
=== bittin_ is now known as lunaaabot
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
JanCKartagis: it depends on the web software you use, but I would be surprised if the web server has no (simple) MTA on it, and if not you should probably be able to install one that only relays local mail to your mail server (e.g. nullmailer)01:46
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
[Mew2]hhey guys, how to backup an ubuntu server?01:57
patdk-laphundreds of ways02:02
lordievaderGood morning09:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
=== athairus_oops is now known as athairus
rinpooI have tried to use service iptables restart but I get faild no such file ....   I also have ufw running I thought that using both would be more secure, but I get the feeling that ufw interferes with my iptables config13:34
rinpooshould I keep both or use ufw only or iptables only?13:35
jdstrandrinpoo: you can use both, but you need to know what you are doing. in terms of being more secure, it is fine to use just ufw. You may want to look in /etc/ufw/before*.rules if you want to change defaults. I suggest reading 'man ufw-framework' for details13:55
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
rinpooIve read that ufw is just a frontend for iptables, I thought they were 2 separate programs. Ill be purging ufw, Im pretty much doing everything myself in the iptables files anyway.14:55
jdstrandufw is a frontend for iptables. if you are configuring iptables directly, there is no reason to use ufw14:57
rinpoois there a better alternative to tiger?15:26
rinpooIm just using it as security audit15:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
rinpoois it possible to use an ip range with ListenAddress in sshd_config?18:11
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
rinpoothere is this which gives full range from to 255 but I dont really understand how it works and how I can just do 1 to 50 or if it works in the sshd_config18:17
jrwrenrinpoo: 24 is a bitmask. look up CIDR notation.18:19
jrwrenrinpoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing#CIDR_notation18:20
rinpooso if I want an address range of 32 I need to use with an mask is this correct?18:27
rinpooisnt there something like to
tewardrinpoo: by 'range' you mean exactly 32 addresses?18:29
tewardbecause a /27 ( will give you *30* addresses, I believe, usable18:30
tewardand no there's no range that'll cover .1 to .2318:31
jrwrenrinpoo: well, ListenAddress in sshd_config is which addresses to bind on. Its not likely you have 30 addresses on one server, or do you?18:31
tewardalso, ^18:31
jrwrenrinpoo: what are you trying to do?18:31
rinpoowell Im using dhcp so the ip might change thats why18:32
rinpooalso when friends come over and connect they get different ips18:33
tewardrinpoo: suggestion:18:33
teward(1) set your DHCP range that DHCP serves from *outside* the entire /24 or whatever's on your net18:33
teward(2) set your server to have a static IP within the /24 that's not in the DHCP range18:33
rinpooserver has static ip18:33
tewardListenAddress should then be that Static IP18:33
rinpooohh ok18:33
teward[2015-12-26 13:32:42] <rinpoo> well Im using dhcp so the ip might change thats why  <-- if this is the case then it is NOT static18:34
rinpoothen I missunderstood the whole thing18:34
tewarderm i misspoke18:34
tewardrinpoo: I meant tell DHCP to serve a specific range of addresses in your /24, and NOT the whole subnet18:34
tewardthen set the static to an IP not in the DHCP range18:34
tewardwhich, strangely enough, is how I achieve a mix of static AND dynamic addresses on wifi and LAN in my network :P18:34
tewardso, .100 - .200 would be the DHCP range18:35
rinpoono I thought ListenAddress are the IPs the server lsitens too XD18:35
tewardrinpoo: ListenAddress is the IP of the server itself18:35
tewardi.e. what static address it is assigned18:35
tewardso if your system gets all the time18:35
tewardthen ListenAddress is likely
tewardso the SSH server binds to that port.18:35
tewardfor that IP address18:35
teward(so if Port is 22, and ListenAddress is, then it will bind to
tewardand listen there for all incoming connection attempts)18:36
jrwrengood dhcp servers bing before assigning address. I use a pretty wide range and a mix of static addresses in that range. YMMV18:36
tewardthat as wel18:36
rinpoothx a lot18:37
tewardjrwren: i take a different approach, either Static DHCP reservations outside the dynamic DHCP range for my static IP things, or static on the servers/systems themselves18:37
rinpoothis would have taken me a whole day otherwise XD18:37
tewardin either case *those* systems are always on but meh18:37
tewardrinpoo: this is why we're here18:37
tewardrinpoo: note that ListenAddress is always the IP of the server, or multiple ListenAddress lines if it's on different LANs or subnets and listens on those, and such.  the IP of your other machines on your network getting DHCP should never be an issue18:38
jrwrenteward: me too. I was remembering my config wrong. 120-150 dynamic. my static stuff is less than 120.18:38
tewardrinpoo: though, if you are getting a dynamic IP, you shouldn't be using a ListenAddress IMO18:38
tewardbecause your IP may change18:38
teward(but if your Server on that network is always getting the same IP (either a static DHCP reservation, or a static IP specifically specified in the server config), then you can set ListenAddress)18:39
rinpoonono server and router are static, just the client pcs are dynamic18:39
tewardrinpoo: OK, that was vague earlier ;)18:39
teward(these kinds of details help expedite identification of answers :P)18:39
rinpoowell I would have told you earlier but you type rly fast18:41
rinpoobut thank you a bunch this was really confusing me18:42
rinpooor better you two18:45
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer

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