paul__ | hello | 02:58 |
paul___ | HELLO | 03:04 |
paul___ | can I upgrade 14.4.4 to 15 ? | 03:05 |
xangua | There is no 14.4.4 and neither 15 if you mean Ubuntu release | 03:28 |
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
twb | Anybody here know how the screen reader is *supposed* to work under XFCE? | 05:51 |
twb | AFAICT the process is Settings > Accessibility, tick the one tickbox in the first tab, log out, log back in, and then... I guess it should immediately begin reading aloud the GTK widgets under the mouse? | 05:54 |
Yato | I'm doing a bit of research for ya | 05:55 |
Yato | I've never actually used it. | 05:55 |
Yato | But I'm looking into it | 05:55 |
twb | (I'm actually trying to bolt orca into my heavily nerfed Debian 8 XFCE kiosk, and #debian and #xfce are both asleep, and I'm not sure if it's not working because I've screwed up, or because I'm not testing properly.) | 05:55 |
Yato | You should poke #ubuntu too | 05:56 |
Yato | There's a bunch of people on there usually | 05:56 |
twb | I guess I should instead look for a generic a11y channel, since that's the more specialist side | 05:56 |
Yato | So if I understand correctly | 05:56 |
Yato | You want Orca in Xfce? | 05:56 |
twb | I want screen reading -- AIUI orca is the only option | 05:57 |
twb | Also my current plan is to boot an xubuntu live CD and compare how that behaves | 05:57 |
twb | I thought to ask you guys because quacking for "xfce accessibility", about half the hits are xubuntu :P | 05:57 |
Yato | Xubuntu is a pretty large Xfce install base :P | 05:58 |
twb | The problem will *probably* turn out to be a missing Recommends, or that I'm starting via xdm (not gdm3), or that I've locked down something it's trying to use under the hood (like polkit) | 05:59 |
twb | is what the process tree looks like | 06:00 |
Yato | So | 06:00 |
twb | The at-spi bits started automatically; I had to run orca -r manually | 06:00 |
Yato | This is from the ORca list | 06:01 |
Yato | | 06:01 |
Yato | It's got a few options related to Xfce | 06:01 |
twb | Ah interesting. orca -t is supposed to ask MANY questions | 06:01 |
Yato | It's on an Arch install, but it should be the same process for Debian | 06:01 |
twb | It only asked me about braille | 06:01 |
twb | That strongly suggests it's missing the eflite or whatever TTS backend | 06:02 |
twb | I saw it pulled in libflite or so, so I didn't worry that it omitted speech-dispatcher-festival (flite is a simplified replacement for festival). I couldn't see a speech-dispatcher-flite either. | 06:02 |
Yato | Sorry I'm not too much help | 06:03 |
twb | No worries | 06:03 |
Yato | But it seems that link got you on the right path :P | 06:03 |
twb | The blind guys I know just use gnome3 so they won't be able to help | 06:04 |
Yato | So hack_ | 06:05 |
Yato | From what I can tell from #ubuntu | 06:05 |
Yato | It seems like your display just blacks out for half a second every so often? | 06:06 |
twb | try turn off compositing in xfwm4 | 06:06 |
twb | (wild-ass guess) | 06:06 |
hack_ | Ok going to try that | 06:06 |
Yato | Also, how often was it? | 06:07 |
Yato | Like, every few minutes | 06:07 |
Yato | Or a couple times a day? | 06:08 |
hack_ | seemed kinda random, was getting it every minute or two about 15 minutes ago, then it stopped for a while | 06:08 |
hack_ | have not seen it happening again so far | 06:08 |
twb | Yato: is my checklist :P | 06:08 |
Yato | hack_, out of curiosity, desktop or laptop? | 06:09 |
hack_ | it's a desktop | 06:09 |
twb | Yato: were you thinking bumblbee? | 06:10 |
Yato | This might seem stupid | 06:10 |
Yato | twb, I was thinking cable | 06:10 |
twb | oooh | 06:10 |
Yato | might not be fully plugged in or is coming out | 06:10 |
Yato | esp if it's DVI or VGA | 06:10 |
twb | yeah swapping in different components will help determine if it's a hardware fault | 06:10 |
hack_ | tried that before even getting on here, and it's HDMI actually | 06:10 |
Yato | Ah okay | 06:10 |
Yato | So, you said it's stopped? | 06:11 |
Yato | Hmmm | 06:11 |
hack_ | seems to have | 06:11 |
Yato | Was that after you disabled compositing? | 06:11 |
twb | Yato: DVI-D shouldn't be any worse than HDMI or DP; DVI-A would be worse | 06:11 |
hack_ | yeah, after I disabled that it seems to be behaving | 06:11 |
Yato | well | 06:11 |
Yato | twb done good. | 06:11 |
twb | hack_: no drop shadows for you! | 06:11 |
hack_ | not sure why though, my gpu should be more than capable | 06:11 |
Yato | GPU drivers are crazy on Linux | 06:12 |
Yato | You never know. | 06:12 |
twb | doesn't mean the guys who wrote the compositor are capable tho :P | 06:12 |
hack_ | guessing it's AMD/ATI's fault | 06:12 |
Yato | OH | 06:12 |
Yato | Are you using proprietary or OSS? | 06:12 |
twb | There is a stand-alone compositor called "compton" which you can try | 06:12 |
Yato | the props. are *horrible* for AMD | 06:12 |
hack_ | yeah, I'm really considering switching back to OSS, unless some of my games barf on me | 06:13 |
Yato | RadeonSI just got OpenGL 4.0 a few weeks back | 06:14 |
Yato | and from when I had an AMD card | 06:14 |
Yato | they were *worlds* better | 06:14 |
Yato | Like | 06:14 |
Yato | 30 FPS in TF2 to 300 with OSS | 06:14 |
twb | And here was me thinking you meant better in terms of reliability and freedom :/ | 06:14 |
hack_ | well, sounds like better in all respects | 06:15 |
twb | Does FPS even matter for orthohumans above 60Hz? | 06:15 |
* Yato has two 144Hz monitors | 06:15 | |
Yato | So yes, for me it does :P | 06:15 |
twb | That just means it matters for the monitor, not necessarily the meatbag looking at it | 06:15 |
hack_ | mine is just some random semi-hi def tv, so probably not | 06:15 |
Yato | twb, I can definitely tell a difference | 06:16 |
twb | Fair enough | 06:16 |
Yato | Just from little things like the mouse and moving windows around | 06:16 |
Yato | and in games, it makes a huge difference | 06:16 |
Yato | Everything is just... smoother :P | 06:16 |
hack_ | gonna turn compositioning back on and see if it persists with the OSS drivers | 06:17 |
Yato | Are you using the OSS drivers from the regular repos or from oibaf? | 06:17 |
Yato | oibaf's are significantly newer | 06:17 |
Yato | but they're also nightlies | 06:18 |
Yato | so shit could hit the fan | 06:18 |
hack_ | so far so good ... regular repos I think, just used the standard additional drivers util | 06:18 |
Yato | Ah okay | 06:18 |
hack_ | I'm on trusty, so unless there's some kind of must have feature I stick with the more stable stuff | 06:19 |
Yato | Fair enough. | 06:19 |
Yato | I understand that | 06:19 |
Yato | I use trusty as well | 06:20 |
Yato | ... | 06:20 |
Yato | someone just joined #ubuntu named ubuntu. | 06:20 |
hack_ | lol | 06:20 |
hack_ | I do have one or two ppa's installed, but that's it | 06:21 |
twb | Yato: they are probably on a live CD | 06:21 |
twb | so the local username is "ubuntu" | 06:21 |
Yato | ^ true... | 06:21 |
hack_ | Gonna try running a game to see if it barfs | 06:22 |
twb | crawl! | 06:23 |
twb | best game since Hunt the Wumpus | 06:23 |
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
hack_ | yep working great | 06:46 |
hack_ | well, had a game not display the textures right, so went to try and go back to the proprietary ati drivers | 06:57 |
hack_ | but then it said the driver was manually installed and would not let me change back, so I tried rebooting, and now everything is low res! | 06:58 |
hack_ | can someone tell me how I can get alternative drivers to behave itself? | 06:58 |
hack_ | additional drivers, sorry | 06:59 |
hack_ | I need the additional drivers window to let me change back or is there a way to force it back via the terminal? | 07:02 |
hack_ | help please? | 07:03 |
hack_ | Look I really need help now, desperately! | 07:07 |
Yato | welp | 07:16 |
Yato | I was too late. | 07:16 |
Yato | Damn. | 07:16 |
noflag | hi all | 07:30 |
noflag | i'm having a hell of a time | 07:30 |
noflag | trying to set chromium as the default browser in xubuntu | 07:30 |
noflag | i've tried everything i know of from googleing | 07:30 |
noflag | is there a way to check it step-by-step | 07:31 |
xubuntu44i | test | 07:33 |
Yato | noflag, you still here? | 07:52 |
noflag | yes | 07:52 |
Yato | | 07:53 |
noflag | i'm playing with xdg-open and exo-open | 07:53 |
Yato | Try that | 07:53 |
Yato | and if that doesn't work | 07:53 |
Yato | report back to me | 07:53 |
noflag | ok, i'll log out and test it | 07:56 |
noflag | still not noticing itself as default, and asking me to pick a default browser when i click links | 08:03 |
Yato | huh | 08:03 |
Yato | do you have other browsers installed? | 08:03 |
noflag | no, i uninstalled firefox | 08:06 |
=== nikolaj is now known as barnabasdk | ||
Yato | try these two commands | 08:07 |
Yato | sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/chromium | 08:07 |
noflag | seems like an ongoing problem for some users | 08:07 |
Yato | sudo update-alternatives --set gnome-www-browser /usr/bin/chromium | 08:07 |
noflag | no change with xdg-open and exo-open | 08:08 |
Yato | what does it do? | 08:09 |
Yato | Just ask you where you want to open the link? | 08:09 |
noflag | yeah to pick a program, only chromium and debian-sensible-browser available | 08:10 |
noflag | i tried manually adding /usr/bin/chromium | 08:10 |
noflag | same results | 08:10 |
Yato | try removing debian-sensible | 08:10 |
Yato | If there's only one browser | 08:10 |
Yato | it should like that | 08:10 |
Yato | (unless you use that, then we'll try something else) | 08:11 |
noflag | how do i remove it? | 08:11 |
barnabasdk | the alternatives setup is a mess | 08:11 |
Yato | sudo apt-get remove debian-sensible-browser | 08:11 |
noflag | i don't have that | 08:11 |
noflag | yeah i heard the alternatives system is a POS | 08:12 |
barnabasdk | it is | 08:12 |
noflag | i can't even log into my google drive folder sync because it errors on launching the browser | 08:12 |
noflag | i've got everything working now, except the browser thing lol | 08:13 |
barnabasdk | what about the "default applications" app? | 08:14 |
barnabasdk | don't know it xubuntu has one | 08:14 |
barnabasdk | its there in unity and gnome-shell | 08:14 |
Yato | So | 08:14 |
Yato | I found the actual package name | 08:14 |
Yato | sudo apt-get remove epiphany-browser | 08:14 |
Yato | try that | 08:14 |
Yato | and if that fails | 08:14 |
noflag | not installed | 08:14 |
Yato | we shall try more things | 08:14 |
Yato | Dang. | 08:15 |
barnabasdk | try doing an inverse install | 08:15 |
noflag | exo-preferred-applications in xubuntu, it seems | 08:15 |
Yato | oh, duh | 08:15 |
barnabasdk | sudo apt-get install --reinstall "chrome" | 08:15 |
noflag | how do i do an inverse install | 08:15 |
Yato | have you tried setting the default browser in Chromium? | 08:15 |
noflag | ok | 08:16 |
noflag | Yato: yes, it asked every time | 08:16 |
Yato | Ah | 08:16 |
barnabasdk | dont know the exact name | 08:16 |
noflag | its reinstlaling | 08:16 |
noflag | no change | 08:17 |
barnabasdk | I am out of ideas then | 08:17 |
noflag | yeah i've googled the hell out of this | 08:17 |
noflag | i guess i'll make a big report | 08:17 |
noflag | *bug | 08:17 |
Yato | That's what I'm doing at this point is googling and seeing what others have done to fix this\ | 08:18 |
Yato | I don't know if you've seen this | 08:19 |
Yato | but there's a shit ton of stuff to try here | 08:19 |
Yato | | 08:19 |
barnabasdk | I assume you have al been here | 08:20 |
barnabasdk | | 08:20 |
Yato | Yeah, he tried all that | 08:21 |
Yato | Welp, I need to go to bed | 08:21 |
Yato | Adios! | 08:21 |
noflag | i'll update the stuff i read if i figure it out | 08:22 |
bsdunix | I am diggin Xubuntu! over 10 years on *nix - and I am running the same Xubuntu install for 3 years already | 09:57 |
bsdunix | except for that fontconfig error stuff... | 09:58 |
xubuntu49w | Anyone in here? | 12:06 |
pjotter | Lots of folk. Don't now if they're all responsive though :) | 12:07 |
jilocasin0 | No joy.... :( [ in fact it's worse] | 14:51 |
jilocasin0 | xubuntu (15.10) seriously borked. renaming .config -> .config_old and rebooting is now worse. Desktop is missing, just panel and black screen, until I cntrl-alt-F7. The desktop but no panel. | 14:54 |
jilocasin0 | still no windows around anything. Even Chrome windows cannot be moved. Terminal windows appear on upper left and can't be entered to enter text | 14:55 |
jilocasin0 | anyone have any ideas? | 14:56 |
jilocasin0 | does anyone know how to reinstall xfce in xubuntu 15.10? | 15:05 |
jilocasin0 | lubuntu | 15:06 |
jilocasin0 | lubuntu | 15:06 |
jilocasin0 | [stuck on wrong window... :( ] | 15:06 |
xubuntu18w | I cant get the dns on a static ipaddress to work properly... I can ping other stations in my network, but dns is not working. (Setup with GUI) | 18:00 |
xubuntu62w | I'm not tech but found this in google search | 18:05 |
xubuntu62w | hope it helps xubuntu18w | 18:07 |
xubuntu18w | Thanks | 18:07 |
xubuntu62w | yw | 18:07 |
xubuntu62w | oops i too slow | 18:08 |
xubuntu62w | is apache the best text editor for xubuntu | 18:11 |
genii | apache is a web server, not an editor | 18:11 |
xubuntu62w | can you recommend a pdf text editor | 18:12 |
genii | libreoffice can do it | 18:14 |
xubuntu62w | thank you | 18:14 |
xubuntu62w | Have a Safe Happy New Year | 18:15 |
jilocasin0 | my xubuntu/xfce is dead... all that's left is to find a way to remove the corpse. | 19:04 |
* jilocasin0 very sad | 19:04 | |
xubuntu51w | greetings and happy new year! Just installed Xubuntu vivid for the first time and have a couple questions if anyone is on. | 19:57 |
xubuntu51w | the mouse cursor randomly "sticks", freezes and disappears over open app panes. Any settings l can change? | 19:59 |
xubuntu51w | Specifically over buttons or input sections. Most frustrating | 20:00 |
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=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper |
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