
Basar_QariOne of the tasks I seen yeaterday ,is not available in the List,and unfortunately I did completely quality work on it and I was unable to claim task as I was waiting for the review of another task which 40s hours,Please help15:05
Basar_Qarisorry which took 42-3 hours,and still it is not reviewed,I got a reply yesterday,But today no reply has came yet.15:06
Basar_Qariballoons:Please Help15:08
Basar_Qaristill waiting15:12
MatthewAllenAnyone know if Gaurav Shukla can be found on IRC?15:55
balloonsBasar_Qari, what task?16:13
balloonsMatthewAllen, he's away atm, but generally yes I think so. By away, I mean, he's not around online at all16:13
MatthewAllenballoons, away current - or away like this week/new years - because I don't want to submit the task if I'm gonna get stuck waiting for approval16:14
balloonsMatthewAllen, is he the only mentor for the task? I'm covering his if that's the case16:18
MatthewAllenballoons, he is for "16:18
MatthewAllenUpdate official documentation Desktop Effects to include Installation steps (Ubuntu)"16:18
balloonsAhh right, I know that task16:19
balloonsFeel free to submit, I will review16:20
MatthewAllenballoons, just submitted it - I'm off to bed so if there's an issue I'll deal with it in the morning - https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5104255207735296/?sp-page=116:23
balloonsack, I'll review now so you have it16:24
knomeballoons, hullo16:53
Basar_QariHi everybody17:06
fazerballoons, will more ap test tasks be added?17:29
edve98hey, I'm trying to triage a bug and I'm a bit confused about the "report to upstream project" bit. Guide says that I should tell the person who reported the bug to file a bug report in upstream project. Why can't I do this myself? This just seems like time wasting...20:38
adueppenedve98: it might be an issue of permissions20:46
edve98as in I could be not allowed to make a bug report in the bug tracker?20:48
adueppenI'm working on https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6326328022269952/ and in step 3 should I just go edit the original report or should I leave it as a comment? I'm not sure since the report I'm improving is fairly old.20:48
adueppenedve98: maybe less of permissions as much as who has more knowledge about the issue20:49
edve98adueppen: but if the issue is not a really complicated one and I can reproduce it, could it be fine if I report it myself?20:50
adueppenedve98: I think so, I would recommend checking in #ubuntu-bugs first20:51
=== Bill is now known as Guest35141
Guest35141Hi, I'm trying to use the ubuntu sdk to run the tests for the shorts app21:19
Guest35141I get this error message: ImportError: No module named 'ubuntuuitoolkit'21:20
Guest35141any ideas on how to fix? :)21:20
adueppenGuest35141: did you make sure to install the UI toolkit?21:21
Guest35141I'll check21:21
Guest35141we installed the Ubuntu ui toolkit package and the test ran! Thank you21:32
adueppenGuest35141: you're welcome21:32
=== aaron is now known as Guest30443

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