
phillwtsimonq2: I will keep my mouth zipped over your last wiki edit, but will be taking it up with wxl03:43
phillwJust as I thought you were doing well... :'(03:43
tsimonq2phillw: huh?03:54
tsimonq2phillw: how is that bad?03:55
tsimonq2phillw: is my cutting down on a project terrible terrible news?03:55
phillwtsimonq2: mentor you now are, safely wipe your own nose you cannot.04:22
phillwtsimonq2: your mentor is away, time will tell upon your self declaration.04:27
phillwianorlin: are you  a master?04:30
ianorlinI think I was then sort of kept forgetting to join linux padawan04:33
phillwianorlin: get it done!!! takes 5 minutes and you have padawans for life!!!04:36
wxlphillw: whatcha talking about, willis?04:36
ianorlinI did04:36
ianorlinthe irc channel04:36
phillwomg wxl .. you alive / not being held captive by gun men...?04:37
wxljust been busy with christmas04:37
phillwianorlin: no, http://wiki.linuxpadawan.net/LinuxPadawan04:38
ianorlinI am on there04:38
phillwianorlin: my eyes are tired, which is your wiki name on http://wiki.linuxpadawan.net/EditorGroup ?04:40
ianorlinyou know you could just whois me and see if my name is on the list04:40
ianorlinbut Brendan Perrine04:41
phillwianorlin: your wiki link will suffice. I'm cracking down on these "of course I've got a wiki entry"04:41
* ianorlin reactivates cloaking device04:42
ianorlinI might need to update it some as my dad has needed more help recently04:42
phillwianorlin: I found it, and looking after your dad comes 1st.04:43
phillw(04:36:07) wxl: phillw: whatcha talking about, willis?04:43
phillwso pinged me....04:43
phillwianorlin: seeing the full name, and I do hope you do not take offence, as it has taken a bit of finding.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fall_and_Rise_of_Reginald_Perrin04:46
wxlphillw: i pinged about 19:43 #lubuntu-devel: < phillw:#lubuntu-devel> tsimonq2: I will keep my mouth zipped over your last wiki edit, but will be taking it up with wxl04:47
phillwwxl: you have mail04:47
phillwas a new star wars has evidently been released the saying of 'delusions of grandeur' was too hard to resist, but I could not use it in context... And for an extra 10 points, you can tell me which episode it was spoken in... The 10 points are available for 15 seconds before you all go and google it04:50
ianorlinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anpVOGvsym8 <-- my response to phillw04:51
phillwianorlin: I don't have sound at the moment, but have the link book marked.04:52
phillwwxl: 5 am here, so replies should go the email. Non of the 3 of us have plans to rise before midday.04:55
wxlphillw: working on it04:57
wxlyou've gto email phillw05:01
phillwwxl: as you wish, Sir.15:23
tewardianorlin: ping18:37
ianorlinyes teward?19:15
tewardianorlin: was asking if you've got any light to shed on events last night, cause i don't have longs, but given other channel stuff... :/19:22
tewardalso, i assume the ISOs are still giving the cdrom issue19:23
teward(but that the workaround still works)19:23
teward(as a temporary stopgap for daily iso testers)19:23
* teward shrugs19:24
tewardhopefully they fix, it's a big issue on the Server ISOs too19:24
teward(and actually the ISO question was the big one I wanted to ask)19:24
phillwteward: it's no big deal for some of the lubuntu ISO's to not make a1 :D Much better to catch now than a week before RC :D19:26
ianorlinah not quite sure myself been a bit busy with other things19:26
tewardno problem19:26
phillwwe have a workaround, so that will go in our release notes if it is not solved by NYE :)19:27
ianorlinalthough alternate and server installer might get more testers and users if reporting bugs on it was better documentated19:27
phillwwxl: and gilir will make the final decision if it comes to that stage for a1.19:28
ianorlinhmm what does sorces.list look like for LTS point releases?19:29
phillwianorlin: for such, we reply on a foot note of iso page..... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/Install_Bugs I'm sure any edits to it would be gratefully received.19:29
phillwianorlin: like all the other ones :P19:29
ianorlinubuntu-bug does not work during alternate installer19:30
phillwhere is the one with the extra cd line uncommented ...  http://phillw.net/sources.list19:30
phillwianorlin: no, it was understood that the system would be savvy enough to be able to use apt-get :D19:31
phillwas you can see, with the 1st entry being "seek the CD", apt is powerless to assist19:31
phillwthat a whipper snapper in #ubuntu-bugs pointed to that as a possible issue was quite amazing as all I really had was "It's not working.."19:33
phillwianorlin: and until you said to try server, things would still have been stuck there for a couple of more days. After that, with a rather hung-over teward it was possible to hunt the critter down. As teward says, as it means server iso is useless, I'm hopeful that a fix will be in time for A1 - But it's no big deal if it is a few days late.19:37
ianorlinactually if you are brave enought to test alpha 1 I think you would using a daily image that has a critical bug squashed might be better19:40
phillwianorlin: I'll be switching to 16.04 shortly after New Year's Day as my production environment :) I've had to roll back once before, but as /home is /home partition that is just more of a PITA than anything else.19:43
* tsimonq2 already runs Xenial19:50
phillwI hold off until a1 is out :)19:50
tsimonq2phillw: it's perfectly stable, except for when I had to compile a newer version of apt from source because it broke :)19:52
phillwit should be, but old habits die hard. And I move production machine to releases+1 once A1 is passed as fit for purpose.19:54
tewardtsimonq2: i prefer to wait for actual release ;)19:55
tewardusually by Alpha the hugest issues are resolved19:55
tewardin most releases19:55
tewardbut I wait to actual release19:55
tewardbecause hardware compat19:55
tsimonq2ohh gotcha19:55
tewardor other idioty issues19:55
tsimonq2but it is fun to see what is next19:56
phillwteward: +1, I'd never take a server to a1... in fact release +.1 is usually a good time :)19:56
tsimonq2like Rafael's awesome new wallpapersd19:56
tewardtsimonq2: indeed, I actually have a VM for Xenial SErver19:57
tewardif only because i do server stuff ;)19:57
tewardbut I don't mind helping out the LUbuntu team every once in a while :)19:57
ianorlinbut not production19:58
tewardNOT production19:58
tsimonq2teward: you involved with Debian at all?19:58
tewardtsimonq2: not directly, though i occasionally provide contributions to nginx there19:58
ianorlinalthough if you don't run virtual machines from development release is the hypervisor really tested?19:58
ianorlinso I end up running development release inside the development release19:59
tewardianorlin: VMware on 14.0419:59
tewardVMware WOrkstation19:59
tewardand VMware ESXi 619:59
tewardso meh19:59
tewardworks fine :)19:59
tewardI run a test site on Xenial on one VM19:59
tewardbut I have a package-testing and a QA testing VM specifically elsewhere19:59
ianorlinI don't think debian changes much in kvm though20:00
tewardno, but this is what I have around :Pp20:00
ianorlinalthough if you don't run virtual machines from development release is the hypervisor really tested?11:57:49        teward | if only because i do server stuff ;)                                                                           │20:01
ianorlinI even want as much emulated hardawre tested as possible20:01
tewardianorlin: right, but it depends on the VM20:02
tewardi have a specific VM I use in an actual 'production backup' way20:02
tewardon Xenial20:02
tewardbut it still gets tested and used once a week with full traffic load20:02
tewardbecause other updates20:03
tewardthe other VMs are for the installation tests20:03
teward(test cases)20:03
tewardor to make sure Xenial-built nginx merges work as advertised20:03

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