[00:23] Favorite distro? [00:23] ubuntu [00:24] Why? [00:24] works for me [00:25] Why the pref for Unity over MATE? [00:25] who said i use unity [00:26] What do you use? [00:26] gnome-fallback [00:27] * Bashing-om uses xfce [00:28] Xubuntu? [00:35] it can be xfce without being xubuntu :) [00:36] i wouldn't consider xubuntu as its own distro really [00:43] Really? [00:43] Xubuntu is very different from Ubuntu! [00:44] http://cdn.meme.am/instances/58609464.jpg [00:44] not so much [01:24] daftykins: :D [01:25] this is crazy - http://twitch.tv/gamesdonequick [01:30] what is that? [01:31] a stream where folks are playing an old mario kart game right now with all these skills to make it really fast [01:31] knowing all the tricks in the game etc [01:31] guy to the right is pretty sick [01:31] charity event donating to cancer research afaiui [01:32] omw this ice hopping is amazing [01:32] 92million people are watching right now? [01:32] ah nevermind [01:33] that's total views, 147k right now [01:33] :> [01:33] pretty nuts [01:33] livestreamer.io is ace for these streams [01:33] bypasses the horrible site flash [01:34] you get a proper HTTP live streaming (HLS) feed, which can be hardware accelerated [01:34] lol [01:35] one second O_O [02:39] daftykins: Irt Eirikr As a 1st poke, reinstall the radeon driver ? ' sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-radeon ' [02:39] could be worth a go! [02:39] i also found "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core [02:40] daftykins: Uh huh .. was to be my next suggestion failing a simple reinstall of the driver . [02:41] very frustrating when the Xorg log shows them trying to be used (ati + radeon) and yet ignoring for no reason [02:42] daftykins: Yeah .. system all confused . Ya done right . take away the choice ! [02:43] yay it was that easy :> [02:45] Meanwhile, back to waiting for our next victum :) [02:46] :D [02:46] i must depart for sleep however [02:46] g'night sir \o [02:47] g-Night daftykins . Not far behind you . [03:17] !info playonlinux [03:17] playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.5-1 (vivid), package size 1101 kB, installed size 4190 kB [03:18] http://news.softpedia.com/news/playonlinux-and-playonmac-4-2-10-out-now-for-linux-and-mac-based-on-wine-1-8-498351.shtml [03:44] good morning EriC^^ :p [03:44] morning lotuspsychje [03:45] EriC^^: ive been reading on forums of cars, same problems with clutch in 1st shuttering cars [03:46] EriC^^: is it possible to replace parts on the glutch, for more smoothness in 1st gear? [03:47] you have to get used to it more i guess [03:47] honestly [03:48] dang [03:48] in older cars you could adjust the point at which the clutch engages, newer ones are hydraulic and self adjusting [03:48] i cant get used to this pfff [03:48] but that wouldn't affect smoothness unless it was way off to begin with [03:48] its really anoying [03:49] you probably need to give it more gas if it's shaking and stuff [03:49] EriC^^: its not shaking anymore, because i release it very very slow [03:49] that's the engine like almost dying and getting the rpms too low for a steady rotation [03:49] so what's the problem exactly [03:49] EriC^^: but when i release to quick, cars shutsdown [03:50] so every time i stop at the redlights [03:50] i start slow, because of too carefully releasing glutch [03:50] its very sensitive [03:51] and on the new car, i could release it in like 2sec [03:51] lotuspsychje: Did you put the clutch plate in backwards ?? [03:52] Bashing-om: i dont fix car myself, its a nissan almera 1400 from '95 [03:53] everyone is telling me i need to hit the gas a bit....but on the new car i didnt have to do that [03:53] just release glutch fully, only then i had to hit gas [03:53] it's cause it had more torque or a better idle management system ( that compensated for a lower rpm when you released quicker ) [03:54] ah [03:54] EriC^^: so i just have to face its an old car, nothing to replace so make it less sensitive? [03:55] you have to get better at driving manual tranny [03:55] it just takes some time, you'll get it [03:55] kk [03:56] or save so money for a newer car :p [03:56] if you want to get this too little gas too much gas thing, try this, give it gas like you're revving the engine and let off the throttle, like how you see people do vroom..vroom.. quickly in movies? [03:56] nah it's better to actually learn skills :P [03:57] so give it gas like that, and then remove the clutch a bit [03:57] did you get what i mean? [03:57] yeah [03:58] EriC^^: whats the technical part of this technique? [03:58] it's like feeling for it [03:59] EriC^^: engine goes in higher rpm is better to release glutch? [03:59] well it's like it will allow you to adjust [03:59] see if you give a huge rpm, but release the clutch only a bit, you want move forward, cause the clutch isn't fully engaged [04:00] so since you're revving it like that, the car won't die that easily and you have like a buffer to play with [04:00] ok [04:00] it'll get you used to the adjustment between clutch and throttle [04:01] ok ill try tnx [04:01] *wont move [04:10] I have had all the fun I can stand .. lotuspsychje will you handle my light work till I return ? [04:10] Bashing-om: of course mate, sleep tight [04:11] later all [05:53] Hi I use Ubuntu15.04 and when I use systemctl status plymouth-halt.service。 It tell me "Failed to get D-bus connection" [05:53] How to deal with this ? [05:56] sam_yan: join #ubuntu please [05:56] ok [09:27] !factoids [09:27] Hi! I'm #ubuntu-discuss's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubot5` botclone [09:36] Good morning. [10:13] Hmm, the snow turned to rain :( [12:33] Hi folks [15:54] more sensitive helpers *sigh* [15:56] feelz > realz [16:02] then stay away from the ##linux chat, gotta have a fairly thick skin to deal with any mistakes one makes there ;-) [16:06] haha [16:06] get a bit personal, do they? [16:06] they do have that rep, don't they? [16:07] yeah, they have a few ppl who love to overeact to small advice mistakes [16:08] I have several of the older regulars on permanent ignore there [16:09] hehe TJ- , i find it entertaining and even informative at times, unless certain parties get into the spew rants [16:10] I don't come here to suffer fools; I filter out those that don't deserve my attention :P [16:12] they do have their share of trolls dropping by alright [16:13] I am reminded daily of hexchat's best feature: easily deployed and fully functional /ingore [16:13] /ignore [16:13] yup [16:14] note to self: deal with outstanding todos more regularly! I'm having to go through tabs for bugs-in-progress that I've worked on since September and ubuntu devs haven't responded to. Grrr! [16:16] interesting , i just found a 14.04 backport ppa that's just full of bugfixesand upgrades, which wasn't even mentioned in the logs in the dev chat ...couldn't beleive it slipped past me [16:17] back in november [16:19] Isn't that where fixes are trialed before being moved into -updates or -security ? [16:28] TJ-: usually they're uploaded to the repos default backports afaik, it was a surprise to me [16:30] before they get into the archives though they're generally trialed via a PPA amongst developers [16:33] yeah, I keep thinking of 14.04 as more mature than it actaully is in it's development, LTSs are most like a limited rolling release. [16:41] down to the last 7 tabs (of ~ 100!) and found several ubu-pastes I'd saved that contain useful shell script snippers - I'll squoo.sh them :) [18:27] !atemyram [18:27] If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ [20:46] om nom nom RAM [21:34] hey all [21:34] how are you doing? [21:37] hello thar o/ all good here thanks, and you? [21:37] hey daftykins :D [21:38] good as well thank you :D [21:38] i have some electronics porn for you today if you're interested! [21:38] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r4xai3xjfx0ennk/AACXB79DA9gow6GTJOT5TQt4a?dl=0 [21:38] cool, sure [21:39] yay! [21:39] awesome [21:40] good job daftykins ! [21:41] ty :> [21:41] mad the whole thing had to come apart to do it, but ah well - took maybe 40 mins [21:41] not bad! [22:05] paste site has been seriously crawling for me of late :/ [22:05] just sits loading... [22:16] which one? [22:16] paste.ubuntu.com? [22:16] yeah [22:19] i don't even code and know how to set up the tools :( ugh these guys :P [22:20] :D