
adueppenwell I'm finally getting around to testing if the hang on reboot bugs affect kubuntu (flocculant already confirmed that it affects ubuntu) so we'll see if my computer can actually handle a kubuntu VM00:05
phillwwxl: Kamilion did they reach a decision?00:45
phillwKamilion: A1 release, or not...00:46
KamilionI honestly have no idea, I've been getting run around all day00:47
phillwwell, approaching 01:00 1st Jan 2016 here. So I will take my leave. Kamilion enjoy your NYE :)00:57
Kamilionoh, crap, it's going to be next year soon.00:58
Kamilionaye, happy new year to ye as well00:58
KamilionSorry, I was in the middle of closing 117 tabs in chrome... <.<00:58
Kamiliondown to 156 now :D00:58
phillwkillall google-chrome-stable01:02
phillwcan handle that for you01:02
phillwhe he he01:02
tsimonq2Command not found: Did you mean google-chrome-unstable?01:02
tsimonq2he he he01:02
phillwtsimonq2: depends if you are running what lubuntu installs, in which case it would be killall chromium-browser01:04
phillwyou will find the sense of humour chip removed when issuing killall commands. But, they are safer than blindly issuing kill -9 commands.01:06
Kamilionphillw: hm?01:09
Kamilion... Do you ALWAYS use a sledgehammer where a toothpick will do?!01:09
Kamilionphillw: Come out from the dark ages! http://tabsoutliner.com01:09
phillwKamilion: with chromium? I just pkill it... It gets carried away with failbook etc. But that is a topic for discussion away from here as lubuntu have switched back to the fox :)01:11
KamilionI hit the little green X to 'freeze' a tab in tabsoutliner.01:16
KamilionI currently have 11144 tabs open in my chrome session01:16
Kamilionall but 55 are frozen.01:16
Kamilionjust being able to drag sort trees of tabs is enough to satiate me01:18
adueppenwxl: when you say "generalize the master to refer to all flavors" what exactly do you mean by that?01:33
adueppenwell I forgot to plug in my laptop so it went into sleep mode anyway03:26
adueppenwhoever is doing that DDoS on the BNC4free melon server needs to stop.03:27
adueppendid I miss anything?03:29
ianorlinadueppen: no not really03:32
adueppenianorlin: oh good. the logs aren't updated yet so I wasn't sure03:32
adueppenwould anyone here know what wxl meant when he said "generalize the master to refer to all flavors" in reference to improving a bug report?20:02

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