
Roguehorsemeeting tonight?02:58
pleia2we're skipping it because of the holidays02:58
pleia2nice to see you though, Roguehorse :)02:58
Roguehorseah, glad I asked :)02:59
DonkeyHoteihow's your mobility?02:59
Roguehorseyeah, it's good to be back in Cali02:59
DonkeyHoteiyou left?02:59
Roguehorsenot so great02:59
RoguehorseI'm off the prednisone since it 2asn't doing me any good but I don't have a new prescription yet03:00
RoguehorseI see my nephrologist on Tuesday03:00
pleia2that's rough, I hope they can hel03:00
Roguehorseyeah, it's been 7 months I've been sick; the longest time ever for me. I have a handicapped parking placard now.03:01
DonkeyHoteired, or blue?03:02
RoguehorseI'm also starting to work with the California Department of Rehabilitation to try and find work that I can do.03:03
Roguehorsethey gave me 6 months03:03
Roguehorsethe doctors are still hopeful that they will find a medication that will work for me; I'm trying to prepare for the worst, but still hopeful.03:04
RoguehorseI also got kicked out of my house by the ex and her family so I'ms taking with friends "occasionally" in Livermore but mostly been having to stay in my car03:08
RoguehorseLots of fun :)03:09
Roguehorsethankfully I got a prescription for Tramadol from my PCP this past Tuesday which helps me be mobile and not be in so much pain; my back was killing me!03:12
pleia2Roguehorse: yeesh, rought times over there, so sorry!03:12
Roguehorseyeah, things can just get better I suppose. At least my car is in good shape so I have a dry, warm, place to sleep.03:14
RoguehorseI tried a shelter, but my back couldn't handle sleeping on the floor and they wouldn't let me sleep in my car in the parking lot. So I have a few spots where I can go for the night and no one bothers me.03:15
pleia2I hope it is warm, we've been having a winter03:15
DonkeyHoteiit's likely warmer in sf03:16
pleia2it is, especially here by the bay03:16
RoguehorseThe heater works good and I have a good sleeping bag I put over me. I mooch off free Wi-Fi around town. I watch TV until I fall asleep.03:16
DonkeyHoteiif you want a place to park in sf for the night, best place is in front of De Soto Cab03:18
RoguehorseThank you, but that's pretty far from where I am.03:18
RoguehorseI'll probably end up getting an apartment here in Livermore (it's my home town) eventually. I still have some hurdles to get over first.03:21
RoguehorseLivermore PD has already talked to me a couple of times. They leave me alone and just tell me to stay warm and have a good night.03:23
Roguehorse2looks like the Wi-Fi cut out for a minute03:26
Roguehorse2Anyway, I'm doing OK. Taking things one day at a time and reminding myself that things could be worse. At least I'm close enough to my son I can see him occasionally. That was the most important thing.03:40

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