
EriC^^hi daftykins01:49
daftykinsheya o/ HNY :D01:49
EriC^^thanks, you too! :D01:50
EriC^^man it's so cold here01:53
daftykins* :( how bad?01:53
EriC^^hmm phone says 11'c01:53
daftykinsouch! inside? never gets that bad here, i find it pretty rough at 15 deg C in my lounge01:54
EriC^^the water is unbearably cold01:54
EriC^^like you feel your fingers are about to lose sense and fall off or something01:55
Bashing-omdaftykins: Out; This year we are going with propane heat .. kinda being on the conservative side with that expense .01:55
daftykinsah har01:56
Bashing-omI be a warm blooded Southern boy, maybe going to be a long cold winter . But I am tough .. come spring, I will still be here .01:58
EriC^^it's so cold i dont even feel like moving my hand to get a cigarette and smoke02:03
EriC^^i will do that though02:04
OerHeksthen you will need something on your feet, or your head, to keep warm.02:06
Bashing-omHead ! ones looses 70% of the body heat through the head .02:09
OerHekstrue, hat on, warm feet. and fingers, but that might be more an issue of sitting still 2 hrs+02:17
Bashing-omUh Huh .. I sit here - with my box beside me exhausting onto my feet .. Lemme tell yall .. my legs are wrapped up !02:24
OerHekssit with your feet in a carton box, with newspapers02:25
Bashing-omUhhhh ! That idea I like !02:26
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:43
lordievaderGood morning.10:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:07
daftykinsthat guy trying to use this repo, shouldn't those files be non-empty? ;)19:45
TJ-it means there are no packages published for Trusty19:46
daftykinsi don't think tvheadend has had a 'release' :D19:46
TJ-looks like Vivid is the first that has packages19:49
daftykinsi find i can really spot the IRC Linux teens a mile away :P22:32
TJ-i don't think it is limited to teens; there's plenty of I-know-better types everywhere, and you spot them because you can see how basly they messed it up before asking questions22:34
daftykinsi dunno the classic 'whatever' is definitely teen like :>22:36
TJ-arrogant dismissive you mean? That to me indicates they're definitely insecure22:36
Bashing-omWhat gets me, they come in here asking for help, 3 people give same advise, and still want to be argumentive about their "thoughts" .22:37
OerHeksDigital ocean, those images are tweaked.22:37
daftykinshehe, yeah22:38
daftykinsi've played with the digital ocean VPSs, they're fine - but a new user won't know what to do when emailed a root login22:38
daftykinsmy first steps are creating a basic user to mimic the ubuntu setup, then disable root SSH login - most won't know about that i guess22:39
TJ-this user talking about the 'wrong' glibc was in the other day; reckoned it wasn't installed already, wouldn't listen to anything22:44
daftykinsyeah i was under the impression nothing works once you trash that?22:45
TJ-that's it; all the core tools are linked to it. so if you install a version with different symbols/versioning you're asking for problems22:50
TJ-glibc is the source package; libc6 is the installed binaries22:50
TJ-!info libc622:50
ubot5`libc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.21-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 3997 kB, installed size 9423 kB22:50
TJ-shame that doesn't show the extended description:22:51
TJ-Description-en: GNU C Library: Shared libraries22:51
TJ- Contains the standard libraries that are used by nearly all programs on22:51
TJ- the system. This package includes shared versions of the standard C library22:51
TJ- and the standard math library, as well as many others.22:51
TJ-even different build-time configuration options can break exectuables in very interesting ways; so installing from a different source is a recipe for disaster22:52
daftykinsdefinitely an exotic act on that users' behalf :)22:53
daftykinsprobably quite telling that you got ignored22:53
TJ-the other day it didn't seem to compute that source: glibc == libc6 binary package - he kept on complaining that 'glibc' wasn't installed despite dpkg -l showing it was22:56
pauljwhi everyone23:23
* daftykins wonders why the users are more nuts than usual23:32
rwwnot even a full moon23:33
TJ-its all that horse penis :D  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-3521810023:34
TJ-so 1/3 of the country's economic production comes to a halt due to that! We get off light with these users :)23:36
pauljwoh boy, more from the perpetually offended...23:37
daftykinswhy more country leaders don't chime in and tell their population to grow up, i don't know23:38
pauljwthere doesn't seem to be a collective spine among them anymore23:39
TJ-those slavic/eastern/hybrid former soviet states are very much alike in that respect.23:39

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