
CarlFKhow long from "      Successfully built..." till I can apt-get it ?04:02
CarlFKoh wait.. wrong package...04:02
ESphynxhey guys, I always get an error trying to delete a recipe... (Error ID: OOPS-9b43fcb814667c3eba45473fb24f31bd)07:29
wgrantESphynx: That's a timeout due to the number of builds that recipe has. If you retry a few times it might work.07:45
wgrantBut if there are too many builds it might simply take too long to break the links.07:45
wgrantESphynx: Do you particularly need to delete it?07:46
ESphynxwgrant: I did retry many times07:48
ESphynxwgrant: It's an old recipe that was for Lucid builds, since Launchpad no longer supports Lucid builds...07:48
ESphynxhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jerstlouis/+recipe/ecere-daily-lucid  -- That's the recipe07:48
wgrantESphynx: Try now?07:52
ESphynxTimeout error07:55
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kyrofaHey all, I have an LP API question13:58
kyrofaActually, perhaps a number of questions. First of all, does anyone know of a script already written that will verify that a developer with a given email address has signed the CLA?13:58
kyrofa(which is what I'm trying to do)13:59
kyrofaIf not, I'm trying to figure out a way to check is a given user is a member of the CLA signers group. But I'm not sure how to work up to the group from the user, especially with the ability for a user to be a member of a group by being a member of another group :P14:02
cjwatsonkyrofa: I don't know of such a script, but that should basically be a one-liner: lp.people.getByEmail(email=foo) in lp.people['contributor-agreement-canonical'].participants14:04
cjwatson(participants contains both direct and indirect members)14:04
cjwatsonkyrofa: (beware that Canonical employees won't necessarily have explicitly signed the CLA, so you may want to check for participation in ~canonical too; and this will only work for people whose e-mail address is public)14:05
kyrofacjwatson, ah, quick and easy!14:05
kyrofacjwatson, and yeah, I personally haven't signed it, so that was exactly my plan :)14:06
kyrofacjwatson, oh, except that group is private-- I can't check membership anonymously14:08
cjwatsonkyrofa: tarmac has an allowedcontributors plugin that does something similar, BTW.  of course it would still have to have access to ~canonical membership somehow, I forget how that typically works14:17
kyrofacjwatson, I'm working on a github integration14:18
cjwatsonsure, just as example code14:18
kyrofacjwatson, oh, good idea. I'll go take a look :)14:19
kyrofacjwatson, ah, it logs in as some tarmac user14:24
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