
clivejoyofel: ah, thats why the script falled down the hole00:14
clivejospectacle-15.12.0.tar.xz must be new?00:15
yofelit is new00:15
clivejogit threw an error that it didnt exist and the script took a hissy fit and feel over!00:16
clivejoare you about tomorrow?00:17
yofelprobably sometime00:20
clivejowould you teach me how to make a new git archive for it?00:20
yofelif I remember, sure..00:21
yofelwhat is spectacle?00:21
* clivejo shrugs00:21
clivejoa pair of glasses?00:21
yofelmight be relevant in case it's split off from something existing00:21
yofelxeyes for wayland? :P00:22
clivejohave you started a wayland session yet?00:23
yofelnot a native one00:24
clivejokdepim is having trouble being stuffed into the packaging due to fuzz in kubuntu_debianize_akregator_default.diff00:25
valoriespectacle is replacing kscreenshot or whatever it was called00:26
yofelaaaaah, ksnapshot00:26
* clivejo looks puzzled00:26
clivejowho thinks of these names!00:26
* yofel will agree here00:27
valoriethe devel was trying to get it ready for wayland, and said screw it, I'm starting over (mostly)00:27
yofelksnapshot was self-explenatory, spectacle not really..00:27
valoriethere was a huge bikeshed over the name00:27
valoriesnapshot was taken, nobody wanted a "k" name00:28
valorieetc etc.00:28
yofelwhy rename at all..00:28
valoriebecause the old one had to remain in the repos for those still using KDE4 I guess00:30
valorieI lost track when it got complicated00:30
valorienice, it's 4:30pm and not dark yet00:30
valorieok, more laundry to take care of, then dinner, than my dad....00:31
valoriesee y'all laterz00:31
clivejoall the best valorie00:33
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clivejogood night all00:37
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bshahhmmm c69dc885 in kwin packaging breaks armhf build..07:40
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lordievaderGood morning.10:06
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clivejokci is doing well :)10:35
bshahbtw, bshah | hmmm c69dc885 in kwin packaging breaks armhf build.. 10:35
bshah07:25:54 dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libkwinglutils.so.7 needed by debian/kwin-common/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libkwin.so.5.5.90 (ELF format: 'elf32-littlearm-hfabi'; RPATH: '')10:36
bshah(kubuntu_unstable branch)10:38
bshahclivejo: since it is your commit.. ^ any idea?10:40
bshahclivejo: can I add armhf in the architectures to build libkwinglutils? is there any reason armhf was removed from there?11:01
BluesKajHiyas all12:07
soeehiho BluesKaj12:08
BluesKajHey soee12:08
=== soee changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Plasma 5.5.2: W/TODO X/WIP, Apps 15.08.3: W/TEST, Apps 15.12.0: X/WIP, FW 5.17: W/TODO X/WIP | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | No, plasma 5.5 isn't packaged yet
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bshahokay I assume that change to kwin packaging was bad merge12:15
bshahchanging it to Architecture: any fixes it12:15
soeebshah: could you please take a screenshot of task manager and upload somewhere ? i would like to compare iy what i have in 5.2.2 here on Kubuntu12:16
soee*whole panel would be nice12:17
bshahsoee: note: I am not on plasma 5.5 but 5.412:17
bshahit is kind of very old git revision12:17
soeeah, ok :-)12:18
bshahso you want screenshot still?12:18
soeenah, i just wonder if this highlights and and stroke on each task manger element was introduced in 5.5 or it is some bug for me here as we have not yet fully packaged Plasma 5.5.212:19
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mparilloIs task manager the same as System Activity?12:31
soeemparillo: ?12:35
soeeTask Manager is the one that shows icons for running apps12:36
soeethe one you have by default on your panel12:36
mparilloRegarding the screen shot request. When I do a ctrl esc I get a list of running tasks. Ahh the panel showing open windows?12:36
BluesKajmparillo:  the task manager shows the applications in use in the panel12:42
mparilloAnd System Activity (Ctrl Esc) is more like a graphical top?12:45
mparilloThis is what it looks like on Plasma 5.5.2 for me. http://imgur.com/Um7d7bS12:49
BluesKajmparillo:  did you use the staging plasma-ppa to install 5.5.2?12:51
mparilloNo, I simply dual-booted to Manjaro12:55
BluesKajok mparillo I wondeed about the strange looking K launcher :-)12:59
soee_mparillo: i tested last days Manjaro and KaOS and Kubuntu is much better :D13:13
BluesKajI tried plasma 5.5.2 from the staging plasma-ppa, but it crashed the fesktop several times even after a broken dependency workaround, so I just ppa-purged it 13:24
soee_BluesKaj: true, Plasma crashes and restarts also when checking updates13:25
BluesKajdefinitely not ready yet13:25
mparilloI never tried KaOS, and I agree. I distrohop, and I have tried the Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Debian spins, and Kubuntu is much better. Netrunner is kinda wierd, and if I wanted to stay on Plasma 4, I prefer 14.04 to Linux Mint. Still, I wanted to try Plasma 5.5.213:25
soee_BluesKaj: but the problems are because of our packaging isn't finishes yet13:26
soee_there are some problems with effects, task manager highlights etc. 13:27
soee_also systray icons get some changes - some have a bit different style than other13:28
BluesKajyes i tried fedora 23 with plasma 5.5.2 , it wasn't anything special and the fedora 23 media capapbilities is very limited 13:28
soee_but ..13:29
mparilloFor me, Fedora is easily the slowest of the KDE spins.13:29
soee_each of those distros have some nice features like some extended system settings, others updates manager etc.13:30
soee_if we could make a mix of all them into one product, it could be cool :D13:30
BluesKajfedora's dnf package management system seems very solid tho, almost professional in it;s detail about what's happening during updates, upgrades, and installs etc13:33
BluesKajno vlc in it's repos was disappointing 13:38
BluesKajwhat distro leaves out one of best most comprehensive media players available . I don't get it13:40
mparilloMy guess: Patent fears.13:44
BluesKajfor an open source player ?13:45
BluesKajperhaps a dispute with redhat's entrerprise activities13:48
mparilloI believe the player supports patent-encumbered codecs.13:48
soee_btw. this tusday Plasma 5.5.3 should be released13:53
BluesKajwell , whatever the problem is I won't be usin a distro without the kind of media settings I need for my HTPC which also happens to be my testing pc.13:55
BluesKajsoee_:  yeah, but for which distros ?13:55
soee_for all :) 14:00
BluesKajI miss my old compaq/HP pc, but the mobo died. I tried resurrecting it without much luck, but it'll be 10yrs old in a couple of months14:05
BluesKajit used to be my test platform, so to speak14:06
clivejobshah: Are you sure it was my commit?14:30
bshahcommit c69dc885329b0cd2b1434d7416e9130da3880d6e14:31
bshahAuthor: Clive Johnston <clivejo@aol.com>14:31
clivejowhats the package name please?14:31
bshahbut it seems that was older commit, git history did some crazy thing14:32
clivejooh that package14:32
clivejothis package was a problem one14:32
bshahI've corrected it to Architecture: any currently and builds fine on armhf currently14:33
clivejobshah: is that one of your versions in the archive?14:33
bshahdidn't get what you mean?14:34
clivejobasically two ubuntu devs uploaded two versions to the archive, and sgclark made some changes in the debian git14:35
clivejoI had trouble merging the two14:35
bshahyep.. and then reverting merge commit went horribly wrong14:35
bshah(it seems)14:36
clivejowell firstly I just took what was in the archive as that is the important bit14:36
clivejobut that overwrote the work sgclark had done14:36
clivejoso I had to try and merge them as best as I could14:37
clivejofancy helping me fix it?14:37
bshahso I guess my last change to kubuntu_unstable is fine now?14:37
bshahit fixed build for me14:37
clivejoI dont think I touched unstable14:38
bshahsee : http://mobile.kci.pangea.pub:8080/job/vivid_unstable_plasma_kwin_bin_armhf/ build #8 vs #914:38
clivejoI was trying to get the kubuntu_xenial_archive synced 14:38
clivejomaybe KCI merged the two and fell over?14:38
bshahseems so..14:39
bshah(I've no idea how kci functions)14:39
clivejothen we need to fix unstable14:39
bshahI guess in currently unstable is working and in good state14:40
bshahversions and/or packaging seems to be good14:40
clivejoIm a bit confused as to what sgclark was doing14:41
clivejois it libkwinglutils6 or libkwinglutils7?14:41
clivejoshe seems to have decremented it back to 6 after the debian merge14:42
bshahit is libkwinglutils714:42
clivejobshah: do you know where the .mo files are supported to go?14:46
bshahclivejo: they are translations, so I -i10n package?14:47
clivejothats what I thought14:47
clivejoI guess they should go into not-installed for now?14:49
bshahno clue, sorry14:50
clivejo!info spectacle15:15
ubottuspectacle (source: spectacle): RPM Spec file generator and management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.25-1 (wily), package size 64 kB, installed size 496 kB15:15
clivejowe have a name clash with http://download.kde.org/stable/applications/15.12.0/src/spectacle-15.12.0.tar.xz15:17
bshahoo ops15:19
mparilloclivejo: I like it.15:45
saigkillHello team. I asked on the list, if you need a new helper for packagig or testing. Valerie proposed me to access that channel and ask there. Maybe anyone like to introduce me, if help is needed?16:42
BluesKajsaigkill:  looks like you already introduced yourself, but today seems like a slow day here so perhaps when more devs are here and active would be another good time to as well16:44
saigkillSounds good :-)16:44
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valoriesaigkill: good to see you here23:10
* clivejo waves at valorie23:15
valorieit was snowing here earlier23:16
valorielovely while it lasted23:16
valorienot cold enough to stick around23:17
valoriei talked to ovidiu-florin via telegram as I was going to bed23:17
clivejohow is he?23:17
valoriethe funeral is over and he's getting lots of hugs, so recovering23:17
valoriehe said he'll be back soon23:18
clivejohe in a different place?23:18
valorieI don't think so23:18
valoriemaybe was at his family home?23:18
valorienot sure23:18
yofelgood to hear from him at least.23:19
clivejocd klickety23:20
* clivejo growls23:21
clivejodont laugh at me!23:22
clivejoyofel: autotest is failing in step, build log extract is here --> https://paste.kde.org/pye4map2r23:23
clivejohow do we fix that?23:23
yofelurgh, that looks like something Mirv_ was fixing somewhere a while ago I think?23:24
clivejois there a patch, or do upstream have to sort it?23:25
yofelwe probably have a patch, once we remember where it is..23:25
yofelI remember seeing that in the build failures for landing qt5.523:25
yofelshould eventually be fixed upstream though23:26
clivejoshould we just disable autotests for the time being?23:26
clivejoor is it fine to leave as it is?23:27
valorieor better, who do we ask about the patch?23:27
yofellooks like marble has the patch I remembered23:32
yofellooks like there they simply changed the double comparison to int23:32
clivejois it a floating point number?23:34
yofelwell yes, your test failure is a rounding error in a float comparison23:36
yofelI wonder what changed in qt5.5 that's causing these though23:36
yofelFWIW, the patch is part of 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu3 in xenial, but not in git23:41
clivejo!info spectacle23:47
ubottuspectacle (source: spectacle): RPM Spec file generator and management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.25-1 (wily), package size 64 kB, installed size 496 kB23:47
clivejoyofel: we have a naming conflict23:48
yofelI read it yesterday23:48
yofelcan't really decide what to rename it to though :/23:49
yofelmaybe kspectacle just to be evil23:49
clivejodebian guys are talking about renaming the current one23:49
clivejoto spectacle-rpm23:49
yofelthat would certainly be better23:50
yofelbut I thought they really hated to do that because it messes up the dak and debian BTS history?23:50
clivejoor we could call it speKtaKle ?23:51
clivejojust to really confuse people23:51
yofelthat's a good one as well23:51
clivejoor get upstream to stay with ksnapshot23:51
clivejowhich is a good name23:52
valorieksnapshot is unmaintained23:55
valorieoddly enough, the name collision was pointed out in the massive bikeshedding over the name23:55
valorieperhaps missed in the thunderous noise23:56
yofelthinking about it, I wonder what fedora did23:56
clivejoyofel: Im looking at the patches in marble23:56
clivejothere is one kubuntu_disable-MarbleRunnerManagerTest.diff23:57
clivejois that how to do it?23:57
yofelI mean Fix_a_failed_test_in_TestGeoDataWriter.patch23:57
clivejoI dont see that one23:57
yofelalso check if upstream git already has a fix23:57
yofel[00:41:44] <yofel> FWIW, the patch is part of 4:15.08.2-0ubuntu3 in xenial, but not in git23:57
clivejoIm looking in the archive version23:58
yofelwhat exact version?23:58
clivejooh wait, thats wily23:58

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