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Guest13385 | slm | 03:11 |
Amir_ | salam, aqa man restore password az tariqe email ro mizanam email nemiyad | 07:22 |
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Guest79645 | dostan kasi email ya id yahoo,g+,skype... chizi az admin nadare | 07:23 |
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Guest5690 | سلام. کسی اینجا هست | 12:04 |
Guest5690 | ؟ | 12:04 |
mike90 | 0/ | 12:05 |
Guest5690 | ینی چی این؟ | 12:06 |
mike90 | means hi :) | 12:07 |
farooghkz | slm | 16:22 |
farooghkz | slm | 16:22 |
farooghkz | سلام | 16:23 |
mike90 | o/ | 16:23 |
mike90 | ? | 16:24 |
farooghkz | ی سوال | 16:25 |
farooghkz | چرا مثل بچه آدم حرف نمیزنید؟ | 16:25 |
farooghkz | الآن صفر اسلش ینی چی؟ | 16:25 |
farooghkz | do you know persian, mike? | 16:25 |
mike90 | look it like a human ! | 16:26 |
mike90 | \O/ | 16:26 |
mike90 | i can read persian too. | 16:27 |
farooghkz | do u know persian? | 16:27 |
mike90 | jus can read! | 16:28 |
farooghkz | ok. | 16:28 |
farooghkz | if u aren't iranian so why u come here? | 16:28 |
mike90 | important? | 16:28 |
mike90 | im here to help :D | 16:29 |
mike90 | like others! | 16:29 |
mike90 | farrooghkz: any questions? | 16:31 |
farooghkz | if u can't speak or write persian so how do u help here? | 16:31 |
mike90 | eng doesn make sense here? | 16:32 |
farooghkz | then how others do dis? | 16:34 |
farooghkz | i don't need help | 16:34 |
farooghkz | i'm here for help other or talk. like u :-D | 16:34 |
mike90 | dis == this ? | 16:35 |
farooghkz | yes. | 16:36 |
farooghkz | that's shorter. | 16:36 |
farooghkz | u are using c cmp. operators :-) | 16:36 |
mike90 | guys here are so inactive, aren'em? i'm on +100 places and also i'm at work. lazy buddies 8( | 16:37 |
farooghkz | execuse me that i cant speak eng very well. :-| | 16:38 |
farooghkz | now im finding my dictianory 2 find meaning of sense :-D | 16:38 |
mike90 | np :D | 16:38 |
farooghkz | inactive means "not active". no? | 16:40 |
farooghkz | what does it mean 'np'? | 16:40 |
mike90 | np == not problem. and also "np != p" LOL. | 16:41 |
mike90 | inactive == not active. | 16:41 |
mike90 | and you should change "no?" to "right?" if wanna be more spec. | 16:42 |
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mike90 | farooghkz: wb ;) | 16:57 |
farooghkz | execuse me that i disconnected. | 16:58 |
farooghkz | it's iranian internet. | 16:58 |
farooghkz | what does wp mean? | 16:58 |
farooghkz | execuse me | 16:58 |
farooghkz | wb | 16:58 |
mike90 | np, wb == welcome back | 16:59 |
mike90 | typos are normal, no need to excuse for each individula one, :D | 17:00 |
farooghkz | it is channel to help iranian ubuntu users. | 17:01 |
farooghkz | but im learning eng with u :-) | 17:01 |
farooghkz | till no body else is here, we can speak :-) | 17:01 |
farooghkz | are u american? | 17:01 |
mike90 | "till no body else is here, we can speak :-)" <---- yeah, i know. "are u american?" <----- originally hybrid ;D | 17:04 |
* mike90 feels curios about farooghkz nick :D | 17:05 | |
farooghkz | execuse me. | 17:06 |
farooghkz | i think u are sad of dis question. | 17:06 |
farooghkz | our eng sir sayed that dont ask this question dierctly | 17:06 |
iraj | mike90, curious is right ;) | 17:06 |
mike90 | damn typos :D | 17:06 |
mike90 | farooghkz, take't easy guys, np! | 17:08 |
farooghkz | okay :-D | 17:13 |
farooghkz | iraj, can u speak persian? | 17:15 |
farooghkz | i think yes | 17:15 |
iraj | farooghkz, yup | 17:15 |
farooghkz | mike, if u want help so why u dont go in eng channels? | 17:15 |
farooghkz | i think there r more people to talk or help there . | 17:15 |
mike90 | i'm there too! | 17:16 |
farooghkz | ایرج، پس تو ایرانی هستی دیگه؟ | 17:16 |
mike90 | check #ubuntu-us | 17:16 |
iraj | farooghkz, بله | 17:16 |
mike90 | farooghkz: welcome there ! | 17:17 |
mike90 | farooghkz: i'm in +1000 ones ;D | 17:18 |
farooghkz | ok i know. | 17:18 |
farooghkz | but why u come here? most times here's empty of people | 17:18 |
iraj | mike90, you should check your message above ;) | 17:19 |
iraj | message: <mike90> farooghkz, take't easy guys, np! | 17:19 |
mike90 | iraj: waddaya mean? | 17:20 |
farooghkz | thanks, mike. | 17:20 |
iraj | mike90, farooghkz is single person but 'guys' word is plural | 17:21 |
mike90 | farooghkz: i'm here just because i could read persian, and thought may help. | 17:21 |
farooghkz | oh that | 17:21 |
iraj | mike90, :)) | 17:21 |
mike90 | iraj: speakin lan is NOT as snag as writing, is it? | 17:21 |
farooghkz | ایرج، شاید منظورش به همه کسانی که اینجا بودند بود. | 17:22 |
iraj | mike90, right, i trust you , dont worry ;) | 17:22 |
mike90 | iraj: wadda trussin issue? 8{} | 17:23 |
iraj | mike90, nothin :P | 17:27 |
farooghkz | how do i clear the screen? | 17:30 |
farooghkz | i cant do it with /clear | 17:30 |
iraj | farooghkz, clientet chie? | 17:31 |
iraj | farooghkz, ba 'hexchat' kar mikone | 17:31 |
mike90 | is here always as empty as now? i was here 2-3 times before but didn C much activities! how many are u @ ur LoCo? | 17:32 |
mike90 | *feel free not anwer if don like ;) | 17:32 |
mike90 | *answer, avoid Iraj's complains | 17:32 |
mike90 | :D | 17:32 |
farooghkz | most time there is <no> body here. | 17:33 |
iraj | :D | 17:33 |
iraj | mike90, are, hamishe khalie | 17:34 |
farooghkz | my client is jmirc :-D | 17:34 |
farooghkz | for j2me devices :-D:-D:-D | 17:34 |
iraj | farooghkz, good | 17:35 |
iraj | farooghkz, az kojaeii? | 17:35 |
iraj | farooghkz, kojaye iran? | 17:35 |
mike90 | what about LoCo ? | 17:35 |
farooghkz | iraj, hormozgan, bnd :-D | 17:36 |
farooghkz | mike, what does it mean? "loco" | 17:36 |
iraj | farooghkz, oh, jonubi pas | 17:36 |
iraj | :D | 17:37 |
mike90 | LoCo => Local Community | 17:37 |
farooghkz | iraj, yes. | 17:38 |
farooghkz | mike, can u say something about ur self? | 17:38 |
mike90 | farooghkz: whaddya wanna know? absolutely not about my privates :) | 17:39 |
farooghkz | i want know about ur science. | 17:39 |
farooghkz | mike, say me some other good channels. | 17:40 |
* mike90 has no idea about "ur science" @_@ | 17:40 | |
mike90 | ur is your, ok, but whaddaya mean about "my science" ? | 17:41 |
farooghkz | again sorry that i cant speak eng well.:-( | 17:43 |
farooghkz | i want know that what do u know? programming,cli,etc. | 17:43 |
mike90 | and also remember : "as you sow, so you shall reap" | 17:46 |
mike90 | i'm sys level developer. | 17:46 |
farooghkz | oh cool! | 17:47 |
farooghkz | kernel developer? | 17:47 |
mike90 | not only and exactly! | 17:47 |
mike90 | i write drivers too, but more than these two i work on FPGAs | 17:48 |
farooghkz | not just kernel? | 17:48 |
farooghkz | u r also developer of what use in kernel. right? | 17:48 |
mike90 | ... and combining and sharing resources between'em with a *nix OS on ARM or that FPGA | 17:49 |
farooghkz | i think drivers r inside kernel. right? | 17:49 |
mike90 | sorry i did not get it too ---> "also developer of what use in kernel" | 17:50 |
farooghkz | pls explain me about | 17:50 |
farooghkz | forget that.explain abou fpgas | 17:51 |
mike90 | FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Arrays | 17:52 |
mike90 | -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field-programmable_gate_array | 17:52 |
mike90 | and i also offer you read xilinx' docs about training ;) | 17:53 |
mike90 | gLuck in that :) | 17:53 |
farooghkz | sorry that i cant see links. :-| | 17:54 |
farooghkz | pls say a small description | 17:54 |
mike90 | due gov restrictions on net, you cant access wikipedia too? | 17:55 |
mike90 | oh, i heard about your govmnt's restrictions on iNet, but i never assumed to this extent ! | 17:56 |
farooghkz | most time no. | 17:57 |
farooghkz | im using my small and low-level java phone to access internet and most wikipedia pages r heavy 4 my phone | 17:57 |
mike90 | oh sorry. | 17:58 |
mike90 | OK. | 17:58 |
mike90 | i'm explaining ;) | 17:58 |
farooghkz | i should say sorry. | 17:59 |
farooghkz | say some nic channel | 17:59 |
farooghkz | nice | 17:59 |
mike90 | FPGAs are electronic boards composed from NAND/NOR gates. | 17:59 |
mike90 | assume'em like empty processors ready to be programmed to work as you wish | 18:00 |
mike90 | we program'em using VHDL (today mostly SystemC) | 18:00 |
mike90 | this gives us power to have for eg CPU with more than 2 real cores (as in core i5) and more bits (as in 64/128 bits) and more flexibilty to create our needed processors. | 18:02 |
mike90 | this is only one aspect from many aspects we can look @ FPGAs | 18:03 |
mike90 | farroghkz: was it enough for preface ;) ? | 18:03 |
mike90 | *farooghkz | 18:05 |
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mike90 | wb | 18:21 |
farooghkz | thanks :-) | 18:22 |
farooghkz | in chat rooms, to people that r online but dont speak, i say they r sleap. :-D | 18:24 |
mike90 | better idea, they're busy in other stuffs ;) | 18:24 |
mike90 | guys, bbl | 18:31 |
farooghkz | what does it mean? | 18:32 |
farooghkz | bbl | 18:32 |
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