
ubottuEriC^^ called the ops in #ubuntu (rever spamming in pm)00:02
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Opcode90I believe I found myself banned from Ubuntu-Offtopic11:39
Opcode90let me double check11:39
ikoniaany idea why ?11:39
Opcode90yes it says address is banned11:40
ikoniaany idea why ?11:40
Opcode90not sure i do use kire net11:40
Opcode90but i think my particular address should be separate from others11:41
ikonialet me have a look11:41
ikoniaOpcode90: ok - you got banned as it appears you joined ubuntu-offtopic on december the 10th and ended up being pretty rude to people11:42
ikoniafor example11:42
ikonia<Opcode90> Chu go suck Seenodes, dick while phunyguy goes down on Glorfindel, genii11:42
Opcode90yeah that must have been the room, yup11:42
ikoniamust have beenthe room ?11:43
Opcode90sorry i have a tolerance level to11:43
Opcode90was my first visit i think11:43
ikoniawhat do you mean ?11:43
Opcode90well when people get smart, i was only smart at the end11:44
ikoniait would appear not11:44
ikoniaaccording to the log you where warned earlier to read the guidelines11:44
ikoniaand then given them spefcially11:44
Opcode90so may I ask11:44
Opcode90is it permanent.11:45
ikoniano no , of course not11:45
ikoniahave a read of these (and this time actually read them please )11:45
ikonia!guidelines | Opcode9011:45
ubottuOpcode90: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:45
Opcode90maybe you could sum it up for me11:45
Opcode9090 days?11:45
ikoniano no11:45
ikoniaread the guidelines on how to use the channel11:46
ikoniaif you're confident you've understood them, and think you can follow them, I'll remove the ban for you11:46
Opcode90as you wish11:46
ikoniabut make sure you've actually read them and understood them11:46
ikoniaany questions just ask11:46
ikoniaonce you're happy with that, I'll remove the ban for you11:46
Opcode90ill read them now11:46
Opcode90I think I may have abused some bots11:51
ikoniadoesn't look like it very much11:51
ikoniapersonal tip if you want to use #ubuntu-offtopic11:51
Opcode90THen maybe just some condescending people, with the label admin11:52
ikoniadon't try so hard to be "cool linux guy" just join in conversations and try to participate, rather than just monologue your tales11:52
ikoniaok - you're not getting it11:52
ikoniano-one was condesecnding to you - they just didn't care of have interest in what you whre saying11:52
ikoniait's an offtopic and you appeared to be trying super hard to show how much "mr linux" you are11:52
ikoniait's that simple,11:53
Opcode90Hum, so if you can't be off topic in and off topic room11:53
Opcode90or talk generaly about pc's11:53
ikoniayou can be offtopic, thats what it's there for11:53
Opcode90is there some special place.11:53
ikoniaand of course you can talk about whatever you want within the guidelines you've hopefully read11:53
ikoniado you think you're comfortable with the guidelines in #ubuntu-offtopic now ?11:54
Opcode90I assure you I am not Mr Linux, I may have mentioned trying different services like AWS Amazon and Digital ocean.11:54
Opcode90I think I'm as comfortable as I will ever get at this momment.11:55
ikoniado you want me to remove the ban and you can give it a try ?11:55
Opcode90That is what I came her for, yes please.11:56
ikoniaone moment then please11:56
Opcode90I have a deep appreciation for ubuntu, server in particular.11:56
ikoniawhat does that matter ?11:56
ikoniayou've not grasped the guidelines, eg: not typing in caps11:57
Opcode90It would only matter if you were amoung like thinkers.11:57
ikoniawhat ??11:57
Opcode90thats an accident i rarely use the notebook11:57
Opcode90the keys are different.11:58
Opcode90I immediatly took them off.11:58
ikoniaat least be honest11:58
Opcode90That is the one thing you can always count on me.11:58
ikonialook I've removed the ban for you - please pay attention to the guidelines you've just read, anything you're unsure about, just ask11:58
Opcode90I never lie.11:58
ikoniayour credibility is falling, prove me wrong by using #ubuntu-offtopic well11:59
Opcode90I wash punished serverly as a child for lying, its very difficult for me to lie.11:59
ikoniaok, so I think you're sorted here,11:59
ikoniaif you /part this channel and join #ubuntu-offtopic you should be good to goo11:59
Opcode90ty Ikonia, i have real work to do now, but soon perhaps, maybe tommorrow12:00
Opcode90i run a dog grooming business and boarding12:00
Opcode90i have animals to care for12:01
ikonia"ok" ?12:01
ikoniaoff you go then12:01
Opcode90and about 5 customers to meet in 2 hours12:01
Opcode90when i said i was punishes severly for lying it was my first and last time12:02
ikoniaI don't care12:02
Opcode90there was no continuation12:02
ikoniaplease /part this channel, and you're free to use #ubuntu-offtopic when ever you want12:03
Opcode90i will now part, you wont miss me even a little?12:03
Opcode90your problem child.12:03
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops opcode90 removed ban - for some reason continued to push issue, last comment was enough, put ban back, he can use another channel12:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:04
ikonianotified him by pm12:06
ZarroBoogsFYI: http://status.linode.com/incidents/0x3l5z42qhqs13:48
ZarroBoogsas soon as I can get back on my linodes, I'll make sure that ubottu & friends are back up.13:48
=== ZarroBoogs is now known as PiciToo
MikeRLJust got a spam flood from some user called nev_er.16:17
MikeRLTrying to convert me to a religion.16:17
MikeRLEither they contacted the wrong person, or they are a bot.16:18
MikeRLI dunno, but I logged in to get a flood of PMs.16:18
ikoniagot it16:22
MikeRLIs this guy messaging the wrong person, or a bot?16:23
ikoniait's just a bot, it's been doing it for different16:23
ikoniadifferent nicks16:23
ikoniadon't worry about it,16:23
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
ancaemanuelthe user beyond_help is spamming #ubuntu-devel channel with repeated messages19:52
ubottutsimonq2 called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()20:27

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