
VoyageMonkeyDust,  did that a dozen times00:00
curlyearshey there, MonkeyDust/me has a webcam that needs to hve it's mounting clamp removed so it can be inserted into his 3D scanner, but I A) don't have small enough screwdrivers, and B)  my hands don't work so well, tnad those screws are TINY00:00
linuxApprenticecurlyears: o.0 what?00:00
linuxApprenticecurlyears: !topic00:01
linuxApprenticecurlyears:  /topic00:01
curlyearslinuxApprentice: well, the "create an install" tool TOLD me it waa successful.  What the 8&^%&^%) did *I* do wrong?00:01
linuxApprenticecurlyears:  you attempted to use the 'create an install' tool.00:01
curlyearsI didn't "attempt" I *DID* use the tool00:01
MonkeyDustcurlyears  you've been struggling for days now... what was you initial issue?00:01
=== cmdswitch[zZz] is now known as cmdswitch
linuxApprenticecurlyears: use this tool! http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/00:02
linuxApprenticecurlyears:  download, install, use00:02
Voyagehow to install an older skype via repos?00:02
curlyearsMonkeyDust: I ran the update push from ubuntu for update level 16.57, and it trashed my HDD...couldn't boot anymore00:02
linuxApprenticecurlyears: the download link is at the bottom, big blue button00:03
quartershello.  I'm planning on upgrading my RAM from 8GB to 16GB.  Would the swap space need to be 2x the amount of physical RAM or is that a dated equation?00:03
linuxApprenticecurlyears: you don't update ubuntu! This isn't Debian!!!00:03
daftykinsquarters: only if it'd ever be full - and you use sleep/hibernate00:03
MonkeyDustcurlyears  and nobody knows what you mean by this '16.57'00:03
linuxApprenticecurlyears: see the link I gave ya? Make Haste!00:03
linuxApprenticeif only windows had 'dd' :-/00:04
linuxApprenticeor even an equivalent!00:04
daftykinsdoesn't need one really, but it can have one just fine :)00:04
curlyearsno good, that's a Winblows program, I am Live CD booted under 14.04.200:05
linuxApprenticecurlyears: myMy00:05
linuxApprenticecurlyears: open a terminal then...00:05
MonkeyDustcurlyears  backup personal data, fresh install ubuntu 14.04.3, done00:05
curlyearsI have a term open...what should I do?00:05
quartersdaftykins: yikes. so I may need a 32gb swap partition if I plan to use suspend/hibernate00:05
curlyearsI am trying to fresh install 14/04/3 from the USB installer, but it  is erroring out!00:06
zykotick9quarters: you don't need x2 ram to hibernate - just RAM + a little00:06
daftykinsquarters: oh my bad i should've paid more attention. no, 16GB would be fine as long as you never go into swap00:06
cmdswitchcurlyears, do you really need 3TB?00:06
MonkeyDustcurlyears  then you're doing it wrong, somehow... i wonder how it can fail, basic installation takes 15 minutes00:06
linuxApprenticecurlyears: sudo dd if=path-to-ubuntuISO of=/dev/sdx00:07
daftykinsMonkeyDust: +100:07
daftykinslinuxApprentice: i've already gone over that but must've gotten ignored00:07
linuxApprenticedaftykins: oh...00:07
linuxApprenticecurlyears: put down the pipe and attend to instruction! Make Haste!00:07
curlyearscmdswitch: I don't know if I NEED, 3TB, but I have two of them, and I have a 500GB drive loaded with 3d print .stl files that won't let me install anything00:07
quarterszykotick9: can I get away w/even just 1x ram?00:08
daftykinscurlyears: you did hash the ISO right? like i said earlier?00:08
linuxApprenticecurlyears: you have too many problems. single ONE OUT and focus on solving it!00:08
zykotick9quarters: maybe... depends on how much ram you are actually using when you try to hibernate.00:08
curlyearslinuxApprentice: OK...I'll do that, except I'll have to d/l a new iso image00:08
linuxApprenticecurlyears: me and daftykins just informed you how to create the install stick from the iso!00:08
linuxApprenticecurlyears: why would you need to re-download the ISO?00:09
quarterszykotick9: whcih I can probably observe in top00:09
zykotick9quarters: yup.00:09
quartersor is there an app that observes the avg amount of ram I use00:09
quarterslike across sessions00:09
linuxApprenticecurlyears: wow, dude. just grab a 16oz BallPin Hammer and go at it!!!00:09
quarterssince installation00:09
curlyearslinuxApprentice: because after the laast d/l, I closed the system down to boot from the USB, which faildd.  I am in a Live -CD boot from 14.04.200:09
daftykinscurlyears: why aren't you storing it to writable media...00:10
linuxApprenticehe must be extraordinarily Daft!00:10
curlyearsI am beginnning to feel heavily disrespected here )-:00:10
linuxApprenticecurlyears: windows 10 just came out.....00:11
cmdswitchcurlyears, f.o.c.u.s. - follow one course until successful.00:11
curlyearsdafykins  I don't have any available, other than the USB I am trying to make an installer, and my HDD, which will get wiped clean when I successfullty install!00:11
daftykinsmount it and download to there, then hash the ISO00:11
daftykinsif you skip this advice, there is no helping you00:12
curlyearslinuxApprentice: I can't *AFFORD* Winblows 10, and I don't want to pollute my hardware with it, thank you00:12
curlyearswhat do yu mean "hash the iso"00:12
daftykinsah so before when i said it you ignored me00:12
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:12
daftykinsthat ^00:13
daftykinscurlyears: no childish comments about different OSs in here thanks00:13
daftykinsit reduces the tone00:13
curlyearsdaftykins:   that says it is for checking the MD5sum in Winblows.  I don't *HAVE* Winblows.  I am an ubuntu user00:14
OerHeksehm, isn't there a bugreport that one cannot make a 15.10 usb wih a lower version of syslinux?00:14
OerHeksDue to changes in syslinux, it is not currently possible to use usb-creator from 14.04 and earlier releases to write USB images for 15.04 or later00:14
daftykinscurlyears: read the first link00:14
daftykinscurlyears: honestly, no wonder you're tripping up if you are paying this little attention to advice imparted.00:14
OerHeksthere is a way, using imgwriter00:14
curlyearsOerHeks:   I am  not using 15.1000:15
daftykinsOerHeks: good call, i think it's 14.04.3 from 14.04.2 though00:15
chaosPsycheXWhat's this I hear of Ubuntunites and Debianites?00:15
SonikkuAmerica^ I don't even know what you're talking about....00:16
daftykinschaosPsycheX: #ubuntu-offtopic please00:16
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: sure :-)00:16
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: did we get curlyears booted ?00:16
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: have you downloaded the ubuntu ISO ?00:16
curlyearssowwy, I missed the " or ' in there, thought I read it as one loooong URL00:17
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: oh, you have the livecd. you don't need it00:17
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: install from the livecd00:17
chaosPsycheXit's super easy00:17
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: will ubuntu be consuming your entire HD? 3TB?00:18
curlyearsthe Live CD will boot in 'tryout" more, but fails when installing.  * tims in a row now, same hardware, same DVD, samd options, 4 or 5 different errors reports on different attemps00:18
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: and what are the errors?00:18
daftykinsignore chaosPsycheX and just carry on with the download to HDD and hash.00:18
curlyearschaosPsycheX: Yes, except for the /boot and the swap partitiion00:18
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: do you understand HDD Partitioning ?00:19
bcxHi, autocutsel creates a micro-window (few pixels square at the bottom right corner) on my gnome desktop, what can I do to hide it ?00:19
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: ?00:19
curlyearschaosPsycheX:   more or less.  I have been a computer user/programmer since the daysof MS-DOS 100:19
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: I know you had mentioned seeing a filesystem error or something ..00:19
* chaosPsycheX bows to curlyears 00:20
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: cool00:20
curlyearschaosPsycheX:   yes, that was when I tried booting from the USB innstaller for 14.04.3 I had just created using he "create an install disk" too wihch is part of the linux distribution00:20
curlyearschaosPsycheX: I am and Old Farte00:21
* daftykins hopes that download is running00:21
curlyearsI have been an ubuntu user since 2006, though I was away from computer use for about two years recently00:22
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: are you on the ubuntu live cd now ?00:22
curlyearsand being a user that long makes me ooooold.   DOn't get old, it sucks00:22
DosTuMaiIsn't DOS still a part of Win?00:22
curlyearschaosPsycheX: yes, booted in Live-CD.  I have only one system00:22
chaosPsycheXDosTuMai: uh, no00:22
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: then why are you downloading an iso when you can install from the live-cd ?00:23
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: reboot from the cd and select install ubuntu instead of try ubuntu00:23
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: and go through the installation process00:24
curlyearschaosPsycheX: because alll 8 of my attemps to install from the Live CD)DVD actually) have failed.  Quite probably, we finally figured out, vbcause I was installing to a 3TB drive, and 14.04.2 on its own can;t habndle that correctly, apparently00:24
Voyagecan anyone help me with installing skype: http://pastie.org/10649575#1,18,145,246,262,280,293,305,32300:24
daftykinsDosTuMai: not for a long time, the environment is emulated00:25
DosTuMaiOki, thanks Daftykins & chaosPsycheX. =]00:25
curlyearsthat's why I was d/l-ing an ios for 14.04.300:25
ZoohouseFresh install of Ubuntu 15.10 GNOME 64bit (4.2.0-22). After installation the boot process stops after 'A start job is running for Wait for... Screen to Quit (37s / no limit)' and it stays there without proceeding. I can log into Ubuntu if I boot into recovery mode and then 'Resume normal boot'. I'm assuming that works because the graphic drivers are not starting. After booting into GNOME I installed nvidia-current which gave me nvidia-304. No00:25
Zoohouseluck. The Additinal Hardware driver app installed some driver for my AMD CPU but it didn't dectect my video card. Not sure what to try next... Screenshot of where it hangs: https://i.imgur.com/b81XWjM.png My computer is more than 10 years old (pc, not laptop).00:25
daftykinsZoohouse: nvidia-current and nvidia-304 are ancient, what's your card?00:26
curlyearsdaftykins:   his PC in ancient.  Probabkly won't run the packages properly00:27
Zoohousedaftykins: I don't remember.... let me try to find out00:27
cyclone232anyone know about xbmc?00:27
daftykinscurlyears: why do you believe to know of this situation?00:27
daftykinscyclone232: kodi.00:27
curlyearsdaftykins: know of which situation?00:28
cyclone232the depencies not met  i keep getting00:28
cyclone232tryed the  force update , still nothing00:28
daftykinscurlyears: Zoohouse' obviously00:28
chaosPsycheXcurlyears: i see00:28
chaosPsycheXubuntu can't handle a drive that's 3TB ?00:29
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: ?00:29
daftykinscyclone232: which ubuntu? what are you trying to do? you need their repo and it has been called kodi for years now00:29
daftykinschaosPsycheX: a question mark is not a question.00:29
curlyearsdaftykins:  based onn what he told us, and my knowledge of electronics, computer hardware design, and of softwaere design.00:29
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: Ubuntu can't handle drives 3TB's or larger ?00:29
daftykinscurlyears: please don't waste my time with your comments, you can't even fix your own issues.00:29
cyclone232ubuntu 14.10    and wen i install an add on i get the depencincies error00:30
DosTuMaiVoyage: Have you checked your dash for Skype after installing?00:30
daftykinscyclone232: that release is EOL.00:30
curlyearschaosPsycheX: I have beeen fighting with this thing, trying recommendations from about 5 or 6 different people, and each one fails, inexplicably.00:30
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:30
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic00:30
daftykins!pm | cyclone23200:31
ubottucyclone232: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.00:31
chaosPsycheXmay we have a moment of silence for all EOL iterations?00:31
Zoohousedaftykins: The video card is: NV34 [GeForce FX 5500]00:31
cyclone232so  EOL  is??00:31
daftykinsZoohouse: i'd not try installing a driver for that at all, too old.00:31
curlyearsdaftykins:  my. my.   judgemental, aren;t we?00:31
chaosPsycheXEnd of Life! No longer supported00:31
daftykinscyclone232: read the first link, look at where 14.10 is.00:31
daftykinscurlyears: if the shoe fits00:32
OerHekscyclone232, dead, unsupported, use the old-releases trick in the url from ubottu00:32
chaosPsycheXcyclone232: ^00:32
bazhangcurlyears, take the chit chat elsewhere, this is support only00:32
curlyearswhatever, daftykins00:32
cyclone232so stuff wont work  well with 14.10??00:33
DosTuMaicyclone232: Better to upgrade to the latest or use the LTS release. =]00:33
bazhangcyclone232, its not supported here00:34
daftykinscyclone232: your OS is outdated, insecure - and dead00:34
bazhangcyclone232, upgrade to a supported version00:34
hawlybazhang, !!!00:34
cyclone232LTS?  i  had 15.4 but couldnt get past the login screen00:34
curlyearsI am going to try the USB again.  I ran "sudo fsck -f" on it, fsck announced itself and its version and returned with no other output.  perhaps it has fixed someting?00:35
curlyearsI don't believe 15.4 is an LTS version.00:36
cyclone232i installed 13.04  and got the option to ungrade   anyay i can trigger another upgrade?00:36
EriC^^curlyears: if it didn't say anything it usually means it didn't find any errors00:37
EriC^^curlyears: try smartctl00:37
curlyearsyou need to go with a version of 14.04, preferably 14.04.300:37
cyclone232so 15.04  no get past login.. so tryed 13.04  got option to upgrade  and i did00:37
EriC^^sudo apt-get install smartmontools , then sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX00:37
* hawly likes smartctl00:37
Zoohousedaftykins: even without a video driver the system hangs up...It's the video card?00:38
daftykinsZoohouse: i think it's your funny lookin' TV there00:38
daftykinshow is it connected?00:38
Zoohousedaftykins: it's a monitor/tv. Connected via VGA00:39
daftykinsdid it ever work?00:40
cyclone232ok i did the smart tools thing ...00:40
cyclone232what did that do?00:41
Zoohousedaftykins: Oh yes defiantly. This computer has only seen Linux since it was born.00:41
daftykinsZoohouse: so whatever version you put on today doesn't like it, or?00:41
daftykinsi think you should've stuck with LTS.00:41
chaosPsycheXthe x.4 is LTS and x.10 are experimental00:42
Zoohousedaftykins: exactly. I had Arch without X before today.00:42
daftykinschaosPsycheX: not quite00:42
curlyearshow do I identify which device in /dev is my USB?00:42
daftykinsLTS is only every even year.00:42
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: when was it changed? it's every other x.4?00:42
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: oh, so 16.04 will be lts and 18 and so on00:42
cyclone232what does  smartmontools do??00:42
chaosPsycheXmonitor smartly?00:44
cyclone232can one access it er???00:44
nicomachuscyclone232: checks the integrity of your disk drive00:44
daftykinscyclone232: pretty sure you're reading advice meant for someone else, the clue is that messages that start with a name other than your own are not for you.00:44
cmdswitchcyclone232, like chkdsk but smarter00:44
cyclone232sorry  never ussed  xchat00:45
chaosPsycheXwow, just wow lololololol @cyclone23200:45
curlyearshow do I identify which device in /dev is my USB?00:45
nicomachuschaosPsycheX: not helpful.00:45
daftykinschkdsk is file system level, doesn't compare.00:45
cmdswitchcurlyears, lsblk00:45
chaosPsycheXit has nothing to do with xchat/irc. it's common sense syntax00:45
chaosPsycheXname: msg-to-00:45
chaosPsycheXnicomachus: sorry00:46
Bashing-omcurlyears: ' sudo parted -l ' and look at the disk size for each device .00:46
timg__is there a great ultrabook with useable support for ubuntu and 16gb mem? cant get why it's so hart to run ubuntu on a macbook00:47
cyclone232msg-to- chaosPsycheX so all i need to is install 15.10?00:47
Zoohousedaftykins: I'm going to try to reinstall. Maybe something went wrong..00:47
curlyearswhat's going on?00:48
chaosPsycheXcyclone232: what are you trying to do?00:48
curlyearswhy aren't my pastes being seen on the channel?  I have a oneline error message from smartctl00:49
cyclone232msg-to-chaosPsycheX make xbmc work ( depencies not met  error00:49
daftykinstimg__: because Apple. mmm, the last gen Dell XPS 13 9343 might be good00:49
nicomachuscyclone232: you don't have to type msg-to-. just type the name.00:49
daftykinsno 16GB though00:49
OerHeksold xbmc on 14.10, he needs to upgrade with the EOL trick00:50
bazhangor just use kodi00:50
chaosPsycheXcyclone232: use synaptic00:50
curlyearsBashing-om: right, I remember that now that yuo reminded me. (don't get old, it SUKCS)00:50
OerHeksbazhang +100:50
bazhangas daftykins recommended hours ago00:50
bazhangcurlyears, stop the editorializing here its support only00:51
cyclone232synaptic ?00:51
nacctimg__: the yoga 900 (not sure if that qualifies as an ultrabook) is almost 100% supported with 15.10 :) ... 16.04 should be pretty close to perfect OOB00:51
timg__nacc: thx00:51
nacctimg__: and what isn't working mostly work with the upstream kernel or will shortly00:51
Bashing-omcurlyears: Oh contrair ... been doing this for about 50 years now . I do not feel the old at all .00:51
timg__why is the apple hardware support so bad?00:52
daftykinstimg__: not on topic.00:52
bazhangcyclone232, why arent you investigating kodi as suppested00:52
curlyearsBashing-om: I am 63, in poor health, and feel like I am at least 9000:52
bazhang!info kodi | cyclone23200:52
ubottucyclone232: kodi (source: kodi): Open Source Home Theatre (arch-independent data package). In component universe, is optional. Version 15.1+dfsg1-3 (wily), package size 10706 kB, installed size 25364 kB00:52
cyclone232i did   led to dead end00:52
=== sireebob is now known as christmascookie
bazhangcyclone232, where are you getting xbmc from00:53
cyclone232seen on the software center    but cant install addons00:53
bazhang!find xbmc00:54
ubottuFound: kodi, kodi-bin00:54
bazhangkodi is it cyclone23200:54
daftykinsdon't get it from the ubuntu repos.00:54
cmdswitchcyclone232, http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kodi_for_Linux00:54
daftykinsnot gonna work, 14.10 is EOL00:54
bazhangcyclone232, also, to continue support upgrade from the eol00:54
daftykinscan you folks maybe gift yourself this holiday season with the present of paying attention to the advice you're being given over and over again?00:54
cyclone232i installed it.  but while in  cant install addons.00:54
cmdswitchcyclone232, install via http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kodi_for_Linux instructions00:55
daftykinscyclone232: either outdated, or unofficial00:55
chaosPsycheXdaftykins: LOL00:55
bazhangcyclone232, first things first, upgrade to a supported version of ubuntu00:55
cyclone232was affriad of that00:55
cyclone232had 15.10...  but couldnt login00:56
cmdswitchcyclone232, just do the LTS and install from there00:56
cyclone232do LTS?00:57
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)00:57
cmdswitchcyclone232, 14.04.300:57
cyclone232not new to ubunu  but new to  trying to get stuff to work00:57
chaosPsycheXi hear ya00:57
cmdswitchcyclone232, that's why I said the LTS version, instead of 1500:57
cyclone232anyway i can upgrade  without  a fresh install?00:57
cyclone232LTS = good ???00:58
cyclone232the virsion o have is LTS  according to  the site00:58
cmdswitchcyclone232, LTS Long term support, more stuff works with it00:58
curlyearsbe back in a while00:58
cmdswitchcyclone232, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/00:59
cmdswitchcyclone232, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS00:59
chaosPsycheXcmdswitch: make sure you checksum the file!!!00:59
cyclone232cant upgrade . have to do a fresh install00:59
cmdswitchcyclone232, and yes do this as well if you wish https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM01:01
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:01
chaosPsycheXhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation ummmm, wth?01:05
chaosPsycheXhas that page been hacked? quickbooks and a 1-800 number is on it all over01:06
=== msjche is now known as msjche_away
cmdswitchjust use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation?action=recall&rev=13601:06
chaosPsycheXwhat happened to that page though?01:07
cmdswitchrandom user edits01:07
chaosPsycheXcmdswitch: and how did a 'random user' edit that page??01:08
cmdswitchchaosPsycheX, if it cant be explained, I blame random users01:08
nicomachususe this page instead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation?action=diff&rev1=136&rev2=13501:08
chaosPsycheXto random users!01:08
* chaosPsycheX toasts01:08
nicomachuschaosPsycheX: let's cut down on the chatter.01:11
boxmeinssmtp refuses to set AUTH PLAIN for me01:11
boxmeinwhat do I do01:12
boxmeinif I edit ssmtp.conf to say AuthMethod=CRAM-MD5 it works01:12
Klumsythanks to everyone who has helped me out this holiday!01:12
Klumsyi have all my old stuff backed up now01:12
Klumsymerry christmass!01:12
cmdswitchboxmein, have you looked at http://www.samlogic.net/articles/smtp-commands-reference-auth.htm ?01:13
* DosTuMai hisses.01:13
boxmeinif I remove it, set it to plain or PLAIN, it just automatically uses LOGIN01:13
setokaipahi there01:14
boxmeincmdswitch: it seems I still need auth plain, because thunderbird uses auth plain and it works fine01:14
boxmeinI'm using cock.li, needed a mail host I'd be willing to leave my password in plaintext for01:14
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=== MerryAgent_Isai is now known as Santa_Claus
cmdswitchboxmein, what smtp server software are you using?01:16
cmdswitchboxmein, ssmtp?01:17
boxmeincmdswitch: yes, ssmtp01:18
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=== b is now known as [dk00]
boxmeincmdswitch: mailx for the mail-sender01:18
cmdswitchboxmein, have you set up similar to http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Configure-the-server/Install-ssmtp.html ?01:20
boxmeincmdswitch: http://hastebin.com/ojatobekub.vala01:21
boxmeincmdswitch: testing with echo test | mail -v "testing SSMTP setup" root@email.com01:21
boxmeincmdswitch: command outputs this: http://hastebin.com/izoquvidon.vbs01:22
cmdswitchboxmein, there is no mx record http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3amail.cock.li&run=toolpage01:22
boxmeincmdswitch: can you check the command's output? it does seem to connect properly to the mail server...01:23
cmdswitchboxmein, looks incorrect looking at https://qmail.jms1.net/test-auth.shtml01:24
boxmeincmdswitch: I checked with thunderbird configuration, and it says that cock.li should expect plain auth for mail01:25
cmdswitchboxmein, AUTH=PLAIN DIGEST-MD5 is the only option for auth on the server01:29
boxmeincmdswitch: oh wow, thanks for going this far :O01:30
boxmeincmdswitch: I'm trying to make ssmtp go for PLAIN but I can't figure out why it's not doing that :(01:30
cmdswitchboxmein, needs MD5 sum to continue01:31
boxmeincmdswitch: what do you mean?01:32
cmdswitchboxmein, try telnet it and play around with the commands01:32
cmdswitchboxmein, read https://qmail.jms1.net/test-auth.shtml for more info01:33
boxmeincmdswitch: I'm not sure this will help given that it's ssmtp which doesn't want to do auth plain, rather than my configuration being wrong ;_;01:38
cmdswitchboxmein, that's all I had for it, else just google for it01:38
Zoohousedaftykins: Reinstalled and still it hangs, but the point where it hangs is different now... [OK] Started GNOME Display Manager [..] and then nothings more.01:44
daftykinstime to dig into those logs!01:45
* DosTuMai sips her tea.01:45
magic_ninja-lapso I'm trying to install a package and I think I'm getting dependency conflicts01:46
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, what's the error?01:46
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, "The following packages have unmet dependencies."01:48
magic_ninja-lapa list of packages01:48
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, so :) go met them :)01:48
magic_ninja-lapthen E:Unable to correct you may have held broken packages01:48
magic_ninja-lapI'm in a CLI only interface at the moment trying to install enlightenment from a ppa, I'm wondering what can cause something like that01:49
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cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, sudo apt-get install -f01:49
magic_ninja-lapright, at the moment I ran through all of the commands to clean up, but none of the packages mentioned were installed01:49
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cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, what are you trying to install?01:50
magic_ninja-lapenligthenment DE01:50
magic_ninja-lapthe ppa for 20, I should also mention I just did a base-install01:51
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, did you follow http://ubuntuportal.com/2015/02/how-to-install-enlightenment-e20-desktop-environment-in-ubuntu-14-04-14-10.html ?01:51
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, yes, and I got that error, so I removed the ppa and cleaned up01:51
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, what did install -f tell you?01:52
magic_ninja-lapah crap01:52
magic_ninja-lapwhat does CTRL A do in the CLI01:52
magic_ninja-lapnever tried to type it before, just did it out of habbit01:52
magic_ninja-lapnow I can't move the cursor haha01:53
cmdswitchjust hit enter01:53
cmdswitchand retype01:53
magic_ninja-lapkk, now01:53
magic_ninja-lapi'll readd the ppa01:53
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, then do sudo apt-get update01:54
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, then do the install01:54
Zoohousedaftykins: Can't seem to spot the problem. Do you see it? http://pastebin.com/s0g1rajE01:54
magic_ninja-lapSome packages could not be installed. This may mean you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.01:55
magic_ninja-lapThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:55
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, can you pastebin the entire error?01:56
magic_ninja-lapit lists the e20 libs01:56
magic_ninja-lapE:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages01:56
magic_ninja-lapthat is the entire error...I'm typing it into my lappie heh01:56
seanyoanyone have dhewm3 working?01:57
magic_ninja-lapI can type in the depds if you need01:57
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, without knowing what package are broken, the only solution I have for you is https://www.google.com/#q=ubuntu+borken+package01:57
deependso, i've broken sudo and I can't figure out how to fix it01:57
cmdswitchhttps://www.google.com/#q=ubuntu+broken+package *01:57
magic_ninja-lapi'll get you them01:57
seanyocan anyone help or direct me to a channel which can help with dhewm3 not working in wily?01:57
cmdswitchdeepend, what's broken about your sudo?01:58
deependI think it started from a hostname issue01:58
deependcouldn't find hostname error when I did sudo01:58
nicomachusdeepend: that shouldn't do anything to sudo...01:58
nicomachusdeepend: what exactly were you trying to do and what was the exact error?01:58
deependso I fixed the /etc/hosts file01:58
deependto match /etc/hostname01:58
deependdropped to recovery mode root shell, added a new user, added new user to sudo group01:59
deependsu to new user01:59
deependpassword accepted01:59
deependno password for sudo will be accepted01:59
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, there you go man01:59
zykotick9!hostname | nicomachus notice the warning.02:00
ubottunicomachus notice the warning.: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.02:00
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, did you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2097146 ?02:00
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, sudo apt-get remove libedbus1 libedbus2 libedje1 libeeze1 libefreet1 libemotion0 libethumb libethumb-bin libethumb-data02:01
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, then try install again02:01
deependzykotick9: so like add a second line in /etc/hosts to read: <hostname>   ?02:01
deependwith the old hostname?02:01
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zykotick9deepend: sorry not sure if it's a second line or " oldname newname"?!?!02:02
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, also rm -rf ~/.e02:02
deependdamn that's what I wasn't sure of lol02:02
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, no directory, nothing has been installed02:03
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libefl_201212220429-538~precise1_amd64.deb02:03
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, sudo apt-get -f install02:04
DelemasI'm trying to upgrade a server from 15.04 to 15.10. It keeps failing around 85%. Thanks to btrfs I kept a snapshot of the unbootable root. Anyone where it might log details of why it failed?02:04
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, or its <ubuntu flavor> equal02:04
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, if you dont' mind me asking, where did you get that package name?02:05
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2097146&page=202:05
magic_ninja-lapis that the 15.10 version of libefl?02:05
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, precise is not, you'll need to find it02:05
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, well I can say this much, I'm not using the ppa that is mentioned in the thread, so perhaps I'm not having exactly the same issue02:07
sudersan_hi , i often get automatically logged out,the error was xorg crashed with sigamart something like that using ubuntu 10.10 can someone help is that a bug02:07
magic_ninja-lapI'm not sure exactly what is happening (not meaning a fix, but what is going on)02:07
sudersan_ubuntu 15.1002:07
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, the point is at this point, you have other issues like broken packages. Fix the packages THEN work on enlightenment02:07
magic_ninja-lapI got ya, I have tried to clean up/remove packages, but I'm not exactly sure what is broken >.<02:08
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, http://pastebin.com/hHGv7fGU lists what's broken, google to find the answers to fix the packages02:09
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, I see. So these packages are broken it seems, but I never downloaded or installed them02:10
magic_ninja-lapso for some reason apt is confused and thinks they are broken?02:10
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, but they are needed for your enlightenment program02:10
magic_ninja-lapI wish I knew who made the ppa02:11
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, https://www.enlightenment.org/download lists the dependencies, make sure they are installed02:13
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, I see, so it seems that apt can't find the dependencies for the dependencies02:14
DelemasThis is what was on the console before disconnected from the network and I found it powered off. http://pastebin.ca/329922202:14
DelemasIt isn't helping much...02:14
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, its not magic02:14
magic_ninja-lapI'm installing them now, this is the first time i've ever done a base install like this02:15
cmdswitchDelemas, did you run journalctl -xe to see the details?02:15
magic_ninja-lapis there a package that installs development stuff I wonder :D02:15
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, probably02:16
magic_ninja-lapgoogling for it now02:16
DelemasKinda hard when the system won't boot afterwards. Is there a way to run journalctl -xe against a different root?02:16
cmdswitchDelemas, does the system boot into single-user mode?02:17
DelemasNot with the partially upgraded too. I had to revert to the snapshot taken just before upgrade then it boots fine with 15.04.02:18
DelemasI meant not with the partially upgraded root....02:18
DelemasOh sweet there is a --root option...02:19
ZoohouseGoing to try Lubuntu..02:21
Delemas So many flavours these days...02:21
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welovfree_is there is a way to customize ubuntu to become flat like os?02:23
cmdswitchwelovfree_, flat like os? like Mac OS X?02:23
nicomachuswelovfree_: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/12/paper-new-material-design-inspired-gtk.html02:24
welovfree_cmdswitch, like chromixium02:25
welovfree_cmdswitch, or flat as win 1002:25
Delemashmm except --root doesn't seem to work...02:26
cmdswitchwelovfree_, http://www.noobslab.com/2015/09/do-you-like-windows-10-look-but-love.html02:26
cmdswitchDelemas, I'm outta ideas, sorry02:26
DelemasNo worries at least I have something to google which is more than I had before...02:27
welovfree_cmdswitch, that was awful win 10 theme on linux02:28
cmdswitchwelovfree_, I didn't say it was great02:29
welovfree_cmdswitch, what I was looking for is ubuntu as it is but flat designed02:29
nicomachuswelovfree_: did you see what I sent you?02:29
cmdswitchwelovfree_, http://www.noobslab.com/2015/05/ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-theme.html02:29
welovfree_nicomachus, yes I am reading it right now02:30
cmdswitchwelovfree_, else just google for it02:30
nicomachuswelovfree_: my desktop with Paper GTK and Numix icons: https://imgur.com/0D8XlR502:32
eb0tdo any of you guys do ubuntu server stuff ...or is it all abotu desktops and pretty things02:33
welovfree_nicomachus, wow! it's beautiful02:33
cfhowlett!server | eb0t02:33
ubottueb0t: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server02:33
cmdswitcheb0t, #ubuntu-server02:33
nicomachuseb0t: ask your question and we'll answer if we can. but there's also #ubuntu-server02:33
eb0tah cool02:33
welovfree_nicomachus, how can I install paper02:33
nicomachuswelovfree_: it's on that link I sent you.02:34
welovfree_nicomachus, ok, I hope ubuntu would look something like that in the future because I am not changing it to another os because ubuntu was the 1st linux distro I discovered02:35
nicomachuswelovfree_: ubuntu can look however you want it to look02:36
welovfree_nicomachus, so Paper is not what some one could call a theme it's beyond02:38
nicomachusIt's a theme.02:38
cmdswitchwelovfree_, also http://askubuntu.com/questions/361422/how-can-you-change-the-gtk-theme-and-window-decorations-separately-in-unity02:38
xcelqcmdswitch: i believe that show gtk-tweak-tool?02:39
xcelqor what ever it called02:39
cmdswitchxcelq, and the ubuntu-tweak as well02:40
nicomachusunity-tweak-tool can be used to switch themes.02:40
welovfree_nicomachus, Ubuntu users can install the latest Paper GTK theme by using its official daily buils PPA (unstable): what do they mean by unstable??02:42
cfhowlett!ppa | welovfree_02:42
ubottuwelovfree_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:42
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, lol about half way down the dep list :D02:46
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, you're the one that wanted enlightenment :)02:48
magic_ninja-laphaha yep02:49
cmdswitchout for bit02:55
viktor_hello all. running xubuntu 14.04 LTS. can't use my scanner:( have tried to install the proprietary drivers from canon, but no effect. any help pls?03:20
joeb3_viktor_, if you run the simple scan app, does it recognize the scanner/03:24
viktor_joeb3_ nope, it says, make sure scanner is on and connected03:24
joeb3_viktor_, ok, I have the CanonScan LIDE 25 usb and it works fine without any drivers installed.03:26
viktor_joeb3_ that's a driver? how do i install it?03:27
joeb3_viktor_, that's the scanner model.  I just plugged it in and it works.03:27
viktor_joeb3_ yes, my previous scanner also worked right out of the box, however, this one doesn't03:28
cmdswitchjoeb3_, what's the broken scanner model?03:30
nicomachusviktor_: is it plugged in now?03:30
viktor_nicomachus yup, usb03:30
nicomachusCan you paste the output of 'lsusb' to a pastebin and link that here?03:31
viktor_nicomachus, printer works fine (it's a printer/scanner)03:31
welovfreewhat is Unity Launcher?03:32
nicomachusviktor_: what's the scanner model?03:33
viktor_nicomachus : http://pastebin.com/qdFq58Xi03:33
welovfreeI came across this article on softpadia.COM, http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/ubuntu-16-04-lts-to-let-users-move-the-unity-launcher-at-the-bottom-of-the-screen-498000.shtml03:33
viktor_nichomachus Canon Pixma MG357003:33
nicomachuswelovfree: that's more of a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic03:33
cmdswitchviktor_, look at http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/12/canon-driver-scangear-mp-ubuntu-14-04/ ?03:34
magic_ninja-lapcmdswitch, got it installing finally. I suppose if I had added the universe repository it would have been much easier :D03:36
viktor_cmdswitch i did. my printer isn't listed. i also found some reply om ubuntuforums from a guy with the same printer who tried this without succes03:36
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nicomachusviktor_: is this the one you tried?: http://support-asia.canon-asia.com/contents/ASIA/EN/0100550402.html03:37
cmdswitchmagic_ninja-lap, we must do it the hard way, to appreciate the easy way03:38
cfhowlettthe hard way we must, so that the easy way you will appreciate.  FTFY03:38
* cmdswitch is #antistarwars03:39
nicomachuscmdswitch is #offtopic03:39
viktor_nicomachus no, i just tried the scanner drivers only, which i now see, is of an earlier version (2.20)03:40
nicomachusviktor_: ok, purge that one and download the one from that link.03:40
viktor_nicomachus will it affect the scanner?03:41
nicomachusit should make it work.03:41
viktor_nicomachus okay, thkns, i'll try that03:41
nicomachusviktor_: this has step-by-step to install it once you've downloaded it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220987903:42
pierre_cw on03:49
Shadyhello! Dependency is not satisfiable: libgcrypt11 (>= 1.4.5) , how to fix this03:50
magic_ninja-lapso now when I try to log in I get a black screen03:56
Shadyhello! Dependency is not satisfiable: libgcrypt11 (>= 1.4.5) , how to fix this04:00
AndroidHackerShady, sudo apt-get -f install04:00
ShadyAndroidHacker, libgcrypt11-dev is already the newest version. this is the output from terminal04:03
viktor_nicomachus still nothing04:04
AndroidHackerShady, what exactly are you trying to do?04:04
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LordPicardHello. I've a problem when I update ubuntu, it asks me to free up some space in /boot - is there a way to increase its size? I've done aut-get autoremove and clean nothing works.04:05
nicomachusLordPicard: can you paste the output of " sudo ls /boot "?04:05
LordPicardnicomachus:  here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/14186347/04:07
LordPicardThis start to hapen after I updated from (i think) 15.something to 15.1004:08
Shadyinstall a .deb file with gdebi04:08
LordPicard15.01 maybe? not sure. :)04:08
ShadyAndroidHacker, install a .deb file with gdebi04:08
AndroidHackeri would recommend using dpkg04:09
AndroidHackersudo dpkg -i whatever.deb04:09
AndroidHackersudo apt-get -f install04:09
yoLo_how do i uninstall something i no longer use /04:10
yoLo_like remove so i can install a new one04:10
LordPicardyoLo_:  sudo apt-get remove <package name> or search for it in ubuntu software center if you dont know the package name04:11
LordPicardyoLo_: but if you want to "reset" you can just search for the config file - if ther's one - and remove it, it will reset the app probably04:11
ShadyAndroidHacker, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14186397/04:14
neredsenvyAnyone know a fix for lightdm whitescreen ?04:15
AndroidHackerShady, i see no errors04:15
linuxnoobhelp me ????04:19
viktor_nicomachus still there?04:19
viktor_linuxnoob you have to be more specific04:20
linuxnoobwhy is lubuntu so laggy for videos and normal task04:20
ShadyAndroidHacker, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14186447/04:20
linuxnoobi mean im on a netbook 2gb ram intel atom04:20
viktor_linuxnoob, have you installed the proprietary driver for your graphics card?04:20
linuxnoobhow do i do that?04:21
neredsenvyIs there a lightdm alternative that actually works ?04:21
viktor_linuxnoob, go to setting> additional drivers04:21
nicomachusviktor_: had a bit of a crash over here... sorry04:21
viktor_nicomachus np04:21
viktor_nicomachus but i was hoping you'd have any other ideas?04:22
linuxnoobviktor_ okay and then?04:22
linuxnoobit say no additional driver availbale04:23
viktor_linuxnoob, what's your graphics card?04:23
linuxnoobintegrated intel04:24
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viktor_linuxnoob, can you type "lspci -vnn" in a command line copy the response to pastebin and send me the link?04:26
linuxnoobok 1 sec04:26
linuxnoobho do copy??04:27
linuxnoobho do i copy??04:27
viktor_linuxnoob just select it with the mouse, r-click and copy04:28
linuxnoobit wont let me copy from terminal?04:29
WubTheCaptainWhat happened in here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers04:30
WubTheCaptainThe last revision looks to be fine though when accessed directly04:30
lawhey all, I'm working with Server 14.04.3 and something is driving me nuts04:31
lawI've removed all instances of the symlink S20puppet in the various /etc/rcX.d/ directories, but the daemon still starts on boot04:31
lawthis is a bog-standard install04:32
lawwhat am I missing on preventing this daemon from starting on boot?04:32
viktor_linuxnoob ? what happens when you try to copy04:32
WubTheCaptainlaw: I've not used Ubuntu in a long time, but have you used update-rc.d to disable it?04:32
linuxnoobif i right click it high lights some parts and if i press control c it only writes a c04:33
lawWubTheCaptain: I have, yes04:34
viktor_linuxnoob, use right-click with the mouse to copy/paste in terminal04:35
linuxnoobdosent work bro :c04:36
viktor_linuxnoob, you're sure you're in terminal?04:37
linuxnoobyes its called UXTerm?04:37
viktor_linuxnoob, should be it. and you can't select by dragging your mouse, and then right-clicking on the selected part?04:38
linuxnoobnot working04:39
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ShadyAndroidHacker, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14186447/04:41
viktor_linuxnoob, try shift+ctrl+c, seems xterm is a little more difficult04:41
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zykotick9viktor_: ahh, those copy/paste instructions are very "terminal" dependant... just sayin'04:41
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viktor_zykotick yes, just looked it up, but most terminals support copy/paste with the mouse04:42
joeb3_uxterm will paste with the middle button.04:42
joeb3_middle mouse button that is04:43
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zykotick9viktor_: yes, but they implement it in different ways, as joeb3_ can attest ;)04:43
linuxnoobnope not working04:44
viktor_linuxnoob, so if you've been reading along, try middle mouse button too04:44
viktor_linuxnoob, neither ctrl+shft+c or middle mouse button??04:44
zykotick9viktor_: fyi, it's highlight (leave highlighted, no click) then middle mouse.04:44
linuxnoobit touch pad04:44
linuxnoob no mouse04:44
zykotick9s/middle mouse/middle mouse to paste/04:45
linuxnoobits a netbook lol04:45
viktor_netbooks sometimes have usb-mouses04:45
viktor_install a better terminal :p04:45
viktor_lubuntu software center04:46
nicomachuslinuxnoob: right click, copy/paste?04:46
linuxnoobok witch terminl?04:46
linuxnoobyes it wont copy or nothing04:46
viktor_linuxnoob, try gnome-terminal04:47
ShadyHello! I've a problem instaling  .deb file http://paste.ubuntu.com/14186447/04:47
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linuxnoobgnome term. i not lited04:48
nicomachuslinuxnoob: at the top of your regular terminal: Edit > Profile Preferences > Key Shortcuts tab04:48
yoLo_how do i add directory to my PATH ?04:48
yoLo_directory name is bin04:49
linuxnoobnico there only move, send to dektop04:49
naccyoLo_: depends on if you want to ahve it searched before or after the normal PATH, but export PATH=bin:$PATH ?04:49
nicomachusShady: try 'sudo apt-get clean' then install again04:50
zykotick9Shady: "cannot copy extracted data for <SNIP> to <SNIP>: unexpected end of file or stream" <- i'd guess corrupted DEB or bad packaging?!?!  good luck.04:50
yoLo_nacc: search04:50
lebouskii anyone here know how to solve a problem involving linking 2 routers. one receiving  a signal and sends it through lan port to 2nd router that broadcasts it. both routers flashed with dd-wrt.  i'm having some issues i can't figure out at all04:51
zykotick9yoLo_: do you mean ~/bin?  if so, create it, log out and back in - and it should be there.04:52
yoLo_zykotick9: yes04:52
naccyoLo_: then it'd be `export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/bin` ...04:52
yoLo_zykotick9: which i have just created in my Home directory04:52
linuxnoobi might just instll linux mint04:52
naccyoLo_: technically it depends on the exact shell in question, and which config files are already present04:52
Shadyzykotick9, thanks04:53
zykotick9yoLo_: log out and back in - majic it's there ;)04:53
yoLo_zykotick9: where do i write "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/bin:$PATH ?04:54
zykotick9yoLo_: you dont!04:54
zykotick9yoLo_: log out and back in - majic it's there ;)04:54
yoLo_zykotick9: but wouldnt i have to do this each time i log back in?04:54
yoLo_zykotick9: so i simply type in terminal ?04:55
naccyoLo_: if you are just trying to add your home dir's bin to the PATH, it's built-in functionally, if the directory is present04:55
zykotick9yoLo_: NO.  just log out and back it - it's that simple.  ~/bin will be setup for you.04:55
viktor_linuxnoob, i'm surprised your driver isn't listed to begin with. how old is your computer?04:55
yoLo__zykotick9:  nacc  thanks works!05:01
yoLo__as simple as that05:01
viktor_hi all, running xubuntu 14.04 LTS on a toshiba satellite. my printer/scanner is an: Canon Pixma MG3570. copying works fine, printer works fine, connection by USB. scanner doesn't work. simple scan says "no scanners detected". have downloaded and installed proprietary drivers from canon. no effect. any help is much appreciated05:04
StefaNNNAnybody here to help me? :D05:09
terrasapienviktor_: this solution worked for me in same situation: http://askubuntu.com/questions/32646/how-to-change-the-bus-dev-in-order-to-allow-xsane-to-work05:13
viktor_terrasapien, i just replace the dollar signs with the bus and device? like: .../001Bus/003Dev ?05:26
terrasapienviktor_: I just used the exact output from lsusb for the scanning device05:27
terrasapiensometimes it changes between boots so I need to change permissions with chmod everytime I want to use my scanner05:29
viktor_terrasapien, sorry if i'm being slow, just don't want to chmod something wrong. so, sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/$Bus/$Dev + Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04a9:176e Canon, Inc. = ?05:29
terrasapienyeah. that should do it05:30
terrasapienbut without the description, just the device path05:31
viktor_terrasapien,  "sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/$Bus/$Dev Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04a9:176e" like that??05:32
terrasapienjust the path, nothing after the first space05:32
terrasapienso chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/$Bus/$Dev05:33
terrasapiensudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/001/00305:34
viktor_terrasapien, don't need to input the actual bus and dev numbers somewhere?05:34
terrasapienyes, as the path and device as I typed above05:35
terrasapienthen your scanner should work05:35
zykotick9viktor_: note, after a reboot the permission will be reverted (i think).05:36
terrasapienyes, it will so you'll need to do that each time before you use your scanner05:36
viktor_viktor@viktor-SATELLITE-L750:~$ sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/001/00305:37
viktor_chmod: cannot access ‘/dev/bus/usb/001/003’: No such file or directory05:37
zykotick9viktor_: what is the "ls -l /dev/bus..." is it owned by the scanner group perhaps?05:37
viktor_zykotick9, i used this one first sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/$Bus/$Dev05:38
viktor_i misunderstood05:38
q0_0panyone here tried macbook pro 13" 2015 getting bluetooth working?05:38
econ1awesomehowdy! After I extract a tarball how do I make it so I can run it by command in bash, instead of typing in the absolute filepath?05:39
zykotick9viktor_: i'd "guess" that command would fail... i hope so anyways...05:39
viktor_zycotick9, didn't get any error msg with that one05:39
SchrodingersScat!path | econ1awesome05:40
ubottuecon1awesome: The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables05:40
zykotick9!tab | viktor_ just FYI.05:40
ubottuviktor_ just FYI.: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:40
econ1awesomeSchrodingersScat: so don't need to symbolically link? just modify bashrc?05:41
zykotick9viktor_: have you tried running xsane with sudo?  you will get a warning on running - but it might work?  i don't have to do this anymore, but did for a while...05:41
viktor_zykotick, it runs, says "no devices available"05:42
SchrodingersScatecon1awesome: if it's something you compiled, there's often a 'make install' you can run to put it in path.  I wouldn't modify bashrc, I would just put it in my path somewhere.  You can add more locations though.05:42
econ1awesomeSchrodingersScat: is that persistent though? I thought export was temporary?05:42
terrasapienviktor_: when you do : lsusb . . . do you see your scanner in the list of devices?05:43
zykotick9viktor_: fyi, z-y-k-TAB should autocomplete my nick.  "no devices available"... hummm... doesn't seem promising...  i don't really have any other suggestions.  best of luck.05:43
SchrodingersScatecon1awesome: I thought adding it to the bashrc would be the same as adding more locations, yes?05:43
econ1awesomeI think so?05:43
viktor_terrasapien, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14187724/05:44
viktor_terrasapien, 4th one05:45
terrasapienlooks like fifth line . . . no?05:46
terrasapienbut it's not a very descriptive line that would indicate your scanner/printer05:46
viktor_terrasapien, 4th device :)05:47
viktor_terrasapien, canon05:47
viktor_terrasapien, the device changed05:47
terrasapienlol, yeah, ok, 4th device, but line five . . . my bad :)05:47
terrasapienviktor_: if changing permissions doesn't work, your problem looks to be beyond my depth of understanding -- good luck05:49
doomsyanyone know a good .pak unpacker?05:49
doomsyfor ubuntu05:49
doomsyI can't seem to find an unpacker for .pak files. People are saying 7zip but it doesn't work with it...05:50
terrasapiendoomsy: maybe unar might work?05:51
EV90IARUdoom pak ?05:51
xcelqdoom pak?05:51
doomsyjust downloaded visual studio Code becuase Im used to it at work, but it's in a .pak file and i can't seem to find anything to unzip it05:52
doomsylooking up unar, tyvm05:53
doomsygood call terra, unar unpacks it. Thanks!05:54
=== Guest52481 is now known as luciferlu
terrasapienawesome, I learned something too then05:54
lebouskiidoes anyone know why it's so hard and impossible so far for me to get my  alfa036nh wireless card set to 30dbm when do iwconfig . i've tried the methods you hear about mainly but is there something i can do to try and find the issue and fix it?05:57
lebouskiiits stuck at 20dbm or lower =\05:57
lebouskiicomputer issues driving me to overtake my adderall again05:59
soupnanodesukarpsa, someone hacked the ubuntu wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers06:01
econ1awesomeI'm still really confused. I have added a local directory to my path in an attempt to run an executable. However, it is not working. What do I do to make it work? E.g. if I have a.out, how can I run it by typing "a.out" instead of "./a.out"?06:03
CacheMoney1sooo any ideas as to why all the files in /usr/sbin and /usr/bin would be renamed with underscores in front of them?06:08
gagalicioushow can i have a fresh installation of my ubuntu everytime i restart? i'm looking also into LSTP and diskless and fat client systems. does anyone know what's the difference between them?06:10
doomsyhows everyone06:12
CacheMoney1wget --user ***** --password *** ftp://sdfjhsl.com/123/*.*06:12
CacheMoney1that should download all the files in a folder right/06:12
xcelqCacheMoney1: yes06:13
xcelqdoomsy: good you?06:13
CacheMoney1so say I mounted an ntfs drive to /mnt/usbdrive06:13
econ1awesomeI'm still really confused. I have added a local directory to my path in an attempt to run an executable. However, it is not working. What do I do to make it work? E.g. if I have a.out, how can I run it by typing "a.out" instead of "./a.out"?06:13
CacheMoney1cd'd in to that folder06:13
doomsydoing ok. Just catching up on work before the holidays06:13
CacheMoney1ran mkdir networkdrivers06:13
CacheMoney1cd'd into the newly created folder06:14
CacheMoney1then ran that wget command06:14
xcelqCacheMoney1: can't rsync copy files too?06:14
CacheMoney1it could06:14
CacheMoney1but regardless, that shouldn't overwrite anything on the OS right?06:14
CacheMoney1for some reason06:15
CacheMoney1this server just shit itself06:15
CacheMoney1nothign in /usr/sbin/ /usr/bin06:15
CacheMoney1or /bin06:15
beasteeHmmm... I just used make while not being inside any specific directory (at /home/) and now it is going through all my files, is this ok? Other than it taking forever, of course06:16
Cody1337I wonder how Snappy will benefit my server when 16.04 comes out...06:17
nicomachusbeastee: hit "Ctrl+Alt+C" to stop it.06:18
beasteenicomachus: won't it corrupt anything?06:18
nicomachusshould be fine. there's nothing for it to make.06:18
beasteeok, thanks06:19
thomedydoes anyone know about video encoding06:19
thomedyim  stabbing a t the dark without any sense of direction06:19
user123321Can I programmatically cut the entire power in a particular USB port?06:20
lotuspsychjeuser123321: whats your end goal?06:21
user123321lotuspsychje, To turn off my laptop's external cooling pad before suspending my laptop. In Windows, I tried many settings but the cooling fan still runs after sleep mode. I suspect this would be the same in Ubuntu.06:22
lotuspsychjeuser123321: buy an usb hub with on/off switch perhaps?06:23
user123321lotuspsychje, That's one option. I want this to be done programmatically. A USB hub might reduce the power going for my external fan :/06:24
user123321unless it's powered hub.. well.06:24
lotuspsychjeuser123321: can this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/342061/power-on-off-usb-ports06:26
* Cody1337 Is now afk06:26
user123321hmm, seems some commands from terminal. thx I'll check.06:27
CacheMoney1i fixed it06:31
CacheMoney1with a good ol reboot06:31
=== JackMc is now known as ChristmasMagic
lotuspsychje!yay | CacheMoney06:33
ubottuCacheMoney: Glad you made it! :-)06:33
=== troy_cambridge is now known as Guest27336
viktor_terrasapien, i found it. want to know what it was?06:45
lebouskiiwhy would armitage load all the way till its main GUI and it never actually opens it even though it takes  a while to load and it hapened to stop working after i updated it06:46
koganCan you use -I instead of install to install a program06:56
=== Tronsha is now known as [UPA]Stefan
=== himanshu is now known as Guest96557
beasteeHello, Guest9655707:04
Guest96557How to identify your nickname on Xchat?07:04
somsip!register | Guest9655707:04
ubottuGuest96557: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:04
Guest96557Hello beastee07:05
koganWhen you compile a program do you need to add all of the dependency07:06
Guest96557yes we need07:06
=== meyou_ is now known as meyou
valtripneed help with grep ,, i lost i txt in my disk ,, i did    ls -R | grep cha    the file is showing ,, how can i get its adddress or pipe it to cat07:17
yehochananI was wondering if anyone has had any trouble duel booting a debian based system and windows 707:19
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: !info sensors ?07:20
firstofthe300valtrip: You should be able to do something like find *cha* and get the full path07:20
SeriouslyLaughyehochanan i've been able to do it07:20
firstofthe300scratch that. not helpful07:21
firstofthe300"find . -name *writ*" is what you want07:21
firstofthe300or find . -name *cha* in your case07:21
Gallomimialotuspsychje: i found some stuff. i still cant remember what i used to use to graph the temps07:21
yehochananSeriouslyLaugh did you ever have received this error07:22
yehochananI was wondering if anyone has had any trouble duel booting a debian based system and windows 707:22
yehochananERROR: pdc: wrong # of devices in RAID set "pdc_bdifidicjc" [1/2] on /dev/sda07:22
SeriouslyLaughyehochanan nope, sorry -- first thing i would do is plug that error into google and see what comes up07:23
=== chadi_ is now known as chadi
valtripthnxx  firstofthe300  ,, it worked ,,, :) i was doing things for half an hour07:23
yehochananI have already tried and all I get are threads about repairing raid arrays. I don't have a raid array07:24
firstofthe300glad to hear it07:24
firstofthe300find is extremely powerful...you should take a look at its man page07:24
yehochananI have a single drive that for some reason is being seen as a misconfigured raid07:24
=== troy_cambridge_ is now known as troy_cambridge
SeriouslyLaughyehochanan maybe double check your BIOS settings to make sure you have your boot devices set correctly? make sure you google everything before making change07:24
yehochananI haven't checked bios yet07:25
=== iooner- is now known as iooner
=== Karunamon|2 is now known as Karunamon
yehochananstill googling, nothing much so far07:29
valtripfirstofthe300        sure gonna do!!!   grep should have a operator to get address of files (in case) ,, it shows line no and other things if you search a txt07:31
lotuspsychjeyehochanan: this is ubuntu support not debian07:31
firstofthe300grep is more of an all purpose command that is used on any output given to it07:32
firstofthe300find is file system based07:32
doomsy1ubuntu is fun07:32
firstofthe300find is a lot like grep but built for filesystem searching07:33
=== Xiao is now known as Zhyr
somsipfirstofthe300: no - grep finds matches for text in a file, find looks for matching filenames/dir names07:41
firstofthe300somsip: just looked at the man page and you are right...but I was trying (rather poorly) to say that find searches file and dir names.07:42
somsipfirstofthe300: on second read, I can see what you're getting at so didnt mean it to sound like I was jumping on you :)07:43
firstofthe300no prob...good job catching me on grep though.07:43
somsipfirstofthe300: although, I should have said that grep finds matches from input, not just files07:44
detlyis there a tool for a/b testing videos? that is, something that lets you view two similar videos side by side, or quickly switch between them at the same point in time?07:48
=== noteenikhil is now known as nikhilweee
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
welovfreeHello guys, I just finished installing firefox on ubuntu07:52
welovfreeand tell me07:52
welovfreePlease restart all running instances of firefox, or you will experience problems.07:52
welovfreehow can i do that?07:52
firstofthe300If you just finished installing it for the first time, there shouldn't be any instances to restart.07:53
firstofthe300If you just updated, simply closing all firefox windows will do it.07:53
welovfreenot for the first time, I just got an old version and updated it07:54
welovfreeand how can I make sure07:54
welovfreerun the ps command or what?07:54
firstofthe300ps -a07:55
firstofthe300or similar07:55
firstofthe300excuse me...ps -A07:56
=== napterk_ is now known as napterk
welovfreefirstofthe300, thank you08:02
yehochanangood night lal08:08
Alphakaremgood night yehochanan08:09
dupingpingwho knows about sock proxy?08:30
dupingpingplease help me about it, I think that ubuntu does now work with sock proxy setting from gnome settings.08:31
MorrwinHey guys anyone having issues with amd drivers? If I use the proprietary ati drivers in Ubuntu 14.04.3lts I need to disable hardware acceleration else screen/window flickers. Applied to any app that uses it like Chrome or code editors, but Steam games run good. If I go to open source drivers Steam games won't run but I can use the hardware acceleration since it doesn't flicker.08:35
welovfreeHello guys, in windows the default installation folder is c:/Program Files, I would like to know the default folder in ubuntu, because I installed Sublime text manually using tar command and result was folder named Sublime_text_3 in which the executable resides08:37
welovfreeand i want to move that folder to the default folder08:37
firstofthe300Sublime has deb packages on the website that you can download and install.08:40
firstofthe300I know that for a fact.08:40
firstofthe300Go with the debs as installation and uninstallation is a piece of cake.08:41
welovfreebut I already installed it08:43
=== mandje is now known as kerstmandje
dupingpinghey, what is sock?08:46
bekksdupingping: Do you mean SOCKS?08:47
dupingpingbekks: yes, right. SOCKS.08:47
bekksdupingping: There you go :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS08:48
welovfreehey bekks can you help me?08:49
somsip!ask | welovfree08:49
ubottuwelovfree: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:49
firstofthe300Welovfree: the default installation directory is generally only touched by the package manager.08:49
dupingpingbekks: yeah, i saw it.08:50
dupingpingSo how can i use the SOCKS on Ubuntu?08:50
dupingpingHow to test?08:50
ikoniadupingping: why do you want to use socks08:50
ikoniadupingping: what is your end goal ?08:50
firstofthe300So moving the tarball to the default directory manually is not really a clean way to do things.08:50
welovfreefirstofthe300, so where can i put that folder i got08:50
firstofthe300You could use /usr/local/lib.08:51
dupingpingikonia: yes, i think that SOCKS is not supported on Ubuntu.08:51
firstofthe300But that is again not the cleanest way to do things.08:51
ikoniadupingping: you're incorrect08:51
ikoniadupingping: and it's not "ubuntu" it's specific applications that need to be "aware" of how to use socks08:51
firstofthe300Is there some reason that you don't want to use the deb packages?08:51
dupingpingikonia: hmm? After i choose a SOCKS on Gnome Settings,08:52
firstofthe300The deb package is provided for the express purpose of making installing on Ubuntu a breeze.08:52
dupingpingin Gnome Terminal, I run ping.08:52
dupingpingbut it's not work with socks.08:52
ikoniadupingping: ping is a different application08:52
ikoniadupingping: as I said, it depends on the application, not the distirbution08:53
ikoniadupingping: ping is not really something that should be "socks aware"08:53
dupingpingikonia: yes, then what is "socks aware" for example? please08:53
ikoniadupingping: ssh would be an example (depending on if your build is socks aware)08:53
welovfreefirstofthe300, look http://prntscr.com/9hz6p408:54
ikoniadupingping: or in your case, for example, when you put that into the gnome settings, it will proxy any parts of it's desktop suit that can use a socks proxy08:54
dupingpingikonia: you mean that ubuntu gnome desktop suit?08:55
firstofthe300What Ubuntu version are you using? 32 or 64? Just so I know.08:55
welovfreefirstofthe300, 32-bit08:55
ikoniadupingping: the ubuntu desktop experience is made up of many small application components, when you set it globally as you have done, it will proxy any of those individual desktop apps that support socks server08:55
bekksdupingping: Do you have a SOCKS proxy server?08:55
dupingpingbekks: no.08:56
ikoniawelovfree: what exact ubuntu version08:56
bekksdupingping: Then you cannot use SOCKS.08:56
firstofthe300Have you downloaded the Ubuntu 32-bit package provided on the download page. I am not referring to the tarball that you already downloaded.08:56
ikoniadupingping: how do you expect to proxy socks traffic if you don't have a socks server ?08:56
dupingpingikonia: yes, as normally i can conenct any site.08:57
ikoniadupingping: what has that got to do with anything ?08:57
welovfreeikonia, 14.0408:57
dupingpingikonia: with incorrect socks, it could not be work.08:57
welovfreefirstofthe300, after using the .deb provided in the official website where can i find the executable?08:57
ikoniadupingping: ???? what08:57
dupingpingi just want to test as it.08:57
bekksdupingping: Without a SOCKS server, you cannot connect to anything using SOCKS.08:57
ikoniadupingping: do you have a socks proxy server to connect to yes/no08:57
dupingpingikonia: i just know what software works find with socks proxy server.08:58
firstofthe300After installing the .deb, it should have an icon in the launcher.08:58
ikoniadupingping: no08:58
ikoniadupingping: if will try to connect to one or find another route, eg: direct or http proxy08:58
ikoniadupingping: do you have a socks server yes/no08:58
firstofthe300The executable wi live in /usr/bin08:58
ikoniait sounds to me like you have a http proxy server08:58
welovfreefirstofthe300, yeah i noticed it didn't using the method i told you08:59
dupingpingikonia: yes, let's guess at this.08:59
dupingpingif i have any socks proxy server.08:59
ikoniadupingping: ?08:59
ikoniadupingping: lets not guess if you have a socks proxy server08:59
dupingpingikonia: :)08:59
ikoniadupingping: what is the problem you want to solve - why do you need a socks server ?08:59
dupingpingikonia: yes. i want to use socks server to pass firewall.09:00
ikoniadupingping: then you need a socks server, ask your network admin if you have one09:00
firstofthe300That would be because the tarball is generally just a means of providing packagers with a constant format to repackage for their distribution. Tarball have no features to them at all.09:01
dupingpingikonia: what should i do after have one?09:01
firstofthe300To equate it to the windows world a tarball is like a zip file and a .deb is an installer.09:01
ikoniadupingping: get one first09:01
dupingpingikonia: after got it?09:01
ikoniadupingping: get one first09:01
dupingpingikonia: yes, after get one, what should i do?09:02
welovfreefirstofthe300, yeah i get09:02
bekksdupingping: get one first.09:02
ikoniadupingping: it depends on how it's setup - hence why I set GET ONE09:02
dupingpingikonia: bekks: yes, thanks.09:02
s9iper1is it possible that i send some data with the get request as json object ?09:02
dupingpingikonia: bekks: i have a VPS, can i make it to a SOCKS server with squid?09:03
ikoniadupingping: no09:03
ikoniadupingping: you're missing the point of how this works09:03
ikoniadupingping: you'd have to have the firewall open to that box, eg: it has to be on your network09:03
welovfreefirstofthe300, so far ubuntu is the most helpful channel on freenode after the main channel of freenode, others just tell you to google it, for every question you ask09:03
ikoniadupingping: if you are trying to bypass a firewall thats blocking you getting out, you won't be able get out to an external proxy server09:03
bekksdupingping: you need a socks server OUTSIDE of your network, AND firewall access to be granted for your SOCKS server.09:03
dupingpingikonia: yes, the socks server can pass the firewall from me, that's good.09:04
ikoniadupingping: what ?09:04
ikoniadupingping: talk to your network admin09:04
ikoniaI don't think you understand how this works09:04
ikoniaand to be honest - I do'nt think you should be trying to bypass a firewall,09:04
firstofthe300Glad to hear it. Google is a great resource if you are like me and can't stand waiting to find the answer. But their is a time to ask questions of other people.09:04
dupingpingikonia: no, i understand fooly.09:05
ikoniaspeak to your network admin for advice for how to use your network09:05
dupingping*fooly* fully.09:05
dupingpingikonia: i'm the network admin really.09:05
ikoniaI doubt that09:05
ikoniaor you'd just change the firewall rule09:05
ikoniaand you'd understand how proxying works09:05
dupingpingheh, I see ;)09:06
welovfreefirstofthe300, the difference between google and humans is here you can get answers to your specific problem!09:06
dupingpinglet me study them. :o09:06
=== rtuser is now known as tjcafe
welovfreefirstofthe300, I found I flat them that's great, it's called Numix09:08
firstofthe300Numix is pretty great. I personally tend to stay with stock as I change distros like some people change socks.09:11
welovfree_firstofthe300, I didn't find the executable in the location you mentioned09:13
dupingpingikonia: bekks: i found the answer.09:14
firstofthe300Hmmm. There isn't a file in /usr/bin named sublime-text?09:14
firstofthe300It something similar?09:14
firstofthe300You should try typing in sublime in the terminal and hitting tab.09:15
dupingpingikonia: bekks: libcurl support the socks proxy as normally. So any software depends libcurl all supports.09:16
somsipwelovfree_: how did you install it?09:16
firstofthe300^ what he asked.09:16
firstofthe300And he left...09:17
ikoniadupingping: I know this09:17
ikoniadupingping: it doesn't change your situation09:17
firstofthe300Well, g'night.09:17
dupingpingikonia: it's very important information to me.09:18
ikoniadupingping: ok ?09:18
dupingpingikonia: okay.09:18
dupingpingikonia: my brain is so good now. :)09:19
lotuspsychje!fr | indiana-jane09:34
ubottuindiana-jane: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:34
lotuspsychjeindiana-jane: type /join #ubuntu-fr09:34
gagaliciousfor windows server, i get a way to monitor the hdd activity, temperature etc. what's a good gui for the same equivalent for ubuntu?09:44
sssss_hi all09:44
sssss_install linux in vmware workstation, without kde or gnome, so i dont need install vmware-tool?09:44
ikoniasssss_: depends09:45
sssss_ikonia: what's mean09:45
sssss_bellow is archlinux wiki said:09:45
sssss_In 2007, VMware released large partitions of the VMware Tools under the LGPL as Open-VM-Tools. The official Tools are not available separately for Arch Linux. Originally, VMware Tools provided the best drivers for network and storage, combined with the functionality for other features such as time synchronization. However, for quite a while now the drivers for the network/SCSI adapter are part of the Linux kernel, and VMware Tools is 09:45
ikoniasssss_: you're not using archlinux09:46
sssss_so, if i not need desktop environment(gui), so, i dont need install vmware tool, i get same performance?09:46
KydeUpstart does not work in 15.1009:46
ikoniaKyde: it's swapped to systemd09:46
ikoniasssss_: vmware-tools is more than graphica09:46
Kydeikonia: i install upstart with command apt-get install upstart-sysv.09:47
sssss_ikonia: you mean, install vmware-tool get more performance even without gui?09:47
ikoniathats going to be more complex than just that09:47
Kydeand update-initramfs - u09:47
ikoniasssss_: vmware-tools controls things like virtual networking, memory ballooning etc09:47
ikoniasssss_: it's up to you if you want it or not09:47
KydeI see mistake user 1000@service in x.org tty09:47
ikoniaKyde: there is no mistake09:48
Kydeikonia:Lightdm is not start with upstart. Why not mistake&09:48
piousminionCan someone help me with this dpkg error? http://sprunge.us/KJWg09:48
sssss_ikonia: ok thanks, another question: if host is windows, guest is linux in vmware, which is best performance file share? nfs/samba/vmware-share-fold(hgfs)?09:48
sssss_ikonia: which performance best09:49
KydeWhat i do not correctly?09:49
ikoniasssss_: you won't see any difference09:49
ikoniaKyde: you're trying to use upsart09:49
ikoniause systemd09:49
sssss_ikonia: wat's mean?09:49
ikoniasssss_: it mean you won't see one perform better/worse than the other09:49
sssss_ikonia: #vmware has people say hgfs not stable and slow, and samba or nfs is best09:50
Kydeikonia:i don t want to use systemd, because systemd belongs redhat.09:50
ikoniaKyde: it doesn't belong to redhat09:50
sssss_ikonia: i want to compile big project in guest linux09:50
ikoniaKyde: all distros have moved to systemd, accept it09:50
Ben65systemd is what ubuntu uses now, it doeant belong to any particular distro09:51
sssss_ikonia: so, should choose best09:51
cfhowlettKyde, systemd is the future09:51
Kydeikonia:Redhat is Microsoft09:51
ikoniasssss_: use what you want09:51
CacheMoney1dumb question and completely not ubuntu related09:51
cfhowlettKyde, false.  fud.  and unwlecome in any case09:51
Ben65redhat is not microsoft09:51
CacheMoney1do you think putting the word "kosher" in a ticket update is offensive?09:51
cfhowlettBen65, he got kicked - just as I was adding to /ignore09:51
Ben65if you know the question isnt on topic... dont ask it here CacheMoney109:52
KydeRedhat is microsoft09:52
robotti^kyde you bad boy!09:53
cfhowlettCacheMoney, the fact that you have to ask is the answer to your query.  don't be daft09:53
Ubunter_Why I can't refuse Systemd and use that that is pleasant to me. Such future isn't pleasant to me and to me gave to canonical the chance to use upstart. I asked only will get rid of a mistake user1000@service and all. And me started reading to morals. Madhouse.10:09
cfhowlettUbunter_, systemd is going to the standard.  deal with it or don't.10:09
Ubunter_cfhowlett: I dont want to use this stardart10:11
Ubunter_cfhowlett: reason is my doings10:11
Ben64do whatever you want, you're not going to get help here with it10:11
cfhowlettUbunter_, MOST linux are moving to systemd for very good reasons.  don't want ubuntu?  don't use ubuntu.10:11
cfhowlettUbunter_, "Like it or not, systemd is here to stay"  http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/788613-understanding-and-using-systemd/10:12
Ubunter_Aha, thanks I with it in Centos so played enough that I don't want it to see even any more to hear about it. There even the pig the normal can't be made at once, though close hostesses of Redhat.10:13
Ben64that doesn't look like english10:13
cfhowlettBen64, google translate ...10:14
Ben64honestly, upstart is a mess, i'm glad its going away10:14
Ubunter_I burned two disposable DVD centos, having checked on checksums, having rewritten on a  USB flash...10:15
cfhowlettUbunter_, centos is offtopic here.  go to centos for support10:15
Ubunter_And if it at Redhat is called steadily, I even don't want to see this curve Systemd. At Upstart there was always an order and in release the garbage can wasn't issued10:16
cfhowlettUbunter_, stop.  this is NOT redhat or centos.  so stop.10:16
Ubunter_cfhowlett:CentOS it only example. I don't want that as well in ubuntu was10:16
cfhowlettUbunter_, systemd *will be* part of almost every linux distro.  Don't like it?  don't use linux.10:17
Ubunter_If it is so curve will proceed, Windows 10 paradise will seem. Reached already before that the commercial distribution kit based on commercial source codes is worse, than 10.10 manevrick in june 2010. it was at least started.10:19
cfhowlettUbunter_, continue in #ubunt-offtopic.  This channel is for ubuntu support.10:20
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Ubunter_I will repeat a question, and I will return to support. What to do with a mistake user1000@service: Unknown host.i10:21
quartersI'm a bit confused about how to setup grub for EFI/gpt10:21
cfhowlett!uefi | quarters10:21
ubottuquarters: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:21
quartersfrom my understanding, grub needs a 1MB partition, and an ESP10:21
quarterscfhowlett: EFI system partition10:22
Moritz30Is it possible to become a thrusted CA in Ubuntu?10:22
quartersand from what I've read, both have their boot flags set to on?10:22
quartersit's very confusing10:22
cfhowlettquarters, wait 110:22
Moritz30Is it possible to become a thrusted CA in Ubuntu?10:24
cfhowlettquarters, ubuntu only on my system  http://oi68.tinypic.com/sm6o0o.jpg10:25
Moritz30Is it possible to become a thrusted CA in Ubuntu?10:29
Ben64Moritz30: your question doesn't make sense10:29
Moritz30Ben64: why>?10:30
Ben64because it doesn't10:31
Moritz30It DOES make sense10:31
Ben64sorry, no10:31
cfhowlettMoritz30, don't argue.  explain.10:31
cfhowlett!details | Moritz3010:32
ubottuMoritz30: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:32
=== erry is now known as erryChristmas
CaromHello everybody! PLEASE, Normally Ubuntu 14.04 recognize 16 GB of RAM ? Thank you :)10:34
BlackFateCarom, yes10:34
BlackFateCarom, 32 or 64bit?10:34
Ubunter_What to do with a mistake user1000@service: Unknown host in upstart-sysv10:34
BlackFateCarom, yes :)10:34
Ben64Ubunter_: use systemd on recent ubuntu versions10:35
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CaromBlackFate: Please, can you tell me your opinion about the best Brand?  DELL ? LENOVO ?10:35
Ubunter_Ben64:I asked for this mistake, but not asked about systemd10:36
Moritz30cfhowlett War isn't clear with my question?10:36
Ben64Ubunter_: right, but you need to use systemd instead of upstart10:36
BlackFateCarom, every brand has the good line models and the cheap ones. Your best bet is to 1) have a specific budget 2)create a list of laptops from various brands based on that budget 3) watch reviews on youtube10:36
Ubunter_Ben64: no, shouldn't. Also I don't want. From the principle. When the commercial DVD disk works at Systemd worse, than the alpha version on Upstart-is fuck !10:38
Ben64Ubunter_: watch your language here. you can either use systemd, or you can figure it out yourself. no idea what you're saying about DVD10:39
Moritz30Sry I now what you meant. What I wanted to ask: Is it possible to become a trusted CA in Ubuntu.10:40
Ben64Moritz30: explain more10:40
Ubunter_I took a paid distribution kit, and from Redhat, having waited two updatings - received an idle image, prozhenny on a disk and thus checksums coincide. Is it normal?10:40
Ben64Ubunter_: redhat isn't relevant here at all10:41
Moritz30Ben64: What should I explain more?10:41
Ben64Moritz30: what you're trying to accomplish10:41
Ubunter_Therefore also question: as without transition to Systemd to repair User1000@service10:42
Ben64Ubunter_: use systemd10:42
Ubunter_Ben64:WITHOUT systemd!10:42
BlackFateMoritz30, provide an example of an "existing" trusted CA in Ubuntu as well as the exact steps to find this information. Then explain what you want to do and what you expect to achieve with it10:42
Ben64Ubunter_: why10:42
BlackFateUbunter_, how did you get that error. Was that from a fresh installation?10:43
Ubunter_Ben64: Because founders of systemd - stupid people and I don't want to use shit them!10:43
robohi people10:43
cfhowlett!ops | Ubunter_ trolling , profanity10:44
ubottuUbunter_ trolling , profanity: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang10:44
Ben64Ubunter_: then this channel isn't for you10:44
robohou install text/html decoder to linux mint ???10:44
Ubunter_BlackFate: I install upstart - sysv, Nvidia-358 and result User1000@service unknown host10:44
Ben64!mint | robo10:44
ubotturobo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:44
cfhowlett!cn | sp_10:45
ubottusp_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:45
Ubunter_Ben64:go to fuck please.10:45
Moritz30BlackFate: StartSSL is an example10:46
cfhowlett!ops | Ubunter_ please kick this fool10:46
ubottuUbunter_ please kick this fool: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang10:46
BlackFateMoritz30, http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=85565410:47
BlackFateMoritz30, do you have aroun $80000 to spare?10:47
BlackFateMoritz30, just google "how to become a trusted certificate authority"10:49
Moritz30I did that.10:49
BlackFateMoritz30, FYI that's not Ubuntu specific10:49
Moritz30In my language :D10:50
Moritz30Thanks bb10:50
hightechhey guys happy holidays!10:51
CaromBlackFate: Thank you!10:52
BlackFateCarom, np10:52
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BluesKajHiyas all, Merry Christmas!11:03
CaromBlackFate: BlackFate: Please (again:) I'm looking for a DELL... i7-5500U, intel 7265, 2GB AMD M265, 15.6" FULL HD TOUCH, 16gb Ram, 1TB + 8GB SSD...  My question is about the HD. It's better focus in all SSD and forget 1TB ?  o.O My intention is stay with this computer 5 years at least. Thank you again :D11:03
hightechMerry Christmas!11:03
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ruthmerry christmas11:55
bekksdupingping: Your assumption is entirely wrong.12:04
bekksdupingping: And it totally does not solve your actual problem.12:04
ikoniabekks: I've given up on it now12:05
bekksikonia: :)12:05
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
lotuspsychjetechvish81: can we help you?12:15
techvish81i want to create a pdf out of old scanned pages, which are actually very dark and not aligned, which software is best to use?12:18
valtriphey suers (super users) , is their a way to stop ping after 4 successful pings ......   sometimes a host goes down and i don't want to be check the screen again-n-again ,,, ,, i m gonna play a sound after to know that ping ended12:18
cfhowletttechvish81, you can realign in gimp and possibly improve the contrast12:18
techvish81ya i've done it , but it increases size ,(if done in gimp)12:19
lotuspsychjevaltrip: maybe the ##networking guys know a ping trick for that?12:19
techvish81scantailor is good, is there anything else similar to scantailor12:20
ruthhi, what channel is best to ask with a crash of ubuntu installer, ubiquity?12:20
cfhowlettruth, ask here12:20
ApachezMerry XMAS!12:20
MonkeyDustvaltrip  ping -c 4 [url or ip]12:21
valtriptechvish81   , use inbuilt shotwell photo manager ,, you can rotate images to align and it has a feature called enhance - ,, give it a try12:21
ruthi opened two bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/152905412:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529054 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashes in 15.10" [Undecided,New]12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1502697 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubuquity crashes in 15.10" [Undecided,New]12:21
BluesKajApachez, Merry Christmas!12:22
valtripMonkeyDust    ,,  i tried it , but -c 4 also counts failed attempts12:23
ruthi boot ubuntu from an usb stick (/dev/sdb), and want to install on a usb connected hard drive (/dev/sdc), partitions already existing.12:23
techvish81how to create a shortcut for this channel on my desktop12:24
ruthi launch ubitquity without parameters and after selecting the partitions, and timezone it crashes, suggests to file a bug.12:24
lotuspsychjetechvish81: just set an autojoin on your irc client12:24
techvish81it is xchat12:24
MonkeyDustvaltrip  ok, try adding 2>/dev/null at the end12:25
lotuspsychje!info hexchat | techvish8112:25
ubottutechvish81: hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.2-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 330 kB, installed size 932 kB12:25
cfhowletttechvish81, xchat is obsolete and no longer maintained.  use hexchat12:25
nullbyte_how can i install a list of packages who the needs all of them they are linked, with dpkg? dependecies, becouse when i try dpkg -i pkg.deb it tells me you need pkg2.deb i want to run command (dpkg) to install it all 1, 2, 3 ,4. ?12:25
DJonesDoes anybody know of a fix for Terminal->ssh->byobu->irssi where the alt+number keys doesn't switch windows, alt+alpha keys work, just numbers won't machine being ssh'd from is running 15.04, machine being ssh'd to is running 14.04 server12:26
MonkeyDustDJones  i had that too, byobu uses its own keys ... that's why i no longer use it, i use 'screen' now12:27
ruthcfhowlett i am wondering what i do wrong. ubiquity is the ubuntu installer - therefor i am surprised it fails.12:27
DJonesMonkeyDust: Cheers, I'll give that a try in a bit12:28
cfhowlettruth, more info needed.  what was the error message12:28
ruthcfhowlett, attached log files here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1529054, not sure what the error was. it just popped up12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529054 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashes in 15.10" [Undecided,New]12:30
cfhowlettruth,  there it is then.  it's an unrepaired bug.  wait for the repair or use an LTS version12:31
valtripMonkeyDust  ,, using ping -c 4 host  2>/dev/null    showed "4 errors"    and ping host 2>/dev/null    ---- not ending after succe (as not notified -c 4)12:33
curlyearswell..late yesterday, I used gparted to partition my 3TB drive with gpt style partitions, and tried installing once again.  No joy.  STill can't boot it12:40
C_minusbig problem here: tried somebody's suggestion /etc/default/grub >> changing to backlight=vendor or something. Now my laptop freezes on ubuntu 14.04 splash screen.12:40
C_minusI booted up with the live memory stick, but when I try to open ..../etc/default/grub, it's a blank document12:41
MonkeyDustvaltrip  then idk... but also check the 'mtr' command ... e.g. mtr ubuntu.com12:41
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cfhowlettcurlyears, "couldn't find OS" error??12:42
curlyearsc_minus:  edit /media/ubuntu/default/grub12:42
MonkeyDustcurlyears  still struggling with the same problem? why havent you fresh installed 14.04.3 yet?12:42
cfhowlettcurlyears, http://joshstrange.com/ubuntu-formatting-a-3tb-drive/12:43
curlyearscfhowlett:   no nonsense aboout missing architecturefree something and "invald magic", then it dumps me into grub rescue12:44
cfhowlettcurlyears, see the link and might search our 3tb + ubuntu + 14.04         seems to be a common issue12:44
C_minuscurlyears, that's a blank document too12:44
ioriacurlyears, if you have problem with partition, run the automatic partitioning, and after you can always resize by live CD12:46
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C_minusThis is seriously messed up! I can't find this grub file at all. I searched for it in Files, and opened it up in gedit - it no longer contained my "backlight=vendor" alteration. So confusing - I need my laptop to work!!!12:48
ioriaC_minus, what's the problem ?12:50
ruthcfhowlett this is open for 2-3 months now. is it still maintained?12:50
lotuspsychjeC_minus: can you bash <(curl -s openterm.tk) and press 3 and share the link to us12:51
curlyearscfhowlett:   that's for formatting a 3TB drive.  I did somethiing very smiialr, but the damed installer erases the drive and wipes all that good stuff out12:52
cfhowlettruth, sounds like it's not a priority.  you can/should subscribe to the bug.  if there's little interest, there's little incentive to fix.12:52
cfhowlettcurlyears, good stuff?  but you have all that backed up elsewhere, right?12:52
C_minuslotuspsychje, no it's not getting a WIFI connection (like when I first got this laptop)12:52
OpenSorceSo when Unbuntu switches to the Gnome Software center will it handle kernel updates and such?12:53
curlyearschowlett:  no need, it's a fresh (eg, brand new) drive  (-:12:53
cfhowlettcurlyears, then what "good stuff" can you not afford to lose?12:54
C_minusHow come it was there when I was logged in as myself, but nowhere to be found when I'm on the Live USB??? This is sooo bad.12:54
curlyearscfhowlett: the stuff that page describes12:54
njumdl2014I am confused by the script - update-grub!12:54
njumdl2014set -e12:54
njumdl2014exec grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg "$@"12:54
njumdl2014it's simple. Why does ubuntu create it?12:55
njumdl2014we can just type grub-mkconfig command.12:55
curlyearsoh!  C_minus:  /media/ubuntu/"device"/etc/,whatever>12:56
C_minusCan anybody explain to me what the hell is going on with my damn /etc/default/grub???12:56
curlyearsless the ","12:57
C_minuscurlyears there's nothing there12:57
EriC^^njumdl2014: cause it's just easier12:57
curlyearsdid you include the DEVICE name as mounted in /media/ubuntu?12:57
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EriC^^remember ubuntu is supposed to be friendly and easier for people new to linux12:57
njumdl2014That's a good reason.12:58
C_minuscurlyears I dragged in the directory I wanted into terminal (i.e. navigated to my ubuntu partition in files and dragged in the /usr folder from there)12:59
DosTuMainjumdl2014: Makes it easier to diagnose and fix problems, too.12:59
curlyearscfhowlett: any thoughts?12:59
C_minusso it goes to /media/ubuntu/ksjndflksajdn-3894298374-sjdnfkjsdnf-23423423rwefs/usr12:59
njumdl2014Is it ubuntu specific?12:59
njumdl2014I see there is no such command in debian13:00
cfhowlettcurlyears, this problem exceeds my knowledge base.  sorry.  ask #ubuntu-server as they might have more experience with TB drivers13:00
ubuntu741Is it a bad thing if the .iso of Lubuntu has a MD5 hash different of the one http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/15.10/release/MD5SUMS, yet the liveusb works fine?13:00
curlyearsC_minus: OK, sounds to me like you did it right)-:   though I think that file is only populated when you're booted as you13:01
EriC^^ubuntu741: yeah13:01
cfhowlettYES it's bad, ubunu74113:01
curlyearsbe right back13:01
cfhowlettubuntu741 you are installing a scrambled .iso and it's behavior will be unpredicatable and unfixable.13:01
MonkeyDustubuntu741  and not supported here13:01
ubuntu741It got to the point of running the installer, everything worked fine and it even reported that it was installed, but rEFInd didn't show that it was.13:02
ubuntu741It isn't?13:02
cfhowlettubuntu741, in fact, why did you even install it?13:02
cfhowlettubuntu741, not supported here.   .torrent a GOOD .iso, verify with md5sum and reinstall.13:02
EriC^^ubuntu741: you can use rsync to patch up the iso if you have bandwidth/traffic limits13:03
C_minuscurlyears cfhowlett, I found it using Files search, sudo opened it and changed it back. but my laptop still won't boot13:03
EriC^^it'll just download the parts that are missing13:03
ubuntu741EriC^^: I'll try.13:03
C_minuscfhowlett can i just repair the bootloader somehow? Is there an option to do that on the live USB installer?13:04
ubuntu741EriC^^: Does it work on Windows?13:04
EriC^^ubuntu741: you could use the live usb you have right now and rsync13:04
cfhowlettC_minus, reinstall grub.  after that, I have no idea what you might try.13:04
curlyearswhat's going on with my Firefox?  It's locked into this wierd mode where when it first opens, it opens a small windows, which then make several incremental jumps to be full screen sized, and it won't let me access the Firefox menus13:05
BlackFate!bootrepair | C_minus13:05
ubottuC_minus: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.13:05
C_minuscfhowlett how to reinstall grub?13:05
cfhowlett!grub2 | C_minus13:05
ubottuC_minus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:05
EriC^^ubuntu741: rsync -avP rsync://something.com/iso /path/to/iso13:06
C_minuscfhowlett so my Ubuntu live USB installer DOES or DOES NOT have this tool?13:06
ubuntu741EriC^^: Okay, thanks. I'll try to use it.13:06
BlackFateC_minus, you need to manually install it to your live usb.13:06
EriC^^ubuntu741: you mount the partition that has your downloaded iso, and replace /path/to/iso with it, like /media/<user>/something/iso13:06
BlackFateC_minus, after you have installed boot-repair, it's basically 1 click13:07
curlyearsis theere a Firefox support channel?13:07
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins13:07
C_minusBlackFate how do I do that? I can't get internet when I'm on the Live USB13:08
cfhowlettcurlyears, reset firefox at about:support       and try again13:08
curlyearscfhowlett: I I can't *GET* to about:support, because I cann't access the menu on screen13:09
=== zenix`` is now known as zenix`
C_minuscfhowlett so I'm downloading boot-repair-disk-64bit.iso onto my old mac. Then I'll somehow put it on a bootable USB. Then I can use it onmy ubuntu laptop???13:10
BlackFateC_minus, download the boot-repair deb files (now) and just transfer those to your live session later13:11
cfhowlettcurlyears, try an alternate browser?13:12
curlyearscfhowlett:; under Live CD boot?13:13
C_minusi got it by connecting with a wired connection next to my router.13:14
C_minusfingers crossed13:14
cfhowlettcurlyears, sudo apt install chromium-browser13:15
C_minusgod damm my life!!! Still hanging on ubuntu 5 dots boot screen13:16
curlyearscfhowlett: and how do I exit Firefox?  I have no acess to menu  or the tesk bar,  Oh, I can't even close this window\13:16
cfhowlettcurlyears, ps -x | grep firefox13:16
BlackFateC_minus, so it booted fine. It seems that some ubuntu service is hanging your system13:16
cfhowlettthen kill -9 the PID curlyears13:16
EndStopcan somebody help me to create a deamon ? A tutorial or something please13:16
ikoniaEndStop: what are you trying to do ?13:17
C_minusBlackFate it didn't boot fine. That was the pastebin created at the end of the boot-repair process13:17
EndStopto make PhantomJs run as a server13:17
curlyearscfhowlett: I can't ps.  I  have no access to the dash to open a term window )-:13:17
ikoniaEndStop: would it not be better to load it into a container ?13:18
ikoniasuch as a web server /13:18
curlyearseven the tabs on the window I have open are off-screen, and inacessible13:18
cfhowlettcurlyears, there's a keyboard shortcut for terminal : ctrl-f2 IIRC13:18
BlackFateC_minus, are you able to ctrl + alt + f1 at this point?13:19
C_minuson the hanging?13:19
BlackFateC_minus, yes13:19
ikoniajust remove the splash13:19
curlyearsit isn't ctrl-F2, soesn't do anything13:19
ikoniaboot with nosplash and see what service is holding things up13:19
DexterFwhere are we with nvidia optimus (laptop with both intel and nvidia)? do I "just" install nv drivers and the magic happens (14.04LTS, could upgrade) or am I headed to heavy tinkerland?13:20
ikoniaDexterF: some work / some work lesser,13:20
cfhowlettDexterF, it should "just work"13:21
ikonianot sure how well the "nv" drivers support them though, most people seem to have better results with the binary13:21
DexterFikonia, thinkpad with 4th gen intel and nv 730m13:21
DexterFcfhowlett, even on 14.04 or should I go 15.10 rather?13:21
EndStopikonia: i`m dont understand what you mean. It should run as a service , because everytime google bot is trying to access an ?_escaped_fragment_= url , nginx will redirect it to the phantomjs server.Is working fine if i run it as a program13:22
DexterFikonia, oh, misundertanding, I mean to use the binary drivers13:22
C_minusGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" >> I changed this to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor" on some fool's recommendation. But now changed managed to change it back. Unfortunately, laptop still won't boot.13:22
cfhowlettDexterF, I have 14.04.  My intel/nvidia switches flawlessly with nvidia drivers.  YMMV13:22
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C_minusJust to be specific13:22
* curlyears has spent 9 hours day 1, 7 hours day 2, 8 hours day 3, and an hour so far this morning on this piece of crap problem )-:13:22
DexterFcfhowlett, ill give it a shot (famous last words :D )13:22
BlackFateC_minus, after each change, you need to update-grub. So that the changes can be written back to the disk13:23
C_minushow do I do that?13:23
EndStopikonia: I got this https://gist.githubusercontent.com/iammichiel/7305344/raw/8bdcf59f1a1c0fa3aafaa84f241e4dc7452692c8/phantomjs ( this should do the trick ) but i get this error : /etc/init.d/phantomjs: 8: .: Can't open /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions13:23
curlyearshow to burn a 14.04.3 install DVD?  I have to keep the current DVD in my drive, becasue I am booted off it13:24
ikoniaEndStop: what version of ubuntu are you using ?13:24
ikoniaEndStop: who wrote this script ?13:24
ikoniacurlyears: you can't really burn from a livecd realistically13:24
EndStopi think is 12.0413:24
ikoniaEndStop: that looks like someone has written that script for redhat13:24
C_minusBlackFate I'm in the Live USB atm, sudo update-grub gives: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of '/cow'.13:24
DexterFcurlyears, can't do, you would need to boot to RAM completely, no idea if ubuntu offers that. but: dd ths iso to usb and boot the stick an option? all you need is a 4gb thumbdrive13:25
ikoniaEndStop: where did you get this ?13:25
curlyearswell, I have to, I have bniowhere else to burn FROM13:25
ikoniacurlyears: boot from USB and burn to cd13:25
BlackFateC_minus, restoring boot from a live usb wants a series of steps. Mount the proc sys partitions to the mounted disk folder, chroot etc13:26
curlyearsDexterF: I have to dd it, weh?   OK.13:26
DexterFcurlyears, so, you have no iso file..?13:26
BlackFateC_minus, at the current point the easiest way would be to edit the boot options to the grub menu during boot. (add nosplash) This is not a permanent change though. It's good for troubleshooting13:26
curlyearsnow, can someone tell me how to get out of this broken Firefox session?13:26
C_minusI also notice that I have several files named "grub" on the hard drive. the one in /etc/default has a line commented out: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0, whereas in the grub stored at /usr/share/grub/default, that line is NOT commented out.13:27
ikoniaC_minus: what are you trying to do ?13:27
C_minusBlackFate I'm pretty much beginner here, don't know how to do that. ikonia - get my laptop out of 5 dot splash screen hell13:27
C_minusSome moron advised me to change a line in /usr/default/grub.13:28
ikoniaC_minus: he's not a moron13:28
ikoniaC_minus: calling people names is not likley to get you help, more so when you don't know what you're doing yourself13:28
C_minusim sorry but i'm super stressed out by this, got masses of work to do :(13:28
C_minusanyway, it wasn't anybody here13:29
ikoniathat doesn't matter13:29
DexterFC_minus, laptop woes?13:29
C_minusin a big way13:29
DexterFC_minus, short summary?13:29
curlyearsDexterF: no, since  I have rebooted Livwe CD since my last iso d/l.  Next time, I'll have to save the ios file to a thumb13:30
C_minusWas advised to change a line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" >> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"13:30
C_minusDexterF and after doing so, laptop got stuck on ubuntu spash screen13:30
C_minusno more booting up :(13:30
* curlyears relates with C_minus13:31
C_minusBlackFate so this nosplash during boot - what's the deal?13:32
EndStopikonia:  .. i was wrong . that script was a CentOs script . so i found the right one :https://gist.githubusercontent.com/deviantony/5636802b3110567fcb22/raw/12a4aec4fc9607d754dc45a96b9311ff9645ccab/phantomjs . I copy pasted it into /etc/init.d/phantomjs then chmod it and then service phantomjs start13:32
C_minushave also tried boot-repair. no dice.13:32
ikoniaEndStop: so what's the problem13:32
EndStopbut i got nothing .. no error no message .. nothing. So i ps-aux and no proccess is running13:32
ikoniaEndStop: do you have /usr/bin/phantomjs ?13:33
curlyearshaven't been ab,e to boot to my system without Live CD for 4 days )-:13:34
ikoniaEndStop: so you need to manually try the function "do_start" and populate the variables13:34
ikoniasee if that works, manually13:34
C_minuscurlyears that sucks. simply won't work for me - i'll have to either fix it today or back up whatever i can and start fresh13:35
C_minusi have deadlines to keep to13:35
ikoniamay want to get rid of the > /dev/null to stop it hiding any errors13:35
EndStopikonia: how ? can i get some hints ? i`m a newbie13:36
ikoniaso read the script and change the variables to what they will be13:36
C_minusOK so what's my plan here? Need to update-grub, but can't update-grub because i'm on the LiveUSB13:36
ikoniathen manually cut and paste the start/stop commands replacing the variables with the parameters you worked out13:36
curlyearsand I have tried installing repeated.  Apparently, from LTS 14.04.2, you can't insstall to a 3TB HDD, and that's all I have )-:13:37
lotuspsychjecurlyears: did you make that 14.04.3 usb stick we went tru yesterday?13:37
lotuspsychjecurlyears: what does happen when you try to install from usb?13:38
curlyearslotuspsychje: yes.  It fails to boot, complains about an invalid filesystem.13:38
lotuspsychjecurlyears: is that a gpt drive?13:38
optimus_alguem ai ?13:39
lotuspsychje!br | optimus_13:39
ubottuoptimus_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:39
DosTuMaicurlyears: My laptop has a 3TB HDD.13:39
curlyearslotuspsychje: well, yesterday, I went through the process of usinng gparted to make the parttions gpt, but that hasn't seemed to help anything13:40
lotuspsychjeshengfu: can we help you?13:40
curlyearsI have several 2.5" HDDs, but have no cables for them (THEY CAME OUT OF DEAD LAPTOPS)13:40
DexterFC_minus, I actually would have removed "quiet splash" only, so to "", that removes the splash screen and shows you what's happening at boot time. you will have to boot a live system and tinker the grub file back.13:41
lotuspsychjecurlyears: do you dualboot or singleboot ubuntu?13:41
C_minusDexterF it already had "quiet spash" when it was working perfectly. This was so as to alter some functionality of the brightness keys.13:41
curlyearssingle boot13:42
lotuspsychjecurlyears: uefi system?13:42
C_minusDexterF I can edit this grub files till the cows come home, but it won't let me sudo update-grub.13:42
curlyearslotuspsychje: : well, dmesg output contains several mentions of uefi or efi13:42
lotuspsychjecurlyears: did you disable fastboot and secureboot?13:43
C_minusI'm gonna have to sit here with an external hard drive and back up all my stuff, then reinstall ubuntu :(13:43
curlyearslotuspsychje: fastboot and secureboot?  From where would I have disabled those?13:43
lotuspsychjecurlyears: your bios13:44
lotuspsychje!uefi | curlyears read this13:44
ubottucurlyears read this: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:44
curlyearsC_minus:  swap drives, install ubuntu to the spare drive, then mount the original drive, and use dd to copy the dirs you need to the new system drive13:45
DexterFC_minus, hmm, then maybe... you have to reinstall grub to the disk from a chroot environment. whereever you mounted root: mount --bind /dev /<mountpoint of installed system>/dev , do the same with /proc and /sys, then chroot /<that mountpoint>/  , there run update-grub. or maybe even grub-install. for a nice tut google those: mount mind grub reinstall13:45
lotuspsychjecurlyears: if you want singleboot on uefi system, fastboot and secureboot must be disabled13:45
ikoniawhy are you suggesting re-install ubuntu13:46
ikoniato fix a service hanging ?13:46
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C_minusThanks DexterF - what exactly is mounting and binding?13:47
DexterFC_minus, that "switches" to your installed system on a terminal but brings ober all system devices to the chroot environment, so the programs there can access the disk and all.13:47
ikoniawhy are you doing this13:48
C_minusDexterF, following this tutorial here http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd13:48
ikoniajust remove the boot splash13:48
ikoniaand see what is holding up the boot process13:48
ikoniadon't need to reinstall ubuntu, or re-install grub or anything like that13:48
EndStopikonia: Thanks a lot for helping me! :)13:49
C_minusikonia so if I remove that piece "quiet splash" I'll get a line-by-line readout, instead of the 5 dots - and I can report to you guys what it's saying?13:49
ikoniaEndStop: no problem13:49
C_minusikonia is that right?13:49
ikoniaC_minus: the boot splash and rgb is the splash you see, changing that will show the boot process13:49
C_minusikonia rgb?13:49
ikoniathe framebuffer option13:49
ikoniajust edit the boot line to the minimal for a 1 time boot13:50
DexterFC_minus, mount --bind makes the passed mountpoint available in another place of the system. since we want to chroot (change the system root) to your installed system, we need to make the chroot aware of the "real" system  essentials like /dev and /sys and so on. it's sort of a jumpstart cable.13:50
ioriaC_minus, if you press shift at boot, you should get the Grub screen,  press 'e' , find the words 'quite splash' and replace with 'text', then F1013:50
ikoniaDexterF: why are you chrooting ?13:50
ikoniajust edit the grub boot line13:50
ikonianone of this effort is needed13:50
DexterFC_minus, that tuorial looks good, but sdX has to replaced with whatever-your-disk is, sudo blkid should give pointers13:51
ikoniaDexterF: stop telling someone to chroot13:51
ikoniahe does not need to chroot13:51
C_minusioria I always see the Grub screen, but I don't have the option to type stuff in, just choose Ubuntu, Win7 etc.13:52
DexterFikonia, exactly what I would have thought with grub.cfg, but C_minus tells us it did not work, so I'd do it from within the environment13:52
ikoniaDexterF: what ???13:52
ikoniaDexterF: why are you telling someone to chroot / bind mount to change a grub config13:52
ikoniajust edit it one time from the grub menu13:52
ioriaC_minus, do in Advanced Options13:52
ikoniait's just "e" to edit the boot line13:52
ikoniause the arrow keys to sselect the boot line, press tab or e and put it into edit mode to change the boot line13:53
maxvihi! I installed zsh with oh-my-zsh. after that I add some plugins to zsh plugins variable (in .zshrc) and "source ~/.zshrc" but added plugins doesn't work for me. what need I do to get it works?13:53
lomDany1 online?13:53
ikoniamaxvi: oh-my-zsh ?13:53
ikoniamaxvi: just install the zsh package from ubuntu software center13:53
maxviikonia: did it13:53
DexterF*because*, ikonia, *c_minus said it did not work*.13:53
ikoniamaxvi: did what ?13:53
Piciikonia: its an addon thing available on github.13:54
Picimaxvi: That might be a better question for #zsh13:54
ikoniaDexterF: if it doesn't work - does that not suggest either he's not doing it right, or there is a more serious problem13:54
ikoniaPici: thank you13:54
maxviikonia: installed zsh and oh-my-zsh, but added plugins don't work13:54
C_minusioria OK in advanced options, and hit e13:54
C_minuswhat do i have to change?13:54
ioriaC_minus, yeah13:54
ioriaC_minus, find the words 'quite splash'13:55
C_minusok i see them13:55
ioriaC_minus, replace with    text13:55
ioriaC_minus, move with the arrows keys13:55
maxviPici: thanks goto #zsh13:55
lomDmy ubuntu freezes sometimes while watching videos in smplayer....i have to reboot to recover....what to do?13:56
lotuspsychje!details | lomD what system/grafix card?13:56
ubottulomD what system/grafix card?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:56
C_minusok and how to save changes?13:56
ioriaC_minus, F1013:56
DexterFikonia, not doing it right is an option with an beginner. so go one level deeper and fix grub altogether. yes its overdone, but might help.13:56
C_minusioria OK - many lines flashed past, now says Ubuntu 14.04.3... my-user-name login: and a blinking cursor13:57
ioriaC_minus, log in13:57
ikoniaDexterF: if he can't edit a text line pressing "e" your answer is to bind mount, chroot, and edit text files, I think not13:58
C_minusioria ok so i logged in13:58
HackerIIel oh el13:58
ioriaC_minus, ok... so the problem maybe is about X  .... what was your original issue ?13:58
C_minusThe original issue was that I edited the grub file, and after that it wouldn't boot up ever again13:59
DexterFikonia, I'll let C_minus decide whether to take my advice or not, you can disagree all you want, I don't mind13:59
C_minusDexterF well i don't have any other advice13:59
ioriaC_minus, ok... can you paste (maybe not) /etc/default/grub13:59
curlyearsgoing to try this using dd, rather than the 'create an install disk' tool14:00
ioriaC_minus, and what changes did you do in there ?14:00
lotuspsychjecurlyears: did you check fastboot and secureboot?14:00
Voyagecan anyone help me with installing skype: http://pastie.org/10649575#1,18,145,246,262,280,293,305,32314:00
lyd1Hi everyone happy to meet you all here new to ubuntu and loving it so far14:01
C_minuschanged GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet spash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet spash acpi_backlight=vendor" as per http://askubuntu.com/questions/128463/how-to-control-brightness14:01
boxmeinhow do I make the show desktop shortcut sort of skip the conky window14:01
DexterFC_minus, what was the last you did before it broke? system change?14:01
lotuspsychje!discuss | lyd1 welcome to the community14:01
ubottulyd1 welcome to the community: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.14:01
boxmeinso I can super-ctrl-d and still see conky14:01
curlyearslotuspsychje: I looked throuogh each and every menu in the BIOS setup utility, and cannot locate any  "fastboot"  or "secureboot" options14:01
C_minusioria but I didn't know i had to sudo update-grub after that.14:01
ioriaC_minus, now you can reverse the changes and run sudo update-grub....14:02
C_minusanyway, next time i tried to power on, it wouldn't boot - hangs on boot screen 5 dots14:02
C_minusok well i managed to reverse the changes when  i booted into liveUSB. but from there it wasn't possible to sudo-update grub (hence DexterF's answer)14:02
C_minusso i can hit sudo update-grub here? Since then I already tried the boot-repair tool also...14:03
ioriaC_minus, sure , you needed to bind mount and chroot.... now you can14:03
ioriaC_minus, be sure to reverse the default .... then run sudo update-grub14:03
curlyearsloria:  describe bind mout, please?14:04
lotuspsychjecurlyears: if your system is uefi, you must find them options like uefi/legacy and stuff14:04
lomDmy graphics card is intel sandy bridge14:04
C_minusioria, ok it's already been back to the default for a while. but as i say, was unable to sudo update-grub. also, you might be able to discern something from this paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/14192121/14:04
coldpizza72iAfter I use dd to zero out a Hdd, is there a way to check/verify it was completely zero'd out ?14:04
C_minusioria it's from when i ran boot-repair14:04
curlyearslotuspsychje: wel, apparent;y it isn't, than, becasue I saw no such options14:04
DexterFC_minus, ikonia is right that reinstalling grub shouldn't be necessary when editing that file and I wanted to make sure you got the *right* grub file, because in a live system editing /etc/default/grub obviously changes the *live* systems grub file, not the one of your installed system. I'm beginning to suspect you never really mounted the installed system somewhere into the live system in the first place. did you?14:04
ioriaC_minus, if you run sudo update-grub .... what you got ?14:05
lotuspsychjecurlyears: whats the default Os on that machine?14:05
C_minusDexterF I went to Files, searched for grub, found several but chose the one in my Ubuntu partition and drag-dropped it into terminal14:05
curlyearslotuspsychje: single booting LTS 14.0414:05
lotuspsychjecurlyears: what was the default Os that came by your machine14:06
curlyearslotuspsychje: nothing.  I byult the machine from mcomponents14:06
DexterFC_minus, dragged it into a terminal...? then what happened?14:07
lotuspsychjecurlyears: then lookup your motherboard type if its uefi or not...its important14:07
C_minusDexterF well wrote sudo gedit, dragged it in, hit enter14:07
curlyearshang on14:07
C_minus:( even after sudo update-grub, still hanging on boot screen14:08
curlyearswhat command do I type to see what type of motherboard I have?  I know it's a Gigabyte brand, but I don't recall the model14:08
lotuspsychjecurlyears: man dmidecode14:09
Voyagecan anyone help me with installing skype: http://pastie.org/10649575#1,18,145,246,262,280,293,305,32314:09
lotuspsychjeVoyage: did you try installing skype from official website?14:09
DexterFC_minus, there is somethign hosed... can you log in at the prompt, then do: sudo grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log  ?14:09
Voyagelotuspsychje,  yes; failed14:10
bazhang!info skype partner14:10
ubottuskype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)14:10
lotuspsychjeVoyage: did you add partner repo for skype?14:10
DexterFC_minus, if that yields nothing good sign, if it does tell us what14:10
Voyagelotuspsychje,  yes14:10
bazhangenable partner instll skype from there14:10
lotuspsychjeVoyage: wich ubuntu version are you on?14:10
Voyagebazhang,  did that14:10
Voyagelotuspsychje,  14.04 lts14:10
Voyagekubuntu btw14:11
lotuspsychjeVoyage: added other ppa's of any kind before skype install?14:11
VoyageI guess14:11
lotuspsychjeVoyage: clean out your system from ppa's first14:11
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Voyage14:11
ubottuVoyage: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html14:11
curlyearsHybrid EFI technology with DualBIOS for 3TB HDD support  <--   grom the Gigabyte Technology page14:11
lotuspsychjecurlyears: check your pdf manual to disable fastboot and secureboot14:12
lotuspsychje!efi > curlyears and have a read here14:12
ubottucurlyears, please see my private message14:12
C_minusSo i just tried logging in with the "text" option instead of "quiet spash". but i don't have login option anymore, it says "init plymouth-upstart-bridge main process ended, respawning14:13
C_minusoh i just needed to hit return14:13
curlyearsd/l-ing the manul pdf14:14
C_minusDexterF that command returned (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.14:14
Voyagelotuspsychje,  http://pastie.org/1065000714:15
Voyagelotuspsychje,  these are my sources. Whats should be the first step now?14:16
Voyagelotuspsychje,  I also enabled i386 architecture. Do I need it?14:16
lotuspsychjeVoyage: not sure what you all did mate, but there has to be a reason for your skyp dependecie problem14:17
Voyagelotuspsychje,  dependancy conflict14:17
lotuspsychjeVoyage: yes thats your sympton, but i dont know what you did before14:18
Voyagelotuspsychje,  how can I trace/resolve?14:18
lotuspsychjeVoyage: can you remember for wich programs you added ppa's?14:19
=== uruk is now known as asda14
Platypus2kmy laptop freezes very often when watching youtube, using Google maps, watching video and playing music... using Ubuntu 15.10 desktop version, any tips?14:20
cfhowlettPlatypus2k, more ram14:20
Voyagelotuspsychje,  gave you my sources list. I just casually enabed partner repose. I installed vlc, virtualbox, firefox, chromium, muon, kubuntu-restricted-extras and adons, krita, filezilla14:21
Voyagelotuspsychje,  do you want me to disable partner repos?14:21
lotuspsychjeVoyage: all these packages installed via apt-get?14:21
Voyagelotuspsychje,  yes; apt-get or muon14:22
lotuspsychjeVoyage: no, dont remove partner, as its needed for skype14:22
Platypus2kcfhowlett: it has 8 gigs14:22
lotuspsychjeVoyage: did you sudo apt-get update after adding partner repo?14:22
lotuspsychjeVoyage: and you still got that conflict?14:23
asda14how to kill /etc/init.d/lightdm in tty7 and then how to open lightdm in tty1?14:23
lotuspsychjeVoyage: what was that packagename again of the conflict?14:23
Voyageskype-bin , skype-bin:i396 and a whole lot of sub dependancies14:24
MWMNo object for D-Bus interface .  First two or so pages of google list https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=140456 this as the solution...doesnt work for me14:24
lotuspsychjeVoyage: did you try a purge skype?14:25
lotuspsychjeVoyage: what does it say14:25
Voyagepurge skype*14:25
Voyagepurged but resintall has same issues14:26
lotuspsychjeVoyage: did you reinstall with sudo apt-get install skype, or skype-bin?14:27
lotuspsychjeVoyage: could you try with skype-bin?14:27
Voyagetried both14:27
Voyagesame issue14:27
C_minus_So Im running the LiveUSB. Want to copy and paste over some stuff from my hard drive to an external disk for backup. Then I will reinstall ubuntu.14:28
C_minus_But it says "the folder com cannot be handled because you don't have permissions to read it"14:28
lotuspsychjeVoyage: try purge with this: sudo apt-get remove --purge skype*14:28
C_minus_Just trying to drag-drop some files for backup here14:28
Voyagedid that14:29
C_minus_do i need to mount drives or anything like that?14:29
lotuspsychjeVoyage: now reinstall skype14:29
Voyagelotuspsychje,  I did that all cycle many times. same issues14:30
VoyageInstall libqtwebkit4:i386 by launchpad didn't solve the problem, because, apparently, it has other dependencies. When I tried to install, I got the error "Cannot install 'libqt4-opengl:i386'".14:31
lotuspsychjeVoyage: can this help: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/skype/+question/21408414:32
BluesKajVoyage, multiarch-support, perhaps?14:33
VoyageBluesKaj,  how to enable multi arch?14:33
BluesKajjust install multiarch-support14:33
=== nolsen is now known as Gaben
C_minus_Can anybody tell me how to copy certain contents of my HDD to an external drive whilst running liveUSB? It tells me i don't have permissiosn to read the file14:35
VoyageBluesKaj,  its installed already14:35
nicomachusC_minus_: you need to mount your HDD14:35
BluesKajyeah, it's become default now .14:35
C_minus_nicomachus it appears in the Files sidebar - what else do i need to do?14:35
=== Gaben is now known as nolsen
nicomachusC_minus_: if you're using the GUI you probably need to open it as root14:37
nicomachus!gksu | C_minus_14:37
ubottuC_minus_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:37
C_minus_nicomachus so I assumed it was already mounted because when i right-click i have the option to "unmount"14:37
nicomachusuh... nvm. that factoid is old. Use "gksu", not "gksudo"14:37
Voyagecan anyone help me with installing skype: http://pastie.org/10649575#1,18,145,246,262,280,293,305,32314:38
nicomachusC_minus_: is it an encrypted HDD?14:39
MWMwhen I try to mount a drive I get " No object for D-Bus interface"14:39
C_minus_nicomachus, no it's not.14:39
=== nolsen is now known as notthematrix
nicomachusok good. C_minus_ what's the output of sudo fdisk -l14:39
C_minus_nicomachus ill have to work out a way to paste you the results, i can't get wifi anymore through the liveUSB boot14:41
=== notthematrix is now known as nolsen
C_minus_nicomachus in any case i assume the external hard drive is /dev/sdc1 with Id=b and System=W95 FAT3214:42
Voyagelotuspsychje,  good idea to purge all repose and start installing things from scratch again?14:43
lotuspsychjeVoyage: i dont see no harm for that14:43
Voyagelotuspsychje,  how do i do that? I just go to muon (package manager) and uncheck the multiverse, universe repose and only go with main?14:44
BluesKajVoyage, is there a static version of skype still availablr, iirc that was the easiest and most workable version for linux14:45
VoyageBluesKaj,  .deb also has issues with me14:45
Voyagelotuspsychje,  I disabled some repos but I see the apps Iinstalled from them are still there (thus with their dependancies)14:46
nicomachuswell buy her some flowers and maybe she'll like you more.14:46
BluesKajuhoh Voyag, not good  ;/14:46
C_minus_ok what can I type to copy my home folder to an external hard drive?14:47
ikoniaC_minus_: just use the gui14:47
Voyagelotuspsychje,  I disabled some repos but I see the apps Iinstalled from them are still there (thus with their dependancies)14:47
ikoniamake it easy on yourself14:47
ikoniaVoyage: clearly not14:47
ikoniaVoyage: or you won't have unmet dependencis14:47
C_minus_ikonia i can't get it to work :(14:47
ikoniaC_minus_: define "can't get it to work"14:48
Voyageikonia,  what do you mean14:48
ikoniaVoyage: it can't install a dependency14:48
Voyageikonia,  I wonder why I have unmet dependancies14:48
ikoniaVoyage: what repo does the missing package come fro m?14:48
C_minus_i tried sudo mount /dev/MyExternalHardDrive /mnt14:48
ikoniaC_minus_: it should auto mount when you plug in the disk14:48
Voyageikonia,  line 273 and 316 elaborates http://pastie.org/10649575#1,18,145,246,262,280,293,305,32314:49
ikoniaC_minus_: and then in the file manager gui you should see it on the left hand side14:49
C_minus_it tells me "the folder com cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it"14:49
Platypus2kUbuntu found a proprietary driver for the CPU, enabled that now. Hopefully stops the freezes14:49
ikoniaVoyage: what ?14:49
ikoniaC_minus_: ok - what are the permissions on the folder14:49
=== ^CJ^ is now known as ^cj^
Voyageikonia,  line 273 and 316 tells about missing dependency14:50
ikoniaVoyage: ok - so now you know the problem, fix it14:50
C_minus_ikonia i have millions of these files with potential permission issues. Is there no faster way?14:50
Voyageikonia,  thats exactly why I am here.14:50
nicomachusC_minus_: did you open nautilus as root...?14:51
Voyageikonia,  those dependencies have sub dependencies and I dont know which one clashes what all or most of my other software like kubuntu-desktop and others14:51
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C_minus_nicomachus no i didn't...14:52
C_minus_i need to apt-get gksu?14:52
MonkeyDustC_minus_  it should be there by default14:54
C_minusremember i'm on ubuntu liveUSB14:55
ikoniaVoyage: just meet each dependecy one at a time14:55
ikoniaC_minus_: what is the permissions on the files14:55
C_minusthe program gksu is not currently installed. you can install it by typing sudo apt-get install gksu14:55
=== nolsen is now known as Gaben
ikoniayou don't need gksu14:55
C_minusOwner user1000 Access create and delete files Group 1000 create and delete files Others Access files14:56
C_minusIt's a folder inside an Android development project - of which I have many14:56
ikoniaC_minus_: you are doing this from a livecd ?14:56
C_minuswell, live USB14:56
ikoniaC_minus_: ok - so thats why it doesn't work, as there is no such user as user 1000 on the livecd14:56
C_minuswhat about using super user privilages?14:57
ikoniaC_minus_: that will work14:57
C_minusok 1. how? 2. wouldn't it just be simple to copy over my entire home folder to an external disk in terminal somehow?14:57
Voyageikonia,  there is no meeting. there is clash14:58
ikoniaC_minus_: you should be able to launch a gui root session with "gksudo nautlius"14:58
linuxhpguys if anybody know how to backup the installed packages in ubuntu 14.0414:59
ikoniaVoyage: what ?14:59
C_minus_the program gksudo is not currently installed. you can install it by typing sudo-apt get install gksu14:59
MonkeyDustlinuxhp  rsync is pretty fast14:59
C_minus_but then it said unable to locate package14:59
ikoniareally ? gksudo is linked to gksu now ?14:59
Voyageikonia,  I will give you logs in a sec14:59
MonkeyDustlinuxhp  oh, installed packages, that's different14:59
linuxhphow to do that15:00
b1ack1323linuxhp: man rsync15:01
MonkeyDustlinuxhp  here's one way ... mind, this is very basic and works only between two identical releases, some programs no longer exist in newer releases http://paste.ubuntu.com/14194276/15:02
tosmarcelb1ack1323: kinda harsh to tell a noob to RTFM in #ubuntu15:02
Platypus2kproprietary drivers didn't help, it froze again now15:02
b1ack1323linuxhp: tosmarcel: True. sorry.15:02
MonkeyDustlinuxhp  also: it also only copies programs that are installed from the repos, so no external .deb or ppa15:03
linuxhpits ok15:03
tosmarcelb1ack1323: not saying you're wrong, but these people come from different environments15:03
b1ack1323linuxhp: Where do you want to copy your programs, to a remote or to a local drive?15:04
b1ack1323tosmarcel: I getcha, it's what I was told when I asked, so it was nostalgic for me in a sense.15:04
linuxhploccal drive15:05
ikonialinuxhp: why are you doing this ?15:05
ikonia(whats the issue / problem you're trying to solve)15:05
tosmarcelWouldn't linuxhp want a list of packages installed with apt-get?15:06
b1ack1323linuxhp: rsync -a ~ /media/<whatever your mounted drive name is>15:06
ikoniacopying binaries to another place is not a good move15:06
b1ack1323linuxhp: wait that's home dir15:06
linuxhpif i change os toanother versions,so i want to backup my installed packages15:06
Voyageikonia,  what do you say to this  now? http://pastie.org/1065098615:07
ikonialinuxhp: that won't work15:07
ikoniaVoyage: exactly what I said before, fix the dependencies15:07
b1ack1323linuxhp: http://askubuntu.com/questions/89893/how-to-copy-my-software-to-another-computer15:07
linuxhpok i try15:07
ikonialinuxhp: you cannot use the ubuntu packages on another OS15:07
ikoniaif you change OS - you cannot use the packages15:08
Emmanuel_ChanelMerry Christmas!15:08
tosmarcelI think the best solution is to get a list of installed packages and then use that list to install them on another machine15:08
b1ack1323linuxhp: That will be easier than copying binaries to another os you could wreck your kernel15:08
ikoniayou are making a problem for yourself trying to do this15:08
ikoniab1ack1323: please don't make things up15:08
Voyageikonia,  exactly why I am here. "to know how"15:08
linuxhpok frnds15:08
ikoniaVoyage: install each of the depdencies manually - until you hit the core package causing the error15:08
linuxhpi just want to know these, not to do15:09
ikoniaVoyage: then work out why it's erroring, and work out the best resolution for your system15:09
ikonialinuxhp: you don't do it is the answer15:09
b1ack1323ikonia: linuxhp:  Ikonia should clarify that you can use generic linux packages but not ones designated for that distro.15:09
ikoniab1ack1323: no you can't15:09
ikoniaand it won't "wreck your kernel"15:09
Voyageikonia,  I have tried to install each manually as you can see in the paste15:09
sw0rdfishHi there, is ubuntu now suitable for older generation people who can ONLY handle/do GUI15:10
ikoniaVoyage: right - and why are they broken ?15:10
ikoniasw0rdfish: no15:10
sw0rdfishso I shouldn't install ubuntu for my dad's friend who needs to format his laptop?15:10
Voyageikonia,  thats exactly why I am here "to know why"15:10
ikoniasw0rdfish: yo can15:10
b1ack1323ikonia: So youre saying whan I install a tar.gz from a site that says generic linux, then run it. It won't work on any other distro?15:11
ikoniaVoyage: what is the exact version of ubuntu you are using ?15:11
BluesKajVoyage, I've ad afew dependency issues solved  by installing the last dependency listed first and working back from there, no guarantees, but it's worth a try15:11
ikoniab1ack1323: very much depends15:11
Voyageikonia,  14.04 lts kubuntu15:11
VoyageBluesKaj,  http://pastie.org/1065098615:11
ikoniaVoyage: so as you can see it appears to depend on a lot of 32bit packages,15:11
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BluesKajVoyage, yes i swa that15:12
Voyageikonia,  yes. skype does too15:12
ikoniaVoyage: right, so pick one of those packages, eg: libqt4-opengl15:12
Voyageikonia,  pick and do what?15:12
ikoniaVoyage: when you try to install that it will fail, why will it fail, can it find the package, does it conflict,15:12
sw0rdfishand he won't ever need to open the terminal? ikonia15:13
ikoniaVoyage: what repo is it trying to pull it from etc etc15:13
Voyageikonia,  it just says "its not going to be installed"15:13
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ikoniasw0rdfish: shouldn't need to15:13
ikoniaVoyage: ok - so YOU need to walk it through, look where it's going to try to get it from15:13
nicomachussw0rdfish: I wouldn't say never, but having to type one or two commands into a terminal isn't the end of the world.15:13
earnThisIve got an ubuntu iso on a usb drive and Ive changed the boot order in my bios to be usb first but im still getting the "non-system disk or disk error" message. Seems like my work station isnt seeing the usb drive, any ideas?15:13
sw0rdfishnicomachus the guy doesn't speak english, but he does speak arabic, I'm not sure if there is an arab community/forums and stuff15:14
nicomachusearnThis: does it work in any other machiens?15:14
ikoniaearnThis: either your machine doesn't support boot from bios, or you've not made the usb disk correctly15:14
Voyageikonia,  if you see the last lines. it says libgl1-mesa-glx is wanted and then after that, it says its already the newest version15:14
earnThisikonia: the usb drive?15:14
sw0rdfishnicomachus can the desktop GUI be setup in arabic, btw?15:14
nicomachussw0rdfish: there's an arabic channel on IRC for ubuntu, I know that.15:14
ikoniaVoyage: is the newest version the one you want ?15:14
ikoniaVoyage: where is it trying to get from15:14
nicomachusthe only issue I've heard about is rendering some arabic fonts in PDFs.15:14
nicomachusotherwise, should be fine.15:15
Voyageikonia,  http://pastie.org/1065100215:16
earnThisikonia: it could be that ive made the usb incorrectly. I simply took a copy of the iso from a network share I have and copied it to the usb15:16
sw0rdfishhmmmm. That shouldn't be a problem because I think Microsoft's OneDrive and Google Drive or whatever can open pdf's I believe?15:16
sw0rdfishinside a browser15:16
sw0rdfishis there a bot that can tell me what the name of the ubuntu arabic channel is15:17
sudo3how can i rename columns in prestashop?15:18
MonkeyDust!find presta15:18
ubottuPackage/file presta does not exist in wily15:18
sw0rdfishcompdoc that would be neat15:18
Voyageikonia,  any clues?15:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:19
MonkeyDustsudo3  prestashop is an online shopping site or, is what i find here... it's not for this channel15:20
MonkeyDustor so*15:20
sudo3prestashop is ecommerce platform15:21
sudo3i have lorem ipsom in colums.. need to dlete it :( itrying 3 hours already15:21
neldogzAnyone having trouble streaming popular services like go.cnn.com and other TV networks that require DRM? I have tried https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/flash-player-11-problems-playing.html but doesn't wor15:22
ioriasw0rdfish, System Settings -> Language Support15:22
MonkeyDustsudo3  https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/5-community-help-and-support/15:22
Voyagecan anyone help me with installing skype: http://pastie.org/1065101215:24
fubaraptHi! Was wondering if anyone can help me sort apt out?15:25
nicomachusfubarapt: what's the issue?15:25
fubaraptnicomachus when ever I attempt to install anything,  I keep getting "W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/utopic/universe/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]15:26
fubaraptor similar messages15:26
MonkeyDustfubarapt  utopic is dead15:27
fubaraptMonkeyDust what do you suggest I do?15:27
ioria!eol | fubarapt15:27
ubottufubarapt: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:27
sw0rdfishthank you ioria15:29
ioriasw0rdfish,  you're welcome15:29
BluesKajVoyage, why does it have to be skype, whynot googletalk or some other ?15:30
fubaraptthanks everyone. Another question: can you still obtain Gnome2 anywhere, or do I have to use MATE?]?15:32
VoyageBluesKaj,  :)15:32
MonkeyDustfubarapt  mate15:32
fubaraptMonkeyDust danke15:32
MonkeyDustfubarapt  kein Dank15:33
mkeitahello everyone. first timer here15:36
daftykinsmkeita: hi. support only in here, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:36
enrico_join #ubuntu-it15:38
enrico_sorry :)15:38
idaemhello ?15:40
ubuntu-matethis is interesting15:40
daftykinsidaem: ask a support question if you have one, don't join a channel and demand a response for nothing15:40
idaemwhat is this ?15:41
MonkeyDustidaem  type /topic15:41
idaemI am new here15:42
daftykinsthat is obvious15:42
MorrwinLiterally no idea after I got back on amd open source drivers from proprietary why steam games now work15:42
idaemso i don't know how to use this chat room15:42
daftykins#1 it's a support room, so if you don't have questions you don't need to be here15:42
MonkeyDustidaem  people come here to help them solve problems with ubuntu15:43
idaemwhere do you all from?15:43
terrasapienor you can lurk like the hundreds of others and glean insight watching other people problems get hashed out15:43
earnThisHA! a/s/l15:43
daftykinsidaem: it's not that kind of place.15:43
idaemOh! I see thank you15:44
solvarrUbuntu goes straight to emergency mode at startup?15:44
solvarrBut everything seems to be working in upstart mode15:45
MonkeyDustsolvarr  start from the beginning, what brings you here15:45
solvarrLike I said, the system goes straight to emergency mode at startup15:45
C_minus_Was backing up home folder before fresh install - running LiveUSB and sudo nautilus (gksu was not available). It has hung 17.7GB into the copy. Is there a simpler way of copying files over to the external drive, perhaps in terminal?15:45
solvarrx server didn't work15:46
solvarrbut everything works fine in upstart mode15:46
daftykins!ops | wowaworm15:46
ubottuwowaworm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang15:46
wowawormdaftykins: ?15:46
daftykinsthat's an inappropriate link and you know it, grow up.15:47
wowawormdaftykins: Your behavior is unacceptable.15:47
daftykinsthat's my line!15:47
daftykinsnow if you could just leave that'd be great15:47
solvarrDoes anyone know what could have possibly caused the problem?15:47
daftykinscould be a bad disk state from an auto scheduled fsck15:48
daftykinscheck the logs15:48
solvarrhow do I check it?15:48
solvarractually even in startup mode it said couldn't mount /dev/sda* but I skipped it15:49
solvarrand later I'll have to ntfsfix that device15:49
daftykinswell it certainly won't like a failed mount in /etc/fstab15:50
daftykinsi have a feeling you're seeing more evidence regarding the potential problem than you have shared on here15:50
solvarryes, only that I have no idea how to solve it lol15:51
daftykinswell you didn't tell us about a failing mount15:51
daftykinswe can't help you, if you can't help us to help you.15:51
solvarrI didn't realize that a failing mount would cause this...15:52
solvarrI have ubuntu and windows 10 on my computer15:52
solvarreverytime I choose windows 10 and restart, the failing mount would appear15:53
daftykinsi'm not saying it's a direct cause, but it's obviously an unhappy system15:53
solvarrhow do i edit /etc/fstab to make it work?15:54
MWMback again :)  This time even I think I should be able to figure this one out, but its more a question of "best practices" I think15:54
solvarrI set up something like an automount for all other ntfs partitions15:54
daftykinssolvarr: you need to disable hybrid shutdown in win10, or at least understand that you must hold left shift when clicking shutdown to allow that NTFS volume to mount fine15:54
physiczjoin #science15:55
solvarryou mean holding left shift when I shut down Windows?15:55
MWMIm using lubuntu for NAS/random other stuff.  FInally gor the drives working and now its time to set partitions.  I wonder wether to mount a partition full of music in the "music folder", or use a symlink bacsically15:55
MonkeyDustsolvarr  how did you install ubuntu... on its own partition, or inside windows?15:56
solvarron its own partition15:56
MWMugg.  please excuse the spelling errors.  The biggesst issue with symlink is that I have to manually acess the machine and mount the partition when I want to access via samba15:56
solvarrI will turn off the hybrid boot in windows and try again15:57
daftykinssolenoids: you realise you used the exact words i did to say "you mean..." ?15:58
maksudHello any one can help?15:58
daftykinssolenoids: sorry wrong user15:58
daftykinsmaksud: not without a question15:58
maksudI have chromixium 64 bit but here i can't install internet modem. So how i can solve it. Right now I am using mint 17.315:59
nicomachus!mint | maksud15:59
ubottumaksud: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:59
MonkeyDustmaksud  both chromixium and mint are not supported here15:59
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MonkeyDustmaksud  you're in the wrong channel16:00
chr5Hi guys...I need help to install a ubuntu 14.04 from iso directly to my empty hdd16:03
chr5can i do that?16:03
MonkeyDustchr5  let's hear it... what happens when you try?16:03
chr5I dont know how i can do that... i used a live cd to access to my new computer with an empty hdd16:04
chr5with the live cd ubuntu 13.04, i downloaded the 14.04 iso16:04
MonkeyDustsounds good16:04
chr5now i want to install grub2, and run 14.04 iso16:04
chr5can i do that? does someone tell me how ?16:04
chr5i dont want to burn the iso, just to install directly in my new hdd16:05
MonkeyDustchr5  boot from the live cd/usb, choose 'try ubuntu', then install16:05
chr5My live cd is a 13.04 version16:05
chr5i want to install the 14.04 iso image16:06
nicomachuscreate a 14.04 version.16:06
MonkeyDustchr5  what's holding you?16:06
chr5MonkeyDust... sorry, i dont understand your question...16:07
nicomachuschr5: you need to create a live CD or Live USB for the 14.04 version, and then you can use it to install.16:07
chr5I mean, can i install directly an iso ubuntu image in my empty hdd without a cd image or live cd?16:07
MonkeyDustchr5  what's holding you from installing 14.04... you have the iso16:07
BlackFatechr5, the iso needs to be booted in order to use the installer and install it to a hdd16:08
NineTeen67CometHello, not 100% sure if this is the room to ask; but I've got a movie server that I access from outside my home (simple htaccess). I would like to use a database front end for it. Ideas on a simple one?16:08
chr5i have not cd and not pendrive16:08
chr5i cant burn anything16:08
nicomachusNineTeen67Comet: something like Kodi?16:08
nicomachus!kodi | NineTeen67Comet16:08
chr5I mean, i dont want to burn any cd, just install direcly with my iso in my hdd16:09
chr5is it possible?16:09
NineTeen67Cometnicomachus: I use Kodi for my home clients, it works great (MiniDLNA on my media server for that) .. I would like to set up a web page on my webn server instead of just listing the files in a directory as it does now16:09
nicomachuschr5: no.16:09
MonkeyDustchr5  no, you need something to install it *from*16:09
DosTuMaiYou beat me, Nicomachus. xD16:09
chr5but in the old days, when there was no CD, no people installing linux?16:10
BlackFatechr5 floppy disks16:10
nicomachuschr5: they used Floppy disks.16:10
chr5i mean....if you have not floppy and cd unit....16:10
chr5you can install linux....for sure16:11
nicomachusthen you have not install.16:11
DosTuMaichr5: You need a bootable media to install from.16:11
ejuanPXE or usb drive16:11
BlackFate!netboot | chr516:11
ubottuchr5: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:11
BlackFatechr5 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot16:12
chr5with a live linux....can i install the rest of system component in my hdd?16:12
chr5for example...can i install grub2 in a empty hdd from a live linux?16:12
MonkeyDustchr5  why would you want that? what is your end goal?16:13
chr5If i lost my grub2 i can recover using a live linux, right?16:13
BlackFatechr5, also check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot16:13
BlackFatechr5, i think you need the ISOBoot way (last link)16:14
chr5My goal is to understand the posibilities to install things in to my hdd with a live linux16:15
chr5for example...can i install grub2 in a empty hdd with my live linux?16:15
chr5and to learn to do this things16:16
MonkeyDustchr5  grub ~2 comes with the ubuntu installation16:16
BlackFatechr5, depends on your host OS. if you already have a ubuntu installation, then you can use the grub2 option or the netboot. If you use windows, then maybe ask someone who knows how to do that from windows16:17
BlackFatechr5, both options don't require burning the iso to an external source16:17
chr5I have any OS in my pc, i only have a empty hdd....i have a live cd with 13.04 ubuntu16:18
SchrodingersScat!13.04 | chr5, you may want to update that to something a little more current.16:19
ubottuchr5, you may want to update that to something a little more current.: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring16:19
chr5It was a old dvd at home16:20
MonkeyDustchr5  yes, you can install 13.04, for experimental purposes, but not upgrade it or install programs... find out what you can do16:20
BlackFatechr5, install 13.04, boot 13.04, download 14.04 iso. Use ISOboot, boot 14.04 and install it over 13.0416:20
chr5yes, BlackFate, i can understand now16:21
chr5thanks you very much (all)16:21
DirtyCajunif you install xfce4 on an ubuntu server... does it use resources when you havent started a session yet with startx?16:21
chr5can i execisobot from a live cd?16:21
chr5can i run isoboot form a live cd?16:22
FDUSIONMerry X-Mas  folks16:22
DirtyCajunchr5. or wait till april and just install 16.04 XD16:22
hw4ng3rHappy Holidays FDUSION16:23
chr5One Question more, if i have not cd or floppy, any external way, is netbooting the only way to install linux?16:24
FDUSIONchr5: why don't you just install it on a hypervisor, e.g vmware16:25
FDUSIONThen you don't need any of that16:26
chr5what is hypervisor? i dont know what it is16:26
hw4ng3rchr5: virtual environment16:27
FDUSIONIt's a software which you can install on a Windows Machine to simulate a computer. Then just load in the ISO. Go to Virtualbox.com and download it!16:27
chr5can i execute a virtual enviroment with ubuntu 13.04 in live mode?16:28
MonkeyDustchr5  sounds overkill to me16:28
EriC^^chr5: why do you want that?16:28
chr5I dont know, i just want to understand things16:29
chr5christmas are good time to understand new things16:29
MonkeyDustchr5  find a empty dvd or usb stick, put ubuntu 14.04 on it and install from there... done16:29
EriC^^chr5: if you want to learn, install a vm or dual boot16:29
chr5MonkeyDust, I have not empty dvd, no usb stick, what can i do?16:30
MonkeyDustchr5  get one, somehow, somewhere16:30
chr5i think in alternative options, net boot looks like the best one16:30
motaka2ioria: Hi, merry christmas16:30
chr5Eric, what vm can i install with a ubuntu live cd?16:31
chr5another question: can i install new things when i use a live linux?16:31
EriC^^you install virtualbox or vmware on windows, then load the iso in that vm and install in the vm16:32
chr5can i install new software when i use a virtualized linux (when i use a live cd) ?16:32
EriC^^virtualized linux and live cd are 2 different things16:32
chr5a lot of question are comming to my estupid brain, sorry, jeje16:32
chr5when i put my live cd, i run ubuntu, but i dont install...just to use...how do you call that?16:33
MonkeyDustchr5  a live session16:33
EriC^^live cd is like a trial of linux, the whole os is loaded with a set of programs, and it's a one time use, just from the cd, when you reboot everything disappears back to the original state16:33
chr5thanks, ok, then the question is....can i install new software in a live session?16:34
EriC^^yeah but they disappear when you reboot16:34
MonkeyDustEriC^^  that was fast16:34
EriC^^unless you use a persistent live usb16:34
=== nolsen is now known as Gaben
chr5ok, can i install grub2 in my empty hdd in a live session?16:34
EriC^^yeah i guess it could be done somehow but what would be the point?16:35
MonkeyDustchr5  why are you so focused on grub2... first learn the basics16:35
chr5ok, right....the first question again: can i run a ubuntu linux in a live session?16:35
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chr5a ubuntu iso, i mena16:36
chr5i mean16:36
MonkeyDustchr5  yes, boot from usb/dvd, try linux, done16:36
MonkeyDusttry ubutu, rather16:36
chr5ok, i have a live session with ubuntu 13.04, right?16:36
MonkeyDustchr5  a live dvd/usb, when you boot from it, it's called a live session16:37
FDUSIONIs anyone using Torguard here ? I'm on the verge of looking for a new VPN service16:37
chr5i have a live session right now....then i used firefox (in live session) i have downloaded the NEW ISO...ubuntu 14.0416:37
chr5i have now ubuntu 14.04 in my hdd, right?16:37
MonkeyDustchr5  great, now save that .iso on a dvd or usb16:38
chr5yes, i can understand you... i can burn new iso and all is perfect16:38
chr5but my questions, come here....16:38
MonkeyDustchr5  burn the iso, then boot from it and install 14.0416:38
chr5what happends if i dONT HAVE ANY CD or pendrive....16:38
chr5or better, what happends if i dont want to burn anything,16:39
MonkeyDustchr5  you can't burn to something that isnt there16:39
chr5are there any alternative to run iso from hdd?16:39
DosTuMaichr5: Then you can't install Ubuntu.16:39
chr5i have seen you can install grub, and run a iso image16:39
chr5is it right?16:39
=== MrXXIV_ is now known as MrXXIV
chr5grub can run iso images16:40
chr5if i have a image, and i install grub, i can run my new iso, is a right thinking?16:40
chr5maybe is a stupid thinking16:41
DosTuMaichr5: You need to run the .iso from boot to be able to install it. Without installation media - CD, USB drive, floppy - you wont be able to load it ion the boot order.16:42
chr5but grub can load iso images, right?16:43
chr5if i get a grub in my empty hdd, i can load iso image without bootting iso image, right?16:44
DosTuMaichr5: It can, but you can't install the .iso on your system.16:44
chr5ok, i understand now16:44
chr5i can run, but not installing it16:44
DosTuMaiRave1: Thank you, you learn something new every day. =]16:46
Rave1yes we do16:46
DosTuMaiTurns out you can! That'll be useful for my test tower.16:47
chr5so, a duubt, can i install grub in my empty hdd with a live session? how?16:47
DosTuMaichr5: Read the link. =]16:48
chr5I have read....but there is a problem: This trick requires you have a Linux system installed on your hard drive.16:48
chr5i have not linux installed, just empty hdd16:49
chr5i use it in a live session16:49
chr5i suppose, by comments, that in a live session i CAN NOT install grub, right?16:50
chr5i would like to install grub, and run my iso16:50
chr5just a callenge16:51
Rave1chr5  you said in the beginning you had a disc with 1304 you could install that /use it to create the partitions you need and  install from an image on one partition16:53
=== step21 is now known as step21_
chr5yes, i maked partitions...16:54
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chr5i have downloaded the new iso16:54
chr5now i was thinking to install grub and run the new iso in my hdd without linux installed16:55
chr5but i am not sure if that is possible16:55
BlackFatechr5, Rave1 why even bother create the partitions. Just default install 13.04, change the grub to boot the 14.04 and then after you boot 14.04, fresh install it16:55
ioriamotaka2, merry chistmas to you ^_^16:55
BlackFatechr5, i think we are recycling the same info again and again. Go through the provided links16:56
Rave1BlackFate,   yes I agree  that whole work too16:56
Rave1would work<<16:57
lagboxanyone having an issue as of just recently with firefox sitting at high cpu with nothing loaded   15.1016:57
chr5Sorry, i am not trying to be boring !16:57
Rave1lot of time just for the sake of a cheap disc or flash drive16:57
chr5Rave1, the important things here are the alternative thinking and options16:58
iorialagbox, sometimes the culprit is flashplayer16:58
Rave1chr5   you need to go do some reading and not ask the same thing other and other here16:58
Rave1over and over16:58
DosTuMaiGet a pack DVD-R for £1, pretty sure most other countries have the same kind of thing.16:58
lagboxso flashplayer is running with no pages loaded ?16:59
BlackFateRave1, if you just want to play around... you can do it with KVM. boot the iso with KVM, After you install ubuntu to a KVM virtual machine, convert the KVM image to a raw disk image and dd that to your disk16:59
BlackFatechr5, *16:59
lagboxno plugin container process is running16:59
motaka2ioria: Thanks foe all you did this month for me.16:59
Rave1BlackFate,   thanks but I have been using linux for 10 years  I have played around lots16:59
ioriamotaka2, no problem...17:00
motaka2ioria: has TJ- changed his nickname?17:00
chr5thanks BlackFate17:00
ioriamotaka2, don't think so... maybe is busy...17:00
lagboxioria, thanks for the info, i double check that17:00
chr5and sorry for the inconvenience !17:00
BlackFateRave1, sorry for the nick reference, that was for chr517:00
iorialagbox, run ps -A  identify FF pid then   ls /proc/<pid>17:00
Rave1OK  lol17:00
motaka2ioria: Ok thanks I hope I can find hime and tell him merry christmas too17:01
ioriamotaka2, sure ...17:01
lagboxioria, what would i be looking for17:02
iorialagbox, status17:03
iorialagbox, also   pmap -x   pid17:04
lagboxwhat about those commands ?17:04
C_minus_I reinstalled ubuntu today, but i think i messed up the partitions a bit. Here's gparted http://ibin.co/2R4b51467fra and fdisk http://paste.ubuntu.com/14197508/17:05
lagboxwhat are you telling me to look for17:05
ikoniaC_minus_: whats the problem17:05
ikoniaC_minus_: that data gives no context17:05
C_minus_sorry... much to type17:05
C_minus_i have strangely sized partitions, win7 and ubuntu are smaller than they used to be, but there's this other mysterious partition17:07
C_minus_i think i might have created extra ones17:07
DarkAceZwhat's the difference between 'deb' and 'deb-src' when adding ppa's?17:07
C_minus_windows had to run its chkdsk utility at start up to verify the bootloader (i think?) but it started up ok17:07
ubottuciccillo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:08
C_minus_mount is greyed out, so i can't look inside this huge partition sda617:09
=== Gaben is now known as Red_Engineer
TJ-DarkAceZ: 'deb' is the binary package files; 'deb-src' is for the source-code (if you want to fetch it using "apt-get source <package>"17:11
=== Red_Engineer is now known as nolsen
DarkAceZah, thanks TJ-17:11
C_minus_i need to know its "mount point" - how can i find this out?17:12
MonkeyDustC_minus_  mount17:13
MonkeyDustC_minus_  type 'mount' in a terminal17:13
C_minus_ok so yeah as i suspect, i accidentally made an extra partition for ubuntu on my hard drive. windows was shrunk down, but that's cool, i can always resize in gparted, right?17:15
C_minus_with the liveUSB can i run gparted and merge the 2 ubuntu partitions into 1?17:16
john____hello I have a problem with my Logitech Camera... the Video seems to work with skype, but I am not able to get the microphone working. I am using pulseaudio, Xubuntu. Trying to get it working with skype. Nobody can hear me :(17:17
ikoniaC_minus_: no17:17
TJ-C_minus_: that rather depends. if the 'accidental' empty partition is AFTER the Ubuntu file-system, then yes. Else, not without moving data around17:17
ikoniaC_minus_: that will lose data17:17
ikoniaC_minus_: whats the actual PROBLEM17:17
ikoniayou're describing symptoms17:18
C_minus_ikonia i guess... i have 2 ubuntu partitions on the same laptop. i only want 1. i want to keep win7, which touch wood is working ok. don't really care about losing data at this point because it's backed up.17:19
ikoniaC_minus_: ok - delete the 2 ubuntu partitions (or all of them) re-create them how you want and re-install17:19
C_minus_this can be done in gparted, whilst running the LiveUSB/17:20
ikoniaC_minus_: do it using hte installer17:20
ikoniaor use the livecd / usb as you are doing17:20
BlackFatejohn____, post the output of the following command to pastebin: "pacmd list-sources"17:20
C_minus_OK. TJ I believe the unwanted partition is after the wanted one... please see http://ibin.co/2R4b51467fra17:21
ikoniaC_minus_: just delete it17:21
C_minus_unwanted being sda617:21
ikoniaand re-create it17:21
ikoniawhy is this a hard concept17:21
ikoniayou don't want it - delete it17:21
C_minus_i just wanna check before i do anything else today - i made a real mess earlier on today :(17:22
ikoniacheck what ?17:22
ikoniawhat is it you want us to verify17:22
john____BlackFate: here I posted it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14197777/17:22
C_minus_that i can do this without some unforseen thing wrecking my computer. i acknowledge that the people here know much more than i do.17:22
ikoniaC_minus_: you can delete the ubuntu partitions without damaging your windows partition, yes17:23
C_minus_i appreciate it.17:23
C_minus_while i'm doing this, can i also resize sda2 (win7 partition), which involves moving all the stuff in sda7 to the right?17:26
john____BlackFate: The Camera is working but not the microphone. I tested the camera on a different PC and everything was working. any idea how to get it running?17:26
ikoniaC_minus_: I would not do that yet17:26
ikoniaC_minus_: I would get your ubuntu partitions sorted, boot into windows, chkdisk it - defrag it, then deal with that17:27
BlackFatejohn____, did you select the input device from the sound settings?17:27
C_minus_so step1: delete sda6 making ubuntu large. step2: install ubuntu on (large) sda6. step3: chkdsk/defrag win7. step4: change ratio of win7:ubuntu partition size with gparted (repeat step 3)???17:29
ikoniaC_minus_: why are you changing the ubuntu partition size ?17:29
ikoniaC_minus_: the whole point of re-creating the ubuntu partitions is to size them correctly17:29
john____BlackFate: I tried that. It only gives me the Options wait I will sen you a screen17:30
Uf_why canonical close upstart and change stupid systemd from redhat17:30
ikoniaUf_: every distro has changed17:30
ikoniaand it's not "from redhat"17:30
Uf_Redhat may be close source code systemd and can by money17:30
ikoniaUf_: not for this channel17:31
Uf_As microsoft17:31
nicomachusUf_: not a topic for this channel.17:31
C_minus_so check out the image: http://ibin.co/2R4b51467fra I want sda2 (win7) to be about 200GB, sda6 (new resized ubuntu) to be about 250GB.17:31
john____BlackFate: here is a Screen http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=2495021617:32
BlackFatejohn____, that's pavucontrol and also that's not ubuntu17:33
BlackFatejohn____, what are you using?17:33
john____BlackFate: I am Using Xubuntu.17:34
john____BlackFate: My computer is not good enough to run Ubuntu17:34
C_minus_So instead: step1: delete sda6, making sda7 large. step2: change ratio of win7:ubuntu partitons. step3: chkdsk win7. step4: install ubuntu on (now large) sda6. Good plan?17:35
john____I can choose between Front Microphone, Rear Microphone, and Line In all in (unplugged) in the Tab "Build in Analog Stereo"17:36
C_minus_Or: step1: remove ubuntu entirely, delete both ubuntu partitions, and swap space. step2: chkdsk win7. step3: run ubuntu installer and choose whatever relative size i want.17:37
ikoniaC_minus_: why is this so hard17:37
ikoniaC_minus_: delete the ubuntu partitions - install ubuntu on the correct sized partitions17:37
C_minus_ok thanks17:37
=== nolsen is now known as Gaben
john____BlackFate: It's alright I was able to fix it!17:41
john____My microphone is working now17:41
Naveenandhuwhich application is better for video converter17:42
zykotick9Naveenandhu: which colour is better for walls17:43
Naveenandhubrown sandle17:43
BlackFateNaveenandhu, ffmpeg is the most known and widely used. (it's a command line tool though)17:43
=== milad_ is now known as Guest48775
styler2goCan someone help me how i can use https://wiki.debian.org/rt2800usb on ubuntu?17:48
VFDPrim1what is the ubuntu off toppic room17:48
VFDPrim1forgot the name lol17:48
VFDPrim1makes sence lol thanks17:49
nicomachus!alis VFDPrim117:49
nicomachus!alis | VFDPrim117:49
ubottuVFDPrim1: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http17:49
=== Gaben is now known as nolsen
UnusedGivet ban still morons, more, more, more. You thus further proves that the proprietary Microsoft no freedom than you after the fact, rather than promises.17:51
=== jero- is now known as jero
weplywhat does mode/##something [-v weply]  do17:54
weplywhat does the -v command do?17:54
nicomachusweply: that's off-topic here, but -v (or +v) controls whether someone has Voice in an irc channel.17:55
ikoniatry #freenode17:55
ikoniathey can help you17:55
weplydoes that me im muted?17:55
ikoniaask in #freenode17:56
nicomachusweply: ....obviously not, because I just replied to you.17:56
ikoniathey will help you understand how to use irc17:56
weplyno but the -v in the other channel17:56
weplyif I get -v in other channel am i17:56
nicomachusask in #freenode17:56
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts18:07
=== US is now known as Guest8125
Guest8125I install nvidia 340 and see mistake user1000@service Unknown host.Why18:30
mdgeorge4153hello.  I've been using gnome-shell on ubuntu.  Recently all of my extensions have stopped working and I've been unable to activate them or find any similar problems on teh google.   Can anyone help?18:32
nicomachusmdgeorge4153: extensions...? as in browser extensions?18:34
mdgeorge4153no, gnome-shell extensiosn18:34
Finetundra_Hey folks, can someone walk me through setting up an Asus PCE-N53 wireless card?18:36
nicomachusFinetundra_: perhaps this can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221799618:39
chr5thanks gays18:49
chr5Merry Ubuntu open software revolution chirstmas !18:50
chr5dont masturbate too much ;)18:50
=== dro is now known as Intii
pancakebreakfastwith scp it's scp local:/foo remote:/bar. Correct?18:58
ikoniapancakebreakfast: that will work18:59
ikoniapancakebreakfast: or just scp file remote:/bar18:59
asus-eeeBoas alguem me pode dar uma ajuda?19:00
asus-eeesou novo no linux , e quando eu uso o comando para instalar um programa qualquer "sudo apt-get install ..." nunca consegue encontrar o pacote que pretendo19:00
DJones!pt |  asus-eee19:01
ubottuasus-eee: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:01
asus-eeeobrigado ubottu!!19:05
john___Where is " ~/ " located? in my home folder??19:12
EriC^^~/ is your home dir19:12
EriC^^it's like /home/<user>/19:12
john___ok thx19:12
=== James is now known as Guest85792
volga629_Hello Everyone, how to remove old kernel ?19:14
volga629_on 14.0419:14
ikoniavolga629_: just remove the package19:15
ikoniabut auto-clean should also remove them19:15
volga629_I tried apt-get purge kernel list, but complain about some dependency19:15
ikoniavolga629_: thats not the package name19:16
ikoniaauto clean should remove obsolete packags or you can manually remove the package19:16
ikoniavolga629_: clean up the extras package first19:17
ikoniathats what's blocking it19:17
volga629_you mean this19:17
ikoniainux-image-extra-3.19.0-42-generic : Depends: linux-image-3.19.0-42-generic but it is not going to be installed19:18
ikoniait looks lke you have a dependecy problem before you tried to clean the old package19:18
volga629_is this should help dpkg --purge --force-all19:20
ikoniavolga629_: why don't you follow the advice it's giving you on screen ?19:21
volga629_I don't see an messages from you19:22
volga629_purge of extra packge with apt-get doesn't work19:23
James410can you explain to me what a ping timeout is?19:23
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=== newbie2suse is now known as newbie2ubuntu
ikoniavolga629_: messages on the error screen19:25
ikonianot from me19:25
newbie2ubuntuI've got a question about running ubuntu in vbox:19:25
volga629_you mean remove this linux-image-3.19.0-42-generic19:25
newbie2ubuntuI have upgraded vbox to the latest version and now ubuntu is not booting.19:25
Shai12391Hello, I need your help - I've downloaded the latest Ubuntu version and install it on new patition along with my windows 10 and now when I turn the computer I get: error no such partition rescue mode? what to do?19:25
=== michael__ is now known as Guest93870
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts19:29
Guest93870Hello, I just got a new router and now my ubuntu gnome 15.10 says the network cable is unplugged. Works find on my windows partition on the same computer. And ideas?19:29
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=== UbuntuSupport is now known as blahblah
Shai12391Hello, I need your help - I've downloaded the latest Ubuntu version and install it on new patition along with my windows 10 and now when I turn the computer I get: error no such partition rescue mode? what to do?19:37
=== blahblah is now known as dingdong23
=== BlackFX_ is now known as BlackFX
=== dingdong23 is now known as UbuntuSupport394
=== Uptime is now known as Upsanta
superCarStereocan someone help me out with a socket issue? on ubuntu my server works fine, sockets establish connection and everything works as expected, on mips socket gets connected and disconnected immediately, I've changed keep alive from 120 to 7200 but it didn't help19:44
curlyearsOK, well, the only thing I could find in the MB manual was an option to enable/disable EFI.   No otgher options19:49
curlyearsso I enabled it, and tried to install again, and again the installed claims to have installed successfully, and afgain the boot to the HDD fails with an invalid filesystem error  )-:19:50
curlyearsI noticed that gparted was install AND THEN REMOVED AT THE END OF THE INSTALL SCRIPT,  wHY IS THAT?19:51
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:52
OerHeks^^ to fix the secure boot issue19:52
OerHeksand gparted is removed after install, but you can easily reinstall19:52
curlyearsoerheks:  I know  reinstall it, I already have.  I was wondering why the installer deletes it?19:53
OerHeksi have no clue, really.19:54
curlyearsand I jkbiw what EUFI is. I am having trouble installing to a raw 3TB drive, and none of the ideas I have seen here or on the web for the last three days is helping19:54
OerHeksdisks is enough to handle formatting usb devices and such19:54
OerHeksoh, you cannot use gparted... but this story is a replica of yesterday19:55
curlyears\though I do appreciate all the help you filk have offered19:55
OerHeksyou know the answers already19:55
curlyearsdoggoned caps lock key19:56
curlyearsOerHeks:  nnone of the answers so far have solved my issue19:57
=== James410 is now known as gigabyte
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=== terabyte is now known as DonaldTrump
=== DonaldTrump is now known as DonaldTrumpUSA
=== cc1337 is now known as cc_alt
curlyearsdoggone it all to heck20:08
DonaldTrumpUSAWhat's that all about?20:09
=== DonaldTrumpUSA is now known as nullbyte
curlyearsDonaldTrumpUSA: has an offensive nick )-:20:10
curlyearsthat's better20:10
nullbyteAlright, then I'll change to nullbyte20:10
Finetundra_Hey folks, can someone walk me through installing ndiswrapper from a tarball?20:10
=== nullbyte is now known as HillaryClintonCr
curlyearswell, nullbyte, I can't egt ubuntu to install correctly to my 3TB HDD.  this is my fifth day in a row being in here akmost all day, trying dozens of proposed fixes, none of which seem to work )-:20:11
=== HillaryClintonCr is now known as nullbyte
nullbyteWell i'll see what i can do to help20:11
nullbyteTo start, have you burned the iso image to a dvd or flash?20:12
curlyearsmy back hurts from sitting in my chair,. in front of the computer for 6-9 hours straight   0-;20:12
nullbyteOh my!20:13
nullbyteWhat exactly is the problem other than your back hurting?20:13
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest27876
OerHeksfrom 15:13 and on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/12/23/%23ubuntu.html , how do i make a gpt table , 100 mb boot for efi is then easy to do.20:14
curlyearsnullbyte:  I have an install DVD I made back in 2014.  14.04.2.  It SAYS it has successfuklky installed the system, but the system will only boot to the Live DVD20:14
nullbyteOK, have you removed the install dvd and rebooted?20:15
curlyearsthsnkd oerHeks, but I think I need/want to stick to LTS20:15
nullbyteWhat do you mean by that?20:15
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts20:16
OerHeksit does not matter 14.04 LTS or the latest20:16
curlyearsthis has happened AT LEAST 15 TIMES IN THE PAST 5 DAYS.  alMOST EVERY TIME i GET An error I haven't seen before when trying to boot20:16
nullbyteOK, what happens when you try to boot without the dvd in? can you send me the error message?20:17
OerHeksbut then .. you allways have a new problem/answer before you could even take a look at the solution20:17
curlyearswill 15.10 successfuly auto-upgrade to 16.04 when the time comes?20:17
OerHeksi leave you to nullbyte20:17
curlyearsOerHeks:  I *HAVE* tried the solutions offered...they aren't working.  !20:18
nullbyteCurlyears: can you please tell me the error message you see?20:18
curlyearsnullbyte:   what are you asking me the meaning of?20:18
nullbyteI'm asking you to boot without the cd in and tell me exactly what happens and what you see20:19
VoyageOerHeks,  sorry?20:19
curlyearsnullbyte: most recently, after enabling EFI in  my BIOS, and reinstalling, I see an error of "invalid filesystem"20:19
curlyearsbut NO errors reported during install    ????20:20
nullbytehmm, what is the make and model of your pc? i'm asking so i can know what kind of bios you have20:20
curlyearsMonkeyDust: hello again20:21
nullbyteCurlyears: i'm changing my nickname20:21
=== nullbyte is now known as Duck_farmer
potato_farmerducks eh?20:22
curlyearsmy MB is a Gigabyte Corp. 78LMT-USB320:22
Duck_farmerYes, I rase layer ducks20:22
Duck_farmerAnyway, curlyears, I am nullbyte, now called "duck_farmer"20:22
Duck_farmerI wonder if you'd be able to reset your bios to default settings20:23
Duck_farmerthat might help20:23
curlyearsI built the system.  Ithas been running nicely since July, when I built it and installed from tyhe very same DVD (whhich has been verified, yes).  Only difference between then and now is I am trying to install to a 3TB HDD rather than a 500GB drive, and I now have 24 GB of RAM, rather than 8.  (and yesam, I have rubn memtest86, no errorsa founmd)20:24
john-externalcan i get some help here with 15.1020:24
Duck_farmerOh, i forgot to ask this:20:24
curlyearsDuck_farmer: I was having the same problems before I enabled EFI, whicgh I ionly did this morning.20:24
Duck_farmerThe 32 bit edition of ubuntu can support no more than 4GB RAM.20:24
Duck_farmerMaybe you got the 32 bit and have more than 4GB RAM??20:25
curlyearsDuck_farmer: I am installing the 64 bit version20:25
Duck_farmerOK, good.20:25
curlyearsit says so righ tin the name of the iso20:25
TJ-curlyears: it's important we know the *exact* wording of the error message, so we know what produces it. Is the message you see "Invalid file system mapping on ..." (variable ending)20:25
Duck_farmerTJ, you got cut off20:25
Duck_farmerPotato_farmer, are you still there>20:26
john-externalis there anyone who knows how to get the .mp3 files to play in rhythmbox20:26
Duck_farmerdouble click them!!!20:26
Duck_farmerDo you raise potatoes? ):20:27
Duck_farmersorry, (:20:27
potato_farmerI don't grow potatoes20:27
john-externallol tried and it seems it doesn't even open in rhythmbox20:27
Duck_farmerOh, just curious20:27
Duck_farmerWhat distro of linux do you have, John external?20:27
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts20:27
TJ-john-external: I seem to recall you need to install the MP3 codecs20:27
OerHeksjohn-external, install the restricted extra metapackage20:28
john-externalubantu 15.1020:28
Duck_farmerHave you tried reinstalling?20:28
OerHeksfor codecs, fonts, webplugins and such20:28
john-externalyeah i got the codecs and even tried reinstalling and it doesn't want to work20:28
Duck_farmerCurlyears, id idn't forget about you20:28
Duck_farmerHmm, does other music players work?20:29
john-externalyeah but i like rythmbox better lol20:29
TJ-!info gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 | john-external20:29
ubottujohn-external: gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 (source: gst-fluendo-mp3): Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer 1.0 plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.29.debian-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 74 kB, installed size 267 kB20:29
TJ-!info gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 | john-external20:29
ubottujohn-external: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 (source: gst-fluendo-mp3): Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer 0.10 plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.29.debian-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 83 kB, installed size 291 kB20:29
Duck_farmerok, i only asked because i wanted to know that for diagnostic purposes20:30
TJ-john-external: confirm you have both those packages installed20:30
john-externalubottu an JT-: did that but still cant get it to play20:30
ubottujohn-external: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
viruapostaVoyage, can you paste output of this one : "getconf LONG_BIT"20:30
Duck_farmerCurlyears, you still there and alive and kicking?20:30
curlyearsTJ-.this all Started when I clicked on "Install Now" in the popup that the push from ubuntu uses to notify you there's an upgrade available.   After ldid, when booting from my 500GB drvie, it fauiled every time.  So I booted from Live CD, and got the CD menu, and loooked at the "Advance options", in which the upgrade is labeled with  long name whic20:30
curlyearsh includes 16.57 in it.  The precvious upgrade has a simialr liong name with 16.56, and etc.20:30
Duck_farmerOk, John external, do other filetypes play in rythmbox?20:30
john-externalduck_famer: don't know if they do or not i cant get it to even work20:31
Voyageviruaposta, 6420:31
TJ-curlyears: I know you've had every problem its possible to get. But please answer my question about that message; it is very important in understanding where the message originates, and therefore figuring the range of issues that could produce that situation20:31
Duck_farmerCurlyears: maybe you want to try to make another bootable ubuntu disk20:31
john-externali cant import even .wav to the library20:31
viruapostaVoyage, do execute this before trying to install "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs"20:32
Duck_farmerJohn external, how were you going about reinstalling rythambox?20:32
Duck_farmerWere using terminal, software center, or download package?20:32
john-externalthru the  Software senter20:32
TJ-john-external: try starting rhythmbox from a shell terminal; it might show error messages that give you a clue20:32
curlyearsTJ-:   I found and enabled EFI in my BIOS settings this morning, trieedd reinstalling (from 14.04.2), had a reported "successful" install, but it still won't boot from HDD.   Now it isa just claiming "invalid filesystem" and dropping me into grub rescue20:32
Duck_farmerTJ, that's exactly what i was going to say!20:32
TJ-curlyears: is the message literally just "Invalid filesystem" (no space between 'file' and 'system' ?20:33
Duck_farmerCurlyears, maybe you want to make another boot disk for ubuntu.20:33
john-externalhow do i do that... kind of new to this form of os20:33
curlyearsDuck_farmer: only have one DVD drive, can't burn a disk while booted in Live CD, I tried "burning" it to a USB thumb, that won't boot either.20:33
Duck_farmercurlyears, do you have a nother working computer with internet?20:33
TJ-john-external: start a GUI 'terminal' which'll give you a command-line shell20:34
OerHeksia32 libs is the old way, ubuntu is multiarch for some time now. just install <package>:i36820:34
UserUSculryears: Did you do an OEM install or regular install?20:34
john-externalTJ: then what20:34
Voyageviruaposta,  did you my private message?20:34
viruapostaVoyage, for explanation, above lib will help you to install a 32bit program to be installed on 64bit system20:34
TJ-john-external: close down any existing Rhythmbox and type "rhythmbox" to start it from the terminal20:34
Voyageviruaposta,  did you my private message?20:35
OerHeksviruaposta, wrong, ia32 libs is the old way, ubuntu is multiarch for some time now. just install <package>:i36820:35
viruapostaVoyage, I dont see any private message20:35
Duck_farmerTJ, i think it will help if you dealwith JOhn external and i deal with curlyears.20:35
Duck_farmerUnless youre opposed.20:35
curlyearsTJ-:   It'll take me a little while to go see, as I h ave to sahut down, reset the BIOS to boot from HDD first, then re ove the DVD, reboot, and write the exact message out on  paper. (no way to preserve a 'cut-n-paste' through a reboot20:35
Duck_farmercurlyears: Do you have another working computer with internet connection?20:35
=== Duck_farmer is now known as Goose_farmer
john-externalTJ: the terminal says "(rhythmbox:18558): libsoup-CRITICAL **: soup_server_quit: assertion 'priv->listeners != NULL' failed20:36
john-external(rhythmbox:18558): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: object SoupServer 0x2d744e0 finalized while still in-construction20:36
john-external(rhythmbox:18558): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Custom constructor for class SoupServer returned NULL (which is invalid). Please use GInitable instead.20:36
john-external(rhythmbox:18558): Gtk-WARNING **: Duplicate child name in GtkStack: Add to Playlist20:36
Goose_farmeranswer duck_farmer's question, curlyears20:36
viruapostaVoyage, anyways thats not that much important.. you can have that lib installed and can install the program you looking for20:36
TJ-curlyears: OK, because the GRUB source-code doesn't contain the strings "invalid filesystem", "invalid file-system" or "invalid file system"20:36
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Voyageviruaposta,  which lib installed?20:36
duck_farmercurlyears, you there?20:36
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UserUSjohn-external: install glnitable20:37
OerHeksVoyage, don't install that ia32-lib. > http://askubuntu.com/questions/107230/what-happened-to-the-ia32-libs-package20:37
chicken_farmeranswer his question20:37
TJ-curlyears: And there *is* such a string in most UEFI firmware shells, so that error could be produced by the motherboard's own code20:37
curlyearsDuck_farmer:   no, that's why I am forced to boot to 114.04.2 from the Live DVD I have20:37
TJ-chicken_farmer: please stop nick-bouncing!20:37
OerHeksviruaposta, stop giving wrong advise please20:37
=== chicken_farmer is now known as Duck_farmer
Duck_farmerOK, THen i have a good idea, curlyears20:37
VoyageOerHeks,  what to do to install skype20:38
Duck_farmerBoot from the ubuntu disk and go onto internet with that20:38
UserUScurlyears: try installing refind then. it will change the bootloader to load an interactive gui to select what bootable kernel you wanat to choose20:38
OerHeksVoyage, yesterday we tried all sorts, you should have partner repo enabled, install skype and run updates, but that does not work .. i am clueless. but ia32 libs is wrong.20:39
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john-externalso any ideas20:39
VoyageOerHeks,  hm I created a question with more details20:39
VoyageOerHeks,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts20:40
idea_farmerCurlyears, if you can access internet on boot disk, try to download new version of ubuntu iso image20:40
VoyageOerHeks,  I think, all started after I upgraded kubuntu (though it was not a dist upgrade20:40
idea_farmervoyage, if you change your nick maybe we'll listen to you20:40
OerHeksidea_farmer, you are anoying.20:41
idea_farmeri'll change nick then20:41
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curlyearsUserUS;  i can also get that menu by holding F11 while the DVD boots ubuntu.  None of the choices available in ghere work.  Whatever the 16.57 upgrade did, it certainly trashed the drive badly.  I can still mount it under Live DVD and see all my personal files, fortunely20:41
Voyageidemuso,  nick? why20:41
duck_farmerjohn-external, maybe we should get back to you20:43
UserUScurlyears: refind will show any other bootable filesystems. it shows more options then grub for booting. it gets installed on the esp to actually replace the boot loader20:43
curlyearsidea_farmer, I have done that.  My only optiono here is to burn aninstall USB, which I did, which reported no errors, yetit refuses to boot20:44
duck_farmeroh, ok.20:44
viruapostaOerHeks, if you think so, please help that guy20:45
duck_farmerwhat guy?20:45
curlyearsthis mess is huge.20:45
duck_farmerjohn-external, are you still there?20:46
viruapostaduck_farmer, that wasnt for you.. that was for OerHeks20:46
duck_farmersorry, i got mixed up20:46
curlyearsI guess I'll try to refind thing.   Thanks, UserUS20:46
duck_farmerjohn external, you there?20:47
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curlyearsaffterall, nothing else has worked.  How do I revert from the 16.57 update?20:47
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curlyears)assuming I can boot, I'll need to do that)20:47
=== UserCanada is now known as duck_farmer
duck_farmerare you still having trouble?20:48
john-externalyes i am here20:48
john-externalyeahi trying a reinstall20:48
duck_farmerwhat method are you using to reinstall?20:48
john-externalsoftware center20:49
curlyearssorry, my cat was in distress, and I had to go assist him.  Back from AFK20:49
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts20:49
john-externaldo u know the command for it20:49
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curlyearsI am sure the 3TB drive is the problem, but none of the suggestions, either here or on many web pages I have been linked to has solved the issue20:50
duck_farmerCurlyears, have you done complete format on 3tb drive?20:50
duck_farmerjohn external, maybe you need to update your software center20:51
john-externalwell that worked after about 6 reinstalls20:51
duck_farmerwhat version ubuntu U have?20:52
curlyearsduck_farmer: who sare you sking about version?20:52
john-externalwell thanks for all the help20:53
duck_farmercurlyears, sorry, was talking to john external20:53
curlyearsduck_farmer: ok20:53
john-externaloh it is the 15.10 i guess the current download of this has a small bug in it... downloaded from website20:54
john-externalthe willy warefolf20:54
duck_farmerdownload of what, ubuntu or rythmbox?20:54
john-externalubuntu is 15.10 willy warewolf20:54
john-externalbut the problem is solved though... maybe just a bad connection to the internet made a short giltch in the program while downloading it20:55
duck_farmerJohn-external: great, i'm glad for you!20:56
duck_farmercurlyears, did you try to completely reformat your HDD?20:56
duck_farmerCurlyears, you there20:59
magic_ninja-lapso I start gdm and I get a black screen20:59
magic_ninja-lapwhat can I do to get some verbosity to see what is happening20:59
BlackFatemagic_ninja-lap, does it work fine with lightdm?21:00
magic_ninja-lapblack screen withany dm21:00
duck_farmercurlyears, what happened 2 U?21:00
BlackFatemagic_ninja-lap, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:01
curlyearsduck_farmer: that, and asked the installer to erase the drive, as well21:02
duck_farmercurlyears, i wonder if you r only other option is to flash bios!21:03
aoteaI think I have an issue with Nvidia drivers, my screen sometimes turn black at random and returns to a login (just as if I rebooted) only my resolution is lowered and can't get increased unless I run a reboot. Any idea which log files I need to read or what I can do to figure out the source of my problem (got the urge to blame nvidia but you never know)21:03
curlyearsduck_farmer: oh, Great Guhu!   I sincerel;y hope not21:03
duck_farmeri'm afraid so.  or did you try to reset bios yet?21:04
duck_farmerI mean not reset bios, reset bois settings to default21:04
curlyearswhat do you mean by "reset?"   DO you  mean to manufacturer's default setting?21:04
duck_farmeryes, i do21:05
curlyearsyrsh, well, I can do that21:05
duck_farmerit's worth a try21:05
curlyearsoff to try that21:05
curlyearsdo IJ want EFI enabled or disabled?21:05
duck_farmertry both21:05
duck_farmerit might not evem matter21:06
curlyearsaccording the web page, if I am only single booting, it "doesn't matter."   But which would be the best choice, I wonder?21:06
duck_farmerare you single booting or dual booting?21:06
curlyearsaingle booting21:06
curlyearsno Winblows.  If I do dual boot, it'll be with differing versions of ubuntu21:07
ikoniacurlyears: it's called "windows"21:07
duck_farmerok, i'd try resetting bios and if that no work you may have to flash bios completely21:07
mrsam_how can i off my tochpad when i use keyboard?21:07
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts21:07
ikoniaVoyage: you keep repeating the same thing21:07
TJ-curlyears: is the 3TB drive connected directly to a motherboard SATA port?21:07
curlyearsikonia:  nnot by people who are totally honest   *evil grin*21:07
ikoniaVoyage: you've been told the problem and what to do to work it through21:08
curlyearsTJ-   of course21:08
Voyageikonia,  I was advised to keep doing that with good intervals21:08
duck_farmermrsam_ what os are you using21:08
ikoniacurlyears: it's normally said by losers trying to sound l33t21:08
Voyageikonia,  I cant.21:08
ikoniaVoyage: first question a.) are the packages you need in the official ubuntu repos21:08
TJ-curlyears: So that means the Advanced Format mappings will likely be in operation (physical/logical sector-size differences)21:08
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : 15.10 ubuntu21:08
Voyageikonia,  yes21:08
magic_ninja-lapBlackFate, can I make it go through just a page at a time21:08
ikoniaVoyage: ok - so what are they conflictig with21:08
Voyageikonia,  but theres a conflict21:08
loler54I'm just going to say it.. I'm fresh with Ubuntu/linux and I wonder if anyone could help me set up a SMF webserver, or phpBB.. can't seem to get this working.. Tried so many times that i'm giving up lol21:08
duck_farmermrsam_, what kind of computer? are u using?21:09
Voyageikonia,  the paste shows all21:09
ikoniaVoyage: what are they conflicting with21:09
ikoniaVoyage: I'm asking you21:09
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : LAPTOP21:09
ikoniaVoyage: pick a package, what is it conflicting with21:09
curlyearsikonia:  as you say.   I have no interesting in being perceived as l33t, I assure you.  I consider thhose people flawed in some way21:09
magic_ninja-laploler54, sudo apt-get install lamp21:09
duck_farmerI mean what make and model?21:09
loler54ik.. Then21:09
magic_ninja-lapdecide which phpbb you want to set up21:09
duck_farmermrsam_, what make & model?21:10
magic_ninja-laploler54, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-phpbb-on-ubuntu-14-0421:10
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : lenovo 517021:10
Voyageikonia,  ...... I have already done this. If you see the paste, I have been walking and trying to install one by one in the hierarchy of dependancies. the last ones conflict with a whole lot of other things like kde, kubuntu desktop, virtual box ; the full os21:10
Voyageikonia,  you cant understand unles you see the paste21:10
ikoniaVoyage: I can21:11
akikVoyage: i tested the skype i386 packages recipe yesterday in 15.10 x86_64 and it still works21:11
loler54magic_ninja-lap then I make a database (SMF / phpBB), make a localhost user, grant it all privileges, flush privileges, wget "sitenamedownload", unpack and give permissions to 770 and 660 I think..21:11
Voyageikonia,  and by the way, this ends my skill set. So I cant resolve21:11
ikoniaVoyage: hence why I'm asking you to confirm the packages are being pulled from the ubuntu repos21:11
duck_farmermrsam_, do you have a button on your function keys that will disable touchpad?21:11
Voyageikonia,  that I have in the paste21:11
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : yeah21:11
duck_farmerdoes pressing that temporarily disabble it?21:12
ikoniaVoyage: pick a package, look at what it needs, make sure that package is in the ubuntu repo, make sure the dependencies it's pulling in come from the ubuntu repos21:12
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : No21:12
ikoniaVoyage: if those things are true, you should not have a problem21:12
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : i wanna turn it off in setting21:12
ikoniaif those things are not true - you have installed repos/packages from repos from non-official ubuntu repos and they are conflicting21:12
Voyageikonia, if you cannot see the problem in the paste; there is no point spending time21:12
ikoniaVoyage: I can see many problems in the paste21:13
TJ-curlyears: In the PC's Setup facility, have you enabled "EFI CD/DVD Boot Option" on the "Advanced BIOS Features" screen?21:13
ikoniaVoyage: thats why I'm telling you to focus on each individual package and verify their location/dependency location21:13
Bruce_I burned a copy of ubunto onto a dvd, made bootable and when inserted ti into an Acer Aspire 5610z laptop that originally came with windows vista and later converted over to xp, I got a black screen with two lines of text while trying to boot from said dvd. The two lines of text are: This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. How and where do I find21:13
avisi paid an additional 10% to the former 15% to all debts accumulated to those who work for ubuntu.  it was my christmas gift to them, and further, i did't realize how little it was in the first place.  it does universally cover all debts even if college, tech, or credit, mortgage, and house.  if your an ubuntu op would you please notify IdleOne he is being unkind by quieting me.21:13
TJ-curlyears: the manual says, for that option, "Set this item to EFI if you want to install the operating system to a hard drive larger than 2.2 TB"21:13
ikoniaBruce_: use the 32bit install21:13
loler54magic_ninja-lap I am using Digital Ocean as server provider.. Tried setting up phpBB with that guide several times.. the var/www/html does not exist, and when I create it, it does not work right either.. I got the domain.com/install to come up when I unzipped the file in the var/www folder instead of in the HTML folder, only problem after that is that on the install page, it did not recognize any databases21:13
curlyearsikonia:  things don't alwasy work out that way.  All of the suggestiion I have tried from ehre are legitimate, yet not one  "with no problem"21:13
duck_farmermrsam_, I don't think U can do that in settings, but if you update driver software for trackpad, you might get better results21:14
ikoniacurlyears: what ?21:14
Voyageikonia,  see the last lines21:14
ikoniaVoyage: no21:14
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : how can id update all of my drivers?21:14
ikoniaVoyage: I'm not doing the checking for you21:14
magic_ninja-laploler54, look at your root and make sure it is pointing to /var/www/21:15
Voyageikonia,  thanks for your time. we are not on the same page somehow21:15
Voyageany help for this skype insalling issue? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts21:15
ikoniaVoyage: we are21:15
ikoniaVoyage: stop repeating the same thing21:15
Voyageikonia,  no me21:15
ikoniaVoyage: look at what is being said21:15
duck_farmermrsam_, open settings and search for software & updates21:15
ikoniaVoyage: the paste lists the dependencies having the problem21:15
curlyearsthings that seem obvious don't always work for every system "with nno problem"  Different systems have different quirks.  Even apparenly identical systems21:16
Voyageikonia,  the main list is on the question link paste block21:16
ikoniaVoyage: why are they are problem for you - but no-one else, check what repos they are coming from / what packages they are conflicting with and why21:16
ikoniaVoyage: you have to do the leg work21:16
TJ-curlyears: also, check that on the "Integrated Peripherals" screen you've set "OnChip SATA Type" for the SATA port with the drive on it to "AHCI"21:16
loler54magic_ninja-lap what do you mean? And another problem, when I edit the "visudo" file to add a new user, I get the error that the user does not exist21:16
Voyageikonia, thanks21:16
duck_farmercurlyears: how are things going?21:16
loler54magic_ninja-lap I do have experience with servers, but not on linux lol21:17
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : what can i do after it?21:17
curlyearsTj-  I'll gop try that right now21:17
viruapostaguys! is there any other way to stop hping3 than dropping / stopping icmp over ubuntu box?21:17
duck_farmermrsam_: click the "additonal drivers" tab21:18
OpenSorceSo the last two kernel updates on my wife's lappy have left it unbootable, after doing the liveusb rescue bit twice I'm beginning to want to tell her not to let it update. Where should I start looking to figure out what the issue is?21:20
ikoniaOpenSorce: how does it not boot21:20
OpenSorceikonia, grub-resuce> prompt or grub> prompt21:20
loler54What forum software do you guys recommend? Need something professional where you have control of everything from a CP and that got a lot of themes available for me.. Is SMF good?21:20
TJ-OpenSorce: does it fail to boot even if intercepting the GRUB boot-manager menu and choosing "Advanced..." sub-menu and choosing a much older kernel, or Recovery mode?21:21
ikoniaOpenSorce: interesting,21:21
=== duck_farmer is now known as sourceforge
VoyageThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:21
LoshkiOpenSorce: which os version?21:21
ikoniaVoyage: so where did wine come from ?21:22
OpenSorceTJ-, IF it let's me get there. After fixing it with the liveusb it gives me the grub menu back and if I don't purge those two kernels it just powercycles on them instead of booting.21:22
TJ-OpenSorce: "rescue>" means GRUB couldn't find it's root file-system (where /boot/grub/ is), "grub>" means it found that file-system but couldn't find the /boot/grub/grub.cfg menu file there21:22
OpenSorceLoshki, 14.0421:22
=== sourceforge is now known as closed
=== closed is now known as closedSource
TJ-OpenSorce: is there a separate file-system partition for /boot/ and if so has it run out of space?21:22
Voyageikonia,  500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages21:22
Voyageikonia,  says the policy21:23
=== closedSource is now known as mrsam__
TJ-closedSource: please, will you stop nick-changing constantly. It's hard enough following the channel as it is21:23
ikoniaVoyage: is this 15.10 ?21:23
taciitrikonia: Jesus made wine from water Voyage21:23
Voyage14.04 lts21:23
ikoniataciitr: don't be silly please21:23
ikoniaVoyage: sorry, you did say trusty21:23
OpenSorceTJ-, I have begun to suspect that. No not a separate partition for boot.21:23
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : see my screenshot>>>http://imgur.com/Eiqyuby21:24
Voyageikonia,  sorry? trusty?21:24
TJ-OpenSorce: OK, so out-of-space could only be a problem if the Ubuntu root file-system is running low21:24
ikoniaVoyage: the version21:24
Voyageikonia,  so 14.04 lts == trusty21:24
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OpenSorceBut the kernels are there when it updates. I check before I purge them. File sizes are right, etc21:24
TJ-OpenSorce: the symptoms you describe sound very much like the update-initramfs failing to write a complete /boot/initrd.img-$(VERSION) due to "no space on device"21:25
mrsam_duCK_FARMER : do u see it/21:25
ikoniaVoyage: correct21:25
OpenSorceTJ-, yeah I thought so too. 320gb drive though. One partition for all of Ubuntu and plenty of room left21:25
Voyageikonia,  so wheres the problem?21:26
TJ-OpenSorce: for a successful boot there need to be a pair of files, /boot/vmlinuz-$(VERSION) and /boot/initrd.img-$VERSION - and you should check the initrd.img looks a very similar size to all the other initrd.img  files with "ls -l /boot/initrd.img*"21:26
ikoniaVoyage: so remove wine21:26
LoshkiOpenSorce: 14.04 is pretty stable. Wanna pastebin the output from "sudo fdisk -l" <-- that's a lower case "L"21:26
ikoniaVoyage: have you ever used PPA's or 3rd party repos21:26
OpenSorceLoshki, sure one sec21:26
TJ-OpenSorce: however, if it fails at the "rescue>" prompt that is a fault for GRUB not finding its /boot/grub/21:26
Voyageikonia,  I was installing wine, not removing it. and its not installed21:26
ikoniaVoyage: what are the dependencies wine is failing on21:27
Voyageikonia,  no, I just enabled partner repos from muon-> settings21:27
Voyageikonia,  its just showing the messaged that I pasted to you21:27
VoyageThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:27
OpenSorceTJ-, right. Two different errors all together.21:27
ikoniaVoyage: right, wine meta package is linked to wine1.6 package, so see what wine1.6 is failing on21:28
viruapostaOpenSorce, man dont allow anyone to update your wifes laptop to boot like anything.. do one thing, do a live cd session from ubuntu and install grub-rescue and click on recommended tab, that will fix grub issues for you21:28
Voyageikonia,  should I install wine1.6?21:28
TJ-OpenSorce: Yes. "rescue>" means 'grub-install' has written incorrect data to the core.img about where to find /boot/grub/ - as in which device,partition pair21:28
ikoniaVoyage: it seems something is seriously wrong with your package versions, especially around the 32bit packages21:28
ikoniaVoyage: have you ever used PPA's/3rd party repos21:28
Voyageikonia,   wine1.6 : Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4)21:29
OpenSorceLoshki, http://pastebin.com/zTK536gA21:29
Voyageikonia,  no, I just enabled partner repos from muon-> settings21:29
mrsam_========================================plz give me a link to download skype====================21:29
ikoniaVoyage: the packages you are listing are all stable from the ubuntu repos,21:29
TJ-Voyage: what does "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" report?21:29
VoyageTJ-,  i38621:30
TJ-Voyage: Good; 'apt' should be fetching the correct package lists for the 32-bit architecture too21:30
mrsam_HOw can i download skype?21:31
Voyagethen why I am getting this:21:31
ikonia!skype | mrsam_21:31
ubottumrsam_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga21:31
Voyage,   wine1.6 : Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4)21:31
LoshkiOpenSorce: I don't see anything obviously wrong. Try what viruaposta said.21:31
Voyageand The following packages have unmet dependencies:  wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:31
Ben64Voyage: sudo apt-get install wine1.6-i38621:31
OpenSorceLoshki, yeah I was thinking that too. Wish it would just... work :-P21:32
mrsam_<ikonia> check ur link21:32
ikoniamrsam_: the wiki is down at the moment due to spam21:32
TJ-Voyage: can you do "pastebinit <( grep '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} )"21:32
mrsam_i cant install Skype whith apt-get install skype...what can i do?21:32
VoyageBen64,  The following packages have unmet dependencies: wine1.6-i386:i386 : Depends: libglu1-mesa:i386 but it is not going to be installed or                              libglu1:i386                     Depends: libgphoto2-6:i386 (>= 2.5.2) but it is not going to be installed  .... 2 more21:32
VoyageTJ-,  sure. one sec21:33
ikoniamrsam_: you can do that21:33
ikoniamrsam_: you just need the partner repo enabled in your source21:33
TJ-Voyage: aha, and do you have a hardware enablement stack installed? "dpkg -l '*lts*' "21:33
mrsam_how can i enable it?21:33
viruapostaOpenSorce, here are the steps [sorry took me a bit long to copy from my blogs] : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair21:33
viruapostasudo apt-get update21:33
viruapostasudo apt-get install boot-repair21:33
viruapostaNow launch boot-repair either from GUI or from terminal and click on “Recommended repair” button. This will take care of all common boot-issues and their fixes, reboot the system once prompted and done! Now you will be able to boot and login to your ubuntu-box without any issues.21:33
ikoniamrsam_: open your software souce gui (depending on what distro you are using) and enable partner repo21:34
OpenSorceviruaposta, cool but when it's unbootable, how do I get there?21:34
VoyageTJ-,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/14201573/21:34
Ben64Voyage: it isn't supported in this channel, but i'd recommend using wine's ppa for wine anyway21:34
OpenSorcemrsam_, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+install+skype21:34
TJ-Voyage: thanks. You might try this for more info: "sudo apt-get install -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes wine1.6"21:34
viruapostaOpenSorce, you need to boot from live CD/USB man.. dont tell me you are not that familiar with that21:35
OpenSorceviruaposta, oh yeah very familiar. :-)21:35
VoyageBen64,  TJ-  I have a long issue of skype too. and I think those are related http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts21:35
VoyageTJ-,  ok21:35
OpenSorceviruaposta, are you saying install boot-rpeair on the liveusb?21:35
mrsam_opensurce :: how can u create this link?21:35
viruapostacorrect OpenSorce!!21:35
TJ-Voyage: it'd help for us to see "pastebinit <( dpkg -l '*lts*' )" too21:36
OpenSorceviruaposta, right! Doh! User space on the liveusb. Sorry I'm old not used to such things :-P21:36
OpenSorceviruaposta, thanks for the help. The rest of you guys too.21:37
viruapostaOpenSorce, boot from live CD [to the extent newbie I can say click on try ubuntu and once you are up in the system and logged in] do follow what I said earlier21:37
mrsam_opensurce :: plz can u say to me that how can u creat ur link?21:37
ikoniamrsam_: it's not a google lesson channel21:37
ikoniamrsam_: you have your skype answer, please leave it there21:37
VoyageTJ-,  ok, first of all, how to give pastebinit the -o debug:: command?21:38
mrsam_<ikonia> heh...21:38
VoyageTJ-,  how to put the output of this in pastebinit "sudo apt-get install -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes wine1.621:38
OpenSorcemrsam_, check your pms21:38
TJ-Voyage: wrap the entire command in the child-process redirection as in:  "pastebinit <( sudo apt-get install -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes wine1.6 )"21:39
TJ-Voyage: "pastebinit <( some; commands )" redirects all of "some; commands" output into pastebinit directly21:39
L00PERI'm back to drop a link: https://medium.com/@jazer/how-i-became-a-morning-person-and-why-i-decided-to-make-the-change-eb1b012a16e5#.bt05nq3m621:41
VoyageTJ-,  strange, its not giving full output as shown to me. http://paste.ubuntu.com/14201651/    VS.  http://pastebin.com/FNLeMLrj21:41
OpenSorceikonia, makes you wish you could delete previous comments like facebook sometimes huh? :-P21:42
VoyageTJ-,  pastebinit <( dpkg -l '*lts*' )21:42
ikoniaOpenSorce: ?21:42
OpenSorcespam posts like that I mean. makes you wish you could delete the post afterward21:43
ikonianot a big problem21:43
OpenSorceSo 16.04, still with Unity or are they changing that?21:43
ikoniastill unity21:44
ikoniaunity is the ubuntu choice21:44
ikoniayou can follow it in #ubuntu+121:44
ikonia(irc channel)21:44
OpenSorceikonia, kk thanks21:44
VoyageTJ-,  there ?21:48
VoyageTJ-,  also http://pastebin.com/LPtssGUv for skype21:48
ddrjhey guys, i saw my ram using for my VPS drop suddenly between sunday and monday (image here: http://i.imgur.com/ljtEqY7.png ) I was wondering if someone could tell me how to check the server logs for that time and see what happened?21:49
ikoniaddrj: you'd be more likley to see the application logs showing usage21:50
ikoniayou could of course look in the syslog21:50
=== James410 is now known as duck_farmer
Voyageikonia,  there are the conflicts http://pastebin.com/LPtssGUv just FYI21:50
duck_farmerI'm back guys21:50
ddrjikonia: ahhh so would i use this command? cat /var/log/syslog21:50
ikoniaddrj: that can work21:51
ikoniaVoyage: it's all about the 32bit packages again21:51
ddrjthanks i'm looking at it and have no idea hahah, but it's ok21:51
Voyageikonia,  how to remove 32bit arch?21:52
ikoniaVoyage: you need the 32bit arch21:52
Voyageikonia,  for?21:52
ikoniaI can't help but feel there is a critical thing you're not telling us, something that has happened21:52
ikoniaVoyage: you need it for skype and wine21:52
TJ-Voyage: looking now21:52
VoyageTJ-,  ok21:52
Voyageikonia,  ok21:52
ddrjis it ok to uninstall sendmail if you're not using your server to send any emails?21:54
ikoniaan MTA is part of the lsb base21:54
ikoniasendmail is not installed by default on ubuntu21:54
ikoniapostfix is21:54
Voyageikonia,  I had this issue before too on other systems. One thing I know is that it does not happens on  a fresh system with no apt upgrade. This is also a coment I read at some forums. TJ-21:54
ikoniaVoyage: everyone else seems to use these packages/repos just fine21:55
ddrjohhh, weird i see it here hmm21:55
ddrjDec 24 23:00:01 9ax CRON[21135]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)21:55
ikoniaso there must be something you are doing21:55
Voyageikonia,  not everyone21:55
ikoniaddrj: show me the output of uname -a please21:55
ddrjikonia: Linux 9ax 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:55
TJ-Voyage: the Debug output is pretty clear; the dependency chain relies on the upated kernel/Xorg stack from Vivid, but you don't have those installed.21:55
ikoniaddrj: thats not an ubuntu build21:55
ikoniaddrj: thats a cloud hosting basterised VPS server build21:56
TJ-!ltse | Voyage21:56
ubottuVoyage: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:56
ddrjikonia: yup this is on a vps21:56
VoyageTJ-,  hm ok, so what should I do?21:56
ikoniaTJ-: vivid ? he said he was using trusty21:56
TJ-Voyage: I'm betting that PC does NOT have the later stacks; what does "cat /etc/issue" report?21:56
ikoniaddrj: get support from your cloud provider21:56
ddrjok will do21:56
TJ-ikonia: the HWE from Vivid, which is equiv to 14.04.421:56
ddrjthanks for the help either way21:56
ikoniaahhh HWE21:56
VoyageTJ-,  Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l21:57
=== James410 is now known as duck_farmer
TJ-ikonia: right, and that http://pastebin.com/LPtssGUv  shows many packages require -lts-vivid package versions to be satisfied21:57
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ikoniaI see them21:57
TJ-Voyage: OK, let's triple-confirm this with "pastebinit <( dpkg -l 'linux*' )"21:57
ikoniaI've not seen that paste, just the askubuntu pastes over and over21:58
VoyageTJ-,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/14201841/21:58
TJ-ikonia: yeah, that's what I asked for "sudo apt-get install -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes $PACKAGE" - it debugs the resolver21:58
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ikoniaTJ-: it's a nice move, the resolver gives up the info easier21:58
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TJ-!ltse | OK, so that confirms you need to execute the recommended package installs for "Desktop" as per21:59
ubottuOK, so that confirms you need to execute the recommended package installs for "Desktop" as per: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:59
TJ-Voyage: Use the "Multiarch Desktop" commands as given21:59
TJ-Voyage: (because that PC has foreign-architecture i386 installed as well)22:00
Voyage$ Multiarch Desktop22:00
VoyageMultiarch: command not found22:00
ikoniais't not a command22:00
ikoniaREAD the link22:00
TJ-Voyage: Follow the wiki link it's a heading in that page22:00
Voyagethis ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:01
=== UbuntuSupport is now known as blahblah
TJ-Voyage: correct22:01
SebastianTCLim on lubuntu how can i add the ubuntu repos?22:01
ikoniaSebastianTCL: they are already added22:01
=== blahblah is now known as interested_to_he
TJ-SebastianTCL: they're the same thing22:01
ikoniaSebastianTCL: lubuntu/ubuntu are the same repos22:01
=== interested_to_he is now known as canIhelp
VoyageTJ-,  The following packages have unmet dependencies:22:02
Voyage libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid:i386 : Depends: libudev1:i386 but it is not going to be installed22:02
SebastianTCLikonia, when i go to lubuntu software center some search queries yield no results22:02
TJ-SebastianTCL: if you want to install the Ubuntu (Unity) desktop do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"22:02
ikoniaSebastianTCL: it's the same repos22:02
=== canIhelp is now known as Ubuntu365
ikoniaUbuntu365: please stop changing nicknames22:03
VoyageTJ-,  I got this error for sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-vivid xserver-xorg-core-lts-vivid xserver-xorg-lts-vivid xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-vivid xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-vivid libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-vivid libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid:i386 libglapi-mesa-lts-vivid:i38622:03
SebastianTCLTJ-, no I want to install a light window manager22:03
Ben64SebastianTCL: if you're on lubuntu you already have one22:03
Ubuntu365ikonia: why, does it show up on your screen22:03
ikoniaUbuntu365: we can see you changing names, yes22:03
SebastianTCLBen64, no not a full de just a window manager like calm window manager22:03
TJ-Voyage: that /etc/issue said the version was 14.04.3, which should have been the Utopic kernel/Xorg stack, but those didn't appear to have been installed. That suggests there is some previous package installation history that is now breaking it.22:04
Ubuntu365ikonia: sorry, didn't realize that22:04
ikoniaUbuntu365: no problem22:04
loler54Can anyone tell me why this is happening?22:04
VoyageTJ-,  hm22:04
VoyageTJ-,  what should be done now?22:04
ikonialoler54: the download isn't woring22:04
TJ-Voyage: I'm investigating; give me a minute22:04
VoyageTJ-,  sure22:04
Ben64loler54: the error message explains it. the file isn't a zip22:05
loler54I tried the download link myself and it downloads a .zip file.. I even specified it to be saved as mybb.zip22:05
Ben64loler54: ok but the file isn't a zip22:05
SebastianTCLor is that discouraged due to some safety concern22:06
ikoniaSebastianTCL: you can do what you want22:06
loler54Ben64, ikonia, http://pastebin.com/hC8mzHf022:06
Ben64SebastianTCL: what ikonia said, anything you install from a 3rd party like that isn't supported in this channel though22:06
loler54Ben64 how do I fix it? I'm new with Ubuntu/linu22:07
Ben64loler54: you see where it says text/html ? that means you downloaded a web page22:07
TJ-Voyage: I'm needing to pull some additional files into a 14.04 install to check this, still working on it22:08
loler54I downloaded the download web page? instead of the actual download? Ben6422:08
Ben64loler54: apparently22:08
loler54Ben64, thats strange, because when I go to http://www.mybb.com/download/latest, i get the download right away.. No web page22:09
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loler54Ben64 I could try to delete it and find the actual version download instead of "latest" then try again :)22:10
VoyageTJ-,  sure22:11
loler54Found one lol.. Ben64 "rm -f mybb.zip" works for this? How did it not work though? since I saved it as a zip file22:12
TJ-Voyage: OK, to that "MULTIARCH DESKTOP" command add to the end of the package lists the one it complains about: " libudev1:i386" - and if you get further complaints repeat the process until it installs them all, or comes back with a different error22:12
James410hi, I've got a ubuntu question22:12
TJ-loler54: the reason 'wget' receives the HTML page is because you're not sending a valid session cookie to the server.22:13
Ben64loler54: what? you don't need to use rm -f to remove a normal file22:13
TJ-loler54: if you were to "cat bb.zip" you'd find it is actually the HTML text of an error report22:13
loler54TJ-, Ben64 Okey? Sorry to bother with these "noobish" questions but I'm fresh with this hehe22:13
Ben64loler54: thats what the channel is for, no need to be sorry22:14
TJ-loler54: many sites implement the cookie requirement to avoid having automated scripts creating Denial of Service and other bandwidth-hammering activities22:14
casino_royaleI need CUDA 7.0. I performed these instructions http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-getting-started-guide-for-linux/#ubuntu-installation and ended up with CUDA 7.5 instead. How do I remove it?22:14
loler54Ben64 Hehe Thx.. Now how to i get it working TJ-?22:14
casino_royaleTried apt-get purge, the directory is still there in /usr/local/cuda-7.522:15
loler54Ah I get it22:15
VoyageTJ-,  ok22:15
TJ-loler54: if you' had "cat bb.zip" you'd have seen in the text the real link is "http://resources.mybb.com/downloads/mybb_1806.zip"22:16
loler54Yeah got that link now.. Use that one then?22:16
TJ-loler54: yes, it's a client-side redirection instruction: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://resources.mybb.com/downloads/mybb_1806.zip">22:17
loler54TJ- Ah.. Ok.. Will try! Thx!22:17
TJ-loler54: because wget isn't a HTML client it doesn't know about that so nothing else happens22:17
VoyageTJ-,  http://pastebin.com/1DdB5YVn22:18
loler54TJ- Ah.. Okey :) Thx :)22:18
TJ-Voyage: crickey; I'd love to know what you did to that system!22:19
VoyageTJ-,  really  nothing :)22:19
loler54Works now! Thx! TJ-, Ben64!22:19
VoyageTJ-,  what now?22:20
TJ-Voyage: "pastebinit <( zgrep lts /var/log/apt/history.log.*.gz )" so we can check the package installation history for suspects22:21
VoyageTJ-,  thats empty22:22
TJ-Voyage: that's a good sign :)22:22
Voyagegzip: /var/log/apt/history.log.*.gz: No such file or directory22:22
TJ-Voyage: did you previously release-upgrade that system from 12.04, or 13.10, to 14.04 ?22:22
VoyageTJ-,  no22:22
VoyageTJ-,  I installed fresh 14.04 lts few days ago, upgraded it (no dist-upgrade). installed muon, vlc, virtualbox, chromium, krita, apache, php, via muon. thats it22:23
VoyageTJ-,  am?22:25
Ben64Voyage: why no dist-upgrade22:25
TJ-Voyage: we've seen something similar recently but I can't recall now how we finally solved that. I recall, vaguely, it was due to a multi-choice dependency (package A or B will be accepted) and it was picking one that led up a blind alley22:25
VoyageBen64,  there was no available :)22:25
Ben64Voyage: that doesn't make sense22:26
TJ-Voyage: Ben64 makes a good point now. Try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" now22:26
Voyage0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:26
Ben64Voyage: output of "uname -a" ?22:27
VoyageTJ-,  Ben64  it cant.. because the  14.04 lts is latest in lts22:27
Ben64dist-upgrade doesn't bring you to a new version22:27
VoyageBen64,  Linux user1-Lenovo-G50-70 3.13.0-74-generic #118-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 22:52:10 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:27
VoyageBen64,  then?22:28
VoyageTJ-,  what now22:28
TJ-Voyage: let's forget the -lts-vivid avenue for now before that breaks things some more22:28
Ben64it upgrades all the packages, and can remove or install new packages, like new kernels and things22:28
VoyageTJ-,  hm22:28
TJ-Voyage: I'm looking at the 14.04 wine1.6 dependencies22:28
VoyageTJ-,  for me skype is important too22:29
Ben64i'd still use the wine ppa for wine, newer version, better, stronger, faster22:29
VoyageTJ-,  but I guess both wine and skype are related in terms of issues22:29
VoyageBen64,  isnt there a ppa for skype?22:29
VoyageBen64,  yes agreed22:29
TJ-Voyage: but it was Skype you needed wasn't it ?22:29
Ben64idk, i don't use proprietary stuff owned by microsoft22:29
VoyageTJ-,  both22:29
VoyageTJ-,  if I cant get skype, I will get wine and ms skype22:30
ikoniaskype is ms skype22:30
ikoniaI'm concerned by what you are saying22:30
Voyagethe skype.exe one22:30
ikoniayou can't do that22:30
ikoniathats for windows22:30
Voyageikonia,  by wine i mean22:30
ikoniayou can't do that22:31
ikoniaand if you can't use skype due to 32bit package problems, you won't be able to use wine22:31
VoyageTJ-,  my sources: http://pastie.org/1065000722:31
Ben64Voyage: follow the rabbit hole, do "sudo apt-get install wine-1.6" and then "sudo apt-get install <the packages that failed>" then keep doing that until you reach the end, pastebin it all22:32
VoyageBen64,  me and TJ-  just did it22:33
Ben64oh did i miss that22:33
ikoniait's holding back the 32bit packages22:33
Ben64i'm not seeing it above22:33
Ben64paste it again22:34
TJ-Voyage: the skype package in the partner repos is skype_4.3.0.37-0ubuntu0.12.04.122:34
VoyageTJ-,  yes22:34
TJ-Voyage: that trailing part is for 12.04.1 Precise. That makes me wonder if any testing was done with it on the 14.04 point releases22:34
VoyageTJ-,  I have the same running on my other machine which is also 14.04 lts22:35
ikoniaTJ-: good number of people using it on the 14.04 point releases with ease22:35
ikoniakeep in mind thats just the metapackage version22:35
ikoniaand it's also happening with wine22:36
ikonia32bit packages22:36
ikoniaso it's not skype thats the problem it's any 32bit packages are being held back as broken22:36
ikoniawhich should be straight forward in mult-arch22:37
Finetundra_Can anyone help me install a wireless driver with ndiswrapper?22:37
VoyageTJ-,  Ben64  ikonia  how to fix/remove those packages22:37
ikoniaVoyage: remove what packages ?22:37
TJ-ikonia: right, but my point is there are no QA tests except for a base install; so other depends brought in by those other packages Voyage has installed may cause this, but it won't be picked up in QA testing22:37
Voyageikonia,  broken ones22:37
ikoniaTJ-: I take the point, but I don' tthink thats the issue, others are using it fine, and it's skype/wine 32bit libraries, not skype 32bit libs22:38
VoyageTJ-,  are you a memeber of ubuntu dev team?22:38
ikoniaTJ-: there is something wrong with this guys install, rather than a problem with the packages22:38
Voyageikonia,  not all22:38
ikonia(from what I've seen)22:38
Voyageyou havnt seen all22:38
ikoniaVoyage: I'm getting sick of explaining this to you22:38
TJ-ikonia: yes, but its due to the package combinations installed. I strongly suspect "libgl1-mesa-glx"22:39
ikoniaif the packages where broken, it would fail for everyone22:39
Voyageikonia,  then dont ")22:39
ikoniaVoyage: you're rigt - I won't, good luck22:39
Voyageikonia,  kidding I was :)22:39
ikoniaI'm not22:39
Voyageikonia,  I know22:39
ikoniai'm tired of you arguing things22:39
Voyageif you call that arguing.22:39
VoyageTJ-,  are you a memeber of ubuntu dev team?22:39
TJ-Voyage: "libgl1-mesa-glx" is what skype Depends on; but you've got packages replacing the GLX drivers for, I think I saw, your AMD/ATI GPU (I assume you have fglxr installed)22:39
VoyageTJ-,  hm22:40
VoyageTJ-,  ok.22:40
VoyageTJ-,  what do you think would be the solution here?22:40
VoyageTJ-,  how about I uninstall all kubuntu desktop stuff or use aptitude to resolve situation. (it does gives allternatives)22:43
=== JeDa is now known as JeDaClaus
TJ-Voyage: it's worth a try seeing as the solution isn't obvious, but be careful not to permit ot do wholesale package removal to satisfy this22:44
VoyageTJ-,  http://pastebin.com/ncd66GXG22:45
VoyageTJ-,  should i shoot with 'y'22:46
Ben64still waiting on the paste i asked for22:46
ikoniaTJ-: hangon doesn't aptitude have that multi-arch bug22:47
Ben64i think that got fixed ikonia22:47
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.22:47
TJ-Ben64: see http://pastebin.com/1DdB5YVn22:47
ikoniaBen64: I wonder if it's fully fixed.....22:47
Ben64TJ-: thats nothing about wine22:48
TJ-Ben64: wine1.6 was a side-track; the real problem is skype22:48
Ben64Voyage doesn't want wine at all?22:48
TJ-Voyage: don't let aptitude do that operation it'll do a wholesale breakage22:48
VoyageTJ-,  what to do now then22:49
VoyageBen64,  I do.22:49
TJ-Voyage: i thought you were after wine1.6 to try to run skype.exe ?22:49
Ben64Voyage: then do what i asked for please22:50
VoyageTJ-,  well want wine and skype22:50
VoyageBen64,  i think i lost the scroll limit22:50
VoyageBen64,  i think i lost in the scroll limit22:50
Ben64Voyage: follow the rabbit hole, do "sudo apt-get install wine-1.6" and then "sudo apt-get install <the packages that failed>" then keep doing that until you reach the end, pastebin it all22:50
VoyageBen64,  here it is but for skype http://pastie.org/1065101222:51
TJ-the package resolver debug indicates its an openGL/GLX conflict22:51
VoyageTJ-,  ok what should I do?22:52
magic_ninja-lapI'm on enlightenment from base-install. What is a good ubuntu automount daemon?22:52
ikoniamagic_ninja-lap: you're on what ?22:52
TJ-Ben64: this is the closest we've come to reporting the actual problem http://pastebin.com/LPtssGUv22:52
magic_ninja-lapenlightenment de with a minimal install of 15.1022:52
magic_ninja-lapI'm looking for a good automount service to install22:52
ikoniamagic_ninja-lap: there isn't an E20 spin22:52
ikoniaI don't think E20 has links into things like dbus/udev22:53
magic_ninja-lapI'm not using an E20 spin, I'm using a minimal install of ubuntu22:53
VoyageBen64,  TJ-  are you guys in ubuntu dev team?22:53
bartosz_Marry Xmas22:53
Ben64Voyage: you keep asking that, why?22:53
ikoniamagic_ninja-lap: isn't E20 in a PPA ?22:53
VoyageBen64,  I want in too :)22:53
magic_ninja-lapdbus and udev are automount handlers?22:54
ikoniamagic_ninja-lap: the PPA maintainer guys may know what additional packages they have linked in better than us22:54
Ben64Voyage: easy mode to fix - reinstall and don't do whatever you did to break it22:54
bartosz_Hi, I need some info, beacuse sometimes when I start PC, after GRUB2 there is a black screen and system doesn't start. This time after third time the system started.22:54
VoyageBen64,  I have a LOT of things done that I have to redo if reinstalled22:54
ikoniaVoyage: such as ?22:55
Ben64Voyage: like what? you said you only installed a couple days ago22:55
bartosz_with open suse was no problem22:55
VoyageBen64,  I am a developer, some configs and evnironment22:55
ikoniaVoyage: give examples ?22:55
VoyageBen64,  10 days work22:55
Voyageikonia,  we will get away from topic22:55
TJ-Ben64: Voyage haha! I've figured out why it's failing22:55
Ben64TJ-: go on...22:55
VoyageTJ-,  lol. wow22:55
VoyageTJ-,  whwyyyhwywywhwy22:56
VoyageI mean, why?22:56
TJ-In a 14.04 chroot I've been looking at the package file-lists, using "apt-file -a <arch> -F list <package>"22:56
aoteabartosz_, Can you enter TTY (ctrl + alt + f1/f2)?22:57
VoyageTJ-,  and?22:57
TJ-And, for "libcgmanager0" both the amd64 and i386 packages contain the same files (same path). The package manager will generally refuse to install a package that overwrites the content of another package; that's a Conflict22:57
bartosz_don't know I will try22:57
VoyageTJ-,  hm22:58
VoyageTJ-,  how to solve it in my case?22:58
ikoniaTJ-: why is that not happening for everyone ?22:58
TJ-I'm not sure if on 14.04 there was the logic to see when the files were identically (hash wise) or not22:58
TJ-ikonia: I'm not sure, and this may be an (additional) red-herring, but I've been working my way through the list of conflicts reported on Voyage's system22:58
ikoniaTJ-: I see the logic in where you're going, but I can't see how that would be intermitent22:59
Ben64TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14202336/22:59
TJ-ikonia: I know, I'm trying to see anything else there too22:59
Voyageikonia,  TJ-  not so techy but I tel you, if I upgrade fresh kubuntu. the problem comes. if I just install skype on fresh. it doesnt23:00
VoyageTJ-,  whats the solution?23:00
ikoniaVoyage: stop asking "how to fix how to fix how to fix"23:00
ikoniapeople are working to help you - you are not helping by constantly asking the same thing over and over23:00
Voyageikonia,  not asking you? b) is there a problem asking "for solutions"?23:00
* Voyage appriciates23:00
Ben64Voyage: you're not so techy but you're a developer and you did "10 days of work" on your fresh install, but its still fresh?23:00
VoyageBen64,  kind of fresh ya.23:01
ikoniaVoyage: can you not see people are trying to help you - you're just repeating the same thing over and over, it's not helping anyone23:01
Voyageikonia,  is getting touchy now23:01
ikoniano, I'm not23:01
Ben64Voyage: you're very inconsistent with what you're saying23:01
ikoniaVoyage: what did you change in your setup o fyour development environment23:01
HackerIIVoyage,  you have some of the best working on it, chill.23:01
ikoniawalk us through it roughly23:02
TJ-Ben64: yes, I see that too, but on Voyage's system it all begins with libcgmanager0:i386 - that won't be be changed, and therefore libudev1:i386 won't be which prevents libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 ... and so on23:02
VoyageHackerII,  super.23:02
ikoniaVoyage: at a high level - walk us through what you did to setup your machine after a fresh install23:02
VoyageTJ-,  take your time. no hurry23:02
Voyage I installed fresh 14.04 lts few days ago, upgraded it (no dist-upgrade). installed muon, vlc, virtualbox, chromium, krita, apache, php, via muon. thats it23:02
ikoniathats 10 days work ?23:03
ikoniait doesn't add up23:03
ikoniathats 10 minutes work,23:03
Ben64TJ-: but i have a 14.04 install here, and it already has those packages without any issue, something is missing23:03
Voyageother work related things were, IDE, apache, php, jdk etc23:03
ikoniayou must have done something more23:03
ikoniaVoyage: what IDE23:03
TJ-Ben64: right, I'm trying an identical skype install operation now on a 14.04 chroot23:03
ikoniaok - where did get brains come from ?23:03
Voyagefrom jet; ikonia23:03
ikoniaI mean what software source23:04
bartosz__aotea: probably works, but I to be 100% sure I'll check tomorrow. Thanks23:04
Ben64so reinstall, "sudo apt-get install muon vlc virtualbox chromium-browser krita apache2 php5" done23:04
ikoniaVoyage: what software source did you get jetbrains from23:04
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aoteabartosz__, That only allows you access to the machine so you can search for updates and read logfiles to see what might be wrong23:05
godbod Hello and Merry Xmas here !23:05
VoyageTJ-,  I hope ikonia  wont mind if I ask you that when should I expect a response from you . I mean , I am not in a hurry nor pushing you but appreciating you.23:05
bartosz__how to check theese logs?23:05
ikoniaVoyage: what software source did you get jetbrains from23:05
Voyageikonia,  dont understand your question23:06
bartosz__aotea: how to check these logs, where to find them23:06
ikoniaVoyage: where did you get the software jetbraines from23:06
ikoniaVoyage: I asked you if you had installed any software from non-ubuntu software sources earlier23:06
Voyagethe website? gz file23:06
ikoniaVoyage: and you said "no" everything came from the ubuntu repos23:06
ikonianow I see thats not true23:06
Voyageikonia,  thats a standalone ide23:06
Voyageit has no link with systems core23:06
ikoniabut I asked you clearly - did you use any 3rd party software sources23:06
ikoniaand you said "no"23:06
ikonianow it turns out "yes" you did23:07
VoyageI still say no23:07
ikoniayou've just told us you did ! how can you say "no"23:07
Voyageit has no link with the system. thus not in scope of you question.23:07
ikoniayour feedback to questions is unaccaptable23:07
Voyageikonia, dont accept it?23:07
ikoniaVoyage: you get asked a question, you answer it, you don't decide23:07
ikoniayou can't just hold back informtion, more so when you don't really understand the problem23:07
Voyageikonia,  should i feel sorry that I forgot about it?23:07
bartosz__Can I say in english: You are idling my time instead of wasting ?23:08
Voyageikonia,  I forgot about it as a human . Do you have any  other question?23:08
Voyageikonia,  any other biography, or what I am developing. I have plenty of hours free. so feel free to interogate me23:08
VoyageTJ-,  there?23:08
Voyage:) after all it ends to this always23:09
EriC^^bartosz__: i dont think so, what are you trying to say exactly?23:09
ikoniaVoyage: people are giving their time to help you - drop the smart moouth comments23:09
aoteabartosz__, Usually logs can be found in /var/log/ Just saying you're getting a black screen doesn't really leave anyone much to go on in helping you though23:09
Voyageikonia,  is it ok if I put you on ignore? I humbly ask. Is it against channel policy?23:10
Voyageikonia,  I am thankful to TJ-  and Ben6423:10
ikoniaVoyage: I am asking you questions to understand what has changed on your system - as it's clear you're not offering up the full information, the only way to get that info is to aks you questions23:10
Voyageikonia,  I very much THANK youfor your time. but I humbly ask you NOT to invest further time in my case. I am good with TJ-  and Ben6423:10
bartosz__aotea: i think that is something with maybe acpi, beacuse I can't change even the backlight value also linux doesn't see my battery23:10
EriC^^guys just check /var/log/apt/history.log23:10
Voyageikonia,  I hope you dont mind ; sir/mam?23:10
Voyageikonia,  I dont mean to be disrespectful23:11
Voyageikonia,  but please ignore my case.23:11
bartosz__EriC^^: I checked that idle as a verb means waste so I just wondered23:11
ikoniaVoyage: I have no problem with that at all, but don't withold information to people tring to helpy you, and don't give smart responses to people giving their time and effort to help you23:11
Ben64Voyage: ikonia is not wrong, you need to answer questions honestly. it seems extremely likely at this point that you yourself did something to the system to cause this problem23:11
Ben64tried a few times to ask you what you did, and you couldn't give any information besides installing a few packages, and that it took "10 days of work" to complete23:12
Voyageikonia,  I will try my best with others. your points about information are noted. Do note that humans may forget, make mistakes. It is also expected from you to be no violent and banning/kicking fast. However its your choice23:12
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ikoniaVoyage: you only get kicked when you give smart mouth response to reasonable questions rather than answer them23:12
ikoniaanswer questions or say "I don't know"23:12
Voyageikonia,  I am smart by birth. Please ignore me.23:13
ikoniaVoyage: I have no idea what that means23:13
VoyageI know23:13
Voyagebut nevermind23:13
Voyageikonia,  I assume that will be all from yourside.23:13
EriC^^bartosz__: it's like you guys are causing me to idle and not be productive23:13
Voyageikonia,  I assume this discusion is over between me and you23:13
ikoniaVoyage: what ?23:14
Voyagethe discussion23:14
ikoniayou're in a public channel23:14
Voyageikonia,  yes23:14
Voyagebut I am refering to you only23:14
ikoniaVoyage: focus on your problem23:14
ikoniaand anyone who has not switched off trying to help you23:14
VoyageI want you to put me on ignore or do not respond to my case23:14
Voyagebut still vote it23:15
EriC^^bartosz__: it's like "you guys are causing me to idle and not be productive"23:15
Voyageis that ok with you?23:15
ikoniaVoyage: sorry - you don't tell poeple to put you on ignore, just focus on your problem in a public channel23:15
ikoniaVoyage: focus on your problem23:15
Voyageikonia,  no, I am telling you not to respond or help me in my case. Is that ok to you?23:15
bartosz__EriC^^: okay, thanks for that23:15
ikoniaVoyage: no, focus on your problem,23:15
Voyageso you want to help me, either I do or do not want?23:16
bartosz__hey guys it's Xmas, be polite ;P23:16
ikoniaVoyage: focus on your problem with people wanting / able to help you,23:16
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EriC^^bartosz__: no problem23:16
bartosz__where are you from guys?23:16
TJ-Grrr, the chroot's apt-show-versions lost it's /var/cache/ dir for some reason!23:16
Voyageikonia,  thats not what I asked. :)23:16
Voyageikonia,  no offense sir/mam really but I dont want help from you. I dont mean to offend but do I have a choice not to get chat lines from you?23:17
Ben64Voyage: holy crap, shut up23:17
ikoniaVoyage: STOP, focus on your problem, this is the only time I'll tell you again23:17
VoyageBen64,  it is uprofessional to say "shutup" to anyone. specially in public chat rop23:18
Voyageikonia,  I see that you are an asset to ubuntuu and the decision to make you as an op was very wise. I wish you and ubuntu best of luck23:18
* Voyage stops23:18
TJ-With a --simulate install I see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/14202503/23:18
NDPMacBookWell that escalated quickly.23:18
bartosz__haha Voyage23:18
morsnowskiBon Voyage23:19
bartosz__you act like a prick :p23:19
ikoniabartosz__: stop it23:19
bartosz__morsnowski: a Ty Polak?23:19
ikoniabartosz__: enough please - the topic is ubuntu support, contribute to that topic or be quiet please.23:19
morsnowskibartosz__: Bahnhof?23:19
ikonia!guidelines | bartosz__23:19
ubottubartosz__: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:19
bartosz__morsnowski: Polish nick23:20
morsnowskibartosz__: more snow ski?23:21
morsnowskicould be anything23:21
ikoniachaps, maybe take this discussion to a pm please23:21
ikoniait's not really anything to do with the channel23:21
Smartyvery unprofessional ikonia  Ben6423:22
ikoniaSmarty: please drop it23:22
ikoniaSmarty: you're ban evading - leave the channel23:22
ikoniaif you want to discuss your ban join #ubuntu-ops as your real nickname23:23
Smartyfor how long I am banned?23:24
ikoniaSmarty: please use your real nick to join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your ban23:24
ikoniaplease stop trying to evade a ban23:24
aoteaHad some issues with my graphics drivers, installed bumblebee etc to run games on wine. Realized I wasn't supposed to be running bumblebee so did as suggested and purged that + the current nvidia drivers to install them again. However this time around with Nvidia-prime my computer freezes every now and then at random intervals, to come back to life with a lower resolution and no option to increase. Any Ideas?23:27
Zanthi mans23:30
Finetundra_Can anyone assist me with installing a driver from ndiswrapper23:35
Bashing-omaotea: What graphic's card ? Pastebin ' lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA ' please .23:35
aoteaBashing-om, GeForce GT 555M Nvidia23:37
aotea352 Proprietary Drivers23:38
ikoniaTJ-: for interest, I've just done a clean 14.04 install, upgraded to current and installed skype, zero issue23:39
aoteaBashing-om, http://termbin.com/5v9x23:39
Ben64ikonia: same, just finished in my vbox23:41
ikoniaBen64: mine was virtual too23:41
ikoniaso thats the only real difference23:41
Ben64the difference is the 10 days of work done between installing and now23:41
ikoniaBen64: I agree,23:42
ikoniabut it's impossible to pull that info23:42
Ben64attitude got in the way of fixing the problem23:42
madaalHey guys i'm trying to install ubuntu on an old computer (more like a tablet) and it has 1hdd of 4G and 1ssd of 16G and I'm not really sure how to create the partition correctly on such a computer. Can smeone help me ?23:43
julian-delphikiSportivo_50: stop pming people from this channel, you spammer.23:44
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Ben64can confirm, Sportivo_50 messaging on join23:44
julian-delphiki!ops Sportivo_50 is PMing people from this channel, when they join\23:45
julian-delphikierr, thats not the command23:45
SmartyTJ-:  If you get an answer; please post it to http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts23:47
OerHeksmadaal, use the 16 gb to install on, and 4 gb as extra storage, or use the 4gb as base, and move your /home/  to that 16 gb ..23:47
OerHeksi would choose the 1st one23:48
madaalOerHeks: what does "as a base" means ?23:48
madaalis it for root ?23:48
OerHeksYes, /boot and /23:49
Schnabeltierchensomeone knowing a good support chan for small bash scripts?23:49
OerHeksbut 4 gb might be too small for that.23:49
madaaland the swap partition, I suppose I put it on the 16G23:50
EriC^^Schnabeltierchen: #bash23:50
Schnabeltierchenalready in there, asked my question, no response :P23:51
Bashing-omaotea: Sorry got tied up in nother channel . I look at the card specs, be right back .23:51
BlackFateSchnabeltierchen, out of curiosity, what was the question?23:52
Schnabeltierchen http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?905635 <-- i tried to tinker my own script, but got some error in my if function. someone can spot the error?23:52
BlackFateSchnabeltierchen, i think i do.. try to add a space between ' and ]23:53
BlackFateSchnabeltierchen, why are curls inside [ ] ?23:54
EriC^^Schnabeltierchen: you also need to close the big if statement with a fi at the end23:55
Bashing-omaotea: Nvidia recommends the 253 version frivver . What is installed and loaded, pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ? See what we can do .23:55
EriC^^Schnabeltierchen: and the middle one23:55
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SchnabeltierchenBlackFate added spaces, the curls are in [ cause i thought it would be safer and easier to seperate...23:58
SchnabeltierchenEriC^^ added the fi´s, version is looking like http://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?90565823:59

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