub install | 02:33 |
x2 | TJ-: that is how i am trying to figure out, but when googling it, the instructions are all over the place. | 02:34 |
x2 | at least the sites i have checked out. | 02:35 |
TJ- | x2: at what point does the boot fail? | 02:35 |
TJ- | x2: if GRUB loads the kernel image and initrd and hands over, then its in 1 or both of those. | 02:35 |
x2 | TJ-: grub got fixed. n | 02:35 |
x2 | TJ-: now it goes all the way to the user log in windows. | 02:35 |
TJ- | x2: so that's the /boot/vmlinuz-XXXXXX images from the linux-image-XXXXXX-generic packages, or the generated /boot/initrd.img-XXXXXX via "update-initramfs -u -k XXXXXXXX" | 02:36 |
x2 | TJ-: just to make sure i am understanding ... you are saying to run: linux-image-3.19.0-42-generic | 02:39 |
x2 | oops sorry that its a wrong paste | 02:39 |
x2 | you mean to run: "update-initramfs -u -k XXXXXXXX" | 02:40 |
x2 | where xxx its the kernel versio | 02:40 |
x2 | n | 02:40 |
TJ- | x2: correct, because there are multiple kernel versions installed at any time | 02:42 |
x2 | so the xxxx is the current that i have or the new one that i want? | 02:43 |
TJ- | x2: if you notice other issues it is possible you've caused unfixable corruption that requires a system reinstall, or reinstalling every package | 02:43 |
TJ- | x2: XXXXXX represents any version you have, you replace it with the version number you want to reinstall | 02:44 |
x2 | TJ-: no issues that i can tell now. when rebooting it works smooth. it is the kernel version that i have its not the latest | 02:44 |
TJ- | x2: if you have linux-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-headers-generic installed those will ensure the latest kernel and header versions are installed | 02:45 |
TJ- | x2: oh hang on! | 02:45 |
x2 | ok.. | 02:45 |
TJ- | x2: are you on Trusty 14.04 or 15.04 ? | 02:45 |
TJ- | x2: if it is 14.04 Trusty then those kernel versions are from the 15.04 Vivid hardware enablement stack, and you need alternate kernel package master files | 02:46 |
x2 | Linux it 3.19.0-41-generic #46~14.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 8 17:46:43 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux | 02:46 |
TJ- | x2: "cat /etc/issue" | 02:46 |
x2 | cat /etc/issue | 02:47 |
x2 | Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l | 02:47 |
TJ- | x2: OK, so you need the HWE packages | 02:47 |
TJ- | !ltse | 02:48 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 02:48 |
TJ- | x2: so, that means that "linux-generic-lts-vivid" should be installed to ensure the kernels are kept up to date | 02:48 |
x2 | ah, i don't remember seeing that in the list when grub was giving me the menu. | 02:49 |
x2 | TJ-: probably i should start from there. installing ...lts-vivid | 02:49 |
TJ- | x2: "dpkg -l '*vivid*' " should show you the list of HWe packages installed | 02:49 |
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genewitch | is there a guide to stripping everything out of ubuntu possible | 02:50 |
genewitch | Koding only gives you 3gb of storage, there's literally nothing you can install in 1gb of space that's a "service" | 02:50 |
TJ- | genewitch: better to not install it in the first place. ubuntu-minimal is a good base | 02:50 |
TJ- | genewitch: I have server installs in less than 512MB | 02:51 |
x2 | ii linux-headers-generic-lts-vivi i386 Generic Linux kernel headers | 02:51 |
baywords | Hi everyone. I have a question about a adsl/router combo in trying to disable to use a slave as the primary. Bc I think the tds provided modem router combo sucks. | 02:51 |
baywords | This isn't anything Ubuntu or Linux related.. Sorry | 02:51 |
cuddylier | Why do I see just '$' in SSH when I login as a user I added through 'adduser'? | 02:51 |
cuddylier | And not their home directory straight away? | 02:52 |
TJ- | cuddylier: that's the shell prompt | 02:52 |
genewitch | cuddylier: did you do adduser -m | 02:52 |
cuddylier | genewitch: No, I just did 'adduser' from what I remember | 02:52 |
cuddylier | How do I 'fix' the user so it's normal? | 02:52 |
TJ- | cuddylier: you used 'adduser' or 'useradd' (-m is an option to useradd) | 02:53 |
baywords | Does anyone know of a channel on free node that can help with me routing? Using a slave as the primary wifi signal. If that's possible | 02:53 |
genewitch | cuddylier: it's in the /etc | 02:53 |
x2 | TJ-: so the pkg is there. does the upgrade has to be done manually or happens automatically? | 02:53 |
cuddylier | genewitch: What should I do though to stop them logging in, in console mode? | 02:53 |
TJ- | cuddylier: 'adduser' will create the home directory based on the /etc/adduser.conf config, which unless you've altered it, should be doing all the usual stuff. | 02:54 |
genewitch | cuddylier: it's in /etc/passwd | 02:54 |
TJ- | x2: it'll follow automatically | 02:54 |
genewitch | cuddylier: from now on if you're making an interactive user use -m | 02:54 |
x2 | TJ-: awesome. so i will leave alone then. thanks for your help. i really appreciate it. | 02:54 |
cuddylier | genewitch: Thanks for the advice, will do. | 02:55 |
genewitch | cuddylier: oh, stop them from logging in in console mode? | 02:55 |
cuddylier | yeah | 02:55 |
genewitch | cuddylier: is this a service user? like nginx or httpd? | 02:55 |
cuddylier | No, a normal additional ssh user | 02:55 |
genewitch | what do you want to happen when they log in? | 02:55 |
cuddylier | to be redirected to their home folder | 02:56 |
TJ- | genewitch: that is incorrect - 'adduser' doesn't have a -m option, and 'useradd' isn't recommended to be used. | 02:56 |
TJ- | cuddylier: what does "pwd" report? | 02:56 |
genewitch | TJ-: ok i believe you | 02:56 |
TJ- | cuddylier: you're only talking about the shell prompt | 02:56 |
x2 | baywords: try folks there are into wi-fi | 02:57 |
TJ- | cuddylier: which is set by the default shell's login scripts, via env-var PS1 | 02:58 |
TJ- | baywords: channel ##networking | 02:58 |
x2 | TJ-: the laptop crashing its kernel has its hd encrypted. | 03:04 |
TJ- | x2: which part of the disk is encrypted, individual partitions, if so, what is in those? | 03:05 |
x2 | TJ-: saying it, so in case similar issue comes into the channel. | 03:05 |
x2 | TJ-: the whole disk, encryption done at moment of OS installation. | 03:06 |
x2 | TJ-: anyways... gotta go now. many thanks again! | 03:07 |
TJ- | x2: the whole disk is never encrypted; couldn't be booted from in that case. indvidual partitions may be. so we need to know what they contain | 03:07 |
x2 | TJ-: well, i know. -what do you mean with what is their content? regular stuff, rgular user stuff. | 03:09 |
TJ- | x2: e.g. if there's a separate file-system/partition for /boot/, that can be encrypted, as well as the partition containing the root file-system/LVM | 03:09 |
TJ- | x2: so there can be 2 partitions requiring unlocking at boot-time. If you go directly to the GRUB boot menu that suggests a separate /boot/ file-system that is not encrypted | 03:10 |
x2 | TJ-: i see, now all its in one partition. | 03:11 |
x2 | (now = no) | 03:11 |
TJ- | x2: so that suggests the root file-system isn't encrypted then, else there'd be no access to the GRUB menu without a 'crpytomount' unlock from GRUB | 03:11 |
x2 | oh.. i see.. gotta go... people will grab me from my hair.. i need to get going. thanks! bye now. | 03:12 |
showaz | | 03:18 |
showaz | strongswan-5.1.2 (ubuntu 14.04): received INVALID_ID_INFORMATION error notify ikev1 | 03:19 |
showaz | | 03:20 |
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MannyLNJ | Help please. Two problems 1) I have a red ! in a triangle that says update info is outdated but when I follow it's instructions it shows my system is current and 2) I did a DD of a dying NTFS drive and I can't mount the image due to errors. How do I resolve this | 03:44 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: For (1 ; pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade '. for 2) can not say . | 03:45 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, Working on it | 03:52 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: k | 03:52 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, trying to use basebinit and it fails | 03:53 |
Bashing-om | !pastebinit ! MannyLNJ | 03:54 |
ubottu | Bashing-om: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:54 |
Bashing-om | !pastebinit | MannyLNJ | 03:55 |
ubottu | MannyLNJ: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b | 03:55 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: Is the package manager in such a state that ' sudo apt install pastebinit ' fails ? | 03:56 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: an alternative would be "command | nc 9999" | 03:58 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: ... 2 heads better than 1 .. even if one is a goat's head . :) | 03:59 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: hehe | 04:00 |
=== Willy is now known as Guest53278 | ||
Guest53278 | hello. i would like to ask how to create parition in ubuntu. i am not familliar with the tutorial in the internet | 04:02 |
Guest53278 | can anybody help me? | 04:02 |
Guest53278 | i have created a new partition from a device using command "fdisk /dev/sda1" | 04:03 |
Guest53278 | the option is "extended" (i dont know what's the diff if i chose "primary" also) | 04:04 |
Guest53278 | next, when i type "lsblk" | 04:05 |
Guest53278 | i can't still find the partition | 04:05 |
MannyLNJ | Bashing-om, Looks like my systen is very slow. I'm using VNC to access the ubuntu system | 04:05 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: Consider that in the leagcy partitioning scheme there is a 4 primary partition limit. The way to get around this limit is to create one of those primary partitions as 'extended' . This 'extended' partition is a container to hold 'logical' partitions . | 04:06 |
=== vlead is now known as madhavi | ||
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: I wait . Be aware it is past my session time . My eyes are beginning to cross . | 04:07 |
Guest53278 | @Bashing-om how should i add an partition then? | 04:09 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: Might show the channel what you have now, pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' . | 04:09 |
Guest53278 | yeah but i want to create a new partition from the disk | 04:10 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: Maybe you can. maybe you can not . Got to have the space and as well a means of addressing that space . show us what you have now . | 04:11 |
Guest53278 | | 04:13 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: Look'n at your . | 04:13 |
Guest53278 | thx @Bashing-om | 04:14 |
ctrl_alt_pasta | hey what do you guys use to edit video? | 04:16 |
SchrodingersScat | currently 8C outside | 04:16 |
SchrodingersScat | oops | 04:16 |
bazhrer | ctrl_alt_pasta: yods | 04:18 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: Small drive " Disk /dev/sda: 21.5 GB, " what is your goal here ? Presently you have very little unused space, and I doubt we can squeeze space to any effect - depending on what you have installed . | 04:20 |
optimistic7 | where can i found "chage - change user password expiry information" source code ? | 04:20 |
min | hi guys! | 04:21 |
=== anthony_ is now known as ctrl_alt_pasta1 | ||
Guest53278 | i am just planning to add an additional 1GB partition | 04:21 |
Guest53278 | @Bashing-om | 04:21 |
Loshki | ctrl_alt_pasta: avidemux | 04:22 |
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ctrl_alt_pasta1 | Loshki, Thanks I'll check it out | 04:23 |
hoechts | hi, i'm having an issue with a raid 1. One of my drives crashed. So I continued working with one drive. Now I a new PC with new hardware and new Ubuntu. I fail to assemble the raid1 with a single drive. Any hints? | 04:23 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: OK, you can not operate on partition that is in use, will need an alternate means of bnooting. Then may I suggest that you use GParted to shrink the present sda1 partition . and then in that unallocated space make up the new partition ? | 04:23 |
Bashing-om | Guest53278: bnooting/booting* | 04:24 |
hoechts | mdadm --assemble --scan says: /dev/md3 assemble from -1 drives and 1 spare drive - not enough to start the array | 04:24 |
Bashing-om | MannyLNJ: How ya doing ? | 04:25 |
optimistic7 | where can i found "chage - change user password expiry information" source code ? | 04:28 |
optimistic7 | where can i found "chage - change user password expiry information" source code ? | 04:28 |
Zyx1 | i can't change brightness. two config file, "/sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness", "/sys/class/backlight/nv_backlight/brightness". | 04:28 |
rahuldev | Hi, anyone please tell me how can I know in ubuntu, a program how much process and ram is using? | 04:32 |
TrivialGravitas | rahuldev, the 'top' program from the terminal | 04:33 |
Bashing-om | rahuldev: Check out " top " and " free -m " . | 04:33 |
optimistic7 | where can i found "chage - change user password expiry information" source code ? | 04:34 |
rahuldev | top is giving me full list working!, is there way to check for particulary program? | 04:34 |
rahuldev | Bashing-om, TrivialGravitas | 04:34 |
TrivialGravitas | top -p pid | 04:35 |
TrivialGravitas | get the pid from ps -A which will list everything and its pid statically | 04:35 |
optimistic7 | where can i found "chage - change user password expiry information" source code ? | 04:35 |
rahuldev | Thanks TrivialGravitas Bashing-om | 04:36 |
DaveyG | Hi all | 04:37 |
DaveyG | Anyone out there | 04:38 |
TrivialGravitas | It's a crowded channel | 04:39 |
DaveyG | I come bareing gifts | 04:39 |
syeekick | han solo dies in the new star wars movie, thats a shame. poor hans | 04:39 |
syeekick | wasn't expecting that | 04:40 |
tgm4883 | syeekick: no he doesn't. His story line isn't great, but I guess it was just a call back to previous movies. In any case, off topic for this channel | 04:41 |
showaz | xenial/wily strongswan-5.1.2-0ubuntu | 04:44 |
showaz | freebsd strongswan-5.3.5_1 | 04:44 |
showaz | ArchLinux strongswan-5.3.5 | 04:45 |
showaz | ubuntu so slow | 04:45 |
Bashing-om | !latest | showaz | 04:46 |
ubottu | showaz: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 04:46 |
showaz | security good, but not working ikev1 (only ikev2) | 04:47 |
showaz | server-side only ikev1 | 04:47 |
Zyx1 | i learn English as a second language, but i can't memorize words by using vocabulary lists. how you guys learn English at school? | 04:50 |
Gallomimia | by swearing at one another :/ | 04:51 |
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showaz | vodka balalayka | 04:51 |
ricardo | gi | 05:08 |
ricardo | hola | 05:08 |
jim__ | anyone here? | 05:12 |
xangua | !ask | 05:12 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 05:12 |
deicer | guess he didnt have a question | 05:13 |
jim__ | im getting an error 3.106772 ACPI PCC probe failed but it boots fine | 05:14 |
jim__ | any idea? | 05:14 |
ricardo | ssbbsb | 05:16 |
ricardo | ssbbsb | 05:16 |
ricardo | ssh | 05:16 |
ricardo | hi moe | 05:16 |
nixon1 | I have a dell inspiron 3537 with 6 gb of ram and intel+amd hd 8670m graphics cards. It's taking too much time to boot, around 3 minutes | 05:26 |
nixon1 | thanks in advance for help | 05:26 |
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Sniper41m | hi guys | 05:58 |
Sniper41m | i have query regarding email client (evolution), could you guide me to the respective channel ? | 05:59 |
AHemlocksLie | What handles the wallpaper by default in Ubuntu 14.04? I'm toying with i3, and I've still got the standard ubuntu wallpaper, so some piece of the default desktop environment must still be active and controlling it | 05:59 |
DaveyG | Aren't they in usr/share AHemlockLie | 06:06 |
AHemlocksLie | DaveyG: O | 06:08 |
AHemlocksLie | DaveyG: I'm not sure. I don't see anything that clearly seems to indicate it controls the wallpaper | 06:08 |
AHemlocksLie | Maybe the unity-settings-daemon... | 06:08 |
DaveyG | Why not use the gui to change the background | 06:09 |
AHemlocksLie | I'm trying to figure out how to get it to change randomly at set intervals, and I want to incorporate a script to change some color themes | 06:10 |
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AHemlocksLie | The easiest way seems to be a scripted cron job, but I don't know which program controls the wallpaper. I tried feh, since I've heard some people use that, and it doesn't seem fully cooperative while still in Unity | 06:11 |
AHemlocksLie | I could jury rig it together, but if I can just go right to the controlling source... | 06:12 |
DaveyG | Try googling | 06:12 |
DaveyG | Variety | 06:12 |
DaveyG | I'm sure that's what I use on my laptop to randomise backgrounds | 06:13 |
DaveyG | Although I've only used it to pick random backdrops, never to use a folder of pre picked images | 06:15 |
AHemlocksLie | I've been googling with limited success, but I might have actually found something... | 06:17 |
Ghost_r00t | what TCP congestion driver ubuntu uses? westwood+ or cubic or reno ....? | 06:19 |
AHemlocksLie | Nope, no luck | 06:23 |
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anonmatir | the Ubuntu installer for windows, does it let create a separate partition? | 06:37 |
baizon | anonmatir: well i dont recommend it really, its better to create a live usb/cd | 06:41 |
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anonmatir | Baizon, thankyou | 07:00 |
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Guest23199 | ? | 07:06 |
bledi | hello all | 07:06 |
bledi | first user | 07:06 |
Guest23199 | new ubuntu user here | 07:06 |
bledi | yes | 07:06 |
bledi | ubuntu studio | 07:08 |
bledi | music | 07:09 |
bledi | ubuntu vs windows music | 07:09 |
somsip | bledi: better if you ask your full question in well-worded english | 07:10 |
=== arsenal__ is now known as arsenal | ||
zzarr | hello! I have an iMac with Ubuntu on, but sometimes the graphics hangs I'm using the radeon driver (tried with fglrx but ended up with a black screen), the graphicscard is a Radeon HD 6730M/6770M/7690M XT (from lspci) | 07:23 |
zzarr | when it hangs I can still move the mouse cursor, however not between monitors (I got 2) | 07:24 |
zzarr | internal + external | 07:25 |
xcelq | laptop + external? | 07:26 |
xcelq | i have no problems here | 07:26 |
zzarr | xcelq, the iMac have an internal and I have an external as well | 07:29 |
xcelq | don't work with macs sorry | 07:30 |
zzarr | you don't? xcelq | 07:30 |
xcelq | nope | 07:30 |
xcelq | i have a thinkpad | 07:30 |
zzarr | or it don't? | 07:30 |
xcelq | + external | 07:30 |
zzarr | okey | 07:30 |
Marouane | Hello, I'm having a problem with my 3g device. I just installed Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 and everything is fine except that I can't use my device to connect. After plugint it, I configure a new connection, but gnome applet is still displaying "Mobile broadband unavailable". It used to work on Linux Mint 16 and 17... Any help please? Thank you :) ! | 07:38 |
dfg810 | WHY cant user access 0 display or use PulseAudio | 07:43 |
dfg810 | can't even set the sound without creating a user | 07:44 |
xcelq | are you doing minimal? | 07:44 |
dfg810 | no | 07:44 |
dfg810 | just need a privileged user with current desktop | 07:45 |
dfg810 | and this is the only problem | 07:45 |
dfg810 | and vlc | 07:45 |
xcelq | i use mpv | 07:45 |
olf-folks | is this unsupport hardware | 07:51 |
oaulakh | how to create a link or shortcut and put it in /bin to access file from /usr/bin/folder/file? | 07:55 |
xcelq | drag and drop with file manager? | 07:56 |
hjjg | oaulakh: ln -s /usr/bin/dir/file /bin/file | 08:05 |
hjjg | celly: could you please fix your connection? | 08:06 |
showaz | olf-folks: ThinkPad deprecated | 08:06 |
showaz | olf-folks: IBM sold ThinkPad to the Chinese vendor, now the quality of these models is terrible | 08:07 |
Hakon | Hello. I aired this problem here yesterday and got some responses, thought my problem was fixed.. It wasn't. I'm investigating a problem i'm having with nfs. Adding an nfsv4 share to /etc/fstab makes the vm hang on boot. If i remove the line, boot the machine then i'm able to mount it manually. | 08:08 |
oaulakh | hjjg, yup worked thanks | 08:08 |
jack098 | hi | 08:08 |
olf-folks | ok thanks | 08:09 |
jack098 | helllo | 08:09 |
jack098 | anyone | 08:09 |
oaulakh | yes? | 08:09 |
Hakon | I can mount it after the system as booted but not via fstab. it's like it's trying to mount before network is up | 08:10 |
jack098 | what do you guys do here | 08:10 |
cfhowlett | !topic | jack098, | 08:11 |
ubottu | jack098,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 08:11 |
jack098 | thanks | 08:11 |
jack098 | welcome vampolo | 08:12 |
jack098 | can anyone tell me how to reset ubuntu to factory setting kind of setting | 08:12 |
jack098 | i mean i have bloated the os | 08:13 |
cfhowlett | jack098, reinstall | 08:13 |
jack098 | cant i reset the kernel | 08:13 |
somsip | jack098: reinstall from minimal | 08:13 |
Bassem | i want to set Clint for exchange email server but i wont it to keep offline emails on my computer | 08:13 |
cfhowlett | jack098, the kernel has nothing to do with "bloat". | 08:13 |
somsip | jack098: you;re using words and you dont know what they mean | 08:13 |
cfhowlett | this ^^^ | 08:13 |
jack098 | i know what i mean trust me | 08:14 |
cfhowlett | !details } jack098, then you explained it poorly | 08:14 |
ubottu | cfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:14 |
cfhowlett | !details | 08:14 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 08:14 |
somsip | jack098: you want to compile your own kernel using as few modules as possible? | 08:14 |
jack098 | yea thats more like it | 08:15 |
somsip | jack098: you're on your own with that then, or try #kernel or #linux. Support here for official kernels only | 08:15 |
jack098 | can i do that while runnning os | 08:15 |
jack098 | can anyone tell me best ide for python on ubuntu | 08:16 |
cfhowlett | jack098, changing a tire while going down the freeway ... unwise | 08:16 |
somsip | jack098: yes - you compile a new kernel, boot to it, watch it crash and burn, rinse and repeat until you get it right. Not supported here though. Good luck | 08:16 |
st84 | Hi | 08:18 |
st84 | I m new linux user | 08:19 |
Baconator404 | Hey | 08:19 |
Baconator404 | Do you need any help? | 08:19 |
st84 | And i m learning python in it | 08:19 |
st84 | Yeah | 08:19 |
st84 | Basically i hv been using python console in terminal | 08:20 |
Baconator404 | Nice! I also know python. So, what do you need help with? | 08:20 |
st84 | For single line codes | 08:20 |
dfg810 | what was the last thing you did | 08:20 |
jack098 | no | 08:20 |
Baconator404 | Yeah programmers call it the shell. IDLE Shell. | 08:20 |
jack098 | i mean a good ide for | 08:20 |
jack098 | rapid building | 08:20 |
Baconator404 | jack098: what IDE do you use? | 08:21 |
jack098 | good readability | 08:21 |
jack098 | geany | 08:21 |
st84 | But i want to save my codes in nano | 08:21 |
Baconator404 | Do not use nano for python. | 08:21 |
st84 | And then execute it in pytjon console | 08:21 |
jack098 | guys should i go for | 08:21 |
jack098 | ubuntu 15 | 08:21 |
Baconator404 | Use the software that comes w/ python. | 08:21 |
jack098 | or stick to | 08:21 |
dfg810 | of course ! | 08:22 |
jack098 | 14.0 lts | 08:22 |
dfg810 | go for 15 | 08:22 |
Baconator404 | 14.0 LTS | 08:22 |
jack098 | why and why | 08:22 |
dfg810 | dont listen to stable hurr durr paranoia. Be a man | 08:22 |
Marouane | Any one can help me with this please :) ? | 08:22 |
st84 | So how to save codes in my computer using terminal and then run it into python console inside my terminal | 08:23 |
Baconator404 | Python 14.0 has been out for longer and is more stable and can also run more apps. | 08:23 |
jack098 | yea | 08:23 |
Baconator404 | Use a text edit or an IDE st84 | 08:23 |
jack098 | which one | 08:23 |
Baconator404 | jack098: stick w/ 14.0 LTS until more application support is released for 15.0 | 08:24 |
st84 | K thanks | 08:24 |
st84 | This place is awesome | 08:24 |
jack098 | yea it is | 08:24 |
dfg810 | yeah I get excited too | 08:25 |
st84 | Anonops was fucked up | 08:25 |
st84 | Nobody gives a shit about u there | 08:25 |
Baconator404 | Yeah | 08:25 |
st84 | Thanks 404 | 08:25 |
Baconator404 | I only chose 404 as it is the name of an error | 08:26 |
=== Baconator404 is now known as [404] | ||
jack098 | is adding ppa safe | 08:26 |
[404] | I will now be known as 404 | 08:26 |
st84 | And one more thing | 08:26 |
dfg810 | it is perfectly safe | 08:27 |
[404] | Yes? | 08:27 |
st84 | Maybe i sound like noob | 08:27 |
[404] | What is your question st84 | 08:27 |
st84 | Wait a min i ll ask later | 08:28 |
st84 | My dad is in here | 08:28 |
jack098 | best eye candy other than kde you have used? | 08:28 |
[404] | Ok. Anyway I am gonna go now and do some programming. Have a nice day everyone! | 08:28 |
jack098 | ok bye | 08:29 |
silidan1 | hi, on ubuntu 14.04 i have the following problem: my tty get spammed with these error messages: despite that system seems to work ok... any idea? | 08:30 |
Hakon | can i use autofs in addition to fstab? | 08:31 |
lettuce45 | hi, do you know if firefox has an image blocker? | 08:33 |
Seven_Six_Two | I am trying to echo a header on a daily log concatenation in a bash script. I've got TIMESTAMP=`date -u` | 08:34 |
Seven_Six_Two | echo -e "\n*** $TIMESTAMP Today's Backup\n" >> backup.log | 08:34 |
Seven_Six_Two | the log output is: "n*** Mon 21 Dec 2015 08:32:02 UTC Today's Backupn" | 08:35 |
somsip | Seven_Six_Two: "" in bash outputs exactly as given so wrap like: | 08:36 |
Seven_Six_Two | I tried with '' too. thanks | 08:37 |
sruli | with sed how would i replace the line before match | 08:38 |
silidan1 | hi, Im running Ubuntu 14.04 with Kernel 4.2.0-21-generic on an Asus Z170-P mainboard with newest Bios Version 0601. my ttyx consoles get spammed with some error messages: ata5: {SError / irq_stat / expectioon E Mask} the syslog output is repeating: any idea how to fix this? | 08:39 |
Roikeman | if ubuntu freeze and the mouse move, but cant jump to terminal screen by alt+tab+f1-6, are you think my program running or stuck? | 08:40 |
Roikeman | i running photorec, consider if reset or let it run | 08:41 |
silidan1 | Roikeman: if your system hangs so hard you cant access ttyx in any reasonable amount of time i fear reset is your only option | 08:42 |
sruli | Roikeman: are you sure u need alt+tab to get to tty not ctrl+alt? | 08:43 |
silidan1 | Roikeman: sruli is right you need crtl+alt+Fx to access ttyx | 08:43 |
LordPicard | Hello there. When I run an update Ubuntu tells me I need to free up space in /boot - I try apt-get autoremove and still got that message. Is there any help here? I also cleared trash. | 08:44 |
sruli | LordPicard: 14.04? | 08:45 |
somsip | LordPicard: removing old kernels will usually solve this....hang on | 08:45 |
somsip | LordPicard: here you go | 08:45 |
LordPicard | sruli: 15.10 | 08:45 |
LordPicard | somsip: checking. hold on. | 08:45 |
sruli | LordPicard: i use the last line in the first answer to delete old kernels | 08:46 |
cfhowlett | LordPicard, manually (and carefully) remove them with terminal | 08:46 |
cfhowlett | can also be performed in synaptic | 08:48 |
LordPicard | thank you to all | 08:49 |
LordPicard | I think I figure it out | 08:49 |
LordPicard | :P | 08:49 |
sruli | i need to replace 2 lines in a file with sed, both lines are the same but i want to replace each with a different value, how can i tell sed replace first with $1 and second with $2? or replace according to match on next line (the next line is unique) | 08:51 |
somsip | sruli: | 08:52 |
silidan1 | hi, Im running Ubuntu 14.04 with Kernel 4.2.0-21-generic on an Asus Z170-P mainboard with newest Bios Version 0601. my ttyx consoles get spammed with some error messages: ata5: {SError / irq_stat / expectioon E Mask} the syslog output is repeating: any idea how to fix this? | 08:58 |
silidan | hi, Im running Ubuntu 14.04 with Kernel 4.2.0-21-generic on an Asus Z170-P mainboard with newest Bios Version 0601. my ttyx consoles get spammed with some error messages: ata5: {SError / irq_stat / expectioon E Mask} the syslog output is repeating: any idea how to fix this? | 08:58 |
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Roikeman | silidan1, sruli: sorry, ctrl+alt. no way to release it :/ it happen when i open ppt file in libre office, its not the first time, the screen just freeze. thanks guys :) | 09:19 |
sruli | somsip: tried the samples from that page none worked | 09:21 |
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shakuev | всем привет! | 09:26 |
stevendale__ | IIRC this is English only, right? | 09:27 |
somsip | stevendale__: yes | 09:27 |
somsip | !ru | shakuev | 09:27 |
ubottu | shakuev: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 09:27 |
LordPicard | guys, i've removed every kernel image exept the two last ones, and I still get an error "4026 k of disk space on '/boot'." when trying to update anything. any help? | 09:27 |
LordPicard | I've done apt-get autoremove and clean. | 09:27 |
lulcat | енлуПожйсталууссязы hurr durr i am a russian | 09:27 |
somsip | !o4o | lulcat | 09:28 |
ubottu | lulcat: Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct | 09:28 |
lulcat | roflmao | 09:28 |
shakuev | #ubuntu-ru | 09:29 |
shakuev | как зайти на этот канал | 09:30 |
tlt | !ru | 09:32 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 09:32 |
=== MinedAWAY is now known as Mined | ||
rahuldeva | hi is anyone here use youtube-dl ? | 09:37 |
stevendale__ | For Android? | 09:37 |
rahuldeva | for ubuntu | 09:38 |
stevendale__ | Oh | 09:38 |
rahuldeva | I'm trying to download youtube playlist, just want to know is I'm doing right by typeing this. | 09:38 |
rahuldeva | "youtube-dl -cit <Playlist Name> | 09:38 |
Mined | URL instead of playlist name, from what i read from their doc | 09:39 |
King_Hual | url to playlist | 09:40 |
ren0v0 | hi, can someone tell me where LXD images are stored when you run "lxc publish" ? | 09:41 |
rahuldeva | Mined, King_Hual yes I use url, but showing error like unable to extract name | 09:43 |
st84 | (st84) Hi | 09:43 |
st84 | (st84) I got a question | 09:43 |
st84 | (st84) I hv been using python console in my linux terminal | 09:43 |
Mined | rahuldev a public list right? | 09:43 |
st84 | (st84) And till now i use to test my single line code in that xonsole | 09:43 |
st84 | (st84) So can anybody tell me that | 09:44 |
st84 | (st84) Can i use terminal and python comsole also for writing big codes and saving it like | 09:44 |
st84 | (st84) And then running it into the trrminal console | 09:44 |
st84 | (st84) ??????? | 09:44 |
lulcat | st84 | 09:46 |
lulcat | #python | 09:46 |
rahuldev | Mined, don't know it's public or private but I tried many playlist getting same error. | 09:46 |
st84 | Lulcat i hv registered my nick but it still get connected to python unregistered | 09:47 |
lulcat | st84: | 09:48 |
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Seven_Six_Two | Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've done the "" quotes, '' quotes, and no quotes for setting FN and for the touch command. The best I can get is a file that shows up called "%80%9D | 09:53 |
Seven_Six_Two | | 09:54 |
Seven_Six_Two | I'm in OSX, but this is bash, so I thought I'd try here | 09:55 |
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tlt | Seven_Six_Two, this isn't bash, it's Ubuntu | 09:57 |
ren0v0 | Seven_Six_Two, unrelated | 09:57 |
ren0v0 | try #bash .. | 09:57 |
ren0v0 | hi, can someone tell me where LXD images are stored when you run "lxc publish" ? | 09:58 |
shibly | Is it possible to get both wired and wireless internet connection at a time with one pc? | 09:59 |
darth | no | 10:00 |
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darth | you can only bridge wired connections i guess | 10:00 |
rahuldev | Ubuntu new Caclulator is cool! | 10:00 |
darth | yup | 10:00 |
bjordon | Does ubuntu use SystemD | 10:00 |
darth | i dont know | 10:01 |
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matyy | hey, can someone hint me what to what I can look at, when the install process is super slow? I think it's dpkg, but no idea, downloading is fast, install is super slow | 10:07 |
matyy | just anything | 10:07 |
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ArchNoob | Hello I have a fatal issue. Yesterday I noticed I had somethings in my /mnt folder. I then lsblk to see what's mounted there but there was nothing as I expected. The contents were from my $HOME dir. But my home is mounted on /home. So I deleted everything in /mnt with cd /mnt; sudo rm -fr * then started noticing changes and the system went crazy. I haven't deleted much tho, But all contents from /boot and | 10:08 |
ArchNoob | most things. What could cause this please? | 10:08 |
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: something was mounted there, or maybe it was a symlink to another dir | 10:10 |
EriC^^ | type ls -l /mnt and df /mnt | 10:10 |
ArchNoob | EriC^^: Well, I could have seen it if it was mounted. Plus when I ran sudo umount /mnt something was displaying. I never read it but it was the reason I noticed my /mnt had contents. | 10:11 |
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tlt | now you know not to rush to delete things, right, ArchNoob | 10:12 |
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ArchNoob | EriC^^: Also I can not run anything there now, I can't boot it and I have lost some key programs like ls and all sorts. | 10:13 |
=== Helheim_ is now known as Helheim | ||
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: something was mounted there i'd assume | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | what do you mean by after sudo umount /mnt "things showed" ? | 10:13 |
ArchNoob | tlt: I have learned my lesson. And it's weird that all my 1 year knowledge I did something as that stupid. :( | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | like umount: device is busy ? | 10:14 |
tlt | ArchNoob, yeah it's no joke. It's unfortunate. | 10:14 |
ArchNoob | EriC^^: No, It was a larger error message. Is there a place where I can find mount logs maybe? and post them somewhere for you to read? Cause somethings aren't deleted .. | 10:15 |
tlt | ArchNoob, have you made backups lately? If you have I'd have reinstalled and restored the backup instead of worryinb about the current setup | 10:15 |
=== termos_ is now known as termos | ||
EriC^^ | larger error that means most likely it was mounted | 10:16 |
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sruli | how can i use this script to replace previous line rather then adding new line? | 10:16 |
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: like this? | 10:17 |
HoloIRCUser | Hi | 10:17 |
=== vidplace7_ is now known as vidplace7 | ||
ArchNoob | tlt: Yeah I have all my home backup, and I have dual linux systems which am using right now. But I wish to recover it, cause it was my most stable system. :( | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: i think it's pretty toast | 10:17 |
ArchNoob | EriC^^: Hold on i'm checking the link, internet pretty slow here. | 10:18 |
ArchNoob | EriC^^: Yeah it's that kind of error message.. | 10:18 |
ArchNoob | EriC^^: but it was /mnt | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: yeah, that means it's mounted and something is using it | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | most likely the root filesystem was mounted there | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | maybe you did sudo mount --bind / /mnt ? or something like sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ? | 10:20 |
EriC^^ | anyways if you have a backup of your files it's all good i guess | 10:21 |
ArchNoob | EriC^^: Damn, tho I remember never to do such a thing. I was pretty cautioned about my mounts. I had all my useful drives configurations in /etc/fstab and just there. | 10:22 |
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cm13g09 | Morning guys, got a weird problem with a freshly updated 15.10 machine. The network interface is up, NetworkManager is running, the interface is showing is UP in the output of ip link, DHCPDISCOVER is sent out from the device, received by the firewall doing DHCP, DHCPOFFER is sent, never received by the machine running 15.10.... | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: how long did you let it run? | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | ArchNoob: it probably only deleted /bin and /boot maybe | 10:26 |
=== Numline1 is now known as Guest13940 | ||
EriC^^ | type echo /* , in a terminal you'll see a path of destruction like in final destination :P | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | is /etc still all there? | 10:28 |
=== boxznc is now known as boxmein | ||
Marouane | Any help with would be appreciated :) | 10:29 |
Bluewolf | Hi all, I created a .desktop shortcut as seen ( But when I execute it, I get an error - file not found. I am sure my pathing is correct and the program in question works. Any help? | 10:32 |
boxmein | Marouane: not directly fixing your issue, but have you tried configuring the device via sakis3g instead of the ubuntu thing? | 10:32 |
boxmein | Marouane: I did that, then it magically also applied to the ubuntu config and just started magically working | 10:33 |
boxmein | Marouane: e3372 here | 10:33 |
EriC^^ | Bluewolf: quote the paths | 10:33 |
geirha | Bluewolf: that "/Unix" looks out of place | 10:34 |
Marouane | Boxmein : Ok, I will give it a try, thank you :) | 10:34 |
geirha | though maybe start.exe requires it..? | 10:34 |
geirha | Bluewolf: And I think \\\\ is one layer too many. The Exec line is NOT passed to a shell, so you shouldn't need to escape the backslashes twice | 10:35 |
ren0v0 | hi, can someone tell me where LXD images are stored when you run "lxc publish" ? | 10:36 |
tlt | everything looks out of place, even, Bluewolf | 10:36 |
tlt | looks like a mess | 10:36 |
boxmein | geirha: yes, /unix is apparently part of start.exe | 10:36 |
tlt | you'd rather make a script called warcraft or something that does all that wine stuff | 10:37 |
tlt | and put that in your shortcut | 10:37 |
boxmein | ^ | 10:37 |
boxmein | would be a bit less ...compressed | 10:37 |
geirha | last time I installed something with wine, it created a desktop launcher for me | 10:37 |
geirha | a working one | 10:38 |
MindSpark | what are the linux-signed-generic packages? | 10:38 |
tlt | put what you would have wrote manually into a script, chmod +x it, and put that in your shortcut | 10:38 |
MindSpark | can I safely remove them all if I am using a kernel that has a common name? | 10:38 |
MonkeyDust | ren0v0 better ask in #lxcontainers | 10:41 |
MonkeyDust | MindSpark tip: if you're working on that level, test it in a VM, first | 10:46 |
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MindSpark | MonkeyDust, it's a pc... | 10:46 |
ren0v0 | MonkeyDust, its an ubuntu project | 10:47 |
ren0v0 | LXD that is | 10:47 |
MonkeyDust | ren0v0 i use lxc myself, lxd is the 'manager' for lxc | 10:48 |
Bluewolf | geirha: Well the program works, and thats cliking directly on the .exe. Yet even when I change the path to: Exec= /home/User/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Warcraft III/Warcraft III.exe | 10:51 |
Bluewolf | It sill does not work? | 10:51 |
Marouane | boxmein : so sakis3g worked, but it seems that the same problem persists after finishing using it (not like for you, the problem was solved) :/ | 10:51 |
geirha | Bluewolf: Yeah that's also wrong | 10:51 |
=== lahwran_ is now known as lahwran | ||
geirha | Bluewolf: try: Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/User/.wine" wine "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Warcraft III\\Warcraft III.exe" | 10:52 |
=== micalm_ is now known as micalm | ||
tlt | Bluewolf, you'd have to put wine in front of /home/User/ | 10:53 |
tlt | Exce= wine /home/User/ etc etc | 10:53 |
cm13g09 | GAH, fixed my issue - dodgy patch port..... | 10:53 |
Bluewolf | geirha: There was an error launching the application. | 10:54 |
Bluewolf | It did create a shortcut upon installation, but I deleted it. Silly me. | 10:54 |
Bluewolf | geirha: And like I say, the program runs...... | 10:54 |
boxmein | Marouane: I have a weird workaround, you could just use sakis3g for the future with an autorun script when the modem is plugged in | 10:54 |
tlt | Bluewolf, Exec = wine "/home/User|III.exe" | 10:55 |
Bluewolf | With the .exe | 10:55 |
boxmein | Marouane: but if that's crappy we can go the other route and try debugging the ubuntu stuff | 10:55 |
tlt | Bluewolf, with the full path of course | 10:55 |
CravateRouge | Hello, i search my video card but i found only "Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)" what's that mean? | 10:56 |
geirha | Bluewolf: Install it again, then ;P | 10:56 |
MonkeyDust | MindSpark yes, you can use a VM on your desktop | 10:56 |
Marouane | boxmein : if you have some time, it would be my pleasure to make some debug (and learn on the process) | 10:57 |
TijG | CravateRouge: what video card you think you have? it seems that the video card detected is the one inside your CPU | 10:57 |
Bluewolf | tlt: one sec.... | 10:57 |
MindSpark | MonkeyDust, yes, I think I might have not explained myself correctly. I am currently running out of space in the boot partition. So in order to upgrade to a new kernel, I need to remove/purge the old ones first | 10:57 |
Bluewolf | tlt: There was an error launching the application. | 10:57 |
MindSpark | I had a look at the installed packages and noticed there are some linux-signed-image packages, which I can't remember I've seen before | 10:58 |
CravateRouge | TijG: i thought it was an intel HD4000 | 10:58 |
MindSpark | so the question is, can these go too? or are they not related to what I am doing here? | 10:58 |
Bluewolf | geirha: Ah thats the long way around, but yeah I guess so | 10:58 |
tlt | as I said, make a script, Bluewolf , and test that it works first, then, make a shortcut that points to that script instead | 10:58 |
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tlt | Bluewolf, it's better to make shortcuts to things you know works, rather than a mess like that | 10:59 |
Bluewolf | tlt: The reinstall is looking optimistic....... | 11:00 |
Bluewolf | I'll give it all a go. Like I said, that mess has always worked before..... | 11:00 |
Bluewolf | Thanks for the help\ | 11:00 |
Bluewolf | geirha: And yours too :D | 11:01 |
TijG | CravateRouge: the Intel HD4000 is a GPU inside your CPU, so that detection is correct | 11:02 |
boxmein | Marouane: alrighty, I honestly have no idea how to fix this but let's see what I can figure out on the go :P | 11:03 |
ren0v0 | MonkeyDust, not sure what you're explaining there i know what it is, i'm saying its being developed/funded by ubuntu team :) | 11:03 |
tlt | wonder how the rest of those people's systems look | 11:03 |
tlt | what a mess | 11:03 |
ren0v0 | no? | 11:03 |
Marouane | boxmein : Ok :D | 11:03 |
ren0v0 | MonkeyDust, and if you use it, maybe you can give me a quick answer :) | 11:03 |
CravateRouge | TijG: if i want to be sure it's the Intel HD4000 and not another card, what should I do? | 11:05 |
boxmein | Marouane: hmm, can you try the advice in comment #7 here? | 11:06 |
boxmein | Marouane: if it works, let's go post to the forum thread too, so we get a permanent record for this :D | 11:06 |
MonkeyDust | ren0v0 no, i use lxc on a very basic level, guess you're even more skilled than i am | 11:06 |
TijG | CravateRouge: what does the command "lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga" do? | 11:08 |
ren0v0 | MonkeyDust, no not at all, i looked into LXD because i thought it would be easy to make images of containers etc | 11:08 |
ren0v0 | is this easily possible with LXC on its own ? | 11:08 |
CravateRouge | TijG: the same answer than the last | 11:09 |
pp | hey there. is it possible to directly upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04? | 11:09 |
TijG | CravateRouge: well.. I guess it's the correct one then :) | 11:09 |
CravateRouge | TijG: ok thanks :) | 11:10 |
MonkeyDust | ren0v0 my quick answer is: /j #lxcontainers | 11:11 |
ren0v0 | MonkeyDust, thats not an answer, i hate people who do that | 11:13 |
ren0v0 | why even reply to tell someone to go elsewhere :S | 11:13 |
MonkeyDust | ren0v0 that's giving direction on where/how to find better support | 11:14 |
MonkeyDust | it's a dedicated channel | 11:14 |
Warlock | What is going on | 11:15 |
bazhang | ren0v0, thats a pretty good re-direct, otherwise ask here every twenty to thirty minutes | 11:15 |
bazhang | ubuntu support Warlock | 11:15 |
ren0v0 | MonkeyDust, i'm already there, and as i said, LXD seems to be funded by ubuntu and this is more active | 11:15 |
ren0v0 | thanks though | 11:15 |
Warlock | Yeah | 11:15 |
Warlock | #ubuntu channel | 11:16 |
bazhang | Warlock, whats your support issue, if any | 11:16 |
Marouane | boxmein : Didn't work, I will try to delete all configured connections, reboot a see | 11:16 |
Warlock | None | 11:17 |
Warlock | What are you talking about | 11:17 |
bazhang | Warlock, this is ubuntu support as I said, for chit chat try #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:18 |
Warlock | No I am just trying to get involved in whatever is going on | 11:19 |
Warlock | Sorry for the confusion but I am on mobile and it is hard to scroll up | 11:19 |
Marouane | boxmein : no, didn't work even after reboot | 11:20 |
OpenSorce | Serious question, promise I'm not trolling: If I'm not using Unity, is Ubuntu still sending my data to canonical/amazon? | 11:30 |
cfhowlett | OpenSorce, no | 11:31 |
=== Warlock is now known as Bacon | ||
MonkeyDust | OpenSorce and tou can disable that in unity, if you like | 11:33 |
=== Bacon is now known as Guest99866 | ||
MonkeyDust | you* | 11:34 |
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=== Watlock is now known as Warlock | ||
OpenSorce | MonkeyDust, yeah. I knew that just making sure it wasn't something system-wide. bazhang just explained it in another channel though :-) | 11:34 |
MonkeyDust | great | 11:35 |
OpenSorce | MonkeyDust, I know it's a touchy subject but I couldn't find much definitive on it searching the web. | 11:35 |
OpenSorce | Anyway, thanks for addressing it :-) | 11:35 |
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tansy | Hi.. I need help in renaming the block devices in ubuntu | 11:47 |
tansy | 14.04 | 11:47 |
tansy | i wrote a udev rule | 11:47 |
tansy | ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{size}=="2118123520", KERNEL=="sd*" NAME="sda" | 11:47 |
tansy | but its not working | 11:48 |
tansy | can anyone suggest ? | 11:48 |
Shady | hey there | 11:49 |
Shady | anyone can help with Kdenlive 15.12? | 11:49 |
MonkeyDust | Shady ask, don't ask to ask | 11:50 |
tansy | Hi ubuntu experts.. | 11:50 |
tansy | anyone on udev rules.. | 11:50 |
tansy | is it possible to name /dev/sd* as per my rules ? | 11:51 |
cfhowlett | Shady, kdenlive has its own support. | 11:51 |
Shady | MonkeyDust, looking for the kdenlive 15.12 package for ubuntu 15.10 | 11:51 |
MonkeyDust | !info kdenlive | 11:51 |
clobrano | tansy: I guess that might create a conflict in names | 11:52 |
Shady | cfhowlett, the support on the website is not updated to the new release | 11:52 |
cfhowlett | !newest | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | !latest | 11:53 |
bazhang | bot is mia | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | so I see. | 11:53 |
clobrano | tansy: if /dev/sda is already used | 11:53 |
MonkeyDust | !mia | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | Shady, it takes time for packages to be integrated into the repos. be patient or compile from source | 11:53 |
tansy | Hi clobrano... i have 16 disks attached to system and on 1 of disk i have OS installed .. i need to name them consistently/. | 11:54 |
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
tansy | after reboot they should be consistent// | 11:54 |
Encrypt_ | Hello there o/ | 11:54 |
Encrypt_ | I have a big problem with my computer | 11:54 |
tansy | but sometimes after reboot the disk names are not consistent. | 11:54 |
clobrano | tansy: attached how? USB? | 11:54 |
Encrypt_ | I installed the updates yesterday, this morning it booted | 11:54 |
tansy | no physical disks attached to server.. | 11:55 |
* purno slaps purno around a bit with a large fishbot | 11:55 | |
Encrypt_ | But now, I'm unable to launch the X session | 11:55 |
Encrypt_ | I also don't have the network | 11:55 |
Shady | cfhowlett, thanks, any recommendation app to compile from the source? | 11:55 |
Encrypt_ | When I tried to startx, it showed: "xinit is not installed, try running apt-get install xinit" | 11:55 |
Encrypt_ | But xinit is actually installed, because trying to install it made apt say: "xinit is already up-to-date" | 11:56 |
clobrano | tansy: well, you could use other names in place of sd* | 11:56 |
tansy | clobrano : and how can i do that ? | 11:57 |
clobrano | tansy: but if the target is to mount all of them in the proper order, fstab configuration might be what you need to look for | 11:57 |
tansy | clobrano: no mounting is not the issue.. | 11:57 |
MonkeyDust | tansy start with a pastebin of sudo blkid | 11:57 |
tansy | i need the raw disk names to be consistent | 11:57 |
tansy | MonkeyDust.. blkid is only for filesystems or lvols.. not physical attached raw disks | 11:58 |
sudomarize | How can i "export PATH=/cwd:"{$PATH}"? | 11:59 |
sudomarize | where cwd is the current directory | 11:59 |
clobrano | tansy: the udev rule you copied before tries to change all entries to /dev/sda, which is wrong. At this link you could check composition rules to create a proper name for each of your disk | 11:59 |
tansy | clobrano.. i checked this link .. | 12:00 |
tansy | the rule i wrote | 12:00 |
tansy | ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{size}=="2118123520", KERNEL=="sd*" NAME="sda" | 12:00 |
tansy | the size of this disk is more as compared to other 14 attached disks.. | 12:00 |
tansy | on which my OS is installed.. | 12:00 |
tansy | so it should distinguish the disk | 12:00 |
tansy | if i use symlink in this line it works.. | 12:01 |
tansy | but the name="sda" is not working | 12:01 |
* predictor slaps predictor around a bit with a large fishbot | 12:01 | |
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clobrano | tansy: because sda is a fixed name, already used for other system disks | 12:01 |
sudomarize | anyone? | 12:01 |
MonkeyDust | predictor stop your bot | 12:01 |
predictor | no bot here | 12:02 |
tansy | clobrano.. if i try to use some unused name also.. like disk1 .. it is not woring. | 12:02 |
predictor | I am just trying to use irsii with sasl and it doesn't work on | 12:03 |
predictor | anyone with irsii+sasl experience around here? | 12:03 |
tansy | clobrano.. is there any way i ensure my naming is done before kernel naming of disks.. ?? | 12:04 |
Shady | Shady | 12:04 |
clobrano | tansy: could you please better explain the issue? I didn't get what is not working | 12:04 |
Shady | how to compile from source? | 12:04 |
clobrano | tansy: no, first is the kernel, then udev | 12:04 |
predictor | this works: connect -ssl 9999 | 12:04 |
lotuspsychje | predictor: ask in #irssi please | 12:04 |
MonkeyDust | or even in #freenode | 12:05 |
tansy | clobrano.. i have 15 disks attached on system and they got their names from /dev/sda to /dev/sdo.. but sometimes after reboot they shuffle and start pointing to another disk.. | 12:05 |
tansy | e.g earlier /dev/sde was the one on which my OS was installed.. but after reboot /dev/sdg start poingint to OS disk. | 12:06 |
tansy | how can i stop this thing ? | 12:06 |
MonkeyDust | predictor scroll down | 12:07 |
clobrano | tansy: ok, I think I got it, and this is weird | 12:07 |
safe_ | How do I automatically mount an external ntfs usb hdd? | 12:08 |
MonkeyDust | safe_ in /etc/fstab | 12:08 |
clobrano | tansy: have you tried configuring fstab? Basically you do not need that the dev names are always the same, but that the mount points are always the same for each disk | 12:08 |
tlt | tansy, mount and manage the disks by their UUIDs | 12:09 |
tlt | then you're free of such problems. | 12:09 |
* clobrano thinks tlt is right | 12:09 | |
tlt | just make sure to keep them unique | 12:09 |
tansy | clobrano.. the requirement is quite different here.. i wont be usinf fstab to mount these disks.. i would be creating a cluster of storage disks from these ones... | 12:09 |
tansy | i am not MOUNTING here guys | 12:10 |
tlt | which is easy as long as you don't explicitly double UUIDs, really | 12:10 |
tansy | so UUID wont be present | 12:10 |
tansy | i need to create ceph storage cluster from the raw disks.. | 12:10 |
tlt | but they still have UUIDs when unmounted? tansy | 12:10 |
tansy | so disk name consistency is needed .. by any means | 12:11 |
tansy | no.. tlt | 12:11 |
tansy | UUIDs are only for mounted partitions or lvols.. | 12:11 |
mrsam_ | hi...what is the LVM? | 12:11 |
MonkeyDust | mrsam_ lvm means logical volume manager | 12:12 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:12 |
mrsam_ | <MonkeyDust> tnx :) | 12:12 |
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wanglin | hello | 12:28 |
mcfdez87 | Hello. I have a directory with thounsadns of subdirectories. I'm trying to create a folder named thumnails inside if this subdirectories. I tried with for dir in */; do mkdir -- "avatar/thumbnails"; done, but not worked. Any suggestion please? | 12:31 |
boxmein | mcfdez87: what about this: for dir in */; do mkdir ${dir}avatar/thumbnails; done | 12:33 |
boxmein | mcfdez87: before that, you could do for dir in */; do echo ${dir}avatar/thumbnails; done | 12:34 |
boxmein | mcfdez87: to see if the dirs are correct | 12:34 |
boxmein | mcfdez87: also you might need mkdir -p | 12:34 |
Simon_NL | good afternoon. on relatives computer running xrandr shows two connected display but there,s is no vga connected is there a way to force system to not use or show using vga | 12:34 |
Simon_NL | I think vga card is broke | 12:34 |
Venker | hi people | 12:35 |
boxmein | Simon_NL: if you've got system settings up, use Displays and disable the VGA adapter's display | 12:35 |
MonkeyDust | Simon_NL arandr is a gui for xrandr, may be usful | 12:35 |
kadiro | Simon_NL, you have lvds only connected | 12:35 |
exivia12 | hola?= | 12:35 |
mcfdez87 | boxmein, your line worked | 12:36 |
Simon_NL | boxmein: doen't accept that switches of both shown displays | 12:36 |
Venker | On trusty LTS, I've tried to disable the "blink mouse pointer" when CTrl is pressed, but I don't find where the option is. Would someone help me, please? | 12:36 |
boxmein | Simon_NL: hmm | 12:36 |
Simon_NL | s/doen's/doesn't | 12:36 |
Simon_NL | kadiro: yes | 12:37 |
Venker | that candy effect is making my Virtualbox unusable :( | 12:37 |
MonkeyDust | Venker i use trusty... how did you even enable that option? | 12:37 |
Venker | MonkeyDust: I don't remember :-( | 12:38 |
kadiro | Simon_NL, IMHO from this link you pasted it look normal ( i could be wrong ) | 12:38 |
Simon_NL | connected vga monitor and that gave distorted image thats why i conclude card is broke | 12:38 |
kadiro | distorted? | 12:39 |
Venker | No option found in "mouse config" or even "compiz manager" | 12:39 |
Simon_NL | kadiro: it shows vga and lvds connected. | 12:39 |
Simon_NL | kadiro: very bad image | 12:39 |
kadiro | Simon_NL from this link? | 12:40 |
Simon_NL | arandr shows vga-0 and ldvs actief | 12:40 |
mcfdez87 | boxmein, Also I tried find */avatar -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t */avatar/thumbnails to move all files inside avatar directory (of all folders) to a thumbnails folder inside avatar, but some strange happed me | 12:41 |
Simon_NL | kadiro: VGA-0 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis), LVDS connected primary 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm | 12:42 |
kadiro | Simon_NL, yes but there is no actif display | 12:43 |
kadiro | for lvds the current one is 1024x768 59.9* | 12:43 |
Simon_NL | kadiro: there's no * | 12:43 |
kadiro | vga there is none | 12:43 |
Simon_NL | seen that | 12:43 |
kadiro | Simon_NL, If you adjust the display in lvds, same thing happen? | 12:44 |
lotuspsychje | Simon_NL: you sure you got the right graphics driver active too? sudo lshw -C video to check | 12:45 |
Simon_NL | kadiro: the problem is if I set resolution to highest cinnamon crashes and system goes in fallback | 12:45 |
lotuspsychje | Simon_NL: are you on mint? | 12:45 |
Venker | MonkeyDust: could be a special option in .gconf? | 12:46 |
Simon_NL | lotuspsychje: yes | 12:46 |
lotuspsychje | Venker: you could try dconf-editor or unity-tweak-tool perhaps? | 12:46 |
lotuspsychje | Simon_NL: we dont support mint here sorry, seek their oddicial chat | 12:46 |
lotuspsychje | official | 12:46 |
kadiro | Simon_NL, take a look in ~/.xsession-errors may be something is wrong there | 12:47 |
Simon_NL | friends in there told me to go here. that had the idea it was an ubuntu issue | 12:47 |
Simon_NL | s/that/they | 12:47 |
lotuspsychje | Simon_NL: if you install an official ubuntu version, we can help you here | 12:47 |
lotuspsychje | Simon_NL: check the versions from the topic | 12:48 |
Venker | lotuspsychje: I'm using gnome-panel desktop, will it work? | 12:48 |
Simon_NL | thanks lotuspsychje | 12:48 |
kadiro | Simon_NL, go back to mint channel i will try my best to help | 12:48 |
Simon_NL | kadiro see you there | 12:48 |
kadiro | ok | 12:48 |
lotuspsychje | Venker: are you on ubuntu-gnome or ubuntu desktop with unity? | 12:48 |
Simon_NL | thanks guys. | 12:49 |
mrsam_ | so hi all....which linux is stayble and goood for sever? | 12:49 |
lotuspsychje | !server | mrsam_ | 12:49 |
ubottu | mrsam_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: - Guide: - Support in #ubuntu-server | 12:49 |
mrsam_ | <lotuspsychje> i wanna to know centos is good or debian? | 12:50 |
Venker | lotuspsychje: apt-cache show gnome-panel | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | mrsam_: you joined an ubuntu support channel here, so we suggest ubuntu server | 12:50 |
k1l | mrsam_: ask in ##linux | 12:50 |
k1l | mrsam_: this is pure offtopic in here. | 12:50 |
mrsam_ | tnx | 12:50 |
cfhowlett | mrsam_, this is UBUNTU support. stay on topic please | 12:50 |
IIT | while installing ubuntu on a new uefi system what should i take care off ? | 12:50 |
mrsam_ | ok tnx | 12:51 |
IIT | right now booting in the usb shows Your installation CD-rom couldn't be mounted. | 12:51 |
lotuspsychje | IIT: dualboot or singleboot ubuntu? | 12:51 |
ntz_ | hello | 12:51 |
Venker | lotuspsychje: is a tweak to make the default desktop more similar to gnome 2.x | 12:51 |
IIT | lotuspsychje, dual boot | 12:51 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | IIT have a read :p | 12:51 |
ubottu | IIT have a read :p: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 12:51 |
ntz_ | I have weird problem - seems that apt-get is somewhat broken ... wherever I type ``apt-get update'' it never finishes the command but just hangs on waiting for repo - but every time waiting for different repo | 12:52 |
lotuspsychje | Venker: not sure what your talking about, your on gnome fallback perhaps? | 12:52 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: added ppa's of any kind? | 12:53 |
ntz_ | this is my repo list: # egrep -v ^#\|^$ /etc/apt/sources.list | _paste | 12:53 |
ntz_ | | 12:53 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: looks all official | 12:54 |
ntz_ | lotuspsychje: I have 14.04.02 LTS according to ect/os-release | 12:54 |
ntz_ | sorry 14.04.3 | 12:54 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: can you ask in #ubuntu-mirrors for known issues on your country | 12:54 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: you used sudo apt-get update right? | 12:55 |
ntz_ | it was doing that in friday also ... and again. I smell something broken because it just hangs every time on different repo which I can open in the browser even locally | 12:55 |
Venker | lotuspsychje, yes, it's gnome fallback. I found the right option with the dconf-editor, thanks | 12:55 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | Venker | 12:55 |
ubottu | Venker: Glad you made it! :-) | 12:55 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: main repos had issues few days ago but should by solved by now | 12:56 |
ntz_ | hmm ... I see now that I* have some things in sources.list.d but again, I can manually open those repos in browser | 12:57 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: ask in #ubuntu-mirrors please | 12:57 |
ntz_ | ok, thanks | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: maybe with a pastebin of errors on your sudo apt-get update | 12:58 |
IIT | lotuspsychje, okay :) in both uefi and legacy mode ubuntu is not getting installed | 12:59 |
ntz_ | lotuspsychje: ok | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | IIT: im not into dualboots very much sorry, for singleboot its more easy, disabled fastboot and secureboot | 13:00 |
IIT | lotuspsychje, can i create ubuntu sticks from linux itself ? if yes then using which software ? | 13:00 |
lotuspsychje | !usb | IIT | 13:00 |
ubottu | IIT: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 13:00 |
EriC^^ | IIT: what's the problem exactly? | 13:00 |
ntz_ | holy sh*** .... can I somehow tell to apt-get to show me verbosely on what url it's waiting now ??????? | 13:01 |
EriC^^ | ntz_: it does that by default | 13:01 |
IIT | EriC^^, it says CD-ROM couldn't be mounted | 13:02 |
IIT | i am installing ubuntu server btw.. | 13:02 |
EriC^^ | are you using a live usb? | 13:04 |
ntz_ | EriC^^: | 13:04 |
ntz_ | ^^ I don't see it there | 13:04 |
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IIT | EriC^^, yes | 13:06 |
mcfdez87 | Anyone can help me please? I'm tryint to move all files from one subdirectory to a subdirectory of the subdirectory. I tried with "find */avatar/ -type f -exec mv -t */avatar/thumbnails/ {} +", , but not get results | 13:06 |
IIT | now using unetbootin to create the usb stick | 13:06 |
silidan1 | how can i tell which harddrive is attached to which sata port in ubuntu? | 13:07 |
ntz_ | silidan1: hwinfo --disk | 13:08 |
borel | hello | 13:08 |
w9qbj | IIT, Ibuild a ubuntu thumb drive by; booted a usb 'live ubuntu' then iserted a 2nd thumb drive and installng to that 'disk'. Works for me. | 13:08 |
ntz_ | silidan1: ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/ | 13:08 |
ntz_ | ^^ or parse filenames | 13:09 |
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Encrypt_ | Hello again! | 13:10 |
Encrypt_ | I ahve a problem with my Uubntu computer | 13:10 |
Encrypt_ | Wow, typign too fast (<.<) | 13:10 |
Encrypt_ | So, the X server doesn't start, running startx does nothing (it mentions to install xinit) | 13:11 |
IIT | w9qbj, EriC^^ lotuspsychje this is the exact error i am getting while installing " your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. This probably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. If so you can inset it and try again. | 13:11 |
Encrypt_ | xinit IS installed however | 13:11 |
Encrypt_ | Trying to reinstall it makes apt show that the latest update is already installed | 13:12 |
ioria | IIT | 13:12 |
k1l | dont run startx | 13:12 |
Encrypt_ | After I had a look at the logs, apparently is missing | 13:12 |
IIT | ioria, yes exacly same thing happening with me.. | 13:12 |
Encrypt_ | So, I guess it's a library problem | 13:13 |
k1l | Encrypt_: what ubuntu is it exactly? what desktop? what errormessages do you get when booting? where does booting stop? | 13:13 |
ioria | IIT i see | 13:13 |
Encrypt_ | I clearly have no idea why that suddenly got removed | 13:13 |
k1l | Encrypt_: what did you do before that problem came up | 13:13 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 13:13 |
Encrypt_ | Desktop: Unity | 13:13 |
ioria | IIT have you tried with a cd ? | 13:13 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I purged linphone | 13:13 |
Encrypt_ | And installed ayte-client | 13:13 |
Encrypt_ | yate-client* from a PPA | 13:14 |
Encrypt_ | Installing yate-client worked but when I tried to purge linphone, it failed, saying that the volume was read-only | 13:14 |
silidan1 | ntz_: but it only reports scsi controller number, is that the same as sata port? | 13:14 |
Encrypt_ | dpkg got interrupted and I had to run it with the option -a if I remember correctly to fix it | 13:14 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Here is the yate I installed: | 13:15 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Should I try to manually copy from my liveUSB? | 13:16 |
k1l | Encrypt_: see in the /var/log/apt/history logs what got removed and in the term logs what errors were produced then | 13:18 |
ntz_ | silidan1: | 13:18 |
Encrypt_ | Ok | 13:18 |
ntz_ | ^^ check it ... sda & sdb here are pure scsi, sdc and sdd are sata | 13:18 |
silidan1 | ntz_: yes this is the output, but im getting an error with ata5: blabla , and id like to know which device is connected to ata5 ? | 13:19 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I had a look | 13:21 |
Encrypt_ | There is nothing worth in it | 13:21 |
Encrypt_ | The real problem, I guess, is my filesystem goign read-only | 13:21 |
k1l | see dmesg what is happening there | 13:21 |
ntz_ | how do I print using apt what all repos it will attempt to contact ? | 13:28 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I have a lot of lines saying: | 13:28 |
llutz | ntz_: apt-cache policy | 13:28 |
Encrypt_ | init: cups main process terminated with status 127 | 13:28 |
Encrypt_ | init: modemmanager main process terminated with status 127 | 13:29 |
Encrypt_ | init: network-manager main process terminated with status 127 | 13:29 |
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ntz_ | llutz: thanks, that seems doing that | 13:29 |
cfhowlett | ntz_, more /etc/apt/sources.list sources.txt | 13:29 |
=== Zesty__ is now known as Zesty_ | ||
ntz_ | cfhowlett: using apt !!!! | 13:29 |
k1l | Encrypt_: pastebin full log. | 13:29 |
gabiroom35 | salut tout le monde! | 13:29 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I guess the problem is really this missing library | 13:29 |
Encrypt_ | I'll try then :/ | 13:30 |
Encrypt_ | I have no network, etc | 13:30 |
Encrypt_ | I'll manually mount a usb key | 13:30 |
Encrypt_ | And paste is on pastebin | 13:30 |
ntz_ | llutz: do you please see there anything what might cause that `apt-get update' never finishes ? | 13:30 |
ntz_ | I don't find (yet) any way to tell to apt-get to show me verbosely where exactly it stucks | 13:31 |
JulianJr | Hello mates..I get this issue everytime I try to add a package | 13:31 |
ntz_ | llutz: eg here | 13:31 |
JulianJr | Can anyone help? | 13:31 |
k1l | JulianJr: run "sudo apt-get update" | 13:31 |
IIT | are there another way of installing ubuntu-server other than usb stick ? | 13:32 |
rory | JulianJr: What command are you running that produces that output? | 13:32 |
cfhowlett | !install | IIT | 13:32 |
ubottu | IIT: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 13:32 |
k1l | IIT: pxe, mini.iso, dvd,... | 13:33 |
llutz | ntz_: no real idea, you might try: apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update | 13:33 |
IIT | pxe can be interesting and a new thing to learn.. | 13:34 |
rory | JulianJr: Can you also please share what version of Ubuntu you're running? (You can check with cat /etc/issue ) | 13:34 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: | 13:35 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Have a look at line 1003 | 13:35 |
k1l | Encrypt_: says "mount" that the partitions are "ro"? | 13:38 |
gabiroom | hello | 13:41 |
gabiroom | #francais | 13:41 |
gabiroom35 | there a some people here? | 13:42 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Nope | 13:42 |
gabiroom35 | k | 13:42 |
k1l | !fr | gabiroom35 gabiroom | 13:42 |
ubottu | gabiroom35 gabiroom: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 13:42 |
gabiroom35 | thx | 13:42 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I guess I should try to reinstall the libxshmfence library | 13:43 |
k1l | Encrypt_: never heard of that libxshmfence | 13:43 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: | 13:44 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I'll dpkg -i that: | 13:44 |
cristian_c | hello | 13:46 |
nix__ | hey, does dropbox running in the backround all the time drain battery life? | 13:46 |
cristian_c | after installing closed fglrx drivers from additional drivers in 15.04, syslog is no updated anymore | 13:47 |
cristian_c | dmesg is empty too, in /var/log | 13:47 |
cristian_c | I've uninstalled fglrx but nothing has changed | 13:48 |
cristian_c | Any ideas? | 13:48 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: what kind of graphics card? | 13:48 |
ioria | !info libxshmfence1 | 13:48 |
ubottu | libxshmfence1 (source: libxshmfence): X shared memory fences - shared library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (wily), package size 5 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any) | 13:48 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: hd 5470 | 13:49 |
silidan1 | problem solved: reason sata connector loose on dvd-drive | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: tried the radeon driver? | 13:49 |
silidan1 | ntz_: problem solved: reason sata connector loose on dvd-drive | 13:50 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: yeah, as described before, I've uninstalled fglrx | 13:50 |
silidan1 | ntz_: thanks so far | 13:50 |
mrsam_ | how can i remote gui other ubuntu? | 13:50 |
ntz_ | omg .,,.. this is so retarded distro .... | 13:51 |
silidan1 | mrsam_: you could use ssh with x forwarding... | 13:51 |
mrsam_ | i want a program looklike teamviewer | 13:52 |
JulianJr | Rory: Actually, I'm not running Ubuntu here mate. I'm using Tails and since I noticed a few Ubuntu users were having the same issue before, I thought to ask | 13:52 |
silidan1 | mrsam_: or look for remote xserver... | 13:52 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: there was also a system crash during reboot after driver installation | 13:52 |
silidan1 | mrsam_: realvnc...maybe | 13:53 |
nix__ | JulianJr: Tails only works via a live disk right? | 13:53 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: wich ubuntu version? | 13:53 |
mrsam_ | <silidan1>tnx | 13:53 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: do you mean environment? | 13:53 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: version and flavor sure | 13:54 |
silidan1 | mrsam_: so far i only used x forwarding for linux machines and vnc server on windows machine with vinagre vnc client on ubuntu... | 13:54 |
JulianJr | nix__: Yes | 13:54 |
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cristian_c | lotuspsychje: as described before, 15.10. And lxde | 13:55 |
akik | JulianJr: there's no support for tails os here | 13:55 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: tried radeon driver on LTS version? | 13:55 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: why this question? O.o | 13:55 |
JulianJr | nix__: I know, but many Ubuntu users faced that issue before | 13:56 |
k1l | JulianJr: please ask the tails guys how to fix that. | 13:56 |
silidan1 | mrsam_: did you checkout | 13:56 |
cristian_c | I don't understand I'm asked to try another release, in my case | 13:56 |
cristian_c | *why | 13:57 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Problem unsolved, apparently it doesn't recognize my graphics card | 13:57 |
Encrypt_ | I really don't know why (T.T) | 13:57 |
Encrypt_ | It worked this morning | 13:57 |
MilchbauerSepp | hi | 13:58 |
curlyears | greetings..had a horrible time find9ng you folks. The web based IRC client I am using could locate freenode | 13:59 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: sometimes its handy to know if other ubuntu versions occur the same problem, to know why its hapening, troubleshoot | 13:59 |
curlyears | couldn't | 13:59 |
MilchbauerSepp | hello I'm Milchbauer Sepp and need to get work done | 14:00 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears simply | 14:00 |
=== ubik_ is now known as Guest75021 | ||
curlyears | in any case, I am in trouble, running on my LTS 14.04 Live CD )-: | 14:00 |
MonkeyDust | MilchbauerSepp let's hear it, in one line | 14:00 |
=== MaggiKari is now known as Bakwan | ||
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: t's a strange request because there isn't this issue in 15.10, out-of-the-box | 14:00 |
JulianJr | k1l: thanks! | 14:01 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: as described before, issue has occurred after fglrx installation | 14:01 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: but before this work, syslog was logged | 14:02 |
curlyears | In any case: I was ru ning along nicely the other day, when I got an update notice from Canonical. It was for release 16.57. Didn't think about it muxch, just installed it, to my woe. | 14:04 |
curlyears | crashed my system so it cannot boot. | 14:04 |
curlyears | tried the boot-repair thingie on the net, made things even worse. (deleted grub 2 from the system) )-: | 14:05 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: remove fglrx | 14:05 |
monona | My external hard drive is not showing up. How do I check or mount it? | 14:06 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears version 16.57 of what program? | 14:06 |
lotuspsychje | !mount | monokrome | 14:06 |
ubottu | monokrome: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also | 14:06 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: as decribed before, i've already removed fglrx, and nothing has changed | 14:06 |
lotuspsychje | monona: ^^ | 14:06 |
cristian_c | *described | 14:06 |
Encrypt_ | Ok, I'm giving up | 14:06 |
curlyears | so, now I need to backup all my personal stuff so I can re-install. XCan't get Live CD version to recognize my 8GB USB thuhmb )- | 14:06 |
Encrypt_ | I'll install debian | 14:07 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: recoverymode/fix broken packages to the rescue | 14:07 |
monona | lotuspsychje: It shows up in lsusb, but I'm not sure what path to use with mount. How do I check that? | 14:07 |
curlyears | MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 14:07 |
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k1l | Encrypt_: there is still something missing on details. a install doesnt just remove libs out of the blue. so what did you do before the crash? | 14:07 |
IIT | it seems server installation is broke :( for usb sticks | 14:08 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: ok, maybe I could find broken packages by typing dpkg -l | 14:08 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears so you're have troubles installing 14.04, or is it something more specific? | 14:08 |
k1l | Encrypt_: please shot the dpkg and apt logs in a pastebin | 14:08 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: I installed the updates yesterday... | 14:08 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: but I must read the dpkg doc better, to find the proper option | 14:09 |
curlyears | MonkeyDust: I already have LTS 14.04 installed. I was updating it to release 16.057 which crashed it. | 14:09 |
curlyears | I know how to recover (reinstall) but I have thousands of 3D .stl file I need to bavkup first, and I can't figurer out how | 14:10 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears ok, but release 16.057 of what exactly? | 14:11 |
curlyears | \MonkeyDust: LTS 16.04. | 14:11 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears ah, ok, i have it in a vm, 16.04 support in #ubuntu+1 | 14:12 |
curlyears | it had a new linux image in itl. | 14:12 |
Pici | curlyears: why did you upgrade to 16.04? | 14:12 |
curlyears | thanks, Monkey dust | 14:12 |
curlyears | no, I upgraded to 16.57 | 14:12 |
xangua | There is no Ubuntu 16.57 | 14:13 |
Pici | curlyears: There is no such thing as Ubuntu 16.57. Ubuntu release number denote the YEAR.MONTH of release. | 14:13 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears there's no such thing as ubuntu 16.57 | 14:13 |
lizihao | hello | 14:13 |
lizihao | hello | 14:14 |
MonkeyDust | lizihao it works, we see you | 14:14 |
curlyears | xangua: 14.04 RELEASE 16.57 | 14:14 |
Warlock | The latest Ubuntu is 15 | 14:14 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: dpkg.log : | 14:14 |
lizihao | see your too | 14:14 |
Warlock | And the most stable and popular is 14.06 LTS | 14:14 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: history.log : | 14:15 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears "14.04 release 16.57"? what do you mean by that? | 14:15 |
curlyears | Warlock: well, I rely on Canonnical's atuo-update system. | 14:15 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: term.log : | 14:15 |
ren0v0 | hi, can someone tell me where LXD images are stored when you run "lxc publish" ? | 14:16 |
curlyears | Canonical releases periodic updates, sometime, once a day, sometimes once a week. that is what the 16,57 is about | 14:16 |
OerHeks | oh, daily version of 16.04 alfa ... | 14:17 |
k1l | curlyears: that doesnt make sense. is it a daily iso build? | 14:17 |
bazhang | canonical wont auto update that | 14:17 |
OerHeks | | 14:17 |
OerHeks | this one? | 14:17 |
bazhang | nor will it send a notice | 14:17 |
k1l | curlyears: oh, you are running the 16.04 not-even-alpha release? | 14:17 |
curlyears | k1| no, i s a daily update. it replaces specific files with updated versions | 14:18 |
akik | where can i read more about the 16.57 ? | 14:18 |
chatter_boX | how do i mount a volume from the terminal ? | 14:18 |
llutz | chatter_boX: sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/point | 14:18 |
curlyears | \akik Canonical's website, I imagine\ | 14:18 |
k1l | curlyears: can you link a webpage about this? i am not sure i (we) understand what you are talking about exactly | 14:18 |
Encrypt_ | k1l: Strange, right? | 14:18 |
curlyears | thanks for trying, folks | 14:19 |
akik | curlyears: does some package reference 16.57 or where do you get that number? | 14:19 |
chatter_boX | llutz, thnx | 14:19 |
akik | well that was weird | 14:20 |
k1l | Encrypt_: ok, so the yate thing broke stuff. but i am not sure what | 14:20 |
Encrypt_ | Ok :( | 14:21 |
Encrypt_ | I'm going out | 14:23 |
Encrypt_ | Thanks k1l, I'll try to figure out what has gone wrong later | 14:23 |
Encrypt_ | See you o/ | 14:23 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: I've executed fix broken packages from recovery mode, but issue is not solved | 14:24 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: any other ideas? | 14:24 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: check sudo lshw -C video whats behind driver? | 14:24 |
MonkeyDust | cristian_c this fixes packages too, i picked it up in this channel ... save as 'fixpackaes', make executable and then run sh ./fixpackes ... | 14:26 |
MonkeyDust | typos* | 14:26 |
tansy | Hi Guys.. anyone has idea if we can really rename disk devices /dev/sda to /dev/sdb ? | 14:27 |
tansy | i am still stuck in this .. | 14:27 |
evergreen | Hi, Brightness after each off monitor or reset system set to maximum value please help me | 14:27 |
llutz | tansy: why would you want that? use UUIDs or labels | 14:28 |
tansy | uuids are not present for raw disk.. I have 15 raw disks attached to server.. | 14:28 |
tansy | on 1 disk OS is installed.. say /dev/sde | 14:28 |
tansy | but it changes sometimes agter reboot.. | 14:29 |
tansy | is there anyway i can have persistent disk names ? | 14:31 |
MonkeyDust | tansy there's also #ubuntu-server | 14:31 |
tansy | ok thanks MonkeyDust.. | 14:32 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: | 14:36 |
TJ- | tansy the way to do that is use the /dev/disk/by-*/ symlinks... but you've gone so you'll never know | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: unclaimed= no driver active | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: means also radeon not installed or syslog holds errors preventing radeon to load | 14:37 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: when pasting text from pastebin, newlines are missing | 14:41 |
cristian_c | so I must insert them | 14:42 |
MonkeyDust | cristian_c really? not here. paste the text in leafpad | 14:43 |
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alexge50 | hi | 14:44 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: additional drivers said xorg-server radeon was in use, before fixijg broken packages from recovery mode, now additional drivers doesn't show any drivers anymore! :O | 14:44 |
alexge50 | i need some help w/ nvidia's driver | 14:44 |
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cristian_c | MonkeyDust: yeah, tried in leafpad and gedit, it doesn't a text editor issue | 14:45 |
cristian_c | but I insert newlines, btw | 14:45 |
lotuspsychje | !details | alexge50 | 14:45 |
ubottu | alexge50: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 14:45 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: check your syslog, to see whats failing radeon driver to load | 14:46 |
alexge50 | ubottu: i waited for someone to respond me. I installed the proprietary drivers, but after boot(fsck, inti, everything) i have to wait a bit(10 - 15min) because the screen is black and printed a white dash. I have this problem for a while, every distribution i had. I have ubuntu 15.10 and the gpu is gt520m | 14:48 |
ubottu | alexge50: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:48 |
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alexge50 | i waited for someone to respond me. I installed the proprietary drivers, but after boot(fsck, inti, everything) i have to wait a bit(10 - 15min) because the screen is black and printed a white dash. I have this problem for a while, every distribution i had. I have ubuntu 15.10 and the gpu is gt520m | 14:49 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: have you installed nvidia-prime? | 14:49 |
alexge50 | <lotuspsychje>: what is it?? | 14:50 |
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Exagone313 | Hi, I installed Ubuntu Minimal then the packages plasma-desktop and sddm, and I am expecting to start directly with a gui, but I get a tty. What can I do? Thanks for your help. | 14:50 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: your card has optimus technology, so need the packages nvidia-prime | 14:50 |
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lotuspsychje | !info nvidia-prime | alexge50 | 14:50 |
ubottu | alexge50: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (wily), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 14:50 |
somsip | Exagone313: I found some sort of simple login manager was needed to avoid needing to startx | 14:50 |
Exagone313 | sddm in not that? | 14:51 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: do you know wich driver version is active? | 14:51 |
Exagone313 | oh maybe not | 14:51 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje>: i know, 352 | 14:51 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: try a lower nvidia version + nvidia-prime | 14:52 |
MonkeyDust | alexge50 type lo and then hit tab, to autocomplete the nickname | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: after that, enable performance mode in nvidia-settings | 14:52 |
lotuspsychje | Exagone313: any reason you dont install regular kubuntu desktop? | 14:53 |
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Exagone313 | yes, I want something minimal | 14:54 |
Exagone313 | I just want to test KDE with some settings, it's not to use | 14:54 |
startag | what' this | 14:54 |
startag | who can tell me what' this | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | Exagone313: you can install kubuntu and strip how you wish afterwards? minimal is bit expert tuning | 14:54 |
Exagone313 | it's a VM | 14:54 |
startag | ? | 14:54 |
Exagone313 | I want to keep it minimal | 14:54 |
startag | what are you talking about | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | startag: ubuntu support channel | 14:54 |
cfhowlett | startag, this is ubuntu support. ask your ubuntu questions | 14:54 |
startag | oh ,tks | 14:55 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: how to run nvidia -prime in terminal?? | 14:55 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: sudo apt-get install nvidia-prime | 14:55 |
startag | how to download movie in thunder | 14:55 |
lotuspsychje | !warez | startag | 14:55 |
ubottu | startag: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 14:55 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: i have it | 14:55 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: ok try another nvidia version now, 340 or 346 perhaps? | 14:56 |
somsip | Exagone313: how heavy is KDM? | 14:56 |
studentttu | over 9000 | 14:56 |
Exagone313 | kdm no longer exists I think | 14:56 |
Exagone313 | it was replaces by sddm | 14:56 |
Exagone313 | apparently | 14:56 |
cfhowlett | !behelpful | studentttu | 14:56 |
ubottu | studentttu: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 14:56 |
somsip | Exagone313: ah - ok. I'm using SliM which was is a bit old nowadays too. Small though | 14:57 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: I set lower version. if i type "nvidia-prime" in terminal, it says that doesn't exits. I have installed nvidia-prime | 14:58 |
Exagone313 | anyway, I don't care to what session manager I use, but what is expecting to launch it? sddm service is started and still ctrl alt f7 shows nothing, tried to reboot | 14:58 |
Exagone313 | wanted to not use lightdm | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: you dont need to run nvidia-prime, start nvidia-settings from your dash to enable performance mode | 14:58 |
Exagone313 | wait I didn't installed X | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | Exagone313: maybe talk to the #kubuntu guys? | 14:59 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: done that | 14:59 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: ok whats your drivers version now? | 14:59 |
ntz_ | uaaaaaaaaa | 14:59 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: your question is very strange, as described also at the beginning, syslog is not updated anymore after fglrx installation | 14:59 |
ntz_ | ubuntu hates me | 14:59 |
lotuspsychje | ntz_: focus on the issue | 15:00 |
Exagone313 | it's ok now it works | 15:00 |
somsip | Exagone313: job done then | 15:00 |
ntz_ | how do you manage services in this wtf distro please ? chkconfig ain't available .... not systemctl here | 15:00 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: 340.96 | 15:00 |
Exagone313 | I tried to run startx and I saw that x wasn't installed so I did | 15:00 |
lotuspsychje | alexge50: rebooted? | 15:00 |
Exagone313 | I thought it was a dependence to plasma-desktop or sddm, but no | 15:00 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: i will reboot now to see if it worked. thanks for help | 15:01 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: if notthing works anymore= reinstall clean or try LTS | 15:02 |
cfhowlett | clean install LTS | 15:02 |
ntz_ | omg, what the heck should I do that ubu won't start X and won't autologin user ?????? | 15:03 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: if i was you, i would test 14.04.3 and see if radeon loads properly on your card | 15:03 |
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lotuspsychje | ntz_: better ask your issue all clear in one line to channel every time so we can follow | 15:03 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: ok, I've fixed the text file putting newlines (I noticed that when I've pasted, newlines were put casually between some lines, but not at the end of lines O.o), I've given execute permission to the script, and I've launched it | 15:03 |
trubert9 | I'd like to install llvm-3.5.2 on my ubuntu trusy 14.04 machine. However, only 3.5 is packaged: | 15:04 |
ntz_ | if I do ``echo manual > /etc/init/lightdm.override'' it doesn't start X but it still autologins user via: share 1450 1420 17 15:57 ? 00:01:07 Xvfb :20 -auth /home/share/.Xauthority -nolisten tcp -noreset -screen 0 1600x1200x24 | 15:04 |
trubert9 | How can I install llvm 3.5.2 on my trust machine? | 15:04 |
somsip | !ppa | trubert9 (either use a PPA or compile it yourself, both of which are unsupported) | 15:04 |
ubottu | trubert9 (either use a PPA or compile it yourself, both of which are unsupported): A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 15:04 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: if I do that, then how would it be useful next? | 15:04 |
ntz_ | lotuspsychje: I want to troubleshoot my problem by setting runlevel 3 as a default here in ubu but it doesn't work | 15:04 |
morrwin_ | So I've installed Ubuntu 15.10 on an ahci ssd, everything runs perfect. But when I add my other 2x ntfs hdds where I had windows installed, Ubuntu won't boot from ssd, even tho it's selected as main boot. | 15:05 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: if it worked in 14.04.3 lts, as expected, and as it worked in 15.04 too, how would it be useful to solve this issue? | 15:05 |
lotuspsychje | !runlevel | ntz_ | 15:05 |
ubottu | ntz_: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 15:05 |
trubert9 | somsip: do you know of a specific ppa that packages llvm 3.5.2 ? | 15:05 |
cristian_c | (reason why syslog is not updated anymore) | 15:06 |
somsip | trubert9: a search link was on the last response from the bot | 15:06 |
alexge50 | lotuspsychje: thank you very much. It worked, now i don't have to wait that much... | 15:06 |
trubert9 | somsip: thanks. | 15:06 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | alexge50 | 15:06 |
ubottu | alexge50: Glad you made it! :-) | 15:06 |
ntz_ | lotuspsychje: all sane init system replacements still emulates for legacy purposes old init except of ubuntu .... | 15:06 |
ntz_ | so is there a way that user "share" won't autologin ???? | 15:06 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: keep in mind that LTS is more stable | 15:07 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: if something doesnt work properly in latest, file a new bug | 15:07 |
lotuspsychje | !bug | cristian_c | 15:07 |
ubottu | cristian_c: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 15:07 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: | 15:08 |
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lotuspsychje | morrwin_: define 'add' hd's? | 15:10 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: ok, I could tryto reproduce, installing 15.04 again and installing then fglrx, in order to know if there is really a bug | 15:10 |
morrwin_ | lotuspsychje, plug the hdds to power and connect them to MB. Checked bios so ubuntu ssd is the only bootable option. | 15:11 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: did 15.04 not work on radeon? | 15:11 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: but 15.04 has more updated repositories, btw | 15:11 |
Ghost_r00t | what TCP congestion driver ubuntu uses? westwood+ or cubic or reno ....? | 15:11 |
lotuspsychje | morrwin_: you cant dualboot by just adding hd's later, you need to install ubuntu dualboot way | 15:12 |
lotuspsychje | !dualboot | morrwin_ | 15:12 |
ubottu | morrwin_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 15:12 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: as described more times, syslog is updated, out-of-the-box with radeon drivers | 15:12 |
TJ- | ntz_: is the user a member of the 'nopasswdlogin' group? | 15:12 |
extFAT | Does the Startup Disk Creator have EFI support? | 15:12 |
morrwin_ | lotuspsychje, I don't want to dual boot tho. I just want to use the new installed ubuntu from ssd, but with ssd selected as boot it doesn't boot when the hdd's are added. It just stays at a black screen witha cursor | 15:12 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: as described before, issue appeared after fglrx installation, and uninstalling the driver has not fixed the issue | 15:12 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: file a bug as described before... | 15:13 |
extFAT | Nevermind, it does. | 15:13 |
lotuspsychje | morrwin_: install ubuntu on the ssd, with all hd's already inside, not plugged in afterwards | 15:14 |
lotuspsychje | morrwin_: i presume their sata hd's? | 15:14 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: ok, after executing MonkeyDust fixpacoages script, additional drivers comes back to show closed drivrrs in additional drivers window | 15:15 |
TJ- | morrwin_: The PC firmware has a bug if that is happening. | 15:15 |
morrwin_ | lotuspsychje, hm is that the issue? Can I run a ubuntu repair now so I don't have to reinstall ubuntu? | 15:15 |
morrwin_ | yeaha sata | 15:15 |
TJ- | morrwin_: is the PC using UEFI firmware? | 15:15 |
cristian_c | ' X server in use' | 15:15 |
morrwin_ | Yes, but the ubuntu install wasn't on uefi, but regular legacy | 15:15 |
morrwin_ | regular from usb, didn't choose uefi usb | 15:15 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: to confirm it, I should reproduce the issue, btw | 15:16 |
TJ- | morrwin_: right, but if there's an EFI system partition on those NTFS disks the firmware may still be 'seeing' it and trying to do something clever | 15:16 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: file a bug as described before | 15:17 |
morrwin_ | TJ-, Aha so I should do an uefi ubuntu. Can I add it to the curent installed ubuntu? | 15:17 |
morrwin_ | Or do I need to reinstall it full? | 15:17 |
Ghost_r00t | ??? | 15:17 |
lotuspsychje | Ghost_r00t: can we help you? | 15:17 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: without confirmation? | 15:18 |
lotuspsychje | morrwin_: i would do a full reinstall with all hd's inside | 15:18 |
Ghost_r00t | what TCP congestion driver ubuntu uses? westwood+ or cubic or reno ....? | 15:18 |
fabio | Guys, if i type localhost:8080 i see the page that im developing but if i use the local ip address ( it doesnt work. What am i missing? | 15:18 |
lotuspsychje | fabio: maybe a question for the ##networking guys? | 15:18 |
TJ- | morrwin_: I don't think you should need to change the Ubuntu side to be UEFI but it may well help, if you put an EFI System Partition on the SSD | 15:18 |
altair | Hello, I'm having boot errors in 15.10, also the boot requires so long time. Can someone help me with it? | 15:19 |
fabio | lotuspsychje, well, im using ubuntu. maybe its something that i forgot to do | 15:19 |
ioria | fabio /etc/hosts | 15:19 |
w9qbj | fabio, sounds like a http server configuration | 15:19 |
lotuspsychje | altair: can you press F1 to see boot errors? | 15:19 |
altair | while booting? | 15:19 |
fabio | ioria, what i should do there? | 15:20 |
ioria | fabio your ip | 15:20 |
fabio | ioria, but i want to access it from other local machine too | 15:20 |
altair | I already know which they are because I copied them on paper while booting | 15:20 |
ioria | fabio windows ? | 15:20 |
fabio | w9qbj, well yes but its on my virtual machine | 15:20 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: after reboot, unclaimed is disappeared | 15:21 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: have I to paste the output in pastebin? | 15:21 |
fabio | ioria, huh? | 15:22 |
lotuspsychje | altair: share to us please | 15:22 |
altair | these | 15:24 |
altair | I know it's a known bug, I tried using recommended repair with boot-repair but it didn't help | 15:24 |
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nicomachus | altair: I just joined in here, what's the issue? You're getting this error while booting? | 15:24 |
altair | yes | 15:25 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: apart from the bug report, how could I make again syslog logged in 15.04? | 15:25 |
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wh0is | /join #archlinux | 15:26 |
altair | nicomachus: also the boot needs so much time | 15:26 |
nicomachus | altair: can you get to a TTY? (Alt+F1)? | 15:26 |
IIT | i have intalled windows, now when installing i can't select lvm over left over free space instead it chooses entire disk and setup LVM | 15:27 |
altair | I'm using the chat from this computer, I'd have to use something else to chat | 15:27 |
IIT | so how to setup LVM on free space available ? | 15:28 |
nicomachus | altair: ok so you did get it booted? | 15:29 |
altair | yes | 15:29 |
nicomachus | altair: ok, can you show me the output of 'uname -a', 'lsb_release -a', and 'lspci | grep VGA'? | 15:30 |
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altair | nicomachus: | 15:34 |
IronicBadger | anyone here can help me with dpkg ? | 15:35 |
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IronicBadger | libfuse2:amd64 conflicts with fuse (<< 2.9.4-1ubuntu1) | 15:36 |
IronicBadger | fuse (version 2.9.2-4ubuntu4.14.04.1) is present and installed. | 15:36 |
IronicBadger | i have grabbed libfuse2 (the wily version) to install on trusty and just want to upgrade (replace) the 2.9.2 package | 15:36 |
virtuaposta | IIT what windows you installed? is it 10? | 15:36 |
nicomachus | altair: ok, yea it's definitely looking like that kernel bug. You were able to log in, so have you found a workable workaround? | 15:36 |
k1l | IronicBadger: dont mix releases | 15:37 |
IIT | virtuaposta, yes | 15:37 |
k1l | IronicBadger: either compile it yourself or see if there is a PPA that already made sure the depencies match | 15:37 |
IronicBadger | k1l: i'm not mixing releases anymore than i have too | 15:37 |
IronicBadger | compile it myself? | 15:37 |
IronicBadger | why? | 15:37 |
k1l | IronicBadger: "i dont mix, but i do"?? | 15:37 |
IronicBadger | i'm mixing one package | 15:37 |
IronicBadger | ok 3 | 15:37 |
virtuaposta | log in to windows, go to control panel settings and disable secure-boot, do disable it from BIOS as well, it will display install alongside once disabled from windows-10 and BIOS | 15:38 |
jelly | IronicBadger: at the very least you need to match both packages coming from the same source package | 15:38 |
k1l | there you go. dont mix | 15:38 |
altair | nicomachus: no, it boots regularly since the install, I found the error because I was tired to wait so long for boot to finish so I wanted to know what was happening | 15:38 |
IIT | virtuaposta, okay :) | 15:38 |
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IronicBadger | i'm not 100% sure what i'm doing | 15:39 |
nicomachus | altair: ok, well it looks like the kernel folks are aware, and are working on (or already have) a fix. so you may just wait for that. in the meantime you can try 'apt-get dist-upgrade' to make sure you have the most recent version of the 4.2 kernel. I do think there is a more recent one than the one you're showing currently. | 15:39 |
altair | nicomachus: ok, I'll try the update now | 15:40 |
naftilos76 | Hi everyone, i want to resize or rather shrink my LVM setup (logical volume) from 100G to 20G. . I am really confused with all the tools out there. I can only access through a terminal. Can anybody guide me through? | 15:41 |
altair | nicomachus: I found the updates, hope this will fix the errors, thank you | 15:42 |
nicomachus | altair: hopefully that'll do it. good luck. | 15:42 |
virtuaposta | naftilos76, | 15:43 |
virtuaposta | naftilos76, also "backup" before you go | 15:44 |
naftilos76 | virtuaposta, i do not mind if the entire data is lost. I am experimenting. Can shrinking be done on the fly? | 15:46 |
naftilos76 | LVM is supposed to do all these things while lvs are mounted | 15:47 |
nicomachus | naftilos76: what do you mean by "on the fly"? | 15:47 |
naftilos76 | while mounted | 15:48 |
nicomachus | no. you cannot resize any partitions while they are mounted. | 15:48 |
nicomachus | you will need to use a live USB | 15:48 |
virtuaposta | naftilos76, for shrinking you need to unmount it, you can extend on fly but cant shrink | 15:48 |
naftilos76 | i can see many links suggesting that you can extend | 15:48 |
naftilos76 | ok then we are seeing the same thing. Shrinking needs unmounting. | 15:49 |
naftilos76 | ok thanks | 15:49 |
IIT | what's the difference between diff kernels like linux-generic, linux-virtual, linux-signed ? | 15:51 |
virtuaposta | IIT is short, differs only in number of included drivers, more details can be collected from askubuntu | 15:52 |
IIT | virtuaposta, yeah searching askubuntu but not many answer are visible.. | 15:53 |
IIT | while installing it ask's me to select the kernel of my choice and i have no idea which one to select.. | 15:53 |
virtuaposta | go for generic if its for personal usages as that will take care of most of the stuffs | 15:54 |
IIT | it's for home server | 15:54 |
IIT | headless server | 15:54 |
IIT | where i will host my vm's | 15:54 |
teward | IIT: generic will do what you need | 15:54 |
virtuaposta | I will be suggesting generic then, still ask to other folks, they might be having better explanations | 15:54 |
IIT | also why is it asking to select vivid kernel evne when i am installing 12.04.3 ? | 15:54 |
IIT | linux-generic-lts-vivid | 15:55 |
Pici | IIT: Its a backported kernel image. | 15:56 |
Pici | IIT: More info here: | 15:57 |
IIT | that means LTS will use kernel from vivid | 15:57 |
IIT | i.e. vivid-lts kernel.. | 15:57 |
Pici | IIT: It is an long-term support release of the kernel from vivid (which itself is not an LTS release) | 15:58 |
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IIT | Pici, got the point.. | 16:01 |
IIT | Pici, my repos will also be of vivid ? | 16:02 |
Pici | IIT: nope | 16:02 |
IIT | because right now apt-get update fails stating failed to fetch, Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. | 16:02 |
IIT | internet is working on this box | 16:02 |
IIT | it seems there are no sources in /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:03 |
Pici | IIT: Thats weird, that error makes it sound like the apt-cdrom line wasn't commented out in your sources.list file, which is supposed to happen automatically | 16:05 |
IIT | yes it's not commented out.. | 16:05 |
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IIT | and in that file i have only that single line.. | 16:05 |
Macsurf | I have problem with compile of module for wifi usb card, I compiled all modules from rt2x00 directory but after compiled I don`t see k73usb.ko module :( | 16:05 |
IIT | i should add this repos ? | 16:06 |
Pici | IIT: this is a new install? from CD? or? | 16:06 |
IIT | new install for usb disk | 16:06 |
IIT | s/disk/stick | 16:06 |
Pici | IIT: This should be a stock 12.04 sources.list file from one of my servers: | 16:10 |
IIT | replacing precise with trusty | 16:11 |
Pici | IIT: I thought you said 12.04? | 16:12 |
Pici | IIT: 12.04 = precise, 14.04 = trusty | 16:12 |
IIT | my bad it's 14.04 | 16:12 |
IIT | 14.04.3 | 16:12 |
Pici | IIT: yeah, then replacing precise with trusty should be just fine | 16:14 |
IIT | Pici, all setup :) | 16:19 |
boka | hi | 16:21 |
EriC^^ | hello | 16:22 |
IronicBadger | i am trying to find out which version of fuse i am running, how would i do that please? | 16:22 |
EriC^^ | IronicBadger: apt-cache policy fuse | 16:22 |
IronicBadger | EriC^^: thanks | 16:23 |
IronicBadger | 2.9.2 | 16:23 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 16:23 |
IronicBadger | EriC^^: i'm going round in circles. been staring at my screen for too long maybe... | 16:24 |
IronicBadger | | 16:24 |
IronicBadger | i have compiled libfuse2 from source but when i try to install i get the following error | 16:25 |
cristian_c | the server has disconnected me | 16:25 |
IronicBadger | and i cannot figure out how to get past it! | 16:25 |
cristian_c | Has anyone answerer to me? | 16:25 |
cristian_c | *answered | 16:25 |
EriC^^ | IronicBadger: it's cause it uses dpkg to check what's installed, why are you installing mhddfs not from the repos ( if it's there? ) | 16:25 |
IronicBadger | EriC^^: becuase i need a specially patched version | 16:26 |
IronicBadger | see here | 16:26 |
EriC^^ | IronicBadger: can you tell it where to look for libfuse maybe? | 16:26 |
EriC^^ | where did you install libfuse to? /usr/local? | 16:26 |
IronicBadger | i ran make install | 16:26 |
IronicBadger | | 16:27 |
IronicBadger | EriC^^: it said 'libraries installed to /usr/local/lib/` | 16:27 |
EriC^^ | IronicBadger: cd to the dir and type fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage | 16:30 |
IronicBadger | tried that | 16:30 |
IronicBadger | i'm using fpm or somethign tnow | 16:30 |
EriC^^ | ( to where you extracted the git stuff ) | 16:30 |
EriC^^ | fpm? | 16:31 |
EriC^^ | you mean rpm? | 16:31 |
IronicBadger | no | 16:31 |
IronicBadger | | 16:31 |
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EriC^^ | what happened when you ran the fakeroot command? | 16:31 |
IronicBadger | not muich | 16:31 |
IronicBadger | errors | 16:31 |
IronicBadger | while ago now | 16:32 |
IronicBadger | sorry! | 16:32 |
mbeierl | Running Ubuntu Studio 14.04.3. I have wifi problem where about every 20 seconds, ping to router climbs to over 500ms, then returns to ~1 ms after 5 seconds. This happens with two different wifi adapters that I have tried, and is unique to the Ubuntu installation. Nothing in dmesg or syslog at the time. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot? | 16:33 |
ambijat | hi there | 16:34 |
userfw | Hi | 16:34 |
mbeierl | Actually, one more piece of info: irq/17-ehci_hcd climbs in CPU usage at the time of delays. | 16:34 |
ambijat | I had been conservative fan of Fedora, first time using Ubuntu | 16:35 |
userfw | Do you like unity desktop? | 16:35 |
ambijat | seems cool | 16:35 |
ambijat | but I used to push harder with some tricks in fedora that seem to be lacking here | 16:36 |
h1tl3r | hello all | 16:36 |
k1l | ambijat: what is the exact issue? | 16:37 |
bodom | mbeierl: you could try playing with iwconfig settings, i would start by setting up a fixed reasonably low rate (like 11M), fixed max twpower. If that does not work, then sens/retry may do, but trying to tune them usually just worsens your problem. Any mistake will be washed by a reboot (or by NetworkManager, so maybe you want to stop it before starting tests). | 16:38 |
ambijat | nothing great, but I would love xfce arrangment of things sometimes | 16:38 |
k1l | ambijat: ubuntu ships xfce. you can use that | 16:39 |
ambijat | well I would do yum install @xfce | 16:39 |
ambijat | how to do that in command line in ubuntu | 16:40 |
k1l | ambijat: ubuntu doesnt use yum or .rpm. it uses .deb and "apt". | 16:40 |
mbeierl | bodom: k, thanks. Will look at iwconfig | 16:40 |
ambijat | what would be the full command then | 16:40 |
k1l | ambijat: "sudo apt install xfce" or "sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop" for the whole xubunut package will all standard apps | 16:40 |
k1l | !apt | ambijat | 16:40 |
ubottu | ambijat: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE) | 16:40 |
addiks | hi, is there an easy way to go back to firefox-42? (14.04 here) | 16:41 |
ambijat | one more thing | 16:41 |
k1l | addiks: there is no going back since it lacks the security updates. | 16:41 |
ambijat | what about fusion free non-free are there any equivalent repo | 16:41 |
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k1l | ambijat: ubuntu doesnt seperate free and nonfree. what do you expect in fusion repo? | 16:42 |
bodom | mbeierl: also have a look at the router's settings, if you can, and try replacing "auto" settings with reasonable manual ones (write down the old values of the ones you change). | 16:42 |
mbeierl | bodom: thing is, no other wifi connection has this problem. Macbooks and iDevices all seem good | 16:43 |
mbeierl | bodom: I have played with the router's settings a lot already. | 16:43 |
k1l | ambijat: there is the partner repo for software not allowed to be shipped in regular repos. | 16:44 |
k1l | !partner | 16:44 |
ubottu | Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner" » | 16:44 |
bodom | mbeierl: mhhh... let's assume router is ok then. Which chipset is your current wifi adapter and which chipset was the other one giving you the same problem? | 16:44 |
k1l | ambijat: but drivers from nvidia and such are shipped in regular repos already | 16:45 |
ambijat | ok thanks I shall check it | 16:45 |
mbeierl | bodom: both on UbuntuStudio show the same problem. Here is the one I am currently using: NetGear, Inc. WNA1100 Wireless-N 150 [Atheros AR9271] | 16:46 |
bodom | ambijat: if you install xubuntu-desktop, at first login I suggest you to choose "xubuntu" instead of "xfce" for your session: it wlll give you a better default desktop. For next logins you can choose any. it no longer matters. | 16:46 |
ambijat | ok, is there is some compromise in user experience between ubuntu nd xubuntu | 16:48 |
mbeierl | bodom: random thought here. This is the lowlatency kernel. Going to give the generic a shot for a quick test. Be back in 5 minutes. | 16:49 |
k1l | ambijat: some compromise? choose what you like. there is no one limiting your experience just for fun. everybode got a differen taste and usecase. so use what you like | 16:50 |
ambijat | sure indeed | 16:51 |
bodom | mbeierl: most common brands often share the same chipsets. There seem to be no known issues with the one you are using, but better check the old one wasn't built with the same chipset: it could just be a compatibility problem. | 16:52 |
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TheNumb | o/ | 17:03 |
Eising | Hello. I've been trying to google around for a smart solution to the problem where one's /boot partition gets filled up by old kernels, and suddenly at some point autoupgrades stop working. I know it's handled by apt-get autoremove, but that does not run automatically. Does anyone have any thoughts on the smart solution? | 17:05 |
mbeierl | bodom: no difference in the kernel. | 17:06 |
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BluesKaj | Eising, yeah run autoclean once a week | 17:07 |
BluesKaj | and autoremove | 17:08 |
Eising | BluesKaj: autoclean? | 17:08 |
daftykins | Eising: no solutions beyond having a sensibly sized /boot to begin with, or not having a separate /boot at all imo | 17:08 |
Eising | daftykins: yeah, somehow I apparently forgot to think when I was setting up this system | 17:08 |
zykotick9 | BluesKaj: ahh, are you sure autoclean/autoremove would even touch the kernels? | 17:09 |
BluesKaj | a separate / and /home is alll that's needed nowadays | 17:09 |
Eising | zykotick9: autoremove does. I can confirm | 17:09 |
daftykins | Eising: it's definitely a serious problem though, i see it very regularly in here | 17:09 |
Eising | daftykins: yeah, it's not the first time I've run in to it either | 17:09 |
BluesKaj | zykotick9, it does for me | 17:09 |
daftykins | zykotick9: seems to only be from 14.04 for autoremove | 17:09 |
zykotick9 | daftykins: interesting. | 17:10 |
Eising | so a cronjob with apt-get -f autoremove && apt-get -f autoclean? | 17:10 |
BluesKaj | no -f needed | 17:10 |
nicomachus | there is an odd bug where apparently upgrading the system results in existing kernels in /boot being marked as manually installed, so autoremove doesn't catch them. | 17:10 |
Eising | err -y | 17:10 |
Eising | not -f | 17:10 |
andreas | hi | 17:10 |
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w0jtas1 | hello is it possible to install 16.04 already for tests? i have liblouisutdml-bin package missing when trying to install | 17:11 |
daftykins | w0jtas1: #ubuntu+1 please. | 17:11 |
nicomachus | even with the proper rules for autoremove set in /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal | 17:11 |
w0jtas1 | thanks | 17:11 |
BluesKaj | wolf_mozart, using the daily image ? | 17:11 |
BluesKaj | oops w0jtas1^ | 17:12 |
w0jtas1 | BluesKaj: nope, netinst | 17:12 |
BluesKaj | w0jtas1, best to use the daily for dev OSs | 17:12 |
w0jtas1 | i have fully automated dev env which rely deeply on netinst :/ | 17:13 |
w0jtas1 | i will wait for now then, nvmd | 17:13 |
BluesKaj | well, downloading th eimage and putting on a stick with dd can't be so difficult | 17:14 |
OerHeks | Yes. | 17:14 |
* BluesKaj shrugs | 17:14 | |
OerHeks | most of the times it is the windows antivirus that makes troubled during creation of an usb device. | 17:15 |
willvarfar | I am on an old laptop with ubuntu utopic on it! I cannot get at any repos to upgrade. I don't have any removable media I can flash or anything. How can I upgrade, or reinstall, a newer ubuntu? I can't even apt-get install update-manager, as the utopic repos have disappeared etc :( | 17:32 |
nicomachus | !EOL | willvarfar | 17:32 |
ubottu | willvarfar: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 17:32 |
nicomachus | willvarfar: that second link will show you how to upgrade to 15.10. | 17:33 |
willvarfar | thx | 17:33 |
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willvarfar | nicomachus: is working a charm :) | 17:37 |
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tony_ | hi! | 17:37 |
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ReverseDatApp | i tried updating to 15.04 and my computer shat lol | 17:38 |
ReverseDatApp | im sticking to 14.04 | 17:38 |
ReverseDatApp | LTS | 17:38 |
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fluffypork | Hi, can anyone help me with installation? I'm stuck at "creating ext4 filesystem". I checkd my disk twise - it's ok. | 17:47 |
fluffypork | Also I got error "the driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes" | 17:47 |
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fluffypork | Arch linux setup fine | 17:48 |
Warlord | Excuse you | 17:57 |
hansraj7 | would someone please point me to site/article where i can learn to set up multiple monitors via multiple video cards | 18:02 |
hansraj7 | e.g. i have two video cards and wan to enable 4 monitors (2 per video cards) | 18:02 |
hansraj7 | i am on 14.04 | 18:03 |
nicomachus | hansraj7: are the cards the same? | 18:03 |
hansraj7 | no | 18:03 |
hansraj7 | 1 is gti 750 and another is gtx 950 | 18:03 |
nicomachus | hansraj7: well at least they're both nvidia. this may help: | 18:04 |
hansraj7 | thank you i will check it out | 18:05 |
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transhuman | hi can anyone tell me how I paste information into crontab it uses crontab -e to put things in there and it appears not to use the standard clipboard | 18:11 |
docmur | I follow this guide: to get pptp setup on a small server, now when I try to connect from my andrroid phone I get: has anyone seen this? I've tried turning ppp on, on my phone | 18:12 |
nicomachus | ....what do you mean it doesn't use the standard clipboard, transhuman? | 18:12 |
transhuman | nicomachus, I copy paste into clipboard and it doesnt update into crontab I think it must not use clipboard but must have some keysequence for accessing clipboard | 18:18 |
transhuman | I just dont know what key sequence that is | 18:19 |
nicomachus | transhuman: crontab -e opens up a text editor, either ed, nano, or vim. it usually asks you which one to use. which did you select? | 18:21 |
malprxctice | Anybody facing random hang ups in 15.10? | 18:21 |
nicomachus | malprxctice: how will a poll help you? | 18:22 |
transhuman | actually it doesnt ask or should say it didnt ask. Can get it ask again some how perhaps with dpkg-reconfigure? | 18:22 |
aib | I'm using network-manager, where is dnsmasq configuration stored? | 18:22 |
nicomachus | transhuman: can you right click and paste? | 18:24 |
nicomachus | aib: what version of ubuntu? | 18:26 |
w9qbj | transhuman, what editor are you using | 18:28 |
nicomachus | w9qbj: he doesn't know, apparently. | 18:29 |
xjug | /window close | 18:29 |
w9qbj | nicomachus, transhuman The default editor is /usr/bin/editor - on my 14.04 that is Nano. a bit confuising to use. It can be changed to vim or emacs. | 18:31 |
nicomachus | except nano has the key shortcuts listed at the bottom of the terminal, so he hsould just be able to look if that's the case. | 18:32 |
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klabibunder | Hi | 18:34 |
nicomachus | hi klabibunder | 18:34 |
w9qbj | nicomachus, I know, but Ctl-X exits without saving - but it does ask. Somehow I use emacs, but can't find the environment var that I used for that. It's somewhere in my configuration. | 18:34 |
akik | EDITOR is used to change the crontab editor | 18:35 |
akik | transhuman: there's is no automatic paste into "crontab -e". it just opens your crontab in and editor. just paste text as you would normally | 18:35 |
w9qbj | akik, EDITOR or VISUAL, are two of the places, but I don't have them in ENV or SET. Mine works so I don't have to worry about it any more. | 18:36 |
zykotick9 | transhuman: try "select-editor" to reconfigure "crontab -e"'s editor of choice <- i ran crontab -e for the first time and see this message. | 18:37 |
nicomachus | akik: I think he's trying to ctrl+v, which won't work in any editor I'm aware of except gedit. but should be able to right-click and paste. regardless, he hasn't replied to anything in about 15 mins so I give up. | 18:37 |
malprxctice | nicomachus, I am not sure that would help. Generally facing issue when copying files from External HDD and the likes | 18:37 |
ioria | ctrl+Shift+v | 18:38 |
lorenzo522 | hello | 18:43 |
lorenzo522 | hello | 18:44 |
zykotick9 | lorenzo522: we see you... | 18:44 |
teward | lorenzo522: it helps to ask an actual question | 18:48 |
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akik | shift+insert is another paste variant in kde, or ctrl+shift+v when in konsole (terminal) | 18:49 |
eelstrebor | i tried the "backspace security flaw" but didn't get the results this article says - | 18:50 |
zykotick9 | akik: fyi, shift+insert (or middle mouse click) is Xorg's paste | 18:50 |
PashaMe | Hello eveyrone! | 18:50 |
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malprxctice | How do I change the home directory of current and only user? usermod -d gives me systemd using this user. | 18:51 |
fluffypork | Well still no luck. Still have driver descriptor error | 18:51 |
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akik | malprxctice: usermod doesn't seem to work while the user is logged in. you can change the directory name in /etc/passwd | 18:55 |
malprxctice | akik, and that will work after I login or effective immediately | 18:56 |
akik | malprxctice: a new login is needed | 18:56 |
akik | systemd seems to be prohibiting it, even on 14.04.3 | 18:58 |
docmur | I follow this guide: to get pptp setup on a small server, now when I try to connect from my andrroid phone I get: has anyone seen this? I've tried turning ppp on, on my phone | 19:00 |
Jeeves_Moss | do I only need snmp for an end point if I'm not running a server? | 19:02 |
akik | Jeeves_Moss: snmp is used to monitor devices | 19:04 |
transhuman | what file does crontab -e represent what file does it open? | 19:07 |
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trism | eelstrebor: it is already patched: | 19:08 |
akik | transhuman: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$USER | 19:10 |
transhuman | thanks | 19:10 |
transhuman | seems like getting anything into chrontab (besides typing it in is a pain in the but going to try and append the info into the bottom of the file | 19:11 |
akik | no, it's not a pain. your editor is broken | 19:12 |
transhuman | I wish i could reconfigure it to use gedit . any idea how to do that | 19:12 |
TheNumb | EDITOR=gedit crontab -e | 19:12 |
TheNumb | ftfy | 19:13 |
transhuman | thanks TheNumb | 19:13 |
TheNumb | yw transhuman | 19:13 |
reveredge | hey | 19:14 |
reveredge | can anyone suggest some free web control panel to install in ubuntu server | 19:15 |
lotuspsychje | reveredge: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys know something? | 19:15 |
TheNumb | reveredge: cockpit | 19:15 |
reveredge | TheNumb, thanks for suggestion, have u used it? | 19:15 |
TheNumb | reveredge: I have. | 19:16 |
TheNumb | It's fancy | 19:16 |
TheNumb | :) | 19:16 |
TheNumb | reveredge: keep in mind that it's only available from an unofficial repository. | 19:16 |
TheNumb | It's not a part of ubuntu archive (yet) | 19:16 |
TheNumb | reveredge: other choices would be webmin, virtualmin... ;) | 19:17 |
TheNumb | reveredge: there are lots of those | 19:17 |
reveredge | TheNumb, but it is server administaation instead of ftp, email, apache server management | 19:17 |
TheNumb | hmm | 19:17 |
TheNumb | reveredge: should've mentioned that ;p | 19:18 |
reveredge | TheNumb, I meant for latter purpose. sorry if I couldn't make myself cler | 19:18 |
TheNumb | reveredge: check out ispconfig | 19:18 |
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TheNumb | | 19:19 |
nicomachus | !ot | reveredge TheNumb | 19:19 |
ubottu | reveredge TheNumb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:19 |
TheNumb | nicomachus: how's that ot? | 19:19 |
nicomachus | software recommendations don't really belong here | 19:19 |
TheNumb | hmm | 19:19 |
TheNumb | true | 19:20 |
reveredge | nicomachus, yeah got it | 19:21 |
reveredge | TheNumb, thanks | 19:21 |
TheNumb | reveredge: yw | 19:22 |
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PETSounds | Hi. In Ubuntu, playing 4K video uses high CPU (80%). I tried with MPV --vo=vaapi. Do i miss something? | 19:31 |
nicomachus | PETSounds: what kind of graphics setup do you have? | 19:31 |
PETSounds | nicomachus: Intel HD520 | 19:32 |
nicomachus | PETSounds: yea... 4k is going to definitely use a lot of your CPU then. no way around it. | 19:33 |
nicomachus | unless you have a dedicated graphics card that can handle 4k video, it's going to put a lot of stress on your CPU. | 19:34 |
lotuspsychje | PETSounds: vlc or mplayer doing any better? | 19:35 |
PETSounds | nicomachus: but according to it supports 4K | 19:35 |
nicomachus | well sure it does. but it takes a lot of processing power to do it. | 19:36 |
nicomachus | about 80%, apparently. | 19:36 |
PETSounds | lotuspsychje: when playing the video with VLC with GL output, it took 100% of the cpu power. | 19:36 |
aesthetic256 | hello, I am getting a IP for my 'DNS' servers, what's the best way to trace where this is coming from (within a large organization) | 19:39 |
cristian_c | the server has disconncted me | 19:40 |
cristian_c | has anyone answered to me? | 19:40 |
PETSounds | what i did here is connecting the laptop to a TV, but really watching 4K video quickly drains the battery. I suppose something like Hardware Acceleration will ease the CPU task. Is it possible that i don't have HW rendering enabled? | 19:40 |
PETSounds | I tried with Windows that comes preinstalled with the laptop, and it only took 30%-35% of CPU power. | 19:41 |
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capitanocrunch | hello everybody from /me | 19:43 |
lotuspsychje | aesthetic256: maybe the ##networking guys can assist you? | 19:43 |
nicomachus | cristian_c: what was your issue? | 19:44 |
nicolas_ | Hi I have a problem with my partitions on an ubuntu 15.10 install. When I was installing, I made a home directory partition of about 200 gb, and a / partition of 10gbs. Now data from my home partition seems to be filling /, and my system is reporting low disk space | 19:44 |
cristian_c | nicomachus: I don't know why my syslog stopped logg9ng | 19:44 |
cristian_c | *logging | 19:44 |
cristian_c | nicolas_: type: sudo fdisk -l && sudo parted -l && df -h | 19:46 |
cristian_c | !paste | nicolas_ | 19:46 |
ubottu | nicolas_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:46 |
lotuspsychje | Reventlov: awake? | 19:48 |
nicolas_ | cristian, how should I show you the results? | 19:49 |
cristian_c | !paste | nicolas_ | 19:49 |
nicomachus | nicolas_: paste at and link that here | 19:50 |
TheWarlord | ye | 19:51 |
daftykins | aesthetic256: packet sniff and look at where the DHCP offer came from | 19:51 |
nicolas_ | | 19:52 |
daftykins | PETSounds: i'd be willing to bet your chosen player can't make use of your skylake chip's hardware decode yet | 19:53 |
cristian_c | /dev/sda5 14G 13G 0 100% / | 19:53 |
cristian_c | nicolas_: cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit | 19:54 |
nicomachus | gotta install pastebinit first | 19:55 |
nicolas_ | | 19:56 |
cristian_c | nicolas_: about my question/issue, any ideas? | 19:56 |
doebi | "The locale requested by LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 isn't available here." #onlyinubuntu | 19:56 |
cristian_c | nicolas_: it's the previous paste/link | 19:56 |
nicolas_ | sorry: | 19:57 |
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w9qbj | nicolas_, sounds like your home ( cd ~ ) is not on /home. try "cd ; df ./" and see what file system is actually being used. I had that problem on an old Fedora install. | 19:58 |
cristian_c | nicolas_: ls -l / | pastebinit | 19:58 |
PETSounds | daftykins: Hi. Do you think there is library/package/firmware or anything that will enable HW rendering properly in Ubuntu Wily? or Skylake support is still immature in Linux? | 19:58 |
MonkeyDust | nicolas_ what's the output of env|grep HOME | 19:59 |
daftykins | PETSounds: is the only thing you're trying to achieve, to reduce power consumption of a laptop playing 4K content on a TV? | 19:59 |
nicolas_ | ls -l : | 19:59 |
nicolas_ | env | grep HOME is HOME=/home/nicolas | 20:00 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: your script, as told today has fixed driver manager (after reboot), but dmssg is empty yet, and syslog is disabled yet | 20:00 |
MonkeyDust | cristian_c awesome, glad it works! | 20:01 |
nicolas_ | cd ; df ./ is | 20:01 |
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cristian_c | nicolas_: sorry, I thought ls -l showed also directory usage too, but I was wrong, my bad, sorry! | 20:02 |
cristian_c | :( | 20:02 |
cristian_c | *shown | 20:02 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: unf9rtunately, it doesn't solve 'the issue' :( | 20:03 |
ioria | nicolas_, my i ask you why you set the boot flag on swap ? (primary linux-swap(v1) boot) | 20:03 |
ioria | *may | 20:04 |
PETSounds | daftykins: Due to the high CPU usage, the fan going full blast in Ubuntu but not in Windows. So i'm looking if there is possible solution to make playing 4K video in Ubuntu smoother. | 20:04 |
nicolas_ | uhh that seems bad. I probably messed up when I was using the graphical ubuntu installer | 20:04 |
ioria | nicolas_, i see | 20:04 |
cristian_c | !info du | 20:05 |
ubottu | Package du does not exist in wily | 20:05 |
TheNumb | cristian_c: it should be a port of coreutils | 20:06 |
TheNumb | afair | 20:06 |
cristian_c | thanks | 20:06 |
TheNumb | s/port/part/ | 20:07 |
* TheNumb a bit tipsy | 20:07 | |
cristian_c | btw, ioria is right: 1 1049kB 8193MB 8191MB primary linux-swap(v1) boot | 20:07 |
ioria | cristian_c, have you tried to purge rsyslog package and reinstall ? (i have never done that) | 20:08 |
nicolas_ | It seems like ubuntu thinks my home partition is just part of /, even though there is a 200gb partition labeled /home | 20:08 |
nicolas_ | Should I merge / and home or something? | 20:08 |
MonkeyDust | nicolas_ what's the output of env|grep HOME | 20:08 |
cristian_c | ioria: already tried yesterday | 20:08 |
ioria | cristian_c, ok | 20:09 |
nicolas_ | HOME=/home/nicolas | 20:09 |
MonkeyDust | nicolas_ and of lsblk (use pastebin) | 20:09 |
cristian_c | ioria: sincerely, I've tried only 'reinstall' from synaptic, not purge+instalp | 20:09 |
daftykins | PETSounds: what player are you using? | 20:09 |
ioria | cristian_c, no, the config files persist... | 20:10 |
nicolas_ | lsblk : | 20:10 |
nicomachus | mpd, daftykins | 20:10 |
nicomachus | mpv* | 20:10 |
khxc | inm | 20:10 |
khxc | fffff | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
khxc | ff | 20:10 |
khxc | f | 20:10 |
TheNumb | khxc: no spam plox | 20:11 |
PETSounds | daftykins: the MPV and VLC, i set vaapi as its video output. | 20:11 |
daftykins | PETSounds: i'm unaware of the status of full hardware decode for skylake of HEVC content. | 20:11 |
daftykins | i'd be willing to bet it's not in whatever OS and kernel you're using | 20:11 |
MonkeyDust | nicolas_ sda1-4 are primary disks, sda5 and above are logical ... maybe that's something... | 20:11 |
cristian_c | ioria: ok, I'll give a try | 20:11 |
nicolas_ | Oh I did not know. | 20:12 |
nicolas_ | I didn't put home on 6 on purpose | 20:12 |
MonkeyDust | nicolas_ what i'm saying, it's odd that swap is primary and / is logical | 20:12 |
nicolas_ | Yeah that seems bad. Is backup + reinstall the best move then? | 20:13 |
khxc | hhu | 20:13 |
khxc | hu | 20:13 |
khxc | u | 20:13 |
khxc | g | 20:13 |
khxc | gwtf | 20:13 |
khxc | wtf | 20:13 |
nicomachus | !ops | khxc | 20:13 |
ubottu | khxc: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 20:13 |
krabador | nicolas_, the most secure move. | 20:14 |
ioria | nicolas_, 200 g for home is a lot compare to 10 g to / .... | 20:14 |
jessica | allo | 20:14 |
=== jessica is now known as Guest30586 | ||
nicolas_ | I don't usually put much on / .. | 20:15 |
ioria | nicolas_, alll the installed apps are on / , not on home | 20:16 |
cristian_c | 13 gb used in /, 13 gb used in /home, curious | 20:17 |
stevendale__ | o.o | 20:17 |
nicomachus | cristian_c: 'ls -la /' and 'ls -la /home', then compare the two. | 20:18 |
ioria | nicolas_, home is for your private data and preferences | 20:18 |
PETSounds | daftykins: probably the driver quality is still poor compare to the one in Windows. hopefully support for Skylake will be better in the next release | 20:18 |
cristian_c | nicomachus: ok, but , as seen before, ls -l does not show 'directory space usage' | 20:19 |
lotuspsychje | PETSounds: wich driver and ubuntu version si this | 20:19 |
cristian_c | to compare | 20:19 |
akik | nicolas_: you said that files you put into /home don't end up in sda6 but your lsblk shows the big partition mounted at /home | 20:19 |
nicomachus | don't need space usage, cristian_c, just wondering if the same files are in both somehow. | 20:19 |
nicolas_ | Yes, that is what I'm asking about | 20:20 |
cristian_c | it's not possible (same files in both partition), unless they are copies | 20:20 |
PETSounds | lotuspsychje: i have the latest driver installed from and i am on Kubuntu WIly | 20:20 |
lotuspsychje | PETSounds: have you tried this on LTS? | 20:21 |
daftykins | PETSounds: look it up! | 20:21 |
cristian_c | uhm find either locate commands can help to verify that | 20:21 |
daftykins | lotuspsychje: it'll be even worse, skylake is too new :) | 20:21 |
lotuspsychje | daftykins: and trusty on higher kernel would that work? | 20:22 |
PETSounds | yes on Trusty it is worse | 20:22 |
Reventlov | lotuspsychje: yup | 20:22 |
akik | nicolas_: do you see the separate /home mount in "mount | grep home" ? | 20:22 |
lotuspsychje | Reventlov: have you been able to fix your 920m issue yet? | 20:22 |
Reventlov | lotuspsychje: it's the uefi that's the issue | 20:23 |
simthr | Hey guys, I have an issue with my touchpad. I feel it is too sensitive. When i press on the touchpad to click on a link, i often miss because the cursor moves off it. Anyone knows how i can fix this? Thank you | 20:23 |
PETSounds | i have tried the Xenial kernel with not so much (if any) gain | 20:23 |
Reventlov | it's not my computer, so I lost the physical access to it, but this is like 95% uefi | 20:23 |
lotuspsychje | Reventlov: how have you fixxed? | 20:23 |
Reventlov | well, not fixed. The only solution would be the uefi downgrade. | 20:23 |
daftykins | lotuspsychje: no it's not in any release yet i'd bet | 20:23 |
lotuspsychje | Reventlov: ok tnx was for feedback that i ask | 20:23 |
nicolas_ | no, it just says /dev/sda6 on /home | 20:23 |
nicolas_ | ext4 | 20:24 |
lotuspsychje | PETSounds: xenial on 4.2 or 4.3? | 20:24 |
Reventlov | and since it's not my hardware, I won't downgrade it. | 20:24 |
lotuspsychje | Reventlov: ok tnx for info | 20:24 |
PETSounds | lotuspsychje: 4.3 | 20:24 |
akik | nicolas_: ok so it's mounted as it should. that's the separate mount line as it wouldn't show up if /home resided on / partition | 20:25 |
xebra | hi, I know that for OS-level virtualization I should probably use lxc, but what about a more general virtualization (to run another OS, etc)? I can't understand the difference between VirtualBox, Xen, KVM, what should I use? | 20:25 |
lotuspsychje | PETSounds: ok then lets follow daftykins advice | 20:25 |
ioria | nicolas_, it's a fresh install ? isn't it ? | 20:25 |
nicolas_ | its one month old | 20:26 |
ioria | nicolas_, ohhh | 20:26 |
akik | nicolas_: you can create empty test files like this (in your home dir) "dd if=/dev/zero of=nullfile bs=1024M count=1" | 20:26 |
MonkeyDust | xebra Virtualbox is a gui, you run it on software, Xen is a hyperviso, for servers, kvm runs on hardware (iirc) | 20:26 |
andreasd | Hi. I am trying to follow this tutorial on making a game I have to import the pygame module, but it comes up with an error saying:"ImportError: No Module namd pygame". I did install the pygame throuth apt-get (the name of the package is python-pygame). How do I install the pygame module correctly? | 20:26 |
akik | nicolas_: that'll create an empty file with size 1 GiB | 20:27 |
nicolas_ | I don't think it will fit, but I'll try | 20:27 |
klaasvakie | python3 autocomplete in vim on 14.04, possible? | 20:27 |
MonkeyDust | hypervisor* | 20:27 |
akik | nicolas_: then monitor how df output changes | 20:27 |
ctlaltdel | support monitor crashing again | 20:27 |
lotuspsychje | ctlaltdel: share the whole story mate | 20:28 |
ctlaltdel | lotuspsychje: corrupted graphic lines | 20:28 |
MonkeyDust | xebra there's also qemu and system-V | 20:28 |
lotuspsychje | !details | ctlaltdel ubuntu version? grafix card chipset/driver? | 20:29 |
ubottu | ctlaltdel ubuntu version? grafix card chipset/driver?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 20:29 |
nicolas_ | it worked without issue | 20:29 |
daftykins | PETSounds: this is interesting for the media centre software i use - | 20:30 |
daftykins | might trash your install though :) | 20:30 |
ctlaltdel | lotuspsychje: gfx no clue 15.04 have 60+ tabs | 20:30 |
PETSounds | lotuspsychje: i'm pretty optimistic that Skylake support will be better. It is a worth upgrade if you are from Haswell and i bet in 2016 most laptops will be using this CPU. | 20:30 |
PETSounds | daftykins: ok i'll check | 20:31 |
nicolas_ | alright thanks for your help guys, I'm going to try to post on the forums. finding this a bit hard to follow | 20:31 |
lotuspsychje | ctlaltdel: sudo lshw -C video | 20:31 |
daftykins | PETSounds: hardware talk is off topic here, really. | 20:31 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: 60+ tabs...? | 20:31 |
ctlaltdel | nicomachus: firefox I keep open | 20:32 |
akik | so nicolas_ left before telling how the df output changed | 20:32 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: how much RAM do you have? | 20:33 |
ctlaltdel | nicomachus: no clue | 20:33 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: well, in addition to 'sudo lshw -C video' like lotuspsychje asked for, let's see 'sudo lshw -C memory' | 20:34 |
ctlaltdel | HP Stream | 20:34 |
ctlaltdel | typing from phone unresponsive from yesterday | 20:35 |
* kungfudazza away | 20:36 | |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: so you can't get to the machine right now? | 20:36 |
ctlaltdel | nicomachus: no save can't quit | 20:38 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: ok, well looking at the specs online, this machine is not capable of handling 60+ tabs open in Firefox all the time. save them to your bookmarks or something, because otherwise it's GOING to crash. | 20:38 |
ctlaltdel | nicomachus: was stable before 50 | 20:39 |
OerHeks | 60 tabs, unrealistic request. | 20:40 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: but it's crashing now? because you only have 2gb of RAM and firefox is gobbling up all of it trying to keep track of those web pages. | 20:40 |
ctlaltdel | nicomachus: possible fix more ram? | 20:41 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: don't open 60 tabs. use your bookmarks for tux sake | 20:42 |
ctlaltdel | no swap at install now swap can? | 20:42 |
nicomachus | ctlaltdel: don't open 60 tabs. use your bookmarks. that's all I've got. | 20:43 |
=== Atl is now known as Atlas | ||
cristian_c | ioria: purged and reinstalled, but it didn't solved | 20:48 |
ioria | cristian_c, that's weird... so dmesg and syslog empy ? | 20:49 |
ioria | *empty | 20:49 |
cristian_c | ioria: dmesg empty | 20:50 |
ioria | cristian_c, syslog ? | 20:50 |
cristian_c | syslog not updated by almost two days | 20:50 |
lotuspsychje | cristian_c: have you tried a tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime? | 20:51 |
cristian_c | no, so, I'll try | 20:51 |
ioria | cristian_c, ls -l /var/log/syslog | 20:52 |
cristian_c | lotuspsychje: very, strange, some ueadhead messages (recent messages 20:48 utc) | 20:53 |
ioria | cristian_c, who's the owner and the group ? | 20:55 |
cristian_c | syslog and adm, now I paste if you want, ioria | 20:57 |
=== stevendale___ is now known as stevendale__ | ||
ioria | cristian_c, no it's ok ... did you reboot after purge ? | 20:57 |
cristian_c | ioria: yeah | 20:57 |
cristian_c | rw-r----- | 20:58 |
ioria | cristian_c, maybe paste the syslog file .... really no idea ... you can check /etc/rsyslog.conf | 20:59 |
cristian_c | ioria: ok, I'll check that | 20:59 |
Turion | I just interrupted a grub update and restarted, now I'm in the boot console and it's saying "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/.... does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" | 21:12 |
Turion | Before that it says "Gave up wating for root device" | 21:12 |
Turion | What can I do to find out more about the problem! | 21:14 |
Turion | ? | 21:14 |
Bashing-om | Turion: Well, 2 options. We can try and boot the install from grub > ; or flat out from a liveDVD(USB) (RE-)install grub . Your call . | 21:16 |
=== stevendale__ is now known as stevedale | ||
Turion | Bashing-om, how would I do the first one? | 21:27 |
Turion | I don't see any useful devices in /dev, and /boot is unavailable as well | 21:28 |
Aluminite | moo | 21:29 |
Aluminite | moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoov | 21:29 |
Bashing-om | Turion: I like that thought, find the fault and fix it . at the grub > prompe what retuen ' ls -lh ' . And we start looking for the files that grub and the kernel are hunting for. and tell them where they are . | 21:29 |
Aluminite | table fliiiip | 21:30 |
Aluminite | ding dong | 21:30 |
nicomachus | Aluminite: stop | 21:30 |
django_ | Im working with a Ubuntu VPS and i wanna check if Firefox is installed, any idea how? | 21:30 |
Turion | Bashing-om, "ls -lH"? | 21:30 |
nicomachus | django_: apt-get install firefox from a terminal | 21:30 |
nicomachus | django_: or, 'firefox --version' | 21:30 |
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer_ | ||
Bashing-om | Turion: that be a lwer case "L" .. | 21:31 |
MonkeyDust | django_ apt-cache policy firefox | 21:31 |
Turion | Bashing-om, yes, but there is no -h option | 21:31 |
Turion | anyways I can't paste from the boot console | 21:31 |
Turion | ls gives "dev sbin scripts bin var run conf proc root etc lib64 lib usr init sys tmp" | 21:32 |
Bashing-om | Turion: Beats me .. - lh - has always ben valid for me in that grub environmnet . We are looking to find what partition contains the '/' file system . and where grub's config files are locatd . | 21:33 |
django_ | tt | 21:34 |
django_ | ty! | 21:34 |
Turion | Bashing-om, /dev is quite empty | 21:36 |
Turion | no disks | 21:36 |
Bashing-om | Turion: Ouch ! .. reboot, does bios see the hard drive(s) ? | 21:38 |
Turion | Bashing-om, well, yes, I guess so, since the bootloader is on there | 21:39 |
Turion | Bashing-om, I don't have an /etc/fstab either | 21:42 |
Bashing-om | Turion: True .. think'n what else could cause grub not to see a hard drive . | 21:42 |
Turion | Bashing-om, yes, it's funny. Also, during the boot the kernel recognise a lot of stuff, and udev runs | 21:45 |
Turion | ah, this is interesting... "udevadm settle is not permittet while udev is unconfigured" | 21:45 |
EriC^^ | Turion: try ls -l | 21:47 |
Bashing-om | Turion: Under discussion .. bear with us . Maybe time to run a file system check ? | 21:47 |
EriC^^ | in grub | 21:47 |
TJ- | Bashing-om: Turion is at the busybox shell in the initial ramdisk; its implementation of the coreutils tools are very stripped down | 21:48 |
Turion | Bashing-om, maybe, but I think I must have messed something up with grub, because I interrupted a console updating grub | 21:49 |
Turion | TJ-, right | 21:49 |
linuxr | hello, I had a xorg crash (segmentation fault) and would like to investigate this. I have a .crash dumpfile, can someone help to analyze? | 21:49 |
Turion | EriC^^, ls gives "dev sbin scripts bin var run conf proc root etc lib64 lib usr init sys tmp" | 21:49 |
EriC^^ | Turion: ok, try rebooting and in grub press c to get a command prompt, unless TJ- wants to try something from the initram shell | 21:50 |
Turion | Eric^^, yes | 21:51 |
Turion | Ah, much more to see here :) | 21:51 |
Turion | ls gives (hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) and other stuff corresponding to the USB stick I think | 21:52 |
TJ- | EriC^^: no, go ahead, I'm not really here :D | 21:52 |
nicomachus | linuxr: you can look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log as well | 21:52 |
EriC^^ | Turion: ok, type ls -l | 21:52 |
EriC^^ | so it gives you the uuid | 21:53 |
linuxr | nicomachus, I sure did, any found a xorg stacktrace, but no backtrace | 21:53 |
Turion | EriC^^, bear with me, the keyboard layout is US :/ | 21:53 |
Bashing-om | Turion: EriC^^ :: How bout ' search -f /vmlinuz ; search -f /sbin/init ' see if we can boot up from grub ? | 21:54 |
Turion | Bashing-om, EriC^^, that returns hd0,msdos1 | 21:55 |
EriC^^ | Turion: ok, type set root='(hd0,msdos1)' | 21:57 |
Turion | yep | 21:58 |
EriC^^ | Turion: ok, type ls / | 21:58 |
Turion | EriC^^, that gives the good ol' disk with everything from bin to var | 21:59 |
Turion | I think I've set linux and initrd to the stuff in /boot | 21:59 |
Bashing-om | Turion: Let's see what grub knows . try and boot the system. ' linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ; initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot ' . | 22:00 |
=== [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] | ||
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: syslog is now re-enabled, and trick is surprisingly simple | 22:02 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: I've simply deletec the file, and after reboot it has been generated again - but updated - | 22:02 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: unfortunately, dmesg file has not been created too :( | 22:03 |
MonkeyDust | cristian_c what was your initial question? | 22:04 |
Turion | Bashing-om, EriC^^, if I boot then I'm at the busybox again | 22:05 |
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
nvt_ | did I lose something since I did cp -npr from my harddisk to an external NTFS drive, and back from there with the same command to /home | 22:06 |
safe_ | Can someone help me with automatically mounting external usb hdd at boot? I googled the man for mount but I still haven't quite figured it out. | 22:06 |
EriC^^ | Turion: do you have a live usb? | 22:06 |
Turion | EriC^^, yes | 22:06 |
daftykins | safe_: is it always going to be in? | 22:07 |
Turion | So if I start /init, it says /dev/sda1 does not exist etc | 22:07 |
EriC^^ | Turion: try booting the live usb | 22:07 |
akik | Turion: bashing-om wanted you to run the commands at the end of his last message | 22:07 |
safe_ | daftykins: Yes, and it's a ntfs one. | 22:07 |
Turion | akik, Bashing-om, yes, I did, I ended up with the busybox again | 22:08 |
EriC^^ | safe_: i use gvfs-mount in the startup apps so it mounts just like you press on it in the file manager | 22:08 |
daftykins | safe_: ah. use "sudo blkid" to identify the UUID for the partition, then create an entry for it in /etc/fstab | 22:08 |
nvt_ | maybe I lost some date information from the files, but maybe thats all | 22:08 |
boichev | hello what will happen if I have an LVM snapshot that run out of space to hold more changes, but it is mounted ? | 22:08 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: my initial question was about dmesg and syslog files deactivation | 22:08 |
safe_ | EriC^^: Do I have to use it in system boot or can I use it as startup applications? | 22:09 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: syslog issue seems solved by trick described above | 22:09 |
cristian_c | MonkeyDust: but I don't know how to resume dmesg logfile | 22:09 |
=== nolsen is now known as fsck | ||
=== fsck is now known as grep | ||
EriC^^ | safe_: i use it as startup applications | 22:10 |
=== grep is now known as nolsen | ||
Turion | EriC^^, that's a very old ubuntu stick it turns out, hope that's not a problem | 22:10 |
EriC^^ | safe_: this is the command gvfs-mount -d /dev/sda2 | 22:10 |
EriC^^ | use /dev/sda2 that fits your partition | 22:11 |
EriC^^ | Turion: should be ok | 22:11 |
soee | is it fine to install php7 on 15.10 ? | 22:11 |
soee | on home pc ? | 22:11 |
nicomachus | soee: I don't see why not | 22:13 |
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safe_ | EriC^^: I'm using gnome-shell and it wont let me add a command as a startup application via gnome-tweak-tool | 22:14 |
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EriC^^ | safe_: try gnome-session-properties | 22:15 |
soee | nicomachus: using this ppa i have dependency probems | 22:16 |
soee | | 22:16 |
safe_ | EriC^^: Ah great. Thanks! :) | 22:16 |
EriC^^ | safe_: no problem | 22:16 |
nicomachus | soee: did you install python-software-properties first? | 22:17 |
nvt_ | is it generally fine to copy files from linux to NTFS and back? | 22:17 |
Turion | EriC^^, is the plan to install grub from the stick? | 22:17 |
soee | nicomachus: no, i did just now, will reboot and see it if whelps | 22:18 |
nicomachus | soee: shouldn't need to reboot | 22:18 |
soee | oh than it does not help | 22:18 |
nicomachus | just do apt-get update, then add the PPA, then apt-get update again, then install php7 | 22:18 |
EriC^^ | Turion: yeah | 22:18 |
nicomachus | soee: completely instructions here: | 22:19 |
EriC^^ | and check /etc/fstab | 22:19 |
EriC^^ | Turion: also maybe update the initramfs | 22:19 |
ctlaltdel | alt+f4 is working | 22:19 |
ctlaltdel | monitor problem now solved | 22:19 |
wafflejock | trying to build the latest apache but when trying to get the libapr1-dev dependency for building I'm getting an error libapr1-dev : Depends: libapr1 (= 1.5.0-1) but is to be installed, what to do? | 22:20 |
wafflejock | need to get the latest Apache for PCI compliance (or at least version 2.4.16, right now have downloaded source for 2.4.18) | 22:20 |
wafflejock | appears to me the libapr1-dev dependency is too strict? | 22:21 |
Turion | EriC^^, ok, makes sense. I'm just having trouble with my live stick | 22:21 |
wafflejock | this is on 14.04.3 Ubuntu Server edition on an AWS VPS if it matters | 22:22 |
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nicomachus | wafflejock: try in #ubuntu-server | 22:25 |
wafflejock | thx nicomachus will do | 22:25 |
threeminutemonta | Hi guys. I have this issue again with LTS 14.04 The upgrade needs a total of 80.9 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 14.7 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.... I tried the suggestions though still don't work. | 22:29 |
nicomachus | threeminutemonta: go to a terminal and "sudo apt-get autoremove" | 22:34 |
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Turion | EriC^^, do we have any other options besides a live stick? | 22:37 |
EriC^^ | Turion: yeah | 22:39 |
EriC^^ | btw do you have an iso on the ubuntu install itself? | 22:39 |
Bashing-om | Turion: I am still in favor of attempting to boot from grub, We can do this IF grub.cfg is consistent . What returns ' ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg ' ? | 22:39 |
EriC^^ | you could try booting that from grub | 22:39 |
Turion | EriC^^, I do, it's just that somehow my live sticks from that iso turn out unbootable | 22:40 |
Turion | and I only have a 1GB one, so I have to use the 13.10 iso | 22:40 |
nicomachus | eek | 22:41 |
nicomachus | Turion: AFAIK the full Lubuntu 14.04 iso is still < 1gb | 22:41 |
Turion | nicomachus, ah, maybe I'll try that (I always get "Missing operating system" from the BIOS) | 22:42 |
ThiefMaster | hi, how can i find out the DHCPv6 DUID on ubuntu server? | 22:42 |
Turion | Bashing-om, that file exists | 22:44 |
TheWarlord | hey | 22:45 |
Turion | Bashing-om, the contents are all the standard one, one boot entry, one recovery mode, two memory tests | 22:46 |
Turion | So the problem occurred after there was some kind of grub update, and I interrupted it and restarted | 22:48 |
Turion | Eric^^, ah, now I understand what you meant, I unfortunately don't have that | 22:51 |
aotea | When installing stuff with Wine, do I need to run the command sudo? | 22:51 |
MWM | badblocks shows no output. can I take this to mean there are no bad blocks? | 22:51 |
nicomachus | aotea: no... Wine doesn't quite work that way. | 22:51 |
nicomachus | aotea: see this page, and try to familiarize yourself a bit with wine and how it works: | 22:52 |
Turion | EriC^^, Bashing-om, Would it help to remove the disc with the nonbooting linux from the laptop and insert it elsewhere as a USB disk | 22:52 |
MWM | the reading I have done suggests that there should be some sort of output | 22:52 |
aotea | nicomachus, been trying this installer and it just keeps on freezing up. And no idea what might be the issue | 22:54 |
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Turion | Maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong with creating the live disk | 22:54 |
Turion | I've downloaded an iso, now I'm formatting the whole stick with fat32, running unetbootin to install the iso and the bootloader | 22:55 |
Bashing-om | Turion: We should be able to tell grub where the files are, so grub can tell the kernel where it's files are . We should be able to boot the system from grub and then repair grub. Try ' set prefix=/boot/grub/ ; insmod normal ; insmod linux ; linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ; initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot ' . | 22:55 |
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threeminutemonta | nicomachus: 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 15 not to upgrade. | 22:58 |
Turion | Bashing-om, as before it says "Gave up waiting for root device" | 22:58 |
Turion | also "udevadm settle is not permittet while udev is unconfigured" | 22:58 |
Turion | and last but not least "ALERT! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" | 22:59 |
Turion | As if neither the kernel or the initramfs have the drivers or modules or whatevers to make /dev/sda1 visible | 22:59 |
EriC^^ | Turion: you there i got dc | 23:00 |
Turion | EriC^^, sorry I didn't understand | 23:01 |
EriC^^ | Turion: i got disconnected | 23:01 |
Turion | EriC^^, I see :) welcome back | 23:01 |
EriC^^ | thanks :) | 23:01 |
EriC^^ | did you boot up and reach grub? | 23:01 |
Turion | EriC^^, when I boot I always get back to the BusyBox | 23:02 |
Bashing-om | Turion: :( ... not making a lot of sense yet .. as grub can tell us where that root device is - (hd0,msdos1) .. unless I misunderstand somewhere something . ' ls (hd0,msdos1)/ ; ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg ' gives positive returns, no ? | 23:02 |
Turion | Bashing-om, yes grub.cfg exists and looks exactly like what I see from the boot manager | 23:03 |
EriC^^ | Turion: try booting into an older kernel | 23:03 |
EriC^^ | go to advanced in grub, then an older kernel | 23:03 |
Turion | EriC^^, the only ones I have are /vmlinuz and /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24 | 23:04 |
Bashing-om | EriC^^: Turion Excellent idea to boot an older kernel ! | 23:04 |
EriC^^ | Turion: ok, try recovery mode maybe | 23:05 |
Turion | EriC^^, yes, I tried already | 23:05 |
EriC^^ | ok, try going to grub, press c | 23:06 |
Turion | yes | 23:06 |
EriC^^ | then set root='(hd0,msdos1)' | 23:06 |
EriC^^ | then type ls -l | 23:06 |
EriC^^ | then type cat /etc/fstab and check if the uuid= matches the uuid from hd0,msdos1 | 23:06 |
EriC^^ | just to cover the basics here | 23:06 |
Turion | EriC^^, aha /etc/fstab doesn't contain any uuids | 23:07 |
EriC^^ | what's it contain | 23:07 |
Turion | second line is "LABEL=ROOT / ext4 defaults 0 1" | 23:08 |
EriC^^ | what's the back story of this box | 23:08 |
EriC^^ | let us have it :D | 23:08 |
genii | Thats not a valid fstab entry | 23:08 |
Turion | It's a Linux Mint I set up for my mum | 23:08 |
Turion | that is a regular Ubuntu with some minor addons, isn't it? | 23:09 |
daftykins | you can't ask about Mint in here. | 23:09 |
teward | Turion: Mint is offtopic here | 23:10 |
teward | !mint | Turion | 23:10 |
ubottu | Turion: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 23:10 |
Turion | sorry, I wasn't aware of that | 23:10 |
daftykins | the clue is in the name | 23:10 |
Turion | *blushing right now* | 23:10 |
DalekSec | Turion: It's not minor additions, fwiw. There's quite a few. | 23:10 |
Turion | I start wishing I had just installed Ubuntu... | 23:11 |
EriC^^ | Turion: try ls -l in grub | 23:12 |
EriC^^ | Turion: write down the uuid next to hd0,msdos1 | 23:12 |
Turion | EriC^^, ok | 23:13 |
Turion | EriC^^, I have all of that done | 23:14 |
Bashing-om | Turion: An example of an 'buntu fstab .. mine is non-standard : . | 23:15 |
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Turion | Bashing-om, thanks, now I just need to find any text editor that will work from here | 23:16 |
Bashing-om | Turion: nano ? | 23:17 |
Turion | Bashing-om, but I'm in the grub console, no nano here :/ | 23:17 |
jpmh | how do I set up an auto-responder for mail | 23:17 |
ThiefMaster | ugh, this is getting more and more annoying. am i seriously the only one who uses dhcpv6 to assign static ips to hosts?! | 23:18 |
EriC^^ | Turion: i got dc again | 23:18 |
EriC^^ | any luck? | 23:18 |
daftykins | ThiefMaster: ;) | 23:19 |
daftykins | relying on DHCP to provide static always struck me as insane | 23:19 |
ThiefMaster | daftykins: why? that way i can configure all ips for my network in a single place | 23:19 |
Turion | EriC^^, not really :/ but the labels of fstab match those on the disks, so that shouldn't be the problem I hope | 23:20 |
daftykins | best i don't enter into that topic :) | 23:20 |
EriC^^ | Turion: yeah | 23:20 |
ThiefMaster | it's so easy on gentoo.. dhcpcd generates the duid, writes it to a file and then uses that duid for the future. apparently dhclient also has an option to specify a separate file for the duid, but so far i couldn't find an option to specify additional commandline args | 23:20 |
daftykins | ThiefMaster: though rather than an exclamation, you really ought to link to a problem description, with config examples and output of what happens | 23:20 |
ThiefMaster | well, basically i'm trying to figure out which DUID is used for dhcpv6 requests *or* where to set a static one | 23:21 |
Turion | EriC^^, maybe the problem was that I tried to update a Mint system with apt-get in the first place...? | 23:21 |
BlackFate | ThiefMaster, have you checked under /etc/default/...? usually apps have their configs there | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | Turion: no, mint uses apt-get as well | 23:22 |
daftykins | but is still off topic in this channel i'm afraid. | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | Turion: i wonder what it paused on, try cat /var/apt/term.log | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | it should show the last msgs of the terminal | 23:22 |
ThiefMaster | daftykins: why? it's about the network config system of ubuntu | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | * /var/log/apt/term.log | 23:23 |
ThiefMaster | BlackFate: /etc/default/networking doesn't seem to have anything related to it | 23:23 |
daftykins | ThiefMaster: that wasn't at you. | 23:23 |
ThiefMaster | ah | 23:23 |
mustu | Hi, I have been searching for hours and couldn't find any way to extract netflow from a pcap file.. cany anyone help? | 23:23 |
daftykins | that's more apt for ##networking | 23:24 |
Turion | EriC^^, the last entry start with "grub-pc (2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1.6)" | 23:24 |
Turion | it's in german I'm afraid | 23:24 |
BlackFate | ThiefMaster, you're using wide-dhcpv6-server right? | 23:24 |
ThiefMaster | BlackFate: whatever is installed by default | 23:25 |
ThiefMaster | (i'm not trying to run a dhcp server on the machine) | 23:25 |
SchrodingersScat | !info tcpflow | mustu | 23:25 |
ubottu | mustu: tcpflow (source: tcpflow): TCP flow recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4+repack1-3 (wily), package size 214 kB, installed size 690 kB | 23:25 |
Turion | EriC^^, then there is this funny message, it says that GRUB had been installed on a disc that's not present in the current system anymore. And more stuff about Grub-core-images and grub-modules | 23:27 |
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=== James is now known as TheWarlord | ||
m15k | Hi. Any ideas, why connect is not an unkown setting? | 23:34 |
m15k | | 23:34 |
daftykins | m15k: it's as plain as day | 23:37 |
daftykins | "Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/conf.d/auth-sql.conf.ext line 7: Unknown setting: connect" | 23:37 |
m15k | daftykins, according the wiki connect should exist: | 23:39 |
daftykins | try commenting out the conntect line | 23:39 |
m15k | and how to specify the database? | 23:40 |
daftykins | SQLite: connect = /path/to/sqlite.db | 23:40 |
daftykins | maybe you've got some errant characters in there that are throwing it o0 | 23:42 |
m15k | mh just editing with vi... | 23:43 |
Turion | I'm going to sleep. Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry that I asked about mint, I wasn't aware of the differences | 23:43 |
mavi | good night sweet prince | 23:43 |
daftykins | well try a minimal config rewritten by hand | 23:43 |
daftykins | m15k: i take it that db file exists and dovecot's run-as user has permissions on it also? probably further along that, though | 23:44 |
m15k | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2048 Dec 21 22:41 /etc/postfix/postfix.sqlite <- should be readable | 23:46 |
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daftykins | m15k: but that's owned by root, so only if dovecot executes as root | 23:51 |
daftykins | pretty sure that config file formatting is your issue though | 23:51 |
m15k | I think I got it... | 23:54 |
daftykins | what was it? | 23:55 |
m15k | there's a generic sql conf for setting up connection -.-' | 23:56 |
m15k | auth-sql.conf.ext <> dovecot-sql.conf.ext | 23:56 |
daftykins | hehe | 23:57 |
daftykins | so in your paste you'd included the wrong one at the end? | 23:57 |
daftykins | figures why it wasn't line 7 :> | 23:57 |
m15k | but thank anyway! wihtout your questions i would not have found it. | 23:58 |
daftykins | ^_^ np | 23:59 |
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