
DeeznudtsAre there any00:06
DeeznudtsApps for snappy as of yet? If so where?00:07
=== dvladar_ is now known as dvladar
renatHi guys! It's Renat from Screenly. Sorry for bothering you today. I have a question about building a GUI snap.10:58
renatHere is a link to the Google document describing how it's built. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14msTXe_cFulk9z4jFptEjFJzZx58b1mWU_r4VivLkfA/edit?hl=en&forcehl=110:59
renatBut as you can see - I need to include Mir server inside a snap. (Not as a framework as I can understand)11:00
renatSo - Mir server should be includedd as a part of the snap in snapcraft.yaml11:00
renatBut, unfortunately, I can't find any tutorial of including Mir into the snap that way.11:01
renatOh... Sorry. Nevermind. Seems found a useful link. https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/+junk/snapcraft-qml-on-mir/view/head:/snapcraft.yaml11:04
asackyrofa: u know why we load config once for every step (afaict??) in execute?12:06
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