=== rohan_ is now known as rtcoder === rohan_ is now known as rtcoder [06:16] hello [06:18] got one minor bug i would like to fix in gnome ubuntu 14.043 i have no sound and i've tried to fix it best as i could but thought i should get the exact script running [06:19] i come with a lot of respect [06:19] thanks for takin the time [06:21] i shouldve mentioned that i did a hard install on chromebook c300 set up a grub menu and wiped chrome [06:49] hi [06:52] hey [13:31] guys,any plans on 16.04 alpha 1? are we participating in it? [18:25] hello i need help with a problem on ubuntu gnome [18:25] can anyone help me out? [22:02] How do you recommend I create a bootable USB for Ubuntu GNOME? [22:15] KNNNI: what OS are you currently on? [22:16] I think I figured it out. [22:17] I'm on Ubuntu MATE now. I am going to use the Startup Disk Creator. [22:17] I am DLing the ISO for Ubuntu GNOME now. [22:39] When I make a startup disk [22:39] does it delete everything on the USB stick? [23:06] KNNNI: yes it does [23:07] It has to be that way? [23:08] So the USB stick becomes dedicated to the booting of one distro?