
lordievaderGood morning.09:15
clivejoanyone having problems with the following error in xenial?10:17
clivejosed: can't read /usr/share/plymouth/themes/kde-plymouth/kde-plymouth.plymouth: No such file or directory10:17
QuintasanWell, Ladies and Gentlemen - Merry Christmas. I'm going to keep New Year's wishes separate since I might come up with something original once in a while.10:38
BluesKajHiyas all, Merry Christmas!11:03
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
clivejohi BluesKaj17:42
BluesKajhey clivejo17:42
clivejowould you mind testing sddm on xenial?17:43
BluesKajalready do, works fine here :-)17:43
clivejono problems?17:43
BluesKajno problems at all17:44
clivejonice, if we can get the version number corrected, that would be a RC I think17:45
BluesKajversion number?17:45
clivejoyeah, its wrong17:46
clivejosddm 0.13.0-2ubuntu1117:46
clivejoshould be 0.13.0-0ubuntu1 or the likes17:46
clivejoarchive version is 0.11.0-0ubuntu1117:47
BluesKaj0.11.0 here17:47
BluesKajubuntu 1117:48
BluesKaj0ubuntu 11...yes17:48
clivejodid you test _Groo_ version in his PPA?17:49
clivejothats the archive version17:49
clivejo_Groo_ has packaged sddm version 0.13.017:49
clivejoneeds testers17:49
clivejofixes a few bugs with sddm17:50
BluesKaji installed the daily from tues after mucking up my desktop by enabling the staging ppa by mistake17:50
clivejoLP 151683717:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1516837 in sddm (Ubuntu) "[update request] SDDM 0.13.0 released on Nov. 4th" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151683717:50
clivejoin his PPA here https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/peppa17:51
clivejonot a good idea17:51
clivejoBluesKaj: did you have that black login screen?17:52
BluesKajclivejo, ok installed  sddm version 0.13.0, works fine18:25
soee_bshah: someone used it: http://news.softpedia.com/news/you-can-now-install-linux-kernel-4-3-3-on-ubuntu-linux-mint-and-black-lab-linux-498073.shtml ?20:09

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