
wxl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            00:06
tsimonq2altso the problem isn't that the router uses TKIP+AES instead of just AES00:06
wxl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    00:07
tsimonq2wxl: woah empty text00:07
wxlwow how did i do that? :)00:08
wxltsimonq2: might want to get wireshark and sniff00:09
tsimonq2altuhhh wxl00:11
tsimonq2altI switched to 5 gigahertz (it was at 2.4 before) and it worked!00:12
tsimonq2altwxl: oh wow00:12
tsimonq2altwell it's fixed now00:12
runjunSo I'm an idiot and I can't seem to google anything useful. With LXAppearance which themes can I use?00:13
tsimonq2wxl: ok, so got the Wily laptop good to go, but the Trusty laptop isn't working00:20
tsimonq2wxl: same settings and everything00:21
ianorlinrunjun: there are some include by defualt what version of lubuntu are you on runjun00:21
tsimonq2wxl: but it won't even show up in the WiFi access point list00:21
runjunlubuntu 15.1000:22
runjunI see the basic themes but I want to add some more00:22
ianorlinrunjun: enter gtk2 enginges in synaptic will give you more from repos00:23
tsimonq2wxl, ianorlin: What package manages the network connections?00:25
runjunI'm looking through those, thanks00:26
wxltsimonq2: NetworkManager00:26
tsimonq2!info networkmanager trusty00:26
ubottuPackage networkmanager does not exist in trusty00:26
tsimonq2wxl: what is it?00:26
tsimonq2!info eth0\ trusty00:27
ubottuPackage eth0 does not exist in trusty00:27
wxl!info network-manager trusty00:28
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 482 kB, installed size 1988 kB (Only available for linux-any)00:28
tsimonq2!info network-manager wily00:28
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.4-0ubuntu5.2 (wily), package size 1229 kB, installed size 5408 kB (Only available for linux-any)00:28
tsimonq2wxl: ohhh maybe it's a kernel thing00:29
zlandry13anyone know how I can disable tapping on my touchpad permanently? I have the Pointing Devices software found on the lubuntu software center but it forgets all my settings on reboot which is very frustrating.17:48

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