
wolfgerHappy Saturday #11  :-D13:46
cmaloneyHappy not quite saturday16:07
cmaloneyStill working and what-not16:07
gamerchick02NEW GLASSES! (in about two weeks)19:01
gamerchick02i'm so excited. sorry19:01
cmaloneyI'll be more excited for you in about two weeks19:22
gamerchick02:-D thanks19:48
gamerchick02my experience was great. getting two pairs, sunglasses and regular.19:49
rick_h_gamerchick02: ooh, let me know how that goes. I always debate that21:21
gamerchick02i will! and i'm going to probably take a selfie and post on the plus21:29
cmaloneyrick_h_: I see the photos are coming in. :)21:50

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