lordievader | Good morning | 09:04 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:20 |
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz | ||
soee_ | BluesKaj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNSfwgGbrTA | 17:32 |
soee_ | nteresting stuff: update manager, driver manager, kernel manager etc. | 17:32 |
soee_ | i wonde rif someof them are aprt of Plasma 5.5 or just manjaro provides them | 17:32 |
mparillo | It looks like kernal manager is apart from Plasma 5.5 to me. | 19:28 |
soee_ | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Debian-APT-PDiff-Speed | 20:34 |
clivejo | anyone around who can help me with git? | 21:39 |
clivejo | hi genii | 21:53 |
genii | Hi clivejo :) | 21:54 |
clivejo | how are you? | 21:54 |
genii | clivejo: Just got back from family visitings over a couple days, so full of turkey and pie, and bearing my Boxing Day purchses :) | 22:01 |
clivejo | anything nice? | 22:01 |
genii | clivejo: Matched set of 240G Samsung EVO SSDs, some 128G USB3 sticks | 22:04 |
clivejo | oh nice | 22:05 |
clivejo | whats the plan for those? | 22:05 |
genii | clivejo: I'm replacing the matched 120G SSDs in my laptop with the larger ones ( it's a RAID1 ) | 22:08 |
clivejo | genii: nice, how much were they? | 22:27 |
valorie | I got a weather station! | 22:27 |
valorie | putting it together now | 22:28 |
clivejo | valorie: what type? | 22:28 |
genii | clivejo: $160 Canadian | 22:28 |
genii | valorie: Very Cool | 22:29 |
valorie | ambientweather | 22:29 |
clivejo | genii: you any knowledge on git merge? | 22:29 |
valorie | this one I think: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PSV10UK?keywords=ambient%20weather%20station&qid=1451168969 | 22:29 |
genii | clivejo: Sorry, no. I mostly use clone and pull | 22:30 |
valorie | hopefully I can use it on kubuntu, although it looks like they speak Win-only | 22:30 |
valorie | clivejo: you might find more help in #kde-devel | 22:30 |
clivejo | valorie: have a look at http://weewx.com/ | 22:31 |
genii | valorie: Do you still have a machine with Windows on it? ;) | 22:32 |
clivejo | Im having no luck at all | 22:32 |
clivejo | beeing asking all over the place | 22:33 |
valorie | husband has a win10 box | 22:35 |
valorie | I think there is an older one in a closet if that's necessary | 22:35 |
valorie | nowhere to really set it up, but.... | 22:35 |
valorie | clivejo: :( | 22:36 |
valorie | ooo, that weewx looks cool | 22:37 |
valorie | I'd like to publish for openweathermaps | 22:37 |
valorie | as well as wunderground | 22:41 |
clivejo | I used weewx to publish to wunderground | 22:42 |
clivejo | and my own website | 22:42 |
valorie | very cool | 22:42 |
valorie | to openweathermaps? | 22:43 |
clivejo | weewx can be configured to build html pages and can be FTP'ed to your host | 22:43 |
valorie | neato | 22:43 |
clivejo | last I looked at it openweathermap didnt access personal weather stations | 22:43 |
clivejo | only offical stations like airports etc | 22:44 |
clivejo | but that may have changed | 22:44 |
valorie | well, I'd better start putting it together so I can test it before dark | 22:44 |
valorie | http://openweathermap.org/stations#how | 22:44 |
clivejo | valorie: on the WeeWX forum "Publishing to CWOP will get you on openweathermap." | 22:46 |
clivejo | I must look into setting up openweathermap account | 22:47 |
soee | hiho | 22:54 |
soee | any idea if there is some way to remove delay when link from konversation opens in webbrowser ? | 22:59 |
clivejo | grrrr | 23:04 |
clivejo | how do I solve this mess! | 23:04 |
soee | ? | 23:05 |
clivejo | kwin | 23:06 |
soee | it is part of Frameworks or Plasma ? | 23:06 |
clivejo | plasma | 23:06 |
soee | 5.5.2 ? | 23:06 |
clivejo | well I need it fixed to upload plasma 5.5.2 | 23:06 |
soee | ah ok, btw. shouldn't we first finish Frameworks 5.17 ? thay are almost done | 23:07 |
valorie | it seems to me that frameworks would be first, since Plasma probably depends on them | 23:08 |
clivejo | theres a problem with networkmanager yofel is looking into | 23:09 |
clivejo | hes used an older version and it seems to be working | 23:10 |
clivejo | I think thats the only hold up with frameworks | 23:11 |
soee | clivejo: oxygen-icons5 is red on status page | 23:11 |
soee | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/frameworks/build_status_5.17.0_xenial.html | 23:11 |
soee | and there are some deps problems i think that makes the upgrade want to remove plasma-desktop and some other packages | 23:12 |
soee | btw.: "His optimizations have yielded apt-get being around 10x faster than the older code" :) | 23:15 |
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