
GarheadeMorning yo15:03
ahoneybunmorning Garheade18:47
ahoneybunor afternoon now18:47
GarheadeYes, it's afternoon now ahoneybun. You've been a little slow to respond lately...19:05
ahoneybunI messed up my IRC bouncer19:06
ahoneybunjust got it working good yesterday19:06
GarheadeDid it run out of rubber?19:08
Garheadea spring broke?19:08
ahoneybunoh come on dude lol19:09
GarheadeJust trying to figure out where the bounce went...19:10
ahoneybunforgot the password ll19:10
Garheadei thought everyone just set their password to '12345678' or 'god'19:11
ahoneybunnah lol19:11
Garheadeyou rebel, you!19:11
Garheadeahoneybun: I'm just glad you refilled the rubber in your bouncer. Now we can all wish you a happy birthday tomorrow19:21
ahoneybunI don't know how many people in here know that 19:23
ahoneybunother then you and keith19:23
GarheadeThey all know it now!19:24
GarheadeIt's forever in the ubuntulog!19:25
GarheadeJust don't tell us your SSN and you should be fine.19:25
Garheadeahoneybun: besides, your g+ account is announcing it to the world right now anyways.19:27
GarheadeNo secret is safe from the N5A... I mean Google.19:28
GarheadeNational 5ecurity Agency19:32
Garheade5orry, the '5' on my keyboard 5topped working so I remapped the 5-key to it.19:33
* Garheade fails19:33
GarheadeWhoa... Ian Murdock has died.20:03
balloonswoa, really?20:18
ahoneybunI saw that20:24
ahoneybunbtw Garheade http://www.meetup.com/Ubuntu-Florida-LoCo-Team/events/227688804/21:12
GarheadeBoo! I'm going to be in PSL that day.21:16
ahoneybunoh noes21:17
Garheadewhen are you going to arrange an Ubuntu Hour in west palm ahoneybun?21:18
ahoneybunthat is quite the drive for me21:20
ahoneybunI'll try 21:20
GarheadeThat would be awesome.21:20
ahoneybunI try to do them in local businesses as well, if you have any ideas for a good place to have it at 21:21
GarheadeHow big a place we talking?21:21
ahoneybunjust big enough for like 7-10 maybe21:22
ahoneybunthese have never been very big21:22
ahoneybuntbh the last few have just been me and keith 21:22
ahoneybunand maybe alan21:22
GarheadeI'll see if I can find a decent place.21:41
ahoneybunalright thankks21:42
=== aaron is now known as Guest97364

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