Consuela | Hi! I have a question here | 00:10 |
Consuela | Do you guys regulary get islamic preachers? | 00:11 |
rww | it seems to be a thing recently | 00:12 |
Consuela | I got one at [17:56] but ikonia took care of it | 00:14 |
Consuela | [17:56] Guest93612 (~Guest9361@ from Bangladesh on common Channels #ubuntu | 00:14 |
Consuela | Crosschecking IP returns severa; guest nicks | 00:15 |
Consuela | and anr7y | 00:15 |
bazhang | <HackerII> the room has been taken over by-request, take notice. | 02:28 |
bazhang | news2me | 02:28 |
bazhang | removing swap / switching to upstart | 09:41 |
bazhang | am I missing some connection | 09:42 |
rww | i think systemd does do something different with crypttab, and he was getting errors related to cryptsetup | 09:42 |
rww | so i guess theoretically?> | 09:42 |
bazhang | polling/editorializing/ and close to rant, sounds fully supportable | 09:44 |
bazhang | <Jonii> I mean, every supposed fix seems to more or less be equivalent of "just disable swap altogether". I don't know if swap is really required | 09:46 |
bazhang | so not related at all, just a segue to rant | 09:47 |
bazhang | 'broken out of the box' check | 11:38 |
bazhang | ikonia, he/she has four swap partitiions | 11:49 |
ikonia | what ? | 11:49 |
bazhang | yes | 11:49 |
bazhang | so whatever breakage is not out of the box | 11:49 |
ikonia | it should handle multiple swap partitions, but why would you need that? | 11:50 |
ikonia | be interested to try it and see what it does, but I can't be bothered with that | 11:50 |
bazhang | looks like they just kept installing various distros, adding swap, admits to not knowing how it got four swap partitions | 11:51 |
gav | I believe a user with an outstanding ban just joined #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:51 |
ikonia | which one ? | 17:51 |
gav | jubo2 | 17:51 |
gav | He just joined somehow | 17:51 |
ikonia | yup, without his cloak | 17:51 |
ikonia | and then identified after | 17:52 |
ikonia | thank you, taken care of | 17:52 |
gav | Ah, he changed cloak after joining. | 17:52 |
gav | Thanks | 17:52 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, Sebastien said: !ops tkogitz is so rude in pm. | 19:29 |
ikonia | lets see | 19:29 |
ikonia | hi Sebastien | 19:30 |
ikonia | what's going on ? | 19:30 |
Sebastien | hi | 19:30 |
ikonia | hi there | 19:30 |
Sebastien | well, i said happy new year, and this guy came in pm | 19:30 |
Sebastien | | 19:30 |
Sebastien | (screenshot of what he said, and his whois) | 19:30 |
ikonia | ok | 19:31 |
ikonia | tkogitz: what's going on ? | 19:31 |
tkogitz | ikonia: he cursing me. | 19:31 |
Sebastien | lol | 19:31 |
ikonia | where ? | 19:31 |
Sebastien | ya ok | 19:31 |
ikonia | Sebastien: hold on please | 19:31 |
Sebastien | not really | 19:31 |
ikonia | tkogitz: why are you sending people abuse in private messages ? | 19:32 |
tkogitz | ikonia: you want messages of all the curses. He call me Muslim to | 19:32 |
ikonia | tkogitz: lets see a screen shot please | 19:32 |
Sebastien | wtf? | 19:35 |
Sebastien | i don't have time to deal with this angry dude, why the redirect? | 19:35 |
Sebastien | i reported him, deal with him? | 19:35 |
ikonia | come back when you do have time | 19:35 |
Sebastien | why | 19:35 |
ikonia | because it looks like you where both sending each other abuse | 19:36 |
Sebastien | wat | 19:36 |
ikonia | and you've missed off part of the screen shot | 19:36 |
Sebastien | | 19:36 |
Sebastien | look at it again | 19:36 |
ikonia | looks at the huge black white space | 19:36 |
Sebastien | yeah | 19:36 |
Sebastien | formatting | 19:36 |
ikonia | (if you can have a black white space) | 19:36 |
Sebastien | or w/e | 19:36 |
Sebastien | I say happy nw year | 19:37 |
ikonia | really - so you're saying he just randomly messaged you "fuck you and your holiday" | 19:37 |
Sebastien | he comes angry at me like a fucking animal | 19:37 |
Sebastien | and im reprimended? | 19:37 |
Sebastien | for nothing... | 19:37 |
=== tkogitz is now known as steamMAD | ||
ikonia | no | 19:37 |
ikonia | you're being asked to haang on | 19:37 |
ikonia | you're not | 19:37 |
Sebastien | after almost 6 yrs of helping out for #ubuntu-qc | 19:37 |
Sebastien | thanks | 19:37 |
Sebastien | very much | 19:37 |
ikonia | hang on - cool down | 19:37 |
Sebastien | shut up | 19:37 |
steamMAD | He must be drunk | 19:38 |
ikonia | no | 19:38 |
ikonia | you're playing games here | 19:38 |
ikonia | provide a screen shot | 19:38 |
ikonia | you've pasted the text to me - which I'm taking seriously hence trying to talk to you both | 19:38 |
ikonia | but paste the screen shot please | 19:38 |
ikonia | as I've asked | 19:38 |
steamMAD | Going. Go ahead believe him. Going to go. I don't have to take his shut | 19:40 |
ikonia | please take here steamMAD so others can see the conversation | 19:41 |
ikonia | I'm asking you to take a screen shot | 19:41 |
ikonia | the same way he has | 19:41 |
ikonia | i'm not doubting anyone | 19:41 |
ikonia | I'm just asking you to take a screen shot to show the conversation | 19:41 |
ikonia | you appear to be able to cut and paste the text, so please screen shot it | 19:41 |
steamMAD | Android chat can't do that. I think. It's a phone | 19:42 |
ikonia | it can | 19:42 |
sekrit | hold down the home and screen lock button at the same time | 19:44 |
sekrit | oh he left | 19:44 |
ikonia | sadly yes | 19:44 |
ikonia | sekrit: hello | 19:44 |
ikonia | oops | 19:44 |
ikonia | cisc: hello | 19:44 |
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu-ops Sebastien requested in pm to rejoin the channel - refused, saying he was done with the project, probably still made | 19:45 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 19:45 |
ikonia | cisc: can we help you | 19:45 |
hggdh | happily, it is a new year. I think. | 19:47 |
ikonia | yes it is | 19:47 |
fishwithapipe | hi guys, please can you remove rosn_ from the #ubuntu channel, spamming me with religious stuff | 22:28 |
k1l_ | yep saw it. got several clients joined. maybe you want to report to #freenode too | 22:28 |
fishwithapipe | cheers guys, happy new year, and back to idling for me :) | 22:29 |
k1l_ | ok i am done with ilhami again. he can stay out now | 22:38 |
k1l_ | now blackmailing to evade the ban in pm | 22:41 |
k1l_ | oh nice. seems like he is already making plans to evade the ban in #freenode | 22:42 |
Flannel | How does one make plans in #freenode to evade a ban? | 22:43 |
rww | < ilhami> | Well I am too lazy to do it. :) | 22:43 |
rww | or not. | 22:43 |
rww | he's in #ubuntu-touch too, fun | 22:46 |
k1l_ | yep. trolling there too | 22:47 |
rww | Thoughts on removing tor-sasl bans, since that isn't a thing any more and hasn't been for a while? | 23:04 |
ikonia | isn't tor blocked from freenode now anyway ? | 23:04 |
rww | that's what i meant by "isn't a thing any more" | 23:04 |
rww | i don't expect staff to solve the problems that caused it to be blocked | 23:04 |
ikonia | ahh | 23:04 |
rww | 4 in -ot, 1 in #u | 23:07 |
rww | figured there'd be more, oh well | 23:07 |
ikonia | every little helps | 23:07 |
rww | we're at about 440/500 in #ubuntu, btw. hence me pondering such things | 23:07 |
ikonia | I'll do a clean up | 23:07 |
rww | (also i'm bored lol) | 23:08 |
ikonia | I had a big list of whack a user the other day which I've got a note to clean up | 23:08 |
rww | yeah, there's a few in there i recognize as being the same person over and over again. e.g. the skraito bans could probably be cleaned up | 23:08 |
rww | i'll go work on that i think | 23:08 |
ikonia | I'll have a good clean up tomorrow with my notes | 23:09 |
rww | lol, guess i should deal with my own bans before i poke at the list in general, i have a bunch in BT | 23:12 |
k1l_ | seems like ubottu is forgetting some durations that are set | 23:13 |
rww | @clearban 64966 already removed | 23:22 |
ubottu | Removed 64966 | 23:22 |
rww | @clearban 65365 already removed | 23:22 |
ubottu | Removed 65365 | 23:22 |
rww | @clearban 65364 already removed | 23:22 |
ubottu | Removed 65364 | 23:22 |
rww | @clearban 66499 already removed | 23:22 |
ubottu | Removed 66499 | 23:22 |
rww | @comment 38726, 43814 reviewed 01/01/2016, kept | 23:23 |
ubottu | Comment added. | 23:23 |
rww | okay, so multi-ban commenting doesn't actually work, @help's syntax to the contrary :| | 23:24 |
rww | @clearban 66855 | 23:28 |
ubottu | Removed 66855 | 23:28 |
rww | my ban in #ubuntu-irc *!*@* can go, i don't have privs to remove it now | 23:29 |
rww | rest of the bans in there could probably go too, tbh | 23:29 |
rww | ditto most of here's | 23:29 |
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