
=== shuduo_afk is now known as shuduo
DanChapmanewwww what's with the new ubuntu font on xenial. text is barely legible in sdk apps :-/11:19
=== javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft
Kivipopey, mhall119, balloons  http://venturebeat.com/2015/12/30/debian-founder-and-docker-employee-ian-murdock-has-died-at-42/ ??? Have you heard about this?19:24
thecode15wow that is horible Kivi19:45
Kivithecode15, yep :(19:57
thecode15how hard is it to develop apps for the ubuntu phone using c++20:59
Kivithecode15, not too hard21:01
Kivithecode15, we use qt, right?21:01
thecode15thats what the website says21:01
KiviAnd Qt makes C++ pretty damn close to high level.21:01
Kivithecode15, usually how it goes is that you write a QML front end, and have c++/qt on the backend.21:02
thecode15im not talking about the c++ part im talking about the api and all that21:02
KiviWhat app do you want to build?21:02
thecode15so its similar to doing how android does it with xml/java21:02
Kivi"API" is too broad, and for ubuntu, I think really only applies to QML components.21:03
KiviOh god, way easier than Android.21:03
thecode15haha ya i really dont like android or ios dev21:03
KiviThe little android I tried... eclipse just spewed out nonsense, and android studio looked like $#:^$YL on my computer.21:04
Kivithecode15, You can even develop with Go on Ubuntu :)21:05
thecode15when the new phones come out i will probably pick one up and try it out since my computer is really slow at emulating the ubuntu and android emulators21:05
thecode15ya but i like c++ better sorry21:05
Kivilol; have you done much work with Qt? Or mostly just c++?21:05
thecode15is qt c++ different or something and i have only worked with c++21:06
KiviBecause honestly with QT; I prefer manipulating strings with it, than I do with Python. Hell; maybe even perl!21:06
KiviQt is to c++ what std and boost is to c++,21:06
thecode15ya imo i think a mix of python and c++ is the best for just about anything21:06
Kivithecode15, We do use a bit of python for testing.21:07
Kivi"autopilot3" is a python application we use to test our gui interfaces.21:07
thecode15o i will have to try out autopilot321:08
Kiviand QML; its pretty fun to use. You can build UI's in it super quick21:09
thecode15k thanks21:09
mhall119Kivi: sadly yes, just learned about it a short while ago21:38
mhall119such a sad thing21:39
KiviI was hoping it was a hoax.21:55

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