pieter2627 | morning all | 04:51 |
superfly | Zzzzz | 06:14 |
magellanic | mornings | 06:14 |
Symmetria | heh anyone here use rtorrent? | 06:38 |
magellanic | nope | 06:39 |
thatgraemeguy | tested it many moons ago but settled on deluge because $reasons | 06:39 |
Symmetria | thatgraemeguy lol | 06:39 |
Symmetria | check this out | 06:39 |
Symmetria | [Throttle off/off KB] [Rate 242.3/198909.2 KB] [Port: 23506] [U 2/0] [D 79/0] [H 0/32] [S 7/163/768] [F 96/128] | 06:39 |
Symmetria | :P at that point my poor harddrive I was leeching to went "screw this, I cant write that fast" | 06:39 |
thatgraemeguy | oops | 06:40 |
thatgraemeguy | time for that 48-bay SSD array :D | 06:40 |
Symmetria | LOL, that or just get an SSD for leeching to and move shit off it when Im done | 06:41 |
magellanic | or leech slower :p | 06:41 |
Symmetria | the problem is torrenting to an SSD can severely hurt the drive, SSD's dont really like massive numbers of writes | 06:41 |
Symmetria | magellanic blasphemy | 06:41 |
Symmetria | ;p | 06:41 |
thatgraemeguy | pretty sure that isn't the case with modern SSDs | 06:41 |
magellanic | aren't they meant for lots of writes, with their huge iops | 06:42 |
Symmetria | magellanic heh yes, but they have limited life span | 06:47 |
Symmetria | if you keep writing to them | 06:47 |
Kilos | morning thatgraemeguy superfly inetpro grumbug magellanic pieter2627 TinuvaMac totimkopf and all others | 07:01 |
thatgraemeguy | lo lo | 07:03 |
superfly | Kilos: morning sleepy head | 07:08 |
magellanic | sup Kilos | 07:09 |
Kilos | haha ive already sprayed weed killer on dubbeltjies over a large area | 07:09 |
Kilos | and taken sheep to pasture | 07:09 |
Kilos | gonna be hot again today | 07:09 |
Kilos | Maaz forecast pretoria | 07:09 |
Maaz | Kilos: Wednesday: Clear. High: 35° C., Wednesday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 19° C., Thursday: Clear. High: 37° C., Thursday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 20° C., Friday: Chance of a Thunderstorm. High: 34° C., Friday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 18° C., Saturday: Chance of a Thunderstorm. High: 32° C., Saturday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 17° C., Sunday: Chance of a | 07:10 |
Maaz | Thunderstorm. High: 31° C., Sunday Night: Chance of a Thunderstorm. Low: 18° C., Monda… | 07:10 |
Kilos | http://newsletters.mybroadband.co.za/lt.php?c=726&m=746&nl=2&s=bf7acfe2dfd656e64c262fe9165a0e17&lid=18070&l=-http--mybroadband.co.za/news/energy/150447-tesla-powerwall-in-sa-how-much-it-costs-and-when-you-can-buy-it.html | 07:11 |
Kilos | not just eskoms unreliability but the cost of electricity thats making such an investment look worthwhile | 07:12 |
Symmetria | heh overpriced if you ask me | 07:19 |
magellanic | still a huge figure to fork out for just the battery, then the panels etc etc | 07:20 |
Symmetria | I run a 8kVA genset with a 5kVA inverter and a battery bank | 07:20 |
Symmetria | and it cost me less ;p | 07:20 |
Symmetria | you can put in a 4KVA inverter with batteries for well less than 2k | 07:21 |
Kilos | cost of fuel there most likely less than here Symmetria | 07:26 |
Kilos | i think we are over R14 a litre | 07:26 |
MaNI | powerwall is a terrible investment | 07:42 |
MaNI | could spend that money on less batteries and some solar panels, much better investment | 07:43 |
MaNI | plenty of other LiFePO batteries out there as well - theres nothing actually special about powerwall, just an expensive pretty looking version marketed at folks with too much money | 07:45 |
Symmetria | heh ANY batteries are going to be expensive, its just that that one, is a lot more expensive | 07:47 |
Symmetria | ;p | 07:47 |
Symmetria | I run solar on the waterheaters here, the rest I run on mains / fall back to genset and inverter when power goes | 07:48 |
Symmetria | purely because realistically, the number of panels I would need woul be problematic ;p | 07:48 |
Symmetria | I use a SHITLOAD of power at home | 07:49 |
mazal | Mornings | 07:59 |
MaNI | you don't need to go 100% solar you know, thats the fallacy most people make | 08:00 |
MaNI | aiming for e.g. 50% being provided by solar is more economical/realistic | 08:01 |
MaNI | (especially with ZA's tiered pricing of electricity) | 08:01 |
thatgraemeguy | I want to start out with converting my lighting to 12V DC | 08:02 |
thatgraemeguy | sometime | 08:02 |
thatgraemeguy | solar water heating too | 08:02 |
thatgraemeguy | sometime | 08:02 |
MaNI | I've started with lighting/computers/monitors/network equipment etc. - already knocked a huge amount off my bill, once I wire in water heating as well it will be profit all the way | 08:03 |
MaNI | if the power fails all I really lose is the oven/fridge/vacuum (and stuff like that) which is not a big deal anyway | 08:04 |
magellanic | MaNI: what did the setup for this cost if you don't mind me asking? and how much do you save? | 08:04 |
magellanic | I am also keen to start at the lights | 08:05 |
magellanic | MaNI: you loose the geyser too right? :p | 08:05 |
MaNI | magellanic, yeah but its stores heat for ages so thats not a big deal, also that will be wired in next as a dump load so soon I won't lose that either | 08:05 |
MaNI | magellanic, I've spent in total around 25k - my electricity bill is down to about R800 from R1200 - I'm still wasting a lot of my panel output though, once I dump that to the geyset my bill will probably be around R300 (at an estimate) | 08:06 |
magellanic | I use a gas stove along side the electric, lights/pc/network are my biggest issue I think | 08:07 |
MaNI | I actually view any profit as a bonus - as if I did not go this route I would have anyway had to sink ~R20k on a generator or giant UPS of some kind | 08:07 |
magellanic | yeah | 08:07 |
MaNI | so any cost reduction from it is really a bonus in that sense | 08:07 |
MaNI | most of the savings are from the pc's - the lights are actually tiny in comparison | 08:08 |
magellanic | cool. I will look into it again | 08:08 |
magellanic | heh there is quite a bit of rage about the price in the comments of that article too | 08:13 |
=== grumbug is now known as gremble | ||
squish102 | 5 year ROI MaNI | 14:58 |
MaNI | if viewed as an investment yeah | 14:58 |
MaNI | if viewed as "I would have had to spend that money anyway on a generator or UPS" - its actually pure profit all the way | 14:59 |
MaNI | either way its good in my books | 14:59 |
squish102 | and that powerwall are for ppl they buy iPhones, cuz they cool | 14:59 |
MaNI | sounds about right | 15:00 |
squish102 | i also thought the eskom problems were over, hasnt it been awhile since power outages? | 15:00 |
MaNI | if you exclude the 3 entire sundays of "municipal maintenance" we have had in the area over the last 4 months - then yeah its been a while, but only because of a reduction in demand, when (if?) our economy recovers again it would be naive not to expect more of the same | 15:02 |
squish102 | i wonder is slack is the next replacement for irc | 15:02 |
squish102 | they should open source slack | 15:03 |
MaNI | I sure hope not - much prefer IRC | 15:03 |
MaNI | maybe someone will actually improve IRC at some point, that would be grand | 15:03 |
squish102 | MaNI: u old school, stop living in the past :P | 15:04 |
Kilos | lol | 15:05 |
Kilos | irc works fine | 15:05 |
squish102 | dunno what will change the dieing trend of irc | 15:06 |
squish102 | last 10 years has been all downhill | 15:06 |
MaNI | not entirely true | 15:06 |
MaNI | only for networks that aren't freenode | 15:06 |
Kilos | already many are using G+ fb and twitter rather than irc | 15:06 |
Kilos | but sheep are sheep | 15:07 |
MaNI | http://royal.pingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/irc.003.jpg | 15:07 |
Kilos | one leads and others follow | 15:07 |
MaNI | http://royal.pingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/irc.002.jpg | 15:07 |
MaNI | its just lost out on a few side niches - like gaming, flirt chats and warez - and has consolidated in its original niche of technical chat | 15:08 |
MaNI | which while not ideal - is not terrible either | 15:08 |
Wolfeyes | evening all | 18:10 |
Kilos | hi Wolfeyes | 18:11 |
Kilos | you winning? | 18:11 |
Wolfeyes | winning with clients slowly | 18:13 |
Wolfeyes | but the heat was a killer today | 18:14 |
Kilos | tomorrow worse | 18:17 |
Langjan | Hey Kilos whats news? | 19:08 |
Kilos | still nothing Langjan | 19:08 |
Kilos | very frustrating | 19:09 |
Kilos | now they most likely close over Christmas | 19:09 |
Langjan | Eish man, did you complain big time to the High Commissioner? | 19:09 |
Kilos | i mailed with my info | 19:10 |
Langjan | Maybe tickets will get cheaper soon... | 19:10 |
Kilos | tried foning but auto trply thing drove me mad and wasted airtime | 19:10 |
Kilos | thats the only upside. it can only get cheaper now | 19:11 |
Kilos | when i ever get there one day ill speak to them about their feedback weakness | 19:12 |
Langjan | I see Emirates are already advertising some good deals, mainly to Europe and Emirates but Oz should also improve, however the Rand is not helping. | 19:12 |
Kilos | dont wanna rock the boat yet | 19:12 |
Kilos | rand is inna bad way | 19:12 |
Kilos | ty zuma | 19:12 |
Kilos | he should go back to herding cattle | 19:13 |
Langjan | The ID 10 T syndrome | 19:13 |
Kilos | yip | 19:13 |
Kilos | it was all planned im sure | 19:13 |
Kilos | many peeps made fortunes with it | 19:13 |
Kilos | think about buying 50 mil before than crash and selling now | 19:14 |
Kilos | money for jam | 19:14 |
Kilos | and selling that much will dop value again | 19:15 |
Kilos | everything is crooked | 19:15 |
Langjan | Agreed, you think the man is capable of herding cattle? | 19:15 |
Kilos | f someone is behind him with a sjambok ja | 19:15 |
Langjan | Mugabe does it, has been for ages, why not Zuma also? | 19:16 |
Kilos | yip | 19:16 |
Langjan | Maney-laundering | 19:16 |
Langjan | Money | 19:16 |
Kilos | gonna be fun watching the idle rich when money crashes | 19:16 |
Kilos | many will splat on sidewalks out of highrise buildings | 19:17 |
Kilos | easier just to vacuum up then anyway | 19:17 |
Langjan | Check this out and take them on: https://www.border.gov.au/about/access-accountability/service-standards | 19:19 |
Kilos | will do ty | 19:19 |
Kilos | oh ive read that a few times | 19:20 |
Kilos | with a smirk on my face | 19:20 |
Kilos | sales talk | 19:20 |
Kilos | they dont give anyway to contact them directly | 19:21 |
Kilos | next week ill get a friend there to fone one of the ministers agai as he did 4 years ago | 19:22 |
Kilos | they took 2 years with last application | 19:22 |
Kilos | im sure they think im a risk to their security | 19:24 |
Kilos | so things get lost | 19:25 |
Kilos | last time they foned and apologised and made many excuses | 19:25 |
Kilos | and im falling asleep again | 19:26 |
Kilos | Langjan ty for caring, i have to sleep now | 19:26 |
Kilos | see you tomorrow again | 19:26 |
Kilos | stay safe and well | 19:26 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 19:27 |
Langjan | Slaap lekker Kilos | 19:27 |
Kilos | dankie oom , julle ook | 19:28 |
Langjan | Dankie en sterkte, alles sal regkom... | 19:28 |
Kilos | ons hoop maar so dankie baie | 19:28 |
Sxuza | hi all | 20:28 |
Sxuza | i need some help with LTE CPE B593 modem - Telkom | 20:28 |
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