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xubuntu65wAlguien me puede ayudar?00:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:48
xubuntu65wmi Xubuntu tarda demaciado para abrir00:48
bazhangor is that portugues00:48
xubuntu01wsome of the shows I watch now has no streams why03:04
flowersHey hey03:47
flowersI have what I hope is a quick question: what is the sources URI for xbunutu-desktop and its deps?03:47
flowersfor LTS, 14.0403:48
flowersxubuntu-desktop package is broken so I am trying "sudo apt-get build-dep xubuntu-desktop" then "sudo aptitude reinstall xubuntu-desktop" and I get the error "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list"03:50
flowersOn the first command03:50
flowersUnless that is the wrong approach to fix a broken xubuntu-desktop package. I'm just following a thing I found online03:53
flowersnvm, fixed it!05:03
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
GeekDudeI'm trying to set up winlirc on my 15.10 laptop. I have been following the configuration guide at http://www.lirc.org/html/configuration-guide.html , but I'm stuck at the "configure systemd" step. I do not have a lirc_options.conf to update, as it suggests.16:18
GeekDudeShould I just create the file from scratch with the [lircd] section in that configuration guide?16:19
knomeit doesn't hurt to do that at least.16:19
knomei don't know lirc, but there is a lot of software which do not have configuration file(s) until you create it/them16:20
GeekDudeIt seems to suggest the file should already be there, and searching Google yields other config files that seem to have standardized starting contents16:22
knomemaybe the file exists in a different location in different distros16:22
GeekDudeI don't think it is somewhere else. A quick search with `find` didn't bring up any files I didn't already know about16:24
knomethen try creating that file16:24
GeekDudeknome: no apparent effect, and it seems that the directory /var/run/lirc gets deleted on reboot, and has to be recreated for lirc to work properly. I'll investigate later, but for now lirc seems to be working if run explicitly as non-daemon from the command line :)17:08
GeekDudeknome: Looks like it uses hardware.conf instead of lirc_options.conf. Substituting values for similar ones in that file, it appears to work as expected, except for it won't find the IR receiver after reboot unless if I disconnect and reconnect the USB device18:05
GeekDudeSent via remote. There's no 5 there because I accidentally mapped 5 to KEY_418:11
pjotterGoodevening everybody. My icons seems to align to the top panel with no space between them and the panel. Does anybody know how to fix this?19:35
knomeadd a separator19:36
knome(if you are trying to do what i think you are)19:36
pjotterHi knome. On the panel, you mean?19:37
pjotterI'm not sure if this would fix the problem. The problem is that there is no space between the top panel and the first icons there. They are displayed against the top panel, without any spacing between them and the panel.19:37
knomeso you are referring to the icons on the desktop?19:38
pjotterYes, my mistake. The icons are on the desktop.19:38
knomeright, then i don't think i know the answer, i don't use desktop icons myself19:39
pjotterGood idea, maybe I should try that too ;)19:39
pjotterI'll fiddle around with it some more.19:40
knomefwiw, i just use keyboard shortcuts for all the applications i use regularly, then i have a *few* selected launchers on the panel (for really often used things)19:40
knomeand then i enable the application on right-clicking the desktop, which gets me access to the rest of the apps19:41
pjotterI see. A minimalistic use of the desktop.19:41
knome(my panel has a 100% transparent background, and its width is 90% of the screen, so the bottom left/right corners always have a small space where the desktop is right-clickable)19:42
knomewell actually i think it's like 97%, but you get the idea19:42
pjotterThere is a panel-option that regultaes the spacing at the edges of the panel. When I toggle it, the icons are aligned correct. But when I log out and back in, they are misaligned again...19:44
pjotterI'll do some more tests. brb...19:45
clockworkHey Guys, just installed xubuntu19:53
clockworkis there a way to hide that mouse on the start menu?19:54
clockworkI was looking for themes but I didn't understand how to install them19:54
knomethe mouse where in the menu?19:56
knomefrom the button where you open the menu?19:57
knomealso, which themes have you tried to install?19:57
knometry right-clicking the menu and select options/preferences19:57
knomei don't use the menu myself, but you should be able to change the menu icon19:57
clockworksettings/apperance I have19:58
knomethat's likely it19:58
clockworkokay Im in there19:59
knomeif you are where i pointed you to, there's a large icon in the dialog, you can't miss it20:00
knomei see "Properties" on right-clicking the menu20:01
clockworkjust missed "right-clicking" part..20:02
clockworkI see it now :D20:02
clockworkI click left first20:02
clockworkthere are many themes on the net for xfce4 or gtk+ etc.20:04
clockworkwhich are my version, how can I check that?20:04
clockworkI heard xfce when I was downloading xubuntu over ubuntu20:05
knomejust trying them out and seeing if they support modern stuff20:05
knomemany doesn't, unfortunately20:05
knomethere are some themes available/installable from the repositories too20:05
clockworkis there a keyword to find specifically built themes for my xubuntu?20:06
clockworkI mean, supported20:06
knomeunfortunately no20:06
knomewell, most xfwm4 (window border) themes should work20:06
knomegtk themes not so well, most of them don't support gtk3 well (enough)20:06
clockworkI think Im happy with my theme, after I changed that mouse with your help20:10
knomein that case, enjoy20:10
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as littlebunnyfuf
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pjotterOk, I'm still here :)20:32

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