=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft | ||
LJSeinfeld | Trying to figure out how to start / stop a virtualbox VM using upstart... It shouldn't be this hard to do... 😕 (my upstart job .conf is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/14214527/ | 15:02 |
SebastianTCL | help I want to change the login screen background/wallpaper but it is not working, here's a copy of my lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/14214693/ | 15:17 |
fai | hello! | 15:20 |
fai | is this the right place to ask for help? | 15:21 |
=== fai is now known as Akira | ||
=== Akira is now known as Guest39167 | ||
=== Guest39167 is now known as fai | ||
fai | and i seem to be dropping in and out from this channel... | 15:43 |
SebastianTCL | help I want to change the login screen background/wallpaper but it is not working, here's a copy of my lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/14214693/ | 16:43 |
SebastianTCL | it's just not working | 16:43 |
slidinghorn | He can be pretty terse at times, but I have to agree with him on all counts here. This person's been ignoring advice, etc. for several days now./wc | 17:46 |
mrsam__ | hi | 18:00 |
mrsam__ | i banned frome a channel...how can do? | 18:01 |
=== HairyFotr1 is now known as HairyFotr | ||
SebastianTCL | can someone help me | 21:11 |
SebastianTCL | I cannot seem to change the login screen's background/wallpaper | 21:12 |
SebastianTCL | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14220303/ | 21:13 |
SebastianTCL | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14220356/ | 21:15 |
SebastianTCL | let me try now | 21:15 |
SebastianTCL | yeah it's not working | 21:18 |
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