
Kilosmorning nhaines svij and all other peeps05:46
elachecheHey! How are you Kilos 08:04
Kilosgood ty elacheche and you?08:04
elachecheTired :(08:04
Kilosnot too bad ty08:12
Kilossleep would be good though08:13
elachecheyeah x)08:20
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
tsimonq2o/ elacheche and Kilos 16:14
elachecheHey tsimonq2 :)16:15
Kiloshi tsimonq2 16:22
tsimonq2how are you?16:25
elachecheGood tsimonq2 :) You?16:26
pbjartingHi question. Laptop dual boot win/ubu brand and seller in sveden ?16:26
tsimonq2good :D16:28
pbjartingNew laptops do not work since Win 8 also Bios problems16:29
Kilosoh my16:31
Kilospbjarting must you have windows as well16:33
pbjartingall new laptops are preinstalled with Win. Win is now blocking Bios. Do not want to go for Mac yet.16:34
Kilosor find a second hand win7 laptop and install ibintu on it16:34
Kilosif you are clued up there are ways of fixing the bios16:35
pbjartingI want new stuff. Would like to fuck up Microsoft16:35
Kilosthen go with https://system76.com/16:35
elachechepbjarting, http://askubuntu.com/a/23691716:35
elachechepbjarting, You can get a Dell.. They preinstall Ubuntu16:36
Kilosthere is a program called flashrom for linux16:36
pbjartingYes, you can fix Bios but you have to clear CMOS, Cannot do on Laptop. Desktop is no problem16:36
Kilosthey even fix bricked motherboards16:36
elachechePlease STOP :)16:37
elachecheWe can't talk about BIOS! It's UFI not BIOS..16:37
Kilosyes that too16:37
pbjartingNeed Win for certain compat reasons. Otherwise hate it.16:38
elachecheUFI is not like BIOS.. pbjarting didd you got the new Laptop yet?16:38
elachechepbjarting, You need a preinstalled Win? Becasue if you don't, you can install it on a VM :)16:39
pbjartingyes got a Toshiba and Inet took back. No go. Asked if they could guarantee if any Laptop would work. They could not16:39
elachecheWhat is the model of your new laptop?16:39
pbjartingsent back with full return from company.16:40
elachecheNow you don't have a new laptop?16:41
pbjartingusing desktop right now and have a working Toshiba with dual boot. Probably will have to got to Mac.16:43
pbjartingThey do not block Bios as far as I Know. 16:44
Kiloscan you dual boot a mac with win?16:44
elachechepbjarting, if you can get a mac so you don"t need a win?16:44
elachechepbjarting, it can be more praticla if you can explain your case so we can help you find a good solutioon16:44
pbjartingDon't know i you can have dual boot MacOS/WIN but MacOS/Linux dhould work16:45
Kilosget the https://system76.com/ pc and run win in vm if you need it16:46
elachechepbjarting, why you need win or osx?? Why you need the dualboot?16:46
pbjartingMacOs/WIn will handle applications for cellulars and navigating systems. Linux will not.16:49
elachecheCan you be move specific? Can you name the applications?16:50
pbjartingYou cannot emulate the WIn application in Linux. As soon as we are looking at emulated access to periferals. We are talning about problems.16:50
pbjartingYes, access to Motorola Defy and TomTOm navigators.16:51
elachecheI understand now :)16:53
pbjartingDoes anyone got any experience with dual boot Mac/Linux ?16:56
pbjartingWill go away for a while. pls continue writing if you have got any hints.17:01
elachechepbjarting, it's easier to do than some UFI pcs :D You'll have no issues as I know 17:03
pbjartingThanks you help. My e-mail is pbjarting@hotmail.com if you would think abt something else17:07
pbjartingThanks for info abt UFI. An improvement ? Maybe but I do not like secure boot.17:20
elachechepbjarting, it's not that "secure" x)17:21
* pbjarting slaps pbjarting around a bit with a large fishbot20:23
pbjartingjust checking functions20:25
yanishello everybody. can you read my msgs?21:39
yanisif yes answer please. I have question.21:39
elacheche_anisyanis: Hey!21:48
elacheche_anisHow can I help yanis 21:48
yanisI want to create a new loco team in my country algeria. can you guide me how to proceed? 21:49
pleia2yanis: I recommend starting with http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-dz/21:51
pleia2there are some links to a mailing list, wiki, website21:51
pleia2may not be active (I haven't checked), but you may find some contacts or other folks interested21:52
pleia2looks like they also have a channel: #ubuntu-dz21:52
yanisthanks a lot man :)21:53
mhall119yanis: if there isn't anyone active in the team anymore, you can be the one to revive it21:56
mhall119otherwise, get involved with them and help out21:56
elacheche_anismhall119: pleia2 if yanis came back here tell him to ping me, I know the dz loco ex-leaders so I can hep him reactivate the loco22:06
elacheche_anisRIP Ian → https://bits.debian.org/2015/12/mourning-ian-murdock.html22:07
elacheche_anisOK, yanis sent a mail.. I'll contact him to makes him contact the ex leaders..22:08
* elacheche_anis GTG.. Good night :)22:08
mhall119thanks elacheche 22:17
pleia2he posted to the loco mailing list too22:21
tsimonq2RIP Ian Murdock ;(22:29
* pleia2 nods22:30
* tsimonq2 actually found out from pleia2's Twitter RT22:46
tsimonq2pleia2: and somebody in debian-devel suggested renaming Debian! https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2015/12/msg00446.html22:47

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