OvenWerks | fluidsynth: does this have standard directories it looks in for soundfonts? | 06:03 |
OvenWerks | No. That doesn't make sense. Maybe Qsynth? | 06:07 |
OvenWerks | Nope not that either. | 06:12 |
OvenWerks | Users new to Studio who try to use fluidsynth through qsynth or the calf fluidsynth plugin will have a hard time finding the sf2s | 06:13 |
OvenWerks | Who is going to think to look in /usr/share/sounds/sf2/? | 06:13 |
cfhowlett | OvenWerks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212250/ | 06:15 |
OvenWerks | zequence: I know it is frowned on to put thing into /etc/skel but I think this is one of those places it would make sense. I would like to suggest a link in there called soundfont that points to that directory. | 06:16 |
OvenWerks | cfhowlett: yes I have those two files. | 06:16 |
OvenWerks | They come with Studio, but they are installed in a place that I was able to find... but not a lot of other people | 06:17 |
OvenWerks | The two GUIs open the file dialog in the home directory | 06:17 |
cfhowlett | OvenWerks, sounds like someone goofed | 06:18 |
OvenWerks | cfhowlett: The man pages for these two things do not give any default directory. | 06:21 |
cfhowlett | OvenWerks, yep. contact the maintainer and request a feature? | 06:22 |
cfhowlett | or at least better documentation? | 06:22 |
OvenWerks | cfhowlett: It makes sense to look in the home directory because users can DL sound fonts to use. | 06:22 |
OvenWerks | cfhowlett: It does not make sense for a deb package to install things in the home directory. | 06:23 |
OvenWerks | So it is not really the maintainers mistake. | 06:23 |
OvenWerks | The two things are not compatable. | 06:24 |
OvenWerks | (and it would be two maintainers) | 06:25 |
sakrecoer_ | OvenWerks: fluidsynth seems to open the soundfont filemanager at a location where there are 2 soundfonts. it took me a while to understand it was a soundfont player... | 07:42 |
sakrecoer_ | but once i found the "open patch" button, like i wrote, it defaulted the location to where those 2 are stored.. | 07:43 |
sakrecoer_ | hm... trying to do that quick tutorial for rapid photo downloader and darktable... | 13:27 |
sakrecoer_ | but gtk-recordMyDesktop is making super crappy result.. | 13:27 |
sakrecoer_ | opening menus make the entire screen glitch, 2 cursors on screen: one is locked the other is active but moving super non-fluid... | 13:28 |
flocculant | I gave up trying with that | 13:28 |
sakrecoer_ | i do have a tripod and a camera... | 13:29 |
sakrecoer_ | flocculant: ok, snap it.. | 13:29 |
flocculant | I used kazam | 13:29 |
sakrecoer_ | are there any alternatives? | 13:29 |
flocculant | there used to be something really small and simple a cycle or two back - not current though | 13:30 |
flocculant | yea I used kazam :p | 13:30 |
flocculant | https://launchpad.net/~maarten-baert/+archive/ubuntu/simplescreenrecorder appears to have caught up now :) | 13:31 |
sakrecoer_ | guess that means we should discuss abandoning gtk-record;yDesktop...? | 13:31 |
flocculant | no idea - not anything to do with me :) | 13:32 |
sakrecoer_ | yeah... its not the first time i have this deception with it... | 13:32 |
sakrecoer_ | tryed it arround 13.04 and it was the same catastrof | 13:33 |
flocculant | :) | 13:36 |
sakrecoer_ | is kazam KDE? | 13:39 |
sakrecoer_ | kazam was great for video, but i got no sound, althought the settings seem correct... | 13:44 |
sakrecoer_ | for some reason it is muted, but changing the volume kazam crashes... | 13:47 |
sakrecoer_ | too much frustration in one hour :D i give up for now. read you later! | 13:49 |
sakrecoer_ | (not that you have anything to do with my frustration, i just need to step away from the screen a moment) | 13:50 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: which fluidsynth? | 15:33 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: Is tha qsynth? | 15:34 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: qsynth I am not sure... It seems at some time I had to go looking there too, but it saves the last used directory so I am not sure if I found it before or it has been changed to default there. | 15:37 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: the calf fluidsynth plugin does not save that info at all. | 15:39 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: it defaults to the home directory. | 15:40 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: scratch that, it defaults to the PWD. For Ardour that is home (actually the directory started from), but for qtracktor that is the project directory. | 15:51 |
sakrecoer_ | OvenWerks: sorry, yes, the qSynth | 16:01 |
sakrecoer_ | havn't tested the calf fluidsynth tbh | 16:01 |
sakrecoer_ | qSynth defaults to the right directory | 16:02 |
sakrecoer_ | the others i don't know yet... | 16:02 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: The reason I mention the plugin, is because that is becoming the major use for a lot of people. | 16:02 |
sakrecoer_ | calf rocks! | 16:02 |
sakrecoer_ | well... i love the ones i have used | 16:02 |
OvenWerks | But it looks like different plugin hosts will default to different places. | 16:02 |
sakrecoer_ | monosynth, multiband compressor, reverb... | 16:03 |
sakrecoer_ | OvenWerks: can we influense those default? | 16:03 |
OvenWerks | Not really. | 16:03 |
OvenWerks | Those defaults make sense in each case. | 16:03 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer_: a developer for a plugin host should not have to figure out what PWD to start each plugin at. | 16:05 |
sakrecoer_ | OvenWerks: makes sense. but can we ship our own default somehow? | 16:09 |
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