
* curlyears once used bc to comp[ute 6^6^6 (The Number of the Beast from the Bible. Had over 27,000 digits00:00
geniicurlyears: I'm getting too tired to assist much more tonight.00:00
penguin42curlyears: This explains the state of your machine00:00
curlyearstook my little 6Mhz MC68000 running Xenix over 8 hours to compute00:00
curlyearsweird:  when I try to mount /tsarget, the system claims it's already mounted.  When I use umount /target, it says: umount: /target is not mounted (according to mtab)00:04
curlyearsI  know what you mean, I've been doing it for 9 hours00:06
curlyearsso, I mkdir /target, then mount /dev/sda /target and mount claims /dev/sda already mounted or /target busy00:07
curlyearsI am not doinfg anyting that would explain /target being busy00:08
curlyearswell, I appreciate all the help, thanks, guys!00:08
geniiMaybe tomorrow00:09
curlyearsI guess I'll give it a rest until tomorrow00:09
curlyearswhich area of Canada you in, genii?  I am in Lincoln, Nebraska00:09
geniiToronto, Ontario00:09
curlyearsAh, Toronto00:10
curlyearsI have never been that far East, or North00:10
curlyearsknight awl00:11
PryMar56how many digits in 999^999^999?  2,993,57002:30
PryMar56 NB=$(perl -MMath::BigFloat=lib,GMP -e 'print Math::BigFloat->bpow(Math::BigFloat->bpow(999,999),999),"\n"');echo ${#NB}02:31
PryMar56 1.46s to calculate ^02:37
w0jtas1hello , 16.04 fail to install over netboot, Can't exec "/usr/lib/tasksel/filter-tasks": No such file or directory at /usr/bin/tasksel line 34307:38
w0jtas1any toughts ?07:38
w0jtas1after installing tasksel from ubuntu mirror i have lack of filter-tasks file and it's causing i can't install system properly, any toughts ?10:45
lotuspsychje!info tasksel10:46
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 3.34ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 31 kB, installed size 240 kB10:46
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: installed the one from repos?10:46
w0jtas1lotuspsychje: yes one from repo, it was updated yesterday 5:34pm so it could be broken i think10:48
lotuspsychje_w0jtas1: file a bug against it?10:48
w0jtas1where ? :)10:49
lotuspsychje_!bug | w0jtas110:50
ubottuw0jtas1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:50
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
w0jtas1hmm but i am not sure if this file should be there or if installer shouldn't rely on this file ? :)10:54
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: i would ubuntu-bug tasksel and describe your issue, if somethings not right a dev will surely follow up10:56
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: xenial can use all the bugging out, so we have a clean solid Os in april10:56
w0jtas1ok , but ubuntu-bug - command not found10:57
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: ubuntu-bug tasksel10:58
w0jtas1i am doing it in terminal, no desktop yet ( it fail to install os :) )10:58
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: you need a package to bug against it10:58
w0jtas1bash: ubuntu-bug: command not found10:58
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: what you mean fail to install?10:59
w0jtas1failed on step of "Select and install software"10:59
w0jtas1so i don't have anything on system yet10:59
lotuspsychjeah right11:00
w0jtas1just empty target11:00
w0jtas1with base files11:00
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: can you pastebin the output after sudo apt-get install tasksel?11:00
w0jtas1is ubuntu-bug part of which package so i can install it first ?11:00
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: no, ubuntu-bug needs to report against a packagename11:01
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: meaning you have trouble with tasksel so ubuntu-bug tasksel11:01
w0jtas1lotuspsychje: i understand but i just ask about actually "ubuntu-bug" is part of what ?11:01
w0jtas1it doesn't come with linux kernel, must be some package or whatever else11:02
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: man ubuntu-bug from terminal, its built-in11:02
w0jtas1ah ok let me try to boot into it then maybe just installer shell doesn't have it then11:04
w0jtas1no way, after booting into 16.04 ubuntu-bug just doesn't exists11:05
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: what did you type in terminal?11:06
w0jtas1ubuntu-bug tasksel11:07
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: and what does it reply11:07
w0jtas1-bash: ubuntu-bug: command not found11:07
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: are you in livemode?11:07
w0jtas1no, just 16.04 installed without any packages11:08
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: your on minimal?11:08
w0jtas1that's what could install so far, as i told it failed on installing whatever packages because tasksel is broken so it cannot install system fully at all11:10
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: lets start from the beginning, wich iso of xenial did you download?11:11
w0jtas1i don't use iso, just netinstall11:12
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: thats not good mate11:12
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: use the xenial .iso from dialy builds11:12
w0jtas1i have all system prepared for netinst11:16
w0jtas1in such case next daily will break once tasksel will be updated to newer right ?11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1528530 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "tasksel package is missing /usr/lib/tasksel/filter-tasks file which prevent system from install" [Undecided,New]11:17
w0jtas1ok manage to post ;)11:17
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: i dont think its reccomended to install xenial daily the netinstall way11:18
w0jtas1i think as long as we achieve what's the most important so the most important package is working it's better11:19
lotuspsychjew0jtas1: well lets see what the devs will ask on your bug :p11:21
lordievaderNetinstall is great :D11:23
w0jtas1how can i recommend patch to a package ?11:25
w0jtas1hmm i dont understand how those packages are working, it's written that it comes from debian repository which doesn't contain lots of files that are in tasksel_3.34ubuntu1.tar.gz, do devs somehow add extra stuff on top of debian package ? if so is there any repo for that or something else11:29
brendandw0jtas1, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel11:37
w0jtas1mhmm xenial is missing11:47
BluesKajHiyas all12:05
penguin42Hey BK12:05
w0jtas1i am trying to make patch but checking manual tells me to run "bzr branch ubuntu:xenial/tasksel" which is failing:13:13
w0jtas1bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/xenial/tasksel/".13:13
w0jtas1what can i do ? :)13:13
curlyearsanyone see genii, k1|, or -TJ around?14:48
curlyearsseen TJ-14:49
lotuspsychjecurlyears: TJ- is out, use TAB to see nicks you need14:49
curlyearsI guess this bot dopesn't support that request  )-:14:49
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:49
curlyearsthanks, lotuspsychje14:50
curlyearslotuspsychje:  could you assist me in getiiing some vlumes mounted under 14.04 LTS Live Cd?14:51
lotuspsychjecurlyears: i followed your issue a bit yesterday, but chroot isnt my expertise sorry mate14:52
lotuspsychjecurlyears: but didnt your issue was trusty related instead of xenial?14:52
curlyearsas far as I know, my distro is ccasper14:53
curlyearsohm right, trusty related.  Yes14:54
curlyearssorry, just woke up, still a tad bleary14:54
curlyearsalso my BG was 47 when I got up )-:14:55
lotuspsychjecurlyears: #ubuntu for trusty issues then14:55
w0jtas1ah didn't know devel is different channel as well....14:56
w0jtas1i could ask and ask and ask here ;)14:56
curlyearslotuspsychje:   yeah, I know, but TJ- suggested I  keep it in here to avoid "confusion"14:56
curlyearsAh, well.  I'll try #ubuntu until I cab locate TJ-, then14:58
curlyearsthanks, all14:58
curlyearsgood afternoon, TJ-21:09
curlyearshello, all21:10
curlyearsso, how far is Xenial from being released, at this point?21:13
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1479 - Discussion in #ubuntu+121:13
k1lits alpha21:14
k1lor not even alpha21:14
curlyearsk1l:  I realize that, I was just wondering how long you thik it will be before release.  Like, 1 month, 6 months, etc?21:18
penguin42it will be released in APril21:18
k1l16.04 means 4th month in 201621:18
geniicurlyears: Ubuntu releases are all year.month.revision21:19
curlyearssay, k1l:  I am having a new problem.  Reinstalled with the same DVD I have used before, but the new install won't boot, com,plaInis of "improper ELF magic" and a missing file, then drops me to grub rescue.21:20
curlyearsah, 161.04   got it21:20
curlyearsI am install 14.04.221:20
k1lcurlyears: reinstall grub21:21
genii"improper ELF magic" indicates wrong binary for the system it's trying to run on21:21
k1ldid you again make complicated  install with lvm, btrfs and stuff you dont know about?21:21
curlyearsk1l:  no, plaini vaNILLA INSTLL21:22
geniilike a 64bit binary for a 32bit system, or ARM binary for an X86 system, etc21:22
curlyearsthis DVD has never done this before.   Hmmmm21:22
curlyearsit's a 4 core 64 bit processor21:23
k1lboot the live dvd/usb. then do this "sudo mount /dev/sdxy /mnt"  where dev/sdxy is the partition with /. then "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdx"21:23
curlyearswhat is teh filezsystem type, ext4?21:48
k1lwait, what do you need the filesystem for now?21:48
k1lif you want to spot your / partition: yes its ext4.21:49
curlyearshdow do install psatebinit again?   apt-get-install fails:  apt-get-install: command not found21:54
k1lsudo apt-get install pastebinit21:55
geniino dash there after get21:55
k1lbut you can use the pastebin webpage. its like uploading a photo, just with text.21:55
penguin42this seems scarily like yesterday21:58
k1li really dont know what he is doing all the time.22:03
curlyerasOK:  was this the correct command: sudo grub-install-root-directory=/mnt/dev/sdb22:10
curlyerasoops mistypeed ,yy nick   *blush*22:11
k1l<k1l> boot the live dvd/usb. then do this "sudo mount /dev/sdxy /mnt"  where dev/sdxy is the partition with /. then "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdx"22:14
k1lyou need to adjust X and Y where X is a letter and Y is a number.22:14
curlyearswhat the?  I am issuing: pastebinit <(sudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sdb)   and the system is giving me a ">" promkpt, as   if I hadn't closed the paren or something?22:18
k1ldont just put commands in that way.22:23
k1lyou can copy the text in the terminal with your mouse. and paste that then into a pastebin webpage. its not rocket science.22:24
k1land that command there ist still wrong.22:24
k1li really dont understand why you cant even copy and paste a command and adjust one (1) character.22:25
curlyearsthat's what I did22:26
k1l<k1l> <k1l> boot the live dvd/usb. then do this "sudo mount /dev/sdxy /mnt"  where dev/sdxy is the partition with /. then "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdx"22:27
k1lthat is what i pasted you now 3 times22:27
k1lsudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sdb22:27
k1lthat is the command you used.22:27
k1lmy command: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdx22:28
k1lyour command: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sdb22:28
curlyearsanyhow, I got the grub-install  to run, but it errored out with the following : grub-install: error: install device isn't specified.k1l:  the device was already mounted as sdb, under 3TB Volume22:28
curlyearsso I just uised that path instead of the /sdb22:28
curlyearsImean as the path, sdb SHOULD work22:29
curlyearsor do I havwe to use that horrid, 50 mile long uuid?22:29
k1lnope nope nope22:30
k1lyou cant just mess the commands because you think it might be clever to change them22:30
k1lthat is why you dont have a running ubuntu but a mess all the time22:30
k1luse the commands like they are meant to work. not like you think they should work22:31
curlyearsI am not trying to be clever.  I copuldn't mount the drive to /mnt because it was already mounted22:31
curlyearsI have been running 14.04 LTS since July, when I built the computer, thank you very much.  This is the first such probelm I have had22:32
k1llook at the difference in the command i gave you. you forgot half of the important command. the part where it should be installed to.22:33
k1lso that command cant work.22:33
k1lso please put into a pastebin webpage a "sudo parted -l" and show the link here. yes use the mouse to copy the text, then right click and select "copy" then put it into the webpage "paste.ubuntu.com" and show the result url in here.22:35
k1l"sudo umount /dev/sdb2"  then "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt"   then" sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb"22:39
k1lthen shut down, remove the usb/dvd and grub should work22:40
curlyearsInstallation finished. No error reported.22:41
curlyearsshutting down22:41
geniiI wonder if he put a dash or space now between /mnt and /dev/sdb22:49

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