bazhang | <curlyears> chaosPsycheX: I am and Old Farte | 00:28 |
bazhang | | 01:08 |
bazhang | that does indeed looked hacked | 01:08 |
nicomachus | you guys don't have anything to do with the ubuntu wiki, do you? | 06:27 |
valorie | no, this is the op chan nicomachus | 06:47 |
valorie | alis might tell you if there is a wiki chan | 06:47 |
valorie | !alis | 06:47 |
ubottu | alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 06:47 |
JackFrost | !itsawiki | 06:48 |
ubottu | It's a wiki, *you* can edit it | 06:48 |
valorie | heh | 06:48 |
nicomachus | JackFrost: there are multiple changes being hit with spam changes. | 06:48 |
nicomachus | example: | 06:49 |
JackFrost | Ah, so wiki admins. Think they hang in #ubuntu-wiki? | 06:49 |
nicomachus | valorie: I asked in #canonical-sysadmin as well, just wanted to check here as well. | 06:49 |
nicomachus | JackFrost: perhaps, but it's invite only. | 06:49 |
valorie | yuck | 06:50 |
valorie | wiki spam is difficult to deal with | 06:50 |
nicomachus | sure is. and it's the holidays... | 06:50 |
ubottu | cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Ubunter_ trolling , profanity) | 10:44 |
ubottu | cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Ubunter_ please kick this fool) | 10:46 |
ubottu | daftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (wowaworm) | 15:46 |
wowaworm | Hi. I was unfairly banned from #ubuntu. Please lift the ban. Thanks. | 15:53 |
wowaworm | I would appreciate a friendly warning next time around. | 15:53 |
wowaworm | Go to hell you niggers. | 15:56 |
phunyguy | | 16:05 |
phunyguy | anyone got perms to fix? | 16:05 |
phunyguy | Pici: ^ ? | 16:20 |
Pici | phunyguy: its not just that, it looks like most pages are all screwed up | 16:23 |
Pici | | 16:23 |
DJones | phunyguy: Its been filed as aticket with the infrastructure team | 16:23 |
DJones | 09:13 < davidcall> DJones: I've filed a ticket to the Canonical infrastucture team | 16:23 |
Pici | DJones: thanks | 16:23 |
DJones | I mentioned it in -website this morning | 16:24 |
phunyguy | ahh cool | 16:24 |
phunyguy | gracias | 16:24 |
=== phunyguy is now known as phunysanta | ||
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu Smarty user Voyage evading ban to keep prodding at point | 23:24 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 23:24 |
ikonia | morsnowski: hello | 23:24 |
morsnowski | hi ikonia | 23:24 |
ikonia | how can we help ? | 23:24 |
morsnowski | never knew this channel was there | 23:24 |
morsnowski | this is wehere you go when you have questions about etiquette? | 23:24 |
Voyage | Hi | 23:24 |
ikonia | morsnowski: yeah, any problems with the channel, questions around it's usage etc etc | 23:25 |
ikonia | morsnowski: basically anything the operator team can help you with | 23:25 |
Voyage | I was banned in #ubuntu by ikonia . For how long I have banned? | 23:25 |
morsnowski | cool thanks | 23:25 |
ikonia | Voyage: hi there, your banned until you can grasp how to interact with people giving solid info and following instruction | 23:25 |
ikonia | if you're ok with pulling it together and focusing on your problem rather than silly comments, I'd be happy to remove the ban | 23:26 |
Voyage | thats totally your point of view. | 23:26 |
ikonia | morsnowski: it's a non-idle channel, so unless you need something from the team we ask you to /part the channel, and come back if/when you need something | 23:26 |
Voyage | is there a definit time for unban? | 23:26 |
ikonia | no, | 23:26 |
ikonia | as I've just expained to you | 23:26 |
Voyage | ok | 23:26 |
Voyage | whats the measure then? | 23:27 |
ikonia | when you can interact with the channel, provide solid information, not give smart responses and follow instruction | 23:27 |
ikonia | when you're comfortable doing that, I'll be happy to remove the ban | 23:27 |
morsnowski | oh ok, i don't check channels I have no real interest in so feel frre to kick me any time | 23:27 |
Voyage | how will I interact if iam not in the channel? ikonia | 23:27 |
ikonia | by understanding the problem (happy to explain in detail) and agreeing to temper your behaviour and responses | 23:28 |
Voyage | actually if the unban is comming from you; I mean a guy /girl like you; I refuse to be unbanned. It would be worth to leave #ubuntu if it has people like you | 23:29 |
ikonia | ok, no problem then | 23:29 |
ikonia | please /part the channel | 23:29 |
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu-ops voyage left a pm to say he is welcome back when he calms down | 23:37 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 23:37 |
Voyage | is the ban lift owned by banner alone? | 23:40 |
ikonia | nope | 23:40 |
ikonia | but as I've said, I'm happy to remove the ban for you | 23:40 |
ikonia | you just need to adjust the way you give info in the channels | 23:40 |
Voyage | I vote to talk to someone else. Though you are willing to unban me but I dont want to get unbanned by your hands | 23:40 |
ikonia | this is the problem | 23:40 |
ikonia | you're being petty to spite yourself | 23:41 |
Voyage | told you; i was smart by birth | 23:41 |
ikonia | if you want to stay banned thats your problem | 23:41 |
ikonia | I don't know what you mean by smart by birth, sorry | 23:41 |
ikonia | but I don't know what that has to do with anything | 23:41 |
Voyage | I know | 23:41 |
ikonia | ok - so this is the problem | 23:41 |
ikonia | these odd comments | 23:41 |
ikonia | not giving good info | 23:41 |
Voyage | not discussing my case witih you | 23:42 |
ikonia | and when you're asked getting all defensive | 23:42 |
ikonia | if you can adjust that, it won't be a problem and you're welcome to use the channel | 23:42 |
Voyage | you have your own definition of 'adjust' | 23:42 |
ikonia | the adjustment is what I've just explained | 23:42 |
Voyage | I want to discuss my case with someone else. I dont want to get unbaned by your hands. | 23:42 |
Voyage | you have your own definition of 'adjust' | 23:43 |
ikonia | I've just explained what I mean by adjust | 23:43 |
Voyage | I want to discuss my case with someone else. I dont want to get unbaned by your hands. | 23:43 |
ikonia | this is the silly behaviour thats getting you banned | 23:43 |
Voyage | bye. | 23:44 |
ikonia | /part the channel please | 23:45 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, julian-delphiki said: !ops Sportivo_50 is PMing people from this channel, when they join\ | 23:45 |
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu-ops Voyage showing the issue that got him banned - would rather stay banned than discuss changing interaction | 23:45 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 23:45 |
ikonia | julian-delphiki: hello there | 23:45 |
julian-delphiki | hi ikonia | 23:46 |
ikonia | just saw your message | 23:46 |
ikonia | we'll take a look at it | 23:46 |
julian-delphiki | figured i'd pop in here, thanks! | 23:46 |
ikonia | and gone | 23:46 |
ikonia | thanks for the info | 23:46 |
julian-delphiki | appreciate it ikonia, merry christmas. | 23:46 |
ikonia | you too | 23:46 |
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu smarty voyage once again ban evading | 23:47 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 23:47 |
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