MatthewAllen | darkxst, with the " | 06:05 |
MatthewAllen | Improve the Get Ubuntu GNOME wiki page (Ubuntu)", would the layout under "Ubuntu Gnome 15.10" be appropriate? | 06:05 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, more like this which was started but could be further improved | 06:07 |
darkxst | | 06:07 |
darkxst | and preferably usings variables for the actual links | 06:07 |
MatthewAllen | I've never edited a wiki page before, can you expand on how to use variables instead of actual links? | 06:08 |
MatthewAllen | Should I edit the page you linked me if no one is working on it anymore? | 06:09 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, copy it first | 06:09 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, | 06:10 |
darkxst | you need to use the @var@ form or it won't work | 06:10 |
MatthewAllen | darkxt, the 15.04 download link appears to be broken, the wiki links to and then that page links back to wiki to download - no actual download link is given | 06:16 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, so are you saying I should define the download links as a variable at the top of the page source, so they can be edited easily later - and then use the variables as the links on the download buttons | 06:22 |
darkxst | they go in a MyDict page, but yes use those vars for the actual links, so we don't have to edit the table when updating | 06:23 |
MatthewAllen | what is a MyDict page? | 06:24 |
MatthewAllen | Oh, don't worry - found it | 06:25 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, I've got my page and then from there I've got /MyDict I created a variable called VAR1 but if I use @VAR1@ in the main page the value isn't replaced and shows up as @VAR1@, any idea whats wrong? | 06:34 |
darkxst | no, but i did test it quickly | 06:49 |
MatthewAllen | oh, I think I had the MyDict in the wrong directory | 06:52 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, I've got the variables working fine for inline text and I've found the links I need to change, however whenever I use getVal where the links go it trys to link to the MyDict page | 07:27 |
darkxst | getvar renders too late, it will never work | 07:32 |
MatthewAllen | hmmm, using @varname@ isn't working for me? Do I need to specificy the page or should I just be able to enter @varname@ provided that variable is in my MyDict page? | 07:36 |
darkxst | the latter, but they won't show in the preview only on the real page | 07:41 |
MatthewAllen | I tried it on the real page aswell and still couldn't get it to work. | 07:43 |
darkxst | it worked on my test page | 07:45 |
MatthewAllen | 'So you have your variables in the RelDict page? And you type in @WILY1@ or whatever? | 07:45 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, no that didnt work, they are in MyDict | 07:46 |
darkxst | then @VAR@ should work | 07:47 |
MatthewAllen | So this is my MyDict page - | 07:47 |
MatthewAllen | this is my wiki page - | 07:47 |
MatthewAllen | typing @WILY1@ shows up on the final page @WILY1@ and not the value itself | 07:47 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, hmm, I don't know | 08:24 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, what other things were meant to be changed with that wiki page? | 08:27 |
darkxst | make the table looks nice | 08:27 |
darkxst | its very unbalanced as is | 08:28 |
robbert | darkxst: hey Tim, are you here? :) | 09:53 |
darkxst | robbert, hi | 09:53 |
robbert | darkxst: so i got a question: you said "Further the keyboard settings have been moved into universal-access panel for 3.20" | 09:55 |
robbert | darkxst: what is that 3.20? | 09:56 |
darkxst | next upstream release | 09:56 |
robbert | so should i clone the latest git version and modify that one? | 09:57 |
darkxst | 16.04 will be 3.18 most likely though | 09:57 |
robbert | or should i continue with 3.18? | 09:57 |
darkxst | robbert, patch against the 3.18 ubuntu branch | 09:57 |
darkxst | lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu | 09:57 |
robbert | darkxst: alright, thank you | 09:58 |
darkxst | there is nothing to upstream in this case | 09:58 |
robbert | but till now i built from debianlp: | 09:58 |
robbert | what is the difference? | 09:59 |
darkxst | no you built against some trusty branch | 09:59 |
darkxst | lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu is the packaging branch for current dev series | 09:59 |
robbert | okay | 10:00 |
robbert | and lastly, for the defaults: | 10:00 |
robbert | i am using a virtual machine with 16.04 on it | 10:00 |
darkxst | the UDD branch are broken most of the time at best | 10:00 |
darkxst | ubuntu GNOME VM? | 10:01 |
robbert | well i downloaded ubuntu 16.04 and it had unity as default, so i installed gnome and switched the layout | 10:01 |
darkxst | hmm, make sure you have ubuntu-gnome-default-settings, that should override the ubuntu settings | 10:02 |
darkxst | should, but if it doesnt there is another bug for you to dix! | 10:02 |
darkxst | fix! | 10:02 |
robbert | ok, and if you say that the udd branches are broken, does that mean that i shouldnt use bazaar for uploading? | 10:03 |
darkxst | robbert, as a general rule, check for a Vcs-bzr line in the debian/control file | 10:03 |
darkxst | if that exists use that branch | 10:04 |
robbert | alright :) | 10:04 |
darkxst | if that is not there, make sure the UDD branch is current, before you start working on it | 10:04 |
darkxst | or just use pull-lp-source to get the source | 10:05 |
robbert | with git then? | 10:05 |
darkxst | git is coming to launchpad world | 10:06 |
darkxst | i.e you can push git branches to launchpad | 10:06 |
robbert | nice, so i will use that | 10:06 |
darkxst | sure | 10:06 |
darkxst | btw I will be away for a few days | 10:07 |
robbert | so will i still be able to reach you via mail? | 10:09 |
darkxst | yes, no internet where i will be staying, but should be able to respond to emails once per day | 10:11 |
darkxst | robbert, feel free to work on some of the other bugs while you wait also | 10:16 |
darkxst | Ive not pubished the others yet, but can do as needed | 10:20 |
robbert | hm, but really wanna finish this one first! | 10:21 |
darkxst | your almost there on that, but things will slow down while I am away! | 10:22 |
robbert_ | darkxst: is it possible that you hand me a proper example screenshot of the control center? i dont know what should be broken with mine | 10:26 |
robbert_ | and why does irc tell me that i have quit :D | 10:29 |
darkxst | your username changed | 10:30 |
robbert_ | oh, yeah i see now | 10:31 |
robbert_ | the space | 10:32 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, the task "Split the Ubuntu GNOME package set into core and desktop" - should I simply be removing pretty much all the desktop application aside from Gnome settings and the like and just cutting it down to the bare minimum such as Window Manager, term, networking, etc etc? | 10:32 |
darkxst | robbert_, | 10:32 |
robbert_ | thank you :) | 10:33 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, basically, make a new "core" file and put all the really important stuff into that | 10:33 |
darkxst | then the desktop seed can depend on that one | 10:33 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, do I then remove the packages that are in the core, from the desktop? So you essentially have to install both to get what was originally in the desktop | 10:34 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, anything that goes into core, is remove from desktop | 10:35 |
darkxst | then desktop needs to depend on core | 10:35 |
MatthewAllen | darkxst, ok - thanks :) | 10:35 |
darkxst | it will also require some minor changed to ubuntu-gnome-meta to make that work | 10:35 |
darkxst | MatthewAllen, many people will be happy if you complete that task ;) had many requests for it | 10:37 |
darkxst | Xubuntu did a similar split earlier in the year | 10:37 |
MatthewAllen | So i need to push a change in both /ubuntu-seeds/ubuntugnome.xenial and /wily/ubuntu-gnome-meta? | 10:39 |
darkxst | ubuntu-gnome-meta generates the meta package(s) based on the seeds, it needs to learn about the new to be core seed | 10:41 |
darkxst | it has an update script that does all work, but that needs 1 change | 10:43 |
MatthewAllen | do I need to add 'core' as along with 'desktop' after seeds? The readme is particularly helpful | 10:46 |
darkxst | in update.cfg? probably yeh | 10:49 |
MatthewAllen | is there any proper way to test update against a local copy of the seed? | 10:50 |
darkxst | not directly, you use the resulting ubuntu-gnome-meta packages | 10:51 |
darkxst | ISO's are built directly against the seeds, but that is really hard to reproduce locally | 10:52 |
MatthewAllen | just wondering how I'm supposed to actually make sure that my changes work | 10:52 |
darkxst | you make a ubuntu-gnome-meta package pointing at your branch | 10:53 |
darkxst | rather than the proper seeds | 10:53 |
darkxst | in update.cfg | 10:53 |
MatthewAllen | ahhh, will try that | 10:53 |
robbert | darkxst: i cant make my control center look like yours, so is it ok if i download ubuntu gnome 15.10? | 11:05 |
darkxst | robbert, yes do that | 11:06 |
* darkxst sleeps now | 11:07 | |
darkxst | robbert, though that screenshot was from 16.04, 15.10 ahould be about the same though | 11:17 |
robbert | hello there, is anybody here who can help me with coding gtkbuttons? | 14:16 |
robbert | hello there, is anybody here who can help me with coding gtkbuttons? | 15:02 |
edve98 | does papercut like this need sytem information? | 16:01 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1495708 in python-pip (Ubuntu) "python-pip recommends nonexistent python-dev-all package" [Medium,Confirmed] | 16:01 |
yago | Hi! | 16:07 |
yago | Got a question: am I the only one having trouble registering at | 16:08 |
MatthewAllen | yago, got any error messages? | 16:09 |
yago | Once I get redirected (after entering my credentials), I get some sort of 404 error | 16:10 |
yago | "The resource you tried to access doesn't exist. This can happen because of an invalid link or because of a bug." | 16:10 |
MatthewAllen | yago, hmmm - try this link - | 16:10 |
yago | "Invalid OpenID transaction" | 16:11 |
MatthewAllen | yago, maybe trying going back to the page through the QATracker (from the login button) and force refresh the page (ctrl+f5) | 16:12 |
MatthewAllen | I just tried to create an account and had no issue | 16:12 |
flocculant | yago: if you are positive you have an SSO account and you fail at tracker login, try going here first | 16:25 |
yago | flocculant: I finally solved it by clearing all browser data, thank you! | 16:26 |
xcub | Can someone help me with these corrections I need to make here, I don't quite understand how to address DanChapman's second comment | 16:36 |
edve98 | hey, I need a bit of help. I'm trying to build mir from source using this guide: but there is an obvious bash syntax error there. It says to build from source with this : "make (-j8)". Am I supposed to just run "make"? | 19:33 |
knome | i believe this means -j8 is an optional argument | 19:37 |
edve98 | ah, of course. Why didn't I check manual page first... Thanks! | 19:38 |
knome | no problem | 19:38 |
edve98 | I'm trying to build mesa but I had no luck thus far. ./ runs fine, but when I run make it gives me this error: Can anybody help me? | 22:20 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: can you please link me to the task? | 23:09 |
edve98 | +tsimonq2: is this is the link that you want? | 23:11 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: sorry, I don't know how to do this | 23:13 |
edve98 | +tsimonq2: no worries, I should probably picked simplier task as my first one :P | 23:15 |
knome | edve98, there are "beginner" tasks for that purpose | 23:15 |
edve98 | I'll try to do two of them. But first I'll try to figure out what I'm doing wrong | 23:18 |
knome | building mesa is something *i* wouldn't try to do unless i really had to :) | 23:19 |
edve98 | oh well.. I just tought that it woud be "fun" to try it out :P. I reckon you are quite advanced user, aren't you? | 23:22 |
knome | one could say so | 23:23 |
knome | in reality, there isn't much debugging i can do when something doesn't build apart from something really obvious, or some parameters, or something else really common | 23:24 |
knome | that's to say, i'm not exactly a programmer | 23:24 |
edve98 | I see. Are you one of the volunteers helping out everybody or are you participantlike me? | 23:26 |
edve98 | (I hope it's okay to use this chat not only for task questions :P) | 23:26 |
knome | i'm one of the mentors; those with a + next to their nicks are mentors | 23:26 |
knome | and those with the cinnamon bun, or @, are the admins for ubuntu in google code-in | 23:27 |
knome | and sure, i would say this channel is very relaxed and general discussion is okay | 23:27 |
tsimonq2 | (unlike #ubuntu :P) | 23:28 |
tsimonq2 | :D | 23:28 |
knome | yep | 23:28 |
edve98 | I see., thanks ^^ | 23:28 |
* wxl eats jose's cinnamon bun | 23:28 | |
edve98 | so you guys (mentors) are just random people from the internet or are you somehow affiliated with Ubuntu? :P | 23:29 |
knome | all mentors are working with ubuntu | 23:30 |
knome | that's kind of the point, being able to help | 23:30 |
wxl | we're all intimately familiar with the community and its various enclaves, which is necessary to be able to mentor anyoen at all! | 23:31 |
wxl | edve98: through your contributions, you can figure out how to become affiliated with ubuntu, too! :) | 23:32 |
knome | but i guess we are also just random people from the internet... | 23:32 |
wxl | well we started out as such, but converged at a common point (ubuntu) | 23:33 |
edve98 | I still don't get it. Is it hard to "get into" development of Ubuntu? | 23:34 |
wxl | not at all | 23:34 |
wxl | we're a welcoming community | 23:34 |
xcub | Can someone here who is familiar with unit testing help me with this task? | 23:34 |
edve98 | It seems like most of the tasks aren't really helping Ubuntu, so that's why I ask | 23:34 |
wxl | they all do in some way or another | 23:34 |
wxl | if you mean many of them are not code-based, edve98, that just exemplifies that a lot of the work to be done is not code-based | 23:35 |
edve98 | how is it helping Ubuntu that I install mir? :P | 23:35 |
wxl | edve98: i think the intention is the testing of it. a lot of testing is exploratory. it requires that many eyes be on it exploring it in different ways to sort out all the potential bugs | 23:35 |
edve98 | I see | 23:36 |
wxl | edve98: even without the qa side of things, it can help from an advocacy/marketing perspective by showing that it's relatively easy to install | 23:36 |
wxl | this may encourage more people to try it and test it and come up with other potential bugs | 23:36 |
wxl | that's what one would expect with such a new technology | 23:36 |
wxl | edve98: if you are interested in contributing beyond the scope of google code-in, we'd be more than happy to help you find a place that takes advantage of your particular skills and/or interests | 23:37 |
edve98 | it would actually be lovely | 23:37 |
edve98 | I found out about google code-in too late to win anything more than a t-shirt anyway :P | 23:38 |
wxl | edve98: is there a particular area that you wish to grow in? or an area that you know you're particular good at? generally there's testing/bugs/qa, marketing, graphics, documentation, and development | 23:38 |
wxl | edve98: and then of course there's particular flavors (lubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, etc.) as well as different devices or platforms | 23:39 |
edve98 | well, I think I'm ok with C++ and I'd like to do something with it | 23:39 |
wxl | have you had any experience with developing on a large project before? | 23:40 |
edve98 | no, not on large projects. Althouh I did use git when my friends and I were creating a game for Ludum Dare :P | 23:41 |
wxl | ok, so, is there a particular package or set of packages that interests you or you feel particular skilled to deal with? | 23:42 |
wxl | also what's your OS of choice? | 23:42 |
edve98 | I'm using Ubuntu for some time now... | 23:43 |
wxl | well that's always a plus :) | 23:43 |
edve98 | and I'm not sure about the packages. I always feel that I don't know enough about Linux and generally open source projects when talking to somebody else :P | 23:44 |
wxl | what do you think you don't know about? | 23:46 |
wxl | maybe you don't know enough to know :) | 23:46 |
edve98 | mostly everything :D. For egzample my bash/terminal knowledge is "just enough" for me to use it. I know that there are a lot of things I don't know :P | 23:49 |
wxl | edve98: one thing i might suggest, then, is getting involved in QA/testing or support or documentation, as all of these things will require you to learn more | 23:49 |
tsimonq2 | heyyyyy wxl | 23:49 |
wxl | o/ tsimonq2 | 23:50 |
adueppen | heyyyyy tsimonq2 | 23:50 |
tsimonq2 | lol hey adueppen | 23:50 |
edve98 | umm. hi :D | 23:51 |
wxl | tsimonq2 is relatively new to the ubuntu community, so he might be a good resource to talk to, too, edve98 | 23:51 |
tsimonq2 | o/ | 23:52 |
wxl | tsimonq2: we were just discussing how edve98 could contribute to ubuntu beyond gci | 23:52 |
tsimonq2 | I know my way around, wxl ;) :P | 23:52 |
adueppen | wxl: I'm fairly new as well | 23:52 |
wxl | yes you too adueppen :) | 23:52 |
edve98 | yeah, I'd like to contribute to Ubuntu somehow | 23:52 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: what do you like to do? | 23:52 |
edve98 | coding, but I'm not sure if my skills are sufficent | 23:53 |
tsimonq2 | Graphic Design, Code, QA, Bug Triaging, etc. | 23:53 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: I'm in the same boat ;) | 23:53 |
wxl | edve98: he's an ubuntu user, with some experience in c++ but feels like he doesn't know about linux/OS in general | 23:53 |
adueppen | edve98: what languages are you good at? | 23:53 |
wxl | oops that was meant for tsimonq2 | 23:53 |
edve98 | c++, a bit of python | 23:53 |
wxl | tsimonq2: i suggested he do QA/testing, support, or docs to learn more | 23:53 |
edve98 | I actually quite like that idea | 23:54 |
wxl | c++ and py are about the top two languages used in the repos, i would imagine | 23:54 |
wxl | edve98: you can do a little bit of all the above, too. there are no contracts. you just volunteer your time as much as you can | 23:54 |
wxl | i do a ton of different things but my main contributions are in QA | 23:54 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: well first and foremost I would recommend this book if you feel like you want to know more about Linux in general: | 23:55 |
edve98 | thanks | 23:56 |
edve98 | so lets say I want to contribute to qa or docs | 23:56 |
edve98 | where do I start? :P | 23:56 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: and next, I would recommend just looking at some docs and learning about the infrastructure of Ubuntu in general | 23:56 |
tsimonq2 | edve98: let me find a link for you | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | that will help you find where you want to be | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | this looks well put together ^^ | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: ^ | 23:59 |
edve98 | thanks again :P. One question: where do you guys chat usually? tsimonq8 said that #ubuntu is quite formal. Another irc channel perhaps? | 23:59 |
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