=== regedit_ is now known as regedit | ||
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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:52 |
=== Guest83674 is now known as Crystalmare | ||
BluesKaj | Howdy folks, and Merry Christmas! | 12:01 |
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Voyage | Hi | 14:54 |
soee | hiho | 14:54 |
Voyage | Can anyone help me with installing skype and managing the conflicts at http://askubuntu.com/questions/713108/skype-unmet-dependencies-conflict-in-kubuntu-14-04-lts | 14:54 |
soee | Voyage: i suggets to ask on #ubuntu | 14:54 |
Voyage | soee, I am banned from there | 14:54 |
soee | why ? | 14:54 |
Voyage | Thinking dispute with an op | 14:55 |
Voyage | we both think we are correct | 14:55 |
Voyage | op wins in channel | 14:55 |
soee | what is output of: apt-get -f install | 14:56 |
Voyage | done all that | 14:56 |
Voyage | see http://pastie.org/10651012 | 14:57 |
soee | try: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 | 15:01 |
soee | tahn update | 15:01 |
Voyage | soee, did that | 15:10 |
Voyage | see http://pastie.org/10651012 | 15:10 |
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=== himanshu is now known as Guest19918 | ||
soee | where did you ran this command ? | 15:13 |
=== Guest19918 is now known as himanshu_ | ||
Voyage | the paste shows all | 15:14 |
soee | i dont see command: dpkg --add-architecture i386 | 15:15 |
Voyage | soee, line 293 and 301 | 15:16 |
soee | 293 is $ sudo apt-config dump | grep Arch | 15:17 |
Voyage | it shows that the arch is added in past | 15:19 |
soee | also why do you installs skype-bin, use just skype | 15:19 |
Voyage | skype-bin is needed by skype | 15:20 |
Voyage | its a conflict | 15:20 |
Voyage | dont you know? | 15:20 |
Voyage | I was debuging by installing skype-bin to see what errors come | 15:20 |
Voyage | the error trail and dependency tree is listed in my pastes | 15:20 |
Voyage | soee, these are the conflicts pastebin.com/LPtssGUv | 15:21 |
Voyage | do you have any idea how to resolve them? | 15:21 |
soee | can you install: ia32-libs | 15:21 |
Voyage | it is not recomended | 15:21 |
Voyage | its old and outdated | 15:21 |
soee | meh :/ | 15:23 |
soee | hard to say, i had not problems on 15.04, and 15.10 | 15:23 |
burillo | hi all | 15:33 |
burillo | i've just installed 15.10, nothing is installed yet | 15:34 |
burillo | and KDE telepathy doesn't work | 15:34 |
burillo | i've created an account, but it can't connect. going to system settings -> online accounts and trying to change the settings of the connection crashes plasma | 15:34 |
soee | burillo: there is some now bug with accounts i think | 15:36 |
burillo | this bug is likely upstream as the same thing happens on Chakra | 15:37 |
burillo | which isn't Ubuntu-based | 15:37 |
soee | yes it Applications related | 15:37 |
burillo | any ETA on when it will get fixed? any workarounds? | 15:38 |
soee | i have no idea, better to ask on #kde-devel | 15:38 |
=== tim_ is now known as tim2000 | ||
cytadela8 | Hi, whats in charge of updates popup in kubuntu? | 16:06 |
cytadela8 | Is it a piece of software from kubuntu developers? | 16:07 |
cytadela8 | or a KDE thing? | 16:07 |
cytadela8 | In other words, what piece of software is in charge of running apt-get update automatically? | 16:09 |
linuxrunner | I'm the onlyone on other than you that's talking, unfortunately | 16:09 |
cytadela8 | linuxrunner: :( | 16:14 |
cytadela8 | I'll assume it's a piece of software from Ubuntu | 16:14 |
linuxrunner | dunno | 16:15 |
BluesKaj | cytadela8, it's a setting in your software center/package manager | 16:27 |
BluesKaj | if you care to open it and explore it's options | 16:27 |
cytadela8 | BluesKaj: thanks, so I assume it's a piece of software from Ubuntu developers. | 16:29 |
cytadela8 | and this anwers my question | 16:29 |
cytadela8 | thank you :) | 16:29 |
BluesKaj | cytadela8, or you can updatw and upgrade in thew konsole/terminal,with : sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, and for major kernel and kernel module upgrades, sudo apt dist-upgrade | 16:42 |
* BluesKaj dons his glasses | 16:43 | |
BluesKaj | phat phinger syndrome | 16:43 |
cytadela8 | BluesKaj: Personally I'm using always terminal and that wasn't my question. My question really was: "Whats in charge of updates popup in kubuntu? Is it a piece of software from kubuntu developers or KDE thing?". I'm not even using Kubuntu, so i wasn't able to check myself easly :P | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | cytadela8, it would be the OS developers resonsible for package management since KDE is used with many different OSs as a desktop integrated with differnt package mangement systems | 16:48 |
cytadela8 | BluesKaj: Thanks, this is what I assumed, but wasn't sure. | 16:49 |
BluesKaj | cytadela8, for example rpm on redhat, yum on suse, pacman on arch, all different package systems | 16:50 |
BluesKaj | oops yast on suse ...it's ben a while :-) | 16:53 |
=== trollinger is now known as Guest12612 | ||
leonhand1 | Hi, what is the recommended way to do backups for "normal" users in Kubuntu these days? | 17:37 |
leonhand1 | i.e. something with a GUI that shows you that it's working and if possible even a way to configure it using a GUI. | 17:37 |
BluesKaj | leonhand1, what kind of "backups", data or...? | 17:42 |
aotea | How do I upgrade kde? I'm currently using KDE Plasma Version 5.4.2 | 17:56 |
rtech | hey, i just copied my user account from my desktop to my notebook and my notebook freezes at the sddm screen as soon as i hit enter after entering password | 17:57 |
rtech | I assume its because my desktop pc has 3 screeens | 17:58 |
rtech | does anyone know where this config is saved? | 17:58 |
rtech | has nobody an idea? | 18:04 |
soee | aotea: in Kubuntu you will have to wait for 5.5, developers are working on it | 18:05 |
soee | rtech: im not sure, one of teh files inside .config folder probably | 18:07 |
aotea | soee, ok thanks | 18:08 |
soee | rtech: simple test, rename .config folder to .config_bak and try to login then | 18:09 |
rtech | soee: sounds right, is there any possibility to debug the profile? because i would like to keep the profile on my desktop and my laptop as synchron as possible | 18:11 |
rtech | or do i have to rename every file to find the wrong one :/ ? | 18:12 |
soee | a lot of file syou can exclde by its name as they are not related to screen configuration at all :) | 18:13 |
rtech | all right i will log out and check if it works with a new profile | 18:13 |
alonebfg | hi all i wonder if somone could hel me please been using mate and ubuntu first time used kde desktop thought i woud gi it a try | 18:21 |
alonebfg | how to I create a shortcut to chrome app launcher | 18:22 |
alonebfg | anyone any idea | 18:28 |
BluesKaj | alonebfg, which kubuntu? | 18:31 |
alonebfg | 15.10 | 18:32 |
alonebfg | have installed chrome but cant find it i know unity i can search for it and lock it and mate found it as well | 18:34 |
alonebfg | just not kde never used it befor so still learing sorry | 18:34 |
BluesKaj | alonebfg, right beside the kmenu you can create a launcher by dragging icons into the panel | 18:38 |
alonebfg | have tried that must be doing somthing wrong | 18:40 |
rtech | sorry, thats my paste https://paste.kde.org/pfu7kmqa1 | 19:10 |
soee | check /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 19:12 |
=== avishay is now known as DarkEntity | ||
DarkEntity | Hey, I need help, I have Kubuntu 15.10 but my USB 3.0 external hdd wont show up at all and I need those files very badly. it does work on other computers. | 21:13 |
russellg | Does it work if you plug it into a USB 2 port? | 21:13 |
DarkEntity | russellg: I will check right now. | 21:13 |
DarkEntity | russellg: Yes, on a USB 2.0 it works. | 21:14 |
DarkEntity | But I am working with large files, transfering over USB 2.0 will take much much longer, I need the USB 3.0 port working. | 21:14 |
russellg | Alright. I've actually had the exact problem, I think it is a BIOS setting. Let me try to find it | 21:15 |
russellg | What motherboard do you have? | 21:16 |
DarkEntity | russellg: ok, standing by. | 21:16 |
DarkEntity | Its a Acer laptoip V572 | 21:16 |
DarkEntity | *laptop | 21:16 |
DarkEntity | It does have UEFI. | 21:16 |
russellg | have you recently ran a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ? | 21:19 |
DarkEntity | yeah, about an hour ago when all of this started... oh no... is it related? | 21:20 |
DarkEntity | This is a 100% clean install, a new computer. | 21:21 |
russellg | It shouldn't be... | 21:21 |
russellg | Quote from a fourm: disabling "EHCI hand-off" and "Legacy USB 3.0 support" (support for USB 3.0 devices on legacy operating systems) in BIOS fixed the problem for me | 21:22 |
DarkEntity | alright, I will do that right now, thanks! | 21:22 |
russellg | Can you try going into bios settigns and looking for those settings? I specifically rememver EHCI hand-off fixing problems for me. | 21:22 |
DarkEntity | I will come back to let you know. | 21:23 |
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