bet0x | Hello all | 00:14 |
bet0x | anyone here experienced with USB Wifi? | 00:15 |
* ObrienDave waves | 00:15 | |
bet0x | i'm using a Ralink RT3870 driver for a Signal King 10TN | 00:17 |
bet0x | here is the log of my wifi usb | 00:17 |
bet0x | for a few seconds the antena did work (i saw it on my iwconfig) then dissapear and kees like detecting the antena | 00:18 |
bet0x | <warn> Couldn't find support for device at '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-9': not supported by any plugin and keeps spamming this | 00:18 |
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
bet0x | Bus 001 Device 115: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter | 00:39 |
bet0x | and there is | 00:39 |
bet0x | still doesn't work | 00:39 |
bet0x | lol | 00:39 |
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
xubuntu140 | Is there any way to reset a password on xubuntu? If you don't remember what it is? | 00:59 |
xubuntu140 | When I reboot I don't see the grub menu... I am logged in right now as a guest... | 00:59 |
ObrienDave | yes, hang on a sec | 01:00 |
ObrienDave | | 01:03 |
* bet0x moving from Xubuntu to LinuxMint | 01:04 | |
xubuntu140 | thanks obrienDave, I don't see that menu option when I reboot... perhaps I need to have the drive be the first item in the boot list? | 01:06 |
xubuntu140 | this is a removeable drive in my windows machine... I used it for school.. | 01:06 |
ObrienDave | hold shift key during reboot | 01:06 |
ObrienDave | that should get you grub | 01:07 |
xubuntu140 | I will try again... | 01:08 |
ObrienDave | oh, you don't have a dual boot setup? | 01:09 |
Legendre | hi hi | 01:52 |
Legendre | having an issue here.. the "other" entry randomly disappers and reappears from my XFCE Aplications menus | 01:53 |
Legendre | half the time it's there, half the time it's not. Can't make sense of it, and not sure where to look - where is that menu stored? | 01:54 |
Unit193 | Well, if there's nothing in it, then it'll remove the empty one. | 01:54 |
Legendre | Oh no, it has multiple entries that come & go with it.. ;-) | 01:54 |
Legendre | like all my VICE emulator executables | 01:54 |
Unit193 | Are you logging into the same session? | 01:54 |
Legendre | yes | 01:55 |
Legendre | I don't even log out.. it just comes & goes as it pleases.. very odd | 01:55 |
Unit193 | OK, you win. That's odd indeed. I'd poke with menulibre. | 01:55 |
Unit193 | And ~/.config/menus/ and ~/.local/share/applications/ | 01:56 |
Legendre | now what's menulibre about? | 01:56 |
Unit193 | Menu editor. | 01:59 |
Legendre | | 02:00 |
Legendre | there's a scrot of it.. "no Other".. lol, it's nuts | 02:00 |
Unit193 | Oh sure I believe you. I don't have one either, but also I have nothing that'd be in it. | 02:01 |
Legendre | so is menulibre part of xfce? | 02:01 |
Unit193 | It's installed by default in Xubuntu, not exactly upstream Xfce but an Xubuntu one. | 02:02 |
Legendre | ok weird, Other appears in the ML panel.. | 02:02 |
Legendre | so it sees the section, even tho it's not in the menu | 02:02 |
Unit193 | You can also alt+f2 → xfce4-panel -r to restart the panel. | 02:03 |
Legendre | ok | 02:03 |
Unit193 | And you can also check ~/.config/menus/ to see if it is hidden or whatnot. | 02:03 |
Legendre | hey maybe you know this.. what is "Debian Sensible Browser"?? | 02:03 |
Legendre | there's nothing in ~/.config/menus | 02:03 |
Legendre | well, other than a dummy file.. I mean to say. | 02:04 |
Unit193 | Basically, "default browser" | 02:04 |
Unit193 | There's sensible-editor, sensible-pager, and sensible-browser. | 02:05 |
Legendre | ok, so then why isn;t it ever set? | 02:06 |
Legendre | clicking on the 'web browser' in the meny just brings up a dialog - NOT my default browser? | 02:07 |
Legendre | this has +never+ worked for me, in like 10 yrs. | 02:07 |
Unit193 | By default, if you hit sensible-browser firefox will open to google. I'd set it using exo-preferred-applications | 02:08 |
Legendre | so it's not set by selecting a 'default' browser (from within the requesting browser) then? | 02:09 |
Legendre | I tell Chrome I want it as default all the time, but it still won't launch as a default. | 02:09 |
Unit193 | Yeah, you want to use something else, update-alternatives for example. | 02:09 |
Unit193 | Or rather, the one I said before, exo. | 02:10 |
Legendre | Ok, we have a clue here.. a big one. The 'Other' entry is FULL of weird garbage. | 02:11 |
Legendre | my apps are there, along with all kinds of oddities.. | 02:11 |
Legendre | and none of the other menu categories look anything like this.. let me get a scrot of it. | 02:11 |
Legendre | look at this crap.. | 02:13 |
Legendre | what are all those orphan entries doing in there? I'm guessing that they are screwing with the parser in the menu code, and it can't form a menu of them so it punts and ignores the whole category | 02:14 |
Unit193 | That's fun. I'd check ~/.local/share/applications/ | 02:15 |
Unit193 | Heh, some of them seemed like bookmarks or Chrome addons even. :D | 02:15 |
Legendre | 22 entries | 02:16 |
Legendre | yeah, I know.. that eBay link is weird as shite | 02:16 |
Legendre | ok then.. so +something+ is crapping in that Other section?? | 02:17 |
Legendre | what, is it the default for any item that has no defined place, then? | 02:17 |
Legendre | I mean "other".. is it a catch-all? | 02:18 |
Unit193 | Well, if not defined, makes sense for 'other' | 02:18 |
Legendre | cos that's what it's looking like atm | 02:18 |
Legendre | right.. it's not an unreasonable assumption. But what, in my case, is allowing apps to drop turds like that into the menu on some semi-random basis? | 02:20 |
Legendre | should I just manually remove all the ?? entries? What harm could that cause? =P | 02:20 |
Unit193 | Worth a shot! | 02:21 |
Legendre | ok.. some it would NOT allow me to delete. I del'd all I could, then I xfce4-panel -r and the Other is back | 02:25 |
Legendre | if nothing else, I think you put me on the right trail, here.. Thanks, man! =) | 02:25 |
Unit193 | Sure, glad I was able to help some.. Good luck with that. | 02:26 |
Legendre | g/l with it is right.. lol | 02:26 |
Legendre | funny part.. after using Xu for like almost 10 yrs, I decided to try the 'regular' Ubuntu. That was about two weeks ago, did a full install for eval on a fresh machine. | 02:28 |
Legendre | I spent about 15 min trying to understand that idiotic menu system (where you have to like "search" for the app you want!?) and shitcanned it then and there. back to Xu | 02:29 |
Unit193 | If you've been upgrading a lot, you may want to re-install or at least majorly clean out cruft. | 02:29 |
Legendre | Oh I only +ever+ do clean reinstalls.. | 02:29 |
Legendre | ubgrade == evil and bad for me | 02:29 |
Legendre | I usually give the latest LTR a year or so to mature, then back-up and reload everything. | 02:30 |
Legendre | a year / a few months, whatever it feels like.. you know. I'm not an early adopter, I let others do that for me. | 02:31 |
Legendre | again thanks for your kind assistance - and have a great new year! =) | 02:32 |
Unit193 | You as well, whenever it hits if it isn't yet. | 02:33 |
Legendre | 20:33 CST here | 02:33 |
Legendre | so about 3.5 hrs out | 02:33 |
=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper | ||
CholbyShill | hi | 05:55 |
CholbyShill | my coffee maker's broke and needs a new os | 05:55 |
CholbyShill | does xubuntu support java | 05:55 |
Yato | happy new year #xubuntu ! | 07:04 |
Legendre | LIKEWISE | 07:44 |
Legendre | oops | 07:44 |
=== chrisb is now known as Guest3523 | ||
=== karen is now known as Guest22211 | ||
Guest22211 | is anyone on xubuntu today? | 18:13 |
pleia2 | many people, every day | 18:18 |
Guest22211 | oh hi, i just was trying to ask a question about xubuntu. I'm new with it. I've had trouble with sound in the past, but it's working now with the new installation. I was just wondering if you all have had success with minecraft on it? I have minecraft on linux lite. | 18:20 |
Guest22211 | this computer that i just downloaded xubuntu on, has had troubles with sound. It will work good for the first few times. I have Nvidea graphics and sound. Just was wondering if the new Nvidia driver I installed knocks the sound off, or other things i download, like minecraft, skype, and google chrome (in the past on this machine with linux lite)? | 18:24 |
pleia2 | I've never played minecraft, but it's popular and lots of people do run it on linux | 18:25 |
pleia2 | I also don't use nvidia, but it may help to be a bit more specific, perhaps share what card you have, what driver you installed (and how) and what exactly happened that's causing problems now | 18:26 |
pleia2 | sound problems are a whole, massive topic :) | 18:27 |
Guest22211 | there's no problems now, but in the past, I've downloaded linux lite on it, because I thought the sound was getting knocked off because of updates when I had windows 8 and 10 on it, so I cleaned installed it with linux lite. I had to get the broadcom driver for the laptop to connect to the internet wirelessly. I had to get the nivdia driver recommened in the install drivers section, because otherwise it gets stuck and does weird stuf | 18:30 |
Guest22211 | f. That driver is recommend, the os says. | 18:30 |
Guest22211 | I have nvidea as graphics and sound. | 18:30 |
Guest22211 | ya a whole massive topic! I've read tons on the internet. | 18:31 |
Guest22211 | well, just crossing my fingers. I wish I could get skype, and google chrome too, but I'm wondering if they are two good culprits for my sound problems. | 18:33 |
Guest22211 | I have 4 other older computers that I put linux lite on that work great, just this one with the nvidea graphics is what giving me the fits!! | 18:36 |
Guest22211 | sound mostly.... so anyway, uhhh no ideas for me, huh, to broad of a subject, just don't know how to fix it. | 18:37 |
karen_ | hi, guys, just wondering if there's some sort of cleaner for xubuntu, you know, to clean up temporary files etc. - just installed xubuntu, so I don't know what it does for cleanup after updating etc. | 18:50 |
andyfied | temp files get deleted when the system gets switched off | 19:42 |
andyfied | but you can also use "apt-get autoclean" to tidy up old unused packages i think | 19:42 |
andyfied | actually it's "sudo apt-get clean" | 19:43 |
andyfied | though there is autoremove, which can also tidy up stuff | 19:45 |
xubuntu926 | hi :D | 20:40 |
xubuntu926 | are you t erere | 20:40 |
xubuntu926 | ? | 20:40 |
Kovica | How can I run xfconf-query and set things for another user? | 23:24 |
Kovica | running "sudo -u myuser xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/workspace_count -n -t int -s 1" returns "Failed to init libxfconf: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-cooEOxXt8s: Connection refused." | 23:25 |
Kovica | anyone? | 23:35 |
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