[00:13] * dcbane kicks Trixar_za [00:13] I feel better already :) [07:45] hi placid_bonga [07:45] welcome to ubuntu-za [07:46] morning everyone else [07:46] inetpro included [08:13] everyone enjoying the new year [08:16] well placid_bonga rather hot and dry here [08:16] can you do rain dances? [08:18] I have tremendous rain dancing abilities, should be sorted in a day or two [08:20] wonderful [08:21] where are you? [08:21] Dainfern, Midrand [08:21] Does anybody use LXC here? [08:22] midrand close enough to ptown [08:22] hi kulelu88 [08:22] yo [10:10] good mornings [10:11] Kilos: that was ±113 litres of water in the drum [10:11] wonderful [10:11] oops, afternoon as well [10:11] we had 1/2 mm [10:11] i posted on pm [10:12] will explain further for you [10:12] hmm... so you need them holes on the sides? [10:13] yes they need air [10:13] and the bottom? [10:14] they can be smaller as well but i was lazy so made fewer with larger holes [10:14] ok [10:14] * inetpro shall await an explanation [10:14] the bottom becomes the top and thats where you add stuff but then cover afterwards [10:14] no rush needed [10:15] must be out of all sun [10:15] * inetpro wbbl [10:15] you put about 2 inches of torn up newspaper and egg trays at bottom [10:15] ok [12:45] maybe our cricket team should takr up pool ot pinball [15:18] placid_bonga you here? [15:20] you can join our mailing list here https://ubuntu-za.org/getting-involved.html [15:21] somewhere we have a launchpad account you can join as well [15:24] ill find it or have it found but here is our wiki page so far https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ === Kilos is now known as coffee === coffee is now known as Kilos [15:26] ai! [15:29] Maaz coffee on [15:29] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [15:33] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [15:34] Maaz dankie man [15:34] Groot plesier my vriend [16:28] placid_bonga https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za [16:29] if you dont want to join us we will just struggle along on our own [16:29] oh my [16:29] where the fly [16:30] Maaz seen superfly [16:30] Kilos: superfly was last seen 5 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes and 31 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-12-29 05:11:28 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-01-02 18:47:49 PST [16:30] holy smokes [17:55] thank you Kilos - ill definitely check it out [19:43] night all. sleep tight [20:14] bye :)