
edve98is there a "correct" way to make terminal commands easier to distinguish in plain text? Like putting it in single quotes or putting a $ before the command?00:44
wxledve98: markdown format is `commands`00:44
edve98should I use that in plain text too?00:45
wxli often do00:45
edve98ok, thanks once again! :P00:45
knomein plain text it might be more distinguishable if you put the commands on their own lines00:45
destinthegreatHello I'm installing Gnome for the Google Code-in, how specific does the installation process have to be?02:10
destinthegreatDo I need screenshots for everything including everystep of virtualbox02:11
Basar_QariII am participating in Google Code in 2015 and participated in one of the tasks in Ubuntu and Submitted for review but it has been 20 hours since I have submitted but no reply or comment or anything has came.The mentor is Tim Lunn Inoki.Please provide me the exact details03:55
Basar_QariYesterday also I talked to one of your members but he told me that he must be sleeping,so nevertheless I waited as I know they have different time zones but after a huge amount of time still he is not reply ing03:56
Basar_QariPLEASE #HELP03:56
Basar_Qariyou r not replying sir/madam!!!!!!03:59
Basar_Qarieagerly waiting04:01
Basar_Qari_is anyone online04:07
Basar_Qari_can I discuss my problem04:08
tsimonq2woah geez who didn04:53
tsimonq2just commenting on the above04:53
Basar_QariHi I have participated in GCI 2015 and did one task and submit it for review but the mentor us not reviewing it,it has been 22+ hours since I submitted.I know they have different time zone but this one is in red boots.Please Help,Tim LUNN INOKI IS MENTOR07:08
xcubJust do another task while waiting for this one to be reviewed07:09
joseBasar_Qari: please be patient. people here are volunteer contributors (as most open source contributors are) and we have real lives.07:11
joseand specially around the holidays, they have families to take care of, things to do - open source is not the only thing we have to worry about07:11
Basar_QariBut it has taken a long while07:12
Basarthanks Jose,Now the Tim Lunn contacted me and told me to wait as he is on holiday and will not be available but the problem us that time left is only 1-2 day07:27
Basarwhat should I do07:27
BasarCan u assign another mentor or extend it for the sake that Tim Lunn is on holidays and I don't want to disturb him and Inoki is too07:28
joseyou know 2 days is A LOT of time, right?07:30
MatthewAllenhappy new year everyone15:10
subins2000happy new year15:15
=== Mohammed is now known as Guest77525
Guest77525I want to join as mentor in GCI201515:16
Guest77525Please assign me as a mentor15:16
Guest77525Please /Help15:18
Guest77525Can u please help me out,I am waiting15:20
Guest77525Jose:needed help15:24
Guest77525balloons:Please assign me as a mentor for GCI201515:24
balloonsHappy New Year indeed15:48
mcintireevanHappy new year!15:54
mcintireevanballoons: Quick question, I'm triaging bugs for the terminal app, and there are some that refer to bugs in unit tests that don't exist anymore due to the rewrite. Should I set their status to invalid?15:55
mcintireevanOr incomplete?15:56
mcintireevanhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1256850 is one such bug, for reference15:59
ubot93Launchpad bug 1256850 in Ubuntu Terminal App "test_terminal.TestMainWindow.test_control_panel fails on #40 on mako" [Undecided,New]15:59
balloonsmcintireevan, perfect example of something no longer valid imho16:06
mcintireevanSo set to invalid and leave a comment saying why?16:10
balloonsmcintireevan, yep, that's what I would do16:21
mcintireevanAwesome, thanks :)16:22
smajevicirfanHappy New Year everyone19:00

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