[02:34] Anyone Here ! [02:34] I am [02:34] Hi [02:34] do you need tsimonq2? [02:35] No I just dropped in to check for activity . [02:35] OK. This channel is usually more active on fridays since that's when the weekly meetings are [02:38] I know, I,ll try to make it here during the holiday break from school and when ever possible. [02:38] OK! [02:39] I'm usually busy on Ubuntu Forums. [02:39] Yeah I noticed [02:43] I see people logged into this channel , but don't get a response very often and log off. [02:45] yeah I use a bouncer to be (almost) always online [02:46] I'm in the Fox valley area , where are you from ? [02:47] madison area [02:48] oh so you actually live pretty close to mikeputnam [02:50] I think Ian W. is closest to me as for the rest I've no idea. [02:51] I know that tsimonq2 is in Green bay but I can't remember where h00k is. [02:51] Not too far at all. [02:53] yeah and I think that would be everyone currently on the channel here since DragonEyes lubotu1 meetingology and ubuntulo12 are all bots [02:54] I don't know any Ubuntu users anymore , some friends used to play with WUBI , but have moved back to PC or onto Mac. [02:55] and I've only been in the ubuntu community since around 12.04 [02:55] I don't know that many people either but I've been meeting more from Google Code-in [02:56] I stated with 9.10 just before 10.04 . [02:56] yeah I saw that on your wiki page [02:57] well I'm going back to Code-in/homework [02:59] welcome frogshair [02:59] Hi [03:25] Good Night! [03:25] good night [03:32] :)