
rvgateEriC^^, no... because on IDE mode, it didnt boot the live cd... it only worked when i changed mode to ahci00:00
EriC^^rvgate: ok, i guess you could try the instructions in the link eikon81g gave you00:00
EriC^^!ops | rever spamming in pm00:02
ubotturever spamming in pm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:02
eikon81gEriC^^, you are a beast, I learned alot from that rundown you did. Good stuff man00:02
aoteaSo, having survived with no crash for just about two hours now on Nouveau I guess I can conclude my Nvidia drivers had issues on my machine jumping off the bus all the time :P Anyone else gotten xorg restarts at random intervals, Ubuntu 15.10 Nvidia 340 & 352 drivers?00:03
eikon81gikonia, sorry we got a little out of the topic but it was strictly related to a dualboot issue.00:06
ikoniano big deal00:06
ikoniadon't sweat it00:06
OneM_IndustriesHey, can anyone recommend a good getting started with Linux guide?00:06
EriC^^!manual | OneM_Industries this is nice00:07
ubottuOneM_Industries this is nice: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:07
ikoniaOneM_Industries: https://help.ubuntu.com00:07
Bashing-omOneM_Industries: Also : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .00:08
OneM_IndustriesThank you!00:09
rvgateeikon81g, EriC^^, followed these instructions provided by eikon81g: http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/15006-attn-ssd-owners-enabling-ahci-mode-after-windows-10-installation.html, now on AHCI mode, windows booted, ubuntu booted... thanks a lot guys (or girls) :D00:09
rvgate!cookie | eikon81g00:10
ubottueikon81g: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:10
rvgate!cookie | EriC^^00:10
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:10
iluminatiwhen i am trying to pair devices with bluetooth it connect and disconnect any idea i tried with many bluetooth adapters and is the same00:10
EriC^^ty, good job eikon81g00:10
eikon81glol, yall have a great night. learned alot, thank you both as well. i'll pop in later!! Thanks EriC^^00:10
EriC^^you too00:11
iluminatiwhen i am trying to pair devices with bluetooth it connect and disconnect any idea i tried with many bluetooth adapters and is the same00:12
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions00:12
eikon81giluminati, get the pulseaudio bluetooth module00:13
basttraxHey all00:15
eikon81giluminati, apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth < i think00:18
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iluminatieikon81g, keep the same connect and disconnect00:19
eikon81giluminati, sudo service bluetooth restart00:21
eikon81gI had a similar issue and ran it down for a few days I believe this is what ended up resolving it..00:22
eikon81g(installing the pulseaudio bluetooth module)00:22
basttraxAnyone floating around?00:23
Bashing-ombasttrax: I be, What is the issue ?00:23
econdudeawesomeHowdy! Is there a way to see what frequencies my wifi dongle can connect to? I have a dual-band wifi set up, and a tablet can connect to 5GHrz, but I'm having a hard time getting my computer to connect00:24
basttraxBashing-om: Wanted to set up a Ubuntu server, was wondering if anyone had any experience, or recommendations on what vendors has the best Ubuntu (or Linux in general)00:24
basttraxIe, Lenovo or HP or Dell etc.00:25
ikoniawhat vendors ?00:25
ikoniaubuntu is the vendor00:25
MonkeyDustecondudeawesome  in a terminal, type   iwlist00:25
ikoniabasttrax: they are just hardwware providers00:25
basttraxikonia: hardware providers,00:25
ikoniawhat about them ?00:25
ikoniasorry - I'm not getting what you're asking00:25
econdudeawesomeMonkeyDust: Very nice! All in the 2.4 range unfortunately. Any way to modify that, or is them the bricks?00:26
eikon81gecondudeawesome, if the card you are using now is not an AC card then you wont beable to see the 5ghz SSID00:26
WelingtonAlgum brasileiro?00:26
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:26
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: How do I check that? (What is an AC card?)00:26
kc8pndWhat are some mp3/media players out there?00:27
MonkeyDust!player | kc8pnd00:27
ubottukc8pnd: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:27
eikon81gwell you pobably have a wireless g or wireless N card so this card is not capable or using that frequency.. google the model number of that card and you will probably find that it is not going to work on the 5ghz frequency00:27
iluminatieikon81g, keep the same connect and disconnect00:28
eikon81giluminati, https://wiki.debian.org/BluetoothUser/a2dp00:29
eikon81gthere are some other applications that you could install to see if your bluetooth adapter is more friendly with them00:30
iluminatieikon81g, tnx i will try00:30
eikon81gecondudeawesome, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11ac00:30
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: ah, got it. Huh, didn't realize that was a limitation for n.00:30
eikon81gyea, that band is specific to AC cards00:30
* ObrienDave waves to all from out of the marshes of Denver ;P00:30
someuserHello everyone! Just wanted to ask if I'm searching for the wrong terms with this problem: I've got an T430s; the volume up/down/mute keys as well as the print key do not work; however when in Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts I can assign them and they are assigned correctly; When I use acpi_listen I also see the correct keycodes and the translation to the meaning; when I assign other combinations to the shortcut it works (like ctrl+a00:31
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someuserI couldn't find a topic in the forum that matches my problem. Do you know it?00:31
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: ac is the next iteration post n?00:31
econdudeawesome(havent checked link yet)00:31
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: got it00:33
eikon81gsomeuser, that would be related to the thinkvantage keys they may need something for you to use them.. you could try to bind the vol up and vol dn to diff keys on your kb if you cant get those working00:33
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: would you have any recommendations on utilities/resources to monitor traffic/personal cyber security? Still learning about a lot of this stuff.00:34
someuseryeah that's what I did with volume up/down/mute, but now I discovered that it's the same with the PRINT key and that is really annoying00:34
eikon81ghonestly not really, I am a newb.. If you were worried about it I would consider a vpn.. I use one for filesharing00:35
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: I'm more wanting to make sure I'm not contributing to a botnet accidentally :D Keep everything updated, of course, but still I feel like its a good thing to monitor00:36
eikon81gyea, that is a good question I am just not able to answer it00:36
tewardwhat replaced gksudo, was it pkexec or something...?00:37
EriC^^econdudeawesome: change the port that ssh uses, don't permit root access, use a strong password or pubkey authentication, etc.00:37
teward(i mean as a default/standard)00:37
teward(in the latest release)00:37
econdudeawesomeEriC^^: good advice, all. If I'm not running an ssh-server, is that still a concern?00:37
someusereikon81g, do you have an idea for good searching terms? the strange thing is that the keys show up correctly in the shortcut configuration, when I assign them but do not work afterwards..00:37
EriC^^econdudeawesome: how do you login to your server?00:37
EriC^^maybe use 2FA00:37
willI need to recover some files from an inaccesable ubuntu 14.04 installation00:38
Bashing-omteward: Correct - pkexec .00:38
tewardBashing-om: thanks, I wasn't sure if it was pkexec or pk-exec, or what :)00:38
tewardBashing-om: thanks for the confirm.00:38
EriC^^will: boot a live usb00:38
econdudeawesomeEriC^^: I dont log in to a server, just checking home network stuff00:38
econdudeawesomeor is OpenSSH both server and client?00:38
eikon81glike a traffic monitor is what you are looking for I think00:39
econdudeawesomeeikon81g: bingo00:39
eikon81gI'm not sure which one is good or how to use any of them I am sure they are out there though.. the pros may have a lead for you00:39
Bashing-omteward: One has to configure an application to authorize elevated privileges : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2303768 <- how to / why .00:40
tewardBashing-om: ahhh, so it doesn't work with everything00:40
tewardBashing-om: but most of the things that typically would need 'sudo' privileges, would probably have a repository, for the most common things in the repo?00:41
Bashing-omteward: Nope, the administrator has to set up access .00:41
teward(with policies being capable of being written for others, by sysadmins)00:41
tewardokay, that's annoying...ish...00:41
willI did the live cd. (it was an encrypted disk and asked for the passphrase. This worked and the bad disk was visible. when i opend it and found the needed directory i did not have permission to use it. I assume i needed to supply my old user password. I don tkow how to do this00:41
EriC^^will: just use sudo on the live usb to copy them00:42
Bashing-omteward: Security, security and more security :)00:42
tewardmakes sense00:42
willcan you give details of that for a noob?00:42
EriC^^sudo cp -r /mnt/path/to/files /path/to/destination00:43
tewardBashing-om: so if someone had to run gedit or such as superuser, and typically would gksudo, would there be a policy in polkit, or would an administrator need to configure a policy for it?  (trying to gauge the defaults currently)00:43
EriC^^will: you can launch the file manager with privileges too, sudo nautilus from the live usb, ( gksu nautilus in an actual install )00:44
willok but Im not sure of the path to files (or the path to destination)00:44
Bashing-omteward: As I understand it, it is one time pain to set it up ; http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/how-to-run-gedit-and-nautilus-as-root.html .00:44
EriC^^will: use sudo nautilus , then copy and paste as usual00:45
Bashing-omteward: " /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.gedit.policy " as per : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2225832 .00:46
willI did a new actual install. when i get to the old encrpted i see it with a lock but when i supply the passphrase the icon dissapearrs and i don know how to find the files00:46
tewardBashing-om: OK, i'll look there, thanks for the tips and starting point to look at :)00:46
willer ic wher do i invoke sudo nautilus ( from the live cd or the new ubuntu install)00:47
Bashing-omteward: Hey .. I too will have to learn .. maybe a day when gksu is no more . I do want to be prepared .00:47
EriC^^will: use gksu nautilus00:48
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willEric do I do that from xterm on the live cd?00:49
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EriC^^will: are you in the ubuntu install right now?00:49
EriC^^ok, so you had an encrypted install before? or an encrypted home dir?00:50
willencrypred install00:50
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l | nc openterm.tk 900:51
Guest96372What is going wrong, if my PRINT key only works in combination with the super (w!ndows) key (I'm on a laptop)?00:51
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willok do i do that in the xterm window? // sorry to be a windows idiot00:52
tewardBashing-om: feel free to share things you learn as you learn :)00:52
EriC^^yes, press ctrl+alt+t to open a terminal00:52
Bashing-omteward: Ouch ... I look to you and others to show me the way .00:53
willEric  ok I got a bunch of stuff ending with a line saying error unrecogniized disk label00:55
willsudo parted -l | nc openterm.tk 900:56
willDo you think I should attempt the nautils thing from a live cd?00:57
eikon81gis the drive mounted?00:57
EriC^^no it's ok00:58
willI'm in the new install the icon list no longer shows the locked drive after i entered the passphrase00:58
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eikon81gmy bad I was just scanning what yall were working on.. I spoke out of turn, I thought you were on a live cd already00:59
EriC^^will: type sudo blkid | nc openterm.tk 9 , paste the link here00:59
willtype sudo blkid | nc openterm.tk 900:59
EriC^^will: sudo blkid | nc openterm.tk 901:00
EriC^^in the terminal01:00
tewardBashing-om: hey, I use the CLI for most stuff ;)01:00
ObrienDavein a terminal :)01:00
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willI did that and nothing appeared to happen01:02
Bashing-omteward: Ditto, me too , I came up before there was a GUI .. I am never as comfortable with the GUI as I am in terminal .01:05
econdudeawesomeBashing-om: I feel the same nowadays, though I started with the GUI. I can't tell what's going on in the backend some of the time01:06
EriC^^will: try sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999901:08
willEric same result . I just get the prompt back01:09
willcd ..01:09
Koyaanisroot@kimx1:~# nano /etc/sudoers01:11
Koyaanis-bash: nano: command not found01:11
Koyaanisroot@kimx1:~# apt-get install nano01:11
KoyaanisReading package lists... Done01:11
KoyaanisBuilding dependency tree01:11
KoyaanisReading state information... Done01:11
EriC^^will: odd01:11
EriC^^it's working here01:11
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EriC^^will: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:12
EriC^^Koyaanis: use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers01:12
EriC^^also paste the error in paste.ubuntu.com01:13
will... pastbinit  Right?   I get an error01:17
willEric   i get an error commandline option 'g' from -get is not known01:18
EriC^^apt and -get are 1 word01:20
EriC^^no space between them01:20
spectrehello guys01:22
willEric ok got      Setting up pastebinit 1.4-3 ...01:23
willwhere do I locate pastebinit ?01:24
EriC^^will: sudo blkid | pastebinit01:24
EriC^^you can pipe commands to it01:25
willEric  Hmm           i just get the command prompt back01:26
EriC^^no link?01:27
willnope .  Ityped somthing while bastebinit was insalling  maybe i screwed it up01:27
EriC^^will: type alias pasteit='curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us'01:28
EriC^^alias pasteit='curl.........'01:28
tgm4883will: out of curiosity, do you get anything if you just type "sudo blkid"01:28
EriC^^then try sudo blkid | pasteit  , it's not your fault i think something odd is going on01:28
willtgm4883    yes   a lot of stuff01:29
tgm4883will: ok, how about 'echo hello | pastebinit'01:29
EriC^^sudo parted -l didn't work either, nor is the server even responding to him01:30
tgm4883EriC^^: is this a server or something?01:30
EriC^^what is?01:31
tgm4883I'm just seeing this, haven't read backlog other than you guys trying to get this one command's output for the last half hour01:31
EriC^^termbin should say error connecting or so01:31
EriC^^use netcat etc01:31
EriC^^maybe he has a firewall or something?01:31
tgm4883EriC^^: I'm not sure what exactly we're trying to accomplish here. Can he not just copy and paste?01:31
EriC^^tgm4883: well yeah, we tried termbin and pastebinit, not working01:32
EriC^^if sprunge works great if not just copy paste away :)01:32
EriC^^will: alias pasteit='curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us'01:33
EriC^^will: then sudo blkid | pasteit01:33
tgm4883EriC^^: possibly, but generally users either A) know if they have a firewall that is blocking outbound connections (since they usually aren't setup that way by default) or B) they are on a network that they shouldn't be installing a Ubuntu computer on01:34
willEric  sudo blkid : pasteit  asked for my password then wen back to command prompt01:36
eikon81gThis is dumb, I know.. I am having trouble with installing filezilla01:36
tgm4883will: are you doing this command on the local computer?01:36
EriC^^will: oh, it's | not :01:36
EriC^^that'd be the problem01:37
willSorry for wasting time but being a windows weinie I can't type :)01:37
eikon81gI have tried adding the PPA and using apt-get update and then apt-get install and it keeps telling me it's not found01:37
tgm4883eikon81g: what PPA01:37
eikon81gthere was 2 or 3 I added01:37
eikon81g1 sec01:37
* tgm4883 facepalm01:37
eikon81gsudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/programs-ppa01:38
eikon81gsudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/programs-ppa201:38
eikon81gboth of those..01:38
tgm4883eikon81g: what's wrong with the filezilla in the repos?01:38
eikon81gand then I update and try to install and I get an error01:38
tgm4883eikon81g: filezilla is in the official ubuntu repositories01:38
tgm4883eikon81g: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=filezilla&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all01:39
eikon81gWell when I use the software store it says "Available from the universe source"01:39
Bashing-om!info filezilla01:39
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version (wily), package size 1491 kB, installed size 4984 kB01:39
tgm4883eikon81g: universe is an official ubuntu repo01:39
eikon81gyea, but instead of getting a button for install it says "use this source" I hit that it prompts me for my pw and does nothing01:40
eikon81glet me grab one off the link you posted 1 sec01:40
Bashing-omeikon81g: Is the universe repo enabled ?01:41
willI'm in xterm on a fresh install I tried sudo blkid | pasteit and got command not found01:41
tgm4883eikon81g: 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit'01:41
willIm using | now not :01:42
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic01:43
willEric thanks for your help I feel guilty about wasting your time01:43
william_doeHow bad of an idea is it to delete the Nouveau display driver?  I am having trouble getting ubuntu to keep using nvidia drivers for some reason heh.01:43
tgm4883will: I'm off to dinner, but I'd do 'sudo blkid' then copy and paste that into pastebin.com01:44
willtgm4883   tnx I;ll try that01:45
juan6519buenas noche nesecito ayuda01:46
juan6519 para configurar firefox no puedo ver videos en la web01:46
Bashing-om!es | juan651901:47
ubottujuan6519: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:47
juan6519need help cansee videos on my firefox can any one help thank01:48
MrXXIVSeems other channels are inactive, but anyways, anyone know about decrypting something MySQL where "NA" becomes X'6E61' in an SQL export?01:49
MrXXIVIt seems no one, in the sql channels know01:49
alexwhatthe fck01:49
juan6519join ubuntu es01:54
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william_doeguys i'm ripping my hair out here.  Any idea how to get my system to stop using my intelhd graphics and use the nvidia card?02:21
johnathani need to know how to install HP Envy Wifi card Drivers into Ubuntu Home02:22
owen1how to upgrade my python to anything above 2.7.9+? i am on 14.0402:25
mgolischowen1: is there a newer 2.7.x version that 2.7.9 ?02:25
owen1mgolisch: oh. i don't know. i meant 2.7.9 or above02:27
owen1whatever is the easiest02:27
mgolischwhy do you need that?02:27
RNevilleHello, do I need to make a rescue disk for Ubuntu 14.04 ?02:27
mgolischowen1: i mean do you have any specific need for a newer python version? also if you want python3 you can just install the python3 package02:28
owen1mgolisch: let's encrypt02:28
owen1it's not working on 2.7.502:28
owen1i mean 2.7.602:29
owen1i am talking to them on #letsencrypt since i got https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning02:29
owen1maybe wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.9/Python-2.7.9.tgz ?02:30
owen1./configure && make && sudo make install +02:30
ikoniacertainly not02:30
ikoniaowen1: no never02:30
ikoniaisn't there a python3 package for 14.0402:30
owen1ikonia: oh. ok (:02:30
ikonia!info python3 trusty02:30
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB02:30
ikoniathere you go02:30
ikoniapython3 for 14.0402:30
ikoniajob done02:31
ikoniainstall the python3 package02:31
owen1ikonia: awosome! apt-get install python302:31
ikoniapretty sure mgolisch suggested that earlier02:31
owen1python3 is already the newest version.02:31
ikoniadon't swear02:31
ikonialaunch the python3 binary then02:32
owen1how to remove the old python02:32
ikoniado not remove02:32
ikoniathey co-exist02:32
owen1i am running letsencrypt. it's a bash script02:32
ikoniaso ?02:32
owen1i need to set my default python maybe02:32
owen1i need to tell that script to use python302:32
ikoniause the alternatives package, or update the script with a variable for python02:32
owen1i am not sure what does 'use the alternatives package'. i'll look at the script...):02:33
ikoniaset the default with update-alternatives02:33
ikoniaif you look at python binary, it will probably be a symlink to python2.7 binary02:34
owen1ikonia: oh. 'sudo update-alternatives' ?02:34
ikoniathe alternatives package changes that link to python302:34
ikoniathats one way02:34
ikoniathe shell script will probably have a varabile in it for what python binary to use02:34
ikoniaI'd suggest setting that if it exists rather than changing the default on the system02:34
owen1ikonia: ok. looking..02:35
SchrodingersScatowen1: there's also #letsencrypt , the default client worked on a relatively clean 15.10 for me, it pulls in a bunch of packages on its own.02:37
owen1SchrodingersScat: i am talking to them as well02:37
owen1they told me to come here...02:37
owen1it feels like a soccer game. but i am the ball.02:38
mgolischis this realy a error?02:39
owen1that's the error: https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/insecureplatformwarning-on-ubuntu-14-04-w-python-2-7-6/2871/302:40
mgolischhttps://community.letsencrypt.org/t/insecureplatformwarning-on-ubuntu-14-04-w-python-2-7-6/2871   << suggest changing the script to upgrade some stuff in the virtualenv its installed into02:41
owen1mgolisch: yeah. i tried those changes. still got a security error02:41
mgolischyou probably did something wrong02:47
mgolischand as letsencrypt doesnt support python3 installing that wont help you at all02:48
Ca11umWhy does Ubuntu (and Linux in general) not create open source projects to compete against Windows' unique features, such as Active Directory (and more specifically, Group Policy)?02:50
Ca11umI know something like that is a MAJOR project, but there doesn't seem to be anything whatsoever out there that even attempts it02:51
mgolischad is basicaly ldap+kerberos02:51
mgolischthe same is available on linux02:51
Ca11umI know there's also LDAP on Linux, but it's absolutely nothing like the Windows' solution02:52
mgolischwhat makes microsofts stuff better is that all their software is integrated perfectly with that02:52
Ca11umWhy does nobody create a GitHub project to make a comprehensive LDAP system with integrated policy management02:52
mgolischwhich is hard to pull up if not everything is made by the same company02:52
mgolischCa11um: the next thing is for most group policy stuff it works that way: the components check special policy regsitry settings and change behavior based on that, so group policy basicaly just sets those settings in the compuiters registry02:53
Ca11umI know especially in schools the ability to completely lock down a workstation is one of the biggest concerns. So the fact Linux can't do that kind of blows its potential in the education sector.02:53
mgolischthat again only works as microsoft designed all components to support that02:53
tgm4883group policy is a pile of junk02:53
mgolischin the linux eco system all stuff is developed by different parties which makes all that quite hard02:53
mgolischtgm4883: no its not02:54
tgm4883mgolisch: yea, it really is. I suppose you could argue that it has it's good points, but unless you're an MCSE it's difficult to get it to work how you think it should work02:55
Ca11umGroup Policy is easy as anything to use02:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:55
mgolischno not realy, and even if its difficult thats better than having no such controls at all02:55
Ca11umWe looked at using Linux at work (a secondary school), and ignoring the issue of software compatability, the thing that made us decide to never switch to Linux is the fact that students could login and do anything they desired02:56
tgm4883xangua is right, if we want to continue discussing this, we should use #ubuntu-offtopic02:56
Ca11umThere's nothing at all to limit access, which is essential for certain environments02:56
OneM_IndustriesHey, I am having an issue burning an ISO to a DVD/CD. All DVDs and CDs are being seen as 2KB block devices, and I am unable to load the ISO to that..02:59
=== mybit_ is now known as mybit
OneM_IndustriesAny ideas why Ubuntu would only see 2KB of a 700MB CD?03:02
redluxhello ubuntu03:02
basttraxredlux: Hello :)03:03
mgolischOneM_Industries: where does it show that?03:04
redluxsorry im kind of new may u point me in the direction i can ask a question bout problem im having03:04
basttraxredlux: Go ahead, I'm sure someone will jump in03:04
OneM_Industriesmgolisch: Under disks.03:05
mgolischOneM_Industries: also what program do you use to burn the cd?03:05
redluxim burning iso in ubuntu 15.04 on the stock tools "disks" and "startup disk" and for some reaoson i go to dual boot and nothing03:05
OneM_IndustriesI was attempting to use the "Restore Image" feature in disks or "Disk image writer".03:05
mgolischtry using a cd burning program such as brasero or k3b03:06
=== pat_ is now known as Guest27126
redluxok and what about formatting03:06
basttraxOneM_Industries: The 2kb is probably just the blank cd showing up, definately use k3b or something03:07
redluxand i know i've done it and it worked fine03:07
satrahhi all k3b is a better choice than brasero03:07
mgolischyeah but it pulls in loads of kde stuff03:07
tgm4883Meh, I'd just use brasero03:07
redluxand i even dual booted in the distro to make sure it still worked and it did fine03:07
ZcYhow to use irc for seding email?03:07
redluxlike one i had from earlier03:08
ZcYsend email03:08
OneM_IndustriesThe odd thing is, it was working fine a couple days ago.03:08
tgm4883well, actually I would just use a USB, but i'd use brasero over k3b unless I was using a bunch of other kde software03:08
redluxya im so sorry i have company lol am multi tasking ive tried on usb and cd actually and nothing03:09
OneM_IndustriesThe box I am installing on is so old that it does not support USB boot.03:09
redluxso will try brasero right now03:09
lotuspsychjeredlux: can you define 'tried dualbooting and nothing'?03:09
ZcYredlux can you send email by irc?03:10
OneM_IndustriesHeck, this thing is so old, you can see marks from where the dinosaurs were assembling it.03:10
OneM_IndustriesZcY: That sounds like a question for google, not us. :)03:10
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: try 'plop boot manager on cd' and force the old machine to load up usb03:10
OneM_IndustriesAs I said, it is too old to do that. It is a really, really old machine.03:11
redluxok of course... i get to grub and i see the usb stick click and then it goes to  a lower pixel black screen with one cursor...(sorry again i shouldve explained better)03:11
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: does it have a cd?03:11
OneM_IndustriesYes, amazingly.03:11
ZcYit was a little hard to use irc by phone for me03:11
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: then load plop boot manager from cd, so you can force usb to boot03:11
lotuspsychjeredlux: you see the usb stick in grub?03:12
redluxyes the name of it shows up03:13
lotuspsychjeredlux: you mean you see the usb stick in the bootup of your pc?03:14
lotuspsychjeredlux: or you trying iso from grub install?03:15
redluxyes the name Verbatim CLIP etc....03:15
lotuspsychjeredlux: and the installed Os is what?03:15
redluxSuse, kali i've been just experimenting with these03:16
redluxi have a Full ubuntu system 15.0403:17
lotuspsychjeredlux: uefi system?03:17
redluxone sec sorry,,,03:19
lotuspsychjeredlux: what was default Os that came on your pc?03:20
redluxopen source parts and all03:20
lotuspsychjeredlux: you bought a laptop with ubuntu preinstalled?03:20
lotuspsychjeredlux: wich brand please03:21
lotuspsychjeredlux: ok good, check your bios settings if its uefi03:21
redluxk thanks alot one sec03:22
lotuspsychjeredlux: not uefi?03:27
redlux$ [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS03:27
redluxis that good or bad?03:27
lotuspsychjeredlux: i think its uefi, can you see stuff like legacy/uefi? fastboot, secureboot?03:28
Spiderhello world03:29
redluxlotuspsychje :ummm i kinda learning as i go here...03:29
lotuspsychjeSpider: welcome, what can we do for you?03:29
lotuspsychjeredlux: i would advise to test other Os live or in virtualbox from your ubuntu 15.0403:30
redluxi've been to i did03:30
redluxi tried tails03:30
redluxit wokred fine03:30
Spiderwell i was just passing through i finally have linux on my ipad03:30
lotuspsychjeredlux: dualbooting uefi is bit fiddling03:30
lotuspsychjeSpider: you installed ubuntu on an ipad?03:31
Spiderfun times03:31
redluxcould it be that i ran some stupid commands in terminal at some point and should look into fixing that (thats all i can think of i know thats a REally BAD IDEA)03:31
lotuspsychjeredlux: i dont know what you did before mate, but if have not much experience i wouldt reccomend dualboot on uefi03:32
lotuspsychjeredlux: try other distro's in livemode or virtualbox instead03:33
Guest48203is there a Windows app that can properly open leafpad files that is used on Lubuntu?03:33
redluxhmm ok fair enough thanks03:33
lotuspsychjeredlux: there are also ways to install other distro persistent on an usb, maybe something more for you?03:34
Spideraren't leafpad files .txt?03:34
redluxok i'm very open to hear any suggestions03:34
redluxand this is muchly appreciated i akready got lots of valuable information sir03:34
redluxi'm new to linux03:35
lotuspsychjeredlux: how about you first try other distro's in livemode :p would be great start03:35
lotuspsychje!manual | redlux explore here03:35
ubotturedlux explore here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:35
Spiderwe were all new at one time03:35
lotuspsychjeGuest48203: for windows questions ask in ##windows please03:36
redluxhah ya thx i'm just glad im here now better late than never is what i keep telling myself03:36
Spiderlinux is great i use it for everything03:37
lotuspsychjeredlux: ubuntu is very nice on a machine, so i would advise to let it as main Os on your expensive machine :p03:37
Guest48203lotuspsychje, leafpad is a linux only software that ships on a Ubuntu variant03:37
redluxfor sure i'm just experimenting with some things thats all03:37
Spiderredlux, once you get familiar with linux you will unlock its true potential it just takes time03:38
lotuspsychjeGuest48203: yes, and you asking for a windows app, ask in ##windows please03:38
Guest48203lotuspsychje, why is lUbuntu using leafpad, if its default files aren't even compaitable anywhere else?03:38
redluxnot trying to do any harm i like your suggestions tho03:39
Guest48203it is basically using propriety closed source software03:39
redluxspider, thank you03:39
lotuspsychjeredlux: you can use this channel for all ubuntu related questions, for more chitchat try #ubuntu-offtopic03:40
mgolischis this a joke? leafpad is a texteditor?03:40
mgolischtried notepad.exe? iam sure it can open text files03:40
lotuspsychjemgolisch: lets not support windows here please03:41
Guest48203mgolisch,  has that worked for you?03:41
winsoffI want to install ubuntu on a Macbook 2,1, but the bastard is giving me a goofy "CHOOSE BOOT OPTION" screen that does not let me input anything.  The EFI is apparently 32 bits, but the processor is 64 bits, so I want to put the 64-bit install on there. Is that okay?  How do I burn a disk to not have more than one boot option, so I can skip that screen?03:41
mgolischGuest48203: no idea i dont use leafpad, but text files should be openable in any text editor03:41
lotuspsychje!mac | winsoff03:42
ubottuwinsoff: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages03:42
winsoffThanks, comrade.03:42
Guest48203it doesn't open the files properly, formating outputs all the words on one line with no spaces03:42
ZcYMIRC registration need to spend money?03:43
lotuspsychje!efi > winsoff read this also perhaps03:43
ubottuwinsoff, please see my private message03:43
lotuspsychjeZcY: please only ubuntu questions here03:43
ZcYI am a rookie03:44
lotuspsychje!ot | ZcY03:44
ubottuZcY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:44
redluxlotuspsychje thx very much will be sticking around must retain a greater amount of knowledge03:45
Spiderdoes anyone know how to get tightvncserver to start on boot?03:45
redluxhave a philosophy read on UNIX that i'm just finishing03:45
Spiderand will that let me see the login screen?03:45
cage_raphelhello!! i am getting the following error msg when i run sudo apt-get upgrade .. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227227/03:45
lotuspsychjeSpider: i wouldnt reccomend vnc mate, very dangerous for use03:46
Spiderlotuspsychje, why not?03:46
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: have you installed programs with ppa's of any kind?03:46
Lurchyredlux...splashtop is a good alternative03:46
ZcYIs there a discussion about the application experience of the Ubuntu system on the mobile phone?03:46
redluxnext is on to UNIX for dummies i feel like then i'll learn the required  technicals03:46
lotuspsychje!touch | ZcY03:46
ubottuZcY: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:47
cage_raphellotuspsychje, i dont think so mate.. i am not sure though. is there a way to check ?03:47
lotuspsychjecage_raphel: yes in your sources03:47
Lurchyerr spider03:47
lotuspsychje!sources | cage_raphel03:47
ubottucage_raphel: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.03:47
lotuspsychjeredlux: please only use this channel for main ubuntu questions03:47
Spideri know its unencrypted and all but is it that big of a deal?03:48
lotuspsychjeSpider: vnc is the most exploited software on earth, keep away from it :p03:48
lotuspsychjeSpider: openssh to the rescue03:48
Spiderlotuspsychje, can i use x with openssh?03:49
cage_raphellotuspsychje, under system settings, software and updates, all the four options are checked. is that what you mean ?03:49
lotuspsychjeSpider: i think the #openssh guys can help with X yes03:49
Bashing-omcage_raphel: What results ' sudo apt ipdate ; sudo apt install kde-config-telepathy-accounts ' ?03:49
Spiderlotuspsychje, cool thanks03:50
OneM_IndustriesHey, I have a puzzler for you guys. I have a Compaq Presario SR1000 that I am attempting to use the SATA ports on with Lubuntu, but it cannot see the attached drives. Any ideas on what chipset/driver I would need?03:50
Bashing-omcage_raphel: sudo apt update **03:50
OneM_IndustriesLink to the specs: http://www.cnet.com/products/hp-compaq-presario-sr1000/specs/03:51
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: lubuntu doesnt see the hd in partitioning setup?03:51
basttraxOneM_Industries, have you played around with the sata settings in the bios?03:52
mgolischis the port enabled at all?03:52
OneM_IndustriesNo, it does not see the HDD.03:52
OneM_IndustriesI think so, let me check..03:52
cage_raphellotuspsychje, this is the output.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227276/03:53
Spiderlotuspsychje, so you wouldnt even use it for home media server use?03:53
basttraxOneM_Industries, I've spent ages figuring out why a drive won't appear only to find it's not even in the bios and the sata port has crapped out on me.03:53
lotuspsychjeSpider: take the advise mate, never use vnc03:53
lotuspsychjeSpider: if a machine is connected the the internet and runs vnc on it, youl get hacked in few hours03:54
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Spiderhacked how exactly?03:55
redluxlooks damn scary  boys03:55
lotuspsychje!language | redlux only ubuntu questions please03:55
ubotturedlux only ubuntu questions please: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList03:55
LurchySpider...VNC is not very secure03:55
lotuspsychjeSpider: lets not discuss that here ok, find other ways openssh,..03:56
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Looks like there is a conflict with " /usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service " .. lemme see what I can learn .03:57
SpiderLurchy, could you possibly explain why?03:57
OneM_IndustriesBother. The BIOS is not seeing the SATA drive. Shoot.03:57
lotuspsychjeSpider: always be carefull with remote viewing software, best to see the security part right away03:57
cage_raphelBashing-om, thank u mate03:57
basttraxOneM_Industries, :/03:57
OneM_Industries:/ indeed.03:57
mgolischOneM_Industries: but you enabled the port?03:57
lotuspsychjeSpider: because malicious users scan the whole net for 24/7 remote software to take over your pc03:58
OneM_IndustriesI can't even find the option to enable the thing.03:58
Spiderport scanning is nothing new03:58
Spidermasscan anyone?03:58
lotuspsychjeSpider: if you gonna run 24/7 services of any kind, inform yourself on the security part also03:58
lotuspsychjeSpider: now lets focus on the ubuntu support please03:59
Spideri am using ubuntu for all of this03:59
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Looks to me you have to make a choice . see: ' apt-cache show kde-config-telepathy-accounts ' . Is this not the same function as " google-im.service " ??04:00
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: can you tell us if you replaced the hd, what are you trying to do?04:00
Spideri just want to have remote access to my media server and be able to do it graphically04:01
OneM_IndustriesI was trying to get this thing up and running with LUbuntu for Grandma, but it looks like that is a no go.04:01
Spiderand be as secure as possible04:01
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: did you place a new sata hd inside?04:02
cage_raphelBashing-om, mate.. i have no clue what u r talking about.. i am a rookie.. sorry .. i am just learning bro.. could u pls break that down for m ?04:02
lotuspsychjeSpider: again mate, GUI remote viewers have to be cared off with caution04:02
OneM_Industrieslotuspsychje: Yes.04:03
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: what kind of hd did you place in it?04:03
OneM_IndustriesA 80GB Hitachi SATA drive.04:03
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: did you see bios option IDE to AHCI?04:04
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: could you doublecheck please04:04
SpiderOneM_Industries, did you format the drives before you installed them?04:04
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: also check if your new hd shows up in the bios04:04
cage_raphelBashing-om, do u mean i need to remove google-im.service ?04:05
OneM_IndustriesI doublechecked, no AHCI, and it is not showing up in the bios.04:05
OneM_IndustriesAlso, this is a known good drive.04:05
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: if bios doesnt show, lubuntu can see it neither04:05
Bashing-omcage_raphel: You have a internet messaging application already installed " google-im.service ' that I "think" os in direct conflict with " kde-config-telepathy-accounts " . I do suggest that you choose the one you want to use and remove the other (??) . What now returns ' apt-cache policy kde-config-telepathy-accounts ; apt-cache policy google-im.service ' ?04:06
OneM_IndustriesYeah. I am trying to figure out how to get the BIOS to see the HDD.04:06
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: talk to the ##hardware guys, why04:06
lotuspsychjeOneM_Industries: this is a hardware question mate, ask in ##hardware please04:07
OneM_IndustriesI am.04:07
cage_raphelBashing-om, this is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227371/04:08
mgolischthis shows that this file is contained in those two packages04:12
mgolischyou can install only one of them04:12
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Sorry, the Google package is " account-plugin-google " . What returns ' apt-cache policy account-plugin-google ' ?04:14
cage_raphelBashing-om, krishnaroona@krishnaroona:~$ sudo apt-cache policy account-plugin-google04:15
cage_raphel  Installed: 0.12+15.10.20150723-0ubuntu104:15
cage_raphel  Candidate: 0.12+15.10.20150723-0ubuntu104:15
cage_raphel  Version table:04:15
cage_raphel *** 0.12+15.10.20150723-0ubuntu1 004:15
cage_raphelBashing-om, this is the output  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227426/04:17
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Good deal . The package manager can remove either app . I do believe that you have to choose the one you want to use, and remove the other .04:19
cage_raphelBashing-om, i am not sure what they are.. so can i simply remove both? will that be safe ?04:19
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Sure .. do apt-cache show <package) for " account-plugin-google " you see it's priority is "optional" .. one can safely remove them .04:21
cage_raphelBashing-om, yes.. priority says optional.. how do i remove them ?04:23
Bashing-omcage_raphel: ' sudo apt remove account-plugin-google kde-telepathy-minimal ' .04:25
cage_raphelBashing-om, output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227472/04:26
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Mabe best rething this . see the outpur from ' apt-cache show  kde-telepathy ' . Maybe you really do not want this app removed ?04:29
cage_raphelBashing-om, if its safe to remove it .. i am happy to get it removed.04:30
cage_raphelBashing-om, the priority of that output does say its optional.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227491/04:31
Bashing-omcage_raphel: yes .. it is safe to remove . but see what it is on the description fiels . Do you want to loose this  means to connect04:33
Bashing-om to several instant messaging networks, chat with your friends and04:33
Bashing-om collaborate with them.04:33
cage_raphelBashing-om, i dont use any apps in ubuntu to connect to instant msg apps like google talk or facebook chat.. the only IM i use is Xchat to connect to the ubuntu channel.04:34
cage_raphelBashing-om, will i still be able to use Xchat to connect to the Ubuntu channel if we remove kde-telepathy ?04:35
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Yeah is all good . I am a propenent of - if you do not use it, remove it from the system - do ' sudo apt remove  means to connect04:38
=== stub` is now known as stub
Bashing-om to several instant messaging networks, chat with your friends and04:38
Bashing-om collaborate with them.04:38
Bashing-omcage_raphel: bad bad paste !04:38
Bashing-omcage_raphel: do ' sudo apt remove kde-telepathy ' .04:39
cage_raphelBashing-om, i am unable to run that command.. this is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227529/04:40
Bashing-omcage_raphel: K; Try ' sudo apt remove kde-config-telepathy-accounts ' . then see if we can remove it .04:42
owen1is 15.10 considered stable?04:42
owen1i am thinking of upgrading my home server04:43
Spideri am using 15.10 on mine and it seems ok04:43
cage_raphelBashing-om, that doesnt work either .. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227544/04:43
owen1Spider: sweet. is it possible to upgrade from 14.04 to 15.10 using the command line?04:44
lotuspsychjeowen1: server use is preferable LTS04:44
lotuspsychjeowen1: also better not mix LTS with non-lts upgrades, use clean install instead04:44
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Sheeshh ... ok how about ' sudo apt remove kde-telepathy-minimal ' .04:45
owen1lotuspsychje: LTS is 14.04?04:45
owen1i can't use it since i need to use letsencrypt04:45
mgolischiam sure you can04:46
owen1letencrypt doesn't work with the old python version04:46
owen1that comes with 14.0404:46
cage_raphelBashing-om, same error again http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227556/04:46
Spiderwhy not just update python?04:46
mgolischowen1: there was instructions on how to do it and others there said it works that way04:47
owen1Spider: i have both python 3 and 2.7 but my bash script is using 2.7 and i can't update the script. it's too complex and risky04:47
mgolischyou must be doing something wrong04:47
owen1i am ok to try update-alternatives04:47
owen1and switch to python304:47
mgolischthat doesnt help, letsenctypt doesnt support python304:48
owen1oh no04:48
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Ouch, round robin -- as a round and round we go . Let's take the package manager's advise and see what results ' sudo apt-get -f install ' . maybe get a hint on what the hold is .04:48
mgolischif you wait some minutes ill spin up a vm and try the suggestions from that forum posts and see if i can get it to work04:48
owen1mgolisch: that would be amazing04:49
lotuspsychjeowen1: its also not very reccomended to use higher/lower package versions, use the ones designed for 14.0404:50
lotuspsychje!latest | owen104:50
ubottuowen1: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:50
cage_raphelBashing-om, error again .. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227571/04:50
cage_raphelBashing-om, sorry for being such a pain in the ass mate.. but i really appreciate u helping me get this sorted.04:50
Bashing-omcage_raphel: No need to be sorry . This is what we do - try and help . OK let's do this from a different approach ' sudo apt remove account-plugin-google ' .04:52
cage_raphelBashing-om, output is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227588/ :(04:54
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest30423
Guest30423need help recovering files with live cd04:55
Bashing-omcage_raphel: 'sudo apt remove unity-scope-gdrive ' .. maybe now ?04:56
cage_raphelBashing-om, same error bro.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227604/04:57
cage_raphelGuest30423, pls follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery04:58
Guest30423cage  Tnx I'll try that04:59
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Have we done ' sudo apt remove kde-config-telepathy-accounts ' ... or is this where we started ?04:59
cage_raphelGuest30423, no worries mate!04:59
cage_raphelBashing-om, i think thats where we started.. i ran the command again, and i get the same error05:00
Spideris it common for people to use the server edition with a desktop environment or do most people operate their severs via shell?05:01
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Yikes ! I hate to say it, but I am stuck . Do not know how to move forward, and we can not go back ! .05:02
lotuspsychjeSpider: server is mostly meant to have no GUI05:03
cage_raphelBashing-om, awwww!! thats alright bro.. but i have a feeling that there are broken packages in my system.. do u know how to remove the broken packages?05:03
lotuspsychjeSpider: but some servers install lightweight X stuff also05:03
TheRelicis it possible to AUTO Yes on a apt-get upgrade & apt-get install ?05:03
cage_raphelTheRelic, hope this helps.. http://superuser.com/questions/164553/automatically-answer-yes-when-using-apt-get-install05:04
Bashing-omcage_raphel: We already know where the problem is . - apt-get -f install - tells us . maybe we can get some additional info ' sudo dpkg -C ' .05:05
cage_raphelBashing-om, i have already run autoremove and autoclean.. but they dont seem to remove the broken packages05:05
cage_raphelBashing-om, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227656/05:06
Guest30423using live cd I can see file folders but I do not have permission to open them05:06
TheRelicty cage_raphel05:07
cage_raphelGuest30423, hope this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155081105:07
cage_raphelTheRelic, welcome mate!05:07
mgolischowen1: the last instruction in thet post seem to work for me05:08
owen1mgolisch: oh. let me try again. do u run it as sudo?05:08
TheReliccage_raphel: i have 18 dirs, that all hold a src/leveldb/filename can i use chmod +x ~/*/src/leveldb/filename and it chmod all files in home dir sub dir * src/leveldb/name?05:09
owen1mgolisch: can u send the exact post, just to make sure we are talking about the same ones05:09
mgolischowen1: no it does that on its own for everything it needs root access for05:09
TheRelic(this is root level)05:09
mgolischowen1: yeah ill paste a patch file05:09
owen1mgolisch: thanks105:09
SeriouslyLaugh!jp | idaem05:09
ubottuidaem: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。05:09
cage_raphelTheRelic, you can give that a try05:09
TheReliccage_raphel: im a newb and i am writing a sh script, do you deal in crypto?05:10
idaemwhen I change "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  "  into "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text"  "05:11
Bashing-omcage_raphel: OK .. what results ' sudo dpkg --configure kde-telepathy ' ?05:11
idaemthen I typed startx to enter the system But the chrome can't play music in the internet05:12
Bashing-omidaem: in the terminal "text" envirom,emt the GUI is not started . chrome is a GUI app .05:14
idaemI have logged in tty1 and then I typed startx commend to enter the GUI05:15
cage_raphelTheRelic, no mate.. i dont deal with crypto05:15
Bashing-omidaem: "startx" has very limited applications in today's GUI's . What is the desktop that you would start ?05:15
cage_raphelBashing-om, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227711/05:16
mgolischowen1:  wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mgolisch/74fced459d9a43a36948/raw/0f1568e04438b57a72b01a32d4f6d4c975ef6bc3/letsencrypt-auto.patch       in the letsencrypt dir , then run patch < letsencrypt-auto.patch05:16
mgolischit shows no warnings anymore then for me05:17
idaemI'm using the backbox in china.05:17
Bashing-omcage_raphel: K ' sudo dpkg --configure kde-telepathy-minimal ' .05:18
Bashing-omidaem: What results 'startxfce4' ?05:20
cage_raphelBashing-om,  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227731/05:20
Guest48203why doesn't ubuntu automatically create an encrypted partition for SWAP during installing process?05:20
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Humm .. how about ' sudo apt install kde-config-telepathy-accounts ' ??05:21
idaemsorry maybe I did not express clearly05:22
smacktalkI need to create a tap interface for a vbox vm05:22
cage_raphelBashing-om, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14227743/05:22
idaemWhen I finished editing the grub and type "grub-update"     I reboot my system05:23
idaemI logged in the text mode  which just in test mode like BT5 which I used before.05:24
Guest48203when installing ubuntu there is an option to automatically encrypt the drive, yet this is not possible because it warns that your swap is not encrypted so it aborts the whole process... fail05:24
idaemIf I want to enter in the GUI, I should type the command "startx"05:24
owen1mgolisch: sweet! i'll try that05:28
EriC^^idaem: sudo service lightdm star05:28
EriC^^idaem: sudo service lightdm start05:28
cage_raphelBashing-om, any luck bro ?05:29
gns3what are you talking about?05:29
idaemThank you , I will try it05:30
idaemanother , how did you reply to others with their ID?05:31
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Nope .. I am stuck . You have cleaned out the cache and still with the round robin . Presently do not know what else to do .05:32
owen1mgolisch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14227786/05:32
cage_raphelBashing-om, hmmm ok bro.. thank you so much for your help though !! :)05:32
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Bashing-omcage_raphel: Sorry, no help as we are no further in fixing the problem .05:34
Nightelf_why does my ubuntu performance keep getting low by time until rebooting?05:36
Nightelf_even after closing all applications05:37
mgolischowen1: you might need to delete ~./local/share/letsencrypt , if you ran the script before applying that patch05:39
owen1mgolisch: ok05:39
mgolischi mean ~/.local/share/letsencrypt05:40
owen1mgolisch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14227836/05:43
mgolischodd, it shows no error for me :(05:45
mgolischor warning rather05:45
mgolischowen1: does that warning actualy prevent your from requesting a certificate?05:49
owen1mgolisch: yeah. the script aborts05:50
mgolischo i think i messed up the patch05:56
mgolischowen1: do git reset --hard and use that patch instead https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mgolisch/3103fbf5f558fbba0062/raw/5ae444092d62c68bc4c321ff83532302d75575cd/letsencrypt-auto.patch05:59
owen1ok. 1 sec05:59
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owen1mgolisch: works! so it was the verbose flag?06:03
mgolischi ran it with that, i guess thats what made the difference but yeah that even works on my 12.04 server06:04
mgolischjust requested a cert a minute ago06:04
owen1cool. thanks a lot06:05
owen1i told the people on #letsencrypt06:06
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xintoxhow do i change the timezone on ubuntu server 15.10?06:55
ozcanesenhow can i disable lightdm complately? echo “manual” >> /etc/init/lightdm.override trick did not worked for 15.0407:02
ozcanesenchanging grub defaults “quiet splash” to “text” did not work either07:05
xintoxdoes anyone have gamecenter live?07:12
xintoxdo you know if it includes playoffs and no blackouts if you use vpn?07:13
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wewgasHEY FAGGOTS07:14
lotuspsychje!language | wewgas07:14
ubottuwewgas: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:14
Guest27274I'm trying to recover files from a bad ubuntu 14.04 disk by using a live dvd boot.07:15
calcmandanfresh new toshiba sattelite laptop, installed ubuntu on first boot by way of live flash07:17
Guest27274I can access the bad disk and see the directory graphically but i don't have permission to access my user folder. Any ideas?t he dont hav07:17
calcmandanafter install, i rebooted and the system says no OS installed. I launched live disc again and there's a proper directory structure. i'm assuming grub didn't install.07:17
calcmandanlooking for guidance to confirm whether grub was properly installed or not.07:18
EriC^^calcmandan: open a terminal and type sudo parted -l | nc openterm.tk 907:20
calcmandanroger that. wait one07:22
calcmandanEriC^^: http://openterm.tk/5z57/07:23
EriC^^calcmandan: ok, ubuntu is installed in uefi mode07:24
EriC^^you probably have a stubborn bios07:24
calcmandanEriC^^: it prompted me about uefi.07:25
EriC^^type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt07:25
calcmandanok drive is mounted07:26
EriC^^sudo apt-get install efibootmgr07:26
EriC^^then type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc openterm.tk 907:26
calcmandanEriC^^: http://openterm.tk/04p3/07:27
EriC^^calcmandan: ok, type ls -lR /mnt | nc openterm.tk 907:28
calcmandanEriC^^: http://openterm.tk/r90m07:31
EriC^^calcmandan: is secureboot enabled?07:32
calcmandanEriC^^: i didn't see that option in bios.07:33
calcmandanEriC^^: would it be default on these new laptops?07:33
EriC^^calcmandan: yeah, it's ok though07:33
calcmandanEriC^^: i didn't look that hard though.07:33
calcmandanEriC^^: the last laptop i bought was system76 and had no eufi worries07:34
EriC^^calcmandan: type sudo mkdir /mnt/EFI/Boot07:34
EriC^^sudo mkdir -p /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot07:35
calcmandanforgot the sudo07:35
EriC^^sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi07:35
EriC^^sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi07:36
EriC^^sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot07:36
EriC^^calcmandan: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Microsoft\\Boot\\bootmgfw.efi -L "Windows" -p 1 -d /dev/sda07:40
EriC^^calcmandan: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\Boot\\bootx64.efi -L "windows" -p 1 -d /dev/sda07:40
calcmandani got some output.going to pastebin it. wait one07:41
EriC^^calcmandan: looks good07:48
EriC^^try rebooting07:48
calcmandanfingers crossed. if this works, i'm in your debt.07:48
enricos1976usa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]07:55
enricos1976Version 3.7.8607:55
enricos1976By  U D A ' S o f t w a r e07:55
axsuulI think my server has been hacked, using nethogs, i've been seeing all these outgoing requests being made. How can I trace what's making those requests? Here's the screenshot of what I'm seeing: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hs7ano41gdv5007/2015-12-26%20at%2011.59%20PM%202x.png?dl=008:01
hypermistI am having trouble figuring out if. ubuntu 14.04 has php708:04
hypermistor only 5 ?08:04
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mgolischwas php7 released in april 2014?08:07
rww(It came out this month.)08:09
hypermistSo no package around for it yet rww ?08:09
rwwUbuntu backports security fixes and such after release. With very few exceptions, new major versions aren't put into existing releases.08:10
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
hypermistDamnit i needed php7 too haha ohwell guess imma have to deal with php508:11
=== Hal is now known as Guest84117
SoLuxWhat are the rules in here?08:17
rwwthe ones the bot PMed you when you joined08:18
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:18
SoLuxAlright, thanks. :)08:19
slkjnaxHi all.08:40
slkjnaxI am unable to install any package after I installed skype on my 64bit ubuntu08:40
slkjnaxhere are the errors that I get when I try to do so08:40
rwwwhich version of Ubuntu?08:46
slkjnax12.04, rww08:46
rwwpastebin the output of apt-cache policy libqt4-webkit08:47
slkjnaxrww: okay08:48
slkjnaxrww:  https://bpaste.net/show/1494808be63308:49
wlinuxanyone else?08:51
leamonI need to set home network in ubuntu 15.04 like it seems in windows.08:52
wlinuxhow to use....08:52
leamonIs there any way to do it?08:52
slkjnaxrww: any idea how to resolve this issue?08:53
wlinuxI can't use it08:53
wlinuxwhy nobody tell...08:54
rwwslkjnax: what's the output of sudo dpkg --print-architecture08:55
TheRelici am trying to write a s h script, how would i add a user (adduser name) via sh script that will auto generate a unknown random pw unattended?08:55
slkjnaxrww: amd6408:56
rwwyeah, there's the issue. it's trying to install i386 dependencies but you don't have any i386 repositories08:56
leamonI'm sorry.08:57
rwwsudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install08:57
slkjnaxrww: okay, so how do I set it back to amd64 package?08:57
wlinuxwhat are you talking about?08:57
rwwassuming there is no amd64 skype package (which I have no idea about, since I don't use it)08:57
rwwwlinux: How to use what?08:57
slkjnaxrww:  there is none08:57
slkjnaxrww: wlinux  is probably trolling08:58
wlinuxi can't speak english well...08:58
rwwslkjnax: okies. enable multiarch with the above commands and see if that helps, then. if not, pastebin the new output of the -f install08:58
slkjnaxrww: okay it will take some time, on slow internet08:58
rwwwlinux: You're in #ubuntu, which is a support channel for Ubuntu Linux in English. If you need help with Ubuntu in another language, let me know which, there may be another channel to use. For general chatter, try #ubuntu-offtopic.08:59
slkjnaxrww:  https://bpaste.net/show/3701da0058ec09:00
rwwstill? hrm.09:00
slkjnaxrww:  yes :(09:01
slkjnaxrww: wait, there were some warning for first command in that row09:01
slkjnaxrww:  dpkg: error: unknown option --add-architecture09:01
rwwugh, i wonder if 12.04 is too old for multiarch09:02
* rww looks09:02
slkjnaxrww: there is --assert-multi-arch option09:05
agnuhssiPretty cool that your brand has its own soda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Cola09:05
rwwyeah, just found something online that rings a bell from three years ago...09:05
rwwslkjnax: ls /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/, is "multiarch" the only file in there?09:06
rwwif so, what are its contents (cat /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch)09:06
slkjnaxrww:  yeah09:07
nname31how can  add models (bjt npn and pnp) in ngspice?09:07
=== thor is now known as Guest49083
rwwslkjnax: is there anything in it? I don't have a 12.04 VM handy to check09:08
sljnax_hey rww  sorry I got dc09:11
sljnax_content is foreign-architecture i38609:11
sljnax_rww: should I change the content of that file to something else?09:14
rwwoh, duh, apt-cache defaults to only showing the non-foreign architecture of packages. grr.09:14
rwwsljnax_: output of apt-cache policy libqt4-webkit:i38609:15
sljnax_rww: https://bpaste.net/show/6f46ae75747809:16
rwwsljnax_: output of sudo apt-get install libqt4-webkit:i38609:16
rwwmight need a -f there, i forget09:16
sljnax_rww:  https://bpaste.net/show/741f9e06626009:17
sljnax_same o/p09:17
dumbo_000Hello!!! please i really need some help with my new asus x554la - XO1236D , running Freedos 1.0.5 , Freecom version 0.84-pre XMS_Swap, I can't boot from CD to install ubuntu!!! (even after changed boot settings in Bios) Please help I am desperate09:17
sljnax_dumbo_000:  tried with usb stick?09:17
dumbo_000I would really like to boot from cd i burnt it and i don't like to waste money on cds without using them and i am too lazy too to make an usb stick09:19
dumbo_000can someone help me please? I am a good boy and only want to install my ubuntu from cd..oh come on......09:21
sljnax_rww: is there a way I can undo adding skype and get back to normal settings as before?09:23
rwwsljnax_: I think sudo dpkg -r skype:i38609:24
rwwand then do apt-get -f install again to make sure it worked09:24
sljnax_well it did the trick :P09:24
sljnax_installing texlive now09:24
rwwalrighty. want to carry on poking at skype, or going to leave it for now?09:25
sjlnax_rww got dc again :(09:30
sjlnax_for now I am going to keep it as is09:30
sjlnax_rww I would want to install it later though09:30
sjlnax_1% [1 pgf 2,033 kB/5,668 kB 36%]                                                                                        8,879 B/s 5h 22min 47s09:31
sjlnax_right now this is the status of speed09:31
sjlnax_rww where ubuntu keeps the Skype . files?09:31
sjlnax_my autosaved settings etc?09:31
rwwI think it's just /home/username/.Skype09:32
sjlnax_hmm, nothing there09:33
rwwdid you have an old version installed or something?09:33
sjlnax_rww: yes09:33
sjlnax_I did09:33
sjlnax_maybe I shreaded that folder09:34
sjlnax_I forgot the command to shred now :(09:34
sjlnax_find .Skype -type file | shred -u -v?09:34
sjlnax_yeah find .Skype -type f | shred -u -v09:35
sjlnax_thanks rww09:38
sjlnax_gotta go now09:38
hiexpomerry xmas09:52
satrahHello all :)10:03
satrahnew to irc is there sound function on xchat10:04
satrahfound it10:06
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SergioEDuran1Hi there10:13
SergioEDuran1I need some help10:13
SergioEDuran1how can I make XBOXDRV allways start with this line? sudo xboxdrv --silent --detach-kernel-driver --mimic-xpad10:13
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satrahhi Sergio... can it be done using a shell script10:25
satrahI'm still a bit new to linux, but it's my best answer10:25
SergioEDuran1satrah, I see10:27
SergioEDuran1the fact is that I need the --mimic-xpad because I have Guacamelee gold edition and I love play it with my XBOX 360 gamepad10:29
rigo2341hi. what if i install ubuntu from an usb stick to a freshly wiped clean hdd and it will not boot up? what to do please?10:29
slidinghornSergioEDuran1: you're starting it from command line anyway, right?  Just create a bash alias:  use     nano ~/.bash_aliases        and add the line      alias xboxdrv="sudo xboxdrv --silent --detach-kernel-driver --mimic-xpad"         save, then run       /bin/bash          and your command will work next time you use it10:31
slidinghorn!nomodeset | rigo234110:32
ubotturigo2341: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:32
rigo2341its not a blank screen, its like there would be no hdd at all so it goes right to the next boot option which is pxe10:33
slidinghornrigo2341: without much more detail as to what happens when you attempt to boot, that's the best I can provide.  Any errors etc?10:33
SergioEDuran1slidinghorn, tank you10:33
SergioEDuran1thank you*10:33
dumbo_000hey can someone use freedos? i got problems on booting from cd from there i got an asus X554L - XO1236D10:33
cfhowlettdumbo_000, this is ubuntu support, not freedos10:34
dumbo_000the problem is that without being able to use dvd drive in there i can't install ubuntu lol, please understand.10:34
SergioEDuran1slidinghorn, let me try10:34
dumbo_000freedos irc channel is a bit quiet right now10:35
SergioEDuran1first I will reboot with not it10:35
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest22061
cfhowlettdumbo_000, still completely off-topic here.10:35
rigo2341no errors. so. i wiped the hdd completely. created a gpt - msdos - partition table, rebooted from usb stick installed the system totally automatically. rebooted again and no error message, just as if there would be no system on the hdd. so the boot sequence is just ignoring it.10:36
slidinghornrigo2341: have you tried updating grub in a live environment to make sure it's recognizing the new OS?10:38
Guest22061Noen som vet om en bra ok maskin som tar 3 skjermer til ubuntu til en billigst mulig penge. ingen spilling elle store operasjoner.10:38
rigo2341the hdd is there. it is errorfree. the system is installed. the hdd is partitioned to 3. the efi partition has the boot and esp flag.10:38
kostkon!no | Guest2206110:39
ubottuGuest22061: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!10:39
rigo2341with grub-install --root-directory stuff? yes.10:39
dumbo_000cfhowlett i am sorry for that, can you suggest me some way to solve my problem if i can't ask for help in a wise and respected channel like that?10:40
cfhowlettdumbo_000, www.freedos.org lists 3 social network channels. ask there10:41
dumbo_000i really need to solve that problem as soon as possible and i dunno where to ask for a question like that..freedos channel is quiet at the moment10:41
satrahhi agian test colour change10:41
dumbo_000thank you,btw-- have a nice day.10:42
nname31how can add bjt models (pnp, npn) in ngspice?10:44
cfhowlettnname31, ask the ngspice channel10:44
rigo2341im not sure if i want linux. if it is impossible to install on a factory-clean hdd with the fully automatic method.10:51
=== Potatoes is now known as habbasi
bekksrigo2341: What happens instead?10:53
rigo2341i boot up and like the hdd would be empty.10:54
cfhowlettrigo2341, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive10:54
bekksBoot up from what?10:54
bekkscd or usb thumb drive?10:55
rigo2341bekks:  usb10:55
rigo2341i dont have a cd drive10:55
sunwindhey guys, when I run software center from the apps menu I get these errors when trying to install or uninstall anything: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14229122/11:04
sunwindbut if I sudo software-center in a console it works fine11:04
sunwindI can't figure out how to sort it so I don't have to do that though11:05
cfhowlettsunwind, what did you try to instll11:05
sunwindamong other things11:05
sunwindit doesn't matter what11:05
cfhowlettsunwind, try  the terminal: sudo apt install vlc11:05
sunwindyeah I know I could just do it like that but that's not really solving the problem :B11:06
Ghost_r00thello guys. what should i do to just update gcc and related already installed gcc compiler on my system11:08
vaishusunwind: which ubuntu version are you using?11:09
bekksGhost_r00t: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dis-upgrade11:10
bekksGhost_r00t: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:10
vaishusunwind: See if PolicyKit Authentication Agent is checked or unchecked in Startup Programs.11:11
vaishusunwind: Check it if it is unchecked there11:12
sunwindit is checked11:12
vaishusunwind: Ah, then may be you can try reinstalling ubuntu software center11:13
sunwindI tried that already a couple times :(11:13
MonkeyDustsunwind  can you start any other gui program with password?11:13
sunwindand lots of googling the issue11:13
sunwindeverything else seems to run fine without complaining about permissions11:13
vaishusunwind: Oh :(11:14
vaishuAre you able to do this as a root?11:14
MonkeyDustsunwind  run the software center from terminal, to see errors11:14
sunwindran it and installed nestopia and that was the entire console11:17
MonkeyDustsunwind  what's the ouput of  cat /etc/issue11:19
sunwindcould you tell me how I can read that?11:19
MonkeyDustsunwind  in a terminal11:19
sunwindok yeah but I mean, I have no idea how to use the terminal other than sudo and apt-get11:20
sunwindI'm a newb at this11:20
MonkeyDustsunwind  simply type   cat /etc/issue    then hit enter11:21
olf-folkssunwind: try   setterm -forground red11:21
olf-folkssunwind: it will make you look way cool11:21
cfhowlett!behelpful | olf-folks11:21
ubottuolf-folks: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.11:21
sunwindhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14229241/ that's all11:22
olf-folkssunwind: is that the dev version? why not use the stable version?11:26
bekksolf-folks: there is no such things as "the dev version".11:26
sunwindI don't know, I am using it via crouton on my chromebook and wily was just one of the install options11:26
ikonia15.10 is not dev11:26
bekksolf-folks: 15,10 is a stable release, published in October 2015.11:27
sunwindhttps://ricochet.im/releases/1.1.1/ which of these will ubuntu be able to install? (if any)11:27
ikoniathere we go - crouton11:27
olf-folkswow i was un-awares ill upgrade bekks11:28
bekksolf-folks: Which version are you running?11:29
ikoniathat is not a supported ubuntu product it's a hack11:30
ikoniathe crouton guys can support you - we cannot11:30
olf-folkshardy heron bekks11:30
bekks!hardy | olf-folks11:30
ubottuolf-folks: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details.11:30
bekks!eolupgrade | ubottu11:31
ubottubekks: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:31
sunwindI thought crouton was just something that enabled it to run and didn't really affect anything to do with it11:31
bekks!eolupgrade > olf-folks11:31
ubottuolf-folks, please see my private message11:31
ikoniattake this to the crouton guys please11:31
sunwindalright well thanks for trying to help guys11:33
sunwindalthough maybe you could answer this: https://ricochet.im/releases/1.1.1/ which of these will ubuntu be able to install? (if any)11:34
ikoniathis is not ubunt11:34
sunwindoh ok. the download link just said 'linux' and lead there11:35
sunwindso it won't run on ubuntu?11:35
bekkssunwind: You have to build it on your own.11:35
sunwindah ok11:35
olf-folkssunwind: don't give up sometimes it is as easy as un-zip and a few commands to compile something.11:37
ikoniathat is nonsense11:37
sunwindI've compiled things like 10 years ago but any memory of how to do that stuff is gone11:37
ikoniasunwind: cruton is not an official ubuntu product - it's a hack to put part of ubuntu's userland on chrome OS11:37
sunwindcygwin! I used that. that's all I recall.11:38
sunwindI see11:38
ikoniasunwind: if you need help the crouton guys are your support resource, not here, as you are not running ubuntu11:38
MonkeyDustsunwind  you're in the wrong channel, that's why we couldnt help you11:38
sunwinddoes crouton really make that much difference to how it works?11:38
cfhowlettsunwind, yes11:38
ikoniabecause its not an ubuntu install11:39
sunwindI see11:39
ikoniat's just some userland productus ontop of chrome11:39
sunwindI thought it was just some kind of 'bootloader' thing, like I said, new to this stuff11:39
cfhowlettsunwind, and again(!), you are not using ubuntu so you in the *wrong channel*.11:39
sunwindwow chill out dude11:39
sunwindthere's 1700 people in here I can't even idle?11:39
olf-folksbut, you could hack your cromebook and put ubuntu on it :)11:39
olf-folkssunwind: ^11:39
ikoniasunwind: you're welcome to idle, but we won't support your install11:40
kernelPanichi all, please Help!! :) i got kernel panic and i am too: http://pastebin.com/FyMr9Xv311:40
sunwindyeah I get that, no worries11:40
kernelPanicAny one can point me in the right direction?11:42
kernelPanicBump http://pastebin.com/FyMr9Xv311:43
MOXHOможно по русски11:45
cfhowlett!ru | MOXHO11:45
ubottuMOXHO: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:45
MOXHOMonkeyDust, Спасибо!11:45
kernelPanicanyone can you please help me? http://pastebin.com/FyMr9Xv311:47
cfhowlett!patience | kernelPanic11:47
ubottukernelPanic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:47
locksmithHello, can someone tell me what is the correct way of doing this? I want to run a command, but it shouldn't have access to internet?11:48
locksmithI was thinking AppArmor or the "network domain" feature?11:48
locksmithnetwork namespace I mean11:48
locksmithHow would I say that "this process can only access this network" ?11:48
locksmithor like say "this process can not access this network/interface" ?11:49
kernelPanicI have searched all over, and now is my 5th hour trying to get the right cause... cfhowlett ubottu :-)11:49
olf-folksin ubuntu is there a way to play dos games on ubuntu without installing xorg?11:49
cfhowlettkernelPanic, understood.  still gotta be patient.  I didn't offer answer cause I don't have kernel panic knowledge ... nor can I see your paste here in China.11:49
MonkeyDustolf-folks  with dosbox11:50
OpenSorcekernelPanic, have you tried removing all USB devices?11:50
locksmithYeah, how do I limit a process to a certain interface?11:50
olf-folksMonkeyDust: can dosbox run without xorg?11:50
locksmithnetwork interface *11:50
OpenSorcelocksmith, you could define such restrictions in a firewall11:51
locksmithso ip tables?11:51
kernelPanicyes, nothing is connected other then Network and power. i plugged in the monitor to see why it is down... OpenSorce11:51
MonkeyDustkernelPanic  here in the channel, type   /msg alis list kernel11:51
locksmithOpenSorce: ip tables, and run it as a certain user/group ?11:51
locksmithOpenSorce: that's the 3rd way I think11:51
locksmithAppArmor can't do this I think11:52
locksmithso the 'unshare' program11:52
OpenSorcekernelPanic, hmm... looks like a bad reaction to some hardware. Do you have a sound or video card slotted on that machine?11:53
kernelPanicbuilt in, its a 12 or 13 years old machine, it was working for many years... OpenSorce .11:54
cfhowlettkernelPanic, you're running ubuntu  on that box?/11:55
kernelPanicOpenSorce Basic P4 2.8 GH with 1.5 GB Ram.11:55
kernelPaniccfhowlett Yes, running Ubuntu-server11:55
OpenSorcelocksmith, never used AppArmor. I did use something called "Trickle" once to achieve a similar goal.11:55
OpenSorcelocksmith, http://www.tecmint.com/manage-and-limit-downloadupload-bandwidth-with-trickle-in-linux/11:56
MOXHOкак переход от "UNity"?11:58
DJones!ru | MOXHO12:00
ubottuMOXHO: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:00
OpenSorceMOXHO, Я будет сообщение Вы частном12:00
MOXHOOpenSorce, Спасибо12:00
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BigBabyHey OpenSorce, this is KernelPanic here.12:09
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BluesKajHiyas all12:11
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Esxyzwhy would someone use Ubuntu instead of just MINT?12:17
BigBabybtw, this is me http://pastebin.com/FyMr9Xv312:18
ikoniaBigBaby: what do you want us to do with that12:20
ikoniaEsxyz: it's personal choice,12:20
Esxyzbased on what12:20
ikoniasupport, desktop enviornments, products, release cycle, anything really12:20
BigBabyikonia i am struggling with this about 5.5 hours. and i can really use your help.12:21
ikoniathat information is useless12:21
Esxyzdoesn't MINT have better support, better DE's configured out the box, and a better release cycle?12:21
ikoniait tells us nothing12:21
ikoniaEsxyz: it's personal opinion12:21
ikoniamake up your own mind12:21
optimistic7which is the best documentation for linux kernel?12:21
ikoniaoptimistic7: kernel.org12:21
optimistic7ok thnks :)12:22
BigBabyikonia server was running, then it started doing this all of a sudden. getting Kernel Panic, and i really don't know how to solve this. looking for anyone who has an idea and can point me in the right direction.12:22
ikoniaBigBaby: you'd need a lot more information than that12:22
Esxyzwhy does this review say this?12:23
Esxyz"Perhaps the most worrying thing about Mint is that it's based on Ubuntu, the future of which looks a lot less bright than it used to. There is of course Linux Mint Debian Edition, but it tends to lag well behind its Ubuntu-based brethren when it comes to updates and polish."12:23
Esxyza lot less bright?12:23
ikoniaEsxyz: who cares12:23
ikoniaEsxyz: make up your own mind12:23
BigBabyikonia What do you need, i will get it. this is my first time using IRC, so forgive my ignorance.12:23
EsxyzI am wondering what "happened" to Ubuntu12:23
Esxyzsince I was away a few years12:23
ikoniaEsxyz: nothing12:23
BigBabyikonia i am a software engineer, but not really a deep kernel user.12:23
ikoniaBigBaby: you'd need to capture the full dump, but I suspect you'll struggle with that,12:24
Esxyzmy friend told me that ubuntu basically failed and didnt take off like it was supposed to, and I need to check Mint instead12:24
ikoniaBigBaby: why not look at obvious things, eg: whats changed between it working/not working12:24
Esxyza couple years back like something happened12:24
ikoniaEsxyz: talk to your friend then12:24
BigBabyikonia only thing i did in last ccouple months was updates, nothing changed on this server for almost 4 years.12:25
AbeI'm being paranoid! "netstat -a" shows an ip address "" I looked for that ip and it turn out to be the Ministry of Defense. http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=79383343 but it's listed as a local address so I might read something wrong. does somebody has that ip popping up too in netstat -a. sorry guys sometimes I just turn paranoid12:25
ikoniaBigBaby: have look at the syslog see if there are any obvious errors12:25
ikoniaAbe: look at how / what it's connecting to12:26
BigBabyikonia great, where can i find it? /var/log/????12:26
ikoniaBigBaby: thats it12:26
BigBabyikonia so /var/log/syslog ?12:26
ikoniaBigBaby: that works, a nice idea is delete all your logs, reboot (if possible) and then look at the logs after it panics12:26
ikoniathat will remove a lot of pointless noise12:27
BigBabyikonia will do, i have a ubuntu live CD ready to boot and cleanup. i will get you a single boot log.12:27
ikoniadon't want a boot log12:28
BigBabyikonia, it will take me some time, as it is on a downstairs. i know about the boot, you mean syslog,12:28
BigBabyikonia right?12:28
ikoniaI don't want a log12:29
ikoniayou need to review the logs12:29
BigBabyikonia, thank you12:29
cfhowlettAbe, I'm in China and see no such questionable entry, but I still assume some degree of monitoring somewhere12:29
BigBabyikonia i will review, and i hope i will understand the syslog.12:29
Abeikonia: how do I check that? STATE says nothing idk what netbiosdgm means. "udp |0 |0 *:*" like I said it shows at Local address not as Foreign Address12:32
ikoniawhat do you mean it shows as a local address ?12:33
AbeIm not that familiar with it so I might be completly wrong12:33
Abelet me take a screen. sorry it has nothing to do with ubuntu support12:33
cfhowlettAbe, actually, you would be better served in #networking12:34
Abehttp://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=51140887 ok all the way on top, it says Local Address, on foreign address nothing is listed. cfhowlett ok I will switch over there12:36
dumbo_000I know i better not write about that in here please can i ask something that is just about partitions and drives? i'm about to install ubuntu on my asus X554LA-XO1236D my only fault is that it has freedos 1.0.5 installed. didn't want to pay for a windows licence if i wanted to install linux.12:39
livcdcan someone point me to 15.10 repos so i can check if it contains a specific version of pkg ?12:40
DJoneslivcd: http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:40
dumbo_000now, please..i don't know where to ask about it.. i made a fdisk to see drives it recognize 2 drives C: (default hard disk drive) D: (unaccessible drive but it says it's a fat32 partition)12:41
dumbo_000now my drives situation is : A and B drives: can't access both,but i suppose b drive should be for floppy disk (my laptop doesn't use it) , C: hard disk, D: says no label cannot access files E:freedos folder12:43
dumbo_000ok i have to boot from CD12:43
dumbo_000to install ubuntu. i changed settings in bios...to allow boot from cd, i select device but it doesn't allow me to boot from cd..it says the D: drive is a partition too...12:44
dumbo_000i spent hours and hours searching for a solution but i haven't found a good one yet...it doesn't recognize usb drive too, i got a cd with drivers but i cannot access it from freedos.12:45
livcdDJones: thx12:45
locksmithIs it just me or do programmers *hate* auto-updates or what?12:46
dumbo_000you can understand is a weird situation, it's off-topic everywhere so why not asking here. let me say sorry to them who does not agree with it.. i am desperate and need some help.12:47
locksmithAs a programmer, I couldn't give less shit about security updates that affect either someone who is either a) really dumb and shouldn't be using linux in the first place or b) installed their os 5 years ago and really needs an update12:47
MonkeyDustlocksmith  calm down and explain what brings you here12:48
dumbo_000please help me change OS. :(12:48
MonkeyDustdumbo_000  try both with a live dvd /usb, then decide what you like most12:50
locksmithseriously, who here is running a heavy SSH server and just needs the latest version of every lib12:50
locksmithI have like 6 ports open I could give less shit about outdated software12:50
cfhowlettlocksmith, drop the profanity.  unnecessary and unwelcome12:50
farooghkzdumbo, say me ur problem.12:50
farooghkzim not sure but maybe i help u.12:50
MonkeyDustlocksmith  no such language here12:50
dumbo_000MonkeyDust, i cannot access usb or dvd that's my problem12:50
MonkeyDustlocksmith  this is support, how can we help you12:51
BluesKajdumbo_000:  how old is your pc?12:51
dumbo_000i cannot find out what's wrong and i wasting lot of time without an answer.12:51
dumbo_000it's a new pc12:51
dumbo_000like a 5 days.12:52
BluesKaj!uefi | dumbo_00012:52
ubottudumbo_000: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:52
SergioEDuran1Hello friends12:52
rvgatelocksmith, we did an auto-upgrade once on production... completely broke the platform because one of the packages had a new major release with a different storage mechanism... so yeah, i prefer frozen versions :P auto-update is nice for your personal server/computer tho12:53
SergioEDuran1the solution proposed by slidinghorn has not worked; any other idea? I need to make xboxdrv start with some extra options12:54
rvgateoh.. he left12:54
SergioEDuran1sudo xboxdrv --silent --detach-kernel-driver --mimic-xpad12:54
dumbo_000how to make sure my asus X554LA-XO1236D is a UEFI?12:55
farooghkzu cant access that.12:56
farooghkzin ubuntu?12:56
dumbo_000I am a newbie with freedos and never pretended it to be my main OS12:56
dumbo_000cause it really drives me out of mind12:57
dumbo_000i feel more confortable with linux12:57
farooghkzis freedos ubuntu?12:57
farooghkzbut dis is ubuntu channel12:57
cfhowlettdumbo_000, did you red the UEFI wiki?12:57
dumbo_000i'm looking for help to install linux12:58
dumbo_000ubuntu is linux12:58
cfhowlettdumbo_000, you asked about uefi.  I'm guessing you did not read the uefi link.  No on is going to hold your hand, and ignoring resources will get your questions ignored.12:59
dumbo_000come on don't tell me i can't look for help in here again..you know there's no right place12:59
dumbo_000i'm reading it cfhowlett12:59
farooghkzdumbo, sorry that i cant help u :-(13:00
BobbbbHello! Please excuse me if this is in the wrong place...I am on a slow internet connection so stuff is slow...I have a general programming question. Can anyone help?13:01
cfhowlettBobbbb, ask #programming13:01
MonkeyDustBobbbb  what coding language?13:02
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BobbbbCfhowlett thanks. Sorry to be a nuisance. MonkeyDust in python3 or java, it is more regarding general nonspecific stuff though13:02
MonkeyDustBobbbb  there's also #ubuntu-app-devel13:03
BobbbbMonkeyDust thanks!13:03
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dumbo_000I got a drivers disk that came out with my laptop but cannot access dvd drive to install..13:10
AbeDuuhh It was Hamachi guys xD I didn't think of that, besides I thought this program doesn't have a connection until the program is startet13:10
MonkeyDustdumbo_000  if you can't install, then what is your question exactly?13:12
dumbo_000when i get to boot options and select ubuntu disk it brings me to main freedos screen13:12
dumbo_000it ignores my command to boot from cd13:13
Abedumbo_000: do you have an EFI system ?13:13
dumbo_000tried with external dvd drive13:13
dumbo_000and it doesn't recognize it13:13
jflkjhi, I'm trying to copy a folder into another folder using sudo cp -r folder1 folder2 but it won't let me copy the entire thing, apparently. using du -sbh it differs [13:13] == Cannot send to channel: ##linux13:14
dumbo_000i don't know how to see if i have an EFI system or not13:14
cfhowlettdumbo_000, brand new, naked HDD?  you probably need to configure that drive before you do anything else.  read your hardware documentation.13:14
jflkjyeah, copied it because linux doesn't accept unregistered13:14
Abedumbo_000: Is it an old BIOS or the newer kinds look newer mostly!13:14
Abeif yes try turning off "secure boot" and later on turn it back "on"13:15
hickenwhy is still kepping asking password prompt  with ssh with publick autehntication i have folowed the steps http://www.golinuxhub.com/2014/01/how-to-create-password-less-ssh.html but still asking  me password13:17
farooghkzdumbo, say ur question again.13:17
AbeHe cannot boot from CD13:18
rvgatehicken, not related to your question, but you should really avoid having passwordless ssh keys... even if someone gets a hold of your key, they wont be able to use it13:18
MonkeyDustdumbo_000  and the dvd is burnt correctly?13:20
rvgatedumbo_000, i had a simular problem yesterday... fixed it by changing the SATA mode to AHCI in the bios13:20
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hickenrvgate: i know but for the time bieang i want it to communicate  by both computers to do common task13:21
martienI downloaded ubuntu 14.04 to install on an empty (old) laptop. Hoe can i install the .iso file?13:21
MonkeyDustmartien  burn it on a dvd or create a bootbale usb, then boot from there13:21
farooghkzmartien, burn it on a dvd and boot it13:21
rvgatehicken, is the server prompting a password, or is it the prompt to unluck the key ?13:22
jflkjmartien: use unetbootin, others might have trouble getting the casperfs right13:22
Abedumbo_000: I bet you having problems with Uefi system13:22
MonkeyDustmartien  partitioning is the hardest part, especially if you're familiar with it13:23
MonkeyDustnot familiar*13:23
hickenrvgate: both of them are prompt even to unlock13:23
martienI copied it to a USB device. Booting from that device does not work.13:23
jflkjdoes anyone know my copying problem?13:23
jflkjmartien: how did you copy it? is the iso file just in the disk or is it unpacked?13:24
ikoniawhat version of ubuntu ?13:24
ikoniajflkj: what version of ubuntu13:24
Abewhere are all those guys coming from that want to install linux now :O13:24
farooghkzmartien, u just copied?u should make a bootable usb13:24
MonkeyDustmartien  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/13:24
jflkjmartien: use unetbootin, yumi has trouble with the casperfs in 14.0413:25
jflkjikonia: 14.04 live13:25
Abejust go and watch youtube tutorials on how to make a USB bootable13:26
ikoniajflkj: oh, as you're also asking in debian as a debian install ?13:26
rvgatehicken, check the destination first... disable the password login ssh server, set it to accept public key only... double check if your .pub is in the authorized_keys file.. also, make sure the user you're trying to login to matches the user on your machine, if not, prefix with ssh <user>@<host>... sorry if this sounds all basic13:26
MonkeyDustAbe  just go and watch youtube how to fix your car13:26
dumbo_000there was no hardware documentation with the laptop..specs are those listed here: http://icecat.it/en/p/asus/90nb0658-m18500/notebooks-X554LA-XO1236D-27214044.html13:26
jflkjikonia: see debian13:27
ioriadumbo_000, when you power on the laptop, what you got ? the Dos prompt  or what ?13:27
martieni copied the file from the download folder to the USB device. It is not unpacked.13:27
ikoniajflkj: what is the exact command you are using to copy the folder13:28
MonkeyDustmartien  it has to be unpacked13:28
jflkjikonia: sudo cp -r dir1 dir213:28
ikoniajflkj: and what happens ?13:28
Abedumbo_000: On this Pc yes you have probably an EFI system Go ahead and turn the secure boot off and choose The DVD Drive as First boot device. Install Ubuntu, after that go into your bios again and turn secure boot off. Don't forget to save your setting in the Bios13:29
jflkjikonia: executes successfully, checking with du -sbh dir1 && dir 2 after it differs in size13:29
martienI downloaded and copied it with a windows laptop13:29
ikoniadu is not something you should use to check13:29
Abein the Uefi* sorry13:29
jflkjikonia: with what should I?13:30
MonkeyDustmartien  ok, now you have to create a bootable usb with it, there are programs for that13:30
ikoniajflkj: a directory checksum ? or use rsync that has checking built in13:30
farooghkzmartien, u should make a bootable usb. download unetbootin 4 windows13:30
ikoniajflkj: if it doesn't error - it's copied it exactly13:30
jflkjikonia: could you tell me how to copy and check with rsync?13:31
ikoniarsync does it automatically13:31
ikoniait checksums before and after13:31
jflkjikonia: could you tell me how to copy and check with rsync?p13:32
jflkjwhoops sorry13:32
AbeMonkeyDust: sorry I take this back.13:32
jflkjpushed arrow up13:32
ikoniano problem13:32
lettuce45how do I start an application, from the cli, windowed?13:32
jflkjikonia: do you know the command or should I read rsync?13:32
dumbo_000rvgate, my Sata mode is already AHCI and I can't change it13:32
studentwhat is ubuntu channel for gci student13:33
ikoniarsync a b13:33
jflkjikonia: should be root right?13:33
ikoniashy ?13:34
ikoniawhy ?13:34
ikoniawhy do you need to be root13:34
dumbo_000BTW: Serial ATA port 1 Device type:ATAPI CDROM Model name: MASHITA DVD-RAM UJ8HC13:35
jflkjcan a normal user copy folders with root permissions? :s13:35
MonkeyDustjflkj  with sudo13:35
jflkjyeah :P13:35
ikoniajflkj: what files arey ou trying to copy13:35
jflkjikonia: root folder13:35
ikoniajflkj: there should only be systems files owned by root13:36
ikoniathe root folder ? exactly what folder13:36
jflkj /root13:36
ikonia /root is empty13:36
ikoniaas there is no root user in ubuntu13:36
jflkjikonia: it isn't empty :P13:37
ikoniajflkj: why is it not empty13:37
ikoniathere is no root user in ubuntu13:37
ikoniaso it should be empty13:37
jflkjikonia: it's got all kinds of config files and stuff :D13:38
ikoniajflkj: why ?13:38
ikoniajflkj: it should be empty13:38
farooghkzikonia, there is a root user in ubuntu that u can access it13:38
ikoniano you can't13:38
ikoniaunlness you break the security model13:38
ikoniawhich you shouldn't be doing13:38
farooghkzwith this13:38
ikoniahence /root should be empty13:38
farooghkzsudo -i13:39
ikoniathat won't put you in /root13:39
ikoniathat will give you a uid of 013:39
ikoniaso /root should be empty13:39
farooghkzwe're talking about root user, right?13:40
ikoniawhat ?13:40
jflkjikonia: well I got webcamstudio stuff in it, cache, config, dbus, gconf, gvfs, hplip, java, local, rpmdb, bash history, bashrc, profile13:40
ikoniajflkj: you shouldn't13:41
ikoniajflkj: why are you copying these elsewhere /13:41
ikoniayou should not need anything in that directory13:41
jflkjikonia: how is it in there then?13:41
dumbo_000how to add boot options in bios?13:41
ikoniadepends what you have been doing13:41
ikoniadumbo_000: read your bios documentation13:41
dumbo_000i got a lamp13:41
dumbo_000where to find my bios documentation?13:42
ioriadumbo_000, why do you need to 'add' boot options ?13:43
ikoniain your botherboard manual/on the web13:43
jflkjikonia: some askubuntu forum post said I should back it up13:43
plasmalasgunDoes anyone knows how to config/install phpmyadmin? Whent localhost/phpmyadmin i always get 40413:43
Abejflkj: Just put all your personal data and files in your Home Folder13:43
farooghkzdumbo, i think it comes with ur motherboard13:43
ikoniajflkj: then they are wrong13:43
ikoniajflkj: it should not be in the /root directory and you will never use/need it13:43
dumbo_000if i format everything i can still access bios?13:44
Abejflkj: put all your stuff in your homefolder13:44
dumbo_000or boot from cd?13:44
jflkjabe ikonia so I should not backup etc, opt, root and var?13:44
MonkeyDustdumbo_000  yes, bios loads before the os13:45
dumbo_000ioria, i need boot options cause it cancelled default boot options i dunno why13:45
farooghkzyes if that problem is not with bios.13:45
dumbo_000i dunno if freedos can be considered an os or not13:45
ioriadumbo_000, when you power on the laptop, what you got ? the Dos prompt  or what ?13:45
farooghkzbut dont do that13:45
Abejflkj: I don't even know what you're trying to do. all your files in you home folder13:45
dumbo_000now i dunno what i've done but i only have the bios setup13:46
ikoniajflkj: /var /???13:46
dumbo_000it's aptio setup utility13:46
ikoniajflkj: what are you trying to do - what is your end goal13:46
farooghkzdumbo, also u can find bios doc at site of bios13:46
hickenrvgate: infact i am also beginer i have already checked what you told me but i coudnt find .pub in the authorized_keys file in the  remote server?13:46
ioriadumbo_000,  so you don't have the freedos prompt ?   like   c :\    ?13:47
jflkjikonia Abe I'm just backing up my system and moving to debian and I really don't want to lose anything13:47
ikoniathat seems a bad idea13:47
ikoniaas debian / ubuntu will have difference config13:47
ikoniaso why are you backing up bad stuff ?13:47
jflkjikonia: are you saying there is no way to not lose my files while going to debian?13:48
ikoniajflkj: what files ?13:48
AbeDebian? this is Ubuntu?13:48
farooghkzi think hes talking about personel files13:48
dumbo_000ok solved dunno why it has done this seems like my laptop do what it wants when it wants and ignores my opinion13:49
jflkjikonia: files I've gathered over the last year on ubuntu13:49
dumbo_000now i can still have boot options but still cant boot from cd13:49
jflkjAbe: yes this is ubuntu, I'm running ubuntu13:49
ikoniajflkj: such as ?13:49
MonkeyDustjflkj  in your /home, there are pictures, music etc, but also config files ... the config files are (or can be) useless when changing distro13:49
ikoniajflkj: as so far you have listed log files in /var and /root config files13:49
ikoniawhich are nothing to do with you13:49
rvgatehicken, your key comes with a private and public key... the contents of the public key should go in the authorized_keys file at the destination for a specific user.. /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys13:49
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dumbo_000got boot override in my bios setup but it doesn't work too13:50
jflkjikonia: what about the files in etc, opt, and var?13:50
AbeUbuntu is not Debian. Debian based yes, but still a different system. Just don't do what you're trying to do13:50
ikoniajflkj: why would you take them ?13:50
ikoniajflkj: they are log files and system config files for ubuntu13:50
farooghkzdumbo, do u test that cd with another computer?13:51
dumbo_000freedos tells me after start: FAILURE! no IDE/ATAPI Drives found13:51
dumbo_000i can't install drivers without accessing cd13:51
ioriadumbo_000,  if i were you i reload the default values of the bios....13:52
farooghkzdrivers 4 freedos?13:52
jflkjikonia: okay.. so just backing up home then..13:52
hickenrvgate: so du  mean can i secify the location while iam copy from the clieant to  the remote server like  the remote server is hduser $sudo ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub hduser@ipadres:/home/hduser/.ssh/authorized_keys13:52
ikoniajflkj: that can dangerous too13:53
jflkjikonia: could you tell me what I can do?13:53
ikoniajflkj: take only what you want - not the whole directory13:53
dumbo_000when i try to access drive D: it tells me volume in drive D has no label, file not found13:53
ikoniaas desktop config files for example won't port over13:53
dumbo_000it's the driver disk i can't access it like any other disks13:53
ikoniajflkj: copy the files you want to keep13:53
Abejflkj: take all your personal files and back them up. like ikonia not the hole directory13:53
jflkjikonia: Abe: what could be dangerous?13:55
rvgatehicken, the contents of id_rsa.pub (do a cat id_rsa.pub) should be inside the authorized_keys file at the server, on the user you're trying to login to13:55
Abescrewing with important system files13:55
AbeTake your home older as your home where you stuff everything in13:56
Abethats what its for13:56
dumbo_000<farooghkz> yeah i tested it with another computer, problem is not cd13:57
dumbo_000problem is how to make it read it13:57
dumbo_000it recognizes it but doesn't boot13:57
Abedumbo_000: did you figure out if you have an EFI UEFI* System?13:58
dumbo_000or access files in here13:58
jflkjikonia: Abe: for example I have images with owner access read and write, group acces read and other access none13:58
dumbo_000yeah efi13:58
AbeAre you trying to boot Ubuntu from CD?13:58
farooghkzdumbo, i dont know. maybe cdrom cant read cd. why not using usb?13:58
Abedumbo_000: Are you trying to boot Ubuntu from CD?13:59
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ikoniajflkj: what ??13:59
jflkjikonia: what it says13:59
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ikoniajflkj: what are you talking about13:59
dumbo_000well i suppose it's efi14:00
dumbo_000i don't know for real14:00
Abeyes it is Efi your computer is a new one they all have EFI systems by now14:00
Abedumbo_000: Are you trying to boot Ubuntu from CD?14:01
jflkjikonia: about backing up files. I can't copy files owned by root if others don't have write access14:01
dumbo_000http://icecat.it/en/p/asus/90nb0658-m18500/notebooks-X554LA-XO1236D-27214044.html this is the laptop14:01
ikoniajflkj: there are no files in your home directory owned by root14:01
BluesKajdumbo_000:  100% of windows equipped pcs are UEFI since windows 8,/201014:01
dumbo_000i launched it uefi14:02
dumbo_000ubuntu 12.0414:02
dumbo_00064 bit14:02
dumbo_000it's working!14:03
Abedumbo_000: 12.04 does not support UEFI systems14:03
dumbo_000fuck i really don't know why14:03
dumbo_000what if i install it then?14:03
cfhowlett!language | dumbo_00014:03
ikoniadumbo_000: stop swearing14:03
Abedumbo_000: 14.04 does support UEFI systems. Do not and I repeat install 12.04 on a Uefi System14:03
jflkjikonia: are you trolling me?14:03
ikoniajflkj: no14:04
ikoniajflkj: I'm stating a fact14:04
dumbo_000ok then... so the last version of ubuntu supports uefi?14:04
Abedumbo_000: Yes get 14.04! or newer14:04
dumbo_00015.04?what do you suggest?14:05
AbeDo not install or try installing 12.04 on a Uefi system14:05
BluesKaj15.10 is the latest14:05
dumbo_000what are main differences between 14.04 and 15.04 in your opinion14:05
dumbo_000yeah but .10 are not LTS14:05
martienThanks for the information. I made the USB device bootable. I have to restart to check if i can install this version.14:05
Abedumbo_000: I would recommend a Long Term Support release14:05
BluesKajniether is 15.0414:06
Abedumbo_000: which would be 14.0414:06
dumbo_000why not?14:06
dumbo_000 so 14.0414:06
dumbo_000is it good as 12.04?14:06
Abedumbo_000: 15.04 is not a long term support release. 14.04 is supported until 201914:06
jflkjikonia: okay, from the start, I am booting from a liveusb running ubuntu 14.04 accessing a fully encrypted partition. I want to back everything up to move to debian but can't open some images on the partition if I'm not root14:07
cfhowlettubottu is in an eggnog coma ...14:07
ikoniajflkj: you shouldn't have files in your home directory owned by root14:07
BluesKajhmm what's with the infobot14:07
jflkjI do ikonia14:07
MonkeyDustubottu has a Xmas hangover14:08
ikoniajflkj: then change the ownership14:08
ikoniajflkj: what is the full path of these files14:08
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dumbo_000how to make a bootable 8gb flashdrive with ubuntu?14:09
jflkjikonia: since I told you I'm booting from a liveusb it's /media/ubuntu/partition/home/user/images/file14:09
Abedumbo_000: Are you a native Windows user?14:10
ikoniajflkj: change the ownerchip then14:10
farooghkzdumbo, with ubuntu?now u have ubuntu?14:10
cfhowlett!usb | dumbo_00014:10
dumbo_000on this computer. but this is not mine14:10
dumbo_000w8 on this14:11
jflkjikonia: my main priority is backing it up now, and I can do it as root14:11
dumbo_000oh fuck14:12
hickenrvgate: i have already creat .pub but now when i am trying to ssh " Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/hduser/.ssh/known_hosts). Permission denied (publickey)." the permition is  600 of each user14:12
dumbo_000i got gnu grub14:12
BluesKajdumbo_000:  there's not much point if you can't use your own pc while people are giving you advice14:12
dumbo_000sorry for telling the wrong world with f. again14:12
Abedumbo download 14.04 Burn it to DVD or make a bootable USB Stick, choose that (USB, DVD)as Boot Option in Uefi, install Ubuntu.14:13
ikoniajflkj: change the paermissions14:14
AbeGrub is the boot manager,14:15
jflkjikonia: why change it if I can copy them as root, don't say "because they're not supposed to be root" or anything else that would waste bytes in irc logs please14:16
ikoniajflkj: because you're not supposed to and you're copying something with the wrong permisions14:17
ikoniafix it and copy it right14:17
dumbo_000no more freedos in here, no more gnu grub14:17
dumbo_000just a message: reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key14:18
jflkjikonia: copying as root copies everything, correct?14:18
dumbo_000i suppose i made something wrong14:18
Abedumbo_000: If you ask more specific people can give you more specific advise14:18
dumbo_000i'll solve on my own14:18
ikoniajflkj: no14:18
dumbo_000thank you for your help lol14:18
ikoniajflkj: being root has nothing to do with everything14:18
dumbo_000i abused too much of your patience14:19
Abejflkj: why do you have this thing with root all the time?14:25
Abegood luck you all14:26
jflkjAbe: root has access over all my files and user doesn't for some randomly for various reasons14:26
ikoniaso change the permissions14:26
ikoniastop making things worse by copying the files setup wrong14:26
ikoniasudo chown -R jflkj:jflk /home/jlfk14:27
AbeYou could look into "chmod"14:27
ikoniawhy are you even doing this from a liveusb14:28
jflkjikonia: I don't want user to be able to access some files14:28
ikoniajust do this from your ubuntu install14:28
ikoniajflkj: you don't want a user to be able to access files in the users home directory - that is just wrong14:28
ikoniajust doing things wrong and conform14:28
jflkjikonia: if the user would be exploited I would have some files with root only write access14:30
jflkjikonia: meaning they're not in danger14:30
ikoniajflkj: thats just silly14:30
ikoniajflkj: that is a terrible idea14:30
Abeactually only read sounds better to me14:30
jflkjikonia: why14:30
jflkjAbe: thank you. finally someone gets it14:31
ikoniajflkj: because if the user was exploited they would have root access anyway14:31
jflkjikonia: no14:31
ikoniaand if they are protected files they should not be in the users home directory14:31
Abejflkj: sorry I didn't14:31
ikoniafix your file permissions and move on14:31
jflkjikonia: they wouldn't have root access if a user would be exploited, they can perfectly be protected from write while being root only for write14:33
ikoniathis is just bad14:33
ikoniajflkj: a users home directory should not contain files owned by root14:34
ikoniaif you want to do this - do it, but don't expect help from people14:34
jflkjikonia: why not14:34
ikoniabecause you are making a problem with a bad idea14:34
jflkjikonia: what is the problem14:34
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jflkjikonia: you're just saying "because it is"14:35
ikoniathe fact that you need root access to access files in yoru users home directory14:35
ikoniaand you end up with files with the wrong ownership14:35
AbeI never had Permission Problems in my /home directory... only if I had to mark them as executable14:35
ikoniaif files need to be owned by root - they live outside the home directory14:35
Abejflkj: listen to ikonia14:36
jflkjikonia: they have group read access, they can perfectly be read by the user14:36
ikoniathen why set them to be owned as root14:36
ikoniawhat value is that14:36
ikoniaas the "compromised" user can read them14:36
jflkjikonia: because they can't be deleted then14:36
ikoniawho cares ???14:37
ikoniawhy would someone delete them14:37
terrasapienaccidents happen14:37
ikoniaterrasapien: by that logic ever file on the system should be owned as root14:37
jflkjikonia: what terrasapien said, for very important files. plus, why would someone bomb a city?14:38
jflkjwhy would someone troll?14:38
terrasapienexcept the ones owned by user, yes of course14:38
Abejflkj: do "sudo su" then "rm" the system files xD14:38
ikoniajflkj: don't be silly14:38
ikoniajflkj: you're making a problm where one doesn't exist14:38
jflkjthanks Abe will do14:38
ikoniaterrasapien: right - these are USER files and he's setting them to be owned by root in the home dir14:38
terrasapienikonia: well that is bizzare. i came late to the discussion14:39
ikoniaterrasapien: everyone things it's bizzare14:39
terrasapienyet bizzare is not necessarily "wrong"14:39
ikoniait is when you're locked out of those files and can't copy them as he is now14:39
Abeikonia: was thats wrong?14:40
ikoniaI've lost interest now14:40
jflkjikonia: if I want a user to be able to read but not write to a file, how should I do this?14:40
ikoniajflkj: set the file system permissions to user read only14:40
terrasapienchmod 044 file ??14:41
jflkjright, why is it "wrong" in home?14:41
ikoniasetting the permissions to read only is not wrong14:41
ikoniasetting the owner to root is14:41
ikoniajflkj: do what you want - you'll just make a mess of your system,14:42
terrasapienikonia: oh now I see the issue and agree with you14:42
terrasapiencertainly NOT the best way to make files read only14:42
morsnowskiisn't more a linux topic?14:44
terrasapienjflkj: go read man chattr14:44
morsnowskior did I miss the python implication14:44
terrasapienchange file attributes gives you fine  levels of control over file permissions14:44
craigbass76Any GUVC users in here?  Trying to figur eout how to add captions to a live stream, and I'm either numbing it or it can't be done.14:44
jflkjanyways, my main issue is: I'm backing up files to move to debian. I've been told I should backup all kinds of folders and told I should backup home only14:45
ikoniajflkj: get on with it then14:45
ikoniayou'll have to do it your own way14:45
jflkjikonia: whatr14:45
* morsnowski withdraws his last comment14:45
ikoniaget on with backing up the files you'll want - you'll have to do it your own way14:45
farooghkzjfklj, u can copy, right?14:46
morsnowskiof course these root owned files will make it a lot easier14:46
jflkjikonia: I don't want to break my system but people are telling me all kinds of stuff what I can't and should do without giving reasons14:46
ikoniajflkj: they are giving reasons, you're just not interested and want to your own thing14:46
jflkjikonia: what's 1 given reason? :s14:47
ikoniajflkj: read the back scroll14:47
craigbass76jflkj make suree you get it all (the dot directories)---  I'vehadbetter lucvk with rsync than just copying14:47
ikoniado not get the . directories14:47
ikoniaa lot of them will configure components that are not the same in debian14:48
ikoniatake only the files you want14:48
craigbass76why not?  What if he wnts his thunderbird profile?14:48
ikoniait depends on the file14:48
ikoniahence why I said take what you need, not the whole lot14:48
terrasapienbut not all . dirs -- best to just hand pick the ones he wants14:48
craigbass76Oh.  I just grab them all and sort it out after14:49
terrasapienthen wonder why your debian install is doing backflips and hiccups on speed14:49
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morsnowskiterrasapien: that's the fun part, I do it the same way as craigbass7614:51
jflkjso sudo chown -R jflkj:jflk /media/ubuntu/partition/home/jlfk ?14:52
ikoniano, as your on a live system14:53
ikoniaso that user won't exist14:53
ikoniaand not from your ubuntu install14:53
ikoniawhy are you doing this from a live system14:53
jflkjikonia: I can't boot into the encrypted partition because of the recent bug with it where it's racing14:56
ikoniajflkj: a bug ?14:56
ikoniawhich bug ?14:56
ikoniawhats the bug id14:56
jflkjikonia: I'll try finding it14:56
ikoniathat sounds very serious if it locks people out of their encypted disk14:56
Abeikonia: you don't know that racing bug?14:57
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jflkjikonia: disconnected15:01
jflkjikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/148153615:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1481536 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) ""cryptsetup: unknown fstype, bad password or options?" error unlocking / decrypting LUKS volume at boot" [High,Confirmed]15:02
jflkjthus people can't easily patch it15:02
ikoniajust having a read, not seen this15:02
ikoniajflkj: what version of ubuntu are you using15:03
jflkjikonia: latest15:03
ikoniawhich one15:03
Abethis error will appear but the system will then proceed to boot successfully and have the encrypted volume successfully mounted.15:03
jflkjikonia: 15.10 (latest)15:04
Abeyou still get in jflkj15:04
jflkjikonia: my liveusb I'm on right now has 14.0415:04
jflkjAbe: yes, if booting from a liveusb and manually verifying the password in terminal15:05
Abejflkj: I thought you were trying changing file permissions... sorry I think I missed the last part :/15:06
ikoniawhat an interesting bug I'd not seen that15:06
ikoniajflkj: if you do an ls -la against where your home directory is mounted on the livecd what do you get15:07
ikonia(can you show us in a pastebin please)15:07
Abeikonia: do you type with ten fingers?15:07
jflkjlol abe15:08
jflkjikonia: could you clarify that question?15:09
ikoniacould we please see "la -la" of where your home directory is mounted on the livecd please15:09
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Abeikonia: I wish I could do that15:10
hicken_I made a mistake and deleted the "known_hosts" file in ".ssh" folder! Now I can't pull15:10
livcdwhat do i put to sources.list to get xenial repo ?15:11
ikoniait will recreate15:11
jflkjikonia: you want to see the content of /media/ubuntu/partition/home ?15:11
ikonials -la15:11
ikoniathe -la is key15:11
jflkjikonia: this? :s15:13
ikoniajflkj: one level more in15:14
ikoniathats useful though, showing uid 1000:100015:14
jflkjikonia: like.. back?15:14
ikoniaforward, "in" one level more15:15
jflkjikonia: into jflkj ?15:15
jflkjikonia: I feel kind of uncomfortable sharing all these things15:16
jflkjikonia: what do you want to check?15:17
ikoniadon't then15:17
ikonialets leave it there15:17
jflkjikonia: :/ don't be childing15:18
jflkjikonia: :/ don't be childish*15:18
ikoniawhat ?15:18
Abedamn... I don't even get what u guys are even talkin about xD. I can help installing but this is to high for me15:19
jflkjikonia: I'm kind of a private person15:19
ikoniathats fine, thats why I said don't share it and lets leave it ther15:19
jflkjikonia: will it still help if I remove the directory names?15:20
livcdi need to install a single package from Wily to my Vivid host15:20
ikoniajflkj: lets not bother any more, changing data is just going to give missleading info15:20
livcdWhat's the best way to do it without including the Wily's repos ?15:20
ikoniait's clear your embarrassed by what you have in your home directory, so lets not push the matter15:20
ikonialivcd: you should not do that at all15:20
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terrasapienjflkj: try: find /home -perm 644 | wc -l15:21
livcdikonia: i need a new version of Ruby15:21
daftykinsAbe: hang around and you'll pick things up ; but yeah, dont try to help if you don't know :)15:21
terrasapienand then find /home -not -perm 644 | wc -l15:21
jflkjterrasapien: what does it do?15:21
ikoniaterrasapien: I'm interested in the different uid's due to it running from a livecd,15:21
ikonia(well, I was interested)15:21
Abedaftykins: trying to :D15:22
terrasapieni'm just curious, maybe not quite so far as interested ;)15:22
jflkjikonia: it's all root and 1000 100015:22
jflkjyou people are making me paranoid :P15:23
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daftykinsroot isn't UID 1000?15:25
terrasapienjflkj: find /home/ -not -user YOU | wc -l15:26
terrasapienand then fix everything with: find /home/ -not -user YOU -exec chown YOU:YOU {} \;15:27
jflkjterrasapien: you're just locating the user on the partition? (not the liveusb user)15:28
ikoniahe can't do you:you15:28
ikoniahe's on a livecd15:28
ikoniathats why you're seeing uid 100015:28
terrasapienoh, i forgot, you're on liveCD . . . my bad15:28
Iresfhi everyone15:29
Iresfany know workin with selendroid in android-studio on ubuntu ?15:29
MonkeyDust!find android15:30
daftykinsioria: yeah i more meant it sounded like jflkj was saying it was :>15:30
ubottuFound: android-headers, android-tools-fsutils, libandroid-properties-dev, libandroid-properties1, android, android-copyright, android-emulator, android-src-vendor, google-android-sdk-docs-installer, google-android-build-tools-installer (and 51 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=android&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all15:30
ioriadaftykins, ^_^15:30
Mr_FoxHi All15:36
Mr_FoxAny body here ?15:37
jflkjikonia: how do I back my files up from a liveusb then?15:38
daftykinsMr_Fox: ask a question, don't expect generic pleasantries ;)15:38
ikoniajflkj: ask someone else, it's clear you want to do it your own way and don't want to share information15:38
ikoniajflkj: anyone in the channel will help15:38
daftykins!pm | Mr_Fox15:38
ubottuMr_Fox: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:38
Mr_Foxhow are you daftykins ?15:39
MonkeyDustMr_Fox  this is the support channel, not a 'how are you'-channel15:39
Mr_Foxok sorry15:39
Mr_FoxI just want anyone to advice me which is best operation system and powerfull system sorry for bad english15:40
Mr_Foxit's just advice15:41
daftykinsMr_Fox: ask in #linux - this is the ubuntu channel.15:41
daftykins"best" is rubbish though15:41
Mr_Foxok Thanks too much15:41
jflkjikonia: I just don't want to share files which are named after people to protect their privacy. I'm happy to share information involving default files15:42
ikoniajflkj: ask the channel - not me, please.15:42
jflkjI want to backup files from ubuntu using a liveusb, I'm moving to debian. Which files should I backup and how can I do this from a liveusb?15:44
daftykinsand store them where?15:45
jflkjdaftykins: on an external disk15:45
daftykinsso just copy the whole /home15:45
daftykinsif your /home lives on its' own partition you don't even need to do this15:45
jflkjdaftykins: it doesn't, I'm using full disk encryption15:46
daftykinsgood luck with that then15:46
MonkeyDustjflkj  so safe, that you locked out yourself, so to say?15:47
jflkjMonkeyDust: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1481536 no, I mounted the partition15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1481536 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) ""cryptsetup: unknown fstype, bad password or options?" error unlocking / decrypting LUKS volume at boot" [High,Confirmed]15:47
Ulisedhello, i've joined my sftp server once via my filemanager, and i told that remember forever my password, but now i want to change user and password but it wont prompt me the user and pass thing, how i can edit or remove that old user?15:47
jflkjdaftykins: things like /var/ (16 gb) are useless while moving to debian?15:48
daftykinsjflkj: yes.15:48
daftykinsjflkj: like i already told you, /home is where user data lives - nothing else is needed15:48
MonkeyDustjflkj  but you encrypted everything, not just /home?15:49
jflkjdaftykins: what is a certain way to make sure the whole /home/ gets copied? there are things like rsync, cp, ...15:50
ikoniadaftykins: he's missing key facts for you here15:50
jflkjMonkeyDust: the bug applies to full disk encryption15:50
Abejflkj: I might not be able to help you *at all but can you still boot into your ubuntu partition like normal, and backup like all the files you want to keep onto a external harddrive?15:50
ikoniadaftykins: 1.) he's moving to debian so a lot of the .config files will be a problem 2.) he's got files in his home directory owned by root for "security" ???15:51
jflkjabe no, I'm experiencing this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/148153615:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1481536 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) ""cryptsetup: unknown fstype, bad password or options?" error unlocking / decrypting LUKS volume at boot" [High,Confirmed]15:51
aoteaMy GRUB menu lacks Memory Test, I only got options for two different Kernels and their Recovery modes.15:52
OerHeksjflkj, so if you cannot login, how would you backup your data?15:52
Abejflkj: Yes I have read that. but it says this error will appear but the system will then proceed to boot successfully and have the encrypted volume successfully mounted.15:52
jflkjOerHeks: I mounted the partition through my liveusb15:52
jflkjAbe: it's a race bug, for some people it doesn't boot.15:53
Abejflkj: Oh it doesn't boot15:53
daftykinsikonia: well we don't need to handle the other end 'restore' :)15:53
daftykinsjflkj: lol files owned by root in home, are you nuts?15:54
Abejflkj: Well I thought if it still boots, you could rescue your data... :/15:54
jflkjalright alright tell me how to make everything not owned by root  then :P15:55
daftykinssuper secure FDE, even the user can't get to it15:55
jflkjAbe: I can15:55
daftykinsi think we're done here :)15:55
terrasapienif you can mount the partition in any way, you can restore your data15:55
jflkjdaftykins: I already said I can15:55
daftykinsi don't care too much, jflkj15:55
jflkjsorry I didn't mean to be rude15:56
Abejflkj: you said "for some people it doesn't boot" does this apply to you?15:56
jflkjyes Abe15:56
anabainhow can I add a new hdd in /media/folder through /etc/fstab ?15:56
MonkeyDust!fstab | anabain15:56
ubottuanabain: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:56
Abejflkj: So basically you want to rescue your data from an encrypted hard drive you cannot access?15:57
jflkjno Abe15:57
Abejflkj: You cannot access it like normal <---15:57
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Abejflkj: Ah I get your hole problem now, and I was thinking all the time what you want15:58
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OerHeksjflkj, so your partitions are mounted but not unencrypted?15:59
jflkjOerHeks: I unencrypted them16:00
AbeWell my HDD is also encrypted, If I wouldn't be able to access it on "regular" boot (not live CD) I would have a Problem16:00
jflkjOerHeks: I just need to back up home16:00
jflkjOerHeks: from a liveusb16:00
ikoniajust copy the files16:00
OerHeksjflkj, oh great, backup your data then, not sure why you come up with a bugreport that does not apply to your situation.16:00
ikoniahow hard is this to grasp16:00
OerHeksputting us on the wrong lane ..16:01
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Abeikonia: did I understand this right?16:02
jflkjabe you can just use sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdax /sda16:02
jflkjOerHeks: people were asking me why I was using a liveusb, I simply responded16:03
jflkjikonia: when I try rsync fromdir todir it says skipping directory .16:06
Abejflkj: If you are not able to boot into your PC, like you always would (Not from Live CD) I cannot help. and like all the guys that answered you with "good luck" etc, that are way more experienced then I am. talking to me doesn't make much sense then16:06
Abemakes not*16:07
terrasapienjflkj: unless you tell the channel your specific command, and then coherently describe the results, you might get some quality help16:07
EriC^^jflkj: what's the problem buddy?16:07
terrasapiengarbage in gabage out, you know the routine16:08
Abeoh i had it right the first time sorry16:08
ren0v0Hi, my ethernet keeps taking itself down in the last few weeks. I'm assuming it could be related to a kernel update, can anyone help me debug ?16:08
ren0v0lspci tells me this  >    Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/841116:09
jflkjterrasapien: # rsync /media/ubuntu/partition/home/ /media/ubuntu/partition/backup/ skipping directory .16:10
jflkjEriC^^: I'm trying to backup files from a liveusb (I can access my encrypted drive)16:10
terrasapienjflkj: put a -var after the word rsync and see if that helps16:10
EriC^^jflkj: ok, so it's decrypted and mounted?16:10
jflkjyes EriC^^16:11
EriC^^rsync -Pvr /path/to/files /path/to/destination16:11
jflkjEriC^^: terrasapien what should I do now? -var or -vPr?16:12
MikeRLGot a slight issue here. I had some issues with a previously behaving swap partition 16GB in size, and so I booted into a Live CD and deleted it and recreated it, toggling the swap off and on as needed.16:13
terrasapienjflkj: do you have any dice handy?16:13
MikeRLBut now boot time has increased quite a bit. On a recent install on a quick, new laptop.16:13
compdocyoure showing there's swap available?16:14
jflkjterrasapien: I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude. just hearing all kinds of things from different people16:14
jflkjterrasapien: what's the difference between -a and -P on rsync?16:14
terrasapienjflkj: try one, then if you don't like the results remove what was copied and try the other16:14
compdocMikeRL, what issue did you have before you deleted the old one?16:14
MikeRLUh oh. I think I have a bot trying to religiously convert me.16:14
MikeRLI'm getting a zillion messages talking about Islam. Too bad I'm an atheist.16:15
ren0v0If anyone has time, here is an additional paste from syslog for my issue described above  http://pastebin.com/vpfzQEST16:15
head8debianMikeRL: Just ignore them.16:15
compdocMikeRL doesnt mean Mike Religious Left?16:15
jflkjMikeRL: salam16:15
MikeRLIt was a million messages, though.16:15
compdocMikeRL, what issue did you have before you deleted the old one?16:16
OerHeksMikeRL, report in #ubuntu-ops please16:16
MikeRLAnd because of my settings, it kept beeping and notifying me.16:16
MikeRLHundereds of PMs.16:16
MikeRLWhat a relief, it looks to be over. I despise unsolicited messages.16:16
MikeRLIt was some user nev_er.16:17
EriC^^this isn't oprah16:17
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MikeRLMy original issue before that mass PMing was that my boot was slowed down.16:19
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MikeRLI suspect it is related to Ubuntu looking for an old swap partition I deleted and recreated.16:19
EriC^^MikeRL: type cat /etc/fstab | nc openterm.tk 916:20
EriC^^paste the link here16:20
=== cc1337 is now known as `cc1337
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compdocMikeRL, it was a decent sized swap before you deleted it, and no reason to think it would slow your boot.16:23
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MikeRLSomething is slowing my boot, though, and I need to know what.16:23
MikeRLAny way to tell?16:23
ikoniaremove the boot splash16:23
ikoniawatch it boot16:23
compdocis it an hard drive or ssd?16:23
ikoniamost likley dhcp waiting for an address is the common cause16:23
OerHeksinstall bootchart, to see the timing16:23
EriC^^he said he changed his swap16:24
ikoniajust remove the boot splash and watch, you'll see what's slow to response16:24
ikoniaahhh it will be a bad mount timing out then16:24
EriC^^pastebin /etc/fstab and sudo blkid16:24
Gallomimiaswap off. favorite kind of swap16:24
ikoniaisn't there a bug on encypted swap16:24
compdocMikeRL, you should first check the SMART info from the drive(s)16:24
MikeRLI have an SSD.16:24
compdocyou need to know if its failing16:24
MikeRLIt's not a HD.16:24
compdocwell, good chance no bad sectors then, but it can happen16:25
MikeRLI'll check regardless.16:25
MikeRLBetter not be - this SSD isn't even a few months old.16:25
MikeRLAnd it was a high end one.16:25
=== _cc1337 is now known as cc1337
MikeRLChecking the SSD via Gsmartcontrol. Initial tests show a pass.16:28
MikeRLNow running short and extended tests.16:28
EriC^^MikeRL: check /etc/fstab16:28
MikeRLBut this seems like a Linux specific issue. Windows 10 has no issues thus far.16:28
MikeRLAnd Pastebin it?16:28
EriC^^are you being sarcastic?16:28
MikeRLI know a lot of Muslims by the way, and none of them would write a spam bot like that.16:29
jflkjthe rsync -var thingy will take a few days so I hope that's the right thing16:29
Gallomimiawhats a spambot?16:29
MikeRLI gotta admit, that's pretty creative and modern. It's like a 21st century digital mass conversion.16:29
OerHeksMikeRL, report it in #ubuntu-ops please16:29
MikeRLI already reported it to #ubuntu-ops.16:29
MikeRLOtherwise I wouldn't talk about it here.16:29
EriC^^MikeRL: i dont really care, not muslim myself and i wasn't offended by the rant, i was j/k16:29
MikeRLI just find it one of the more interesting spam bots I've seen.16:30
MikeRLAnyhow, I'll pastebin /etc/fstab.16:30
MikeRLDoing an extended test as well.16:31
MikeRLForgot my pastebin account info. It will be two minutes.16:33
=== Lurch-bot is now known as Lurchy
daftykinsplenty of no-reg sites such as http://paste.ubuntu.com16:42
TrivialGravitaspastebin is no-reg, if he's registering its so he can pull it down later16:43
cyber37Hi what is the command for change to the Right / Left desktop in the last ubuntu ? wmctrl seems not work with that interface16:44
daftykinsTrivialGravitas: yes i know the common reasons16:45
cyber37It was workign well with "gnome-session-fallback" (so the more older interface) but with the newer it doesn't switch16:45
cyber37Any idea about witch command i can use ?16:45
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dontknowcyber37, ctrl+alt left16:46
dontknowi guess16:46
cyber37in command line :S16:46
cyber37Ok i will explain : I need to set "Go to the right / left desktop" command when i press the button 8 or 9 of my mouse.16:47
cyber37In the shortcuts of ubuntu, mouse button doesn't work16:47
cyber37So i use xbindkeys wiitch work well !!16:47
cyber37But . with the newer version of interface wmctrl (command used for change desktop)16:48
cyber37doesn't work goodly16:48
cyber37wmctrl -d for exemple return only 1 workspace and i have 5 workspace16:48
cyber37is there another tool or command line for switch to a specific desktop or next / prev/ right / left / up / down16:49
daftykinsdoesn't the unity tweak tool have some controls over that sort of thing? total guess.16:50
cyber37it have shortcuts in preference > keyboard16:51
MWMmy install is borked!  "Welcome to emergency mode!....."  I had no idea why either.   just did a software update and restarted.16:51
cyber37But it work only with keyboard shortcuts16:52
cyber37I want to do a shortcut with my mouse.16:52
cyber37i just need the good command to call for switch to X desktop16:52
HackerIIcyber37,  use veiwportswitcher16:52
HackerIIin compiz settings16:52
MWMfresh install of Lubuntu 15.10 BTW16:54
cyber37yep, i don't understand why it also don't work , did we have to enable/disable compiz somewhere ?16:54
HackerIIcyber37,  compiz --replace16:54
cyber37thanks i try16:54
HackerIIput that command in startup16:55
ioriaMWM, you did a do-release-upgrade ?16:55
MWM2 errors before the "systemctl" :  1) radeon 000:01:00.0:  Invalid ROM contents and 2) Unrecognized mount option "0" or missing value16:55
daftykinstry booting with nomodeset, MWM16:55
MWMioria:  I got a notigfication in the system tray that there was software to update.  Clicked on "update" and then restarted.\16:56
daftykinsalso what's with you and a million OS installs in the last week? :)16:56
MWMdaftykins:  A fresh install is my go to move because I dont know ho w to fix stuff :)16:56
daftykinsyou won't learn, doing that.16:56
ioriaMWM, if you can enter Grub  (press shift), you can boot with the 'nomodeset' parameter ....16:57
MikeRLAgh. Pastebin is acting up. I have to wait five minutes to login. For some reason, they sent me two password reset new passwords.16:57
MWMyouve got no idea how much I needed to learn though.  Walk before you can run and all that :)16:57
MikeRLI'm just going to use Dropbox.16:58
MikeRLThose paste sites always have issues.16:58
ioriaMWM, choose Advanced Options16:58
MWMIve been dropped to a root shell.  promt is root@localmachine16:59
MikeRLI'd rather use Ubuntu's paste site.16:59
ioriaMWM, you did Recovery ?16:59
MikeRLEriC^^, are you still there? I just made the paste.16:59
MWMiora: no ... thats where I boot to17:00
topi`I have Trusty, how can I upgrade python3.4.0 to a bugfixed one, like python3.4.2 ?17:00
topi`it seems python 3.4.0 is the newest there is for Trusty...17:00
ioriaMWM,  try some commands .... cat /etc/issue17:00
ikoniatopi`: bug fixes are back ported17:00
topi`ikonia: ok, so should I install a "backports" entry to etc/apt/sources ?17:01
ikoniatopi`: no17:01
ikoniatopi`: do you have a problem with your current version17:01
topi`yes, 3.4.0 is buggy and doesn't contain the fixes, my other systems (on debian/stable) have 3.4.217:02
ikoniatopi`: are you told it's buggy, or are you actually having problems17:02
MWMiora:  rebooted to recovery.  <shutdown -r now> then chose advanced as you suggested17:02
MWMupdate grub bootloader?17:02
ioriaMWM,  no....17:03
MWMFYI though, lsblk worked in that promps.I could also view the fstab with nano17:03
ioriaMWM,  well, i asked you   cat /etc/issue .... but nvm  ...   you have to edit the kernel boot line ... reboot -> shift -> Advanced Option -> then find the words 'quite splash' and add 'nomodeset'17:05
ren0v0can someone please help with this?17:05
ren0v0hmm my paste went17:05
MWMiora: sorry I was kind of panicking so I jumped back to the last thing you said before I saw what you had asked.17:07
daftykinsMWM: nothing of what you're saying has any relevance to your situation.17:07
daftykinsyou're just rattling off a list of useless things you've learnt17:07
ren0v0i've tried changing module from 8168 to 8169, newest from realtek website17:07
MikeRLStill here as well. If anyone wants to look into my issue when they have a moment, let me know.17:07
MWMShift _> advacned brings me to a screen with a GNU GRUB title and 4 different options (2 are Ubuntu recovery mode)17:08
benosIs there a hotkey to go back one folder in the Ubuntu Desktop? ?17:08
MikeRLI got hung up remembering my password for Pastebin until I said screw it and used paste.ubuntu.com.17:08
ioriaren0v0, can you post sudo lshw -c Network ?17:08
MikeRLYou mean up a directory or back to the last entry?17:08
benosA directory :)17:08
cyber37Hi hacker are you steel here ?17:08
MikeRLTry ALT+Leftarrow or ALT+Uparrow.17:08
ren0v0ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14232138/17:09
ioriaMWM,  true .... look at the bottom of the screen ... you'll find directives ... press 'e' ot tab to edit the line17:09
cyber37So, doing the switch with compiz viewport works, when i press the buton 8 of my mouse it switch to the next desktop .. (yeah .. ) but no. It work only if you doesn't have the focus on an application17:09
benosWorked, thanks!17:09
cyber37So if i have an application full screen in all desktop then the shortcut doesn't work17:09
cyber37So now i ask the first question: Is there a command line for switch to the next/prev desktop in the new ubuntu interface ?17:10
cyber37In the past i was using wmctrl but now he seems don't work (he see no workspaces)*17:10
ren0v0cyber37, alt + tab17:10
ren0v0i hink17:11
cyber37I neeed a command line17:11
xanguacyber37: if you hold the super key a few seconds, you can see all unity shortcuts17:11
MikeRLNow I just need to get a detailed boot output, and we can go from there. I'm going to Google it first.17:11
MonkeyDustcyber37  xdotool, maybe ... i'm reading the man page17:12
cyber37i need a commandline because we can't modify this shortcuts for set MOUSE SHORTCUTS, so i need to use XBINDKEYS like i do in the past17:12
cyber37But i need the command line for switch to next / prev desktop17:12
ren0v0cyber37, are you talking about workspaces?17:12
ioriaren0v0, cat /etc/issue17:12
ren0v0ioria, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l17:12
ioriaren0v0, and ethernet connection not working ?17:12
ren0v0ioria, its dropping and coming back up all the time17:13
ren0v0my paste shows that from syslog17:13
MikeRLI figured it out with some searching. Now updating grub and rebooting.17:13
MikeRLI'll be back later if I'm confused on what to do next.17:13
ioriaren0v0, are you upgraded ?17:14
cyber37i speak about workspace17:14
ren0v0ioria, yup17:14
MWM"recovery nomodeset" is listed.  "quite splash" is not17:14
MWMincase it was a typo, "quit splash" does not exist either17:14
ren0v0ioria, from the paste  >   <info> (eth0): device state change: activated -> unavailable (reason 'carrier-changed') [100 20 40]17:14
ren0v0keeps dropping and showing stuff like this17:15
MonkeyDustcyber37  'xdotool'17:15
cyber37Monkeydust with set_desktop / get_desktop ? if yes it doesnt work17:15
HackerIIcyber37,  also try ctrl + alt + tab  use arrow  to seek17:15
MWMI can see from askubuntu that its "quiet splash" but I also do not have that list17:16
ren0v0MWM, what are you talking about doesn't exist? i haven't checked the full scroll but i assume you've been told to add these to boot options?17:16
cyber37MonkeyDust xdootools with get_desktop ? it always return 0 in every workspace17:16
ren0v0hold shift at boot, in grub press "e" to edit the boot line if i remember correctly17:16
MWMren0v0: yes sir.  My boot options doent contain that entry however17:17
MikeRLThink I found the source of the issues.17:17
ren0v0MWM, you add them yourself, as i say, by pressing "e" for edit17:17
MikeRLThere's this one boot task that looks related to swap and encryption. My home folder is encrypted. It adds a minute or so to every boot.17:17
ren0v0if the options resolve whatever you're trying to fix, you can then look into adding a permanant entry17:18
MikeRLIt said /dev/mapper or something. And there was another one mentioning a UUID.17:18
cyber37Holy sh*t !!!! With xdotool i can get an informationa bout the workspace but it sucska  bit :D17:18
cyber37xdotool get_desktop_viewport17:18
MikeRLI imagine it's related to the swap and encryption.17:18
MonkeyDustcyber37  mind your language17:18
cyber37it return 0, 1920, 1920 *2 .. :D17:18
MWM<ioria> MWM,  well, i asked you   cat /etc/issue .... but nvm  ...   you have to edit the kernel boot line ... reboot -> shift -> Advanced Option -> then find the words 'quite splash' and add 'nomodeset'17:18
MikeRLSo, is there any way to get a log of output during boot that includes these boot tasks that are causing hang?17:19
ioria2MWM, doesn't work ?17:19
MWMthat is the instruction I am trying to follow:  however the "quiet splash" entry does not exist and nomodeset is already there17:19
ren0v0MWM, so add it, doesn't matter if quiet spash aren't there just add it to the end17:19
MikeRLLet me Google before continuing.17:19
ioria2MWM, i missed  the 'e' part ...   look at the bottomof your screen17:20
cyber37xdotool set_desktop_viewport 1920 0 ---->>> IT WORK !! But we have to count in 1920 ratio :D17:20
cyber37MonkeyDust you was speaking about this parameter ? or is there another better ?17:20
MikeRLHmm. sudo blkid gives a different swap ID then the one in fstab.17:20
ren0v0ioria2, from my paste, if i've added the latest driver to kernel would you assume its not driver related at all? :S maybe its something as basic as a cable issue17:20
MWMguys I dont want to mess this part up so Im going to type this in a paste by hand and bring the link.  thanks for your help so far.  Ill be back in a few minutes17:21
MikeRLShould I change the one in fstab to match the command output?17:21
ioria2ren0v0, do you have linux-firmware installed ? dpkg -l | grep linux-firmware*17:21
MikeRLThat would likely resolve the error, wouldn't it?17:21
MonkeyDustcyber37  not sure... it does what you want?17:21
cyber37MonkeyDust It will not be so hard to script but it s*ck a bit like that, if there is another way i can try, else it will be fine:)17:21
ren0v0ioria2, yes17:21
ren0v0ioria2, version >  1.127.1917:21
cyber37MonkeyDust it can do the job :)17:21
MonkeyDustcyber37  ok, but don't be so rude with your language17:21
cyber37ok sorry,17:21
cyber37I try to script it, (not realy difficult :D, i come back17:22
topi`a-ha, there *is* a trusty-backports but I just need to manually add it to my /etc/apt/sources.list17:22
ioria2ren0v0, as far as i know you miss this part 'firmware=rtl8168e-3_0.0.4 03/27/12'  in lshw -c network17:22
MikeRLWhat does "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0" mean, anyhow?17:23
MikeRLShould I be concerned about changing that as well since I reformatted my swap?17:23
ioria2ren0v0, you loaded  manually a module ?17:23
MonkeyDustmapper means it's LVM, iirc17:23
ren0v0ioria2, yes, trying to fix it myself i compiled 8168 from realtek website17:24
MikeRLAnd I do I have to update fstab with a command?17:24
ren0v0ioria2, it's no different17:24
ren0v0ioria2, previously it was using 8169 for some reason17:24
MikeRLI changed the fstab file's UUID for the swap to match the output of the same partition for the output of "sudo blkid".17:24
ioria2ren0v0, no.... i have too RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet and the driver is driver=r816917:25
dontknowMikeRL, it is encrypted swap17:25
ioria2ren0v0, right , and it works well17:25
MikeRLYeah. I wonder if changing that one file fixed things, or if I have to do more.17:25
ren0v0ioria2, well in that case as we assuming its not driver related? Do you have my original syslog paste of it dropping and coming back up over and over ?17:25
MikeRLMaybe I should reboot and rerun encryption setup on that swap file.17:25
MikeRLIs there any command for that?17:26
MikeRLI setup my encryption during Ubuntu's setup, by the way. 15.10.17:26
ren0v0MikeRL, do you have SSD?17:26
ren0v0probably should look at SSD/swap/encryption17:26
ren0v0and reinstall without swap if you have a ton of RAM17:26
MikeRLWell, I don't want to reformat.17:27
MikeRLI can do commands.17:27
ren0v0MikeRL, sorry i haven't read your whole issue, just know they aren't good for the drive etc etc17:27
ren0v0something about "trim"17:27
ren0v0when i was reading some time ago17:27
MikeRLWhat? Encryption? Of course it increases read and write cycles.17:28
ren0v0maybe its related, maybe it has nthing to do with things :)17:28
ioriaren0v0, why don't you try to reverse the changes you did , restoring defaults ?17:28
MikeRLWell, I can disable encryption, but first, the issue needs to be tended to.17:28
Gallomimiareinstall without swap? swap can be easily turned off if you dont need it17:28
ren0v0ioria, because the issue was before i loaded the module, trying latest driver was my attempt to rule out kernel default driver issue17:28
ren0v0MikeRL, TLDR the issue17:28
MikeRLI found a useful link.17:29
ioriaren0v0, now you are on r8168  , the default is r8169 .....17:29
Gallomimiaren0v0: iirc delayed boot for unknown reasons, theory is its a failure in encrypted swap17:29
ioriaren0v0, how can be the latest ?17:30
RobbieL811Any scripters around in here that might be able to lend me a hand?17:30
ren0v0ioria, huh, thats a model number is it not?17:30
ren0v0ioria, the driver i got from realtek website for 8168, which was published only a few weeks ag17:30
ioriaren0v0, no, it's the driver17:30
MikeRLUsing my head now. I may make it pretty far without help. It remains to be seen.17:30
MonkeyDustRobbieL811  just ask, don't ask to ask ... and there's also #bash17:30
ioriaren0v0, r8168/9    it's the module17:31
daftykinsRobbieL811: take it to a relevant channel17:31
ren0v0ioria, and its "not" the version17:31
ren0v0so i'm not sure what you're on about17:31
ren0v0ioria, this driver i compiled  >    8.0412015/12/817:31
MWMhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14232358/  <-- is what Im looking at.  It just doesnt quite looks like what you are talking about so I was hoping you guys could take a look17:32
MWMplease forgive the spelling erros, I did have to type it by hand17:32
ren0v0MWM, where did you get that from ?17:32
ren0v0o right you typed it ok17:32
ren0v0pretty sure that boot line is usually on a single line, but its been a while17:33
ren0v0if nomodeset is there and you boot with "x" or whatever it is, then i assume its not fixed whatever your issue is17:33
daftykinsMWM: we're asking you to ADD it, so it won't be there!17:33
daftykinsjeez man17:33
daftykins!nomodeset | MWM17:33
ubottuMWM: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:33
MWMshift -> advanced -> GNU Grub screen...press 'e at the bottom17:33
ioriaren0v0,  but with that driver , it's working better ?17:34
ren0v0ioria, its the same across both, as i said :)17:34
MWMwait... is there supposed to be a back kick before the e... sorry17:34
ren0v0ioria, to be fair its been about 15minutes stable, but i do assume it'll happen again17:34
ren0v0daftykins, what are you telling him, it is there, did you not read his paste?17:34
ioriaren0v0, so not useful ... i'd reverse it :(17:34
ren0v0ioria, ok whatever, but that doesn't help :)17:35
daftykinsren0v0: that's a recovery boot mode which isn't relevant to this query.17:35
ren0v0daftykins, ah, i said i thought it didn't look right :)17:36
ioriaMWM, you highlight the first kernel  string you see in Advanced ... don't choose recovery17:36
ren0v0ioria, i did already ask, that if i've tried a newer driver and it doesn't make a difference, what would be the next place to check17:36
daftykinsquite honestly MWM has this entire task backwards and i'm not sure what it's going to take to snap out of it ;)17:36
ioriaren0v0, once reversed,  post again sudo lshw -c Network17:38
MWMthank you iora2 glad you knew what was going on there! :)  now just add "nomodeset" after quietsplash?17:38
ren0v0ioria, whats the correct way to load module using modprobe?17:39
ren0v0i'm getting "module not found" for 816917:39
RobbieL811MonkeyDust, Lol.  Ok.  Here goes.  This is the script I'm using to connect to my .ovpn files.  I'm trying to incorporate a detached screen into this.  I want to be able to run the script and have it start in a detached screen.  Currently, I'm having to run "screen -S vpn" before I run my script.  Here is the script.  Any advice on how to make it run in a detached screen?  http://pastebin.com/SfSJJjEC17:39
ioriaren0v0, locate r816917:40
ren0v0ioria, so i can just rename it right?17:40
ren0v0no need to use modprobe17:40
ioriaren0v0, locate r816917:40
ren0v0i have17:40
ioriaren0v0, can you paste ?17:41
ren0v0its .bak17:41
ren0v0i'm asking if simply changing to .ko is enough17:41
MWMnomodeset added.17:41
ioriarebbot f1017:41
ioriaor ctrl+x17:42
ren0v0ioria,  /lib/modules/3.19.0-25-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.ko      >>>  sudo modprobe r8169          modprobe: FATAL: Module r8169 not found.17:44
MWMis it going to take a little while to boot or has it hung itself up?17:44
ioriaren0v0, can you paste locate r8169 ?17:45
ren0v0ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14232517/17:45
cyber37MonkeyDust http://pastebin.com/e9sdLTNx  Thanks, xdotool has work perfectly my scripts are done :)17:45
cyber37If i want i can o it betterly by getting the 1920 dynamicly17:46
cyber37but no time now, it do the job thanks17:46
Dr-007if i install ubuntu and windows on two different bootable partitions. can i then install vmware/virtualbox/something else inside windows and run the bootable ubuntu partition?17:46
benjickHey. I'm trying to unpack an archive but I keep losing the dotfiles. This is the command I'm running: tar -xzf grav.tar.gz -C /var/www/html17:47
benjickHow can I keep the .htaccess etc?17:47
ioriaren0v0, how did you compile the new module ? conf, make , make install ? maybe  you have a make unistall flag17:47
ren0v0ioria, what does that have to do with   "modprobe: FATAL: Module r8169 not found."  ?17:48
MWMboot has officially hung. adding nomodeset didnt do anything but show me a screen that says it is booting a command list17:48
ioriaren0v0, idk ... taking time ...17:48
ren0v0ioria,  i can remove the module i compiled with "modprobe -r r8168"17:48
ren0v0benjick, that doesn't make sense :D  how do you know you are losing them?17:49
ren0v0are you doing "ls -lash" ?17:49
ren0v0or just "ls" ?17:49
haskelIs there a way to "freeze up" ubuntu, I want to write a script that forces me to take breaks from the computer17:51
daftykinsDr-007: some virt software allows running from a native disk instead of an image file, there's no benefit to your plan though17:52
haskeli.e. a way to disable the keyboard and mouse for 15 mins or so17:52
ioriaren0v0, ok... the script of the driver renames the module r8169.ko to r8169.bak. ....17:52
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ren0v0ioria, right?17:52
MonkeyDusthaskel  with RTCwake you can suspend the machine for as long as you specify17:53
ioriaren0v0, i think so17:53
ren0v0ioria, i don't see your point17:53
OerHekshaskel, ctrl alt L17:53
benjickren0v0: if i unpack them on my mac they are there, but when i unpack them in docker they aren't there17:53
benjick(with that command)17:53
ren0v0ioria, i'm getting the impression you're not reading most of my responses/pastes, because if you did you'll see that i renamed it back already :S17:53
ioriaren0v0, i wanted to be sure ...17:54
ren0v0benjick, "they aren't there", you didn't answer how you was checking17:54
benjickls -la in bash17:54
ren0v0benjick, unpack in docker?17:55
ren0v0as in an ubuntu docker image ?17:55
benjickI run that command in inside a docker container running ubuntu17:55
benjickthe tar-command17:55
benjickAnd when I do ls -la there are no dotfiles17:55
ioriaren0v0,  they say to run sudo ./autogen.sh in the driver folder ... but i have never done that17:55
benjickBut if I unpack it on my mac with whatever is builtin I can see the files with ls -la17:56
ren0v0benjick, then i would head over to there and ask, or speak with the image maintainer, there is no issue with the command that i can see17:56
ren0v0benjick, try a normal ubuntu install, or use LXC/LXD because docker sucks17:56
ren0v0ioria, yea thats what i did to install the driver, but we're talking about adding r8169 back right? :D17:57
MWMcat /etc/issue lists: Ubuntu 15.10 \n \l17:57
ioriaren0v0, where did you get that driver exactly ?17:58
MWMren0v0: r8196 is broken for newer ubuntu.  only use r816817:59
benjickren0v0: Thanks.17:59
ren0v0ioria, realtek website17:59
benjickren0v0: Why does docker suck?17:59
ren0v0benjick, i just have something against the way its marketed, single process containers weren't any good for me, and the docs and any marketing stuff or CTO videos etc neglect this fact18:00
ren0v0it may be great for your use case18:00
ren0v0MWM, i'm on 14.04, but thats an interesting statement18:01
ioriaren0v0, this http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/searchView.aspx?keyword=r8168 ?18:01
MWMren0v0 I went through this when I switched boards.  I am looking for the pagges I read to give you the word from the "horses mouth" but I know you have to switch to r8168...I couldnt get it to survive a reboot however and just bought a USB3 adapter18:02
ren0v0ioria,  http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Langid=1&Level=5&PFid=5&PNid=1318:02
ren0v0ioria, as things go it hasn't dropped now for quite a while, but it did a few times in the first 5 minutes i switched to it18:02
ren0v0not sure if that means anything, maybe there is an issue in fact with 816918:03
ren0v0ioria, the question really is why is this driver chosen in the first place, if its not the latest and not even the right model18:03
ioriaren0v0, i'm using r8169 with no issue18:03
ren0v0ioria, so was i until a week ago18:03
ren0v0i've been on 14.04 since release with no issues18:03
ren0v0maybe a kernel update borked something18:03
MWM^ this fix worked for me... but wouldnt stay working.  WHen I rebooted I had the r8169 beck in place.  I never did get it working properly18:04
ioriaren0v0, and now ... are you 15.10 ?18:04
haskelOerHeks, I can just log back in lol, I need to force myself to not work18:04
ren0v0ioria, no 14.04 ...18:04
ren0v0ioria, seriously its like you have selective reading lol18:04
ioriaren0v0, me too ...18:05
ren0v0what kernel you on?18:05
ren0v03.19.0-25-generic  here18:05
daftykinsMWM: you had to blacklist it most likely.18:05
daftykinsto load another module18:05
ioriaren0v0, the utopic enab. stack .... you have the vivid one , i think18:05
ren0v0ioria, so your point doesn't have any relevance then, if you're using a different kernel to me18:06
OerHeksren0v0, i just wonder, why do you want to modprobe the 25 kernel, as you have newer versions . http://paste.ubuntu.com/14232517/18:06
ioriaren0v0, mine is older ....18:06
MWMdaftykins:  I did blacklist it.  I still could not connect when I rebooted.  and when I checked the driver it listed as the broken r8169, however I think those more experienced might not have the same troubles as I did18:06
ioriaren0v0, so your should work better than mine18:07
ren0v0OerHeks, hmm, i'm on the above one i pasted, not sure why18:07
ren0v0ioria, that doesn't make any sense18:07
ioriaren0v0, why ?18:07
ren0v0ioria, older/newer makes no impact on "better", conflicts can come anywhere18:07
ren0v0ioria, you've never come across updates breaking things??18:07
ioriaren0v0, you mean regressions ?18:08
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
ren0v0ioria, you can't say "this driver is newer, its better and will work better then my older one", that's complete rubbish. Now, if you say we were using exactly the same driver version and you had no issues, that may be slightly useful18:09
ren0v0and this is coming from you who said 8169 is newer than 8168, when thats just a model number as far as i'm aware18:09
ren0v0nothing to do with versioning at all18:09
ioriaren0v0, ok18:10
ren0v0OerHeks, why am i on that kernel when i've run dist-upgrade etc? :S18:10
BigBabyHello All18:10
daftykinsMWM: right but you'd have to auto load the replacement... must've missed a few things :)18:11
BigBabycan someone help me? i am getting Kernel Panic, and a bunch of errors...18:11
daftykinsBigBaby: details?18:11
BigBabyafter looking at the logs i saw this line as the last line of syslog.118:12
BigBabykernel apt-get segfault at b95b897c ip b770ee3c sp bf9754e0 error 4 in libapt-pkg.so18:12
MWMren0v0 :  I also used this thread.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102241118:12
BigBabydaftkins i boot into rescue mode, and i can't chroot into /target/18:13
ren0v0MWM i'm already on this driver, seems its better than kernel included one18:13
ren0v0i've been stable for quite a while now, but i won't hold,my breath  :)18:13
BigBabygetting "Cant execute /bin/sh no such file or directory18:14
EriC^^BigBaby: what are you trying to do exactly?18:14
MWMren0v0: Im sorry I cant find the exact page that stated that the realtek drivers are broken, but I can tell you that I havent missed a connection at all once I switched ethernet cards.  I know that isnt the most helpful , but there it is :)18:14
daftykinsBigBaby: you don't need to chroot from rescue, unless you mean a live session18:14
ren0v0What is latest kernel in 14.04.3 ?18:14
daftykinsren0v0: with the vivid HWE on you can get 3.1918:15
ren0v0daftykins, 3.19.xx ?18:15
ren0v0as OerHeks pointed out i have headers for -45 but i'm on -2518:15
ren0v0just curious18:15
daftykinsren0v0: can you show "dpkg -l | grep linux-" in a pastebin?18:15
OerHeksren0v0, yeah, as i noticed, it could be the cause of your issue.18:16
ren0v0daftykins, i have  linux-headers-3.19.0-42   installed  but "uname-a" shows  -2518:16
BigBabyEriC^^ trying to boot into the system, but getting kernel panic with cannot mount none on / dev something about / bin / sh and / sbin / sh18:16
ren0v0i doubt there is a huge driver change in there, but i'd like to rule it out18:16
daftykinsren0v0: i'd like to see the full output as requested.18:16
EriC^^BigBaby: do you have a live usb?18:17
daftykins!info linux-image-generic-lts-vivid trusty18:18
ubottulinux-image-generic-lts-vivid (source: linux-meta-lts-vivid): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc)18:18
daftykinsren0v0: install linux-image-generic-lts-vivid18:18
BigBabydaftykins i wish i could, only phisycal access, and no EriC^^ it is bootable from the server klernel in recovery mode, but only able to see the files and drive in Rescue mode with live DVD18:18
lotuspsychjeren0v0: have you tried other realtek firmware versions?18:19
daftykinsBigBaby: not sure what you mean; it's a hosted server?18:19
BigBabyi have tested the drive, and benchmarked it, it running great, but, the boot got messed up.18:19
ren0v0daftykins, so why does that kernel says its installed, and what is this package for and why isn't it picked up by upgrade/dist-upgrade?18:19
ren0v0daftykins, for sure i'll install it, i'd just like to understand18:20
daftykinsren0v0: i think you did something non-standard with your install there, a few things don't look right.18:20
ren0v0daftykins, excellent. :D18:20
daftykinsi can only tell you of the now, no ideas on the past cause18:20
BigBabydaftykins no, i am sitting next to it.. booted into live CD Rescue Mode18:20
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ren0v0daftykins, thanks, OerHeks thanks for spotting it. I'll try that and maybe it'll fix the ethernet driver issues in turn18:21
daftykinsBigBaby: right so that's not really rescue mode then, but a live session - perhaps your chroot methodology isn't quite right18:21
daftykinsren0v0: wouldn't hurt to get rid of some of those older ones too, "sudo apt-get autoremove" may help18:21
ren0v0daftykins, autoremove has nothing to remove apparently18:22
ren0v0i do run that and clean occasionally18:22
EttafixHey :)18:22
lotuspsychjeEttafix: welcome, what can we do for you?18:23
BigBabychroot target/ suppose to get me into the mounted boot system, it fails with error can't execute / bin / sh no such file or dir darftykins18:23
daftykinsren0v0: mmm, ah well - only a problem when the kernels start stacking up really18:23
BigBabythank you btw darftykins for helping...18:23
daftykinsno /target is not a thing to my mind.18:24
daftykinsBigBaby: use tab on nicknames to complete them accurately and easily ;) you need to use "sudo parted -l" to identify your partitions then i normally mount them against /mnt in sequence18:24
EttafixIs it possible to boot a live iso on a smarphone (samsung note 3)?18:25
daftykinsi've heard of there being an android app for ISO booting off a phone before, but never seen it work myself18:25
BigBabydaftykins, cool18:25
BigBabydaftykins, you just made me faster, lol18:25
EttafixI've seen some youtube videos, but haven't found anything with a worth18:26
lotuspsychje!touch | Ettafix18:26
ubottuEttafix: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:26
lyon8hi - i just entered "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"18:26
daftykinsEttafix: oh did you mean run ubuntu on that phone, or boot it *from* the phone? :)18:26
EttafixTo run on the phone18:26
daftykinslyon8: that's more of a statement than a question18:26
daftykinsEttafix: oh totallly different then, see above18:27
BigBabythis is my first time in IRC daftykins but i have been doing programming for over 11 years, only thing is, i am a user, for service only, not doing any custom stuff.... so, my Linux skills are medium for usage, and  very low on admin or troubleshooting.18:27
EttafixTo use the phone as a computer (it's pocket coputer, but the android is shitty)18:27
MWMsooooo.... there was a problem in the fstab.  I removed an entry that I had put in manually (which worked until I updated BTW) and now I boot into the system18:27
lyon8now the pc starts up and grub seems to be changed - the splash screen shows "kubuntu" - then there is absolute corruption of graphics18:27
MWMare there any GUI based fstab utilities?18:27
daftykinsno need for one, it's an easy file to edit.18:27
lyon8two display managers (the unity-one and the kde-one) seem to run at the same time and flicker back and forth18:28
lotuspsychjeEttafix: samsung note isnt supported yet for ubuntu touch, join #ubuntu-touch for the device list18:28
MWMtrue daftykins but I cant seem to get mine right.  Ive borked my install atleast twice just tring to mount a partition18:28
EttafixOk, thanks guys :)18:28
lyon8after a while there are just corrupted artifacts visible18:28
lyon8it seems the "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop broke the system - any ideas how to fix?18:29
lyon8i tried removing it again, but it still says "kubuntu" on boot up and the problems persist18:29
EriC^^lyon8: remove the kde display manager18:29
BigBabyany commands i can do, i have no SSH access, so i will try to run the commands, and type in the headlines daftykins18:30
MWMIve read and re-read all kinds of fstab documentation.  I just cant seem to get it right, and I'm even fairly comfortable with the syntax18:30
daftykinsMWM: well, ask a question about it with details... edit the fstab file and use "sudo mount -a" to parse it and confirm before risking a reboot with it.18:30
daftykinsBigBaby: why don't you have SSH access? just install it in the live session18:30
BigBabyoh, good idea.18:30
MWMwill "testparm" work for the fstab?18:31
BigBabylet me try18:31
lyon8EriC^^: how? i did "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" but it's still there18:31
daftykinsMWM: no that's samba only.18:31
BigBabythanks daftykins18:31
daftykinsMWM: that should have been pretty obvious =|18:31
EriC^^lyon8: i mean the login screen18:31
EriC^^lyon8: type dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /dm$/'18:32
MWMhoiwever "sudo mount -a" just mounts everything right?  Like I said I rebooted this machine before the software update and it worked.18:32
BigBabydaftykins, nope, apt-get command not found, this is a install CD in rescue mode.18:32
MWMI guess I have some reading to do.  Im sure Ill see you guys again :)18:32
BigBabydaftykins, i don't think i can install anything.18:32
daftykinsBigBaby: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openssh-server18:33
BigBabyi can see my files, but some are mounted on different partition.18:33
daftykinsMWM: so show us it so we can spot what's wrong...18:33
daftykinsBigBaby: i'm assuming the system has a working network + internet connection, there18:33
BigBabydaftykins, command sudo not found18:33
BigBabydaftykins, it does18:34
daftykinsthat does not sound like an ubuntu live session :P18:34
BigBabynope, it sounds like a install rescue broken system, my first time trying it.18:34
MWMdaftykins: I had to delete the entry to be able to boot into the system.  I will show you guys if the problem re-occurs.  thanks18:34
daftykinsBigBaby: anywho i'd maybe start at the basics like checking the hard disk health and running memtest18:35
BigBabyAlready done daftykins i did SpinRite, checked the SMART Data, HD looks great. Also, just to eliminate i moved the whole setup into another machine, only thing which is the same is the HD and RAM...18:36
BigBabydaftykins, i know hardware is not the cause, and that log entry is the last entry from Dec 23rd.18:37
BigBabywhich is when the system stopped booting up daftykins18:37
BigBabyso.. any ideas?18:37
daftykinsugh not spinrite18:39
daftykinsBigBaby: stopped booting when, when put into the other system?18:39
teunHey, I have a problem with my audio. In the system settings screen the audio screen shows NO DEVICES, when running "sudo lshw -c sound" it shows me 2 devices, when running "sudo aplay -l" it only shows me the HDMI interface as a available audio card. This is AFTER a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.1018:42
lotuspsychje!sound | teun18:42
ubottuteun: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:42
teunAlready did all that18:43
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BigBabydaftykins, no, not at all, i did some updates and maintenance a week or 2 before. but did not reboot, until system was in hang then i have tried using my exp as a computer technician prior to programming, did a process of elimination, moving between IDE channels as well. i first tried everything on the original system, but when all have failed, i moved the HD and RAM to another machine, got exactly same errors and completely different18:44
BigBabyrunning Ubuntu 14.04.3 i think daftykins18:45
BigBabyin the rescue mode i am seeing my file system, and logs as well.18:46
daftykinshaha this thing is still running PATA disks? :)18:46
teunDoes this reach anyone?18:47
BigBabyYes, it is over 12 or 13 years since i bought it.//18:47
daftykinsi'd rather see a first-hand SMART data report from a normal live session (i.e. 'try' mode)18:47
daftykinsteun: yep we can see you, just be patient.18:47
teunOh, sorry18:47
BigBabyi have a replacement drive, and a replacement server, but again, i can't move it, as i need to migrate a bunch of SVN files daftykins18:48
daftykinsBigBaby: yeah so step #1 boot a proper live session and get the disk mounted so you can backup, i say18:49
BigBabyyes, i am booting into it, i had the server version before, i am getting the desktop for the live session now. i w ill then do some paste for you daftykins18:49
BigBabyyes sir daftykins18:49
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BigBabydaftykins, downloading :-)18:50
teunThat did nothing18:52
beyond_helpAnyone here familiar with udev stuff?18:53
lotuspsychjebeyond_help: you can always try shooting the question to the channel18:54
beyond_helpI am using Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and whence I assert the udevinfo command it stands in absense; moreover, udevadm seems to be instantiated by the help proffers no examples of how to use it and my own tries have failed.18:55
beyond_helpcan anyone tell me how I use udevadm or udevinfo (to get it installed) so I can see what devices and their attributes exist to try to write rules?18:55
beyond_helpall the FAQs I found are over 7 years old18:55
beyond_helpcommands seem not to even exist anymore18:55
lotuspsychjebeyond_help: maybe the #ubuntu-devel guys are more expert at this?18:55
beyond_helpok, I figured this was general help18:56
beyond_helpI'll go there instead18:56
lotuspsychjebeyond_help: this is general mate, just wanna give you more helping directions18:56
beyond_helpright but I am neither a developer nor someone asking a development question, but I appreciate that if I was misguided and thats where the resources are, I am off to them. no sweat.18:57
lotuspsychjebeyond_help: if you dont get a usefull help, re-ask here once in a while mate18:57
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* beyond_help anyone here familiar with writing UDEV rules?18:59
teunHey, does anyone have time to help me with an audio problem?19:00
daftykinsthey'd have responded if they could19:01
=== Guest51603 is now known as Lantizia
lotuspsychjeteun: maybe its usefull to pastebin your syslog/dmesg togheter with your question at the channel?19:01
* beyond_help Hiya! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)19:02
daftykinsusing a /me isn't really the way to get help.19:03
teunsyslog doesn't fit in a pastebin19:07
aoteaMemory Test is supposed to be in GRUB correct?19:08
teunI'll just throw my question again Settings audo devices = empty, lshw = 2 devices, aplay = 1 device, need aplay to recognize 2nd device and see it in settings, help.19:08
daftykinsaotea: only on non-EFI19:08
aoteadaftykins, Where is it for EFI systems?19:08
OerHeksthere is no memtest86 for EFI. sorry to tell you19:09
OerHeksreason: We need 16-bit boot, which isn't available on EFI.19:10
beyond_helpHiya! I was directed here from the #ubuntu channel. I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which ag19:10
daftykinsaotea: you'd have to enable legacy mode and boot your install media19:11
daftykinsor get memtest86+ direct19:11
OerHeksbeyond_help, our German friends have a nice udev page, https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/udev ... maybe time to translate to english.19:12
beyond_helpI can try to see if I can at least absorb commands that work from it (despite dumpkuff being all the German words I know)19:13
teunI can see both cards in /proc/asound19:14
teunWeirdest thing is that when I installed Ubuntu the first time, everything worked fine. But after a fuckup and a clean install, audio just stopped.19:16
teunI don't have any hardware audio switches on this thing.19:16
teunEither the card just died or something else is afoot19:16
lotuspsychjeteun: on wich version did it work?19:17
teunit was version 15.10 both times19:17
beyond_helpI have a device enp3s0 (netrwork card) and am trying to figure out what path to pass udevadm to do an attribute walk19:18
teunlotuspsychje: It was version 15.10 both times.19:18
sw0rdfishhey, so I found out there is no GUI openvpn client, so can I put the one line thats needed to connect with openvpn in a file and make it executable so that when my parents have to connect they just click on it and don't interact with the CLI19:20
sw0rdfishI know it would need sudo, can it work that way?19:20
teunI'm tempted to just format and reinstall the entire thing again.19:20
daftykinssw0rdfish: .ovpn files are apparently openable in network manager19:21
studdentthi,i have a ftdi usb-serial adapter for a programmer and i want to find on what port it is connected so i can use avrdude, how do i find it ?19:24
studdenttlsusb tells me it is connected on Bus 00419:24
sw0rdfishreally? daftykins19:25
* beyond_help Hiya! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)19:25
daftykinssw0rdfish: yeah so i'm told19:26
daftykinsbeyond_help: i still think you should stop using a /me when asking for help.19:27
=== CraHan` is now known as CraHan
JinBabadoes anybody here has join/part messages visible?19:29
daftykinsJinBaba: that's not an ubuntu support query.19:29
studdentti juste launched eclipse and the icon appears on the left bar but i cant open the program ?19:30
JinBabai know but other chans are so dead right now19:30
studdentttheres a tiny arrow on the left side of the icon but isnt full, what does it means ?19:30
daftykinswhat relevance do other channels have...19:30
JinBabai need someone to PM me my join message that appeared when i got in19:30
daftykinsJinBaba: no. try and find a slave in #freenode perhaps19:31
JinBabawow man you're dry19:31
daftykinsdeal with it :)19:32
BigBabysay thank you, private message, pay the man per hour, if he likes, he will help, otherwise, feel free to ask here, so we can all learn from the conversation or contribute JinBaba :-)19:33
* beyond_help Hiya! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)19:35
lotuspsychjemarinod: welcome what can we do for you?19:37
ubuntu020So today guys, being an avid ubuntu user for 6 years, made the switch to Elementary Freya OS. So far, I'm liking it.. Let's see how far it goes... :P19:44
MonkeyDustubuntu020  nice, but not supported here19:44
ubuntu020yeah i know MonkeyDust... Didn;t come for support..19:45
aoteaSo to clarify, to run Memtest on an EFI system, I need to create a bootable media, set BIOS to legacy, run the Memtest from bootable media, then set BIOS back EFI to access my system?19:45
* beyond_help Hiya! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)19:45
ubuntu020I'm just checking how long it can keep me binded to it before I go to ubuntu again probably.....19:46
ubottubar67: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:51
* beyond_help Hiya! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)19:52
BluesKajbeyond_help:  stop repeating your post, if anyone can help they will19:53
beyond_helprepeating? Nah, just reasking bro...why don't you go consider overdosing on some chill pills, eh?19:54
beyond_helpmeantime I'll take your comments under advisement19:54
mrsam__hi all19:54
BluesKajbeyond_help:  take your own advice and quit reposting19:55
ioriabeyond_help, ahve you tried udevadm info -q all -n /dev/sdaX ?19:55
mrsam__is tor browser safe?19:55
lotuspsychje!language | beyond_help19:56
ubottubeyond_help: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:56
beyond_helpioria: the device I am interested in is an ethernet device, and I only see /dev/net/tun, but the ethernet device is in ifconfig and does work, I just want to force it to have a different name based on the mac address so if I boot my hp its "hp_eth0" and if I boot the dell its "dell_eth0"19:56
daftykinsmrsam__: not really on topic.19:56
mrsam__<daftykins>i want to install it..i want to know is it safe or not19:57
lotuspsychje!tor | mrsam__19:57
ubottumrsam__: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl19:57
mrsam__tnx lotuspsychje19:57
beyond_helpubuttu: kind of strange for a person with a rude name for human anatomy if your name to comment on being polite. I neither cursed nor yelled, just suggested someone else calm a bit and relax man. its just a chat room.19:57
daftykinsmrsam__: that's up to you :)19:57
Fuchsthat is heavily outdated, tor is no longer allowed on freenode19:57
Fuchsas a minor sidenote19:57
nordizontor is old19:58
lotuspsychjebeyond_help: telling someone to consider overdose isnt exactly 'polite'...19:59
beyond_helpread the entire comment first....obviously it was euphamistic in tone...19:59
beyond_helphey man, its all good, this is just a chat room...be happy man...19:59
BluesKajbeyond_help:  your opnion that this just a chatroom is wrong, this is ubuntu support, if you just want a chatroom , please go eleswhere.20:01
* beyond_help Hello! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)20:01
beyond_helpok, thanks for the opinion BluesKaj...I didn't realize it was a support room as I got little support...:020:02
beyond_helpbut hey - be happy too!20:02
daftykinsbeyond_help: nobody is going to want to help a trouble maker, consider the time of year and try being pleasant.20:03
aoteaWill it matter if I run memtest from an Arch Bootable I have? And Setting BIOS to legacy for the test shouldn't affect my system when I later change back to EFI correct?20:03
daftykinsaotea: that'd be fine20:03
aoteadaftykins, thanks20:04
beyond_help1) I am not christian and do not celebrate that holiday, so its just like any other time of year to me. Second, be cool and be happy man.20:05
lotuspsychjebeyond_help: stop the nonsense man20:05
daftykinsbeyond_help: time to lay off the weed and act like a civil human being pal20:05
beyond_helpPerhaps you meants the chilly part of the year and people ought chill out? :)20:05
beyond_helpI do not use illegal drugs, but I am a laid back person20:06
BluesKajwell the guy's nick suits his attitude20:07
teunUpdate time, using reboot didn't do jack, but after a power cycle it DID find the other audio device20:08
UbuN2yes it can20:08
teuntime for an update. Rebooting did nothing, but after a power cycle it did find the audio card.20:08
teunfreaking weird and I can't explain it. Anyone got ideas?20:09
lotuspsychjeteun: time to investigate your syslog and dmesg20:09
UbuN2does th sound work now teun20:10
teunWhat should I look for? The thing is too big to copy into pastebin20:10
teunYes, sound works now.20:10
lotuspsychjeteun: anything related to no working sound/errors20:11
David_49hi is there a way to use middle mouse scrolling in Ubuntu20:11
* beyond_help Hello! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)20:11
teunlotuspsychje: know any good keywords?20:12
lotuspsychjeteun: well alsamixer, pulseaudio,soundcard errors,..etc20:13
studdentti have a ftdi usb-serial adapter for a programmer and i want to find on what port it is connected so i can use avrdude, how do i find it ?20:13
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lotuspsychjeteun: the more info you gather for us, the more chance of your issue getting solved20:14
Guest85459Anyone free to help me out?20:14
MonkeyDustGuest85459  start with a question20:14
Guest85459I just installed Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 and I can't boot back into Windows.20:15
MonkeyDustGuest85459  sounds good20:15
Guest85459Well, I would like to boot back into Windows 10 because Ubuntu is being hard and my dual monitors are not working properly.20:16
DosTuMaiJust mount the windows partition, pull all your data over, profit.20:16
Kingsqueakstuddentt: just to avoid issues, unless you need it, remove brltty, apt-get remove brltty, and if it's the only usb-serial adapter, it's probably /dev/ttyUSB0 and 'lsusb' may be useful20:16
teunonly thing I can find that somewhat points out to the device not working is this:20:18
teun"snd_hda_intel 0000:00:14.2: no codecs found!"20:18
Guest85459I don't want to mount the Windows partition, I want to go back into Windows 10.20:18
Guest85459How about this -- how can I access the grub-prompt?20:19
lotuspsychjeteun: can you check sudo lshw -C sound please20:20
teunlotuspsychje: both audio devices are there (HDMI and analog)20:21
lotuspsychjeteun: and wich ubuntu version do you have?20:21
teunlotuspsychje: 15.1020:21
Legi0nDoes anyone know off the top of their head what the Chrome OS command line is to update Seabios to the latest release?20:22
Bashing-omGuest85459: Reboot, as soon as the firmware screen clears repeatedly depress/release the escape key -> grub boot menu .20:22
lotuspsychjeteun: up to date to latest?20:22
studdenttKingsqueak: what does brltty ?20:22
teunlotuspsychje: also, the issue is resolved by doing a HARD POWER CYCLE, doing a REBOOT from Ubuntu did nothing. I'm just curious why it is like that.20:22
studdenttKingsqueak: what does brltty do ?20:22
teunlotuspsychje: also, yeah, fresh install and updated.20:23
lotuspsychjeteun: add a bug against it or test an ubuntu LTS version20:23
lotuspsychjeteun: you can also try previous kernels, to test if audio works over there20:23
daftykinsLegi0n: that's not on topic here.20:23
Guest85459I tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/435160/cant-boot-windows-7-after-installing-ubuntu20:23
Guest85459And Windows failed to boot20:24
Guest85459Maybe if I delete the Ubuntu partitions and reboot it will go back into Windows?20:24
teunlotuspsychje: yeah, I think this needs some further testing. Also might be a hardware issue as seen as a hard power cycle was needed to get the device back up...20:24
teunlotuspsychje: Anyway, thanks for thinking with me.20:24
Guest85459Or will deleting my Ubuntu paritions deem my computer inaccessible to a new boot menu20:25
Legi0nHow is that not on topic?  I'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu <-- and Chrome OS but I need to update my bios first.20:25
ikoniaGuest85459: the guys in the ##windows channel can explain how to put the windows MBR back on your machine20:25
ikoniaGuest85459: at that point grub is gone and you're back in windows full time20:25
ikoniaGuest85459: you can then delete ubuntu and go on with your day without pain20:25
Guest85459Do they deal with pirated versions of Windows?20:25
ikoniano, and neither do we20:26
OerHeksLegi0n, "what the Chrome OS command line is to update Seabios" ?? there is not even such a command in ubuntu AFAIK20:26
Legi0nI may be going at it all wrong then.  If you wanted to update your seabios, where would you start?20:27
lotuspsychje!alis | Legi0n20:27
ubottuLegi0n: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http20:27
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=== littlebunnyfuf is now known as littlebunnyfufu
OerHeksLegi0n, in your case, crome os. on windows machines windows, as the universal linux bios project is not ready https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate20:28
studdenttKingsqueak: it worked with ttyUSB020:28
* beyond_help Hello! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)20:30
MonkeyDustis he gone or kicked? there's a channel called #udev20:32
OerHeksMonkeyDust, i think he does not even read this, as he might be busy with the german info i gave him20:33
AnjelinaI'm a horny girl20:35
MonkeyDustAnjelina  wrong channel20:35
DosTuMaiAnjelina: Is that a natural, or other kind of mutation?20:36
ikoniaDosTuMai: drop it please, it's not for this channel20:37
AnjelinaUbuntu sucks20:40
ilhamihow can I search for IPs on the same network?20:41
ikoniasearch ?20:41
aoteailhami, I assume you got access to your router?20:42
ilhamiyes... :D I am on WiFi now. I want to search for all computers on the network20:42
ilhamiwhich has sharing20:42
ikoniayou have to use a scanner such as nmap or arp requests, but that will be done more often from network kit than a random client on the network20:42
ilhamimy router is kind of controlled by my mothers workplace.20:43
ikonianot reall an ubuntu issue then20:43
ilhamiso I can use nmap?20:43
ilhamiok. let me try that.20:43
ikoniait depends on the network and the design and security20:43
ilhamior maybe arp-scan20:43
ikoniathat won't work20:43
ilhamiwhy not?20:44
ikoniabecause your machine won't have an entry for every machine20:44
ikoniawhy are you posting that ?20:45
ilhamiI can maybe ping the broadcast IP20:45
ikoniathat won't work20:45
ilhamiwhy is it mentioned in that thread then?20:46
ikoniaask the guy who wrote the thread20:46
OerHeksthe 1st answer got a green flag, as good answers get votes.20:48
ilhamiarp-scan worked20:48
ilhamiand found my other laptop on the same network20:48
ilhamisudo arp-scan -l --interface=wlan020:49
ilhamithis worked for me20:49
ikoniaif you've ever connected to your laptop it will20:49
Baketballhello. I am trying to install hp-lip and I get the following error:20:49
ikoniaas it will be able to scan known / previous arp requests20:49
BaketballRunning 'make' Please wait, this may take several minutes... Traceback (most recent call last): File "./install.py", line 241, in <module> text_install.start(language, auto, test_depends, test_unknown, assume_network, max_retries, enable, disable) File "/home/space/Downloads/hplip-3.15.2/installer/text_install.py", line 781, in start status, output = utils.run(cmd , core.passwordObj) File "/home/space/Downloads/hplip-3.15.2/base/u20:49
ikoniawhy are you compiling hplip20:50
ikoniathere is a package in the repo20:50
OerHeks3.15.7 is in wily 15.1020:50
ilhamiok trying to ping my other laptop's IP. Nothing happens :D20:51
ilhamiit just hangs there.20:51
daftykinsmaybe it isn't configured to respond to ping, depending on the OS...20:52
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ilhamiother one is on Windows now.20:52
daftykinsso the firewall may be blocking it as default20:53
ikoniawhy do you care about ping ?20:53
ilhamieventually I want to be able to ssh into it20:53
ikoniailhami: ok so focus on that20:53
daftykinsnot into Windows you won't20:53
ikoniaicmp is different20:53
ilhamiit's not possible to ssh into Windows? :P not even Windows 10?20:54
daftykinsnot yet no.20:54
ikoniayou really don't want to be looking at that20:54
ilhamiwe are in 2016 and Windows has no SSH integration except with a third party client :D20:55
daftykinsif you're in 2016 you might want to get a better newspaper20:55
ikoniahow is that an ubuntu issue ?20:55
ilhamijust saying.. but would I be able to ssh into Ubuntu ? I have dual boot on my other laptop.. can I ssh into it if I install ssh server on it?20:55
livcdilhami: why should windows include some openbsd nonsense ?20:56
builditcould entering a halt command in CLI trigger a boot loop?20:56
ikoniailhami: ssh is available on ubuntu yes20:56
ikoniabuildit: no20:56
ilhamilivcd, Windows has been planning for SSH integration though... for a long time now in their powershell20:56
daftykinsnot on topic here20:57
ikonianot really something this channel cares about20:57
ikoniathe windows guys in ##windows can talk to you about data center version which I do think has ssh20:57
builditthanks ikonia20:57
ilhamiok... so basically I just install open ssh server on the laptop I want to connect to and then I can ssh into it? :)20:58
buildita friend changed in password in CLI and then executed the halt command in CLI (without logging out and logging back in between those two steps), and now he is stuck in a login loop. it accepts the new password, and then kicks him right back out to the login screen20:59
ikoniailhami: depends20:59
ikoniabuildit: is it running an X windows session/desktop ?20:59
ilhamiikonia, I can try it I guess20:59
builditikonia: whatever the ubuntu defaults are21:00
buildithe's a new user21:00
ikoniabuildit: so if you get logged back out the common problems are a.) no space left on the home disk, b) no permissons to write to the home dir c.) invalid option in the config21:00
ilhamiok I have another question... every time I install a new kernel version I get a new option in grub.. should I remove the old ones or just leave them be? I have 5-6 options now :O21:01
ikoniailhami: they should auto clean after 3 previous versions21:01
ikoniayou can use the auto-clean option to force that clean earlier21:01
ilhamisudo apt-get autoclean ?21:02
builditikonia: its not a disk space issue. could have have affected his home dir permissions simply by changing his user password using the passwd CLI command?21:02
Bashing-ombuildit: Loose authority to access /home ? does ' ls -al .Xauthority .ICEauthority ' indicate root ownership ?21:02
builditBashing-om: he is sitting at the user login screen. he can enter the new password, which then is accepted, then he see a black background with about 4 lines of code, then he is kicked back to the login screen21:04
EriC^^buildit: check ~/.xsession-errors21:05
buildithow can he check that in this situation?21:05
EriC^^does he have internet access?21:05
builditnot at the moment21:06
bekksbuildit: press ctrl+alt+f1 and login at the text console.21:06
EriC^^cat ~/.xsession-errors21:06
builditbekks: he should do that from the users login screen?21:06
bekksbuildit: Sure.21:06
ilhamiikonia, ssh worked fine :)21:07
ilhamiI am connected to my other machine now21:07
tacocat_Would anyone be able to help? Basically I have an SSD and HDD and on them an install of Windows 1021:12
ilhamiis it possible to cluster cpu power from two machines? :) and how would I do it?21:13
tacocat_I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a dual boot and use, SSD for root and swap and HDD for /home21:13
daftykinsilhami: only for things like software compilation21:13
daftykinstacocat_: how big is each?21:14
tacocat_daftykins: partitions or total size?21:14
daftykinsthe drive sizes21:15
tacocat_128gb SSD 1TB HDD21:15
daftykinsmmm 128GB is really quite tiny for Windows to live on, i'd not try and get ubuntu in beside that personally.21:15
tacocat_Mainly just want SDD for booting speed21:15
daftykinsunless you can get away with a 20GB / and keep swap off it21:15
ikoniawho cares about boot speed21:15
ikoniahow often do you boot21:15
daftykinsi do21:15
aoteaI'm soon having an aneurysm due to rage, can't for the life of me manage to get Memtest working on my UEFI Kubuntu machine. Which I've been asked to run before filing a bugreport. Is there any guide anywhere out there on how to achieve this what I assume to be simple task...21:15
Dannn85668My upgrade from 1404 to 1504 seems to have crashed.  I asked the GUI to do the upgrade, left, now the screen lock won't let me in.21:15
ikoniareally ? you'd waste a hard disk install to go from 20 seconds to 10 seconds21:16
ilhamithe bigger swap the faster boot? :D21:16
ikoniaerr no21:16
tacocat_daftykins: how is it small for Windows? I currently installed Windows and just use HDD as its main storage21:16
ilhamioh ok.21:16
daftykinsyes but as time goes on, if you used much software, it'd be a pain21:17
daftykinsanyway i don't really see a problem, resize windows' C: so there's space, then boot and run the installer21:17
tacocat_daftykins: on Windows or Linux?21:17
gabiroom35can i have the french canal please?21:17
ilhami128GB is really not much :D get 640GB21:18
Dannn85668Should I just reboot?21:18
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tacocat_daftykins: I currently did this: resized c: leaving room for swap and root. Than resized HDD to add a /home partition about 500gb21:19
daftykinsok - and is your win10 install EFI or legacy?21:19
bekksDannn85668: press ctrl+alt+f1 and login using a text console. Reboots dont magically fix issues.21:19
tacocat_I than installed Ubuntu, however I have no way to boot into it as there's no menu option in ego21:19
daftykinstacocat_: there should be a place with 'Windows Boot Manager' set that needs changing21:20
ikoniaprivate 200mb partition at the start of the disk21:20
EriC^^tacocat_: hi21:20
EriC^^tacocat_: can you boot a live usb?21:21
tacocat_daftykins: while installing Ubuntu? Or is there a way to add to it after?21:21
tacocat_EriC^^: hell21:21
daftykinstacocat_: EriC^^ 'll help you now21:21
tacocat_Hello* and yes21:21
daftykinsthis is his forté :)21:21
=== lame is now known as Guest72645
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, boot a live usb21:22
tacocat_daftykins: alright21:22
tacocat_EriC^^: alright got it booted21:22
EriC^^tacocat_: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999921:22
Dannn85668Bekks: should I resolve the dependency errors with apt get?  I don't know about recovering from failed upgrades, but I can work apt a bit21:22
bekksDannn85668: Did you directly upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04?21:23
tacocat_EriC^^: http://termbin.com/pngh21:24
ilhamiif I want to connect to the GUI of my other laptop.. could I use VNC?21:24
Dannn85668Bekks: I used the tool, the tool send to have attempted 1404 to 1504.  New thing?21:24
Dannn85668Send meant seems21:25
EriC^^tacocat_: type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi , does it exist?21:25
daftykinsilhami: only if you don't care about security21:25
tacocat_daftykins: thanks for help btw :)21:25
EriC^^tacocat_: i think ubuntu was installed in legacy mode, cause there's a bios-boot partition, and windows is in efi mode21:25
bekksDannn85668: Used which tool? Direct upgrades from 14.04 to 15.04 arent supported.21:25
ilhamiwhat should I use if I care about security?21:25
bekksilhami: VNX isnt secure at all.21:26
ilhamiWhat is a good alternative?21:26
tacocat_EriC^^:  says it doesn't exist21:26
bekksilhami: Look into solutions like nxclient/nxserver instead.21:26
k1lilhami: why do you need gui at all? typical remote tasks are fine for CLI21:26
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, that means you're booted in legacy mode right now21:26
ilhamibekks, thanks21:26
tacocat_EriC^^: ah. So I need to install it in EFUI mode?21:27
EriC^^tacocat_: you need to reinstall ubuntu in uefi mode, don't choose the reinstall option in the installer though as it'll wipe the disk clean, choose Something else and set the mountpoints21:27
EriC^^tacocat_: yeah21:27
Dannn85668Bekks: the GUI.  I don't know how to emphasise the simplicity of what I did.   I enabled non lts upgrades21:27
k1lilhami: you could start the program gui on your local system while running the program on the server with ssh -X21:27
ilhamibekks, you mean this right? https://www.nomachine.com/21:27
Dannn85668And then clicked upgrade21:27
tacocat_EriC^^: alright I'll let you know when I'm back at that menu21:27
bekksilhami: Yes.21:28
ilhamibekks, thank you!21:28
tacocat_Ok at the menu21:29
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tacocat_So I should delete all Ubuntu partitions I installed on before?21:29
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, are you sure you're booted in uefi mode?21:29
tacocat_Um. Wait for live disk?21:29
EriC^^tacocat_: no, select them, and set the mountpoints, like "/" and /home21:30
tacocat_I installed win10 in uefi for sure21:30
tacocat_Booting into live disk will boot you into a uefi install right?21:30
EriC^^press ctrl+alt+f1 , login as ubuntu and type ls -l /sys/firmware/efi21:31
EriC^^nope, it can boot in either mode21:31
ilhamibekks, both remote and local has to have installed no machine, right?21:32
EriC^^tacocat_: it depends on your bios, also the menu to boot the usb21:32
tacocat_EriC^^: getting a no such file or directory found21:32
EriC^^ok, restart the pc, try pressing esc, and if you get boot options press uefi usb21:32
bekksilhami: Client needs nxclient, server needs nxserver.21:32
EriC^^tacocat_: you can tell if it booted in uefi mode if you get a white and black grub menu with try ubuntu and install ubuntu21:33
tacocat_EriC^^: wait while booting the usb press esc?21:34
EriC^^yeah when the pc first starts21:34
tacocat_O there it is21:35
tacocat_Ok I'm on uefi install now21:35
tacocat_So I create a swap and /root partition on SSD and make a /home on HDD where do I install bootloader?21:37
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, first delete the bios-boot partition21:38
EriC^^did you create that btw?21:38
EriC^^it usually needs to be 1M tops, dunno how it's 5gb O.o21:38
tacocat_EriC^^: yes I had created it, was getting an error without it didn't know why21:38
ilhamibekks, it worked :D thanks21:38
EriC^^oh ok, i thought the installer might have a bug21:39
tacocat_when I had created it I already was fiddling around and just threw it in there21:39
tacocat_Used same size as 4gb swap21:39
tacocat_After that didn't work I finally came here realizing I have no clue how to do UEFI installs :)21:39
EriC^^ok, i think you want the swap to be on the hdd so it doesn't kill the ssd prematurely, not sure21:40
EriC^^does anybody know about ssd + swap?21:40
tacocat_By kill prematurely what is that expected to be?21:41
daftykinsyou can put swap on SSD sure, depends on the system RAM though imo for whether it's actually going to dip into it much21:42
daftykinsi wouldn't waste the SSD space if the system has 8GB+21:42
tacocat_Ah I got 16gb I'll throw it on HDD I guess21:43
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, if you want to be able to hibernate you need the swap a tad larger than the ram21:43
tacocat_Thanks daftykins again21:43
dekr4kenin otherwords because it's ssd, you recommend not having a swap?21:43
tacocat_dekr4ken: think he meant it may kill or make SSD fail faster since swap is called so much21:44
tacocat_Not sure21:44
ilhamiUnity has improved a lot :D21:44
tacocat_EriC^^: ah so like 18gigs?21:44
EriC^^i think i've seen someone mention it shortens the life a bit or something, i guess not that much though21:44
EriC^^tacocat_: yeah make it 16-17gb21:45
bekksEriC^^: That applied for the first SSD, a decade ago.21:45
EriC^^bekks: i see21:45
bekkstacocat_: How much RAM do you have?21:45
daftykinsmmm i think the concerns have been very overblown about SSD use.21:45
tacocat_bekks: 16gb DDR421:45
dekr4kennever had the opp to work with ssd. think swop is calculated 2x the size of ram. if you gonna hammer the box with noisy apps i think the swop can easily be considered 3x +21:46
daftykinsdekr4ken: i'd hugely disagree with that21:46
bekksdekr4ken: 2x times RAM was the rule of thumb thirty years ago.21:46
ikonia2x ram = bad info21:46
dekr4kenokay. thats why im here to learn. so what is recommended now?21:47
tacocat_EriC^^: alright added swap21:47
ikoniacommon sense, allocate the swap you need21:47
bekksdekr4ken: For hibernation: swap == ram.21:47
ikoniaif any21:47
dekr4kenbut people still prefer ext3 to ext4 right?21:47
aoteaI can't run Memtest. Option not available in grub. 64bit Kubuntu installed and UEFI enabled in BIOS. Live USB didn't want to boot with either Enabled or Disabled EFI. What can I do to run a Memorytest?21:48
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, make sure the mountpoints are set for "/" and /home , and click on the efi partition and check that it's set to efi, also at the bottom choose the bootloader location as the ssd21:48
dekr4kengeez i've been out of the game too long21:48
mirsaturndekr4ken ext4 for most Linux distros by default. BSD has either XFS or ZFS or Btrfs...I forget now.21:48
bekksmirsaturn: Thats a huge misinformation.21:48
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bekksmirsaturn: the filesystem being used on a disk doe NOT depend on the type of the disk, like HDD or SSD.21:49
tacocat_EriC^^: how do I set ego?21:49
mirsaturnbekks I am sorry...have I missed something21:49
EriC^^tacocat_: double click on the fat32 partition21:50
dekr4kenlook ive started out many years ago with redhat 6, and been default installing ubuntu on my netbook, not really playing as such. obviously i have been left behind21:50
tacocat_There's no efi option though21:50
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, nm21:50
tacocat_I thought I remember having to set it somewhere21:51
tacocat_No clue21:51
ilhamiYou are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:21:51
ilhamiI just installed that lib21:51
EriC^^tacocat_: set the bootloader location at the bottom to the ssd21:51
bekksdekr4ken: RHEL 6 was released just years ago.21:51
EriC^^should be good21:51
heap_i plugged my usb stick and fired up startup disk application21:51
tacocat_EriC^^: alright set it21:51
heap_but usb stick got mounted as /dev/sdb1 .. how can i format that stick?21:51
tacocat_Should I install now?21:52
heap_when i umount stick i can see /dev/sdb1 anymore21:52
tacocat_EriC^^: I get an error which I can press ok to and continue21:52
EriC^^what's the error say?21:52
dekr4kennot rhel 6 >> redhat 6.1 back in 200121:53
heap_is that a joke?;/21:53
tacocat_It says "the partition table format in use in your disks requires you to create a separate partition for bootloader code.21:53
EriC^^tacocat_: are you sure you're booted in uefi mode?21:53
EriC^^press ctrl+alt+f1 , try ls -l /sys/firmware/efi21:54
ilhamiwhy does it give me all these dependency errors? :D I installed from the .deb file21:54
tacocat_No directory21:55
ikoniailhami: was there not a package in the repo21:55
EriC^^tacocat_: ok, you can convert to uefi if you want after installing21:55
ilhamiikonia, it told me to buy... so I couldn't bother setting up all that21:55
tacocat_Alright should I just click continue to error and install anyways?21:55
ilhamibecause steam is free!21:55
ikoniailhami: libc is glibc - pretty mission critical21:55
EriC^^create a 1M bios-boot for the sake of the install if you want to continue21:55
EriC^^tacocat_: no create the bios-boot21:56
ikoniailhami: where did you get the deb ?21:56
ilhamifrom steams official site21:56
tacocat_Umm how do I got back btw?21:56
ikoniathat just seems mental21:56
tacocat_Will exit work?21:56
ikoniathat steam would provide libc for your distro,21:56
ilhamiam I missing some drivers?21:56
ikonianot something I would suggest doing at all21:56
ikoniaif you install via a deb, it will fail to resolve dependencies for you21:57
EriC^^tacocat_: what do you get?21:57
ikoniabut I wouldn't suggest taking libc from anywhere other than your distro21:57
tacocat_I'm still in the alt ctrl f1 menu21:57
EriC^^oh, press alt+f821:57
ilhamisudo apt-get install '^libc6.*' I ran this command a bit earlier21:58
ikoniailhami: that won't do anything21:59
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ilhamiyou are right about that.21:59
ilhamiI will try installing from synaptic22:01
JAKSDHello, I'm trying to get Ubuntu fullscreen in virtualbox, I've inserted the guest additions CD, but what do I do now?22:02
JAKSDAny help would be appreciated...22:02
daftykinsturn it off, ensure 3D accel is on in the graphics options for the VM, then boot back up22:03
daftykinsshould work fine22:03
JAKSDit's still smallscreen22:03
EriC^^did you install the guest additions?22:04
JAKSDthe problem is when inserting guest additions it says the directory is locked22:04
daftykinsnever needed guest additions here.22:05
JAKSDone sec and I'll get you the exact error22:05
daftykinspastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log instead.22:05
JAKSDthat's the error I'm getting when trying to insert the guest additiotns22:06
JAKSDI don't get it..22:06
EriC^^JAKSD: ok, type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999922:06
ilhamiok it works now somehow.22:07
kubisHi, I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 and having trouble with tearing using my GeForce 840M (driver is nvidia version 352.63). It happens whenever I move a window quickly or play Minecraft. Does anyone know what I could try to get rid of it?22:07
tacocat_EriC^^: my install seems to have gotten stuck going to try restarting I guess22:08
EriC^^tacocat_: press the right arrow22:08
JAKSDwhat do you thin EriC^^22:08
Bashing-omkubis: Maybe try the 346 version driver . Maybe a bit of instability with the 352 version yet ?22:09
EriC^^on the right corner of the installer, it opens a terminal with what's going on22:09
CyberGabberJAKSD: Do you currently have another virtual machine running wich has mounted the same VBoxGuestAdditions.iso?22:09
JAKSDNo I don't have any other virtualmachines22:09
JAKSDI really would like to get fullscrenn.22:10
kubisHow do I get the older version?22:11
BruhaI'm installing  Ubuntu for the first time this afternoon!22:11
tacocat_EriC^^: I'm extremely stupid, for some reason the flash drive has 2 partitions22:11
BruhaI'm creating the usb bootable with unetbootin right now22:11
tacocat_1 for UEFI and 1 for regular22:12
JAKSDanyone can help me? :322:12
tacocat_Kept booting into regular22:12
EriC^^JAKSD: i could try to give you a hack22:12
daftykinsi went to get pizza22:12
EriC^^daftykins: http://termbin.com/u8gw22:12
EriC^^pizza.. mmm :>22:13
daftykins'failed to load model vboxvideo'22:13
daftykinsmodule, silly fingers22:13
JAKSDI want help :(22:13
daftykinsyeah, that IS help - it's what the problem is22:13
daftykinsone sec22:13
Bashing-omkubis: Easiest if via the "Additinal Drivers" utility within USC -> sources -> Additional Drivers tab .22:14
Bruhashould I check for disc defects before installing ubuntu?22:14
daftykinsnever hurts22:14
VFDPrimhow do i upgrade from ubuntu 14.4 to 14,10 or 15.422:15
Bruhaok, then will it return to the install menu?22:15
tacocat_EriC^^: alright I got into uefi mode22:15
EriC^^tacocat_: did you boot in uefi mode now?22:15
EriC^^tacocat_: cool22:15
dekr4ken? sudo apt-get upgrade ?22:15
tacocat_Problem is now when installing it gets stuck22:16
JAKSDplease help...22:16
VFDPrimthats wants me to upgrade to 16.4 :(22:16
tacocat_Seems to get stuck at creating /root partition on SSD22:16
Bashing-om!upgrade | VFDPrim22:16
ubottuVFDPrim: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:16
daftykinsJAKSD: i was about to reply but seeing you constantly nag impatiently is really putting me off.22:16
EriC^^tacocat_: try pressing on the arrow to the bottom right of the installer22:16
Bruhano errors!  woohoo!  Now I'm installing Ubuntu!22:17
VFDPrimcongrats bruha22:17
Bruhaanyone ran Emby or Plex on Ubuntu?22:18
daftykinsi'm more a Kodi type22:18
CyberGabberJAKSD: Be sure not to have mounted ('opened') that ISO by another program like isomount, MS virtual CDROm etc.22:19
VFDPrimdaftykins just got kodi here not to long ago and i agree much better22:19
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Trying to release upgrade presently is risky business . As you must go through thh EOL release 14.10 . When 16.04 is relasd you will have a direct LTS path to upgrade to 16.04 .22:19
daftykinsJAKSD: try "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-x11"22:19
CyberGabberdaftykins: JAK was impantient, he's gone,22:20
daftykinsah yes, ah well their loss.22:20
daftykinspizza won22:21
tacocat_EriC^^: it opens a black terminal like thing in window saying what it's doing right?22:21
EriC^^tacocat_: yeah22:21
BruhaI'm having trouble connecting to the wifi22:21
VFDPrimbashing-om the issue here is when i upgraded to 15.10 last time i had huge issues the reason why i am trying to get 14.10 is because i know that kdenlive actualy has everything in it that i need so id even do 15.4 at this point but 15.10 and 16.4 i dont know about how it will act with my amd and such22:21
BruhaIt sees my network, but when I enter the password and click connect it just sits there22:21
Bruhado i click quit now?22:22
tacocat_EriC^^: it's been idling at cd/&&grub-parts --report /etc/crib.hourly22:22
tacocat_^Cron no crib22:23
Bashing-omVFDPrim: UnGood, as release 14.10 is End_Of_Life and no longer supported . And 15.04 goes EOL in next month .22:23
Bruhanow it is completely hung up22:23
Bruhacan't continue without connectingn to wifi, can't go back22:24
Bruhaany ideas?22:24
VFDPrimbashing-om so what do you think is my best course of action here ?22:24
VFDPrimBruha retry typing in the password22:24
Bashing-omVFDPrim: AMD graphics in 15.10 .. not completely sure that the dependency issues have been resolved by AMD .22:24
Bashing-omVFDPrim: What is the issue with fixing problems if you remain on 14.04 ?22:25
VFDPrimbashing-om yea me neither so i guess i will just have to stick with 14.4 and deal with not having everything accessable to me22:25
tacocat_EriC^^: is there anything I can do is restart only way?22:26
VFDPrimwell there is a really round about way of adding the missing stuff to the program but i usualy end up screwing stuff up when i attempt to fallow directions and for some reason when i tell it to update that does not chainge anything22:26
EriC^^tacocat_: i guess so22:26
EriC^^did it say installing grub before it happened?22:27
EriC^^i think the last thing it does is install grub, then remove the additional packages that are used in the installer, like gparted and stuff22:27
anabainCan permissions on a bind directory be most permissive than those on the original dir?22:27
EriC^^anabain: you mean mount --bind ?22:28
calcmandanrunning a home ubuntu server running apache and ampache. From March until a week ago I was running 3.8.0-dev and streaming via subsonic backend to my android phone using dsub. I finally updated to 3.8.1 following the directions on the help page. 3.8.1 is a beautiful upgrade but, unfotunately, everything works but subsonic. I made no changes to apache2 during the upgrade and ensured that subsonic is enabled in config. i've read a number of22:28
calcmandan[14:23] <calcmandan> issues in github but none of them really apply directly to my issue. For kicks I commented out line 483-485 in stream.class.php but it didn't help. Any help would be appreciated.22:28
calcmandansorry for the wall of text22:28
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Installing from PPAs - or - ya sticking to the safe road of our repository ?22:29
daftykinswhere else did you post that query?22:29
VFDPrimBashing-om: just tryed the sudo apt get update command im honestly not sure how to try and get an update just for one program22:30
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Depends, IF from repo, then the package manager will take care of all issues OR advise/hint why it can not comply . Show the channel the outputs of ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' . We see what we can do .22:33
anabainyes, EriC^^22:35
VFDPrimbashing-om: not sure if you would really see anything due to it says everthing is compleatly up to date22:35
VFDPrimwhats the commands again to make link for you guys22:35
EriC^^anabain: i think it gets the permissions that are already set22:36
* beyond_help Hello! I am interested in getting assistance with udev rule writing and listing attributes. the udevinfo command seems absent and uninstantiated in Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 and seems as well uninstallable. Morevoer, the udevadm command is not really giving any examples in the man pages and the FAQs I looked for online are over 7 (almost 8) years old and showing the usage of udevinfo which again stands absent. in short: HELP! :)22:36
Bashing-omVFDPrim: 'pastebinit' .22:36
anabainEriC^^, ok22:36
builditbekks EriC^^ ikonia are you still around?22:38
ikoniabuildit: ?22:40
bekksbuildit: Just ask your question to the entore channel.22:40
buildithad to step away for awhile22:40
builditback to the issue, then.22:40
builditthe guy i'm helping followed your instructions22:40
ikoniais there a reason you've pinged me ?22:40
tacocat_EriC^^: thanks for the help :). Couldn't get it but I'll play around with it later. Probably some silly other mistake.22:41
buildityes, you were helping me22:41
bekksbuildit: Re-state the problem then.22:41
builditthe guy i am helping followed your (bekks) instructions to  press ctrl+alt+f1 and login at the text console.22:41
daftykinstesting the guest session would also have been good22:41
builditthat took he to a CLI where he successfully logged in22:41
EriC^^tacocat_: if it hangs after it says installing grub you can always use a live usb to chroot and reinstall grub, no problem22:41
builditnow how can he fix the issue he was encountering where he would get to the user login screen, login, and then it immediately kicks him back out to the user login screen?22:42
VFDPrimbashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236409/22:43
bekksbuildit: cat ~/.xsession-errors22:43
builditearlier, EriC^ suggested that22:43
builditshould the guy enter exactly that in to the CLI?22:43
soldidanyone seen how borked nautilus is in 16.0422:43
bekksbuildit: thats why it was suggested.22:43
daftykinssoldid: for a pre-alpha, who cares? anyway, talk in #ubuntu+1 only thanks22:44
builditjust trying to make sure i understood correctly22:44
soldid@daftykins only? this is how we get treated here22:44
bekkssoldid: you're offtopic in here ;)22:45
ikoniasoldid: yes, you get pointed to the right channel to get help22:45
ikoniasoldid: #ubuntu+1 is where you need,22:45
soldid@ikonia thanks im gonna wreck them22:45
daftykinssoldid: *gasp* having to change an ENTIRE channel to talk about an appropriate topic! ooh, we're brutal, i know.22:46
tacocat_EriC^^: it seems to hang while making partitions or something along that line, going to try to manually make them all on Windows later22:47
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236409/ .22:47
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Bashing-omVFDPrim: So far, so good .. now what returns ' sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' ?22:50
VFDPrimbashing-om:what will or what should that do22:51
builditfriend entered "cat ~/.xsession-errors" in CLI and it returned: "cat: /home/[username]/.xsession-errors: no such file or directory"22:51
builditwhat does that tell us?22:52
Bashing-omVFDPrim: An audit of the package management system, and advisory of any problems .22:52
VFDPrimok will do now22:52
VFDPrimbashing-om: 0 across the board22:53
builditbekks: what does that tell us?22:53
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Then there is no problem with the package manager .. Ya got something in mind to install as a test ?22:53
bekksbuildit: that the file does not exist?22:55
VFDPrimBashing-om: did you see my last message22:57
kubisHi, what can I do against tearing? I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 and a GeForce 840M (nvidia driver). It happens whenever I play games or move windows quickly.22:58
builditbekks, we came looking for help with the problem stated roughly two hours ago, and that was the troubleshooting step recommended. we did it. that was the feedback. can you help us solve this issue?22:59
kubisI don't seem to have any VSync option in my Nvidia options. I really don't know what to do.23:00
builditbekks, my knowledge is very limited, and i am trying to help someone that is new to ubuntu and doesn't currently have an internet connection. can you (or anyone here) help?23:01
pherjungbuildit: my English is very bad and I don't have a lot of experiance with Linux, but I can try to help you23:02
builditthanks, pherjung23:03
aoteaSeems my grub.cfg is missing stuff after "### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###" What should be after that to allow me run Memtest from Grub menu?23:03
builditthe user has this issue: " he is sitting at the user login screen. he can enter the new password, which then is accepted, then he see a black background with about 4 lines of code, then he is kicked back to the login screen"23:03
builditas suggested by bekks, he pressed ctrl+alt+f1 and login at the text console23:05
soldid@kubis     Option     "metamodes" "DVI-D-0: nvidia-auto-select { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"23:05
Bashing-omVFDPrim: "  bashing-om: 0 across the board " ?/ Then my response is given .23:05
soldid@kubis just google dis shiz out23:05
soldid@kubis if on gnome then vblank=none helps with above settings23:05
VFDPrimoh it saud 0 updated 0deleated 0installed 0 not upgraded23:06
builditas suggested by EriC^^, the user entered "cat ~/.xsession-errors" in CLI and it returned: "cat: /home/[username]/.xsession-errors: no such file or directory"23:06
builditthat is where the user is in troubleshooting the issue23:06
Bashing-omVFDPrim: And my reponse"  VFDPrim: Then there is no problem with the package manager .. Ya got something in mind to install as a test ? " :)23:06
VFDPrimbashing-om i trid what it says on this page not sure if it will upgrade anything or not did i do something bad by doing thig?23:07
OerHeksbuildit, just read back, "a friend changed in password in CLI and then executed the halt command in CLI (without logging out and logging back in between those two steps)" .. without internet, i would say backup data and reinstall23:07
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Ya lost me, what "page" "23:08
Bashing-omVFDPrim: There a reason why you do not use the package for kdenlive in our repo ? ' apt-cache show kdenlive ' .23:11
VFDPrimdono how to do that lol23:11
VFDPrimor what to do23:11
soldidfirefox has flash now? twitch lags as fuk23:12
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Where am I loosing you ? Do you want that package installed ? and IF so, why not from our repo ?23:12
VFDPrimBashing-om what package and what repo? sorry i dont understand turms well23:13
VFDPrimbashing+om : if it will get me an update for keden live then yes (prefer if its not the last one but if i must then i will)23:14
aoteaSeem to have same issue as seen in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2268214 - I got memtest installed and set "chmod +x" - updated grub and still no menu option for running memtest in Grub. Is my only option tearing the ram out and trying it in another computer?23:14
Bashing-omVFDPrim: You referenced " https://kdenlive.org/download-ubuntu " as I understood a package you wanted to install, and my response to that package is that it is in our repo, no need to get it from a PPA !23:15
guest-6ONWRkI've just installed Ubuntu Mate, and deactivated password for login, yet cannot login. Any help?23:15
daftykins"deactivated" ?23:16
daftykinsnot quite getting your meaning there23:16
guest-6ONWRkI set it so that not required for login23:16
OerHeksautologin or a nonsupported tweak?23:17
guest-6ONWRkand now on login screen just puts name of user23:17
k1lguest-6ONWRk: what did you do exactly?23:17
VFDPrimbashing-om: oh i dont know the difrence between a ppa and a repo i guess so thats probably why i couldent answer your question lol I had already did what it says on that page because im inpatent lol do i need to some how undo that now or does it not matter ? and what should my next step be23:17
guest-6ONWRko.k last night I installed Mate, and i disabled password for user login23:18
kubisA ppa is an unofficial repository.23:18
f8mf8_Hi everyone. Somewhat of a newbie question23:18
guest-6ONWRkand when i turn computer on today it comes to login screen but cant login23:18
f8mf8_ I neeed help upgradin byobu on my server23:18
daftykinsf8mf8_: on what version?23:18
k1lguest-6ONWRk: how did you disable it?23:19
f8mf8_I have 5.74 on server and need 5.98 to match my local install23:19
daftykinsguest-6ONWRk: test at a TTY, ctrl+alt+F123:19
daftykinsf8mf8_: the ubuntu version?23:19
daftykins(is what?)23:19
guest-6ONWRkon USERS and GROUPS menu23:19
f8mf8_When I log in now, the bottom status bar just replicates upward with every refresh.23:19
guest-6ONWRkI believe23:19
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/dns.html23:20
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Now I am the one that is lost . What is the problem you are experiencing with kdenlive ? Could be an issue you need to take up with the authpr of the PPA ??? PPAs are not supported in this support channel as a PPA is non-ubuntu .23:20
Guest47430what Ubuntu recommends a driver card for b43 Broadcom ?23:20
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:20
f8mf8_daftykins: I have ubuntu 14.04 on server and running new arch on local pc. Had xubuntu localy until now.23:20
VFDPrimit just does not have all of the tools23:20
VFDPrimin program23:20
daftykinsf8mf8_: if you can find a PPA for it, then you can update - otherwise, compile from source.23:20
VFDPrimprobably not something for here i guess23:21
Bashing-omVFDPrim: As a suggestion. purge that PPA and install from our repo .23:22
Bashing-om!ppa-purge | VFDPrim23:22
ubottuVFDPrim: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:22
VFDPrimok how do i do that23:22
VFDPrimlol thanks23:22
Bashing-omVFDPrim: ^^ ppa-purge .23:22
f8mf8_I downloaded the .tar.gz for that version and tried to install on server with the comand in the install file, but did nothing, some errors showed up as not being able to create some directories due to permission23:23
f8mf8_but it was run with sudo23:23
VFDPrimhow do i find out the repo name and subdirectory it is in23:23
aoteaSeem to have same issue as seen in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2268214 - I got memtest installed and set "chmod +x" - updated grub and still no menu option for running memtest in Grub. Is my only option tearing the ram out and trying it in another computer?23:23
daftykinsf8mf8_: likely it didn't work right, run "sudo -i" then run it23:23
k1lguest-6ONWRk: can you login in tty1?23:23
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hajkhi, i am pretty new to linux and just installed lubuntu on my netbook. i have to learn to use the terminal. any idea how to get started? Are there any importand things to install first?23:24
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Don think'n cap ... read and understand .. the PPA name is " ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release " from the PPA page .23:25
daftykinshajk: there's a free course called LFS101x on edx.org that can help23:25
builditOerHeks, I thought that might be his only option  :(23:27
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Be aware, we are here to help. But, we can not tell you how to administer your system . it is your system; do it your way - if the system allows .23:29
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hajkdaftykins, thank you i will try it put, and come back after i finished it in about 6 weeks :)23:30
VFDPrimBashing-om: i trust you and am working on it right now sorry i dont always comprehend things right witch is why i need a step by step allot of the time.23:30
VFDPrimbashing-om: ppa purge successfull now what do i to to get it from the repo23:31
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Hang on here, you will learn . We all did ( and I still do !) .23:31
svetlanahajk: hi! welcome to ubuntu. you don't have to learn to use the Terminal; everything you need can be done without it. if you have some specific things to accomplish in mind, please let me know.23:31
VFDPrimbashing-om: sadly due to disabilities i probably wont but i am sure trying lol23:32
f8mf8_daftykins: thanks it ran and seems to have installed fine with "sudo -i", but the problem is still there. how do I check if "byobu" is launching the right version?23:32
svetlanahajk: if you are intent on general learning, I would advise to go through the help documentation as a whole (without particular focus on the terminal) as it would give you a reasonable overview of the system components and how they interact.23:32
daftykins"which byobu" - you should really have removed the other before installing a second.23:32
hajksvetlana, i have to learn it for school, and to get my certificate for my working place23:32
Bashing-omI expect that the fetch still exist on the system . one should delete that source. I expect it to be in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory .23:33
svetlanahajk: to learn ... terminal ... for school? how do they phrase the requirement?23:33
f8mf8_daftykins: just a little more info, at first tmux didn't work either, so I upgraded tmux and it works now if I launch it standalone without byobu, but byobu still does the same thing, "byobu -v" gives me the new versions23:33
daftykins*shrug* i don't know where your install would've put it and i don't know what problem you mention23:33
hajksvetlana, its by doing it on a theoreticle basis on a piece of paper, but i want to lern it by using linux23:34
Bashing-omVFDPrim: We all have our crosses to bear, we make adjustments . I have mine in spades and I am still here .23:34
svetlanahajk: you are welcome to learn linux for anything (I just think that learning terminal specifically is not a part of the requirement) but if the requirement is learning to do something via terminal then it may be easier to find good resources23:35
VFDPrimBashing-om: lol yes i know we all do witch is why I refuse to give up on linux lol so now that i cleared that ppa how do it do it from the repository that you where talking about23:35
k1l!terminal | hajk23:35
ubottuhajk: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:35
VFDPrimyou can point me in the way of a website if prefered23:35
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Thunderstorms in progress here . I am shutting down .. I be back and see how you are doiong later .23:36
VFDPrimbashing-om ok hope its not to bad of a storm23:36
hajkthank you all, i will leave now and try to learn something about linux, see you next time :)23:37
f8mf8_daftykins: Just wanted to say thanks, I'll keep trying later today. Thanks for the help! ps. It is running the new 5.98 install but error continues. oh well for now...23:39
neldogzSo i replaced my motherboard with the exact same model and now neither grub nor Ubuntu is detected upon bootup, Windows 10 boots up straight away which is odd.. anyone else encounter this type of problem? I installed both Windos 10 and 4Ubuntu using UEFI mode23:41
daftykinschange the boot item from 'Windows Boot Manager' to Ubuntu/GRUB23:41
neldogzdaftykins, ubuntu is no longer an option .. I guess that gets saved in the form of a secure boot key in bios,, which of course is on the board I no longer have23:42
neldogzdaftykins, i guess windows 10 booted because there must be a default secure boot key saved in the bios23:43
daftykinsEriC^^: your skills are needed :>23:43
daftykinsyeah or it reads the disk23:43
daftykinsi'd bet the approach you need involves efibootmgr23:44
daftykinsbut i have no experience with it.23:44
EriC^^daftykins: :D23:44
EriC^^neldogz: can you boot a live usb?23:44
neldogzEriC^^, yes, booting now23:45
aoteaAnyone know how to get memtest options in Grub on a uefi system? I've tried chmod+x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest and updating grub. But still no option available.23:46
OerHeksaotea, there is no memtest86 on UEFI, reason: We need 16-bit boot, which isn't available on EFI.23:47
OerHeksuse a live iso in legacy mode23:47
aoteaOerHeks, tried but I keep getting booted into my current system :(23:48
OerHeksuefi bios can be nasty to manage23:49
daftykinstypically there's a one-time boot menu key to press23:49
daftykinswhat brand of system is that?23:49
neldogzEriC^^, creating a new bootable usb23:50
aoteadaftykins, Asus N55SF laptop23:51
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daftykinsah, so escape on the asus logo or a function key can give a menu23:52
aoteadaftykins, I've been into the bios and disabled UEFI, but that in turn makes my live usb disappear.23:53
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EriC^^maybe the bios has a built in mem test?23:53
EriC^^diagnostics or something?23:53
daftykinsusually enabling CSM/legacy and prioritising CSM should work23:54

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