
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, you can make 30_os-prober named 09_os-prober so it's run before the linux one, and windows will be first in the menu00:00
* Paul^^ EriC^^ what's 30_os-prober the priority in the grub.cfg file ?00:01
Paul^^# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates00:02
Paul^^# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub00:02
Paul^^excuse me00:02
EriC^^Paul^^: type cd /etc/grub.d , then ls00:02
Paul^^### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###00:03
Paul^^function gfxmode {00:03
Paul^^ls -l grub.cfg00:03
Paul^^-r--r--r-- 1 root root 5655 dic 22 04:24 grub.cfg00:03
amanojakuHello, I have multiple hard drives in my computer, some are formatted as NTFS where I store files. When I first installed Ubuntu, I was able to access them. Now I get some long winded error about how Windows did not shut down properly and I can access my NTFS drives anymore. The error message is incorrect, I did shut down my computer correctly. How do I access my NTFS drives?00:04
ikoniachkdsk your windows drives00:04
ikonia(or ntfs drives)00:05
* Paul^^ EriC^^ excuseme, I pasted another output , the correct is : root@ubuntu12:/etc/grub.d# ls00:05
Paul^^00_header        10_linux      20_memtest86+  30_uefi-firmware  41_custom00:05
Paul^^05_debian_theme  20_linux_xen  30_os-prober   40_custom         README00:05
EriC^^Paul^^: type ls /etc/grub.d , you can see the files update-grub uses to make the config00:05
ikoniaPaul^^: use a pastebin please00:05
EriC^^please don't paste in the channel00:05
amanojakuikonia, I did that already00:05
=== Schnabel- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
amanojakuThis is an old problem on Ubuntu, it does not like other drives.00:06
ikoniaamanojaku: that should mark them as clean and fix any possible errors00:06
ikoniait does not like other drives ?00:06
amanojakuikonia, Been there, done that.00:06
ikoniaamanojaku: how are you mounting one of these drives00:06
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, type sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober00:06
amanojakuikonia, I use Thunar or whathaveyou00:07
amanojakuNormally they automount at boot00:07
amanojakuAs they were there at installation00:07
ikoniaamanojaku: so what is the current problem when you try to access one ?00:07
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, run the sudo mv command above00:07
* Paul^^ EriC^^ this command override /09_os-prober with 30_os-prober00:07
amanojakuikonia, Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/fathom-studio/4B58299F7029794B: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/fathom-studio/4B58299F7029794B"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).00:07
amanojakuMetadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.00:07
amanojakuFailed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Operation not permitted00:07
amanojakuThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown00:07
amanojakuWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume00:07
amanojakuread-only with the 'ro' mount option.00:08
ikoniaamanojaku: please user a pastebin00:08
=== anonymous is now known as Guest60090
EriC^^Paul^^: yes, the command renames 30_os-prober so it's called 09_os-prober , and so it gets run earlier than 10_linux when you execute update-grub00:08
ikoniaamanojaku: the disk is still marked as dirty, or has a hibernation file in place, you will need to run a full chkdsk to get it marked as clean (or show errors) and remove any hibernation file00:09
EriC^^Paul^^: and windows ends up before linux in grub.cfg00:09
* Paul^^ EriC^^ http://pastebin.com/eqNpDpvD00:09
* Paul^^ EriC^^ I want start by default win7 , 'cause I must use this pc in net with VNC from linux sorry00:10
OerHeksamanojaku, there are linux tools, still it is highly recommended to do a checkdsk from windows.00:10
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, it's your pc :)00:10
EriC^^Paul^^: type sudo update-grub , it should mention which os it found00:11
* Paul^^ EriC^^ pratically this pc I want start with win7 'cause I'll use it in net from linux using VNC00:12
ikoniaPaul^^: can you stop doing /me commands please00:12
ikoniajust type to people00:12
daftykinsPaul^^: edit /etc/default/grub and change the default to the Win entry00:13
EriC^^Paul^^: ok, it found windows first, so it should be on the top of the menu now00:14
EriC^^Paul^^: if you aren't set on having it on the top of the list, and just want it to boot as default when you press enter in grub, refer to daftykins 's comment above00:15
EriC^^it would be better in case you add more os's, windows would always be the default entry00:16
Paul^^ok now I reboot00:16
Paul^^I hope :)00:17
Legendre_hi hi.. need help setting up a legacy gamepad / gameport on Trusty..00:19
Legendre_can't get /dev/input/js0 to appear.. =/00:19
Legendre_don't I need to load a module for this, like 'js' or something?00:19
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doomsyWhat's going on?00:22
Paul^^thanks to all expecially to EriC^^00:24
EriC^^Paul^^: no problem00:24
Paul^^I remember you another time, I asked to start ubuntu in text mode many time ago00:25
Paul^^merry christmas to all from Italy :)00:25
EriC^^thanks, you too :)00:25
Chicken_WrapI just really messed up my Ubuntu install. I installed <kubuntu-desktop> and I think it overwrote LightDM since it presents itself with its own splash screen, when it should be Unity's. Now whenever I try to log into my box, I can hear the 'boot drums', but I can't actually see anything but KDE's default cursor. So, basically, I broke my install. D00:27
Chicken_Wrapoes anyone have any ideas?00:27
daftykinsChicken_Wrap: i believe kubuntu uses sddm on 15.04+ so perhaps lightdm isn't even in use00:34
Chicken_Wrapdaftykins: Thant was an option, but LightDM was the default, so I selected that.00:40
Chicken_WrapI'm going to try and <chroot> into it.00:42
surgyim trying to format an sd card to write a bananian pi disk image to it. when i try to format to fat32 i get this error "Error synchronizing after initial wipe: timed out waiting for object"00:43
daftykinsi'd look at logs, Chicken_Wrap00:43
daftykinsor try logging in with the guest session first00:43
surgywhen i : dd if=bananian-1508.img of=/dev/<your-sd-card> bs=1M && sync  :: i dont need the <> correct?00:46
RoadRunneris there an app or a "universal driver"... under linux, to enable the usage of extra buttons in mice and trackballs?00:47
surgyEriC^^: yup i need them? or yup i was correct?00:50
EriC^^yup you're correct00:50
LegendreNeed some help setting up legacy gamepad / gameport on Trusty.. anyone help?00:55
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alain2hello, anyone use emacs for his email?01:36
HackerIIho ho ho01:39
daftykinsalain2: what's the support question?01:39
alain2I don't have any refresh rate...01:41
alain2even if I put this in my .emacs: (setq mu4e-update-interval 300)01:42
lin_lin13hello ,good morning,everyone01:42
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DaKeeperlooking for help on installing tlc02:48
Bashing-om!info tlc02:51
ubottuPackage tlc does not exist in wily02:51
piousminionHi, I have "clay    ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" in my sudoers file, but the user "clay" is still prompted for a password when using sudo. Ideas?02:51
piousminionNvm, apparently being in the sudo group takes precedence. O.o02:53
DaKeepertlc installs, but when configure in eggdrop it does not find it02:53
Peyammy Xubuntu gets disconnected all the time . anyone knows why?02:54
daftykinsPeyam: from what?02:56
Peyamwifi. sorry02:56
daftykinswhat chipset + driver?02:58
* nicomachus guesses realtek rtl8192 or rtl818803:00
Peyamit disconnected me again03:00
nicomachusPeyam: can you paste the output of 'sudo lshw -C network'?03:03
Peyamnicomachus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14211447/03:04
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:06
DaKeeper!info tlc03:10
ubottuPackage tlc does not exist in wily03:10
DaKeeperi'm in ubuntu1003:11
DaKeeperi'm in ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS actually,03:13
VFDPrimMerry christmas all03:13
Bashing-om!10.10 | DaKeeper03:13
ubottuDaKeeper: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.03:13
lebouskiimerry christmas03:14
rahuldevmerry christmas03:14
VFDPrimwondering whats a splash screen03:14
nicomachusVFDPrim: your boot loading screen, where it says "Ubuntu" and has the loading dots.03:15
nicomachusVFDPrim: this: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ubuntu-boot-flash-screen.jpg03:15
VFDPrimoh ok thanks i was looking at the gnome-look website03:16
DaKeeperubottu ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS actually03:17
ubottuDaKeeper: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:17
VFDPrimthinking about doing a little more customization03:17
iluminatihi does thunderbolt work on linux03:17
Bashing-omDaKeeper: As you can guess, we know nothing about 'tlc' . Can not help when we do not know . Care to further enlighten us ?03:19
surgyhello im running ubuntu 14.04 kernal 3.19 and i am using the unity windows manager (yes i actually like it) using the file manager called "files" how to i obtain sudo so i can change the permission of anything?03:31
surgyi know in lubuntu its sudo nautilus03:32
Y4kuzisudo password03:33
Y4kuziyour own password03:33
surgyY4kuzi: that makes no sense03:33
Y4kuziI know, sorry my bad03:33
Y4kuzimerry christmas all ^^03:34
lebouskiiwhy would armitage start loading and you wait all the way for it to load and it never switches to the main graphical user interface03:34
alain2surgy: also more info here: http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/12/09/how-to-create-a-sudo-user-in-ubuntu/03:34
surgyalain2: no03:36
Bashing-omsurgy: GUI apps require 'gksudo' ( or an equivilent ) . IF installed  try as ' gksudo nautilus ' .03:36
surgyalain2: i just need to know the actual name of the file manager in unity03:36
surgyBashing-om: nautilus is in lubuntu.... what is in unity?03:36
Bashing-omsurgy: Also nautilus .03:36
Bashing-omsurgy: Best I recal in lubuntu it is PCfman (?) as the file manager .03:37
surgyBashing-om: awesome thank you i guess i should have tried typing it....03:38
surgymind is fried!03:38
surgythnx bro03:38
Bashing-omsurgy: All a process in learnening .. lubuntu file manager "  pcmanfm " .03:40
Bashing-omsurgy: Be aware "gksu" is no longer installed by default . ( pkecec is thje new boy on the block ) .. may have to install. to activate 'gksudo' .03:41
lin_lin13hello,I find my ubuntu 14.04 that have some file name with numbers ,for example 50-unity-greeter.conf   60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf   what means the numbers?03:42
Bashing-omlin_lin13: Order of precedence, what gets executed in what order . least to greater .03:42
lin_lin13Bashing-om, thanks first ,my english not good , let me read it carefully03:43
Bashing-omlin_lin13: K .03:44
lin_lin13Bashing-om,  can you say it  simly?03:44
Guest49927nick ebrown03:45
=== Guest49927 is now known as ebrown
Bashing-omlin_lin13: The configuration file 50-unity-greeter.conf wikk be executed before 60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.con .03:46
lin_lin13Bashing-om,  oh, I understand , thanks very much03:47
lin_lin13Bashing-om,  The small number the first executed.03:48
Bashing-omlin_lin13: Yes, as in the directory "ls -al /etc/grub.d/" .03:51
lin_lin13Bashing-om, thanks for you help03:51
surgyhow do you install a local file with apt03:54
surgyfrom the command line03:54
Ben64surgy: "dpkg -i file.deb" but be aware that 3rd party software is not supported here03:56
Bashing-omsurgy: If an app is not available in the software repository, think 3 times before installing ,, and do lots of homework .03:58
RNevilleI really really like running Linux, and especially Ubuntu 14.04 but I constantly have problems seeing my available drives04:06
RNevilleThis drives me nutty04:06
RNevilleNautilus seems terrible04:07
lebouskiihow long have you had the issue?  what do you mean by problems04:07
RNevillenautilus just doesn't seem to recognize my internal or external drives04:08
RNevillejust the boot drive04:08
doomsyHey all04:29
doomsyMerry Christmas04:29
doomsyI'm having trouble with booting virtual machine04:29
doomsy"No bootable medium found"04:30
doomsyI have a win7 iso but it wont let me load it04:30
doomsyanyone have any ideas?04:30
doomsynvm i figured it out04:33
jotaxpeHola, alguien sabe como solucionar el problema de red en shamatari un sistema basado en ubuntu, para sony vaio svf142c29u, no reconoce red local ni wifi04:38
Bashing-om!es | jotaxpe04:39
ubottujotaxpe: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:39
surgyif i write a disk image to an sd card using dd it will make a partition just big enough for the image correct? I want the entire 16 gb sd card to be one partition with the img written to that partition04:56
SchrodingersScatcould maybe try to expand it with a partition manager like gparted after the dd?04:59
Ben64surgy: if you write a disk image to anything with dd it writes the disc image exactly how it is. dd doesn't care or know about partitions, files, or anything04:59
surgyBen64: so if the sd card currently has one big 14.56(whatever) partition then dd will not change the size?05:01
murtaza_hello there05:11
TxWizmerry christmas05:12
murtaza_merry X-mas05:12
TxWizguess he is not going to ask a question05:13
TxWizi got three of those simple hello in 2 of the 4 channels that i am watching05:15
lotuspsychjeguys keep it ontopic05:16
murtaza_anybody there?05:19
surgyBen64: you were wrong05:20
surgyBen64: it did create a 63mb partition and a 3.6 mb partition and resized the remainder to 12 gb05:21
slidinghorn!ask | Everyone05:21
ubottuEveryone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:21
lotuspsychjesurgy: please focus on your main question and re-ask your original question to the channel05:22
murtaza_how to install additional drivers in ubuntu?05:22
lotuspsychjemurtaza_: in the additional drivers section05:22
surgywhen i used dd to write a disk image to an sd card (16gb) it created two new partitions. a 3.4gb partition and a 60 mb partition. I would like to know how to resize (NON- destructive) to encompass all of the free space left on the sd so i should end up with a 60 mb partition and a 14 gb ish partition05:24
murtaza_it shows no additional drivers available!05:25
Bashing-ommurtaza_: Perhaps that card is no longer supported ? show the channel - in a pastebin - what you are working with ' lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA ' .05:27
Loshkisurgy: I assume the image you dd'ed to the sd card contained those two partitions. If not, I don't know what you did, and so hesitate to advise you. But if I were you, my next step would be to try and run gparted on the sd card.05:27
surgyLoshki: gparted will allow me to resize the one partition?05:29
Loshkisurgy: run it, and then come back and tell me the answer to that question.05:29
surgyLoshki: of course. thnx for being so nice.......(sarcasm) have a good evening05:30
murtaza_:D surgy05:30
Loshkisurgy: np. Plenty of other people needing help.05:30
murtaza_i suggest pw! surgy05:31
=== subl_christmas is now known as sublimate
mkeitaI am unable to upgrade ubuntu can someone please help me05:45
mkeitahere is the message I get05:45
mkeitaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:45
lotuspsychjemkeita: wich version to wich please?05:46
Bashing-ommkeita: Show in a pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' . We try and see what is generating the error condition .05:47
mkeitaI am also unable to download anything05:47
mkeita  libtorrent-rasterbar7 libvte-2.90-9 libvte-2.90-common libx264-14205:47
mkeita  libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java linux-headers-3.19.0-1505:47
mkeita  linux-headers-3.19.0-15-generic linux-headers-3.19.0-2205:47
mkeita  linux-headers-3.19.0-22-generic linux-image-3.19.0-15-generic05:47
mkeita  linux-image-3.19.0-22-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-15-generic05:47
mkeitait wont let me paste here05:49
mkeitawho can i text for help05:49
Bashing-om!paste | mkeita05:49
ubottumkeita: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:49
slidinghornmkeita: for multiple lines, use a pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com05:49
mkeitahere is the link to the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212188/05:52
=== panda is now known as Guest50696
mkeitacan anyone here help me please? here is the link to my error http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212188/05:54
lotuspsychjemkeita: have you added ppa's for any packages?05:54
MarkusDBXI'm looking for a nice open source firewall, any recommendations?05:55
mkeitaI don't know how to do that. I am a newbie05:55
Guest50696#join linux05:55
lotuspsychje!iptables | MarkusDBX05:55
ubottuMarkusDBX: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo05:55
Bashing-ommkeita: I am looking at your paste . standby .05:56
mkeitacan you please IM Bashing-om05:56
frank9184any one know how to set up asus ac51 wifi adapter05:57
lotuspsychjefrank9184: wifi chipset and ubuntu version please?05:57
frank9184in 15.1005:58
Bashing-om!info geoclue-2.0 vivid05:58
ubottugeoclue-2.0 (source: geoclue-2.0): geoinformation service. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.10-2 (vivid), package size 72 kB, installed size 399 kB05:58
lotuspsychjefrank9184: have you installed and updated ubuntu with cable internet?05:59
frank9184Yep, I use my phone with tether05:59
lotuspsychjefrank9184: whats happening exactly to your wifi?06:00
mkeitaI can't even install anything from the software center or using the terminal06:00
frank9184i can see it in lsusb06:00
frank9184but i cant use it06:01
Bashing-ommkeita: We keep all communications in this channel, for peer review and oa instruction to all . "useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. " -> show us in a pastebin ' sudo apt update ' .06:01
lotuspsychjefrank9184: you might need a realtek driver/firmware for it06:02
lotuspsychjefrank9184: sudo lshw -C network06:02
frank9184i tested with 3.002 driver ,and i got error 206:02
mkeitahere is the paste for get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212212/06:03
Bashing-ommkeita: Looking at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212212/ paste .06:04
frank9184it only show my wired adapter06:05
cfhowlett!patience | frank9184,06:06
ubottufrank9184,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:06
mkeitaBashing-om: ok thank you06:06
Bashing-ommkeita: " http://ppa.launchpad.net/cooperjona/lightread/ubuntu/dists/ " This PPA has no support paste raring . Remove this source from /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory .06:06
lotuspsychjefrank9184: sudo lshw -nn shows your wifi adpater?06:06
Bashing-ommkeita: past* .. no support for wily .06:07
mkeitaBashing-om: sorry for my ignorance but how do i do that?06:08
Bashing-ommkeita: " http://ppa.launchpad.net/me-davidsansome/clementine/ubuntu/dists " This PPA also has no support .06:08
mkeitaBashing-om:  is there a way to reset to the default sources?06:09
Bashing-ommkeita: In Ubuntu Software center -> sources -> other software. untick these sources .06:09
mkeitaBashing-om: I am trying to that right now but I can't find this source and it is not one of those that are checked06:10
mkeitaBashing-om: okay I removed them06:11
Bashing-ommkeita: Open USC. click on sources in the taskbar -> a tab in the sources tool list "other sources " .06:12
mkeitaBashing-om: I think it is working. thank you06:13
mkeitaBashing-om: let me try the upgrade06:13
Bashing-ommkeita: Good .. now again sync up the system with your mirror site by running ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .06:14
mkeitaBashing-om: The error is still there06:15
mkeitaBashing-om: please see this paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212252/06:16
mkeitaBashing-om: the problem is geoclue-2.006:17
lotuspsychjemkeita: can you remember how you installed thzt geoclue?06:19
mkeita lotuspsychje: no.. i do not have geoclue on my computer06:19
Bashing-ommkeita: Look'n .06:20
imarobotmerry christmas06:23
lotuspsychjemkeita: if you have ppa's added that means you installed non-official software, but have you installed other things manually with .debs also?06:23
mkeitalotuspsychje:  yes i have installed few non-official softwares06:25
Bashing-ommkeita: If you do not use it, remove it as it is "optional" ' sudo apt remove geoclue-2.0 ' .06:25
lotuspsychjemkeita: with debs?06:25
mkeitaBashing-om: I think it has been fixed by removing geoclue06:28
mkeitaBashing-om: Thank you very much. merry christmass06:28
Bashing-ommkeita: Would not hurt to also remove those packages that were installed from those old PPAs .06:29
Bashing-om!ppa-purge ! mkeita06:30
ubottuBashing-om: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:30
Bashing-om!ppa-purge | mkeita06:30
ubottumkeita: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:30
mkeitaBashing-om: I will do that. Thank out very much. I am out now06:31
imarobotanyone know any good sources to learn linux except for linux for dummies?06:32
Ben64surgy: actually i'm not wrong, dd copies data exactly as it was06:32
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lotuspsychje!manual | imarobot06:32
ubottuimarobot: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:32
imarobotyay! Thanks06:33
lotuspsychjeimarobot: we can also reccomend you using ubuntu, see www.ubuntu.com06:34
Bashing-omimarobot: Also : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .06:34
imarobotwow thanks the guide looks good too06:35
imarobotman sudo06:37
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pungi-manhey! I am normally use a internet connection which needs to be connected to a proxy server but currently I am using a connection with direct internet. I have configured apt-get to work with that proxy and I currently don't remember how. Now I want to install a software using either apt-get or synpatic but I am unable to because it is still contacting that proxy server. I also tried opening synaptic and going to preference->network07:11
pungi-manBut it does not work07:11
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=== Guest12926 is now known as picmax
rahuldevIs android studio is part of ubuntu repository07:22
slidinghornrahuldev: It is not07:27
slidinghornpungi-man: There should be a setting somewhere in your /etc/apt/apt.conf or a file with the word "proxy" in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/07:29
Lihow to know what is the avaiable commands/programs after installing a package using apt-get isntall?07:36
slidinghornLi: Typically you can read the man page for that - ex: man grep07:37
phionaim  reinstalling windows on my vm. i have snapshots but i dont want to use them. will  it use the snapshots automatically as with the other install??07:41
slidinghornphiona: that might be a question better asked in the VM software's chann07:42
slidinghorns/chann/channel *07:42
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phionacan you point it out to me slidinghorn ??07:43
phionawhere is the vm channel? oracle vm.07:45
lotuspsychjephiona: there is a #vbox channel for virtualbox if you like07:46
twistedatticwhats hapening?08:10
sadiewhats happening, people?08:11
tzarrHi! Looks like my usb7 device hangs my lsusb output and also doesn't allow proper shutdown. How can I trace which physical device is /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb7?08:25
lotuspsychjetzarr: can you tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your usb to see errors when shutdown you can press F1 also to see text errors08:28
tzarrlotuspsychje, thanks. Looks like Logitech C270 webcam didn't like the port in a cheap PCI USB controller for some reason. I've put it into other port, everything works fine now.08:33
tzarrBy the way, if I put Xbox360 gamepad into the same port, it works fine. That's odd. Okay, perhaps I shouldn't have bought a cheap controller on Aliexpress.08:34
lotuspsychje!yay | tzarr08:35
ubottutzarr: Glad you made it! :-)08:35
C0nfusekiI need some help with a shell script... what I want to do is slow down a process I am running. From Google, I have seen that I can use ps -u <myName> to find running processes under my control. (kill -L lists all the signals). If I run a .sh script where I loop "kill -SIGTSTP [pid] sleep0.1 kill -SIGCONT [pid] sleep0.1" can i successfully slow my process?08:35
Ben64C0nfuseki: no, thats a horrible way to do that08:36
C0nfusekiThank you. I'm glad I'm asking here08:36
C0nfusekiHmmm... any other ideas that won't require me to download, or at least be a download that has some very important functionality?08:39
C0nfuseki(thank you for taking the time to read this)08:39
lotuspsychjec0ncealed: maybe the ##programming guys can be more of help with scripting?08:40
EriC^^C0nfuseki: you could limit it's cpu usage08:41
txHi guys, any tool / software to prevent your screen from snoozing when you're watching a video in full screen08:42
EriC^^!info cpulimit08:42
ubottucpulimit (source: cpulimit): tool for limiting the CPU usage of a process. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2-1 (wily), package size 14 kB, installed size 62 kB08:42
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^ :p08:42
txusing VLC / youtube / whatever?08:42
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje08:42
lotuspsychjetx: snoozing as hibernate?08:42
txgoing to sleep :)08:42
txthe display turning off08:43
lotuspsychjetx: disable hibernate in energy options08:43
txI want the screen to turn off after some inactivity (power saving rules)08:43
txnot when I am watching something in full screen08:43
C0nfuseki@Eric. Interesting Idea, but from the Task Manager, it seems to use almost 00% CPU.08:43
tx(this has nothing to do with the computer hibernating or suspending)08:43
C0nfuseki@Eric. Would you endorse the use of CPULimit?08:46
wuschLORdaftykins: i'm back08:48
EriC^^C0nfuseki: i've used it sometimes to slow down fcrack so the pc doesn't overheat08:49
EriC^^worked well08:49
EriC^^of course keep psensor open and put a warning temp08:50
=== agent_wh1te is now known as agent_white
lin_lin13hello, what's the use of the files in the /etc/default  ?09:01
rwwlin_lin13: They're configuration files for various things, generally the things that they're named after.09:02
agent_white^ And as global system config files, default contains...09:02
lin_lin13Are these files automatically run when the system is started?09:04
C0nfuseki@Eric. okay. i'll give it a go thanks.09:05
lin_lin13I want to  "ntpdate" runing  when the system is started .so  I use the command : sudo update-rc.d  ntpdate defaults   .  But display error: files does not exist,09:11
rwwlin_lin13: they're sourced by system services09:11
rwwI'm not overly familiar with Ubuntu's ntp setup, but on Debian, if you have ntp installed and running at boot, adding -g to /etc/default/ntp (which is there by... default) does the equivalent of ntpdate on startup.09:13
lin_lin13rww,  under the /etc/default   files will automatic run ??09:16
rww/etc/default/* is for configuration of system services, many of which automatically run09:16
lin_lin13rww,      rc(0---6).d    control  the  files  run ???09:18
rwwlin_lin13: which version of Ubuntu are you using?09:18
lin_lin13ubuntu 14.0409:18
lin_lin13ubuntukylin 14.0409:19
rwwthen upstart controls which services are run09:19
rwwhttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ may be useful, or ask specific questions here :)09:19
ioanmhi guys :)09:20
lin_lin13rww, thanks you09:20
ioanmi wrote some software and would like it added to the ubuntu repository, what's the standard process for that?09:21
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
onc3younghey guys10:13
onc3youngany body here10:13
rizalonc3young: I'm online10:14
onc3youngrizal: hey, Nice to meet u10:15
rizalonc3young: nice to meet you too ...10:16
rizalonc3young: where do you come from bro .. ?10:16
onc3youngrizal: China10:16
rizalonc3young: owh, nice hhe10:17
onc3youngrizal: Tks, where are you come from?10:18
rizalonc3young: Indonesia ..., so, what do you do ?10:18
onc3youngrizal: I am a developer10:19
onc3youngrizal: writing some javascript stuff10:19
rizalonc3young: waw, that so cool. web programmer right?10:20
onc3youngrizal: yeah, you can say so,10:21
onc3youngrizal: so, you job is ?10:21
rizalonc3young: i'm student .. heheh10:22
onc3youngrizal: That's great10:23
onc3youngrizal: I miss the time when I am student10:23
rizalonc3young: hahaha, yaa i know most people said that too ...10:23
rizalonc3young: i learn about web programming too, like php hhe. can i ask something about web programming?10:24
onc3youngrizal: yeah, go ahead10:25
rizalonc3young: what's a better programming language for web programming?, i just learn php for web programming right now10:26
onc3youngrizal: PHP is good10:27
rizalonc3young: how about python or rubby?10:28
onc3youngrizal: I don't know much about ruby and I think Python is more beautiful10:28
rizalonc3young: hmm, i must learn that language10:29
onc3youngrizal: don's be afraid. That should be easy for you10:30
slidinghorn!ot | rizal onc3young10:30
ubotturizal onc3young: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:30
onc3youngwow, sorry for that.10:30
rizalubottu: sorry10:30
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/10:30
Bean6754Hi :)10:31
cfhowlettonc3young, also see #programming10:31
onc3youngrizal: bye10:31
rizalonc3young: bye10:33
pepeevichHello, I migrate to Ubuntu 14.04 with Gnome 3 DE. Sometimes system freezes, only mouse works. How can I fix it?10:48
pepeevichMy system is upgraded and I  don't use specific unstable packages like compiz.10:48
=== daniel is now known as Guest58739
=== sUbMuNdO- is now known as sUbMuNdO
_curiousBeinghi all11:17
yasushii want question11:17
_curiousBeingi'm new to CSE and want to know how to install Emacs on my ubuntu 15.04?11:17
yasushinever knew about that11:18
yasushiwhat is it11:18
CacheMoney1apt-get install emacs11:18
_curiousBeingemacs - an editor for programming11:18
josephyoungopen software center, type 'emacs' in search bar and click install?11:19
CacheMoney1open up terminal11:19
yasushihello anyone... i have trouble when running java in browser11:19
CacheMoney1sudo apt-get install emacs --force-yes11:19
yasushiit needs live applet.. how do i download11:19
_curiousBeingCacheMoney1: I wanted the no-x version of it and when I do that it says something like:  Unable to locate package emacs24-nox11:20
Lihow to know what commands/programs are available after installing a package?11:20
_curiousBeingI tried : sudo apt-get install emacs24-nox11:20
_curiousBeingbut got the same message11:20
josephyoungyou sure there is a package named emacs24-nox?11:21
_curiousBeingjosephyoung: yes, when I ran emacs for the first time, it showed me the list of packages present for emacs installation11:22
_curiousBeingi'm using ubuntu 15.0411:23
slidinghornCacheMoney1: suggesting --force-yes is unnecessary.  It's better to provide the basic command "sudo apt-get install emacs" so that the user can see if anything suspicious comes through (errors, dependency problems, etc)11:23
_curiousBeingalso, I have the emacs 24.5 archive file aswell, if anycan can guide me how to install the nox version of it will also be fine.. :)11:24
slidinghorn_curiousBeing: sudo apt-get install emacs24-nox      Just to be sure that you know:  that version does not support a GUI11:26
_curiousBeingslidinghorn: i wanted the command line version only11:26
_curiousBeingok, if there is any command for installing emacs from tar.gz file with command line "nox" only mode?11:29
slidinghorn_curiousBeing: There's no need to install from a tar.gz.  Just use the version in the repos by using the command I posted to you11:30
josephyoung_curiousBeing: wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/e/emacs24/emacs24-nox_24.4+1-4ubuntu5_i386.deb11:31
slidinghorn!java | yasushi11:31
ubottuyasushi: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:31
yasushioh thank you ubottu.. i will try that11:31
=== erryChristmas is now known as erry
_curiousBeingjosephyoung: thanks for the link, think this would be fine to manually install.. !!11:34
slidinghorn_curiousBeing: again...unless you have a specific need for an unofficial version, you should be installing from the repositories as instructed11:35
_curiousBeingjosephyoung: sorry man, this says dependencies unsatisfiable11:35
slidinghorn^^ that's why11:36
_curiousBeingI checked the repositories again and I could'nt find the nox version now.. amazing11:37
josephyoungadd "deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid main" in your "/etc/apt/sources.list", and try your command again, it may work11:37
slidinghorn_curiousBeing: If you're running 15.04, it's there...again,    sudo apt-get install emacs24-nox11:38
josephyoungtry sudo-apt update first, and apt-cache search emacs24-nox11:41
* slidinghorn gets the feeling he's being ignored, sighs & throws his hands in the air11:41
ikoniaslidinghorn: don't do pointless /me commands11:42
slidinghornyou're right, sorry11:42
ikonianot a big deal11:42
_curiousBeingjosephyoung: will thes commands take a lot of time to process?11:47
slidinghorn_curiousBeing: the command josephyoung gave will not work.  for the 3rd time, please just open a terminal and enter    sudo apt-get install emacs24-nox11:48
_curiousBeingI have very less data package on my network11:48
slidinghorn_curiousBeing: it should tell you the total downloaded amount before it starts installing11:49
_curiousBeingslidinghorn: ok, then I should stop the update process..11:49
_curiousBeingslidinghorn: he he, it showed me after the download completed11:50
PCatineanHey guys I have a .sh file for serviio and when I dobule click it it just opens up the text11:51
PCatineanwhen I do it in console it says some library is missing but is not specific11:51
PCatineanError: Could not find or load main class (2).library11:52
_curiousBeingslidinghorn, josephyoung: now, the command "sudo apt-get install emacs24-nox" worked and installing fine11:52
_curiousBeingthanks btw !!11:52
hasheranybody knows how to change the mount point in a usb drive >>11:58
hasheri am getting this message while i try to use multisystem11:58
LiI'm looking for a dictionary and found/installed a package called dict-freedict-eng-lit .. how to launch that on ubuntu?12:08
MonkeyDustLi  dictionary for what program? writer?12:08
morfinanybody know why php5-fpm does not start normally on Ubuntu 14.04?12:11
sw0rdfishis there a gui version of openvpn client available12:11
morfinsays "No such job" but "service php5-fpm status" shows which parameters i can use12:12
=== satan is now known as Guest51971
Z80A /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Z80A hbvvplqsteoj12:18
slidinghornZ80A: try a different password....immediately...12:19
slidinghornZ80A: also, do it without the space before /msg12:19
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
onc3younghey guys12:34
aryHi, I have one question. I have 2 hard drives in my ubuntu. One is the system (300 GB) with ext4 FS, and other is where i put my stufs (2 TB) with ntfs FS. On second HD i have 3 folders, they are media, games and install. I would like to move my entire home to the media folder, and configure my ubuntu to see that folder like my official home. How do I do that?12:38
ikoniaary: do not put your home directory on ntfs12:39
cfhowlett!home | ary12:39
ubottuary: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving12:39
aryikonia, why i cant put my home on a ntfs partition?12:40
ikoniabeccause it's normally mounted userspace, which is not what the system want and doesn't support things such as permisions, it will cause you problems12:40
cfhowlettary, will cause you SERIOUS problems12:41
aryneed to be an ext4 then12:41
=== infinity_ is now known as baprath
LiI'm looking for a dictionary and found/installed a package called dict-freedict-eng-lit .. how to launch that on ubuntu?12:56
LiMonkeyDust: language dictinary12:56
=== athairus_oops is now known as athairus
cfhowlettLi find it with your terminal: which freedict12:58
cfhowlettLi if it's there, should launch from terminal with freedict12:59
mahendra_\nick ?13:00
=== snowyhippo is now known as tinyhippo
rahuldevIn ubuntu my chromium takes lot of time to open... anyone have any suggestion regarding?13:04
william_doeI'm on a pretty new installation of ubuntu 14.04 and having some stability issues and video glitching issues.  Have tried the drivers listed under Settings/Software and Updates/Additional drivers but the official Nvidia ones make my system really unstable (sometimes not even able to boot).  The Nouveau driver is functional but sometimes glitches bad playing games (menus not displaying and other weird glitches) and occasionally have issues switching f13:04
william_doerom the game to the desktop (all video freezes but audio and network are still functioning).  I'm using an Nvidia Geforce GTX 850M.  Any ideas what I should do from here?13:04
ikoniawilliam_doe: I suspect you mean wine games13:05
ikonia(or games run through wine)13:05
william_doeNo I'm playing terraria it has a linux version.13:06
anasIm new here13:06
ikoniainteresting, swap away from the nv driver then and try nvidia13:06
ikoniasee if the current version is any better13:06
cfhowlettanas, welcome.  ask your ubuntu questions13:06
ikoniacheck the xorg logs,13:06
ikoniasee if there is anything on what it's doing and why13:06
anaswhy people use IRC?13:07
Licfhowlett: yes it found it from terminal apttitude search but isn't launchable from it13:07
anasi mean instead if skype or whatever similar, many peoples use IRC13:07
cfhowlettanas, this is ubuntu support.  that is the topic.13:07
william_doeikonia, i tried the nvideo drivers and it actually gets a lot worse.  I usually can't even boot.  I thought about using drivers from nvidia site...maybe even a beta driver but I'm kinda confused on how to install it13:07
ikoniawilliam_doe: is the 850m one of those nvidia/intel ones, or just straight nvidia13:07
william_doeikonia, there is also an intel graphics processor on chip yes13:08
anasso people use this unbuntu support to allow direct questions, right?13:08
cfhowlettanas, yes13:08
anasand each IRC channel has its own purpose13:08
ikoniawilliam_doe: there are some options, such as forcing performance mode, and disabling the intel switching that can make those cards in general more "stable"13:08
ikoniawilliam_doe: worth looking at those options13:08
anasah i see13:09
anasty cfhowlett13:09
william_doeikonia, okay i will google around those topics and see if i can come up with anything useful.  thanks13:10
pepeevichHello. Does somebody knows how to fix desktop freezing bug (Ubuntu 14.04/Gnome 3) ?13:11
sy_1can i create a hard link to a directory? if i try it it is forbidden.13:12
MonkeyDustsy_1  yes, with ln, but not from one device to the other13:15
=== anonymous is now known as Guest83048
Guest83048i am anonmous13:17
wormerhi, i wanter to install i3wm. There is the package "i3" in ubuntu repo, but i found these instructions:13:19
wormer# echo "deb http://debian.sur5r.net/i3/ $(lsb_release -c -s) universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list13:19
wormer# apt-get update13:19
wormer# apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install sur5r-keyring13:19
wormer# apt-get update13:19
wormer# apt-get install i313:19
wormer why do i need to add record in "/etc/apt/sources.list if ubuntu repo already contains needed package?13:19
BluesKajHiyas all13:20
Guest83048i am anonmous13:20
MonkeyDustwormer  next time, use a pastebin for multiple lines13:20
cfhowlettGuest83048, this is ubuntu support.  ask your ubuntu questions.13:20
=== mandje is now known as kerstmandje
wormerMonkeyDust: sorry, i thought pastebin only for source code13:30
MonkeyDustknoppix  hi, this is ubuntu support13:36
florian_vj tool for ubuntu13:45
MonkeyDust!mixxx | florian_13:45
MonkeyDust!info mixxx | florian_13:45
ubottuflorian_: mixxx (source: mixxx): Digital Disc Jockey Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11.0~dfsg-5 (wily), package size 2643 kB, installed size 7527 kB13:46
florian_thanks :)13:48
wormerHi, i wanter to install i3wm. There is the package "i3" in ubuntu repo, but i found these instructions: http://pastebin.com/UYvCWbzw . Why do i need to add record in "/etc/apt/sources.list if ubuntu repo already contains needed package?13:50
txyou don't13:51
txdon't use random instructions on the internet13:51
wormer tx: okay) Thanks13:57
diego_Hello ?14:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:23
diego_Staff, I'm learning English. You know some chat where I can learn14:27
cfhowlettnot here, diego_14:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:28
MonkeyDustdiego_  type /j ##English14:29
danialbehzadiHey. I just installed unity8-desktop-session-mir and there is no system settings there. Is there something I should install first?14:41
danialbehzadiI'm on 16.0414:41
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | danialbehzadi,  not supported here.  go to the very much beta channel14:42
ubottudanialbehzadi,  not supported here.  go to the very much beta channel: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:42
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest54364
ertugrulxtürk varmı14:49
cfhowlett!english | ertugrulx14:49
ubottuertugrulx: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:49
cfhowlettertugrulx, when we let you talk again, ask your ubuntu questions.  if you are here only to play --- don't.  play somewhere else.14:51
m3ch4n1cmay I ask somethıng14:53
cfhowlett!ask | m3ch4n1c14:53
ubottum3ch4n1c: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:53
m3ch4n1chow could I join hacker chat ? do u know?14:54
cfhowlettm3ch4n1c, no idea.  completely off-topic here.  there's this thing called google you could ask.14:54
m3ch4n1cthere ıs not ın google14:55
LJSeinfeldTrying to figure out how to start / stop a virtualbox VM using upstart... It shouldn't be this hard to do... :/  (my upstart job .conf is here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/14214527/14:55
cfhowlett!test | LJSeinfeld14:55
ubottuLJSeinfeld: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )14:55
MonkeyDustLJSeinfeld  it works, we see you14:56
LJSeinfeld(i'm not testing anything... and I assume you can see me... )14:57
cfhowlettdoh!  sorry LJSeinfeld14:57
LJSeinfeldI believe it was user Xvem?14:57
LJSeinfeldI'm trying to bend Lubuntu / upstart / virtualbox to my will.... unsuccessfully14:57
BlackFate!lubuntu | LJSeinfeld14:58
ubottuLJSeinfeld: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:58
LJSeinfeldWhat i'm trying to do should be the same for both... and there's generally much fewer people active in #lubuntu14:59
LJSeinfeldTrying to figure out how to start / stop a virtualbox VM using upstart... It shouldn't be this hard to do... 😕  (my upstart job .conf is here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/14214527/14:59
=== jmd8xui3ha5a5f is now known as jmd
cfhowlettXvem, ask your ubuntu questions14:59
Xvemthis is the first time i have used HexChat15:02
LJSeinfeldwhen I start the upstart job, it says it's starting, but nothing happens...15:02
cfhowlettXvem, this is ubuntu support.  we answer support questions.  do you have one?15:02
LJSeinfeldI do... (lol)15:03
cfhowlett!patience | LJSeinfeld15:03
ubottuLJSeinfeld: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:03
cfhowlettLJSeinfeld, you might want to ask #vbox15:04
jmdLJSeinfeld: try the command dmesg|tail and see what errors show for the service15:04
LJSeinfeldlemme check that15:04
morfinso anybody have any idea about php5-fpm and "no such job" message?15:05
LJSeinfeldapparently this is something that people want to do... but there are few working solutions out there.. it's weak.15:05
LJSeinfeldfailing with status 127... which is weird...15:06
morfini guess it's upstart issue but not sure how fix that :(15:07
LJSeinfeld127 = command not found...15:08
LJSeinfeldwonder if I can / need to add a path to the conf / command... brb15:08
jmdLJSeinfeld: dave command isn't familiar to me but maybe that is what isn't installed?15:10
LJSeinfeldinstalled with virtualbox .. /usr/bin/vboxmanage15:11
jmdtype dave as a command and see what the error message is.15:11
LJSeinfeldah.... lol15:12
LJSeinfeldso a syntax error in there...15:12
jmdLJSeinfeld: definite culprit because upstart jobs depend on the errors returned from the commands the spawn.15:13
SebastianTCLhelp I want to change the login screen background/wallpaper but it is not working, here's a copy of my lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/14214693/15:17
jmdSebastianTCL: at the bottom the line that says #background under [greeter], change that to the link you want of the image and get rid of the # hash symbol15:21
william_doeIs driver compatibility mostly kernel dependent or does is vary much between distributions?15:22
Guest29975what command it is possible to see the list of all started services and what ports they opened?15:25
jmdGuest29975: service --status-all and netstat -tunap for ports15:26
agopoI'd like to make reading text in console a bit easier (currently: UTF-8, Latin1 and Latin5, Fixed, 16). Now I'm looking for a good combination of charset, font and fontsize -> preferably a bit bigger while still clear. Any suggestions?15:30
Guest29975what command it is possible to see the list of all started system.d services15:31
alain_bonjour, je suis nouveau, peut-on m'aider ? Merci.15:40
alain_bonjour, je suis nouveau, peut-on m'aider ? Merci.15:41
alain_comment peut-on communiquer ?15:41
BluesKaj!fr | alain_15:42
ubottualain_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:42
alain_merci de votre réponse15:42
BluesKajbienvenu, alain_15:43
AdricHey, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a simple xdotool script?15:50
LJSeinfeldso... it looks like this version of the .conf started my VM via upstart... (at least when I manually call it.. ) but dmesg|tail shows errors / respawns about terminating with status 1... no idea   http://paste.ubuntu.com/14215012/15:54
AdricDoes anyone know anything about xdotool scripts?15:55
cfhowlettAdric rather off-topic as this is ubuntu support.  ask #bash15:57
LJSeinfeldif you google "xdotool irc" there are some support channels out there...15:59
g0thhow do I specify the print layout of an image in ubuntu?16:01
g0thwhat tools can I use to determine how something should be printed?16:01
g0the.g. where on the page how much scaled, etc16:02
cfhowlettg0th, your standard photoviewing tool should provide those options.16:04
g0thsuch as?16:04
cfhowlettg0th, I have no idea what is on your system ...16:04
g0thfeh, gthumb both don't seem to16:04
cfhowlettg0th, I have photoprint.  Everything you mentioned is there.  you could go whole hog and use GIMP as welll16:05
g0thnot even gimp does it correctly16:05
g0thwith gimp it cuts of borders16:05
cfhowlettshotwell lets you scale16:06
g0thok I'll use gimp16:06
g0thI can just make sure that it's centered in such a way that I don't get any crops16:07
minas114Hi. Is it possible to open applications in the workspace I opened them in, and not in the currently active workspace?16:07
kwesidevWill it be possible for me to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04??16:15
kwesidevcool cant wait to install 16.0416:15
kwesidevi like LTS16:15
minas114are there any demos of unity 8 on desktop?16:19
EriC^^minas114: there's desktop next16:20
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir16:20
ikoniathat factoid would seem very wrong now16:21
minas114EriC^^, "for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04" ? Someone needs to update this informatio16:21
minas114EriC^^, thanks, I'll look it up16:21
minas114I can't find an ISO for it16:25
minas114(ubuntu next)16:25
PopcornNajbolji sajt za gledanje filmova sa prevodom www.popcorn.rs16:31
PopcornNajbolji sajt za gledanje filmova sa prevodom www.popcorn.rs16:31
PopcornNajbolji sajt za gledanje filmova sa prevodom www.popcorn.rs16:33
singh_abhinavcan ssh bruit force attack increase outbound traffic16:38
darksimHello! I'm sorry for using Linux Mint 17 but if anyone wants to help me it would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to shrink a partition on an external HDD with FAT32 format with about 20GB and Gparted just crashes, throws me GLib-CRITICAL messages. I have no idea how to fix this.16:42
ahjtwi notice firefox is using en_US for it's interface even though the system is set to another local and a translation exists, is a translation package missing from all ubuntu variants for firefox?16:43
xangua!mint | darksim16:43
ubottudarksim: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:43
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mrsam__how can i change my linux them?17:05
ikoniamrsam__: what theme17:05
mrsam__them for linux looklike windows them17:06
ikoniamrsam__: you can't17:06
ikoniamrsam__: are you using ubuntu ?17:06
ikoniathen there is no windows look alike unity theme17:07
ikoniaso you can't17:07
OerHeksmrsam__, if there was a theme that looks like windows, there would be a legal issue rightaway.17:07
mrsam__<ikonia>i see this them in mint and other oS17:08
ikoniamrsam__: mint does not use unity17:08
alex_OerHeks, i doubt :)17:08
mrsam__oh tnx for helping :)17:08
mrsam__<ikonia>i install desktop session recorder but i cant open it :(17:10
ikoniaso ?17:10
mrsam__<ikonia> i cant run it and use it17:11
ikoniamrsam__: you where given a LOT of information and instructions yesterday17:11
ikoniamrsam__: how are you trying to open it ?17:11
mrsam__<ikonia>i instal istanbul desktop session recorder..when i click on it ...it cant open...17:12
ikoniamrsam__: thats not what you where told to do yesterday17:12
ikoniayou where told the tools to use and how to use them17:12
ikoniamrsam__: please define "can't open"17:13
mrsam__<ikonia> it cant lunch17:14
ikoniadefine it can't launch17:14
ikoniadefine it can't launch17:14
SchrodingersScatwhat do you recommend for screen recording?17:14
mrsam__<ikonia> i cant run it to use...but it is install17:15
ikoniamrsam__: WHY cna't you run it - what happens17:15
ikoniamrsam__: you're giving me inforation, like me giving you an answer of "fix it"17:15
mrsam__<ikonia>when i click on it i dont see any reaction17:15
ikoniamrsam__: why did you not use the tools we suggested17:15
ikoniamrsam__: is it a command line application ?17:15
mrsam__no it is Gui17:15
mrsam__you recomment use desktoprecorder but i cant like it17:16
OerHeksI would try recordmydesktop, or vlc ( not mentioned in the list) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts17:16
ikoniamrsam__: what do you expect to happen when you click it ?17:16
mrsam__ikonia>i want to see a GUI program17:17
ikoniamrsam__: what gui ?17:18
SchrodingersScatmrsam__: so a red dot doesn't appear in your taskbar somewhere?17:18
ikoniamrsam__: have you read ANY documentation on how this works ?17:18
SchrodingersScatmrsam__: run it from cli then, what does it do?17:19
mrsam__<ikonia> so no17:19
ikoniamrsam__: you've read no documentation on how to use this ?17:19
mrsam__<ikonia>do u want see my screen shot?17:19
ikoniamrsam__: I want you to answer my questions17:20
mrsam__no no no17:20
ikoniamrsam__: why have you not read anything about how to use it ?17:20
mrsam__<ikonia>so it is looklike other GUI PROGRAM and i dont need any thing to use17:20
ikoniamrsam__: it's nothing like a gui program17:21
ikoniamrsam__: and how would you know if you've read no documentation17:21
ikoniamrsam__: do you remember me talking to you yesterday and saying this channel would not continue to do all the work for you,17:21
ikoniamrsam__: and that your total lack of ability to listen and follow through on the information you've been given would not continue17:22
ikoniamrsam__: you remember that yes ?17:22
mrsam__im not a single user here17:22
ikoniamrsam__: you remember that yes ?17:22
ikoniamrsam__: ok - I'll explain it again clearly then17:23
ikoniamrsam__: you use this channel to do all the work for you, you don't listen to information and advice and you waste peoples time by not doing any work for yourself and not even looking how to use something before claiming there is a problem17:23
ikoniamrsam__: that constant approach is not acceptable, we are here to help you - not do work for you17:23
ikoniamrsam__: so what you need to do is quit this channel, look how to use the tools you're trying to use, if you are having a problem, come back with specific problems,17:24
ikoniaif you don't even know how something is supposed to look/work but you claim a problem that is unaccepable17:24
ikoniaso /part this channel, research how to use instanbul, or reference the detailed information we gave you yesterday on other tools17:24
ikoniaif you're having a specific problem, come back and state it17:24
ikoniaclear ?17:24
mrsam__you dont looklike other people it is clear for me17:25
ikoniaI don't know what you just said, sorry17:25
ikoniamrsam__: do you understand what I'm telling you ?17:25
mrsam__i saied you dont speak friendly...i thin17:25
mrsam__i think*17:25
ikoniamrsam__: I am speaking clearly17:26
ikoniaI and others have spent a great deal of time explaining a lot of things in detail to you17:26
ikoniamrsam__: do you understand what I'm telling you to do, yes/no ?17:26
ikoniathank you17:26
Lurchyhappy holidays everyone17:29
Guest48203where are the most recent drivers for RTL8723AE ?17:29
MonkeyDustGuest48203  start from the beginning, what brings you here17:30
Lurchyso....I seem to have issues with my zoneminder install on old version of Ubuntu...should I upgrade to wiley wefewolf of do a fresh install?17:31
OerHeksGuest48203, "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" should install the needed firmware for RTL8723AE17:31
Guest48203MonkeyDust, WIFI doesn't work, what are the most recent drivers for the RTL8723AE card17:32
Guest48203OerHeks, tried that, its not a fix17:32
Lurchyinstalled ubuntu desktop this summer....been too busy to play with it more until now17:32
Guest48203OerHeks, well it works but it is slower than 56k and disconnects17:33
dontknowdoes anyone know where to download elementary theme?17:33
MonkeyDustdontknow  ask in #elementary17:33
ikoniathe elementary support guys will17:33
dontknowMonkeyDust, yes i asked but no answer :(17:34
ikoniathn wait17:34
OerHeksGuest48203, that wificard is a know trouwblemaker, i would advise the firmware installer, but if you *need* the latest driver, no guarantees, build it yourself http://askubuntu.com/questions/629679/rtl8723ae-unstable-on-ubuntu-14-0417:34
ikoniaor check their documentationation17:34
MonkeyDustdontknow  it's a different distro, you're in the wrong channel here17:35
dontknowMonkeyDust, ok. i got the answer17:35
MonkeyDustdontknow  glad i could help17:35
OerHeksGuest48203, but carefull, you would need to reinstall that driver with any kernelupdate17:35
mrsam__<MonkeyDust>do u recommend a program looklike cheese for webcam?17:36
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BinGo0hi i cant open my webcam17:40
MonkeyDustBinGo0  are you mrsam?17:41
ikoniayes, he is17:42
BinGo0<ikonia>who are u that kick people ouT?...do company know about u? or we can report u17:42
ikoniaBinGo0: / mrsamm_ please research the programs you where given before complaining they don't work17:42
ikoniaBinGo0: / mrsamm_ we gave you links for cheese support yesterday and how to use it, have you read them ?17:42
BinGo0<ikonia>i dont speak to u...if u dont want answer then dont speak17:43
ikoniaBinGo0: did you read the documents you where given yesterady17:43
ikoniathey detailed how to set up cheese and other desktop recording software17:43
ikoniadid you actuallyl read them ?17:43
BinGo0<ikonia>i saied...i dont want speak with u...is it clearly?17:43
ikoniaBinGo0: no, sadly it's not17:44
ikoniato help you - we need to understand17:44
ikoniawe spent 20 minutes going through it with you17:44
ikoniadid you read the documentation you where given yesterday ?17:44
BinGo0<ikonia>u speak to me about 4 lines but u say wase 20 minutes?17:45
ikoniaBinGo0: did you read the documentation you where given yesterday17:45
BinGo0<ikonia>im not single user here17:45
ikoniaon all the web cam and desktop recording software ?17:45
ikoniaI personally gave you about 3 links, and I know others gave you 2 more17:45
ikoniadid you read them ?17:45
BinGo0im not chatting with u yesterday about it with anypeople ..17:45
DarkSimHello! Im using Ubuntu LTS liveusb and Im trying to shrink a FAT32 partition with Gparted and it just crashes whenever I try to do it17:46
Lurchywhy is OneGod onjoin private messaging and then bouncing in and out of channel?17:50
ikoniahe's gone17:50
ikoniaand won't be back17:50
Lurchythank you17:50
ikoniasorry for the slow response17:50
Lurchyspam lamer17:50
Lurchynewbie question here....17:54
ikoniajust ask17:54
ikoniano problem being new17:54
LurchyI have used serv-u and such for my windows computers...what is easiest ftp server to manage on ubuntu?17:54
nullddoes anyone have any tips on buy a 'bluetooth usb adapter' for Ubuntu? I bought an Insignia one and my Ubuntu OS does not notice it. :/17:55
ikoniaso there are loads of ftp servers, most are easy, but ask yourself if you really want something as insecure as ftp17:55
Lurchyim thinking of pointing a domain to home server(dynanic ip issues being what they are) should i just setup typical ftp server with ubuntu?17:55
epopt37nulld: fwiw, Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0a5c:21e8 Broadcom Corp. BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.017:56
OerHeksLurchy, scp over ssh would be my choise instead of ftp/sftp17:57
nulldepopt37 - thank-you for the reply. What does that mean though?17:57
epopt37nulld: sorry,  Broadcom Corp. BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.0 works for me17:57
nulldepopt37 is that installed with your computer or did you add it as a USB adapter?17:58
epopt37nulld: it's added17:59
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nulldI bought an Insignia that says something like "For Windows PCs" on the packaging and thought there would be a remote chance it would work on Ubuntu especially since the sales guy said it would work on Linux but it does not.17:59
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nulldepopt37: The brand of the dongle is 'broadcom'?18:00
Lurchywhy would FTP be insecure....if you have a good password setup and disable all Guest and default access?  you thinking of "big brother" issues?18:00
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Lurchyenlighted me18:00
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ikoniaclear text transmit18:01
nulldhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsBluetoothUsbAdapters <- This page has helpful USB Bluetooth info epopt3718:01
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Lurchyok...I understand..I am just thinking how to use the box if I want to ftp files from CCTV cameras and such18:02
Lurchycloud backup18:02
Lurchytrying to figure out zoneminder and such18:02
epopt37nulld: the usb device is actually an iogear. Took a minute to find the package18:03
nulldah iogear thank-you for the reply epot3718:03
epopt37nulld: sorry for the confusion.18:03
nulldAnyone else getting spam from Yandex on Islam?18:04
LurchyI have POE cameras in a network behind this Netgear GS724TP adn I want to run them with zonminder on the ubuntu bow in same network.....18:05
ikonianulld: he's gone18:05
ikoniasorry about that18:05
Lurchyerr box18:05
Lurchyjust trying to figure out solutions before i set things up and waste time...18:06
nulldthank-you for the help ikonia :D i was receiving a steady stream of *beeps* that was freaking me out18:06
ikonianulld: no problem18:06
Lurchyupgradeing to ubuntu 15.10 right now...........18:07
Lurchydarn...cant type today18:08
ikoniadon't need a commentary18:08
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andreashi all18:11
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Guest76749hi all18:12
ubuntu-mate_Hi Guest18:12
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xela2244hi, I'm using trying to decrypt packages captured with airodump-ng using airdecap-ng. But I always get  0 decrypted packets. Help18:16
nulldThank-you for the tech support #ubuntu. TTYL :D18:18
slidinghornxela2244: what flavor & version of ubuntu are you using?18:18
xela2244slidinghorn: ubuntu gnome 15.1018:18
dontknowxela2244, you have good intentions?18:19
xela2244donknow: yes, i'm trying to decrypt packages in my own network18:20
dontknowsure lol18:21
dontknowxela2244, in this channel they provide basic support as far as i know18:22
ikoniacan provide as advanced as anyone can18:22
xela2244dontknow: oh ok, thanks18:22
slidinghornxela2244: and why do you need to sniff & decrypt packets on your own network?  It could be difficult to get an answer though, as some may feel uncomfortable without knowing for sure what the user's intentions are18:23
xela2244slidinghorn: I need to decrypt packages from my Iphone...18:25
dontknowxela2244, i don't understand much but don't you need wifi cypher for that?18:26
xela2244dontknow I have it18:26
MonkeyDustdontknow  if you don't know, then better not answer18:26
dontknowMonkeyDust, just chatting18:27
xela2244I can decrypt packges from wep, but i'm having problems with packages from wpa/wpa218:27
MonkeyDustdontknow  this is support, not for chating18:27
dontknowxela2244, wpa is stronger than wep18:28
xela2244dontknow: I know this18:28
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xela2244I'm having a similar problem: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3344818:29
dontknowwhat do you think about canonical ip policy18:31
dontknowremoving all ubuntu stuff from source18:32
ikoniadontknow: what ?18:34
dontknowikonia, if you want to release ubuntu with different branding you have to remove "ubuntu" word from all sources as far as i know18:35
ikoniasame as any18:35
ikoniaredhat, centos etc all do it18:35
ikoniait's just removing trademark18:35
ikoniait's common sense18:35
dontknowikonia, but you need to search all the source for that right?18:36
ikoniasame as any other distro18:36
Webonauteanyone know if there is an hardware channel for computer part to discuss?18:37
slidinghornWebonaute: ##hardware18:38
Webonautethank lol18:38
dontknowikonia, i can understand rebranding obligation but i don't understand the necessity of removing all "ubuntu" word18:39
ikoniadontknow: becayse it's trademark18:39
ikoniaevery distro does it18:39
ikoniaso other peoples mess is not passed of as their own18:39
Guest48203so i'm guessing Realtek is crappy on Ubuntu... so i have to spend more money on a better supported Intel WIFI card?18:49
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ikoniaGuest48203: its a poor chip set in any linux distro18:52
Guest48203i hope i can sell it on ebay, look for my listing guys!18:53
ikoniawhy would anyone buy it after you've said it was poor18:54
Guest48203it should work fine on windows tho18:54
ikoniait should work in ubuntu, most do18:55
ikoniait just takes a little work18:55
rigo2532345hi. im pretty sure its a common problem. but please help me on this one. i tried w10 on my laptop now i want to use xubuntu. after installing it from a stick it keeps rebooting. what info do you need?18:57
rigo2532345i have a 500gb hdd, 450 at the end is used for data. i completely deleted the first 50gb, created a 45gb ext4 and a 5gb swap. the sda1 45gb has the boot flag.18:57
rigo2532345i already tried to add nomodeset to grub. but the laptop still keeps rebooting endless loop about 0 msec after booting up.18:58
rigo2532345please? anybody here?19:03
vincent42hi all, how can I disable the startup of a server such as lighdm (ubuntu 14.04)19:10
ikoniado you mean how to disable the desktop ?19:10
badbodhvincent42, try "service lightdm disable"19:12
rigo2532345shit. why am i coming here all the time, you dont even understand a simple question... vincent42 you run this command: echo  "manual" | sudo tee -a /etc/init/lightdm.override19:13
rigo2532345i guess i wont get any answers here if the question is not something like how do i ping google or such.19:13
vincent42rigo2532345: indeed that's the right answer19:14
vincent42also just found it on google19:14
vincent42at least  I hope it is right, I haven't rebooted yet19:14
vincent42badbodh: there's no disable command19:14
vincent42only force-reload  restart       start         stop19:15
badbodhpity. systemd rocks \o/19:15
vincent42what version of ubuntu starts using systemd ?19:16
badbodhapart from rigo's solution you could try bum (bootup manager) that controls services. it's a GUI app.19:16
OerHeksfrom 15.04 and up19:16
vincent42ok, has anyonh ever managed to run lircd on startup on ubuntu 14.04 ? for some reason it does not start19:17
vincent42there's an /etc/init.d/lirc script19:18
vincent42but starting it manually does nothing19:18
vincent42stop emits strange errors19:18
badbodh/etc/init.d is kinda bookshelf. you pick stuff from there to autostart.19:19
badbodhsymlinks go to rc-folders in /etc, use rc-update command19:19
vincent42but as long as running the script manually fail  I guess there's a problem19:20
badbodhthere are like 5-6 rc folders, to determine in what sequence the services get started.19:20
badbodhdunno much about it19:20
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lettuce45hi, as a wallpaper I have an image with a quotation that is 3 lines long. I dont want any icons to block the quote, but every time I plug in an extermal HDD the HDD icon appears right on top left of the screen. I have looked into wallpaper properties but found nothing. How can I configure the screen, so icons start to appear at a certain height?19:25
giorgiwhy flash is not working on xubuntu my friends?19:27
giorgiflash player i mean19:27
tewardgiorgi: "not working" is vauge19:27
giorgithe one on the browser19:27
MonkeyDustlettuce45  in dconf-editor19:27
lettuce45MonkeyDust, is that a command, a file or a package in synaptic?19:28
giorgidoes not work :(19:28
giorginot playing moviesss19:28
MonkeyDustlettuce45  it's a program, find it in the repos ... open it, then go to   org.gnome.desktop.media-handling19:29
lettuce45MonkeyDust, can you please paste a full link?19:32
MonkeyDustlettuce45  install it from the software center, or with apt install, like you install any other program19:33
lettuce45MonkeyDust, already installed, org.gnome.desktop.media-handling is not a valid url19:34
citrix /j #php19:34
MonkeyDustlettuce45  no, open dconf-editor19:34
citrixHi all19:34
citrixi am trying to handle 2 submit buttons19:35
abuseadHow do I check which wifi driver has been selected by the Ubuntu LiveCd?19:35
lettuce45already there MonkeyDust , now what do I do?19:36
MonkeyDustlettuce45  in the left, you find 'org' and all the rest19:36
light_Hi, I am new to IRC, is this right channel where people talk? I see little discussion here :)19:37
lettuce45MonkeyDust, im already at org.gnome.desktop.media-handling, what do I have to edit?19:37
MonkeyDustlettuce45  uncheck automount19:37
lettuce45MonkeyDust, why do I want to do that? I need to mount externals19:38
MonkeyDustlettuce45  you just don't want it to show, when it's mounted?19:38
lettuce45no, I want all icons to appear not on the upper part of the screen, but in the middle, so the quotation doesn't get "blocked" with icons19:39
MonkeyDustlettuce45  drag them to the middle, then19:40
[adw]hi, ive got a mini.iso of wily, but when i select mirror to install from, i get msg. that "mirror does not have any suite symlinks"19:40
lettuce45will the dragging be remembered for any other external?19:40
MonkeyDustlettuce45  not sure, try it and see what happens19:41
lettuce45:D thanks19:42
[adw]Does anyone know what mirror works with the Wily netinstall(mini.iso)?19:43
xsdi have Z87 expert mobo and i cant boot from a live cd usb19:43
xsdand secure boot is anebled but i cant boot into windows enymore19:43
xsdnor ubuntu19:43
xsdnor usb sticks or live cds19:44
ventrilohi all19:45
ventriloim trying to install ventrilo server on ubuntu 15, how do i do that ?19:45
MonkeyDust!find ventrillo19:46
ubottuPackage/file ventrillo does not exist in wily19:46
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ventriloits a linux pack19:46
citrixabusead, you can see by lsmod | grep -i wireless19:46
citrixabusead, lspci will tell you about your wifi controller , lspci | grep -i Network19:47
xsdi have Z87 expert mobo and i cant boot from a live cd usb secure boot is on but afther install of ubuntu my system windows wont boot enymore ubuntu the same19:51
joe0tacI recently switched from Win to Ubuntu. I cannot get DVDs to play in any player (Videos, VLC). I have tried installing ubuntu restricted extras, and rebooting. It still does not work. What else can I try?19:56
MonkeyDustjoe0tac  in a terminal, what's the ouput of   cat /etc/issue19:57
joe0tacUbuntu 15.10 \n \l19:57
MonkeyDust!dvd | joe0tac20:00
ubottujoe0tac: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:00
jason_I'm having trouble launching things from nautilus. For example if I try to open a video in VLC or a PDF in the document viewer it won't open, but I can open VLC from the command line and play the file just fine.20:06
ioriajason_, in terminal ,  xdg-open file.pdf20:09
lettuce45do I want to play youtube videos on htmla instead of on flash?20:09
jason_ioria, that's fine but i'd like to be able to do it from nautilus. Any ideas why it wouldn't work?20:11
ioriajason_, it opens ?20:11
jason_ioria, yes20:11
jason_oh wait hold on I think I already had the particular file open20:11
jason_ioria, yes it works for everything20:12
ioriajason_, have you tried 'Open with' ?20:12
jason_ioria, yes that does not work20:13
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ioriajason_,  you don't have a menu entry ' Other applications ' ?20:14
jason_ioria, I do. I mean trying another application, or selecting the normal application from the menu also does not open the file.20:14
joe0tacSorry. Was in the midst of asking about problem solving my DVD player when my internet connection dropped (my other problem...). To-resum: Ubuntu 15.10. Installed Restricted Extras. Will play CDs, will not play DVDs. Using Videos and VLC.20:15
ioriajason_,  you mean that when you select 'Document Viewer' from Other Applications menu   , the file does not open ?20:15
xsdhello all20:16
jason_ioria, correct. Nor does it work if I select some other program (i.e. ImageMagick or Print Preview)20:16
Bashing-om!DVD | joe0tac Have you consulted :20:18
ubottujoe0tac Have you consulted :: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:18
xsdi have Z87 expert mobo and i cant boot ubuntu enymore nor win (secure boot was anabled during ubuntu setup20:18
xsdbut  cant buut system rescue also20:18
xsdhelp plz20:19
ioriajason_,  can you paste /etc/gnome/defaults.list ?20:19
joe0tac!DVD | Bashing-om-ubottu. Yes. I installed the Restricted Extras, and rebooted. It did nothing.20:20
ubottuBashing-om-ubottu. Yes. I installed the Restricted Extras, and rebooted. It did nothing.: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:20
Bashing-omxsd: Maybe try to have the firmware pass to the kernel different ACPI table ? From a liveDVD what returns: ' sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows ' . Maybe add a boot parameter to the boot command line ?20:23
xsdBashing-om how i do that20:23
Bashing-omxsd: We will eventually - when we know what ACPI table to pass - edit grub's boot parameter .20:25
xsdi cant boot nothin at al none of my both systems20:26
Bashing-omxsd: I say again - from the liveDVD - or USB . that medium you used to install 'buntu .20:27
xsdit locked me out all usb ports20:28
xsdlive cd dont work nor usb boot20:28
dsc_i'm trying to connect my wpa2 wifi network from the terminal20:29
MonkeyDustxsd  what *can* you do, so we can try to help you from there20:29
dsc_with wpasupplicant20:29
dsc_but "its not working" :D20:29
xsdonly boot and in bios but  efi shell either20:30
Bashing-omxsd: That booting up the firmware for the settings is long before an operating system is even considered by the system . Booting to the firmware settings has nothing to do with the operating system . Try again ( Acer as the machine manufactirer ?) .20:30
xsdi'm gone roll back bios default20:31
xsdgrub resuece mode20:32
akikdsc_: here's a page i wrote about configuring wlan in the interfaces file https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2015/10/12/how-to-configure-your-wlan-interface-in-the-interfaces-file/20:33
akikdsc_: so you can use ifup/ifdown to control your wlan interface20:34
Bashing-omxsd: Hummm ... You must have been able to boot that live environmnet at one time --- as you have installed 'buntu . Boot that loveDVD on the same maode ( bios/UEFI) as the mode installed in .20:34
dsc_cool akik, seems like I did not stop network-manager.20:35
dsc_akik: would you happen to know if I could instead talk to network-manager directly? Like, in the ubuntu GUI you can click on the network icon and connect to a wifi, perhaps I can interface with an API for this?20:35
akikdsc_: yes, nmcli/nm-tool20:36
dsc_akik: isnt that whole network-manager stuff written in python anyway20:36
dsc_oh cool. :)20:36
akikdsc_: your requirement changed quite quickly :)20:37
xsdi cant enymore20:37
dsc_akik: hehe. Well I'm trying to find out the quickest way to manually connect to a wifi. If I can use the network-manager for that, that's totally fine by me.20:37
LurchyAH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message20:38
Lurchydo I modify this in config file for ubuntu?20:38
Bashing-omxsd: Sorry, if you can not boot to the firware setting - I do not know what to tell you . Is this a laptop machine ?20:39
xsdah pc20:40
Lurchytrying to setup options for zoneminder......20:40
ioriaLurch  it's just a warning i think .. apache is working, isn't it ?20:41
Bashing-omxsd: As a desktop, you might try powering the box down, pull the AC power cord, depress the power button for 5 seconds - clears CMOS memory - .. reconnect the power and now see if you can boot to the firmware settings .20:42
Lurchywait...I goto to look for response20:42
xsdtryed that20:42
xsdi'm gone nuke it :p20:42
LurchyThe "IP":80 of the ubuntu box to see if apache responds with default page20:42
Lurchycorrect ioria?20:43
ioriaLurch  if you put your ip in the firefox bar  ?20:43
Lurchyubuntu box is diff ip inside my network than this client box I am on20:43
xsdit now only boot in windows :x20:44
xsdno ubuntu20:44
akikLurchy: the servername it's talking about is in the httpd config file20:44
Lurchyioria...apache2 working fine20:45
ioriaLurch   now is apache2.conf, i think in /etc/apache220:45
ioriaor apache.conf20:45
Lurchyakik....so..zoneminder is looking for servername and doesnt see what it needs.20:45
Bashing-omxsd: EFI ? Windows installed in UEFI mode, and ubuntu in CCSM ? .. the two booting methods are not compatible .20:47
flknvhi, I want to backup my ubuntu system and this is my first time doing this. any recommendations on what I should backup?20:47
Lurchyim a noob...so bear with me...when I "sudo a2enmd rewrite" it gives me the server error20:47
LurchyAH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message20:47
dsc_akik: your article is nice20:47
Lurchydo I need to set global "servername" in ubunutu config file?20:48
akikLurchy: usually you set servername to match the ip & name that you are serving content from20:48
xsdi think so yes Bashing-om20:48
Lurchymy ubuntu box has a diff static ip inside my network...it is not
Bashing-omflknv: Consider - all system files are on the install medium . All that is "required" is to back up personal data ( and any edits to config files you may have made, maybe ) .20:49
Lurchyso..if this is the case...where do i set sername globally???20:49
ioria!backup | flknv20:49
ubottuflknv: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:49
flknvBashing-om: ioria: I'm contemplating to switch to the stable debian. should home be enough?20:51
Bashing-omxsd: Until such time as you can boot up a liveUSB of ubuntu, there is not a thing else we can do .20:51
MonkeyDustflknv  debian is not ubuntu -- config files in your home may differ20:51
xsdman i have two bios ships i had rested them both i everthing works agian :D20:52
ioriaflknv, sorry,  what was your original issue ?20:52
xsdjust not booting ubuntu20:52
xsdbut win20:52
xsdand live,s20:52
flknvioria: I just don't like ubuntu's unstability (with the positive side of being very up to date)20:53
flknvMonkeyDust: so I should only back up home and delete config?20:54
ioriaflknv, maybe copy your home on a different partition (create one from live) , reinstall and rsysnc ?20:55
elldissinHello, what can I do to make my old laptop boot not only with acpi=off?20:56
Bashing-omxsd: :) so we need to verify that ubuntu is installed in the same mode as that of Windows ?20:56
MonkeyDustxsd  can you boot the live dvd/usb now?20:57
bekkselldissin: Update the BIOS.20:57
xsdwin uefi21:01
xsdubuntu ccsm21:02
bekkselldissin: Keep it in this channel please.21:05
Bashing-omxsd: IF and the stress is on IF you know that Win is UEFI, and you are dual booting with both OSs installed to the same hard drive, then ubuntu MUST also ne installed in UEFI mode. RE-install time .21:06
Lurchyis 'ServerName' directive a setting in the Ubuntu config file?21:07
bekksLurchy: In the Ubuntu config file of what?21:07
SeveasLurchy: there's no such thing as 'the Ubuntu config file'21:07
Lurchyor a setting in a program...such as Zoneminder21:07
bekks!info zonminder21:07
ubottuPackage zonminder does not exist in wily21:07
Bashing-omxsd: What ever mode that you boot the liveUSB in, is the mode that will be used to install .21:08
bekksLurchy: Whats "Zoneminder"?21:08
SeveasLurchy: it's a valid statement in an Apache config file21:08
Lurchyinstalled zoneminder and getting an error in one step of the install...just trying to figure out if it is a setting in the ZM program or global setting in UBU21:08
bekksLurchy: What is "Zoneminder"?21:09
LurchyCCTV software21:09
bekksLurchy: There is no such setting as "a global Ubuntu setting".21:09
LurchyI got a bunch of POE cameras offa ebay and setting up home network with them21:10
xsdthnx for the help21:10
bekksLurchy: How about starting with the Ubuntu version you are using?21:10
LurchyI have Mysql and apache all setup...but I get this error in one step of install21:10
LurchyAH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message21:10
bekksLurchy: Thats not an error, but a warning only.21:11
Bashing-omxsd: Not much help, yet . Not done til ya booting ubuntu . As required you are welcome to ask for any additional guidance .21:11
bekksLurchy: And since it clearly states it is an Apache message - guess which program is causing that message?21:11
Lurchyperhaps program needs the exact ip of the apache server on the network?21:11
bekksLurchy: And now: which Ubuntu version are you using?21:11
Lurchyhmm...its an apache "error" then21:12
bekksLurchy: The message clearly tells you what to do.21:12
bekksLurchy: It isnt an error at all.21:12
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Lurchyheh...so this is somethign i set in apache....just trying to figure it out21:13
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LurchyI think i found some documentation....21:14
bekksdocs.apache.org :)21:15
Lurchyif I insert 'ServerName localhost' in either httpd.conf or apache2.conf in /etc/apache2 and restart apache the notice will disappear.21:16
Lurchydoes this solution work for 15.10??21:16
Lurchyit says its solution for 13.04 and older21:16
aoteaI've been finding weird xorg.conf files with dates appended to them, guessing they get created after GPU crashes. http://termbin.com/9z2y I assume these can be removed without any issues?21:20
bizukifuGod evening21:21
Bashing-omaotea: many situations, as a new driver is installed]re-installed a new config file is generted, IF you are happy with ypur graphocs as is, then yes, those other xorg.conf files may be safely removed .21:25
=== bob is now known as Guest96446
rvgateHello... im trying to install ubuntu on my machine (full details here: http://tweakers.net/gallery/121456/inventaris/ (click on desktop)). Ubuntu 15.10 gets stuck on booting from the live cd at ¨Start WPA supplicant¨ and booting the live cd of 14.04 simply gives me a blank screen... any ideas?21:54
EriC^^rvgate: did you checksum the 14.04 iso? and did you try nomodeset?21:56
rvgateEriC^^, yes and no, how can i do the nomodeset? (i dont have grub installed, trying to install it next to windows 10)21:57
EriC^^rvgate: when the live cd boots press e over try ubuntu21:58
EriC^^in the black and white grub menu, and add nomodeset at the end of the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz.efi ......21:58
rvgateEriC^^, it doesnt even reach that point where i can select try ubuntu..21:59
hoitorzrvgate: really21:59
rvgatehoitorz, no need to send me pm´s, blocked/reported22:01
rvgateEriC^^, any idea´s?22:04
Bashing-omrvgate: EriC^^ Win10 generally == UEFI, and the ubuntu installer must also be in UEFI mode . (installing to the same hard drive )22:07
rvgateBashing-om, EriC^^, it is going to the same ssd, yes22:09
Bashing-omrvgate: Then insure that you boot the live(USB) in efi mode !22:10
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aoteaI'm giving up on these nvidia drivers, just changing the drivers with "Driver Management Software" should be enough migrating to nouveau right? Or need I run "apt-get --purge nvidia*" after installing nouveau?22:11
EriC^^aotea: you need to restart22:12
EriC^^purge nvidia* won't harm too22:12
=== rvgate is now known as rvgate__
Bashing-omaotea: ' sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia* ' should be good 'nuff to use the open source driver upon a reboot .22:13
aoteaShould I submit bugreport with the nvidia-bug-report on launchpad also? or is those logs mostly for nvidia devs?22:13
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Bashing-omaotea: IF you think you have found a bug .. by all means report it . The big boys will sort it out if properly submitted .22:15
aoteaOr well, before I do I'll see that the system running under nouveau is stable and doesn't suffer from GPU falling off the bus as the Nvidia drivers seemed to have issue doing22:15
aoteaBashing-om, Do one include kern.log or which logs could be important submitting?22:16
rvgateBashing-om, EriC^^, just booing now using different mode... instantly gave me the option to try/install ubuntu :) looks a lot more promising now22:16
Bashing-omrvgate: :)22:17
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EriC^^!cookie | Bashing-om22:18
ubottuBashing-om: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:18
Bashing-omaotea: submitt /etc/X11/xorg.conf, .xsession-errors for starters.22:19
Bashing-omchocolate chip, no less, My favorite .22:19
rsmithWill there be a session on LXD/LXC at Ubucon in Pasadena?  I can't find one in the schedule.  Could someone tell Mark there should be a talk abotu LXD and all its coolness?22:19
ikoniarsmith: what do you really expect to happen in here ?22:20
ikoniawhy not mail the ubucon team and ask like a grown up rather than firing a comment into IRC blackhole22:20
Flannelrsmith: You should go ask/discuss in #ubuntu-us-ca, that's where Ubuntu California is, they're the ones organizing it.22:21
Flannelrsmith: although, at this point most of the schedule is set.22:21
rsmithFlannel: OK, thanks!22:21
rsmithikonia: getting useful info, like what Flannel just gave me.  Thanks!22:22
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rvgateBashing-om, hate to say this... but after selecting the try ubuntu option... still looking at a blank screen...22:28
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ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:29
rvgateeikon81g, doing that one now22:30
eikon81g!nomodeset | rvgate22:30
ubotturvgate: please see above22:30
rvgatethis mode looks f'up up :P22:31
Bashing-omrvgate: Once you have a desktop from the 'nomoeset' boot option, one can then install a graphic's driver .22:31
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bombillohow to install wine in debian22:35
Ollie65Any security experts out here (regarding directory/file access)?22:38
rvgateBashing-om, sorry to bother you again... but its not detecting my windows 10 installation.. :/ im afraid i wont be able to boot into it after it installed grub22:38
bekks!ask | Ollie6522:39
ubottuOllie65: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:39
eikon81gOllie65, no expert but is it regarding the chown command?22:40
eikon81g!chown |Ollie6522:40
ubottuOllie65: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:40
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Ollie65Thank ubottu. I strive to honour the channels rules.22:40
eikon81g(i'm no expert is what I meant, I'm sure there are more than a few here.. )22:41
solarscan anyone tell me how to solve this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/138632022:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386320 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgraded ubuntu 14.10 fail due to wanting to remove ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:41
Bashing-omrvgate: Best ask of EriC^^ when it comes to booting UEFI . I have no experoence in that realm . bear in mind it is doable as thousands have done it .22:42
eikon81grvgate, In your BIOS what is your SATA type set to?22:43
rvgateeikon81g, let me restart and check, give me a second22:44
eikon81gThere may be more than one setting in the BIOS you may try to change it over sometimes the setting is like native or IDE22:44
Ollie65About file permissions: Several users need shared r/w access to a (sub)directory. One user needs access to that shared directory and a few other files. My approach would be to create a group with those users and set access permissions to 770. Then for the remaining files (for the single user) set permissions to 700. Do you agree this is correct?22:45
rvgateeikon81g, you mind if i start a hangouts chat?22:45
ubuntu933is any human intervention required while upgrading distro via the software updater starting from the "Setting new software channels"? Coz im not on a much fast connection and planning to sleep while it downloads whole night?22:46
rvgateeikon81g, SATA mode is set to IDE22:47
eikon81gubuntu933, yes, you would need to give the root pw when the upgrade is ready22:47
eikon81grvgate, I don't really use hangouts you can PM me..22:48
eikon81grvgate, did you have other options there?22:48
ubuntu933eikon81g, that would be at just before the installing phase, no?22:48
rvgateeikon81g, disabled/ide/ahci/raid22:48
eikon81gright the download should run just fine, once it finishes I believe it will prompt you and you will need to give it the pw22:49
eikon81grvgate, maybe give ahci a shot and see what it does22:49
rvgateeikon81g, then boot using normal or eufi?22:49
eikon81ggenerally IDE would work fine but some of the newer BIOS configurations act goofy when it comes to booting from usb etc22:50
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eikon81gdid you try normal first?22:50
eikon81gset the USB to first in the boot order or when you have the option to during boot hit "f12" or whatever to select a boot device22:51
rvgateeikon81g, thats where it got stuck initially... then switched to eufi that allowed me to get the menu and do the nomodeset22:51
rvgateeikon81g, im not using usb to boot btw, using an old fashioned dvd22:51
eikon81gI would do the normal and get into the grub settings and set it to nomodeset22:52
Bashing-omrvgate: eikon81g Win10 and SSD == UEFI and AHCI for the 'buntu install .22:52
ubuntu933one more thing, are the installed other DE's stay or get removed after upgrade?22:55
xanguaubuntu933: they stay and also update22:55
eikon81gyou will need to run a command to remove the old headers22:55
eikon81gthis is the one I've always used22:55
eikon81gNO NO after..22:56
ubuntu933auteremove one?22:56
eikon81gdpkg -l linux-* | awk '/^ii/{ print $2}' | grep -v -e `uname -r | cut -f1,2 -d"-"` | grep -e [0-9] | grep -E "(image|headers)" | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge22:56
eikon81gthat command was passed to me by a user here and it has always worked well..22:56
ubuntu933this removes the old kernel headers right?22:56
rvgateeikon81g, Bashing-om, booted nicely, detecting windows properly and now installing it alongside it :D22:56
eikon81gto me it's a lot of jargon but when you run the command it will clean out old updates22:57
eikon81gand unused kernal22:57
rvgate!cookie | eikon81g22:57
ubottueikon81g: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:57
eikon81gHey hey.. we win22:57
ubuntu933eikon81g, well thank you... bye22:57
eikon81gnow heres the catch since you installed windows or it was likely installed with the setting for IDE then it may hang you up in windows.22:57
Bashing-omrvgate: After the install completes, may have to install a graphic's driver - maybe .22:58
eikon81grvgate, http://www.askvg.com/how-to-change-sata-hard-disk-mode-from-ide-to-ahci-raid-in-bios-after-installing-windows/22:58
eikon81gIFFF you get a bluescreen when booting into windows that is your issue. If not just continue biz as usual22:58
rvgateBashing-om, i didnt have to do the nomodeset this time.. and it actually using full resolution during installation :) (15.10)22:59
eikon81gI figured it had to do with that I wasn't sure.. I'm just a spray and pray kinda guy22:59
eikon81grvgate, nice22:59
OneM_IndustriesSo, I have an old RTL8185l WIFI card that I want to use with LUbuntu 15.10, but the only drivers that I can see for it are ancient. Any ideas?22:59
Ollie65Ok guys, good luck out there. I wish you a good night, I'm hitting the sack :-)23:00
eikon81gOneM_Industries, a usb card?23:00
solarshi, how can I fix Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'23:00
eikon81glater Ollie6523:00
OneM_IndustriesNo, PCI card.23:00
OneM_IndustriesWe got it in '06 or '07.23:01
rvgateeikon81g, thanks for that link.. ill try booting into windows after this is done and see if the room lights up blue :P23:01
eikon81gI was saying you could grab a usb wifi card on the cheap23:01
eikon81gOneM_Industries, I was saying you could grab a usb wifi card on the cheap23:01
OneM_IndustriesKinda trying to make do with what I have.23:01
eikon81gsolars, what version are you on and what are you trying to go to?23:02
eikon81gnp rvgate23:02
solarseikon81g, 14.04 and I'd like to change to 15.x23:03
eikon81gsolars, it may take a little more work but it looks like since there is a bug on this you may need to go with a workaround..23:04
solarseikon81g, if there is one?23:04
eikon81gsolars, have you considered just formatting and going back with a clean install?23:04
MonkeyDustsolars  better wait for 16.04, 4 months from now23:04
solarseikon81g, can't format as I have a lot of stuff on this machine23:04
solarsMonkeyDust, that's lts, right?23:04
MonkeyDustsolars  yes, you can upgrade lts > lts23:05
solarshmm yes then I think I'll wait23:05
solarsthis seems way too buggy23:05
eikon81gStatus changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users. <<23:05
eikon81gI don't know of another way around it personally.. someone here may be able to assist further if you hang around for awhile..23:06
rvgateeikon81g, well, win10 is broken :P23:06
eikon81gwell then once you get it installed you could always chance the SATA mode back to IDE boot into windows, make the registry change from the link I sent and then reboot change the bios seting back to achi and then boot BAU23:07
rvgateeikon81g, yup :D thanks again23:07
eikon81gOR try to use the RAID setting instead..23:07
eikon81gseems that one has a little bit more compatibility23:07
kasaTwo dogs?23:08
eikon81g!rules |kasa23:08
ubottukasa: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:08
eikon81grvgate, I'm invested let me know if you get it because once you do I am going to head out..23:09
kasaubottu i was speaking whit this user but i don't know where are they23:09
ubottukasa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:09
kasaubottu how can i find users?23:10
ubottukasa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:10
kasamaybe in other chat rooms?23:10
EriC^^rvgate: what's the problem?23:11
kasacan anybody help me?23:11
Bashing-omkasa: If you do ' /lastlog kasa ' you should find whom was addressing you .23:11
kasaahh thanks bashing-om23:11
eikon81g"/whois <username>"23:11
eikon81gdeancandra, whats the question?23:12
eikon81gEriC^^, he was having trouble getting the ubuntu install to recognize the windows installation on his machine we got that sorted but now his windows install is bsod'ing I supplied a link for a fix23:13
eikon81gI think he will get it.. just a little tinkering23:13
deancandralol my windows cant bootup coz i move c partition with gparted23:14
deancandrapoor me23:14
eikon81gthat's going to be tricky.. you may have hosed it up23:15
eikon81gdeancandra,  http://www.partitionwizard.com/help/rebuild-mbr.html23:16
eikon81git probably has to do with the MBR and you would need to fix that to get it to boot again23:16
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eikon81gdeancandra, that tool I posted may help but I've not used it before.. The mbr needs to be repaired to get back into windows23:18
kasacould anybody help me?23:18
deancandraill check it first23:18
kasai would like to conect my pc via HDMI>DP23:19
kasaanybody knows how to say linux to throw image via HDMI?23:19
eikon81gkasa, are you running Ubuntu or are you on Windows?23:20
eikon81gok so on Ubuntu you can use the hardkey on the keyboard to switch the display once you have it connected23:20
kasaDisplay port ist my screen and i have the cable to connect it via HDMI to my pc23:20
eikon81gsometimes it is one of the "FN" keys23:20
kasaLinux 17.03 Kernel 4.2.223:21
kasain not laptop23:21
ikoniathat looks like mint23:21
eikon81gconnect the monitor and then use the display settings to activate the second display23:21
kasait is23:21
kasaMint linux distro23:21
ikoniakasa: mint is not supported here, it has it's own support channel23:21
ikonia!mint |kas23:21
ubottukas: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:21
ikonia!mint | kasa23:21
ubottukasa: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:21
kasaahh sorry23:22
rvgateeikon81g, EriC^^, this may not be ubuntu related anymore... but the entries i need to edit are already set on the option they need to be according to the guide, trying the alternative method now23:22
kasait is because i was looking for two dogs users and nameless23:22
eikon81grvgate, that or you may be able to even go back to IDE all together now that its set up23:22
rvgateeikon81g, what is the recommended mode? i'd rather stick to AHCI if it is preferred over IDE23:23
eikon81grvgate, or try raid like I was saying it may get you by as well23:23
eikon81gwell RAID includes support for AHCI from what I've read so if not IDE maybe RAID23:24
boxmeinohai, I dun goofed and VLC utilized 11GB memory and made my load average go up to 20 for a moment23:24
eikon81gIDE is preferred for my use but my machine didn't get wonky on install either..23:24
kasait is other linux mint help chats rooms?23:24
boxmeinand then I set a hard user memory limit of 5GB23:24
boxmeinand now chrome is showing out-of-memory errors with any tab when over three tabs are open23:25
boxmeinand terminals won't open, etc23:25
deancandracould i install an ubuntu on flashdrive instead of harddrive? i mean install like ussualy not a live usb23:25
bekksdeancandra: Yes.23:26
aoteaboxmein, no harm in using RAM now is there? Why set the hard limit?23:26
boxmeinaotea: I only have 6GB of RAM23:26
boxmeinaotea: so utilizing 11GB is a bit harmful :D23:27
EriC^^rvgate: pause for a second23:27
rvgateEriC^^, panic mode engaged23:27
EriC^^rvgate: can you boot the ubuntu live usb?23:27
boxmeindeancandra: did that for arch, totally can23:27
deancandrabut i dont see my flashdrive apears on ubuntu install wizard, only detect my HDD23:27
eikon81gEriC^^, takes point23:27
boxmeindeancandra: if you're really into it you can install linux onto the second partition, so windows/other computers can still use the first for mass storage23:27
eikon81gdeancandra, what format is the flashdrive currently?23:28
rvgateEriC^^, yes i can pause... currently in the bios.. mode set to RAID (didnt boot windows).. ubuntu installed, live cd present, and pausing funtil further instructions23:29
EriC^^are you using raid with your disks?23:29
deancandralast i check is fat32, do i need format that flashdrive into specific filesystem?23:29
rvgateEriC^^, no... changed it as it was suggested by eikon81g just to see if it works23:30
EriC^^rvgate: ok, change it back to what it was23:30
EriC^^then boot the live usb and let us know when it boots up23:30
boxmeindeancandra: yep, the flashdrive needs empty space or an ext-something partition afaik23:30
Guy1524hey guys so I have a question about ubuntu touch but the #ubuntu-touch channel is empty so I am asking here.  I have a samsung rugby pro from att and I want to install ubuntu touch.  I have completed all the desktop steps and now I am trying to unlock the phone.  Unfortunately, even when I am able to get into recovery mode my computer does not recognize my device when I use "fastboot devices"  any solutions?23:30
rvgateEriC^^, changing it to AHCI mode and rebooting into live cd23:30
eikon81grvgate, didnt we start in IDE?23:31
EriC^^rvgate: ok23:31
eikon81g(when it wasn't booting?)23:31
rvgateeikon81g, EriC^^, windows only boots in IDE mode23:31
rvgatealso, i feel weird mentioning windows in this chat :P23:32
eikon81gwell it has to do with a dual boot setup which directly pertains to this.. imo23:32
eikon81grvgate, when it is in IDE are you able to do both ubuntu and windows?23:33
rvgateeikon81g, didnt try that one yet23:33
Guy1524how often should I repeat my question when nobody answers23:33
eikon81gthat may be the way to do it stick with EriC^^ on his rundown and I will just watch23:33
eikon81g!rules | Guy152423:33
ubottuGuy1524: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:33
eikon81gsounds like you need the ADB drivers for that device but it is not a topic for this channel23:34
boxmeinhttp://hastebin.com/gaxiquqiye.css D:23:34
rvgateEriC^^, let me test IDE mode for the ubuntu installation first... i want to know23:34
xanguaGuy1524: 220 users there, also ever heard about patience and the answer of "can I install Ubuntu touch on my random Android device" is probably no23:35
deancandraGuy1524 : have u try using adb to flash it?23:35
rvgateeikon81g, EriC^^, IDE mode does not boot ubuntu :P but i think eric already knew this, gives me fsck result and stops23:35
deancandrareally on recover you cant use fastboot23:35
Guy1524deancandra: sorry I do not know what you mean by flashing it23:35
rvgateEriC^^, changing it to AHCI mode now, and booting into live cd... (you sure about the live cd? ubuntu installation works fine in that mode)23:36
Guy1524xangua: most if not all of them are afk, yes I have, I was just wondering how often I should repost, and lastly that is why I asked here, you don't have to be so rude :P23:37
EriC^^rvgate: what was it originally set to? when windows worked?23:37
rvgateEriC^^, windows works on IDE mode, but then i had troubles getting ubuntu live cd booted23:37
xanguaGuy1524: I'm just being realist, maybe if you ask Samsung for divers and they give it to you, you could start the hard work of port it23:39
eikon81ghttp://www.tomshardware.com/forum/271613-32-ahci-transition-question << gives some more registry tweaks for win 7 you say it was a win 10 install?23:39
EriC^^how did you get to the live cd earlier when it didn't find windows?23:39
rvgateEriC^^, that was when i booted the livecd using EUFI, and sata mode on AHCI23:40
Guy1524xangua: ok ):23:40
eikon81grvgate, EriC^^ >> http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/15006-attn-ssd-owners-enabling-ahci-mode-after-windows-10-installation.html23:41
xanguaGuy1524: or even if you manage all that, the answer would probably still be no23:41
eikon81gthat may be the way to do it..23:41
rvgateEriC^^, so... before i unpause... what mode should i be in23:42
EriC^^rvgate: ok boot up the live usb, just so we can have a look at the disks23:42
rvgateEriC^^, eikon81g, just a sidenote... i appreciate the time and efford you guys put into this23:43
eikon81gnp rvgate23:43
eikon81gI am still looking for an alternate solution. I think that the windows install is looking for a drive in IDE mode and to get windows to recognize a drive in AHCI mode you need to boot into safemode for windows to boot with the drive in AHCI so that the drivers and registry changes are made by windows23:45
eikon81gthen once that is done you can set the bios setting to ahci and windows wont bsod23:45
ikoniawhat has that got to do with ubuntu ?23:45
rvgateikonia, dualboot23:46
ikoniabut what has windows requirements got to do with ubuntu23:46
eikon81gwe bsod his windows install when trying to get ubuntu to recognize the the install that was already on the drive23:47
eikon81gikonia, we will move to the side sorry23:47
ikoniathat seems unlikley23:47
ikoniaubuntu will not damage your windows install23:47
eikon81git will if you have to change the SATA mode for it to be recognized23:48
rvgateEriC^^, booted into livecd23:48
EriC^^rvgate: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999923:48
rvgateEriC^^, Use netcat. :P i assume it should return me a link23:50
EriC^^rvgate: type sudo parted -l | nc openterm.tk 923:51
rvgateEriC^^, http://openterm.tk/1dzy/23:51
EriC^^ok, windows is installed in legacy mode23:52
EriC^^so you need to install ubuntu in legacy mode too23:52
EriC^^type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi , does it exist?23:52
rvgateor reinstall windows ?23:52
rvgatedoesnt exist23:53
EriC^^ok, that means you're booted in legacy mode right now23:53
=== step21_ is now known as step21
EriC^^rvgate: i think ubuntu can't see windows cause you have leftover gpt23:53
EriC^^type sudo fixparts /dev/sda23:53
rvgateMBR command ?23:54
EriC^^it didn't mention any stray gpt?23:54
rvgatenope, just version info, loading mbr data from /dev/sda, then asks me for MBR command23:55
EriC^^ok press ctrl+c23:55
EriC^^try launching the installer23:55
EriC^^btw, there seems to be an ext4 and swap already on the disk23:56
EriC^^is ubuntu already installed..?23:56
rvgateEriC^^, note that already installed ubuntu next to windows... i mentioned this earlier23:56
rvgateproblem is that if i put the mode on AHCI, windows doesnt work... and if i put it on IDE, Ubuntu doesnt work23:57
eikon81git's the windows setting..23:57
eikon81gwindows is looking for an IDE device.23:58
eikon81gyou can transition it into AHCI by following the steps in this link23:58
rvgateso either change windows to look for an ahci device, or change ubuntu to look for an ide device23:58
rvgateor start over completely :P reinstalling both windows and ubuntu on the correct mode23:59
EriC^^rvgate: did you install ubuntu with ide mode enabled?23:59

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