
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos wake up! time to let the sheep out! :-P05:33
Maazsuperfly: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:33
Kiloshahaha hi superfly and others05:59
Kilossheep are out05:59
inetprogood mornings 07:09
inetprosteeds geen reën nie oom Kilos 07:10
Kilosai! ja inetpro en weer warm vandag07:10
inetproyou still have grass for them poor sheep? 07:10
Kilosyes plenty07:26
Kiloskikuyu is a hardy grass and i water large areas07:27
Kilosalso the bit of rain we have had has got veldt grass growing07:35
MaNIdoes anybody know an online deeds office search that is capable of searching for sectional title rules? (windeed seemingly can't do this)07:41
Kilosdid you find something MaNI 16:26
LangjanHi Kilos  hoe gaan dit?18:37
Kilosals nog goed hier dankie Langjan en daar?18:38
Kilosnog niks gehoor nie18:38
LangjanHier ook goed dankie, hoe was jou kersfees? Ai!18:38
LangjanDon't they even reply to your mails? Except for those idiot automatic replies...18:40
Kilosyes. only those18:40
LangjanEish! I would throw egg in their eye!18:41
Kiloshahaha finding the eye is the tricky part18:41
Kilosif i could find that i would throw something bigger than an egg18:42
LangjanYeah, they know how to hide behind black tape18:42
LangjanWrite them every day, make the letters bigger and bolder every day18:50
MaNIKilos, not not really, I managed to find one place but they want like R800 for it18:56
MaNIguess I'll just leave it until next time I head into town and then visit the deeds office myself18:57
Kilosill do that Langjan 18:59
LangjanOK Kilos just checked on you, hope its sorted soon - let me know please. 18:59
LangjanSlaap lekker19:00
Kilosty sir, i will let you know as soon as i hear something19:00
Kilosdankie oom, goed gaan daar ook19:00
LangjanOk go well my friend19:00
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:13

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