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dengjiong | 0_0 | 02:13 |
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afterlight | goodmorning | 07:32 |
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lordievader | Good morning | 08:59 |
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Manteko | Guys... I know today we are going to change the year and so but... If somebody can help me, I'll be really happy since this is the most difficult problem I've ever had in Kubuntu. | 10:13 |
Manteko | I've got a laptop without audio. | 10:13 |
Manteko | What can I do, please? | 10:13 |
Manteko | No headphones, no speakers. Nothing. No audio at all. | 10:14 |
clivejo | it has no audio hardware, or kubuntu isnt recognising it? | 10:14 |
Manteko | Kubuntu isn't recognising it. | 10:14 |
lordievader | Manteko: What is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 Audio'? | 10:15 |
lordievader | !paste | 10:15 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:15 |
Manteko | This is the outpot, lordievader, thanks https://paste.kde.org/psymltcqd/dqcifw/raw | 10:16 |
lordievader | That looks okay, what is the output of 'aplay -l'? | 10:17 |
Manteko | lordievader: https://paste.kde.org/pnzsnz5lg/rvmhle/raw | 10:17 |
lordievader | What does your audio setup look like? | 10:18 |
lordievader | Analog connection to speakers? | 10:18 |
Manteko | lordievader: What do you mean? By speakers I mean the laptop's built-in speakers. | 10:19 |
lordievader | Ah okay. | 10:20 |
lordievader | Right, I needed the output of 'aplay -L' ;) | 10:20 |
Manteko | Here we go, lordievader! :D https://paste.kde.org/pijpuppk4/dby6tl/raw | 10:21 |
lordievader | What does 'aplay -D plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' do? | 10:24 |
Manteko | lordievader: it says "Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono" but I can't hear a thing. | 10:26 |
lordievader | Hmm, is anything muted in 'alsamixer'? | 10:28 |
Manteko | lordievader: http://i.imgur.com/Et8duuY.png | 10:30 |
lordievader | Disable the auto-mute then run the command again. | 10:31 |
Manteko | lordievader: disabled. No sound :/ | 10:31 |
lordievader | Did you even have sound under Linux? | 10:32 |
Manteko | what do you mean, lordievader? | 10:34 |
lordievader | Well, did the sound work in a live-cd/usb for example. | 10:34 |
Manteko | Yes lordievader, I had in the past. I have a windows partition too, because I wanted to test and I had sound there too. The thing is, now, I have no sound in both systems. | 10:36 |
lordievader | Err, wut? | 10:36 |
lordievader | That is odd... | 10:37 |
Manteko | I tried a Kubuntu liveCD yesterday and I had no sound. This is a bit crazy. | 10:37 |
Manteko | That's why I say this is a hard problem for me. | 10:37 |
lordievader | Are there any hardware switches set to mute or something? (Perhaps in the bios) | 10:38 |
Manteko | I already checked that, lordievader. My BIOS is so shitty so it has no option for that. | 10:43 |
lordievader | Right, laptop bios... | 10:45 |
lordievader | Since at this point I don't think it is (fully) Linux's fault. | 10:47 |
lordievader | Driver loaded, things should work, but they don't. Not even in a different OS... | 10:48 |
Manteko | They worked too since I updated to kubuntu 15 | 10:49 |
Manteko | I should try an older distro maybe. | 10:49 |
Manteko | I'll test something, brb lordievader. Thanks for listening and helping me. | 10:52 |
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n2kubuntu | hello, how can I install git and gitolite on kubuntu? these tools seems not to be available in my installed default repositories (kubuntu 15.10) | 12:01 |
andrew19111 | hi | 12:02 |
n2kubuntu | hello andrew19111 | 12:02 |
andrew19111 | do you know if there is a help room? | 12:02 |
andrew19111 | or support room | 12:02 |
n2kubuntu | sorry, this is the wrong channel? | 12:03 |
n2kubuntu | what is the channel name? #kubuntu-help' | 12:03 |
n2kubuntu | ? | 12:03 |
andrew19111 | so this is not it? | 12:03 |
n2kubuntu | I dont know. I'm new to kubuntu, so I need help. I thought this was the right place to be then | 12:04 |
andrew19111 | oh maybe it is lol | 12:04 |
andrew19111 | I need help too | 12:04 |
andrew19111 | with one issue | 12:05 |
andrew19111 | what's your issue? | 12:05 |
n2kubuntu | so whats your issue? | 12:05 |
soee | n2kubuntu: git should b available in repos | 12:05 |
soee | did you tried: sudo apt-get install git | 12:06 |
soee | ? | 12:06 |
andrew19111 | I have issues with samba | 12:06 |
andrew19111 | i have a file server that is working and setup correctly | 12:07 |
n2kubuntu | soee: git is installed. but when I try to install gitolite I get the message, that such a package is not available | 12:07 |
andrew19111 | but a kubuntu client cannot open libreoffice documents from the share | 12:07 |
andrew19111 | i think i'm missing some package | 12:07 |
soee | n2kubuntu: try package name: gitolite3 | 12:08 |
soee | andrew19111: he sees them but cant open > | 12:08 |
n2kubuntu | soee: thanks a lot!!!! :-) | 12:08 |
andrew19111 | yes it can connct to share and see files and open pictures and pdfs | 12:09 |
andrew19111 | but not libre office documents | 12:09 |
soee | but he has LO installed etc. ? | 12:09 |
andrew19111 | yes | 12:10 |
andrew19111 | and it does launch properly | 12:10 |
andrew19111 | and it works | 12:10 |
andrew19111 | aside from not opening the shared files | 12:10 |
andrew19111 | a windows client and a linux mint client have no problems | 12:10 |
soee | and he can copy those files from host server to his machine and edit than ? | 12:10 |
andrew19111 | yeah once the files are copied it's fine | 12:11 |
andrew19111 | this is on the LTS | 12:13 |
andrew19111 | kubuntu | 12:13 |
andrew19111 | same issue with 15.10 | 12:13 |
andrew19111 | it's something with dolphin i think | 12:13 |
andrew19111 | I don't know | 12:14 |
rsd | I bet, this is a FAQ already. Whats the issue with kubuntu and plasma 5.5? | 12:18 |
soee | ? | 12:19 |
rsd | ok kde.org download page, kubuntu section, there is something about kubuntu needing to sort something out before 5.5.3 | 12:19 |
rsd | s/pk/on/ | 12:20 |
rsd | s/ok/on/ :) | 12:20 |
andrew19111 | with 15.10 dolphin crashes when closing the document | 12:20 |
soee | rsd: i don't know. Devs are woking on Plasma 5.5.2 for Xenial atm. | 12:21 |
rsd | soee, ok, tnx. There are so many issues in 5.4 that I dont even think it worth reporting | 12:25 |
soee | all issues are worth reorting, if you won't report them (at least those unreported) how do you expect them to be fixed ? :) | 12:26 |
andrew19111 | i really like 5.4, but too buggy at this point | 12:27 |
rsd | soee, yes, but I prefer to make sure I am in the latest version at least. e.g., the missing icons is reported everywhere | 12:28 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:28 |
soee | what missing icons ? of sme apps ? | 12:29 |
soee | in systray ? | 12:29 |
rsd | systray too, but not related to SNI. I think it is some issue with gtk+ | 12:30 |
andrew19111 | hi | 12:30 |
rsd | specially when using (show a launcher when not running) | 12:30 |
rsd | variety, for example, is in the systray, but it is invisible | 12:31 |
anshul | with kubuntu 15.10, I have 31/12/2015 5:58:50 PMdumpe2fs[13209]segfault at 0 ip 00007fbf9f5916fa sp 00007ffdf54ac338 error 4 in libc-2.21.so[7fbf9f506000+1c0000] | 12:32 |
rsd | firefox, thunderbird, pyCharm and many others show the blank document icon | 12:32 |
anshul | Also System tray hangs when I click Kde start menu | 12:33 |
anshul | and another problem that I have is if I type wrong password in window open for ksystemlog, for administrative previlige that window hang for infinite time | 12:35 |
anshul | its Kde su window that I hangs with wrong password | 12:36 |
andrew19111 | i have that problem too | 12:37 |
anshul | how to fix them, any guidence | 12:38 |
anshul | this is my plasma related software versions, http://pastebin.com/LZtyQyM7 | 12:40 |
john__ | how can i get in a terminal? | 12:41 |
soee | anshul: try upgrading to Plasma 5.4.3 | 12:42 |
john__ | i am new to this sofware | 12:42 |
soee | it should be availble in backports ppa | 12:42 |
soee | john__: ALT + F2 and type: Konsole | 12:42 |
john__ | thanks | 12:44 |
anshul | soee: following this to upgrade "http://askubuntu.com/questions/666175/how-to-install-plasma-5-4-on-kubuntu" | 12:44 |
soee | john__: if you plantu use terminal very otne, it is good ide ti install Yakuake | 12:44 |
soee | !yakuake | 12:44 |
john__ | do i have to leave or can i stay? | 12:45 |
soee | anshul: yes the first nswer, do not use any *-ci ppas | 12:45 |
soee | john__: you can stay as long as you want :) | 12:45 |
john__ | thanks | 12:45 |
anshul | soee: I already did "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ci/stable", Though I have multiboot should I revert back something | 12:47 |
john__ | im be away so i will not be looking at chat though i love this sofware | 12:47 |
soee | anshul: install ppa-purge | 12:47 |
soee | and than run: ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ci/stable | 12:47 |
andrew19111 | i really like kde, aside from the few bugs i've come across | 12:48 |
soee | john__: you don't have to look at it, it is a support channel, so if you have any problems with Kubuntu you can ask here anytime | 12:48 |
john__ | np at all | 12:49 |
soee | andrew19111: There is a lot of fixes in Plasma 5.5 so stay tuned when it is available for 15.10 | 12:49 |
andrew19111 | awesome | 12:49 |
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john__ | i do have a qustion if its ok | 12:49 |
john__ | how can u install wine windows loader | 12:50 |
soee | john__: the general rule is: !ask | 12:50 |
andrew19111 | it'll be good to try out the new LTS | 12:50 |
soee | !ask | 12:50 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:50 |
soee | !wine | 12:50 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 12:50 |
andrew19111 | for me wine is a headache, most of the programs I want to use don't work well with it | 12:50 |
anshul | soee: I already did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, I think it would not be better idea to break it in between | 12:52 |
anshul | should I break it and do ppa-purge | 12:52 |
john__ | anyother progam can install exe files on this sofware in this case | 12:52 |
mparillo | soee: You like Yakuake? One reason I prefer konsole is it is easy to cut and paste. How do you do that in Yakuake? | 12:53 |
soee | anshul: no do not break, could make a lot more prblems | 12:53 |
soee | mparillo: cut ? | 12:53 |
soee | mparillo: paste CTRL + SHIFT + V | 12:53 |
anshul | !patence | 12:53 |
anshul | !patience | 12:54 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. | 12:54 |
andrew19111 | john have you figured out how wine works? | 12:54 |
andrew19111 | from what I remember you install it and then set it up | 12:54 |
andrew19111 | and then you can open programs with it by right clicking and clicking open with wine | 12:55 |
andrew19111 | something like that | 12:55 |
andrew19111 | well you right click the exe and open with wine, then install it | 12:55 |
john__ | im not install it as yet as i dont know how to install it | 12:55 |
andrew19111 | what distro? | 12:55 |
mparillo | Shift! That is what I needed. Obviously I was unwilling to use ctrl c and ctrl v | 12:56 |
soee | ;D | 12:56 |
mparillo | TY, soee | 12:56 |
john__ | thanks everyone for your help im be with you soon im just a little busy at this moment | 13:01 |
anshul | plasma-desktop version that I would have is 4:5.4.2-0ubuntu2, this means that 5.4.2 version, what does 4 stands for | 13:01 |
mparillo | The epoch | 13:12 |
anshul | I am going for plasma-desktop, to see hang problems of start menu is still there in plasma-desktop 5.5.2 | 13:18 |
soee | 5.5.2 ? | 13:20 |
BluesKaj | anshul: not yet , there is a ppa , but appatently you may end up with broken packages/dependencies | 13:20 |
anshul | i tried 5.4.2 but problem of hang is still there in it, so I thought to compile 5.5.2 and install it | 13:23 |
anshul | and see If it has problem of hanging when I click on start | 13:24 |
soee | try 5.4.3 also :) | 13:24 |
anshul | ok, I will try that too, free on 31st :) | 13:25 |
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Aut0mated | quick dumb question... I run a VM at work currently using CentOS to make it easier to work on the transport network. I'm wanting to switch over to the new Kubuntu 15.10. However, I'm not finding the solution on how to run x2go server on it. I've found the articles on installing x2go on 15.04, but when I try to add the ppa, it throws a user/group not found error. Any ideas as to what the solution is? | 15:24 |
Aut0mated | lol nm, I swear I tried that 10 times last night with the error and attempting it just now, it worked... | 15:27 |
* Aut0mated slinks back off under his rock semi-embarrassed for not trying one last time before I asked ;) | 15:27 | |
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ejay | Hi guys. Is double screen setup fixed in plasma5.5? | 18:00 |
mparillo | ejay: What is the bug number? | 18:17 |
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jilocasin0 | 'ello all | 19:05 |
jilocasin0 | migrating to kubuntu (KDE) from xubuntu (XFCE) under Xubuntu 15.10. | 19:06 |
jilocasin0 | 'ello all | 19:51 |
jilocasin0 | new to KDE/kumbuntu (15.10) I keep loosing the second monitor. Is there anyway to get KDE to recognize it? | 19:52 |
genii | jilocasin0: Is it seen when you are in System Settings... Display and Monitor ? | 20:03 |
schnitzel94 | hi | 20:12 |
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daum | hi guys - i can't seem to get my bluetooth to work on my laptop anyone able to help me out | 23:30 |
daum | hcitool doesn't seem to find anything | 23:30 |
daum | am on a NP880Z5E-X01UB samsung | 23:35 |
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