
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
balloonsteward, admins can respin16:21
balloonsteward, and typically respins are only done during milestones (or occasionally if something is really borked and they are wanting to verify)16:21
balloonsthat typically only occurs during a milestone imho16:22
tewardballoons: ok.16:28
tewardballoons: i was patient and waited for the cron respins16:28
tewardthere was a nasty apt-setup bug where it wouldn't comment out the cdrom lines16:29
tewardso that could've caused headaches along thew ay16:29
teward(thanks to cjwatson for fixing)16:29
adueppenI'm testing the lubuntu daily image, and am noticing that the slideshow in ubiquity displays "Lubuntu 15.10". Is this known to affect other flavors?18:19
DanChapmanadueppen, that's normal and doesn't usually get updated until nearer the release19:09
adueppenDanChapman I was suggested in another channel to report it in lubuntu-artwork anyway19:10
tsimonq2balloons: umm Print Server doesn't show up: http://imgur.com/S75eSDC for test case http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/109595/testcases/1408/results19:35
tsimonq2what now?19:35

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