
jbermudesLooks like Debian's founder Ian Murdock passed away last night (or Monday night?) :(19:39
* pleia2 nods19:42
nhainesianorlin: can you get me your SCALE registration number and email address, in an email or PM?  https://reg.socallinuxexpo.org/reg6/reg_lookup/21:28
nhainespleia2: my registration number this year is 24.  Which is better but not as nice as a couple years back when it was 64.  :)21:29
DonkeyHoteinhaines: are they still doing booth passes even though canonical has their own booth?21:36
nhainesDonkeyHotei: I don't understand the question.23:30
nhainesEveryone at SCALE needs a pass.23:31
nhaines(UbuCon Summit attendance is free and does not require a pass.)23:31
DonkeyHoteifor example, this past year, there was a conference pack from canonical with a handful of free passes for booth volunteers23:31
nhainesI never heard of it.23:32
nhainesCanonical wasn't at SCALE last year.23:32
DonkeyHoteiand now they are, so i assumed it would be different23:32
DonkeyHoteiyou always collected unpaid registration numbers to have them covered23:32
nhainesYes, so that I can cover them with the Ubuntu exhibitor kit.23:33
akkSpeaking of passes, I haven't seen anything about whether speakers are automatically registered, or should register.23:33
pleia2we have our own booth and canonical has their own booth, we both get passes23:33
pleia2they are next to each other23:33
nhainesakk: It's definitely one of those!23:33
akknhaines: Thanks, that clears it right up! :)23:33
nhainesI'll probably just ask Gareth next Wednesday when we talk, because I realized I didn't know whether to comp my registration because I'm a speaker.23:34
nhainesIt's also why I didn't ask pleia2 for her registration number!23:34
DonkeyHoteiso, there's still an exhibitor kit for the loco booth despite canonical being next door?23:34
nhainesDonkeyHotei: all exhibitors get an exhibitor kit.23:34
pleia2I haven't registered yet23:35
DonkeyHoteioh, sorry, i thought it was a canonical thing23:35
pleia2no comp for me since I'm not speaking at actual scale, just events before it23:35
nhainespleia2: UbuCon counts, last I heard.23:35
pleia2nhaines: I never got a speaker registration code or whatever23:36
nhainespleia2: I'll ask Gareth what's up.23:36
nhainesDonkeyHotei: even if for some reason Canonical were handling registrations, I would still be collecting registrations for the LoCo on behalf of Canonical.23:36
nhainesBut in actuality, it's much more likely that I'll be organizing both booths as a single booth.23:38
nhainesAlthough Canonical's plans are so similar to mine that it comes down to more of a technicality than any practical difference.23:38
DonkeyHoteii'm still considering not going23:39
nhainesWhy not?23:40
DonkeyHoteiit still depends on a lot of things that are yet to be determined, plus i have a jury summons for the week of the 25th23:41
MarkDudeTell them "you can tell if someone is guilty by looking at them."23:55
akkHa, that would probably work.23:56
akkBut telling them you're a computer engineer (or scientist, or anything else technical) is usually enough.23:57
nhaines"I'm an expert in Internet law."23:58
akkOoh, anything smelling of lawyer is even better.23:58

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