acetakwas | What is a good sticky note app for LXDE that's consistent across restarts? | 00:07 |
acetakwas | What is a good sticky note app for LXDE that's consistent across restarts? | 00:24 |
bazhang | acetakwas, apt-cache search term for it | 00:26 |
acetakwas | bazhang:: I need a recommendation | 00:27 |
acetakwas | I currently have Rhinote | 00:27 |
ctlaltdel | acetakwas: tomboy good | 00:28 |
acetakwas | But it doesn't cache or auto save | 00:28 |
ctlaltdel | acetakwas: doesn't it? | 00:28 |
acetakwas | ctlaltdel:: I'll try that, thanks | 00:34 |
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off | ||
Mony | Hi. Has anyone managed to have working uvesafb during boot + nvidia proprietary driver and keeping keyboard input during boot. The problem is that i managed to run the FB at 1920x1080 no problem. but i can't input anything during boot. alt+f1/12 work but the current input during boot does not. Was gonna be okay if i wasn't using full disk enc, so i'm unable to boot this way :D | 01:04 |
TJ- | Mony: if it's doing a graphical boot, you need Plymouth cooperation for reading the keyboard. Does the system have vt_handoff= on the kernel command-line? | 01:11 |
TJ- | Mony: sorry, the generated value on the command-line should be "vt.handoff=7" ... generated from /etc/grub.d/10_linux when vt_handoff=1 in /etc/default/grub | 01:13 |
MyFriend | what is the name of the calculator app | 01:13 |
MyFriend | to call it from terminal | 01:13 |
MyFriend | nevermind | 01:15 |
MyFriend | i downloaded a chrome extension | 01:15 |
MyFriend | theni read the permission and uninstalled it | 01:15 |
MyFriend | it said it gave access to my browsing content etc | 01:15 |
MyFriend | did i made fatal irreversible mistake and now everything is compromised? is there something i can do now? | 01:15 |
drakon-mrt | gcal | 01:17 |
drakon-mrt | gcalc | 01:17 |
Mony | TJ-, i was not aware of that. i will give it a try. Ty! | 01:27 |
TJ- | Mony: to be clear: 10_linux hardcodes "vt_handoff=1" but the vt.handoff=7 is only added to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT if that variable also contains "splash" | 01:32 |
kisuke | ok,ive got a bit of a weird one, anyone running on mac HW in here? i need to kill the speaker at boot, and know it can be set via /sys/firmware/efi/vars/systemaudiovolume-<guid>/ but not sure how/what needs changed. | 01:33 |
daftykins | there's some info on the intel mac page, but it's quite out of date | 01:33 |
daftykins | users need to edit that wiki themselves if any progress is to be made | 01:33 |
TJ- | kisuke: why does the speaker need 'killing'? Is it generating white noise or something similar? | 01:34 |
kisuke | TJ | 01:35 |
kisuke | that plays at statup. | 01:35 |
kisuke | IT MUST DIE. mostly because its a NAS/HTPC appliance. | 01:35 |
daftykins | that's in the EFI | 01:36 |
daftykins | you're not gonna fight that without voiding the warranty and any support on that hardware | 01:36 |
daftykins | you also need to keep that to identify system issues when things go wrong, since Apple's EFI is so rubbish at feedback :) | 01:37 |
kisuke | daftykins, 2nd hand, and buntu is already installed, so pretty sure the warrenty is already void at this point. | 01:37 |
daftykins | i mean a bit more than that | 01:38 |
kisuke | daftykins, also chimes of death have been dead sence 98 | 01:38 |
daftykins | that's not what i'm talking about | 01:39 |
daftykins | but yeah, pretty sure it's very low level so it's not up to the OS to resolve that | 01:39 |
kisuke | you mean if i managed to make a shiny white brick out of it. | 01:39 |
kisuke | the reason is its a volums setting thats set from OSX, and is currently being exported to linux via /sys/firmware/efi/vars. | 01:40 |
boxmein | | 01:41 |
boxmein | is my HDD on fire | 01:41 |
daftykins | boxmein: 31 deg C is an impressively low value for fire | 01:43 |
TJ- | kisuke: what is the current value of that variable? | 01:43 |
boxmein | daftykins: I didn't mean actual fire | 01:44 |
boxmein | daftykins: good answer tho :P | 01:44 |
boxmein | anyway the SMART values give types of "Pre-fail" and "Old-age", are those related to the variable or the current value | 01:44 |
daftykins | boxmein: solely the variable ID | 01:44 |
daftykins | nothing is wrong there bar ID 199 | 01:45 |
daftykins | the errors beneath the table of data though are funky... Error: ICRC, ABRT at LBA = 0x05c3d50f = 96720143 | 01:45 |
daftykins | presumably something caused the disk to abort from reads of that LBA | 01:46 |
daftykins | those were also a long time ago | 01:46 |
kisuke | TJ-, looks to be ";" | 01:48 |
TJ- | kisuke: is that from 'cat'-ing the node? | 01:48 |
TJ- | kisuke: from what I read, if using Mac OSX, its "nvram -p SystemAudioVolume %XX" ... which would lead us to expect a numeric value when reading the node | 01:49 |
kisuke | TJ-, | 01:50 |
kisuke | as faras i can tell efivars is no longer a thing. | 01:50 |
TJ- | kisuke: OK, so ";" is the ASCII character of the value maybe | 01:51 |
kisuke | thats my thought. | 01:51 |
TJ- | kisuke: which would be decimal 59 | 01:51 |
kisuke | not dec 59? | 01:52 |
TJ- | kisuke: can you do "pastebinit <( ls -l /sys/firmware/efi/vars/SystemAudioVolume*/) " | 01:52 |
kisuke | TJ-, what package is pastebinit in? | 01:53 |
daftykins | pastebinit | 01:53 |
TJ- | kisuke: same as the program name itself | 01:53 |
kisuke | yeah, just figured taht out ./facedesk | 01:53 |
boxmein | oic | 01:53 |
TJ- | kisuke: typing the command, if not installed, should tell you :D | 01:53 |
kisuke | TJ-, ^^ | 01:53 |
kisuke | | 01:54 |
titanium17 | hi guys, new to ubuntu here, made the switch after using windows for 9 years | 01:54 |
titanium17 | i installed ubuntu gnome. My laptop has a nvidia geforce 840m gpu, and I read that installing drivers is a pain | 01:55 |
TJ- | kisuke: try reading the "raw_var" node seeing as that is the only one with write permissions | 01:55 |
kisuke | see the image. | 01:55 |
daftykins | titanium17: 15.10? | 01:55 |
TJ- | titanium17: "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" | 01:55 |
justme | Wow....I'm online ! Have been trying to get onto IRC with HexChat....couldn't figure it this and BANG....I'm here ! | 01:56 |
titanium17 | TJ-, thank you! will try that now | 01:56 |
daftykins | justme: yay! and now you're off topic :) | 01:56 |
titanium17 | daftykins, it is 14.04 LTS | 01:56 |
titanium17 | im playing it safe since i am a linux noob | 01:57 |
daftykins | titanium17: nice, same as above then | 01:57 |
TJ- | kisuke: "pastebinit <( sudo cat /sys/firmware/efi/vars/SystemAudioVolume-7c436110-ab2a-4bbb-a880-fe41995c9f82/raw_var | hexdump -C )" | 01:57 |
kisuke | why did i not think of hexdump? | 01:57 |
TJ- | kisuke: it's the time of year :D | 01:57 |
kisuke | | 01:57 |
titanium17 | also is it possible to have mac-like gestures on ubuntu? currently multi touch is not working on my asus laptop | 01:58 |
kisuke | and i've been dealing with winblows almost excluseivly recently. | 01:58 |
daftykins | titanium17: again, above command may offer different drivers | 01:58 |
amey | do you mean expose and things lke that? | 01:58 |
TJ- | titanium17: you really don't want to use my Mac gestures :P | 01:58 |
amey | i can think of hotcorners inunity tweak tool | 01:58 |
titanium17 | so rather than "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall", should I go to the nvidia website and pick one? | 01:59 |
kisuke | TJ-, 3B does line up with semicolen. (yay, ASCII > UTF-8 mutability) | 01:59 |
Dragonious | I was updating my friends HP Elitebook 6930p to 15.04 and after a restart it now boots to tty1 and not GUI can anyone asist me on how to remedy this issue | 01:59 |
justme | May be a driver problem....I have a BamBoo drawing pad connected to Ubuntu and it still has gesters etc....available in the set-up just like when attached to my iMac | 02:00 |
TJ- | !info efivar | kisuke do you have these tools installed? | 02:00 |
ubottu | kisuke do you have these tools installed?: efivar (source: efivar): Tools to manage UEFI variables. In component main, is optional. Version 0.21-1 (wily), package size 7 kB, installed size 54 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; ia64; armhf; arm64; armel) | 02:00 |
kisuke | TJ-, no package for efivar. | 02:00 |
TJ- | kisuke: oh... which release is that you're using? | 02:00 |
kisuke | unless... (googles how to enable restricted on server) | 02:01 |
ubuntu-mate | #ubuntubr | 02:01 |
TJ- | kisuke: it's in main component | 02:01 |
dexter__ | salut | 02:01 |
dexter__ | ya des francais? | 02:01 |
daftykins | !fr | 02:02 |
ubottu | Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 02:02 |
kisuke | | 02:02 |
kisuke | TJ-, straight from /etc/lsb-release | 02:02 |
daftykins | titanium17: no never download from nvidia. | 02:02 |
ubuntu-mate | #ubuntu-br | 02:03 |
acalbaza | before i go mucking with things... it looks like i have a drive automounted, but i want to statically name the mount point. how can i tell where the automount is coming from? | 02:03 |
kisuke | !trusty | 02:03 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at - Release Info: | 02:03 |
kisuke | thats what i thought | 02:03 |
kisuke | TJ-, any ideas? | 02:04 |
TJ- | kisuke: !info efitools trusty | kisuke | 02:05 |
TJ- | !info efitools trusty | kisuke | 02:05 |
ubottu | kisuke: Package efitools does not exist in trusty | 02:05 |
Dragonious | Anyone have minute that can help me fix this laptop? | 02:05 |
kisuke | ^^ | 02:05 |
TJ- | errr... yes it does! | 02:05 |
kisuke | !ask | Dragonious | 02:05 |
ubottu | Dragonious: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 02:05 |
kisuke | TJ-, installing | 02:06 |
Dragonious | ubottu sorry will practice patience | 02:06 |
ubottu | Dragonious: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:06 |
TJ- | kisuke: efitools is in universe component; it has the tool efi-updatevar and efi-readvar | 02:06 |
TJ- | kisuke: "man efi-readvar" and "man efi-updatevar" :) | 02:06 |
kisuke | would be nice if therewas a metapackage for efivar.. | 02:07 |
TJ- | kisuke: lookout for the man-page error; calling the tool efi-readvars | 02:08 |
kisuke | updatevar looks fine on mine | 02:08 |
titanium17 | its funny, my touchpad scrolling doesnt work, so i cant scroll up to see messages i missed here | 02:08 |
titanium17 | there is no scroll bar either -_- | 02:08 |
daftykins | page up. | 02:08 |
titanium17 | didnt work | 02:08 |
daftykins | click in the text body | 02:09 |
titanium17 | oh, numlock | 02:09 |
daftykins | install a real client maybe if this is webchat :) | 02:09 |
titanium17 | ok i am a computer noob | 02:09 |
TJ- | kisuke: it looks like efi-updatevar is there only for the key database :( | 02:09 |
titanium17 | no, this is xchat | 02:09 |
slidinghorn | titanium17: use PgUp/PgDn instead....using irssi and similar clients, thats how to scroll | 02:10 |
titanium17 | also, is there any recommendations that would make ubuntu gnome more visually appealing without draining too much of battery life? | 02:10 |
kisuke | TJ-, yep. variable SystemAudioVolume is not a UEFI secure boot variable | 02:10 |
titanium17 | i installed solarized for the terminal, now it looks much better | 02:10 |
daftykins | aesthetics are too personal a decision | 02:11 |
titanium17 | slidinghorn, thanks. I was using pageup with num-lock on :P | 02:12 |
kisuke | can reset the VMram via HW, so might be time to hook it back up to a screen | 02:12 |
daftykins | zap that PRAM! :) | 02:12 |
* daftykins groans at mac talk | 02:12 | |
kisuke | ...Im a phreaking idiot. | 02:12 |
kisuke | BRB. | 02:13 |
daftykins | what happened? | 02:13 |
titanium17 | is there a command to check if my gpu is being used? for some reason my system settings wont open | 02:15 |
Dragonious | I was updating my friends HP Elitebook 6930p to 15.04 and after a restart it now boots to tty1 and not GUI can anyone asist me on how to remedy this issue | 02:15 |
kisuke | one kb, sec | 02:16 |
kisuke | have osx install media, can use that | 02:17 |
Bashing-om | titanium17: ' sudo lshw -C display ' in the "donfiguration" line should list a drivr in use . | 02:17 |
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daftykins | Dragonious: might as well just keep going, 15.04 only has one month left - get it online via network cable and then focus on fixing 15.10 instead of 15.04 imo :) | 02:19 |
Dragonious | daftykins How do I do that without losing my friends data? | 02:20 |
daftykins | upgrade via CLI if you can reach one | 02:21 |
calher | How do I get my new NVidia graphics card working in Trisquel GNU/Linux? | 02:21 |
TJ- | titanium17: after installing the driver you'll need to do a system reboot so the kernel loads it, and the GUI X server loads its userspace module, too | 02:21 |
Dragonious | Daftykins CLI? | 02:21 |
daftykins | calher: if Trisquel is another distro, it is not supported here. | 02:21 |
daftykins | Dragonious: command line, so the TTY you can get to - get the wired LAN up then do-release-upgrade again | 02:22 |
terrasapien | Dragonious: and failing that, back up from cli and do a fresh install | 02:22 |
daftykins | well you could just boot a live session and mount the /home partition / path | 02:23 |
rww | calher: ask #trisquel, perhaps :) | 02:23 |
terrasapien | if the system boots, and you have a shell, you can save all data | 02:23 |
calher | rww: #Trisquel won't tell me. | 02:24 |
Dragonious | Ok I believe it is online via wireless what be the command I would use to test the internet? | 02:24 |
daftykins | ping ... | 02:24 |
daftykins | calher: doesn't make it an ubuntu problem. | 02:24 |
kisuke | terrasapien, dd if=/home of=/dev/null very fast :P | 02:25 |
calher | daftykins: I was just trying to see if popey would get pinged. | 02:25 |
Dragonious | returned unknown host so not online :( let me get a cable for it one sec. And Thank you all for your time and assistance | 02:25 |
* rww raises an eyebrow | 02:25 | |
terrasapien | kisuke: yet fairly useless sending all /home to /dev/null | 02:26 |
daftykins | !behelpful | kisuke | 02:26 |
ubottu | kisuke: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 02:26 |
fonz | what version of *buntu 15.10 installs bugfree with virtualbox | 02:27 |
fonz | bugfree meaning it doesn't crash vb | 02:27 |
daftykins | ask the #vbox folk | 02:28 |
daftykins | consider not using 15.10 | 02:28 |
fonz | using pre-release software is just 1 of my hobbies along with base jumping and extreme skiing | 02:29 |
acalbaza | i want to mount one of my drives to a different mount point. i already see it mounted, but i dont see it in fstab. how can i tell where its getting automounted from? | 02:29 |
daftykins | fonz: that would be 16.04 then | 02:30 |
daftykins | acalbaza: /media/username/blah by any chance? | 02:30 |
kisuke | TJ-, oddly i can set itin the installer, it shows the new value, but resets on reboot | 02:30 |
acalbaza | daftykins: yup | 02:30 |
daftykins | acalbaza: auto or from a nautilus click then, so just specify it and on reboot it'll be the fstab entry and not the auto. | 02:31 |
acalbaza | daftykins: thanks... i was wondering what would take precedence | 02:31 |
Abe_ | if you install ubuntu on a playstation 3 can you still play ps3 games? | 02:33 |
SchrodingersScat | can you install ubuntu on a playstation 3? | 02:34 |
daftykins | not for years | 02:34 |
SchrodingersScat | then no | 02:34 |
daftykins | yellow dog linux was the last main supported one i think | 02:34 |
daftykins | Abe_: both actions would be a waste of time :) | 02:34 |
SchrodingersScat | could you still play tuxracer in linux? | 02:35 |
Abe_ | I just wanted to know if it's possible | 02:36 |
daftykins | and you have your answer | 02:36 |
daftykins | -> go to other distros :) | 02:36 |
Abe_ | I wasn't going to do anyway just curious if you could like dual-boot the ps3 would be neat. I would be to afraid of doing this anyway ^^ | 02:37 |
daftykins | best bring us real queries in future then, not silly hypotheticals | 02:38 |
Bashing-om | SchrodingersScat: Super Tux ! . Will be available in 16.04's repo . | 02:38 |
Dragonious | daftykins when I restarted the laptop to check the LAN cable I see a FAILED message "Failed to start Load Kernal Modules" | 02:39 |
Dragonious | Followed by "see systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service for details" | 02:40 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Are you booting presently to terminal ? gotta enable and as well start networking . | 02:41 |
Dragonious | daftykins it boots to tty1 on its own, and I appologize in advance not very savey with the command line stuff. | 02:42 |
Dragonious | It lets me log in via tty1 | 02:42 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Try: ' systemctl enable NetworkManager.service ; systemctl start NetworkManager.service ' then see if we have a connection ' ping -c3' . | 02:44 |
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe | ||
Dragonious | bashing-om ok slow down is that all one line or multiple lines ? | 02:45 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: That is 2 commands to start networking and 1 to verify . | 02:46 |
Dragonious | bashing-om Thank You | 02:46 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Let's see if it works . | 02:47 |
Dragonious | Failed to execute operation: Interactive authentication required | 02:49 |
Dragonious | same for restart | 02:49 |
TJ- | Dragonious: prefix each command with "sudo " | 02:49 |
Dragonious | tj thank you | 02:49 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: try as "sudo ....... " . :) | 02:49 |
Dragonious | ok now I get No such file or directory? | 02:51 |
daftykins | smells like an install so wonky it'll need a live session and chroot | 02:52 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: versiy spelling and syntax . copy and paste ? | 02:52 |
TJ- | LOL :D | 02:52 |
TJ- | Dragonious: what does "cat /proc/cmdline" show ? | 02:53 |
TJ- | Dragonious: as its an upgrade it may still be using the Upstart alternative | 02:53 |
Dragonious | I verified the input and tried again with sudo no such file or directory | 02:54 |
Dragonious | BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-74-generic root=UUID=4c3d26e4-57f9-4030-8681-72356e0b55a1 ro quiete splash vt.handoff=? | 02:57 |
titanium17 | that ubuntu drivers autoinstall screwed things up :( | 02:59 |
titanium17 | i think nvidia drivers got installed, but it didnt let me reboot | 02:59 |
titanium17 | i did ' sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* ' to revert back to the intel gpu | 02:59 |
Dragonious | sorry let me correct the tail end there it should be " ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7 | 03:05 |
Dragonious | I cant copy paste as I chatting from my pc so | 03:05 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Ouch .. booting trusty kernel and " 20:40 < Dragonious> Followed by "see systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service for details" "" says 15.04 . I do not know what now to advise . | 03:06 |
Dragonious | ok well thank you all for your help | 03:09 |
hack_ | Hello, I want to make a bash script run at startup *before* xfce4 starts but I have a couple questions about how to do it | 03:12 |
hack_ | first off, since the script needs access to the internet, is there a special way or point during the startup it needs to be ran, and secondly ... how the heck can I even do this? | 03:13 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Maybe good at this point to back up the personal data ; before proceeding to try and get networking up . | 03:13 |
Dragonious | bashing-om my thoughts exactly ;p | 03:13 |
Dragonious | was gonna make a live cd and see if it will let me move the data to safe spot | 03:14 |
daftykins | i'm kinda curious as to if the /var/cache/apt/archives has all the packages and a good "sudo apt-get -f install" would make any headway, but that's probably a fair stretch | 03:14 |
=== muthu_ is now known as muthu | ||
Bashing-om | daftykins: Dragonious Sure will be worth a try . Can not hurt to see what results . | 03:15 |
Dragonious | bashing-om daftykins ok will try | 03:16 |
titanium17 | guys, whenever i try to install an nvidia driver, i am unable to reboot | 03:16 |
amey | how can i make a program that allows me to cd into a folder and run a .sh script? | 03:17 |
hack_ | I know it probably involves init.d or something, but ... dang, I just can't find the specific info I need without reading tons of technical stuff and I'm really suffering from info overload right now | 03:17 |
daftykins | you mean boot after, not the actual going down for reboot? | 03:17 |
Dragonious | seams to be working | 03:17 |
titanium17 | daftykins, i install driver and reboot, it gets stuck | 03:17 |
daftykins | titanium17: yeah which one? | 03:17 |
titanium17 | i did the ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | 03:18 |
daftykins | don't say "nvidia" | 03:18 |
daftykins | i'd like a specific version # | 03:18 |
titanium17 | oh 1 second | 03:18 |
titanium17 | daftykins, it was nvidia binary driver - version 35632. | 03:19 |
titanium17 | 352.63 | 03:19 |
daftykins | titanium17: yep that's the likely bad one, try older like 340 or 346 if available | 03:19 |
amey | how can i make a program that allows me to cd into a folder and run a .sh script? | 03:19 |
titanium17 | alright, thanks daftykins will try now | 03:20 |
hack_ | Could someone please explain to me what I would need to do in order to run a script during each startup after the network is activated but before xfce4 is? I really need some help here! | 03:22 |
fonz | put it in /etc/crontab | 03:23 |
fonz | @reboot is how you tell it to execute upon startup or reboot | 03:24 |
fonz | @reboot root (your command here) | 03:24 |
fonz | i create a root user because going without is just too weird for me | 03:25 |
hack_ | @fonz I tried that, either it started at the wrong time entirely or is never started at all | 03:25 |
Dragonious | bashing-om draftykins looks like it went through with no errors whats the command for to restart the pc | 03:26 |
hack_ | @fonz what I need is for it to start at a specific point during the startup process, not at a timed interval which will most likely not correspond at all the actual time my system boots up | 03:26 |
daftykins | Dragonious: sudo shutdown -r 0 | 03:27 |
fonz | hack: i suppose you could find the startup script you'd like it to begin after and then append your code after that with && | 03:27 |
daftykins | maybe if we were told what you're trying to achieve, someone'd know | 03:28 |
hack_ | um honestly, I would rather not kludge it into a working system script. It has to do with downloading an image then altering the symlink pointing to my current desktop wallpaper ... as such if it is not done before xfce4 starts up, the desktop will not automatically change. | 03:30 |
daftykins | oh so a seriously important task then | 03:30 |
fonz | i got 16.04 running in vbox | 03:31 |
hack_ | when I had it in crontab the thing didn't even run at all, unless I manually ran it | 03:31 |
daftykins | fonz: #ubuntu+1 | 03:31 |
titanium17 | daftykins, 340 didnt work either | 03:31 |
hack_ | daftykins: be glad you're not ocd, doesn't matter how important it is, this drives me nuts | 03:32 |
daftykins | hack_: nah trying to come up with a label and saying it's why you are the way you are online, is off topic | 03:32 |
daftykins | titanium17: be sure it's bringing in nvidia-prime with it ; if you purged nvidia* again; try "sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install nvidia-346 nvidia-prime" | 03:32 |
hack_ | well, trying to figure out another way since crontab doesn't seem to work is tho | 03:33 |
titanium17 | ok thanks, will try now | 03:33 |
daftykins | i'm assuming "sudo crontab -e" was the used command | 03:34 |
daftykins | and that the script is executable for the given user | 03:34 |
hack_ | daftykins: yes to both, so all I can figure is there is an issue with crontab or it is a timing issue | 03:35 |
Dragonious | daftykins bashing-om still getting the same failure guys. | 03:36 |
daftykins | Dragonious: so to be sure, you don't even see a graphical login screen, it just dumps to tty1 at boot and nothing else? | 03:37 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Networking ? What returns for an IP address ' ifconfig ' ? | 03:37 |
Dragonious | daftykins yes exactly I see the splash screen for a split second then tty1 | 03:38 |
hack_ | sorry I bothered you guys, I'm just going to get off until I can think clearly enough to read the documentation again | 03:38 |
daftykins | i take it alt+<function keys> changes nothing? | 03:38 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: A broken graphics driver ( proprietary ) could cause that . | 03:39 |
genewitch | is there any version of ubuntu that is a drop in replacement for windows at install time? like has unzip, 7zip, pdf, openoffice(whatever), chrome, java, email clients, etc | 03:39 |
thomedy | im confused because im not sure what to do.. i think i broke my ubuntu | 03:39 |
thomedy | i could just reinstall and i would probably prefer tht but i need a place to put my back up | 03:39 |
daftykins | paint me a picture with your words, of what you see... | 03:39 |
genewitch | i want to start a computer repair place for old people and switch them all to linux, basically anyone that isn't going to game | 03:39 |
thomedy | so im goin to try to fix this one | 03:39 |
Dragonious | bashing-om I return inet addr: | 03:39 |
thomedy | heres my question | 03:39 |
daftykins | genewitch: not even vaguely on topic, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or #linux | 03:40 |
thomedy | my software center isn't working. | 03:40 |
genewitch | i've used kubuntu for thos | 03:40 |
genewitch | daftykins: or you'll do what | 03:40 |
Dragonious | I was thinking maybe something with the graphics driver from some of the forum posts I read but tbh I didnt understand it all | 03:40 |
genewitch | i'm asking in here because i generally use ubuntu or derivatives for this | 03:40 |
daftykins | genewitch: this isn't a threat, it's the friendly suggestion that you take the topic of conversation to a channel meant for it :) | 03:40 |
thomedy | i read that if tht is teh case change the nme nd i did tht then i did | 03:40 |
daftykins | genewitch: then phrase a support question please. | 03:41 |
thomedy | software-center in commnd line and it didn't open | 03:41 |
thomedy | it tried to open but it didnt | 03:41 |
genewitch | what version/distro of ubuntu is best for being an OEM | 03:41 |
genewitch | how's that | 03:41 |
daftykins | no difference. | 03:41 |
daftykins | !oem | 03:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 03:41 |
genewitch | is there a way to automate upgrades between LTS, or is that always going to be a hands on sort of thing (i've never had any issues since 8.10) | 03:43 |
daftykins | always manual intervention | 03:43 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: ' cat /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ' is there the exact field " managed=false " . See if we can get networking up manually ?? | 03:43 |
genewitch | and the ubuntu LTS release schedule is predictable? | 03:43 |
genewitch | 8, 10, 12, 14 | 03:44 |
daftykins | every 2 years, but LTS to LTS upgrades are only available once the new reaches the .1 release | 03:44 |
genewitch | okay, great. | 03:45 |
daftykins | Dragonious: yeah i was curious what graphics hardware is on here | 03:46 |
Dragonious | bashing-om manage=false is there | 03:46 |
Dragonious | daftykins it was working fine till I told it to upgrade im not sure if it even finished the upgrade to be honest | 03:47 |
daftykins | "cat /etc/issue" + "lsb_release -a" says 15.04 and vivid? | 03:47 |
Dragonious | daftykins yes to both questions | 03:49 |
daftykins | Dragonious: do you know the graphics hardware in this one? "lspci | grep -i vga" will show | 03:50 |
Dragonious | says no lsb modules available though if that matters | 03:50 |
daftykins | nah | 03:50 |
happyface | Hi, i was trying to install a library, when an error came up "/bin/bash: indent: command not found". How do i solve it? | 03:50 |
daftykins | pastebin of the whole story | 03:51 |
Dragonious | daftykins how do I make the character between lspci and grep? | 03:52 |
happyface | daftykins, where you talking to me? | 03:52 |
daftykins | Dragonious: err well i don't know where in the world you are for what your keyboard looks like, the UK one has pipe | to the immediate right of left shift | 03:52 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: K; The GUI Netwwork-manager controls networking, let's find what the network is indentified as . ' ip route show ' . The 1st line should show something similar " default via dev eth1 " Your device is eth0 ? or ? | 03:52 |
daftykins | US has it above the enter key i think, with \ | 03:52 |
Dragonious | ip route show returned no output | 03:55 |
daftykins | you can use the full "lspci" and look for vga/graphics if you can't find pipe | 03:55 |
happyface | Hi, i was trying to install a library, when an error came up "/bin/bash: indent: command not found". How do i solve it? | 03:55 |
=== smerdyakow is now known as net1337777 | ||
Dragonious | daftykins Im in the US and I dont have the key your refering too | 03:56 |
daftykins | happyface: yes, i was saying pastebin the whole story from the start | 03:56 |
Ben64 | happyface: you need to explain the full thing, like daftykins said | 03:56 |
daftykins | Dragonious: well "lspci" will be fine | 03:56 |
kolaris | cw=X]R!LNQ6AL | 03:57 |
daftykins | Dragonious: yeah it's definitely supposed to be above enter as per - | 03:58 |
kolaris | cw=X]e< | 03:58 |
kolaris | cw=X]a"Kf | 03:58 |
daftykins | kolaris: stop it. | 03:58 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: daftykins Maybe best to try and get the GUI up, and work networking ftom the GUI ? | 03:58 |
daftykins | Bashing-om: mmm was hoping to identify the graphics to maybe purge any proprietary drivers if they're conflicting | 03:58 |
Dragonious | vga compatible controller Advanced Micro Devices {Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470} | 03:59 |
happyface | daftykins: Ben64: | 03:59 |
daftykins | Dragonious: and this was the normal ubuntu with the unity desktop? | 03:59 |
kolaris | cw=X]\iGN | 04:00 |
kolaris | cw=X]Kha$ | 04:00 |
kolaris | cw=X]e: | 04:00 |
kolaris | cw=X]C6PSH$ | 04:00 |
kolaris | cw=X]MWPTL;QXI,QZOMQZONQZOh | 04:00 |
daftykins | kolaris: leave | 04:00 |
Dragonious | daftykins yes very old install from 14.xx somewhere friends has used and upgraded as available for the last few years | 04:00 |
Ben64 | daftykins: looks like some kind of encryption | 04:00 |
daftykins | nah, looks like an idiot to me :) | 04:01 |
=== morgan is now known as Guest16651 | ||
happyface | daftykins: Ben64: | 04:03 |
daftykins | saw, ignored | 04:04 |
happyface | Could you help me out daftykins? | 04:05 |
daftykins | happyface: nope | 04:06 |
daftykins | i see you compiling something, ubuntu's about packages :) | 04:06 |
OerHeks | missing 'indent' | 04:07 |
OerHeks | now find out what dev package you need, i guess | 04:08 |
=== net1337777 is now known as _1337777 | ||
titanium17 | is it worth trying to configure touchegg to get gestures to work? | 04:13 |
titanium17 | it seems a pain | 04:13 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Radeon HD 3450/3470} == there are no longer any proprietary drivers avalable for this card. check and see that the open source driver is loaded : ' sudo lshw -C display ' . What have you in the "configuration" line ? | 04:14 |
=== _1337777 is now known as net1337777 | ||
Dragonious | bashing-om driver=radeon latency=0 | 04:16 |
=== net1337777 is now known as _1337777 | ||
daftykins | i reckon whatever DE that is, it should have a manual start tried | 04:17 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Well, tha correct driver is loaded .. humm .. got to put my think'n cap on . | 04:17 |
daftykins | but it sounds like your entire init system is borked | 04:17 |
daftykins | Dragonious: "sudo service lightdm start" do anything? | 04:17 |
dostripz | Dragonious: okay | 04:17 |
=== _1337777 is now known as smerdyakow | ||
Dragonious | can you ignore someone in this chat? | 04:19 |
daftykins | "/ignore <nickname>" might work depending on what you're typing from | 04:19 |
Dragonious | daftykins we have desktop!! | 04:19 |
daftykins | :O | 04:19 |
daftykins | yep borked init | 04:19 |
myztic | Dragonious: that's up to your client | 04:19 |
myztic | me thinks | 04:19 |
daftykins | unfortunately resolving that is totally beyond me | 04:20 |
daftykins | Dragonious: i reckon you should continue on the upgrade to 15.10 idea :) | 04:20 |
daftykins | maybe backup beforehand, also | 04:20 |
Dragonious | daftykins thats ok I can at least plug in a usb and backup his stuff | 04:20 |
daftykins | good plan :D | 04:20 |
daftykins | i'm calling it a night there, later folks o/ | 04:20 |
Dragonious | daftykins thank you kind soul | 04:21 |
daftykins | np, glad we found it | 04:21 |
dostripz | myztic: it's not Dragonious | 04:21 |
=== de-facto_ is now known as de-facto | ||
Bashing-om | Dragonious: daftykins We systemd ot upstart as the init system ? what returns ' sudo stat /proc/1/exe ' ? | 04:23 |
Dragonious | bashing-om one sec let me back up his things | 04:23 |
Dragonious | bashing it wont let me open my usb stick say I dont have permission | 04:29 |
Dragonious | bashing-om | 04:29 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: "sudo" makes you the boss of it .. preceed your copy commands with the term "sudo" .. amd try again . | 04:32 |
Dragonious | bashing-om Im in the desktop trying to use the drive but when I plug it in it says Im not "authorized" | 04:33 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: The desktop of a live environment ? Attempting to copy off the install's /home directory files ? | 04:35 |
=== MarconM is now known as policenatmp | ||
Dragonious | bashing-om no Im trying to backup his photos and videos | 04:35 |
Dragonious | but the pc tells me Im not authorized to mount the usb | 04:36 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Maybe change ownership of that mount point ? What returns ' ls -al /media/<username> ' with the USB drive plugged in . | 04:37 |
Dragonious | bashing-om drwxr-x---+ 2 root root 4096 dec 28 16:03, drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 jul 6 19:15 | 04:42 |
Jabbba | hi all I just installed debian on encrypted /, i made a /boot partition and converted an ntfs partition to EFI partition, it installed but now I can't boot on linux, my motherboard boot list put a mirrored "N" sign like the russian letter and when I try to boot on it nothing happens, any idea ? | 04:46 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Sorts stuck with where you are. On my system I plug in a usb drive, get an icon on the desktop, click on it to mount it, enter my password in the pop up, and mounted in /media I get " drwx------ 8 sysop sysop 16384 Dec 31 1969 8023-774F " from my command ' ls -al /media/sysop ' ... Are you similar ? | 04:50 |
Dragonious | bashing-om no, | 04:51 |
Dragonious | as soon as I plug in a usb device it says unable to mount you aare not authorized | 04:51 |
Dragonious | bashing-om well Im going to call it for tonight I have to work in the morning so bed is calling, but thank you for your time and effort on this I do appreciate it | 04:54 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: It is late here for me .. past my quitting time, so pardon me if my think'n is cloudy. in terminal do ' groups' .. is " sudo " and "plugdev" in that returned listing ? | 04:56 |
Dragonious | bashing-om Im sorry I just shut it down :( | 04:56 |
RetroAsh | | 04:57 |
RetroAsh | plop | 04:57 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: Is OK, we take this back up later tomorrow evening after I get in from working . | 04:57 |
Dragonious | Bashing-om I will try to see you here then and thank you again | 04:58 |
neodementor | holaaa | 04:58 |
codepython777 | I'm interested in running ubuntu on dell i7359-5984SLV - anyone here running that? | 05:00 |
Bashing-om | Dragonious: NP ! .. So long as we all work together to a common goal . You have my interest . | 05:02 |
pishta | hello, can anyone assist in a sound card issue? | 05:05 |
myztic | any administrators / admins present | 05:10 |
pishta | Im having no luck installing snd-hda-intel based realtek chip based Toshiba A105 laptop, Mint 17.3 shows no sound hardware but alspci shows hda | 05:10 |
myztic | got a private message from a user called dostripz (from this channel) that reads "Hey dick-face. Welcome to ##ubuntu. Have a fucked up life and die." user details dostripz@ - he immediately logged off afterwards | 05:11 |
myztic | he might have sent this to multiple people, don't know | 05:11 |
myztic | screenshot:!h0cnjDZS!fX427-_VZ36aCjqlmqIKTkk3lch9PBqmnBJco1V1vRE | 05:12 |
myztic | needless to say I don't know this person | 05:13 |
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=== chambers is now known as nchambers | ||
=== Borg is now known as Guest61567 | ||
logikos | any idea why this command (to mount a qnap NAS): mount -t nfs -o username=myuname,password=mypass /mnt/ltnas - would produce this error: mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified | 05:20 |
davidh | My NAS only can use CIFS, so I'm not sure if that affects the syntax... | 05:27 |
davidh | but I would do the mount command as such: | 05:28 |
davidh | mount -t cifs // -o username=xx,password=yy,uid=zz,gid=users /mnt/ltnas | 05:30 |
kolteq | hello guys | 05:32 |
kolteq | any ideas on how to configure samba easily | 05:32 |
titanium17 | does anyone else have a problem with 'suspend' on a laptop? If I lock my laptop, I am unable to start it back up without doing a hard restart. On Ubuntu gnome | 05:34 |
titanium17 | if i lock and close my laptop* | 05:34 |
tripelb | I go off and instead of the usual sign in with my user name I get a different Signin box, no user name and the too right of the screen says light box DM. (14.04 kubuntu gnome-classic) thanks for help. | 05:36 |
bobdobbs | I've recently switched from gnome to KDE. A lot of headaches went away straight away. But now I'm looking for a quick way to cycle between apps running with their windows minimized. ALT+Tab cycling has a side-effect that I don't like. | 05:38 |
bobdobbs | Is here a mac-like taskbar for KDE that I can run while working with two monitors? | 05:39 |
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xangua | Task bar? You mean dock? | 05:43 |
bobdobbs | yeah. that sounds right | 05:44 |
bobdobbs | I just had a play with docky, but I can't control which monitor it runs on. By default it runs on the monitor on which I don't it to run. | 05:45 |
kisuke | can any one point me in the right direction for how the bootloader is setup on intel macs? managed to nuke my bootloader, and need to restore it. google is full of only semirelevant fluff. TIA | 05:50 |
alwan | R.I.P Ian Murdock, the founder of Debian Linux | 05:51 |
alwan | <bobdobbs> how about Ubuntu's default desktop, Unity | 05:52 |
alwan | it has great launcher very similar to OS X's dock | 05:53 |
bobdobbs | alwan: I've had too many issues with unity, I'm afraid. | 05:54 |
hack_ | Hey, seems that every so often (seemingly at random times, my screen blacks out for half a second and then reappears as tho nothing had happened | 05:54 |
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alwan | what issue? <bobdobbs> | 05:55 |
alwan | since 14.04, I feel pretty satisfied with Ubuntu Unity | 05:55 |
bobdobbs | alwan: whenever I install linux on a machine with an nvidia card it takes me months to get some basic stuff st | 05:55 |
bobdobbs | *sorted | 05:55 |
bobdobbs | specifically: no background display at all | 05:56 |
bobdobbs | I could fix it if I was dedicated enough. But I'm not. | 05:56 |
alwan | <bobdobbs> did you install the nvidia driver ? | 05:56 |
bobdobbs | I've tried all kinds of combinations of drivers and settings. In the end I'd just rather get on with my shizz. | 05:56 |
hack_ | how can I figure out what is causing the screen to momentarily black out, then reappear as though nothing had happened? It's getting very annoying | 05:57 |
bobdobbs | alwan: But also, when I switched from gnome and unity to KDE a few days ago, I discovered that my CPU would stop maxxing out while running chrome and chromium | 05:57 |
bobdobbs | I don't know why. But I like it. | 05:57 |
alwan | Yes, KDE is very similar, even a copycat of Windows 7 | 05:58 |
bobdobbs | as long as it works I'm cool with that | 05:58 |
kisuke | mac reinstall grub | 05:59 |
kisuke | wrong window... | 05:59 |
hack_ | hello? Are there specific log files I should look at? What should I be looking for? | 06:00 |
bobdobbs | the only thing I don't like is the docking behaviour: it's hard for me to rediscover a browser window without pulling them all up... and then they persist on the desktop. but to me, the tradeoff is worth it. | 06:00 |
hack_ | can't even find a shred of information about this kind of behavior on google | 06:02 |
bobdobbs | damn. docky kinda sucked. it leaves artifacts on the screen that can't be removed | 06:15 |
bobdobbs | I'll try cairo dock | 06:15 |
alwan | cairo dock is great | 06:17 |
leo_ | hi? | 06:17 |
alwan | but I never use multiple monitor :D | 06:17 |
=== Borg is now known as Guest75686 | ||
bobdobbs | heh. I've installed it. but I can't find the command to start it | 06:18 |
nicomachus | cairo-dock | 06:18 |
bobdobbs | aha. that does it :) | 06:18 |
bobdobbs | thanks | 06:18 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest51651 | ||
bobdobbs | hey, it does look nice! | 06:20 |
bobdobbs | yeah. I'm liking it | 06:21 |
bobdobbs | nicomachus: thank! | 06:21 |
=== JackmeriusTackth is now known as BismoFunyuns | ||
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Jonii^ | Hello | 06:31 |
Jonii^ | My laptop shuts off keyboard when my screen has rotated beyond 190 degrees. I'd like to use this information, keyboard not active, as a test for how much the screen has rotated, but I can't seem to find any way to probe keyboard status | 06:32 |
Jonii^ | Xinput doesn't seem to do much | 06:32 |
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=== OzamatazBuckshan is now known as OzmatazBuckshank | ||
sam_yan_ | Hi ,I install lsb-base,but it tell me it will break upstart(<<1.12.1-0ubuntu8).What does it mean ? | 06:34 |
alwan | <sam_yan_> it means lsb-base conflict with upstart | 06:36 |
alwan | how do you install lsb-base ? | 06:36 |
alwan | using apt-get or .deb installer? | 06:36 |
sam_yan_ | I install systemd | 06:36 |
sam_yan_ | so what should I do ? upgrade the upstart ? | 06:37 |
alwan | oh yes.. systemd and upstart couldn't be coexist | 06:37 |
sam_yan_ | but ubuntu 15.04 also install upstart | 06:37 |
alwan | no.. you must choose : systemd or upstart | 06:37 |
alwan | which version you'are using now? | 06:38 |
alwan | 15.10? | 06:38 |
sam_yan_ | 15.04 | 06:38 |
alwan | yes.. it seems you have to choose | 06:38 |
alwan | if you install systemd, the upstart will automatically be removed | 06:39 |
sam_yan_ | ok .but ubuntu's upstart is 1.13.2 . that is the way ubuntu to deal with the breaks of lsb-base? | 06:40 |
alwan | yes | 06:42 |
alwan | it seems lsb-base conflicts with any version of upstart | 06:42 |
alwan | it's easier to upgrade to 15.10 | 06:43 |
alwan | as my experience, 15.10 is better | 06:43 |
sam_yan_ | when I switch to upstart.I do no need to install a other lsb-base ? | 06:43 |
Jonii^ | Oh, and, how come lsusb doesn't work with grep? :/ | 06:47 |
Jonii^ | lsusb -v | grep keyword doesn't work | 06:47 |
Jonii^ | I don't understand why | 06:47 |
harishkrupo | how to undelete files in ubuntu? | 06:48 |
harishkrupo | ext4 file system | 06:49 |
alwan | there is no way <harishkrupo> | 06:50 |
alwan | afaik | 06:51 |
harishkrupo | no previously people in the irc suggested me an option and it worked | 06:51 |
harishkrupo | it just dont remember the program name | 06:51 |
alwan | I found this | 06:51 |
alwan | | 06:51 |
alwan | good luck :D | 06:51 |
harishkrupo | no it was not extundelete | 06:52 |
lotuspsychje | harishkrupo: photorec? | 06:54 |
harishkrupo | yup thankyou | 06:55 |
lotuspsychje | !info testdisk | harishkrupo sudo photorec after install | 06:56 |
ubottu | harishkrupo sudo photorec after install: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (wily), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB | 06:56 |
alwan | it really worked <harishkrupo> ? | 06:58 |
alwan | I meant deleted file with Shift+Del could be restored? | 06:58 |
harishkrupo | yeah photorec works | 06:59 |
=== Tronsha is now known as [UPA]Stefan | ||
harishkrupo | doesn't work all the time but it works | 07:00 |
lotuspsychje | harishkrupo: if photorec acnat get data back, data is gone | 07:01 |
Basar | HELP | 07:01 |
Jonii^ | Okay, I found my keyboard finally from /proc/bus/input/devices | 07:02 |
Jonii^ | Can I now use information there to somehow check if my keyboard is on or off? | 07:02 |
Basar | I participated in Google Code in. 2015 and did one task,but the mentor is not revising it has been 24 hours since I uploaded.The mentor is Tim Lunn Inoki | 07:03 |
* Basar slaps yohnnyjoe around a bit with a large fishbot | 07:03 | |
* Basar slaps webbyz around a bit with a large fishbot | 07:04 | |
* Basar slaps Speed` around a bit with a large fishbot | 07:04 | |
rww | Basar: #ubuntu is a technical support channel for Ubuntu. We don't handle Google Code In, and please don't fishbot the channel :) | 07:04 |
harishkrupo | Jonii^, use xev to test your keyboard | 07:04 |
harishkrupo | !xev | Jonii^ | 07:04 |
=== Borg is now known as Guest69619 | ||
Jonii^ | harishkrupo: I don't see how it helps | 07:06 |
Jonii^ | Just to make sure, I know when keyboard is on or off. The problem is automating a process | 07:06 |
harishkrupo | Jonii^, oh ok | 07:06 |
Jonii^ | I need my program to somehow be able to figure out when a keyboard is on or off... But if that's problematic, I'm also curious to hear if there are other ways physical device broadcasts stuff other than acpi signals :3 | 07:08 |
harishkrupo | Jonii^, i didn't know one could turn off the keyboard | 07:08 |
harishkrupo | Jonii^, you mean detect the presence of the keyboard? | 07:09 |
Jonii^ | harishkrupo: I have Lenovo Yoga, it automatically turns off the keyboard when screen is rotated beyond 190 degrees | 07:09 |
harishkrupo | Jonii^, oh i see | 07:09 |
Jonii^ | There are acpi signals sent whenever screen is rotated to some position, but the problem is, it's always the exact same acpi signal | 07:09 |
Jonii^ | So I need to use keyboard status to figure out where it's rotating | 07:10 |
Jonii^ | Either that, or I need to figure out some other way to distinguish between rotation statuses, but at least at first I thought it would be the easiest to just somehow poll the keyboard and see if it works | 07:11 |
Jonii^ | But I can't find anything that would enable me to see if keyboard is active or not :( | 07:11 |
AndChat27729 | Radio Check - can anybody see me here on #ubuntu? | 07:18 |
lotuspsychje | AndChat27729: 1700 users can | 07:22 |
AndChat27729 | Nearly all of the traffic here are joins and quits - any way to get rid of them? | 07:28 |
mattsl | Anyone willing to help me try to fix a boot issue? I have my OS on a RAID 10 array and it seems an Ubuntu update didn't work properly. | 07:31 |
jaawerth | so uh, is it my imagination or do the ntfs drivers have terrible performance? Or am I Doing It Wrong? I just ran ncdu from /, and when it was running in the ntfs partition CPU for mount.ntfs was at 60% and ncdu was at 30% | 07:33 |
somsip | jaawerth: you're right - I understand they have a lot of overhead that's heavy on CPU | 07:33 |
jaawerth | did a little research and tried enabling big_writes, but since this is read operations doing it that probably won't cut it, I imagine. Wondering if this is a Thing | 07:33 |
jaawerth | huh. well, good thing I haven't encrypted it yet then | 07:34 |
jaawerth | I can only imagine what bitlocker would have done to the poor thing! | 07:35 |
dexte827 | hello im newbie on ubuntu | 07:49 |
dexte827 | its awesome | 07:49 |
dexte827 | can some one teach me something | 07:49 |
ZAKhan | anyone has experiance with macbooks .. my trackpa d response is not smooth at all | 07:50 |
somsip | dexte827: what do you need to do? | 07:50 |
somsip | !mac | ZAKhan | 07:50 |
ubottu | ZAKhan: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 07:50 |
noflag | dexte827: like what | 07:51 |
dexte827 | somsip my graphic driver is not good i cant see the full screen when i connect my computer to my lcd screen | 07:51 |
somsip | dexte827: not my forte - maybe someone else can help | 07:51 |
dexte827 | thanks | 07:51 |
noflag | did you try using a propritary driver in the driver-picket | 07:52 |
noflag | picker | 07:52 |
dexte827 | im new on ubuntu i dont know how to use it | 07:53 |
DF3D2 | I have a server running 15.04 any real benefit to upgrading to 15.10 ? | 07:53 |
lotuspsychje | DF3D2: its not very reccomended to use server on non-lts | 07:55 |
lotuspsychje | DF3D2: unless you happy upgrading every 9 months every time? | 07:55 |
jaawerth | unless it's just a toy server | 07:56 |
jaawerth | personal use, etc | 07:56 |
lotuspsychje | jaawerth: indeed | 07:56 |
DF3D2 | yes this is a home server | 07:56 |
DF3D2 | I always use LTS for all my data center stuff | 07:56 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset? driver active? | 07:56 |
dexte827 | ok 1 minute | 07:57 |
lotuspsychje | DF3D2: the choice of your ubuntu version, really depends on what you need | 07:57 |
lotuspsychje | DF3D2: your the master of your machine :p | 07:57 |
dexte827 | ubuntu 12.04 shipset Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x300 | 07:58 |
bit-z | hey | 07:58 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: you could tryout 14.04.3 perhaps alot of good things happened | 07:59 |
dexte827 | i can even not change the resolution of the screen | 07:59 |
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dexte827 | so if i upgrade my version did my files will be erase? | 08:00 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: no, it will keep your /home | 08:00 |
dexte827 | good news | 08:00 |
dexte827 | thanks | 08:00 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: but that doesnt mean backups are not reccomended | 08:00 |
bit-z | i need help... i am new to ubuntu i cant connect my windows phone it shows some mtp error. i am using ubuntu mate 15.10 | 08:00 |
dexte827 | ok | 08:00 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: what will you do when upgrade process fails somehow | 08:01 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: lesson nr1 always make backups :p | 08:01 |
dexte827 | i will connect the hard drive to windows on another pc | 08:01 |
dexte827 | there is to much staff to backup | 08:02 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: external hd's are cheap these days, buy one for backup storage | 08:02 |
dexte827 | thanks for advise | 08:02 |
lotuspsychje | dexte827: ok good luck | 08:02 |
dexte827 | bye | 08:02 |
lotuspsychje | !upgrade | dexte827 | 08:02 |
ubottu | dexte827: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 08:02 |
DF3D2 | | 08:05 |
DF3D2 | ^ why do I have no output on boot ? | 08:06 |
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m712 | Hello, how can I butn an ISO file to a flash drive? | 08:12 |
lotuspsychje | !usb | m712 | 08:13 |
ubottu | m712: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 08:13 |
rww | another possible answer: depends on the ISO | 08:13 |
m712 | lotuspsychje> I am trying to burn ArchLinux ISO to my USB stick, so I am looking for a package solution. :) | 08:14 |
lotuspsychje | m712: multisystem is nice | 08:15 |
lotuspsychje | m712: drag n drop your wanted iso | 08:16 |
m712 | lotuspsychje> Do you know anything in apt that could do it? | 08:16 |
lotuspsychje | m712: unetbootin or dd | 08:16 |
m712 | lotuspsychje> Thank you. | 08:16 |
m712 | Fingers crossed, I hope I don't nuke my flash drive. :) | 08:20 |
NightKhaos | Hi there, I'm trying to get my Ubuntu Server (14.04) using netatalk to present a share for Time Machine to connect to, but I can't get the Mac in question to connect to the share because it is telling me there are "no shares to connect too" | 08:25 |
mintrix | hi | 08:44 |
lotuspsychje | mintrix: welcome, what can we do for you? | 08:45 |
mintrix | lotuspsychje: how can I install ubuntu software center? | 08:45 |
lotuspsychje | mintrix: wich ubuntu version are you on? | 08:46 |
Guest5543 | Is anyone else experiencing random lockups while using Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (x64)? I have a fresh installation with minimal changes (second fresh install) and Unity keeps locking up a random times. I can still hear music in the background and such, but the only way to recover is a hard reboot. | 08:46 |
mintrix | ubuntu mate | 08:46 |
lotuspsychje | mintrix: mate has its own software i think, ask in #ubuntu-mate | 08:46 |
Guest5543 | I think it is also important to note that I never had any issues at all with Windows, Debian, or any other distribution. However, both Ubuntu and Xubuntu both seem to be unstable for me. | 08:46 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: wich versions did you try | 08:47 |
mintrix | lotuspsychje: okay, thanks | 08:47 |
Guest5543 | lotuspsychje: Ubuntu 14.04.3LTS (x64) and Xubuntu 14.04.3LTS are the versions I have tried. | 08:47 |
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Guest5543 | Xubuntu would draw giant black boxes in the middle of the screen and crap out. Ubuntu simply freezes. | 08:48 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: can you define unstable? | 08:48 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: what kind of graphics card do you have? | 08:48 |
Guest5543 | nVidia GTX 760. I have tested both distributions using both the open-source drivers and the proprietary driver. | 08:49 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: wich driver your on exactly (version)? | 08:49 |
Guest5543 | I am using the open-source xorg driver right now. It seems to have great support for the GTX 760 series. It is also the same driver I use on Debian 8 with no issues. | 08:50 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: did you have nvidia-352 ? | 08:50 |
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Guest5543 | When I used the closed-source driver it was: version 352.63 from nvidia-352 (proprietary, tested) | 08:51 |
tripelb | I go off and instead of the usual sign in with my user name I get a different Signin box, no user name and the too right of the screen says light box DM. (14.04 kubuntu gnome-classic) thanks for help. Repeat, hour later. What is this? Why password not work. | 08:51 |
Phreya | /wc/ | 08:51 |
Phreya | wc/ | 08:51 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: id reccomend lower verion try like 340, we had some issue on the 352 lately | 08:51 |
Guest5543 | lotuspsychje: Are there also issues with the open-source driver Ubuntu uses by default? That is the driver I would like to use if possible, but I can try an older version of the proprietary driver if it might solve my stability issue. | 08:53 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: really all depends on ubuntu version and card,...try out until you find something stable | 08:53 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: try every version in your additional drivers list | 08:54 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: also make sure your connected to internet and enable updates during setup when you install ubuntu | 08:55 |
Guest5543 | I did. I made sure to install all updates as soon as the installation finished. | 08:56 |
lotuspsychje | Guest5543: ok, if you see then 352 is enabled, try a lower version | 08:57 |
Guest5543 | I originally had an issue where minimizing a program would cause Unity to freeze until I hit alt+tab enough times to recover it. That issue was resolved by reinstalling Ubuntu, but now Unity randomly freezes while using Chromium (probably other programs too) | 08:57 |
jeblad | I'm trying to get a backup going through deja-dup, and it starts, goes for a while, and then the whole machine dies | 09:00 |
jeblad | Its a bit annoying.. | 09:00 |
jeblad | This is on a 15.04. I've been checking the logs, but can't find anything useful. It seems to be truncated, which is not a big surprise as the machine dies very hard. | 09:02 |
jeblad | There was a problem with an ol' version of python, and 'pip freeze' did just that, froze and died | 09:03 |
alwan | 15.04 is so much buggy <jeblad> | 09:08 |
alwan | 15.10 is better | 09:08 |
jeblad | Well, it is this issue with backup.. | 09:09 |
mcphail | jeblad: are you 100% confident about your hardware? Have you checked your RAM, disks, PSU, cooling, cables (especially 24 pin ATX)? | 09:13 |
sardior | I have an AMD/ATI display and the resolution went from 1366x768 to 1024x768 and there is no option to return it to the correct setting in the setting for display. | 09:13 |
mcphail | jeblad: last tim I had problems like this, I found (after much frustration) the 24pin was not seated correctly, causing the system to hard-crash when the disks were loaded | 09:14 |
ogra_ | jeblad, it is most likely not an issue with the backup tool .... no software should be able to kill your system, your issue lies most likely deeper down in the stack, deja-dup triggering it is just a side effect | 09:14 |
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ogra_ | (check syslog and kern.log for errors ... also ~/.xsession-errors might be interesting) | 09:15 |
jeblad | mcphail: the box has worked for a very long time, and nothing has been done to it since the last backup | 09:15 |
mcphail | jeblad: I thought you said you had previous problems with Pip causing crashes? | 09:16 |
jeblad | mcphail: last 24 hours it has died 5 times, all times after starting a backup run from deja-dup | 09:16 |
mcphail | jeblad: definitely time to check temperatures and hardware, if nothing in logs | 09:16 |
jeblad | No, found that there was a report on a similar problem where pip freeze had triggered a crash like this | 09:17 |
lisbeth | I'm in ubuntu server and I'm curious about inventing keybind controlls | 09:22 |
lisbeth | maybe wrong channel to ask, but it's for preparing for admin tasks | 09:22 |
Guest5543 | lotuspsychje: I tried installing the 340 drivers as you suggested. I have not yet experienced a freeze, but only time will tell. Right now I am running the system test that comes with Ubuntu and I selected all of the automated tests. My system has been running under 100% load (while I am still doing random tasks) for a while now and it has yet to freeze. | 09:24 |
Guest5543 | So, I am hoping moving from the open-source driver to the 340 proprietary driver will solve my issue. | 09:24 |
landoceansky | hi | 09:27 |
landoceansky | i added gnome-terminal command to the end of ~/.profile(i want to auto run this command after i login my ubunut), when i restart and login, os display a terminal window with openGL error | 09:29 |
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stephane | landoceansky: use gnome-session-properties command. ~/.profile is probably parsed too early during the boot process in order to launch a X app. | 09:35 |
Ben64 | landoceansky: what do you actually want to run at start | 09:35 |
stephane | Ben64: gnome-terminal | 09:36 |
Ben64 | you're not landoceansky | 09:36 |
landoceansky | i want open a terminal and run my own script | 09:37 |
Ben64 | what does the script do | 09:37 |
landoceansky | just like installing some tool like gcc vim ... | 09:38 |
Ben64 | that doesn't make sense | 09:38 |
olip | Hello. | 09:39 |
olip | How do you enter BIOS for in Lenovo e450? | 09:39 |
Ben64 | olip: check the manual, or maybe ask ##hardware ... this is an Ubuntu support channel | 09:39 |
eclectichedgehog | olip: try pressing enter key a few time after a restart if its a laptop | 09:40 |
Vanathor | Which version of Ubuntu has the best ratio of long term support and stability compared to features available? | 09:40 |
eclectichedgehog | Vanathor: 14.10 | 09:41 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: LTS (Long Term Support) versions are released every two years. the current one is 14.04, the next one is 16.04, releasing in April 2016 | 09:41 |
Ben64 | eclectichedgehog: no | 09:41 |
eclectichedgehog | 14.04 sorry | 09:41 |
eclectichedgehog | Ben64, tired | 09:42 |
Vanathor | Does anyone know the best way to treat a hard drive to treat two separate drives as a single system? Because I rent a server from hetzner that won't let me access all my space, and I found this guide here | 09:43 |
Vanathor | | 09:43 |
Vanathor | to not much success | 09:43 |
Vanathor | I keep seeing "root@Ubuntu-1404-trusty-64-minimal ~ # pvcreate /dev/sdb1 Can't open /dev/sdb1 exclusively." towards the last step, saying its a mounted file system. | 09:44 |
Vanathor | But I don't know how to fix it | 09:44 |
stephane | Vanathor: /dev/sdb1 is probably already in use/mounted. Check first with the mount command | 09:45 |
eclectichedgehog | stephane: i'd agree with that | 09:46 |
maddawg2 | so i was told to come back when i get my "system program problem detected" message. I was suppose to provide a link to the log... but i am unable to find the log... where should i be looking for the log? | 09:47 |
Ben64 | maddawg2: click it | 09:48 |
maddawg2 | click what? | 09:48 |
maddawg2 | al i have is report problem and cancel | 09:48 |
Ben64 | yes report problem | 09:48 |
maddawg2 | done this a bunch there is no error tho... it asks for password, | 09:49 |
maddawg2 | i enter it | 09:49 |
maddawg2 | and then it sends a report without letting me see | 09:50 |
Ben64 | no | 09:50 |
Ben64 | it brings up a dialog with info | 09:50 |
maddawg2 | well it doesnt | 09:50 |
maddawg2 | it never has | 09:50 |
maddawg2 | there is nothing visible now | 09:50 |
maddawg2 | i clicked authenticate | 09:50 |
maddawg2 | the window closed | 09:50 |
maddawg2 | nothing after that | 09:51 |
maddawg2 | this is the 3rd fresh install i've done | 09:51 |
maddawg2 | on 2 different machines | 09:51 |
maddawg2 | sigh... my bad | 09:52 |
Ben64 | maddawg2: if theres anything in /var/crash, pastebin the latest one | 09:52 |
olip | How many hours should I charge my laptop when I first buy it. | 09:53 |
Vanathor | stephane: if that is the case, what would you recommend? What would be my next step? | 09:53 |
Ben64 | olip: again, not an ubuntu question, ask hardware questions in ##hardware | 09:53 |
maddawg2 | olip, depends | 09:53 |
maddawg2 | every laptop is different | 09:53 |
maddawg2 | lol | 09:53 |
maddawg2 | its like asking "how much gas should I put in my car to fill it" it entirely depends | 09:54 |
olip | maddawg2: for Thinkpad? | 09:55 |
Ben64 | olip: ask hardware questions in ##hardware | 09:55 |
mcphail | olip: please stop. Ben64 has already directed you to a more appropriate channel | 09:56 |
maddawg2 | listen to them | 09:56 |
olip | Okay. | 09:56 |
maddawg2 | sheesh | 09:56 |
stephane | Vanathor: well, lvm is definitely a good choice in order to aggregate 'physical' volumes. First, /dev/sdb1 is a partition, not a raw device. Second, it is already mounted. You should first backup then remove the data on it and then create a volume group using /dev/sdb and the other physical volume you have. | 09:59 |
Vanathor | no data to back up | 09:59 |
Vanathor | its a new device | 09:59 |
Vanathor | how do you go about creating a new volume group? | 10:00 |
stephane | Vanathor: What's the output of the mount command ? | 10:00 |
Vanathor | Don't know off hand. I'm working 'second party' to help someone else, the friend I mentioned | 10:00 |
Vanathor | that is just the bit | 10:00 |
Vanathor | where he got stuck | 10:01 |
Vanathor | he is doing this for me. | 10:01 |
Vanathor | as I am linux-ubuntu illiterate | 10:01 |
Ben64 | why do the partitions/drives need to be combined anyway? | 10:01 |
bsdunix | ? | 10:01 |
eclectichedgehog | Vanathor: tell them to create a job with the provider | 10:02 |
Vanathor | For some reason in the initial install, it wasn't letting me use the full storage of the hard drives. I was only able to use like two terabytes of space out of the six tbs available | 10:02 |
Vanathor | eclecticedgehog: its unmanaged | 10:02 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: are you sure it has 6 | 10:02 |
Vanathor | Yes. | 10:02 |
Vanathor | Two three terabyte hard drives. | 10:03 |
Ben64 | show me | 10:03 |
eclectichedgehog | Vanathor: unmanaged means you have to do it, but it sometimes doesn't help to ask them | 10:03 |
stephane | Vanathor: hdd already used before. Partitions on it. Automatically mounted in ubuntu | 10:03 |
Vanathor | Ben64: This is my server from the robot page | 10:04 |
Vanathor | | 10:04 |
lisbeth | Is there a command line ZNC server available in the ubuntu repos? | 10:05 |
lisbeth | ZNC is a server that acts as a proxy to irc so you are always logged in | 10:05 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: did you install ubuntu? | 10:06 |
Vanathor | Yes. | 10:06 |
Ben64 | you should reinstall | 10:06 |
Vanathor | Ubuntu 14.04 | 10:06 |
Vanathor | any particular reason? | 10:06 |
bsdunix | what filesystem were the drives previously formatted in | 10:07 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: so you can set it up properly | 10:07 |
alwan | not yet <lisbeth> | 10:07 |
alwan | even the ubuntu ppa | 10:07 |
Ben64 | lisbeth: have you tried "znc" | 10:08 |
Vanathor | <bsdunix> what filesystem were the drives previously formatted in // Ubuntu 15.10 | 10:08 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: you just need to reinstall, choose lvm and make sure it uses all the available space | 10:08 |
Vanathor | Will give it a shot. Thank you for your help | 10:09 |
mcphail | Vanathor: make sure you are not using an MBR partition table if you want to create a very large partition | 10:10 |
bsdunix | ext4 can do exabytes, right? - I'm worried LVM may be cornfusing or buggy or not well guided... | 10:10 |
Vanathor | how do I determine that Mcphail? | 10:11 |
mcphail | Vanathor: your partitioning tool of choice should tell you. Use GPT if possible | 10:12 |
mcphail | Vanathor: sometime MBR is labelled as "DOS partitioning" or similar. Not designed for multi-terabyte partitions | 10:13 |
bsdunix | lisbeth: instead of asking US if there's a "znc" in repos, try instead "sudo aptitude search znc" - it's there | 10:13 |
Vanathor | Does anyone know of any services that can facilitate short term (not more then an hour) of hired work? Because while I will continue to try and get it to do it myself, I may end up breaking down and just hire someone. If the price is reasonable, and service expedient | 10:14 |
Vanathor | website, etc | 10:14 |
bsdunix | Vanathor: I contract work my skills through | 10:15 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: this channel is free | 10:15 |
Vanathor | bsdunix: what is your going rate for an hour long job? Ben64: I am referring to contract work, not just consulting | 10:15 |
bsdunix | Many techs across the U.S. and elsewhere probably - get work in their area through that platform | 10:16 |
Osz | how do i list all the installed program on my server and delete some permanent ? | 10:16 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: honestly you shouldn't have a server if you're unwilling to learn things | 10:16 |
Ben64 | Osz: "dpkg -l" will show all the installed packages | 10:16 |
bsdunix | Vanathor: someone would have to be local to you, can head-hunt them and send them. usually $65 to $135/hr | 10:17 |
Osz | everytime i try to rebook it will stack on "*Clearing ebtables rulesets" why? | 10:17 |
Vanathor | Ben64: I'm just trying to set up a media storage locker for myself, as a 'cloud'. I'm not interested in ubuntu or linux beyond having it as an underlying framework for that. Once initial setup is done I am pretty much going to be leaving it alone. | 10:18 |
bsdunix | Ben64: I agree. I had to learn in an atmosphere that had ZERO tolerance for unwillingness to learn and google and exhaust all effort prior to making my problem someone else's | 10:18 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: bad idea. you need to keep up with security updates and other things | 10:18 |
eclectichedgehog | bsdunix: are you an isis admin :) | 10:19 |
Vanathor | Ben64: Nothing on it would have info worth stealing, as none of it is sensitive in that manner. When I said 'set and forget' I mean it | 10:19 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: who said anything about stealing. they could get into your server and use it to commit crimes | 10:19 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: if you want a hands off cloud service, get that. don't use a server you have no intention of taking responsibility of | 10:20 |
Vanathor | its rented from hetzner. If it came to that, their own data specialists would notice their hardware was being co-opted for a botnet or something similar | 10:21 |
Ben64 | depending on the contract or whatever, you could be held liable for whatever happens on that server, but obviously you don't care at all | 10:22 |
bsdunix | We had 42 servers broken into from some nice guy in indonesia. he wanted bandwidth. we had commercial grade firewalls, ipsec tunnels, all kinds of 30+ yrs experienced sysadmins watchdogging it, snort...he still got in. | 10:22 |
eclectichedgehog | bsdunix: always expect the unexpected | 10:22 |
Ioyrie | Vanathor: as long as you don't mind the potential criminal legal troubles you can get into, you are fine =) | 10:22 |
Vanathor | Its an EU hosted server, and I am an american. The chance of it legally coming back to bite me are nill | 10:23 |
eclectichedgehog | Vanathor: most if not all eu countries have some agreement with us over copyright etc | 10:24 |
mcphail | Perhaps we are wandering a little OT here? | 10:24 |
Ben64 | mcphail: very | 10:24 |
bsdunix | the point is; this is a place to help and learn about things ubuntu | 10:25 |
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eclectichedgehog | if no one asks questions then its a dull chatroom | 10:25 |
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Ioyrie | very... | 10:26 |
Vanathor | Sure. I'm just trying to get something taken care of, terms of specifics. That happens to be Ubuntu, because Windows servers have licencing fees. But I am not trying to grow a twelve inch linux beard :P | 10:26 |
haraldk_ | Anyone here with Ubuntu 15.10, Intel CPU and intel_pstate with sleep/resume? After one sleep/resume cycle CPU frequency is locked at full speed. I wonder if this is only for me or a general bug. I have not yet found where launchpad is to search for existing bugs (as I don't expect me to be the first one to detect this) | 10:26 |
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GabrielSOE | hello all, does tlp really sabe battery life? | 10:27 |
haraldk_ | Ok, found lauchpad for ubuntu now :) | 10:27 |
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mcphail | haraldk_: there have been sporadic questions on here about similar things recently. Not sure if anyone has filed a bug yet. I don't have Intel so can't confirm | 10:27 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: then get unlimited cloud storage from amazon, $60 per year, and you don't have to think about things | 10:28 |
haraldk_ | mcphail: Ok, since I finally found lauchpad I'll search for it. | 10:28 |
vlad-and-tasy | Hi guys! :) | 10:28 |
bsdunix | haraldk_: I once had some dell c6145 servers that fell into sleep states on cpus from inactivity, they ZOMBIED! I couldn't even ssh into them. check your BIOS settings for "C-States" section | 10:28 |
Vanathor | Not what I'm interested in Ben64. I want to own whatever I host on, not have it managed or overlooked by amazon. | 10:29 |
Vanathor | thanks for the suggestion though. | 10:29 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: yet you don't care if anyone gets into it and takes control of it | 10:29 |
lisbeth | window 3 | 10:30 |
Vanathor | Correct. I want it as a media hub. Something I can store movie rips and my music collection on, privately. Its not the end of the world if it gets compromised, but I don't want amazon sending me nasty letters from the MIAA because I happen to host a copy of the Hangover Part Nine, Deluxe Edition | 10:30 |
Vanathor | on it | 10:30 |
haraldk_ | bsdunix: You have the opposite problem of what I have then. Mine run at full tilt after one resume. | 10:30 |
Ben64 | Vanathor: this doesn't seem to be the channel for you then, good luck | 10:31 |
mcphail | haraldk_: There was someone on yesterday complaining of locked-frequency problems after the last kernel update. Have you had this problem with previous kernels? | 10:32 |
haraldk_ | Found a bug report: Secondary CPUs switch to "performance" cpufreq following suspend/resume cycle | 10:33 |
haraldk_ | That's exactly what I have. Will report accordingly. | 10:33 |
mcphail | haraldk_: brilliant. Thanks | 10:34 |
haraldk_ | mcphail: This is the first intel CPU I have for a while. | 10:34 |
mcphail | haraldk_: I've just scrapped an old i7 920, so don't have anything Intel to test/confirm your bug, unforunately | 10:35 |
bsdunix | haraldk_: could be exact family of cpu or chipset...i got an old core 2 duo and no issues w/ latest -REALEASE | 10:35 |
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* thetekst | 10:37 | |
bsdunix | haraldk_: did you check the likes of; | 10:38 |
Ioyrie | Vanathor: you can still ask the questions to figure things out here, but otherwise, follow bsdunix suggestions if you end up looking for someone to take care of your problems for you. | 10:39 |
=== ofdm_ is now known as ofdm | ||
Vanathor | Ioyrie: As I said, that is my backup plan if I can't make it to work myself. It will be nice if I can figure it out without having to front cash for others, and so doing it myself is my primary course. I'm just not interested in mastering a command line forwards and backwards. This is goal-oriented, not long term learning oriented. | 10:42 |
haraldk_ | bsdunix: Did not see that one, but same bug. Solution is a newer kernel it seems or a post-resume script to put all CPUs in powersave again. | 10:43 |
haraldk_ | Either way, it's a known bug, I added my 2 cents to it, and since it's fixed by updating the kernel, it's a solved problem :) | 10:44 |
bsdunix | haraldk_: I was just gonna suggest inotifywait to trigger that script! ha ha | 10:46 |
haraldk_ | mcphail, bsdunix: Thanks for your support! | 10:48 |
bsdunix | sorry I butted in, no prob | 10:49 |
ArcherGodson | Hi, all | 10:50 |
hmw2 | I believe, I need to make Filezilla trust cacert, but I can't find out how to do it. The option TLS, which some tutorial told me to use, does not exist in the settings window. | 10:51 |
bsdunix | Vanathor: whatever you do; make sure you start with the right tool for the job and don't waste effort trying to reinvent the wheel. Sounds like you need something like FreeNAS. a filer that is optimized for that task, has ZFS as well. | 10:52 |
hmw2 | I'd be happily using ANY ftp client for this ftpes connection | 10:53 |
Vanathor | bsdunix: Huh, thanks for the tip. Will have to look into that :) | 10:54 |
hmw2 | I have tried a lot of things over and over again, and I guess, I am missing some crucial basic knowledge | 10:54 |
bsdunix | hmw2: have you tried this? | 10:55 |
hmw2 | This only tells me how to remove certificates, but I want to add one!? How do I "tell Filezilla to trust" a server? | 10:57 |
bsdunix | hmw2: wait a sec...(I know, because I have done this on some W2k8 servers | 10:57 |
bsdunix | hmw2: It essplains how to set up server and connect client. if you see notes on that page about gotcha's...and you did as it instructs and still have this issue, is mystery | 11:01 |
hmw2 | I do not set up a server, I just want to be client and access my home page | 11:01 |
hmw2 | the owner is unreachable (for 4 years now) and I am really, really frustrated | 11:02 |
hmw2 | It ends at "GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received." and I believe, there might be an old certificate. An earlier Version of Filezilla allowed me to ignore this, but they removed this option. Now I got a tip, that I need to trust cacert. How? I am clueless about krypto. Where do I start? Where to put the cerfificate files? | 11:03 |
bsdunix | hmw2: is the client you are trying to use the latest FileZilla client and the old one completely stripped out, old certs flushed? | 11:03 |
telboon | anyone managed to align Desktop icons to grid on Ubuntu? | 11:04 |
hmw2 | i have had the problem for YEARS now | 11:04 |
hmw2 | so I tried different OSes, other FTP clients, etc. | 11:04 |
hmw2 | And I lost that Windows partition which had the old FileZilla | 11:04 |
bsdunix | hmw2: In order to remove a saved certificate rename or modify the file ~/.config/filezilla/trustedcerts.xml. | 11:05 |
bsdunix | Please note that older FileZilla versions used ~/.filezilla/trustedcerts.xml. | 11:05 |
hmw2 | how do I *ADD* a certificate? | 11:05 |
bsdunix | so...that's whar she goes | 11:05 |
bsdunix | oh! copy and paste! | 11:05 |
hmw2 | Where to= | 11:05 |
bsdunix | /home/.config - it's a hidden directory | 11:06 |
bsdunix | that's what the dot is...but if you're using filezilla, then just check that path | 11:06 |
bsdunix | hmw2: I would copy old cert from ~/.filezilla/trustedcerts.xml and paste it into ~/.config/filezilla/ | 11:08 |
hmw2 | i have no old cert at all | 11:08 |
hmw2 | fresh install | 11:08 |
hmw2 | Is this right: I have to point FileZilla to the public key of the web server, right? | 11:09 |
hmw2 | This should be the certificate, I have been told to "trust": | 11:09 |
bsdunix | don't think you do that. I think all you need to do is try to connect to server at address FTPES://servernamehere... | 11:10 |
hmw2 | If this is correct, then I am finally screwed. I have had the guys from my local hackerspace try it, nobody could do it. | 11:11 |
hmw2 | I want to fix my homepage *sniff* | 11:11 |
bsdunix | once you attempt to connect with fresh client install, it will prompt for you to trust the cert | 11:11 |
hmw2 | :q | 11:11 |
bsdunix | hmw2: maybe 4 years ago, someone specified the IP's allowed to connect in a whitelist | 11:13 |
bsdunix | hmw2: does the whois database lookup at dnsstuff give the host's contact info? | 11:14 |
flux242 | hi, which daemon manages power on ubuntu? i'm on xubuntu here we have xfce4-power-manager | 11:14 |
hmw2 | Hmm. I am currently trying again to contact this person (I knew him personally some years ago, contact went silent). Perhaps I can get hold of him this time, it is just somewhat complicated to get a message through. Guess I will have to see it through. He will lough at me, because I've been programming since 84. I am so embarrassed! | 11:15 |
hmw2 | Thanks for your time, though | 11:16 |
bsdunix | hmw2: thank YOU | 11:16 |
hmw2 | Erm... ok... but for what? | 11:17 |
bsdunix | flux242: UPower Daemon | 11:17 |
bsdunix | hmw2: for reminding me why I hate computers | 11:18 |
hmw2 | LOL I see. I only like 8bit computers. Those are also the only ones to be trusted in these times. | 11:19 |
flux242 | bsdunix: what else? | 11:20 |
flux242 | bsdunix: upowerd just emmits dbus messages | 11:20 |
bsdunix | i see... | 11:21 |
flux242 | well actually i just wanted to ask if power management is completely borked on ubutu too since 15.04? | 11:22 |
flux242 | like it is on xubuntu 15.10 | 11:22 |
bsdunix | flux242: are you seeing cpu at 100% from sleep resume? | 11:23 |
bsdunix | flux242: is THAT the issue? | 11:23 |
fiter | Hi. I'm new ubuntu-user | 11:23 |
flux242 | they switched to systemd and pm-utils were no longer active. upowerd do not handle on-battery events any longer and do not call pm-powersave | 11:24 |
flux242 | it's completely broken | 11:24 |
showaz | atop not rotate ubuntu ? | 11:24 |
showaz | du -sh /var/log/atop 33M(RAW) | 11:24 |
flux242 | and the systemd does not handle on-battery events too. | 11:28 |
bsdunix | ...and another satisfied customer! | 11:28 |
bsdunix | flux242: I've been running this same xubuntu install for four years or so now. the 15 years or so prior to that, I's jump from FreeBSD to Suse to Redhat to Arch to ...every month | 11:30 |
eclectichedgehog | bsdunix: satisfied, we get them? | 11:30 |
flux242 | bsdunix: so? | 11:31 |
MonkeyDust | bsdunix a distro hopper? | 11:31 |
flux242 | how does it related to the problem described? | 11:32 |
bsdunix | flux242: it says much for this distro. It's all I could have ever asked for - I think it's a fine bit o stuff | 11:32 |
eclectichedgehog | bsdunix: xfce is the winning factor | 11:32 |
bsdunix | oh, I was speaking to the issue of unsatisfied people dumping on xubuntu for a temporary quirk | 11:33 |
flux242 | bsdunix: what does? I do not follow. Even if I would use arch with xfce on top there still be problem with the power managemen | 11:33 |
flux242 | unless they patched the xfce4-power-manager of course | 11:34 |
bsdunix | oh,'s a conflict of interests at the xfce camp! I see | 11:34 |
=== Senj is now known as Senji | ||
bsdunix | I be on a workstation and didn't even notice the issue, I stay at 100% and disabled power management | 11:35 |
showaz | intel power management? | 11:38 |
bsdunix | showaz: I don't know if xfce power manager and intel sleep states issue is connected, but it seems so | 11:39 |
flux242 | no, its all user space | 11:40 |
bsdunix | i just fired up my power manager and am digging in a little deeper to see if I can replicate the issue | 11:40 |
showaz | bsdunix: ubuntu 15.10 kernel 4.2 fixed them | 11:40 |
cyberfreak_ | hello ! | 11:41 |
cyberfreak_ | i am new to IRC | 11:42 |
flux242 | it's either everybody are still using 14.04 lts which is smart or people just do not care much about battery life | 11:43 |
cyberfreak_ | hehe! i guess i am the smart one | 11:43 |
cyberfreak_ | using 14.04 lts | 11:43 |
showaz | flux242: 14.04 "bug by design" :) | 11:43 |
showaz | kernel 4.2 / 4.1 many intel cpu fixes | 11:43 |
showaz | cpu/apci latency power managment | 11:44 |
bsdunix | ha ha. the only issue I am bothered with is my CLI is spammed about fontconfig crap I aint never been able to iron out on my own | 11:44 |
flux242 | bsdunix: they kicked me off from here for the cr.. word | 11:45 |
bsdunix | oh! my bad. so sorry | 11:45 |
flux242 | bastards | 11:45 |
bsdunix | ha ha | 11:45 |
bsdunix | well. good intentions, at least | 11:46 |
cyberfreak_ | hey any good opnions tools for networking | 11:47 |
MonkeyDust | cyberfreak_ what do you want to do | 11:47 |
cyberfreak_ | just network bypassing | 11:48 |
bsdunix | a used firewall appliance. dumpcap. wireshark. a TOE NIC. learn about snmp and walkin' the MIBS | 11:48 |
MonkeyDust | cyberfreak_ start from the beginning, what brings you here | 11:49 |
cyberfreak_ | simple stuff like wifi passwords | 11:49 |
bsdunix | a vpn? | 11:49 |
bsdunix | aircrack-ng | 11:49 |
cyberfreak_ | @monkeydust just new to irc | 11:49 |
cyberfreak_ | so i came to say "hi" | 11:49 |
bsdunix | cyberfreak_: "hi" - there. now wwe got that part out of the way. whew! | 11:50 |
MonkeyDust | cyberfreak_ this is the support channel, 'hi' and chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:50 |
cyberfreak_ | lol sorry | 11:51 |
bsdunix | well! | 11:51 |
cyberfreak_ | so talking of support , can someone help me to remove my windows os from my harddisk . i am dualbooting between ubuntu and windows | 11:52 |
bsdunix | hey cyberfreak_ have you checked out irssi yet? | 11:52 |
cyberfreak_ | so i want to remove windows | 11:52 |
cyberfreak_ | no @bsdunix | 11:52 |
bsdunix | cyberfreak_: yes. I just did that. one question first; is your linux partition after the windows partition? | 11:53 |
cyberfreak_ | yes i installed linux after my windows | 11:54 |
bsdunix | cyberfreak_: install and call up gparted | 11:54 |
bsdunix | remove windows partition after you save all important stuffs | 11:55 |
cyberfreak_ | after the instalation i can directly remove windows | 11:55 |
cyberfreak_ | nothing else needed to do ? | 11:55 |
bsdunix | you will have to FIGHT to expand your existing linux partition start to the beginning of the disk | 11:56 |
bsdunix | GRUB points to the sector at beginning of present linux partition. | 11:56 |
bsdunix | you will have to rewrite that grub entry | 11:56 |
bsdunix | easiest way to do that is to use a live cd of your distro | 11:57 |
cyberfreak_ | ok | 11:57 |
bsdunix | boot to that cd. act as though you are doing a new install then a repair or migrate option comes up | 11:58 |
showaz | cyberfreak_: strongswan (ipsec) | 11:59 |
bsdunix | oh my | 11:59 |
bsdunix | there aint enough ritalin or adderall in this world to keep these kids on-task for 10 minutes | 12:01 |
Jonii^ | Is there a way to change, from terminal, sizes of Unity launcher icons | 12:02 |
MonkeyDust | Jonii^ dconf-editor is a gui to make changes, but you can use it via cli too | 12:03 |
ioria | Jonii^, can't use unity-tweak-tool ? | 12:05 |
dbugger | Hi fellas | 12:10 |
dbugger | I have this server where apparently I cant log in with password, and I am not sure how to change that... This is the sshd_config configuration: Did I miss something? | 12:11 |
MonkeyDust | dbugger tip: there's also #ubuntu-server | 12:11 |
dbugger | MonkeyDust, Ill take a look, thanks! | 12:11 |
=== Senj is now known as Senji | ||
bsdunix | dbugger: do NOT permit root login. ever. | 12:14 |
dbugger | bsdunix, I agree. But to set another user... first I need to be able to log in as the root | 12:15 |
MonkeyDust | dbugger no, use sudo, after you logged in | 12:17 |
dbugger | MonkeyDust, I can NOT log in | 12:17 |
Jonii^ | ioria: that seems to just call gui where you can edit settings, i don't see how you can give parameters for that | 12:17 |
dbugger | MonkeyDust, I can only use a pseudo terminal through the provider website :P | 12:17 |
Jonii^ | MonkeyDust: uh, documentation seems quite lacking for dconf-editor | 12:18 |
dbugger | I want to be able to properly SSH, then set up other users and so on, and then take away root access | 12:18 |
MonkeyDust | Jonii^ yes, i didnt find it either | 12:18 |
ioria | Jonii^, unity-tweak-tool -> launcher -> icons | 12:18 |
mcphail | dbugger: Is this Ubuntu? Who gave root a password? | 12:18 |
MonkeyDust | !root | 12:18 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 12:18 |
Jonii^ | ioria: yeah, you can launch the gui, but I asked for command line solution :/ | 12:19 |
ioria | Jonii^, ok | 12:19 |
dbugger | mcphail, It is Ubuntu. My server provider has a button "set up new root password" | 12:19 |
dbugger | Ok, maybe I didnt explain myself properly | 12:19 |
dbugger | Let me start again | 12:19 |
k1l | dbugger: is this a shell hoster? | 12:19 |
bsdunix | someone did this; passwd root | 12:19 |
* dafb facedesks | 12:20 | |
dbugger | I have this server, Digital Ocean. I want to log in the server, but apparently connecting through SSH with password is forbidden. It can only be done with SSH Public key (I think) | 12:20 |
dbugger | I want to allow again password logins | 12:20 |
ioria | Jonii^, | 12:20 |
dafb | dbugger: why not require a password and a key? | 12:20 |
dbugger | dafb, what? | 12:21 |
dbugger | Im not following | 12:21 |
dbugger | I want to be able to do "ssh" | 12:21 |
dbugger | and just input a password | 12:21 |
dbugger | and log in | 12:21 |
bgardner | dbugger: What error are you getting when you try? | 12:21 |
k1l | dbugger: key auth is actually better. | 12:21 |
dafb | whats wrong with using a key, all you have to do is point the client at the key... | 12:21 |
dbugger | I get nothing | 12:21 |
dbugger | k1l, no idea what key auth is | 12:21 |
bsdunix | Jonii^: run ptrace on the PID of dconf-editor and watch what calls the gui makes - then you know what to do in cli | 12:22 |
k1l | dbugger: its the same, just you dont need to put a password in, but the ssh command is doing "magic" to make sure you are the right guy. | 12:22 |
dafb | dbugger: imagine remembering a 128 bit long password? | 12:22 |
dafb | dbugger: well a key does it for you... | 12:22 |
dbugger | yeah, well, it is not what I want to achieve now | 12:23 |
k1l | dbugger: you just need to make a key pair and put the public key onto the server. then ssh will do the auth for you. | 12:23 |
dbugger | I want to achieve password login now | 12:23 |
bsdunix | k1l: pixie dust? | 12:23 |
k1l | dbugger: you are german, right? | 12:23 |
dbugger | k1l, I live there, but im Spanish | 12:23 |
k1l | dbugger: if you can read german: see this | 12:24 |
dafb | dbugger: so do you have access to your server? | 12:24 |
dbugger | k1l, that is not what I want to achieve... | 12:24 |
dbugger | I have access through a weird terminal, through the website of my provider | 12:24 |
dbugger | But it is annoying as hell | 12:24 |
mcphail | dbugger: Everyone on the channel is reluctant to give you advice on how to enable password authentication for root over ssh because it is a silly idea, and not the supported Ubuntu way. If you insist on doing this, you may need to switch off PAM authentication. But, really, this is daft. | 12:24 |
dafb | what mcphail said | 12:25 |
dbugger | mcphail, I have "usePAM yes" in sshd_config | 12:25 |
dbugger | isnt that enough? | 12:25 |
MonkeyDust | dbugger everyone will tell you the same | 12:25 |
* dafb facedesks harder | 12:25 | |
k1l | dbugger: maybe you can add the keys on the webpage somehow? so you dont need to worry about all that. | 12:26 |
bgardner | dbugger: What error message do you get if you try to log in with a normal user? | 12:26 |
bsdunix | pam has had it's share of issues. I hear she got around some | 12:26 |
dbugger | bgardner, I get nothing. Just keeps waiting until i CTRL C | 12:26 |
mcphail | dbugger: as far as I know, the current PAM modules disable root password auth. So you'd want to switch that off if you are skiing off-piste | 12:26 |
dbugger | k1l, I cant, because I cant paste | 12:26 |
dbugger | Again. I DO NOT WANT to use keys | 12:27 |
k1l | i would talk to digitalocean in that case. | 12:27 |
dbugger | I want to be able to log with password | 12:27 |
k1l | you pay them so they need to make it work | 12:27 |
bgardner | dbugger: Then you're barking up the wrong tree. Don't try to get root in, try to diagnose that. I would change the ssh port and restart the ssh server. | 12:27 |
=== Jin-Baba is now known as JinBaba | ||
dbugger | Im not asking for "what is the best practice for...?" | 12:27 |
dbugger | I am just asking how to do it | 12:27 |
dbugger | I get that is stupid | 12:27 |
dbugger | insecure | 12:27 |
dbugger | and so on | 12:27 |
dbugger | I just want to know how to do it | 12:27 |
MonkeyDust | dbugger and it's not even supposed to be done, it seems | 12:28 |
MonkeyDust | or to be possible | 12:28 |
k1l | dbugger: depending on the hoster setup they could habe made sure there is no easy way to shoot yourself in the foot. | 12:28 |
k1l | *have | 12:28 |
dbugger | k1l, All the servers I have in DigitalOcean have that possibility, since creation | 12:28 |
dbugger | So I am sure some configuration has been done to avoid that | 12:28 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:28 |
dbugger | I want to undo that | 12:28 |
MonkeyDust | dbugger maybe there's a FAQ or a support forum on your provider's website, where you can find help | 12:30 |
bgardner | dbugger: Actually, it sounds like ssh is firewalled. You may need to 'sudo ufw allow in to any app OpenSSH'. | 12:30 |
dbugger | bgardner, let me look | 12:31 |
dbugger | bgardner, how can I check if it is firewalled? | 12:31 |
ioria | sudo ufw status | 12:31 |
dbugger | "ufw list" or something similar? | 12:31 |
dbugger | aha | 12:31 |
dbugger | status: inactive | 12:31 |
bgardner | dbugger: 'sudo ufw status verbose' | 12:31 |
dbugger | no ufw | 12:31 |
bgardner | dbugger: Hm. Wonder if your provider blocks 22. Try moving the port. | 12:32 |
bgardner | dbugger: Line 5 of your config file | 12:32 |
dbugger | bgardner, to what number? and how do I call the ssh command afterwards? | 12:33 |
bgardner | dbugger: The port number is your choice, but put it above 1024. Try 50000 for the experiment. Then call ssh -p 50000 user@host | 12:33 |
dbugger | ok | 12:34 |
bgardner | dbugger: Remember to bounce the ssh service, of course. | 12:34 |
dbugger | yep | 12:35 |
dbugger | Nothing... | 12:37 |
bgardner | dbugger: Same behavior, just hangs? | 12:38 |
dbugger | bgardner, yep | 12:38 |
showaz | mark, zfs ready ubuntu? | 12:38 |
bsdunix | dbugger: shouldn't a firewall be blocking this new ssh port? | 12:39 |
showaz | bsdunix: port rage security (non-root) | 12:39 |
showaz | sysctl ... | 12:40 |
showaz | $ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range | 12:40 |
dbugger | I f***ing hate server administration -__- | 12:41 |
eclectichedgehog | we all do | 12:41 |
ioria | | 12:41 |
dbugger | I think im giving up until 2016 | 12:41 |
eclectichedgehog | its 2016 here | 12:41 |
dbugger | Where? | 12:41 |
showaz | back to future | 12:41 |
bgardner | dbugger: Ok. Looking at Digital Ocean's docs, ssh should work out of the box. | 12:41 |
eclectichedgehog | new zealand | 12:41 |
dbugger | bgardner, yeah, I know | 12:41 |
dbugger | eclectichedgehog, greetings, future | 12:42 |
bgardner | dbugger: Maybe you get tech support from them? Maybe they can help better. | 12:42 |
eclectichedgehog | dbugger: 2016 sucks | 12:42 |
dbugger | bgardner, I do not know. Maybe. I will try next year | 12:42 |
bgardner | dbugger: Okay, good luck! | 12:42 |
dbugger | Anyway, thank to #ubuntu. You guys have been very helpful whole 2015 | 12:42 |
bsdunix | new zealand is so beautiful. I'm Jealous. It's grey cold flat and ugly here | 12:42 |
AvatarA | dbugger, can you tell us the IP of your vps? | 12:42 |
dbugger | Thanks to all the community, you guys rock | 12:42 |
dbugger | Wish you all a great 2016 | 12:42 |
dbugger | AvatarA, I would be too ashamed, sorry :P | 12:43 |
dbugger | AvatarA, it is in no condition | 12:43 |
showaz | eclectichedgehog: cold war ahead | 12:43 |
AvatarA | it's not like we're gonna hack it, the botnets are already hard at work on those ssh ports ;) | 12:43 |
eclectichedgehog | lol AvatarA | 12:44 |
eclectichedgehog | i was on a vpn today and i kept getting packet retry messages - very spooky | 12:44 |
dbugger | AvatarA, maybe some other day ;) | 12:45 |
AvatarA | wanted to see a nmap of that ip and ssh -v | 12:45 |
=== saber is now known as Guest16213 | ||
showaz | ssh -vvv (3lvl verbose) | 12:45 |
Guest16213 | 123456 | 12:45 |
=== andrex is now known as Guest18518 | ||
ZeroLux | just had a quick question about Ubuntu Mate 15.10 and the RPi... i know it's designed/optimized for the RPi2 with the quad core but will the image run on an older B+ with 512mb and the single core? | 12:58 |
dafb | ZeroLux: what version of ubuntu? | 12:58 |
ubone | aloha to all, is there a way to remove the mail icon from xubuntu? | 12:59 |
dafb | !version | 12:59 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 12:59 |
mcphail | ZeroLux: as far as I know, it doesn't | 12:59 |
* dafb goes back to bed too tired to be doing anything | 13:01 | |
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ZeroLux | mcphail: ok, thanks for the input | 13:02 |
mcphail | ZeroLux: I don't think the image runs on ARMv6 | 13:02 |
=== Senj is now known as Senji | ||
ZeroLux | yeah. guess it just means i'll have to upgrade then :) | 13:03 |
mcphail | ZeroLux: good excuse :) | 13:03 |
ZeroLux | as if i needed one :P | 13:03 |
ZeroLux | Happy New Year everyone! i'm out | 13:04 |
jim__ | anybody here? | 13:06 |
ubone | jim__, no | 13:09 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | jim__ | 13:09 |
ubottu | jim__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 13:09 |
ubone | X U B U N T U \o/ | 13:10 |
ubone | jim__, what do you need help with? | 13:10 |
=== shawniverson is now known as Guest99698 | ||
jim__ | 有人在吗? | 13:11 |
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MonkeyDust | !cn | 13:12 |
ubottu | 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 13:12 |
ubone | i see it but i can't read the language | 13:12 |
jim__ | i just say: anybody here? = 有人在吗? | 13:13 |
MonkeyDust | ubone if you stay here long enoughn you can distinguish a lot of different languages (not understand them, tho) | 13:13 |
ubone | ah, might be a good time to start learning a new language | 13:13 |
jim__ | quit | 13:15 |
MonkeyDust | ubone start with "有人在吗" | 13:15 |
ubone | i learned that one | 13:16 |
Guest9343 | tue | 13:16 |
Guest9343 | true | 13:16 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest33724 | ||
cyber_freak | hey! | 13:23 |
Guest66035 | hi | 13:23 |
cyber_freak | any kali linux user here ? | 13:23 |
lotuspsychje | !kali | cyber_freak | 13:24 |
ubottu | cyber_freak: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 13:24 |
not_bill_gates | I lost my sound, but i have sound off mute in all applications/ any suggestions? | 13:25 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | not_bill_gates | 13:26 |
ubottu | not_bill_gates: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 13:26 |
not_bill_gates | I will look it over thanks | 13:26 |
cyber_freak | this is only the support channel is it? | 13:27 |
lotuspsychje | cyber_freak: this is #ubuntu channel you joined | 13:27 |
Guest9343 | cyber_freak, kali is not ubuntu nor is it supported here | 13:27 |
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MonkeyDust | not_bill_gates in a terminal, can you open alsamixer | 13:36 |
dbugger | Hey guys... I figured out why I couldnt connect through SSH... | 13:36 |
=== ubik_ is now known as Guest21163 | ||
bgardner | dbugger: Yes? | 13:40 |
dbugger | bgardner, CloudFlare | 13:42 |
Saulo | back: Sleep [Away: ] | 13:42 |
dbugger | Cloud-frigging-flare | 13:42 |
dbugger | I was trying to ssh cloudflare -_- | 13:43 |
dbugger | the moment I changed "" for "", it insta-worked -__- | 13:43 |
dbugger | Biggest facepalm on December | 13:43 |
not_bill_gates | no go on alsa mixer although it is very cool | 13:48 |
not_bill_gates | it opened but still no sound | 13:48 |
not_bill_gates | took all off mute | 13:48 |
MonkeyDust | not_bill_gates also with headphones? | 13:50 |
not_bill_gates | standby | 13:51 |
MonkeyDust | meaning? | 13:51 |
not_bill_gates | headfones work | 13:52 |
MonkeyDust | not_bill_gates ok, the speakers fail, it's a hardware issue, i guess | 13:53 |
not_bill_gates | hmm...newer machine, i doubt hardware | 13:54 |
not_bill_gates | but anything possible | 13:54 |
lotuspsychje | not_bill_gates: how about you go check your syslog, and findout whats happening | 13:55 |
not_bill_gates | how open syslog? | 13:57 |
bunbury_ | hi there! Trying to instal spotify via terminal but after successful instalation, not able to launch it even though the icon is present | 13:58 |
lotuspsychje | not_bill_gates: the log viewer icon or manually browse /var/log/syslog | 13:58 |
boris | bunbury_ Try sudo spotify | 13:59 |
not_bill_gates | ok | 13:59 |
bunbury_ | already tried sudo spotify, sorry forgot to mention that | 13:59 |
boris | @bunbury_ are you getting an error? | 14:00 |
bunbury_ | @boris_ no errors. Actually nothing happens | 14:00 |
lotuspsychje | happy ubuntu new year 2016 to all | 14:01 |
not_bill_gates | lot to go through | 14:01 |
=== Agent_Isai is now known as Agent | ||
boris | @bunbury_ That's really odd. Can you do: sudo ls -al /home/user/.dbus/ | 14:06 |
bunbury_ | @boris ~$ sudo ls -al /home/user/.dbus/ | 14:11 |
bunbury_ | ls: cannot access /home/user/.dbus/: No such file or directory | 14:11 |
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jilocasin0 | morning all | 14:12 |
jilocasin0 | woke up to a major xubuntu foobar and was hoping someone could shed some light. | 14:12 |
boris | @bunbury_ replace 'user' with your username & try again | 14:12 |
bunbury_ | @boris sorry, a happy new ubuntu user | 14:14 |
jilocasin0 | There are _no_ frames around any native windows, I can open enter and move some 3rd party apps (ex: Chrome / Firefox) but not the taskManager, the Panel Configurator GUI, etc. | 14:15 |
repozitor | hey, i installed firewall-cmd on my ubutu server, and i only allowed port 80, 433 | 14:15 |
repozitor | but i dunno why firewall-cmd didn't block 1080 | 14:15 |
bunbury_ | @boris looked for the problem over the internet and solved it. | 14:15 |
bunbury_ | @boris it was a library | 14:15 |
bunbury_ | @boris Fix Spotify not launching issue: | 14:15 |
bunbury_ | Ubuntu 15.04 misses the libgcrypt11 package in its official repositories, so that Spotify won’t launch and you’ll get below error message if you start it from terminal: | 14:15 |
boris | @bunbury_ When you log on to Ubuntu use the username for example on my instance i log on with the username of boris so my command is sudo ls -al /home/boris/.dbus/ | 14:16 |
repozitor | i think by default all ports should blocked by itself, otherwise we allow them to be unblocked | 14:16 |
bunbury_ | @boris thanks a lot. Really appretiate your time | 14:16 |
k1l | jilocasin0: open a terminal, then rename the ".config" folder to something like ".configbackup" then relogin and see if that works again. | 14:16 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor what command did you use? | 14:16 |
repozitor | service firewall start | 14:16 |
boris | @bunbury_ No problem at all - Have a good new year and happy Ubunutuing :D | 14:17 |
repozitor | and listing ruels show everything is fine. | 14:17 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor try sudo ufw enable | 14:17 |
bunbury_ | @boris same to you | 14:18 |
yeats | bunbury_: boris: just FYI, the "@" is not necessary to address someone in IRC | 14:19 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor and sudo ufw status | 14:19 |
bunbury_ | boris thanks | 14:19 |
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boris | yeats Thanks | 14:20 |
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repozitor | Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation? | 14:20 |
repozitor | is this meaning, answering yes will block all ssh connections in future? | 14:20 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor yes, careful | 14:20 |
repozitor | MonkeyDust, so i can't run it | 14:21 |
repozitor | because i can access to my server only throughout ssh connection. | 14:21 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor first make sure the fw is configured thus, that the ssh ip addresses are 'safe' | 14:21 |
repozitor | MonkeyDust, firewall-cmd --list-all-zones show me ssh port is allowed | 14:22 |
ubuntu-mate | hello. i am new here | 14:22 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor i don't find that particular command here (14.04) | 14:23 |
ubuntu-mate | mz | 14:23 |
ubuntu-mate | y | 14:23 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor what ubuntu is it? | 14:23 |
repozitor | ubuntu serverv, 14.04 | 14:23 |
ubuntu-mate | my english is very bad | 14:23 |
k1l | ubuntu-mate: es gibt auch #ubuntu-de | 14:23 |
MonkeyDust | repozitor tip: there's alos #ubuntu-server | 14:23 |
repozitor | thanks, buddy | 14:24 |
eikon81g | Does anyone currently run a persistent USB with linux regularly? I was thinking about doing this on one of my machines and wanted to see if there were any drawbacks | 14:25 |
eikon81g | **with Ubuntu rather | 14:25 |
eikon81g | lol | 14:25 |
boris | eikon81g What kind of USB device are you talking about? | 14:26 |
BluesKaj | eikon81g: are you afraid of a real installation, or are you hiding your linux prefernces from your boss :-) | 14:27 |
=== Socrates is now known as Guest53441 | ||
eikon81g | No just ease of use on this machine.. I don't want to wipe it and the side by side install makes me nervous because I don't want to hose my windows install | 14:28 |
eikon81g | boris, usb 3.0 | 14:28 |
BluesKaj | !persistent | 14:30 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 14:30 |
eikon81g | when I ran the installer I didn't get the option to install side by side so I checked the bios settings on this machine and I don't have any sata mode options. I think my windows install is set for ide and not ahci | 14:30 |
BluesKaj | ekarlso: ^ | 14:30 |
BluesKaj | oops | 14:30 |
BluesKaj | eikon81g: ^ | 14:31 |
BluesKaj | which windows ? | 14:31 |
eikon81g | BluesKaj, ty, I have it running I was just wondering if anyone else has run into dealbreakers with running it persistent on the regular | 14:31 |
eikon81g | It's a windows 10 install | 14:31 |
BluesKaj | so you're dealing with UEFI complications | 14:32 |
eikon81g | I worked with someone earlier this week on the chat that was having dualboot issues and we helped him through it and we determined the issue was that he needed to change his sata mode to achi | 14:32 |
eikon81g | BluesKaj, it's running fine I am on it now.. I just wanted opinions on if it's a decent long term option and if there were any major drawbacks. | 14:33 |
BluesKaj | never encounterd anything like that unless you're on a fairly old pc | 14:33 |
boris | eikon81g running Ubuntu on a USB 3.0 Storage would not be as fast as running it on an SSD but have never tried this... I imagine you may get some disk latency. | 14:33 |
eikon81g | boris, I was thinking the same thing the transfer rates could cause a bottleneck but to be straight forward I haven't noticed any at all. | 14:34 |
eikon81g | my kids are big in minecraft and it seems to run just as good off the usb.. I know that's not much of a test but for my purposes it seemed like a viable option I was concerned about that until I started tinkering.. | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | eikon81g: ok, is this pc older than 2010? | 14:35 |
eikon81g | It's an i3 with 5gb ram | 14:35 |
eikon81g | (I don't know what year it was manufactured) HP G6 laptop | 14:36 |
boris | eikon81g That's not bad at all. | 14:36 |
eikon81g | I got it for 60 bucks it had an overheating issue which I remedied with a tear down and new application of arctic silver.. | 14:37 |
boris | eikon81g What kind of USB disk is it installed on? | 14:37 |
eikon81g | (and a con o' air) | 14:37 |
ashkanr | hi everybody | 14:37 |
eikon81g | boris, I ordered a couple usb 3.0 flash drives yesterday this one may honestly be a 2.0 | 14:38 |
eikon81g | on a sidebar is there a deffinitive way to seeif this machine is usb 3.0 capable in ubuntu? | 14:38 |
boris | eikon81g you could try lsusb or fdisk -l | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | eikon81g: well it's made in 2011, so you're dealing with UEFI instead of bios, which can be a pita, so a persistent usb install to a stick might be a lot easier and safer | 14:40 |
TJ- | eikon81g: use "cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb*/version" | 14:40 |
eikon81g | ok I'm onit 1 sec ty guys | 14:40 |
eikon81g | BUMMER :\ 2.0 | 14:41 |
logikos | can someone help me with a fstab question, this works: // /home/logikos/mnt/ltnas cifs noauto,users,credentials=/etc/.ltnas 0 0 - but this does not: // /home/logikos/mnt/ltnas cifs noauto,users,credentials=/etc/.ltnas 0 0 | 14:41 |
idvoretskyi | hi everyone | 14:41 |
eikon81g | thanks boris and tj | 14:41 |
FrankChen | | 14:41 |
FrankChen | Yee | 14:41 |
eikon81g | Well that throws a wrench in the mix | 14:41 |
logikos | i want to mount the entire file system of the NAS which includes some shared folders | 14:41 |
boris | eikon81g You're welcome & Happy New Year | 14:41 |
eikon81g | SAME TO YOu!! | 14:42 |
FrankChen | Happy New year | 14:42 |
daogiahieu | happy new year too | 14:43 |
daogiahieu | hope in 2016, more people will use linux | 14:43 |
eikon81g | I just started my kids out on chromebooks with crouton so hopefully they will learn much sooner than I did! | 14:44 |
FrankChen | Hope ubuntu will support more devices | 14:44 |
eikon81g | !touch | FrankChen | 14:44 |
ubottu | FrankChen: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 14:44 |
eikon81g | The development has been going for quite some time | 14:45 |
eikon81g | in the EU there are several end-user devices that ship with Ubuntu touch | 14:45 |
p3rror | What do you think about ubuntu mobile experience ? | 14:47 |
FrankChen | eikon81g: Do you know about the solution of ralink wifi??It doesn't work on 15.10 | 14:47 |
boris | p3rror I bought the first model and it was quite nice - I loved the 2 SIM card option. Alot of development still to be done i think. | 14:48 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, I have not come across that yet.. I could give you a workaround off the top of my head though, is it for a laptop?? | 14:48 |
eikon81g | p3rror, I have a nexus 7 that is on my project list to be flashed but I haven't gotten around to it yet.. | 14:49 |
FrankChen | Desktop PC(( RT2870 | 14:49 |
eikon81g | I don't have an honest opinion as of now.. the drawback for me is that there's no ability to run android apps on it so I would lose some of the things I normally use | 14:49 |
p3rror | boris, I heard about it I neveer use it yet | 14:49 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, have you considered a cheap usb wifi adapter | 14:50 |
eikon81g | I'm sure you can find a compatible one for around 10 USD | 14:50 |
lin_lin13 | hello, good night | 14:50 |
eikon81g | or if the machine has pci slots you could get a pci wifi card on the cheap | 14:50 |
boris | p3rror they are close to the first release of convergence where you can plug it in to a keyboard/mouse/monitor - I love the idea :) | 14:51 |
TJ- | FrankChen: what exactly is the problem with the RT2870? | 14:51 |
aldebaran | Just trying out i3wm on my ubuntu laptop. How are you guys going to celebrate 2016: The year of the linux desktop? | 14:51 |
rick | nothing | 14:51 |
FrankChen | I bought a Asus USB AC51 in 60 USD ,and the package said support Linux ((lol | 14:52 |
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lin_lin13 | I installed gns3,but I do not know where can I download the cisco's ios ? | 14:52 |
p3rror | boris, I see | 14:52 |
MonkeyDust | aldebaran "the year of the linux desktop" has been predicted for 10 years now and has never come | 14:52 |
FrankChen | TJ-: compiling error | 14:53 |
eikon81g | how did you go about the install? when you look in the updates center does it show up under the additional drivers tab | 14:53 |
boris | lin_lin13 Cisco are verys strict about there ISO's (for licencing purposes) - If you have any Cisco devices you can probably tftp them off. | 14:53 |
FrankChen | eikon81g: Nope ,It doesn't show any thing about it | 14:54 |
TJ- | FrankChen: the RT2870 is supported natively by the Linux rt2800usb module | 14:54 |
eikon81g | TJ-, is there an apt-get he can use instead of compiling the driver? | 14:55 |
lin_lin13 | gns3 let me import the cisco's ios image, else It is not used | 14:55 |
FrankChen | Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0b05:17d1 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. AC51 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [Mediatek MT7610/Ralink RT2870] | 14:56 |
aldebaran | MonkeyDust: That is how predictions work. You are wrong 99% of the time, but that one time you are right you are a visionary thinker with the pulse of the tech world. Look at stock predictions, people make outrageous claims all the time then WHAM they are correct one time and end up on the front page of Forbes. | 14:56 |
TJ- | FrankChen: eikon81g: no download needed; rt2800usb is part of the Linux kernel | 14:56 |
FrankChen | lsusb | 14:56 |
FrankChen | So what can I Do now to fix it | 14:56 |
eikon81g | I see.. | 14:57 |
TJ- | FrankChen: OK, so Asus have changed the Device ID so the rt2800usb driver doesn't have an alias for it | 14:57 |
eikon81g | TJ-, is good, real good. lol | 14:58 |
boris | lin_lin13 Yep, you have to get the iso first from the Cisco device first then use the import feature in GNS3 - Infact, there are CD's you get when purchasing Cisco kit which will have the ISO's on them. | 14:59 |
FrankChen | TJ-: install Linux-firmware will work?? | 15:00 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, I am just googling but it looks like you can bind a driver to the device | 15:03 |
TJ- | FrankChen: no. Do this: "sudo modprobe rt2800usb" then "echo '0b05 17d1' | sudo dd of=/sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_id" ... then do "tail /var/log/kern.log" | 15:03 |
eikon81g | TJ-, is on it.. | 15:04 |
TJ- | FrankChen: those commands load the driver, tell it to bind to devices with the ID 0b05:17d1, and then check's the kernel log to ensure the driver 'found' the USB device | 15:04 |
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eikon81g | !cookie | TJ- | 15:05 |
ubottu | TJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 15:05 |
FrankChen | Okay ,I'll try it later ,take a shower first (*^o^*) | 15:05 |
eikon81g | oh man.. | 15:05 |
eikon81g | we were invested. | 15:05 |
eikon81g | well make sure you copy that command and save it | 15:05 |
eikon81g | pretty awesome TJ- I learn a lot watching the pros work. Thanks for your time. | 15:07 |
FrankChen | Give me a link to copy cause I am using my hㄒㄈ phone | 15:07 |
TJ- | eikon81g: :) this is my light relief from coding an apache httpd module | 15:07 |
eikon81g | man, I'm trying to get like you. lol. I'm stell a new-b BUT I've been a windows junkie for years | 15:08 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, you will need to type in the commands he sent you verbatim in terminal | 15:08 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, I can e-mail it to you (if that's allowed) pm me your e-mail address | 15:09 |
TJ- | FrankChen: | 15:10 |
eikon81g | TJ-, is a fool with it.. that's awesome | 15:10 |
FrankChen | TJ-: need Kern.log right?? | 15:14 |
FrankChen | I got a usbcore: registered New interface driver rt2800usb | 15:15 |
FrankChen | Is that right?? | 15:16 |
FrankChen | | 15:17 |
eikon81g | sounds right | 15:18 |
=== Konqi is now known as Blupanda | ||
eikon81g | did the wifi options enable on your network indicator? | 15:19 |
FrankChen | Reboot first | 15:19 |
eikon81g | you may try a quick reboot | 15:19 |
eikon81g | Yea.. | 15:19 |
FrankChen | Lol | 15:19 |
FrankChen | Said goodbye for 2015 after 40 minutes | 15:20 |
FrankChen | Yeah!!! | 15:20 |
FrankChen | Hmm.... Nothing | 15:21 |
FrankChen | FrankChen: | 15:21 |
eikon81g | humm | 15:22 |
LaserAllan | Is there any alternative in Linux to Windows Bitlocker? | 15:23 |
aoidii | hi. are x/k/ubuntu or others under canonical control? | 15:23 |
cfhowlett | aoidii, yes | 15:23 |
cfhowlett | !flavors | aoidii | 15:23 |
ubottu | aoidii: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 15:23 |
aoidii | i hate unity | 15:23 |
eikon81g | aoidii, they have their own channels for support on irc as well | 15:23 |
k1l | LaserAllan: truecrypt | 15:23 |
cfhowlett | aoidii, so don't use it | 15:23 |
FrankChen | U can try Lee | 15:23 |
LaserAllan | k1l: How complicated is it to get it working properly?, i ahve only used bitlocker so far | 15:24 |
eikon81g | I like xfce | 15:24 |
FrankChen | It just like Mac os x | 15:24 |
k1l | aoidii: dont believe the FUD about ubuntu beeing spread. if you dont like unity you can use other desktops if you like | 15:24 |
cfhowlett | aoidii, try any of those flavors listed. | 15:24 |
aoidii | thank you guys :) | 15:25 |
k1l | LaserAllan: see i dont have 1st hand experience with that | 15:25 |
FrankChen | C'mon any one know the solution about rt2800usb?? | 15:25 |
LaserAllan | k1l: Thanks | 15:26 |
LaserAllan | Anyone in here having experinece with dual booting on a laptop with Windows and Linux? | 15:26 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, I am stuck too.. I think the driver has been binded to the device ID now | 15:26 |
TJ- | FrankChen: reboot kills what the solution did! | 15:26 |
k1l | LaserAllan: dualboot is not an issue. | 15:26 |
eikon81g | DOH | 15:26 |
TJ- | FrankChen: those commands only last for the current boot session, they're a workaround for the driver not having the device ID hard-coded in it | 15:26 |
eikon81g | sorry FrankChen | 15:27 |
FrankChen | Hmm... | 15:27 |
cfhowlett | LaserAllan, most of us do. | 15:27 |
FrankChen | TJ-: should I do it again?? | 15:27 |
eikon81g | LaserAllan, if you plan on tinkering the rule of thumb is to make backups of the stuff you can't afford to lose lol | 15:27 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, yea, this time with no reboot | 15:28 |
lettuce45 | hi, i have a problem playing taiwanese and japanese streams with radiotray. It used to work, but not anymore. A list of taiwanese radio senders was taken from help appreciated | 15:28 |
TJ- | FrankChen: have 2 terminal (tabs) open. In the 1st start monitoring the kernel log with "sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log" ... in the 2nd "sudo modprobe rt2800usb; echo '0b05 17d1' | sudo dd of=/sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_id" then watch what the kernel log shows. You can send us the log extract with "pastebinit <( tail -n 100 /var/log/kern.log )" | 15:28 |
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LaserAllan | eikon81g: Well it's just recently been installed so i have nothing that I cant afford to lose, the only thing i really wouldn't liek to lsoe is the warranty if GRUB ruines the recoevery partition that Is currently installed | 15:28 |
eikon81g | yea, depending on the machine you may get the option to install Ubuntu alongside Windows in the installer | 15:29 |
FrankChen | Sorry guys I must need to take a shower first | 15:29 |
lettuce45 | I get a message: "a redirec messages was posted on the bus and should have been handled by the application" | 15:29 |
LaserAllan | eikon81g: Ok, i take that is I don't get that option, i should not install Linux? | 15:30 |
eikon81g | SO one way that I have avoided hosing my windows install was to run a persistent USB with ubuntu on it | 15:30 |
LaserAllan | Becuase i'd be really shit to ruin it after barely one day of useage | 15:30 |
LaserAllan | Oh | 15:30 |
LaserAllan | Yeah that is allways an option | 15:30 |
LaserAllan | And i suppose you install stuff to the USB then? | 15:30 |
eikon81g | run it off of a usb or you could opt to install onto a USB it takes up more space and you will have the login and password functions for security | 15:31 |
TJ- | LaserAllan: if the Windows install is encrypted, the os-prober won't be able to find the Windows install. | 15:31 |
eikon81g | LaserAllan, if it's persistent it will save all the changes you make as you go | 15:31 |
FrankChen | also I have a old WiFi device dwa 127 and I didn't see any thing on lsusb ,I think it's a hard brick | 15:31 |
FrankChen | Any solution | 15:31 |
FrankChen | ?? | 15:31 |
boris | LaserAllan Another option (a wildcard for you) instead of dual booting is to install Virtual Box and have Ubuntu as a Virtual Machine (if your hardware can handle it) That way you can have bot machines running at once. | 15:31 |
eikon81g | you will only need to use "f11" or esc or whatever your machine asks for to select the boot device for USB when booting | 15:32 |
FrankChen | Hmm... Or F8(( Asus motherboard | 15:32 |
eikon81g | FrankChen, shower first then come back, this way you can get all the way through to resolution | 15:32 |
LaserAllan | Well I was planning to only use windows for gmaing and linux fore verything else | 15:32 |
LaserAllan | "everything else | 15:32 |
eikon81g | lol | 15:32 |
LaserAllan | But I will at least make a bootable usb and see what options it gives me | 15:33 |
FrankChen | Shower first guy | 15:33 |
eikon81g | LaserAllan, I am running in persistent now and its absolutely workable.. | 15:33 |
LaserAllan | eikon81g: Are you dual booting or just booting of the USB? | 15:33 |
eikon81g | Usb persistent | 15:33 |
LaserAllan | Ah | 15:33 |
LaserAllan | Yeah that is an interesting option | 15:33 |
eikon81g | I can run minecraft and multiple applications. I am even on usb 2.0 | 15:33 |
eikon81g | it's do-able | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | as far as hrdware goes, its an ASUS ROG laptop with an i7, M2ssd an anvidia 960M gpu | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | and it currently has 8 gigs of ram | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | so yeah it's decent | 15:34 |
eikon81g | for my setup it's the best option unless I breakdown and format this machine and start from the ground up | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | But I really like using Linux | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | True | 15:34 |
eikon81g | um yea, that's a nasty piece of hardware you will be fine | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | I'll see what options it gives me when i try to install linux | 15:34 |
LaserAllan | Hopefully it won't fool me into ruining windows:P | 15:35 |
eikon81g | yea, if it has an esata port you could go that route too | 15:35 |
LaserAllan | eikon81g: Well I see it as my notebook which is abrely fit for gaming | 15:35 |
eikon81g | you need to check the bios boot order | 15:35 |
miraceti56 | | 15:35 |
LaserAllan | my desktop is far heavier | 15:35 |
LaserAllan | Ah | 15:35 |
LaserAllan | True | 15:35 |
LaserAllan | I did check BIOS and I found that the I need to add the USB boot myself | 15:35 |
eikon81g | yea, if you decide on a persistent option use this: univeral usb installer | 15:35 |
LaserAllan | I use Yumi to create bootables but thanks ill use universal USB installer instead | 15:36 |
LaserAllan | What size are you using? | 15:36 |
eikon81g | well that's not too terrible. You may look around a bit and see if there is a FN key that will prompt a boot selection | 15:36 |
eikon81g | laser it's on an 8 and you could technically go smaller. I ordered a 16 | 15:36 |
eikon81g | you still have access to the other partitions on the HDD so if need be yu could move larger files over to the HDD from the linux session | 15:37 |
LaserAllan | Ah | 15:37 |
LaserAllan | Sounds good | 15:37 |
eikon81g | I can honestly say you will probably be impressed | 15:37 |
eikon81g | especially on usb 3.0 | 15:37 |
LaserAllan | Well, id really like to fully switch to linu but gaming is the only obstacle atm | 15:37 |
valtrip2 | i removed compiz tools - then logged out-logged back in ,, now dash is gone | 15:37 |
LaserAllan | I'll give it a shot anyhow | 15:38 |
valtrip2 | and top panel too ,,, what can i do | 15:38 |
eikon81g | well dualboot is one option the other is something like this that we are talking about | 15:38 |
eikon81g | the advantage here is that you wont have a chance to hose your windows install | 15:38 |
lettuce45 | does anybody here use radio tray? | 15:40 |
MonkeyDust | lettuce45 yes | 15:42 |
MonkeyDust | lettuce45 struggling with radiotray? i use it | 15:42 |
lettuce45 | MonkeyDust, do you happen to listen to taiwanese, chinese or japanese streams? | 15:43 |
ioria | valtrip2, reinstall compiz ? | 15:43 |
MonkeyDust | lettuce45 no, i live in a different segment of the globe | 15:43 |
candi_ | oi | 15:43 |
valtrip2 | ioria ,, i did re-installed it ,, logged out-in ,, still nothing | 15:43 |
candi_ | como estas amigo | 15:44 |
MonkeyDust | !es | 15:44 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 15:44 |
ioria | valtrip2, exactly what command you gave ? | 15:44 |
ioria | valtrip2, dpkg -l compiz* | 15:45 |
FrankChen | TJ-: please give me your email address,parents asked me to sleep | 15:45 |
valtrip2 | ioria ,, sudo apt-get remove compiz -- then to re-install sudo apt-get install compiz | 15:46 |
ioria | valtrip2, can you post dpkg -l compiz* | 15:46 |
FrankChen | eikon81g : plz give me your email address ,parents asked me to sleep | 15:48 |
ioria | valtrip2, on or with pastebinit | 15:48 |
valtrip2 | ioria ,, | 15:48 |
valtrip2 | i removed it , thinking i messed up something ,, because i wasn't able to change desktop background | 15:49 |
valtrip2 | or right click on desktop | 15:50 |
ioria | valtrip2, install compiz-plugins-default | 15:51 |
auronandace | FrankChen: you can always return back here after you have slept | 15:52 |
MonkeyDust | 24/7 service | 15:52 |
FrankChen | LoL | 15:53 |
boris | Right I'm off Happy New Year everyone. Here's to 2016 and Ubuntu! | 15:53 |
valtrip2 | ioria ,, already the latest version ,, :( | 15:53 |
Raul | oi peSSOAL | 15:53 |
ioria | valtrip2, install compiz-plugins-main | 15:54 |
=== Raul is now known as Guest35744 | ||
Guest35744 | alguém pode me ajudar?? | 15:54 |
MonkeyDust | !br | 15:54 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 15:54 |
Guest35744 | ok | 15:54 |
Guest35744 | I can tanlk in english. I'm sorry | 15:54 |
Guest35744 | guys, I'm with a little problem on Ubuntu Gnome here | 15:55 |
Guest35744 | I've installed Office 2010 on Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 64-bit under PlayOnLinux | 15:55 |
Guest35744 | but I can't writte accents | 15:56 |
MonkeyDust | Guest35744 try #winehq | 15:56 |
Guest35744 | ok. I'm try | 15:56 |
valtrip | #winehq | 15:56 |
valtrip | MonkeyDust ,, is #winehq a channel | 15:57 |
valtrip | hey ,, does using wine makes ubuntu(any distro) vulnerable to windows malwares???? | 15:59 |
mcphail | valtrip: yes, some malware can run under wine | 15:59 |
=== [UPA]Stefan is now known as Tronsha | ||
FrankChen | So am I | 16:03 |
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boo7 | how can I move the dashboard thingie from the left side to the bottom? | 16:17 |
mcphail | boo7: you can't, unless you switch from Unity to a different desktop environment | 16:21 |
boo7 | :< | 16:22 |
anabain | ??? | 16:22 |
ioria | !info cairo-dock | 16:22 |
ubottu | cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 5 kB, installed size 47 kB | 16:22 |
ioria | boo7, you could try with cairo-dock , but i have never done that | 16:22 |
boo7 | I've just switched to linux last night so I dont know if i shuld mess with those stuff | 16:22 |
=== karen is now known as Guest14142 | ||
mcphail | boo7: of course you should mess with it! That's what Linux is all about :) | 16:23 |
mcphail | boo7: The MATE desktop is very similar to a traditional Windows desktop and may be better suited to your tastes | 16:23 |
=== intel is now known as Guest71087 | ||
boo7 | Is it relatively easy to change DE? | 16:25 |
mcphail | boo7: you can try it by running "sudo apt-get install mate-desktop", logging out, then picking "MATE" from the login screen | 16:25 |
anabain | boo7, you could try the kde environment, which is pretty similar to the traditional w$ desktop too. | 16:25 |
mcphail | boo7: yes, KDE is good too. Try a few and see what you like | 16:25 |
boo7 | ok guys, thanks for the help, i'll look into those DE's :D | 16:27 |
lubuntu | ./server | 16:28 |
heiko__ | Hi mein Name ist Heiko.Sind hier noch andere Deutsche? | 16:29 |
Dinosaurio | !de | heiko__ | 16:31 |
ubottu | heiko__: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 16:31 |
vgvvw | Hi guys, where is the kali linux room? | 16:31 |
heiko__ | Danke | 16:31 |
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=== daci is now known as iJens | ||
somsip | !kali | vgvvw | 16:46 |
ubottu | vgvvw: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 16:46 |
boo7 | what can i do to remove a package if 'apt-get remove ..' dosnt works? | 16:56 |
MonkeyDust | boo7 aptitudde | 16:57 |
MonkeyDust | boo7 aptitude | 16:57 |
boo7 | whats that? | 16:57 |
MonkeyDust | boo7 you ask a question and when you get an answer, you ask what it is | 16:58 |
zeroC | hey there, is there any way to figure out which options were used for compiling qemu? | 16:58 |
MonkeyDust | boo7 in a terminal, type man aptitude | 16:59 |
boo7 | No manual entry for aptitude | 16:59 |
boo7 | 16:59 | |
MonkeyDust | boo7 in a terminal, what's the output of cat /etc/issue | 17:00 |
boo7 | ubuntu 15.10 | 17:00 |
MonkeyDust | boo7 odd... | 17:01 |
boo7 | lovely | 17:02 |
ioria | boo7, what's the package ? | 17:02 |
boo7 | kde-telepathy | 17:02 |
ioria | boo7, try sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove kde-telepathy | 17:04 |
boo7 | same error as "sudo apt-get remove kde-telepathy" | 17:05 |
boo7 | < | 17:06 |
anabain | boo7, if you're trying to switch from your current ubuntu to kubuntu, I'd try a new fresh install downloading the kde iso image. | 17:06 |
boo7 | I dont know about kubuntu, but im tring to move to Cinnamon DE | 17:07 |
TJ- | zeroC: the build log for the source package | 17:07 |
anabain | boo7, in that case, consider this handy partitioning (you'll have to do it manually at the installer): one partition for / dir, perhaps another for swapping (2gb or 4gb), and another (the big one) for your /home dir | 17:08 |
zeroC | TJ-: thanks :) | 17:09 |
anabain | boo7, this way, if you want to reinstall your (whatever)ubuntu system, you only need to modify the / partition. | 17:09 |
ioria | boo7, try with purge , sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove kde-telepathy | 17:11 |
zeroC | TJ-: helps a lot! great! | 17:11 |
zeroC | :) | 17:11 |
boo7 | anabain: im reallt really new to linux, but im uderstand you are talking about re-install ubuntu and change the partitioning from the defult settings? | 17:11 |
anabain | yes | 17:12 |
boo7 | ioria: same error :< | 17:12 |
ioria | boo7, sudo apt-get purge kde-config-telepathy-accounts , what it says ? | 17:14 |
anabain | boo7, if don't fancy fiddling things yet and like a more traditional W$-style for your desktop, please consider what I said. It'll save you time and, moreover, will allow you to make subsequent changes to your system without having to touch your /home dir | 17:14 |
=== myztic_ is now known as myztic | ||
boo7 | anabain: I dont really know the benefits of it cuz I dont know whats go on the /home dir | 17:16 |
anabain | boo7, your /home dir is the place where you put your stuff: documents, videos, etc. | 17:16 |
boo7 | ioria: exacly the same error XD | 17:16 |
anabain | your valuable data | 17:16 |
boo7 | my desktop files and packages go in the /home dir? | 17:17 |
anabain | boo7, it's the place you want to keep safe the most | 17:17 |
=== UserUS_ is now known as UserUS | ||
anabain | boo7, you have to distinguish between your personal stuff and the system stuff | 17:19 |
ioria | boo7, can you paste apt-cache policy kde-telepathy-minimal | 17:20 |
anabain | boo7, typically, your /home dir is the place where users store their photos, documents, videos, etc. All other parts of the system are not important in the sense that they can always be recovered, re-set, etc. | 17:21 |
=== Borg is now known as Guest12617 | ||
anabain | boo7, if you want to make backups (and you SHOULD, bad things always happen), you do want to backup your /home dir. | 17:22 |
boo7 | anabain: yeah I just looked in there, btw "bad things always happen"? thats sound promising :D | 17:24 |
boo7 | ioria: | 17:24 |
ioria | boo7, apt-cache policy kde-telepathy-minimal | 17:25 |
ioria | no, sorry | 17:25 |
ioria | boo7, apt-cache policy kde-config-telepathy-accounts | 17:25 |
=== victor is now known as Guest64796 | ||
anabain | boo7, therefore, if you partition your hdd into three parts: 1) /home for your stuff 2) for swapping (I'm not sure if it's really necessary these days; perhaps some guru here can give more info about that) and 3) / for the rest of the system, you can change your system and keep your /home partition intact. | 17:26 |
UserUS | boo7: swapping is only not necessary really with paging turned on, or in a system that is only linux | 17:26 |
anabain | boo7, bad things always happen = your HDDs are not immortal | 17:27 |
boo7 | good thing i have ssd | 17:27 |
anabain | boo7, ssd are less reliable than traditional hdds | 17:27 |
boo7 | really? never herd something like that | 17:28 |
boo7 | ioria: | 17:28 |
choc0 | if they stay still they are | 17:28 |
SchrodingersScat | trust them all like they're about to catch on fire and you'll have less worries, or is that more worries? But less about losing the data. | 17:28 |
choc0 | if you move around a lot with a laptop with jarring motions then ssd will last longer | 17:28 |
anabain | boo7, so in that case there's more to worry about. As a rule of thumb: don't trust your storing devices | 17:28 |
choc0 | some brands are much more reliable than others | 17:29 |
ioria | boo7, it's not installed ... | 17:29 |
choc0 | i've had a laptop hd go back in 3 years and others last 15 years | 17:30 |
ioria | boo7, i'm afraid you have to risk apt-get -f install :( | 17:31 |
boo7 | ioria: when I try to install Cinnamon from the software center it tells me I need to remove kde-telepathy and one other thing | 17:31 |
boo7 | ioria: allready tried it | 17:31 |
ioria | boo7, and ? | 17:31 |
boo7 | same error XD | 17:31 |
anabain | boo7, as a rule of thumb: keep at least one backup regularly performed (weekly, perhaps) of your /home stuff on an external hdd (which, of course, can also die) | 17:31 |
boo7 | like thr first one i sent you | 17:31 |
ioria | boo7, yeah | 17:32 |
boo7 | anabain: some times I backup scripts and bookmarks on flash drive\dropbox, but I dont have any really important data but those stuff.. | 17:33 |
retrojeff | how do I fix open with mime types? | 17:34 |
anabain | boo7, btw, if you had downloaded a new .iso image you could already be installing your new system... | 17:34 |
retrojeff | on debian I am able todo open with sublime text and it works | 17:34 |
retrojeff | on ubuntu it just opens a blank document | 17:34 |
ioria | boo7, dpkg -l kde-telepathy* | 17:34 |
anabain | boo7, nobody better than you to know what your needs are about backing your valuable data up | 17:35 |
boo7 | anabain: I allready have ubuntu 15.10 on a cd | 17:36 |
retrojeff | ioria: thanks for showing me that you can wildcard | 17:36 |
ioria | retoaded, np | 17:36 |
boo7 | ioria: | 17:37 |
ioria | retrojeff, np | 17:37 |
c_nick | Hi any way to start using virtual box with full capability of playing windows games? | 17:37 |
c_nick | by games i mean Age of Empires , Unreal Tournament .. (not too hard core graphics games) I have a Intel G41 Graphics Processor. | 17:37 |
c_nick | hate to install windows in dual boot | 17:37 |
=== ariel_ is now known as Guest87344 | ||
=== Guest87344 is now known as JillyB | ||
ioria | boo7, sudo apt-get purge kde-telepathy* | 17:40 |
boo7 | one of us must give up by now XD | 17:40 |
ioria | ^_^.... not me :þ | 17:41 |
boo7 | well, no error this time | 17:41 |
ioria | boo7, ok, but if you want KDE, better choise is Kubuntu | 17:42 |
ioria | *choice | 17:42 |
studdentt | say i have many terminals open | 17:43 |
boo7 | humm, I [think] I want Cinnamon, is Cinnamon == KDE\kubuntu? | 17:43 |
studdentt | how can i open one when there are the small arrows besides the icon and none of the terminals are visible on the desktop ? | 17:44 |
ioria | boo7, idts | 17:44 |
boo7 | idts = ? :o | 17:44 |
anabain | boo7, if you want kde, install kde | 17:44 |
auronandace | boo7: no, cinnamon is based on gnome 3 code, made to look like gnome 2 | 17:44 |
ioria | boo7, what's your specs ? | 17:45 |
boo7 | i7 6gb RAM ? | 17:45 |
ioria | boo7, you can install what you want, then | 17:45 |
anabain | boo7, I'd try 15.10 if I were you | 17:46 |
ioria | right | 17:46 |
boo7 | with what DE kubuntu comes with? | 17:46 |
ioria | kde | 17:46 |
ioria | boo7, it's very eye-candy | 17:47 |
anabain | boo7, download the iso, get an usb stick and create a bootable usb device that will let you install (or try) kubuntu on your box | 17:47 |
boo7 | its gonna delete all the data i allready have on ubuntu? | 17:48 |
ioria | boo7, yep... | 17:50 |
anabain | boo7, 15 min to install it (probably less). Remember to partition as I said. /home in a separate partition | 17:51 |
theprasad | hello guys how to build the cloud servers with ubuntu | 17:51 |
theprasad | ? | 17:52 |
ioria | boo7, otherwise you can install kubuntu-desktop , but it will take a bit chunck of your disk | 17:52 |
ioria | *big | 17:52 |
studdentt | whats the default GUI in ubuntu ? | 17:53 |
auronandace | studdentt: unity | 17:53 |
studdentt | auronandace :ty, do you know how to recover terminal session ? | 17:53 |
boo7 | ioria, anabain thanks alot :) | 17:53 |
ioria | boo7, np, stay tuned :) | 17:54 |
studdentt | auronandace: when you cant see them on screen but there are small arrows on the left of the icon | 17:54 |
anabain | boo7, you're welcome | 17:54 |
auronandace | studdentt: click the icon | 17:54 |
studdentt | >.> | 17:55 |
vgvvw | !kali | 17:55 |
studdentt | auronandace: yesterday it diditn work | 17:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 17:55 |
theprasad | anyone can help me with respect to cloud server ubuntu | 17:56 |
auronandace | studdentt: you can also alt-tab | 17:56 |
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Phreya | exit | 18:10 |
=== tinyhippo is now known as happynewhippo | ||
=== Guest44663 is now known as JStoker | ||
AndroUser | (AndroUser) I need a new low end laptop, 930m adds to the cost but Im not sure about the advantage over intel hd5500 | 18:27 |
EndStop | somebody is familiar with genymotion ? | 18:33 |
retrojeff | problem solved I had to purge and reinstall gvfs | 18:38 |
EndStop | Genymotion is not configured properly. Make sure you have added its installation directory to your PATH environment variable. | 18:42 |
JillyB | Anyone know how to get a dell 3147 running 15.10 to wake from sleep properly? | 18:47 |
=== NightKhaos_ is now known as NightKhaos | ||
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meghaasdoodzo | I'm running xubuntu, and after resetting the cmos, now I get a totally black screen after selecting "ubuntu" from the grub menu. | 18:53 |
=== olli is now known as Insecta | ||
irenn | Hey guys. im trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 8.1 but anytime i get to that part i dont have this option | 19:00 |
irenn | i have 8.1 on master boot record, | 19:00 |
helmut_ | hello lisbeth where are you from? | 19:00 |
irenn | i created the usb stick using rufus and official image from ubuntu website 14.04.3 | 19:01 |
irenn | why dont i get the option to install alongside 8.1 ? | 19:01 |
Umeaboy | Hi! The name of the Ubuntu installer is Ubiquity, right? | 19:04 |
nicomachus | Umeaboy: no. | 19:04 |
Umeaboy | OK. What is it then? | 19:04 |
nicomachus | to install programs or to install ubuntu? | 19:05 |
Umeaboy | I want to continue translating it. | 19:05 |
Umeaboy | To install Ubuntu. | 19:05 |
irenn | Please help. Why I dont get the option to install alongside windows 8.1 ? :( | 19:05 |
nicomachus | Umeaboy: ohh... well that is Ubiquity. my bad. | 19:06 |
nicomachus | irenn: is it UEFI? | 19:06 |
irenn | im not using uefi, in windows it says master boot record, | 19:06 |
irenn | i know the mobo supports uefi | 19:06 |
irenn | its an asrock h97 pro4 | 19:06 |
nicomachus | was Windows pre-installed? | 19:06 |
irenn | i already have windows installed if that's what you mean, i installed it a couple days ago | 19:07 |
nicomachus | Did you install windows as UEFI or Legacy? | 19:07 |
irenn | i think legacy. when i selected the boot device from the f11 boot menu i did not select the usb stick that started with uefi but the other one | 19:08 |
=== meghaasdoodzo is now known as HM06 | ||
nicomachus | irenn: well you need to check to make sure by looking in your BIOS settings. Then you need to double-check that you are installing Ubuntu in the same way. Use this for reference: | 19:08 |
=== HM06 is now known as garmeer | ||
irenn | i tried both, selecting the same stick where it starts with uefi and where it starts without, the one with ubuntu on it i mean | 19:09 |
irenn | but i still did not get that option | 19:09 |
irenn | :( | 19:09 |
garmeer | after resetting my cmos battery, I'm getting a black screen after GRUB. Any ideas on what I did wrong? | 19:10 |
studdentt | garmeer: RTC ? try resetting the date in the BIOS | 19:11 |
garmeer | I'll try that. one sec. | 19:13 |
JillyB | bbl | 19:14 |
garmeer | studdentt thanks so much. this was the last in a long string of problems which I caused by daring to try overclocking, now its finally fixed. | 19:17 |
studdentt | garmeer: what did you change? time and date ? | 19:18 |
nicomachus | overclocking ubuntu? I want to ask why, but it's really not on topic here. lol | 19:18 |
garmeer | yeah. I jus set the time and date to correct values. | 19:18 |
studdentt | garmeer: np | 19:18 |
garmeer | is there something wrong with overclocking ubuntu? I'm not super smart with these things, so maybe I did something wrong. | 19:19 |
studdentt | garmeer: that battery is used to keep track of time inside the chip while the computer is turned off | 19:19 |
garmeer | yeah, I know. I would never have thought that the time would have caused that issue though. | 19:19 |
studdentt | garmeer: the first boot stages probably need this information and for the OS afterward | 19:20 |
irenn | Probably ubuntu is reading the UEFI BIOS, while windows 7 was installed in LEGACY bios. A Simple solution to this problem is to just turnoff the UEFI bios from bios setup | 19:20 |
irenn | this was it | 19:20 |
garmeer | what's wrong with overclocking xubuntu though? I've got a Pentium which bottlenecks me sometimes, and I read that its a good chip to overclock. | 19:21 |
studdentt | garmeer : its the processor you overclock not the OS | 19:22 |
daftykins | buy better hardware, it's cheaper than the time you waste tinkering | 19:23 |
studdentt | garmeer : you should try overclocking the CPU -then- install a fesh copy of the OS | 19:23 |
garmeer | yeah I know, duh. but someone told asked me why I was trying to overclock with ububtu | 19:23 |
HackerII | use 64 bit, not 32 | 19:23 |
studdentt | garmeer: theres some PLL configurations that you change in the BIOS to get higher CPU frequency | 19:23 |
garmeer | I know the basics of overclocking. but when I tried to up the voltage, everything died and I had to fix a ton of issues. | 19:24 |
HackerII | what mobo | 19:24 |
garmeer | MSI z97 | 19:24 |
HackerII | get an asus | 19:25 |
studdentt | i would not mess with voltages | 19:25 |
studdentt | ahh nvm maybe a little bit with higher frequency | 19:25 |
sevenbit | who | 19:25 |
HackerII | dont overclock your ram either | 19:26 |
Umeaboy | The link seems to be dead. | 19:26 |
Umeaboy | I found it in the package called ubuntu-ui-toolkit. | 19:27 |
garmeer | this mobo was part of a $100 bundle with a Pentium at micro center. seemed like a good idea at the time. | 19:27 |
Umeaboy | Can anyone change the link? | 19:27 |
HackerII | thats why | 19:27 |
HackerII | your north bridge cant handle it | 19:27 |
garmeer | hacker, so I should avoid overclocking altogether? | 19:28 |
HackerII | w/that board, yes | 19:28 |
DJones | Umeaboy: It might be worth reporting that as a bug to the package maintainer, its not something people here would be able to change | 19:29 |
garmeer | huh. alright. maybe it's time for a new cpu anyways. Christmas is coming up. | 19:29 |
HackerII | lol | 19:29 |
DJones | Umeaboy: If you look at§ion=all hopefully that'll give you the right package to report a bug against | 19:30 |
codepython7771 | Is this any good for programming/CAD - ? | 19:31 |
codepython7771 | Has anyone used Asus laptops here? | 19:31 |
Phreya | I worked for SolidWorks for a year | 19:32 |
Phreya | lleett lleett mmee ffggffgg | 19:32 |
Phreya | ffvvddff | 19:32 |
Umeaboy | codepython7771: I have. :) | 19:37 |
codepython7771 | Umeaboy: how is it going? | 19:44 |
=== mteufel is now known as mt | ||
Jamie_1 | is there a way to chown both a fold and the contents in it | 19:56 |
Jamie_1 | every time i chown a folder it leaves the contents as root | 19:58 |
daftykins | sounds like it's NTFS | 19:59 |
Saulo | away: HAPPY NEW YEAR! [Log: pvt on - canal on] | 19:59 |
Jamie_1 | no its ext3 daftykins | 19:59 |
daftykins | Saulo: please disable that script in here | 19:59 |
Saulo | JStoker, sorry | 19:59 |
daftykins | then either the mount sets it so, or your chown command is wrong | 19:59 |
daftykins | chown -R username:group /path/to/ | 20:00 |
Jamie_1 | im using chown jamie <folder> | 20:00 |
Jamie_1 | *sudo chown jamie <folder | 20:00 |
=== sireebob is now known as joke | ||
daftykins | do it as above on the parent, with jamie:jamie | 20:00 |
=== joke is now known as sireebob | ||
Jamie_1 | daftykins: thanks that worked, have a happy new years! | 20:07 |
daftykins | o/ | 20:07 |
ivo34 | hello I am trying to set camera view to current view but when I use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+ ins blender window minimizes...I guess there is some interference with my ubuntu system shortcuts but I cannot find it in system preferences... | 20:10 |
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studdentt | it does it again: cant switch terminal one is impossible to access | 20:15 |
Gandalf | Hi | 20:16 |
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angel-salas | hola | 20:28 |
aydin | hi | 20:30 |
aydin | do not have one | 20:33 |
aydin | do not have one server | 20:34 |
codepython7771 | anyone buying an ubuntu laptop today online? | 20:34 |
=== nchambers is now known as hogwitch | ||
aydin | hiii | 20:47 |
codepython7771 | hi aydin | 20:49 |
ilhami | !dropbox | 20:49 |
BluesKaj | !info dropbox | 20:49 |
ubottu | Package dropbox does not exist in wily | 20:49 |
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ilhami | sudo apt-get -y install nautilus-dropbox | 20:50 |
* dafb is updateing their security, what's a good way to automatically backup an encrypted usb after it's been successfully mounted, to another encrypted usb... are there any best practices, should there be anything i should worry about. (my threat model is non-physical access to the machiene, and is not government) | 20:55 | |
dafb | also what's a good way to have the backup usb unmounted once the dackup has been made? | 20:56 |
nullbyte_ | where is in menus vsock in linux kernel | 21:05 |
lettuce45 | if I google news for "obamacare", will I get only critical results? whats the neutral term? Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is awfully long | 21:09 |
lettuce45 | critical as in negative | 21:09 |
lettuce45 | wrong channel | 21:09 |
daftykins | you're right | 21:09 |
orq | hi | 21:11 |
=== ariel_ is now known as JillyB | ||
prodigel | hi all. Just bought an HP z4000 mouse, which doesn't want to work on ubuntu 15.04 ... syslog give me some interesting messages but I'm not sure they are related (looks more like printer stuff): . Any idea how I can trace the problem ? | 21:11 |
JillyB | I have a Dell 3147 with 15.10...having issues with sleep and system hangs and on boot it shows a purpleish colored screen for like 30 seconds. | 21:12 |
JillyB | Then boots. It's a SSD so should be FAAAAST at booting. | 21:13 |
JillyB | Any ideas? | 21:13 |
ubuntu-studio | no is | 21:13 |
orq | hallo i would wish you all a happy new year !!! | 21:13 |
mavi | orq: Happy New Year! | 21:14 |
ubuntu-studio | happy neu year | 21:15 |
nerdjones | so im pretty new to linux, and i have been fighting with getting this install working for a few days now, im trying to dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu gnome on this computer i built around a year ago, i finally got past all the uefi stuff and now it seems as though grub is pointing to the wrong place, is this common? | 21:36 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
nerdjones | when i go down to windows 10 in grub it says your pc/device needs to be repaired, a required device isnt connected or cant be accessed, when i hit 'e' on windows to it sats its pointing to /dev/sdc, but parted -l says the bootable windows partition is #1 on /dev/sdb | 21:38 |
ctlaltdel | my tabs my tabs more than 80 | 21:46 |
linuxr | hi all. I'm running 14.04.3 LTS with all updates installed and experiencing complete computer freezes usually when doing I/O over USB or SD card. The computer often freezes when doing a simple "umount" to a usb device, without anything logged in syslog or other logs. any ideas, anyone? thx | 21:46 |
=== sireebob is now known as baubles | ||
sgw1064 | how do i change password in pepperrmint 6 | 22:07 |
Umeaboy | sgw1064: For your user? | 22:08 |
sgw1064 | yes | 22:08 |
Umeaboy | sudo passwd username | 22:09 |
sgw1064 | ? | 22:10 |
=== abra2016 is now known as abra0 | ||
OerHeks | is that still alive, peppermint? | 22:14 |
UU | need a bit help with conky.... | 22:15 |
UU | the rings wont show up | 22:15 |
=== UU is now known as Guest92759 | ||
=== baubles is now known as nosireebob | ||
Guest92759 | anyone up? | 22:16 |
NegativeFlare | hey guys | 22:16 |
m3ch4n1c | yeap | 22:16 |
orq | hi | 22:16 |
m3ch4n1c | hi | 22:16 |
Guest92759 | need some help with conky | 22:17 |
NegativeFlare | I have a question, do any of you guys know exactly what date in January they are ending vivid? | 22:17 |
ilhami | what's up? | 22:17 |
NegativeFlare | I really need to know | 22:17 |
xangua | !vivid | 22:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Download at - 15.04 reaches end of life in January of 2016. | 22:17 |
m3ch4n1c | I don't | 22:17 |
xangua | Better upgrade before January then | 22:17 |
Guest92759 | hmm... anyone? | 22:18 |
ilhami | 16.04 is out soon | 22:19 |
m3ch4n1c | do you know how can I chat in deep web | 22:19 |
Guest92759 | well well | 22:19 |
m3ch4n1c | maybe in some hacker rooms | 22:19 |
ilhami | m3ch4n1c, get tor | 22:19 |
m3ch4n1c | ?? | 22:19 |
m3ch4n1c | I have | 22:19 |
bazhang | Guest92759, the conky beginners guide is at ubuntuforums | 22:19 |
NegativeFlare | hmph alright | 22:19 |
m3ch4n1c | but I cannot connect | 22:19 |
ilhami | freenode blocked tor I think | 22:20 |
m3ch4n1c | freenode? | 22:20 |
bazhang | m3ch4n1c, thats not on topic here, and freenode blocks tor irc | 22:20 |
sgw1064 | need hlp changing password pep 6 - login, software mgr ect | 22:20 |
Guest92759 | bazhang, problem is ive made the required folders but when i start it, only the text appears, the lua arts not.. as if conky isnt reading the .lua file | 22:20 |
bazhang | sgw1064, where did you download peppermint from | 22:21 |
sgw1064 | baz not sure friend did it | 22:21 |
bazhang | sgw1064, is peppermint a 'based on' ubuntu distro | 22:22 |
sgw1064 | baz sorry im new to linux | 22:22 |
bithon | hello | 22:23 |
m3ch4n1c | hi fellas | 22:23 |
bithon | I'm trying to upgrade my kernel to 4.3.3 | 22:23 |
bithon | (this is my first time) so, I'm unsure if it's okay to just use the default .config that comes with the source? | 22:23 |
m3ch4n1c | it s ok | 22:25 |
bazhang | m3ch4n1c, did you have an ubuntu support issue | 22:25 |
bithon | i do have ubuntu related issue :D | 22:26 |
m3ch4n1c | yea | 22:26 |
bazhang | bithon, you want to go outside package management and upgrade the kernel, via compiling | 22:27 |
bazhang | install build-essential bithon | 22:27 |
bithon | yep | 22:27 |
bithon | but I already have all required dependancies to build the kernel | 22:27 |
bithon | the question I had was, would the default settings suffice and be stable in the long run if I compiled 4.3.3 with them | 22:28 |
bithon | i'm running ubuntu 14.04 | 22:28 |
bazhang | bithon, first question, why are you trying to use that very newest of new versions | 22:29 |
bithon | bazhang: well I have asus x205ta laptop that is not very well supported with the older version of kernel | 22:29 |
rww | if you don't understand kernel config enough to answer that, you probably shouldn't be compiling kernels | 22:29 |
bazhang | !mainline | 22:29 |
ubottu | The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at | 22:29 |
bithon | and people over at ubuntu forums recommended we install the 4.3 | 22:30 |
bazhang | bithon, thats terrible advice | 22:30 |
bithon | bazhang: | 22:33 |
bazhang | bithon, its random advice, and not good: 'get the latest kernel' | 22:34 |
JillyB | I just got a Dell 3147 with Bay Trail hardware. Working mostly OK, but having some system hangs, when it boots it sits on a purple screen for about 30 secs before giving me a splash screen. It's an SSD. | 22:35 |
JillyB | And doesn't wake from sleep. | 22:35 |
=== Sinistral is now known as PhilCoulson | ||
bithon | bazhang: aye, i'll just attempt with latest arch linux version then | 22:45 |
Finetundra_ | Hey folks, can someone help me install the driver for my ASUS PCE-N53 wireless card? Asus provided a driver that needed to be built but whenever I try I get an error | 22:45 |
bithon | (will not install, just attempt to boot into the device) | 22:45 |
TrivialGravitas | I think I have that wireless card... | 22:48 |
Finetundra_ | TrivialGravitas: do you remember how you installed the driver | 22:49 |
ikonia | what chipset is on the wireless car | 22:49 |
TrivialGravitas | from repo | 22:49 |
ikonia | card | 22:49 |
Finetundra_ | ikonia: how do I check | 22:49 |
Finetundra_ | TrivialGravitas: what do you mean? | 22:49 |
ilhami | hey guys | 22:50 |
ilhami | my laptop won't boot from my USB.. what could be wrong? | 22:50 |
ilhami | it has worked on another laptop | 22:50 |
ilhami | oh it worked now hehehe weird. | 22:51 |
genii | Not all laptops can boot from the usb | 22:51 |
TrivialGravitas | Finetundra_, command 'lspci' | 22:51 |
ilhami | genii, it suddenly worked. :) tried some different ports | 22:51 |
TrivialGravitas | if its the same mine is a RT2790 | 22:51 |
Finetundra_ | TrivialGravitas, ilhami: RT5592 | 22:52 |
ilhami | my network adapter has issues | 22:52 |
ilhami | it doesn't connect to my router | 22:53 |
ilhami | i'll go restart the router. | 22:53 |
ilhami | Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network adapter is the worst ever :D | 22:54 |
alice_ | hi ! | 22:56 |
TrivialGravitas | Finetundra_, previous person with identical issue was given a solution here | 22:57 |
TrivialGravitas | I have to take off, so if that doesn't work sorry, somebody else can probably help better than me anyway | 22:57 |
Finetundra_ | TrivialGravitas: I tried that, I keep getting errors when I run make | 22:57 |
Umeaboy | Happy New Year! | 23:02 |
=== agent_dtscode is now known as dtfsuckingcode | ||
ctlaltdel | I am testing irc client, someone send hi pm | 23:11 |
ObrienDave | and spamming multiple channels with this drivel | 23:12 |
PlasmaStar | What are you doing rww D: | 23:22 |
rww | PlasmaStar: kicking spambots. | 23:22 |
PlasmaStar | I scrolled up and I see it now. :( | 23:22 |
ObrienDave | rww likes to kick/ban spambots ;P | 23:23 |
daum | hi guys - for some reason on my laptop (NP880Z5E) i can't get my bluetooth to work hcitool doesn't show any devices | 23:26 |
daum | oops closed the window | 23:28 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest93260 | ||
orobogenius | Hello, i have problem adding kdeconnect repo to ubuntu... | 23:53 |
nicomachus | orobogenius: what version of ubuntu are you on? | 23:58 |
orobogenius | nicomachus: 14.04 | 23:59 |
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