
=== Unit193 is now known as Hypnotoad
wxlflexiondotorg phillw hopefully pi2 code coming to 4.5 kernel http://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/linux-graphics-x-org-drivers/x-org-drm/840571-raspberry-pi-2-code-getting-ready-for-upstreaming-in-linux-kernel00:29
=== Hypnotoad is now known as Unit193
=== MrBIOS_ is now known as MrBIOS
phillwDescription:Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (development branch)15:25
phillwso far, so good :)15:25
tsimonq2phillw: although it is archived, just curious as to why http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/109720/testcases/1437/results is blank for bugs...22:02
tsimonq2wxl: ^22:02
phillwtsimonq2: curious about what?22:04
wxlphillw: no "bugs to look out for"22:04
wxlis that on all the images?22:04
tsimonq2phillw: you reported no bugs when clearly there were some22:05
phillwtsimonq2: I reported no bugs because it installed and booted. That is what the test case is about. Adding in application tests are a totally different test case area :)22:06
wxlmaybe because it's archived tsimonq222:06
tsimonq2wxl: no, it wouldn;t do that22:06
tsimonq2phillw: because I have been scolded before by people including you for not including application bugs22:06
wxli checked all the daily testcases and they're there22:06
phillwtsimonq2: e.g. http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1511/revisions/654/info22:07
phillwtsimonq2: you may like to take some time out to see the new layout of the release notes. It more clearly deliniates between bugs.22:08
* tsimonq2 has seen22:08
phillwhowever, you should discuss with wxl and not myself.22:08
wxlif you guys DO look at one of the daily testcases, you'll see that there's a LIST of bugs now22:08
wxli think in general it's not a REQUIREMENT to test every bug, but it's certainly somethind we need to do before release22:09
wxlwell, before a milestone22:09
wxlcuz i use that list of bugs reported to make the release notes22:10
* wxl was up late sunday with the virtual machine checking each and every single freaking bug reported22:10
tsimonq2wxl: mind if I subscribe the Lubuntu Packages Team to all of the bugs reported on the Alpha 1 page?22:10
wxltsimonq2: sure, feel free22:11
phillwwxl: I was flagged up a couple of bugs by flexiondotorg, one that he spotted on MATE and another found by Kylin.22:11
wxlbtw i put a new task on gci for doing the packages22:12
phillwwxl: the packages do need test cases written. I did start before my departure.22:12
wxlphillw: is that something you would like to take on?22:12
phillwwxl: not a wise idea :)22:13
wxltsimonq2: if you make a list of all the packages in lubuntu that we need test cases for on the packaging tracker, we can make tasks for each one of those22:14
tsimonq2wxl: I'll do that next22:14
wxltsimonq2: i guess we'll have to make separate tasks for each one22:15
phillwtsimonq2: there is a good start at http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/subscriptions22:16
tsimonq2I am aware, phillw22:17
tsimonq2wxl: just Mandatory or Optional?22:20
tsimonq2Optional as well, that is22:20
wxltsimonq2: i guess follow what others do. i would expect that core elements (e.g. lxinput) are more important than others (abiword)22:21
tsimonq2wxl: well what I am asking is...should I do it?22:21
tsimonq2I am not wondering about priority22:21
phillwconcentrating on what lx team write and maintain has to be a higher priority than stuff that we use that is maintained by others :)22:23
tsimonq2phillw: again...not priority22:23
phillwapplications that are fundamental are mandatory... e,g, if pcmanfm does not work, that is a critical bug. If Abiword has a problem with foreign languages, that is irritating and also out of our control, so will never be a critical bug.22:25
* tsimonq2 sighs and just makes a list of all of them22:26
wxltsimonq2: you get that list?23:58

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