=== Exagone314 is now known as Exagone313 | ||
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=== dasjoe_ is now known as dasjoe | ||
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nk1 | does anyone know a way to push irc messages to terminal | 04:49 |
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=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect | ||
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off | ||
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect | ||
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off | ||
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect | ||
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=== Guest78704 is now known as mfisch | ||
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=== Guest6520 is now known as mfisch | ||
grendal_prime | openfire | 17:54 |
ikonia | ? | 17:54 |
=== lunaaabot is now known as bittin | ||
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
littlebit | hi poeple, i have setup and configured dnsmasq successfully with a range of x.x.x.100 - x.x.x.200 . usually when someone requests for an ip address it should be x.x.x.100 and so on, in my case I got x.x.x.179 how come? | 19:58 |
bekks | littlebit: .179 is in the range of .100-.200 | 20:23 |
littlebit | bekks: i know, but y not start 100? | 20:24 |
bekks | littlebit: No. Why should it? | 20:25 |
littlebit | bekks: out of curiosity | 20:25 |
bekks | littlebit: Actually no. The according RFC do not define the order of address to be given to clients. | 20:26 |
littlebit | bekks: ok, thx | 20:27 |
CiPi | ☁☢☁☰☰☰☰☰✈ | 20:46 |
devster31 | so, I know sudo replaces path usually, but this puzzles me, I have the same output of echo $PATH and sudo -u git echo $PATH, and I even tried with -E flag, that should preserve environment, and it still can't find an executable that clearly is in the path | 21:56 |
[Mew2] | hello | 22:10 |
[Mew2] | anyone here? | 22:10 |
ikonia | yes | 22:11 |
ikonia | quite a lot of people | 22:11 |
[Mew2] | hey | 22:11 |
[Mew2] | so i am concerned | 22:11 |
[Mew2] | about a server owner of a ubuntu server vps | 22:12 |
[Mew2] | i hear that nothign can be done | 22:12 |
[Mew2] | because the ram is exploitable? | 22:12 |
ikonia | what ? | 22:12 |
[Mew2] | ok let me restart | 22:12 |
ikonia | what are you talking about | 22:12 |
[Mew2] | say i have a ubuntu-server | 22:12 |
ikonia | ok | 22:12 |
ikonia | do you hava an ubuntu server ? | 22:12 |
[Mew2] | and i want to be 100% secure against the person who hosts that server | 22:12 |
[Mew2] | this is not possible? | 22:12 |
ikonia | within reason | 22:13 |
[Mew2] | like if i run a vpn thru it | 22:13 |
ikonia | depends on a lot of things | 22:13 |
[Mew2] | theres some important info in that traffic going | 22:13 |
[Mew2] | and i dont want to be exposed to the server host | 22:13 |
ikonia | it's not that simple a question | 22:13 |
ikonia | but vpn traffic is encypted | 22:13 |
[Mew2] | someone was telling me that the ram buffer is exploitable? | 22:14 |
ikonia | and based on the fact that I see you asking in openvpn channels about this sort of thing - you know it's encrypted | 22:14 |
[Mew2] | dont even know what that means tho | 22:14 |
ikonia | then forget about it | 22:14 |
[Mew2] | say the server admin wanted to sniff out my data | 22:14 |
[Mew2] | they could do it? | 22:14 |
ikonia | lets not say that | 22:15 |
[Mew2] | why? | 22:15 |
ikonia | as I've said 3 times it depends on quite a few things | 22:15 |
ikonia | you seem to want a yes/no answer to something that is quite a complex set of options | 22:15 |
[Mew2] | well ok | 22:15 |
[Mew2] | lets say i start up a fresh ubuntu server and configure openvpn on it | 22:15 |
[Mew2] | what can i do to protect my self from server admin | 22:16 |
ikonia | as I've now said 4 times - it depends on a lot of things | 22:16 |
ikonia | and vpn traffic is encypted, as you've been told at least 8 teims | 22:16 |
ikonia | times | 22:16 |
[Mew2] | ill gladly take ANY suggestions | 22:16 |
ikonia | use the vpn and don't worry about it | 22:16 |
ikonia | there is your suggestion | 22:16 |
[Mew2] | i dont want to get compromised | 22:17 |
ikonia | then use the vpn and don't worry about it | 22:17 |
[Mew2] | how about things like encrypting the vps hard drive? | 22:17 |
ikonia | what will that do ? | 22:17 |
[Mew2] | i dont know, encryption must exist for a reason? | 22:17 |
ikonia | I'll say again "your vpn taffic is encypted" | 22:17 |
[Mew2] | from me to vpn server is encrypted, from vpn server to destination is not | 22:18 |
[Mew2] | right? | 22:18 |
ikonia | your vpn communication is encypted | 22:18 |
ikonia | what happens after that depends on your server setup | 22:18 |
[Mew2] | right so this means that the outgoign traffic is available as plain text to the server admin | 22:19 |
[Mew2] | which is the reason im hee | 22:19 |
ikonia | no | 22:19 |
ikonia | "it will depend on your server config" | 22:19 |
[Mew2] | explain please? | 22:19 |
[Mew2] | i am new at this | 22:19 |
ikonia | "what happens after you VPN exit point will depend on how your server is configured" | 22:19 |
[Mew2] | thats a vague statement | 22:20 |
[Mew2] | i didnt know that there was different configs available | 22:20 |
[Mew2] | ok | 22:20 |
[Mew2] | nevermind | 22:20 |
[Mew2] | i dont think we are going anywhere wiht this | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | lets just forget about it | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | i have a more important question | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | i have a current ubuntu server | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | and i am going to cancel it and get a different one | 22:21 |
ikonia | ok | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | is there ane asy way to transfer the thing over? | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | easy* | 22:21 |
ikonia | "the thing" ?? | 22:21 |
ikonia | what is "the thing" | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | the entire thing | 22:21 |
[Mew2] | the ubu server | 22:21 |
ikonia | no | 22:22 |
[Mew2] | ? | 22:22 |
ikonia | "no" | 22:22 |
[Mew2] | lol | 22:22 |
[Mew2] | there must be | 22:22 |
[Mew2] | i have only one app running on it | 22:22 |
ikonia | no there mustent | 22:22 |
[Mew2] | and some crontab entries | 22:22 |
ikonia | you ask a question, I tell hyou the answer you deny it | 22:23 |
[Mew2] | ok so tell me | 22:23 |
[Mew2] | how should i go about this | 22:23 |
ikonia | if you are sure I'm wrong - do it, rather than asking if its possible | 22:23 |
[Mew2] | start from scratch on the new server? | 22:23 |
ikonia | why do you want to change the server ? | 22:23 |
[Mew2] | better deal on new server | 22:23 |
ikonia | backup the data you want, and copy it to your new host, | 22:23 |
[Mew2] | can i backup everything? | 22:24 |
ikonia | no | 22:24 |
ikonia | as I said earlier | 22:24 |
ikonia | and you ignored and asked again | 22:24 |
[Mew2] | ok | 22:24 |
[Mew2] | what can i backup | 22:24 |
ikonia | your data | 22:24 |
ikonia | and possible some configs depending on the target server | 22:24 |
[Mew2] | is crontab entry count as data? | 22:24 |
ikonia | you can back up a corontab | 22:25 |
ikonia | but as it's just a few lines of text, why bother | 22:25 |
ikonia | it's hardly a problem | 22:25 |
[Mew2] | well i mean if i do this then what if some problems arise, maybe its easier to just start from scratch again | 22:25 |
ikonia | do what works best for you | 22:25 |
[Mew2] | i dont even know what will work best | 22:26 |
[Mew2] | as i said i am veyr new to this | 22:26 |
ikonia | so backup the user data you want, get a new server, and put the data back | 22:26 |
[Mew2] | by doing this i dont know what things wont backup tho | 22:26 |
ikonia | what does your server do ? | 22:26 |
[Mew2] | it runs a bnc | 22:26 |
ikonia | so you could backup the bnc config | 22:27 |
ikonia | install bnc on the new server and use the old config if the version is the same | 22:27 |
[Mew2] | what about the irc logs, user config, cron tab entry, maybe some other things im forgetting | 22:27 |
ikonia | backup any of that you want | 22:28 |
[Mew2] | i dont even know where its located | 22:28 |
[Mew2] | i think i will just start over | 22:28 |
[Mew2] | but like | 22:28 |
[Mew2] | making an image | 22:28 |
[Mew2] | ot an iso or something | 22:28 |
[Mew2] | i cant do that? | 22:28 |
ikonia | no | 22:29 |
ikonia | for the 4th time | 22:29 |
[Mew2] | hmm ok | 22:29 |
[Mew2] | i guess i expected it to be easier | 22:30 |
[Mew2] | now i know | 22:30 |
[Mew2] | thanks ikonia | 22:30 |
[Mew2] | i appriciate it | 22:30 |
[Mew2] | <333 | 22:30 |
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