Girish | I was thinking on completing a couple of mir tasks. | 05:52 |
MatthewAllen | Flocculant, I'm completing "Execute the manual tests for Ubuntu default desktop applications" while I'm waiting for another task to be checked by a menotr, however I can't complete the tests of Gwibber because it's not installed by default and I can't find it through apt-get. After googling I found some reference to it being removed from Ubuntu? Is the test case outdated? | 06:19 |
MatthewAllen | ilestones/350/builds/105266/testcases/1507/results | 06:19 |
MatthewAllen | | 06:19 |
subins2000 | darkxst: I have a doubt about this task : | 06:52 |
flocculant | MatthewAllen: nice find - if you've done what you're going to do - submit task, make note about gwibber and we can get it removed | 07:20 |
darkxst | subins2000, no you can't use the same work for another task | 07:22 |
subins2000 | darkxst: Can I use other images licensed under Creative Commons ? | 07:22 |
subins2000 | darkxst: Images in the public domain : Wikipedia, others etc... licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 | 07:23 |
darkxst | subins2000, yes can use them as a base for your work | 07:24 |
subins2000 | Okay | 07:24 |
subins2000 | darkxst: Thanks | 07:25 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, will do as soon as I finish my current task - waiting for it to be approved | 07:33 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, with the task "Confirm bugs in Parole", if the bug does not exist upstream am I meant to report it to the Upstream Bug Tracker? | 09:07 |
flocculant | MatthewAllen: if you can confirm the bug and it's not upstream yet - yes :) | 09:09 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, ok awesome, doing it as we speak | 09:09 |
flocculant | MatthewAllen: once you've done that you can also link LP to the upstream one | 09:09 |
MatthewAllen | that's what I was just about to ask | 09:09 |
MatthewAllen | thanks! | 09:09 |
flocculant | also affects project -> you have the upstream url | 09:10 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, I'm waiting for tsimonq2 to accept my task but I've just finished the "Confirm bugs in Parole" task, Is there anyway I can submit this one? Because I can't abandon it as my current task is on "Submitted for review" | 09:13 |
flocculant | what's the current one link? | 09:16 |
MatthewAllen | | 09:16 |
flocculant | approved it | 09:17 |
flocculant | so submit the other one now and I'll check it out | 09:18 |
MatthewAllen | mmk, submitted | 09:18 |
flocculant | MatthewAllen: thanks :) | 09:19 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, you too :) | 09:20 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, last one I've got for today :) | 09:22 |
flocculant | :) | 09:22 |
MatthewAllen | I've done something like 6 tasks today :) think I'm done for the day though | 09:23 |
flocculant | nice | 09:23 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, with the "Confirm bugs in MenuLibre" task, would I be able to report and document a new bug? instead of confirming an existing one, providing I do a proper bug report and link upstream? | 12:36 |
knome | MatthewAllen, i would say that would be fair as well | 12:36 |
flocculant | so would I :) | 12:52 |
MatthewAllen | just submitted it. | 12:53 |
flocculant | MatthewAllen: is that bug marked private? | 12:54 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, I didn't know that was a thing :/ - checking now | 12:54 |
flocculant | never mind - found it | 12:55 |
flocculant | nice - confirmed that | 12:56 |
MatthewAllen | flocculant, are there going to be any more "Confirm bugs in x" tasks? | 13:23 |
flocculant | no - just the ones we have (xubuntu at least) | 13:27 |
knome | MatthewAllen, feel free to join #xubuntu-devel though if you are interested in working with bugs (outside GCI though) ;) | 14:00 |
MatthewAllen | knome, will probally do that after GCI finishes, wanna spend my free time atm on GCI to have the best chance of winning :) | 14:01 |
knome | MatthewAllen, i understand - and thanks for the interest and welcome! :) | 14:02 |
tsimonq2 | MatthewAllen: hm? | 15:52 |
MatthewAllen | tsimonq2, ? | 15:53 |
tsimonq2 | MatthewAllen: 03:13:44 AM < MatthewAllen> flocculant, I'm waiting for tsimonq2 to accept my task but I've just finished the "Confirm bugs in Parole" task, Is there anyway I can submit this one? Because I can't abandon it as my current task is on "Submitted for review" | 15:53 |
MatthewAllen | tsimonq2, I was wanting to submit 3 other tasks I had submitted that we're mentored by Flocculant before I went to bed and you weren't on from what I could tell, If there's an issue with the one he approved, tell me and I can go revisit it | 15:55 |
tsimonq2 | MatthewAllen: well it was 3 in the morning :P | 15:55 |
MatthewAllen | tsimonq2, hahaha - I wasn't blaming you, that's why I checked with him because I guessed you were asleep | 15:56 |
MatthewAllen | tsimonq2, wanted to get some stuff approved before Flocculant hopped off for the night | 15:56 |
tsimonq2 | MatthewAllen: ok :) | 15:57 |
DiegoTc | jose, could you please help me publishing this task: | 16:21 |
Girish | Hey, how do I build Mesa? I've cloned the github repo. What do I do next? | 17:23 |
Girish | The manual says "Compile as per normal instructions and pass –enable-xmir to the configure options." | 17:24 |
Girish | The manual here: | 17:24 |
yana | help | 21:03 |
tsimonq2 | yana: yes? | 21:05 |
yana | im having trouble with understanding a task | 21:08 |
yana | Most orgs have very strict guidelines for coding styles. For this task, you are expected to observe these and adhere to them for making non-functional changes and restructure the code so as to improve the readability. | 21:08 |
yana | this is how the task sounds like. now : i can't find any link to give me a clue on this. i have to write a clean code ? or shall i clean a code to make it readable ? i really don't get it. | 21:09 |
tsimonq2 | yana: can you please link to the task? | 21:11 |
yana | sure. | 21:12 |
yana | tsimonq2: any clue ? | 21:27 |
yana | help | 21:31 |
tsimonq2 | nope, sorry | 21:34 |
knome | it's really abstract in nature | 21:34 |
flocculant | that'll be 3 of us thinking that then | 21:34 |
knome | that should likely be dropped... | 21:34 |
tsimonq2 | popey: what do you think about this task? | 21:40 |
knome | at minimum, i think there should be some examples | 21:41 |
tsimonq2 | three of us are thinking it is a...peculiar task, I would just like a 4th opinion from an op | 21:41 |
tsimonq2 | or admin rather | 21:41 |
tsimonq2 | you got what I meant :D | 21:41 |
popey | honestly, vague | 21:41 |
popey | who created that? | 21:41 |
knome | and then, i don't think it makes sense to ask people to change anything, because i can't see big code refactor patches from new contributors to be applied | 21:42 |
knome | Vatika Harlalka is the first mentor, so i guess them | 21:42 |
popey | who is Vatika Harlalka? | 21:42 |
* knome shrugs | 21:42 | |
popey | i have unassigned the student and left a comment | 21:44 |
knome | i believe the student is yana | 21:45 |
popey | it's not a good quality task to be working on IMO. | 21:45 |
knome | agreed | 21:45 |
tsimonq2 | I agree | 21:45 |
popey | I would recommend yana finds a different task. | 21:45 |
popey | I don't see how to unpublish the task | 21:45 |
knome | hmm | 21:46 |
popey | thanks for the ping tsimonq2 | 21:46 |
tsimonq2 | popey: np :) | 21:53 |
puskin | Can someone look over this task. I'm missing the part where the code is . | 22:02 |
knome | huh, seems like a very similar one.. | 22:04 |
flocculant | nothing to do with us though - not an ubuntu task | 22:09 |
knome | yup | 22:10 |
knome | wondering if either of these goot inspiration from the other | 22:11 |
knome | both just as vague :P | 22:11 |
flocculant | yup | 22:11 |
danthepan42 | Hi, I am having trouble with Google Hangouts on my Ubuntu 12.10 machine, can someone help me? I just found the laptop today and it seems to work fine, but Hangouts doesn't seem to run on Firefox. It keeps telling me to install something. Would that be my problem? | 22:37 |
knome | for starters, 12.10 is EOL | 22:37 |
danthepan42 | oh really? | 22:37 |
danthepan42 | how do I update it then? | 22:38 |
knome | if you can, i would just do a clean install of 14.04 | 22:38 |
knome | the upgrade path from 12.10 to 14.04 (the next supported release) is a long one | 22:38 |
danthepan42 | oh ok | 22:38 |
knome | it's very possible that simply doing that will fix your problems | 22:39 |
knome | if not, then you at least have a supported and relatively recent release :) | 22:39 |
danthepan42 | can I still use the MATE desktop that I installed? | 22:40 |
danthepan42 | or has MATE been discontinued? | 22:40 |
knome | you can install ubuntu mate directly: | 22:40 |
knome | actually i'm not sure if that page is supposed to work... | 22:41 |
tsimonq2 | popey: ^^^ | 22:41 |
danthepan42 | because I really like MATE | 22:43 |
danthepan42 | hmm...was this the right place to get support with Google products on Ubuntu? | 22:44 |
knome | nope. | 22:44 |
knome | but you just got some ;)= | 22:44 |
knome | and some ubuntu support too... | 22:44 |
danthepan42 | oh ok, is #ubuntu a better place to go, or is that just development? | 22:45 |
knome | #ubuntu is a good place, but they will most likely tell that 12.10 is EOL too | 22:45 |
knome | #ubuntu-mate if you decide to install that | 22:45 |
danthepan42 | oh there a MATE flavor? | 22:45 |
knome | yep, and it's official since some time now too | 22:46 |
danthepan42 | oh cool | 22:46 |
danthepan42 | well I will go there after I figure out how to connect it to the Internet again | 22:47 |
danthepan42 | thanks! | 22:47 |
knome | np, enjoy | 22:47 |
tsimonq2 | did...that...just...happen? | 22:48 |
tsimonq2 | omg lol | 22:48 |
* knome shrugs | 22:48 | |
knome | people join weird channels every day | 22:48 |
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