=== morgan is now known as Guest30779 | ||
frankchen | hello | 03:21 |
frankchen | how can i setup asus usb ac51 | 03:22 |
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DANtheBEASTman | how can I turn off the display manager in 15.04? running `systemctl stop sddm` does in fact stop the display manager from running but also somehow the login prompt one normally sees in a tty and kills my ssh session.. `service sddm stop` does this too | 04:05 |
DANtheBEASTman | and unless this is a feature it's also reproduced on live images | 04:08 |
lordievader | Good morning | 09:04 |
frankchen | hello | 10:28 |
soee | hi | 10:28 |
frankchen | can i use fimrware ralink to set up my wifi | 10:28 |
frankchen | ?? | 10:28 |
frankchen | any one | 10:29 |
skreech | !ralink | 10:29 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:29 |
frankchen | hello | 10:31 |
frankchen | it doesnt show my device RT2870 | 10:32 |
skreech | What kernel do you have? | 10:34 |
frankchen | 4.2.0 | 10:34 |
skreech | Can You pastebin the output of lsusb ? | 10:35 |
lordievader | frankchen: Do you run Xenial? | 10:36 |
lordievader | !info linux-image-generic | 10:36 |
ubottu | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 10 kB | 10:36 |
lordievader | Ah, never mind Wily already had 4.2. | 10:36 |
skreech | :-) | 10:37 |
frankchen | Bus 004 Device 002: ID 8087:8000 Intel Corp. | 10:38 |
frankchen | Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub | 10:38 |
frankchen | Bus 003 Device 002: ID 8087:8008 Intel Corp. | 10:38 |
frankchen | Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub | 10:38 |
frankchen | Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub | 10:38 |
frankchen | Bus 001 Device 005: ID 045e:0719 Microsoft Corp. Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter | 10:38 |
skreech | !pastebin | 10:38 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:38 |
frankchen | https://paste.kde.org/pli4rrx54 | 10:39 |
lordievader | frankchen: Is the ralink firmware installed? | 10:41 |
frankchen | what do you mean | 10:41 |
frankchen | fimeware-ralink ?? | 10:42 |
frankchen | firmware-ralink_0.43_all | 10:42 |
frankchen | ?? | 10:43 |
lordievader | !info firmware-ralink | 10:43 |
ubottu | Package firmware-ralink does not exist in wily | 10:43 |
mac__ | Hello,Im new to IRc | 10:44 |
lordievader | Hmm, well that yes. Seems it is no longer a seperate package. You could install linux-firmware-nonfree or something. | 10:44 |
frankchen | Yep installed ,and then?? | 10:45 |
skreech | mac__: Hello | 10:45 |
frankchen | hello | 10:46 |
frankchen | IRC FC | 10:46 |
frankchen | installed and whatshould i do | 10:46 |
lordievader | frankchen: Well, it should work then. Does 'ip link' show the wireless chip? | 10:46 |
frankchen | https://paste.kde.org/ponw5fwro | 10:48 |
lordievader | frankchen: It is likely enx9acfe0d78e98 | 10:49 |
frankchen | It seems that it dosent show | 10:49 |
frankchen | I am new Ubuntu user and i dont know what you mean | 10:50 |
lordievader | frankchen: What is the output of 'sudo iw list'? | 10:50 |
frankchen | oops | 10:51 |
frankchen | nothing | 10:51 |
lordievader | Hmm, did you reboot after installing the firmware package? | 10:51 |
frankchen | nope | 10:51 |
frankchen | should i reboot | 10:52 |
frankchen | ?? | 10:52 |
lordievader | Yes. | 10:52 |
frankchen | OK wait for me | 10:52 |
frankchen | hello | 10:54 |
frankchen | I am back | 10:54 |
frankchen | nothing show on iw list | 10:55 |
frankchen | lordievader | 10:56 |
frankchen | are you there homie | 10:57 |
lordievader | frankchen: Relax, this is IRC, contrary to popular belief a very indirect medium... | 10:58 |
lordievader | frankchen: What does 'lsmod | grep rt2800' output? | 10:58 |
frankchen | nothing | 10:59 |
lordievader | frankchen: Does 'lsmod | grep 7601' return anything? | 11:00 |
frankchen | nothing | 11:01 |
frankchen | Ihttp://www.amazon.com/Dual-Band-Wireless-AC600-Wi-Fi-Adapter-USB-AC51/dp/B00HM0K61Y | 11:02 |
lordievader | There might be something in the kernel log: dmesg | grep '7601\|rt2800' | 11:03 |
frankchen | This is my adapter | 11:03 |
denza242 | lordievader: how would I reset the baloo database | 11:04 |
lordievader | denza242: No idea, not something I use. | 11:04 |
frankchen | https://paste.kde.org/p7ojte6p0 | 11:05 |
denza242 | rip | 11:05 |
frankchen | lordievader | 11:05 |
frankchen | https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/USBAC51/ | 11:06 |
lordievader | frankchen: Not really what I was hoping for, did you try removing and reinserting the device after you had rebooted? | 11:07 |
frankchen | https://paste.kde.org/pxwcijegr | 11:07 |
frankchen | lol | 11:07 |
frankchen | https://github.com/likwidoxigen/mt7610u_wifi | 11:09 |
frankchen | Will this one work?? | 11:09 |
lordievader | Very unlikely, besides it is not really supported to run custom kernels. | 11:10 |
lordievader | frankchen: This might help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2300091 | 11:11 |
frankchen | But my device is mt7610u | 11:12 |
lordievader | There is a rt2870 on that github wich is linked to. | 11:14 |
frankchen | so it might work,right?? | 11:16 |
lordievader | It might, if you take that one instead. | 11:16 |
frankchen | still not work | 11:34 |
lordievader | Is there a kernel module loaded this time though? | 11:41 |
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ubone | how can i contribute a few symlinks to the oxygen-icons to have the xdg-dirs work by default and use the available icons for downloads, videos, pictures, etc. dirs? http://i.imgur.com/uzomoY6.png | 13:17 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:20 |
=== kinga is now known as obsrwr | ||
ProCat | hi | 15:00 |
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold | ||
newbie | Hello! | 16:16 |
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bbruun | Just installed Kubuntu 15.10 and switching activities, after getting Meta-tab working is extremely slow and doing meta-tab fast after eachother makes some apps appear on the secondary activity, where they don't belong | 18:20 |
bbruun | anyone know about tweaking the activity change settings? | 18:20 |
bbruun | used to run Sabayon, same KDE/plasma version, where activity change was instantaneos - need to fix it | 18:21 |
=== ahmed is now known as Guest247 | ||
=== ahmed_ is now known as Guest27112 | ||
Guest247 | hi | 20:36 |
russellg_ | hi | 20:37 |
Guest247 | i'm new here | 20:37 |
russellg_ | welcome to the party! | 20:37 |
Guest247 | how it works ? | 20:37 |
Guest247 | thank you | 20:37 |
russellg_ | I'm pretty new too, but as far as I know, if you have questions here is a fantastic plcae to get answers. | 20:38 |
soee_ | !help | 20:38 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 20:38 |
Guest247 | oh that's great | 20:38 |
Guest247 | ok , why I can't Install GyachE on my system ? | 20:40 |
russellg_ | what have you tried? | 20:40 |
soee_ | !gyache | 20:41 |
Guest247 | GyachE messenger | 20:41 |
soee_ | !gyachi | 20:42 |
Guest27112 | hi | 20:47 |
Guest27112 | hi | 20:47 |
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=== tornado is now known as tornado123 | ||
tornado123 | hi | 20:50 |
soee_ | hiho | 20:53 |
tornado123 | where are you from ?? | 20:54 |
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bibo | icone de rede não aprece na barra de tarefa do kubuntu 15.10 | 22:17 |
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