
Bashing-omrebooting to test .. back soonest .02:45
lordievaderGood morning.09:16
lotuspsychjegood morning to all10:35
lotuspsychjehey lordievader10:35
lordievaderHow are you today?10:35
lotuspsychjelordievader: i just sent my cv to a local pc shop10:35
lordievaderI thought you were starting your own?10:36
lotuspsychjelordievader: about 100m from my house10:36
lotuspsychjelordievader: yes, but we still looking for an own house before, to run my business from10:36
lotuspsychjelordievader: so in the meanwhile im looking for temporary work10:36
lordievaderI see.10:37
lordievaderGood luck!10:37
lotuspsychjelordievader: thank you!10:37
lotuspsychjelordievader: how are you today?10:37
lordievaderDoing good here ;)10:39
lotuspsychjedoes dd clone a bootable win7 usb also?10:42
lotuspsychjedd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb like this?10:43
lordievaderSure, it is a bit copy tool ;)10:48
lordievaderI'd add a block size defition.10:48
lotuspsychjelordievader: whats the command for that10:48
lordievaderdd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4M10:49
lotuspsychjelordievader: ok tnx here i go10:49
BluesKajHey all13:51
lotuspsychjewb EriC^^14:50
lotuspsychje!info systemd19:25
ubot5systemd (source: systemd): system and service manager. In component main, is required. Version 219-7ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 3271 kB, installed size 18236 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:25
lotuspsychjehey DosTuMai19:56
DosTuMaiHi lotuspsychje. =]20:03
daftykinshey folks20:09
lotuspsychjehey daftykins20:09
daftykinslotuspsychje: so i walked up to that Surface...20:10
lotuspsychjedaftykins: nice20:10
daftykinssure enough, holding power, nothing... poking it a bot more, nothing...20:10
DosTuMaiHi Dafutykins. =P20:10
DosTuMaiDafitykins, sorry.20:10
daftykinsstarted chatting to the owner, BAM logo comes up20:10
daftykinsi just have the touch i think...20:10
lotuspsychjedaftykins: cool20:10
daftykinsjust got my Nexus 5 screen today at long last 8D20:11
daftykinsall working20:11
lotuspsychjewow long20:11
daftykinsyeah, that's free Hong Kong post for you20:11
daftykinscan't sniff at £26 to resurrect a free phone though!20:12
lotuspsychjelol yeah20:12
daftykinsDosTuMai: ;)20:13
lotuspsychjedaftykins: nice pics20:15
daftykinsthey're pretty blurry XD20:16
nicomachusdaftykins: gf dropped and shattered the brand-new Nexus 6, the day after christmas...20:16
daftykinsi still don't have very good lighting in my office :)20:16
DosTuMaiCould be like my camera, Daftykins. =P20:16
daftykinsnicomachus: noooo!20:16
lotuspsychjedaftykins: i mean nice pics of the phone :p20:16
daftykinsnicomachus: well on the plus side, now you can take it apart - maybe? D:20:17
nicomachusidk if I want to... apparently the glass is GLUED to the LCD, and you have to heat it up and then use a wire/string to separate them... sounds rough. I may take it in somewhere.20:17
nicomachusI already have the new glass, I just don't want to take the risk of screwing it up and then having no recourse.20:18
daftykinsah yeah, that's common now - often i just replace the whole front unit LCD and all20:19
daftykinsthough for as new a model as that i'm sure it's pricey as20:19
nicomachusyea. the glass was $20, the full display unit was about 4x that20:19
daftykinspriced up an iPhone 6s screen swap to be £170 for the hardware alone, the other day20:22
daftykinsunsurprisingly i've not heard a yes yet...20:22
nicomachuswiping the work PC today. work phone currently going through a security wipe. only thing left to do on the PC is delete my VMs, and uninstall vbox, spotify, and chrome.20:34
nicomachusbut I'm not doing that until the day's over. haha20:34
daftykinsi think i zero filled a box or two at previous jobs20:43
daftykinsbut in one case they hadn't even paid for an OS for me yet ;)20:43
daftykinswhat kind is the work phone?20:43
daftykinsi've read so much about factory reset processes being badly written on smartphones, that apparently the best practice (and what i follow) with androids for example is to enable encryption, then factory reset after that20:44
nicomachusit's encrypted. I did the wipe by putting in the wrong password 10 times.20:49
daftykinsah har22:09
daftykinssorry i went out to grab thai curry \o/22:10
OerHekshey, that is my idea too, chicken curry rice22:19
* OerHeks wokkie wokkie22:20
DosTuMaiI just found my next pet for £25. =D22:30
daftykinsi don't think you can walk a curry, i've tried22:32
DosTuMaiCan't walk a tarantula, either. =P22:32
daftykinsi'd enjoy seeing the attempts22:33
DosTuMaiAlthough, for JW scaring attempts, a Cobalt Blue wont be very good...22:33
DosTuMaiDon't click if you're arachnophobic: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CkSXdateyno/maxresdefault.jpg22:36
daftykinssacré bléu22:45
DosTuMaiYes, very. =P22:46
Bashing-omdaftykins: Huh ? -- which way did he go ? Did I miss much in my delayed absence ?22:46
EriC^^guys i got the name really freaking short for opening a live terminal, thanks to the guys in ##linux22:54
EriC^^script -f >(nc openterm.tk 99)22:54
EriC^^some guy called rkeene helped out, the command is very short and neat now23:04
daftykins\o/ were they impressed with the plan?23:05
EriC^^they thought it was pretty neat23:05
daftykinsso i get asked to look at a wifi printer issue today23:37
daftykinsit wasn't on the network.23:37
daftykinsprints 8 sheets, then the dust covered wheels fail to grip any further paper (home of the folks having lots of work done to their house)23:37
Bashing-omping pong pong,,, that all you do is ping .. alla the time ping'n !23:38
daftykinsdoesn't it make you laugh the way folks'll send a print job multiple times to check it gets there a subsequent time? :)23:40
Bashing-omThat is why YOU get paid the big bucks . ( where a buck is an American Dollar )23:41

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